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Problems of Governance in International Organizations: the EPO

Posted in Europe, Patents at 4:59 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Translation of “Problemas de gobernanza en organizaciones internacionales: la EPO”

Author credit: Francisco Moreno

Translator credit: Eduardo Landaveri


For some years, one is questioning ever more insistently, if appropriate governance and management control of the EPO and WIPO exist.

Both cases have similarities (immunity, harassment of internal and external critics), but also differences (EPO problems seem more serious and closer to Spain).

In this post I deal with the situation in the EPO, leaving for later WIPO.

The EPO has threatened some people with legal action for allegedly defaming in their blogs about the EPO. I therefore ask the reader to be cautious when analyzing the information and do not take as true what they read. Obviously, the allegations that are brought against the EPO do not come from me. In any case, it is not my intention to defame the EPO, but to gather information about problems that seem to exist. I have tried to include the views involved (including EPO).


Like any international organization, the EPO and its President enjoy immunity and the national courts have no jurisdiction on its legal conflicts. Like any embassy, EPO buildings are inviolable and the authorities of the countries where the EPO is installed (e.g. Germany and the Netherlands) cannot enter buildings without the authorization of the President of the EPO.

A great power (immunity) brings about great responsibility. The question is, is immunity being used responsibly?


With this pejorative name, EPOnia, we want to get across the concept that the laws, rights and principles that are common in any European Democracy, do NOT apply in the EPO.

The Unions are not recognized and it seems that some of the workers’ representatives are the subject of investigations, without being able to turn to a lawyer, without being able to tell other colleagues who are under investigation and cannot claim the right not to testify against him (obligation to cooperate). Some of these workers, one of them Spanish, allegedly suffered anxiety attacks after interrogation and needed medical care.

As a result of these investigations, two of the workers representatives were fired. In both cases, the President of the EPO decided to impose harder sanctions than those recommended by the Disciplinary Committee. A National French Deputy has criticized the layoffs.

A Netherlands Court determined that the immunity of EPO could not go against the law, recognized in the European Convention on Human Rights to a fair trial within a reasonable time. Labor disputes can be addressed by employees at the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation, but can take more than 10 years to be resolved and can be summarily dismissed.

Another Netherlands Court also pointed out that the EPO has not been respecting the workers right to strike. EPO ignored the ruling. The case is under the Netherlands Supreme Court. In case that this Court confirm the contested judgment, the EPO would seem that it will ignore it again.

EPO installed keyloggers on the computers for anyone to use in the common zones of its building in Munich, to find out who was talking about its highest management. This had quite an impact in Germany, where suspicions regarding espionage are understandable.

As a result, a member of the Board of Appeals, a quasi-court, which handles appeals against decisions of the EPO patent and establish jurisprudence and, in principle, should be independent of the President of the EPO, was suspended by the President of its functions (can not enter the EPO), which only could have agreed by the Board of Appeals itself. The Board of Appeal has determined that it cannot confirm the President’s decision, because it has not been the result of a process with sufficient guarantees. Recall that the Board of Appeal is the only instance to which an applicant may appeal when he is refused a European patent with unitary effect and should therefore have a clear independence of the EPO.

In Ensuring

The EPO President is supervised by the Committee of Administration [Administrative Council] of the EPO, in which representatives of Member States of the EPO, typically the CEOs of their patent offices, sit.

While the Board has maintained a favorable position to the President, it seems that this may change. Thus, the Board may request the President that the dismissal of workers laid off be on hold until there is a review, where investigations are to be regulated, and that the unions be recognized and the Chamber of Resources be reformed formally.

Incluso los Medios Financiados por Battistelli Admiten que Actualmente El Se Encuentra en Problemas

Posted in Europe, Patents at 4:57 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en Europe, Patents at 7:00 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Sumario: Parece altamente probable y ciertamente una posibilidad de que Battistelli pronto renuncie, dejando a la OEP alguna oportunidad de recuperarse después de su histórico (en un pésimo sentido) periódo

TECHRIGHTS esta optimista acerca de la OEP, ya que es posible que este a punto de cambia a algo mejor por que su Presidente (Battistelli) esta viviendo en tiempo prestado. La próxima semana comenzaremos a debatir su sucesión.

Temprano hoy encontramos un grupo de interesantes tweets de los medios financiados por la OEP, que en vez de repetir la última mentira de sus representantes de relaciones públicas (PR) actualmente reconoce que Pinocho Battistelli esta sumergido en profundos – muy profundos – problemas. Cuando incluso un sitio financiado por la OEP admite eso, existe un problema serio (el departamento PR todavía lo niega y es pagado por hacerlo) uno tiene que reconocer que la situación luce grave. Para citar Iam ¨Si Benoit Battistelli realmente esta en conflicto con el Consejo Administrativo de la OEP, como se rumorea, eso no es una situación sostenible.¨

“Cuando incluso un sitio financiado por la OEP admite que existe un problema serio (el departamento de relaciones públicas todavía lo niega y es pagado por hacerlo) uno tiene que reconocer que la situación luce muy grave.”No hay sentido en negarlo de nuevo (el conflicto). La autenticidad de los documentes y la exáctitud de la información ya han sido verificadas.

¨Es difícil ver a Battistelli acordardo a renunciar,¨ IAM añadió, ¨lo más probable es verlo irse.¨ El ya amenazó hacerlo el año pasado, pero nuevos reportajes sugieren que ahora se resume a dinero. Urgentemente requerimos una traducción de este nuevo articulo (en Holándes) titulado “Franse despoot wil 18 miljoen bij vertrek”. FTI Consulting le ha fallado a Battistelli. No pudo salvar la reputación de la OEP debido a la enorme nariz de Pinocho, significando que él tiró los $1,000,000 (presupuesto oscuro/dinero PR) por el toilet. ¿Quiere el más de 20 millones de dólares ahora (20 veces más de lo que pago a FTI)? ¿Después de todo el daño que ha causado? Sabemos ahora cual es su salario y podríamos revelaro en una fecha tardía (no es algo urgente). Battistelli – según se informa – básicamente quiere unos 30 – 40 años de salario presidencial (!Que tal Concha!) Un plan de ´bienestar’no tan malo para un hombre aproximándose a los 70…

IAM entonces trajo un punto de Battistelli, indicando que ¨Battistelli cree – con alguna justificación – que el ha hecho lo que el Consejo Administrativo quiso que haga: aumente la producción y ganancias.¨

“Battistelli — básicamente quiere unos 30 – 40 años de salario presidencial (!Que tal Concha!) Un plan de ´bienestar’no tan malo para un hombre aproximándose a los 70…”Allá en los Estados Unidos, basado en esta nueva gráfico de ¨Patents Grants 2016¨ (a propósito buen trabajo de Patently-O), número de patentes (y así ganancias que son proporcionales) casi doblaron por causa de su decline en calidad, lo que indica un problema; no es una vara para medir su éxito (ya que no considera externalidades en cuenta).

Fanfarroneándo acerca del crecimiento de patentes otorgadas – lo que Pinocho frecuentemente hace (recuerden la charada ¨Conosca al Presidente¨ a principios de mes) – es engañoso por decir lo menos y mucho de ello es basado en mentiras también. Estan ´cocinando´ los libros. Son astutos con estadísticas y esperan exitosamente engañar a los medios, como ya han hecho frecuentemente, explotando candidez de los no-técnicos reporteros con un grado universitario en un lenguaje en Europa.

“Para aclarar una vez más, apoyamos la OEP, en principio (no hay intención de destruir la OEP), pero la EPO tiene que retornar a la EPC.”Temprano hoy bromee que Battistelli debería pronto aplicar por un trabajo en la SIPO (China), donde hay casi cero control de calidad asi com cero derechos humanos (probablemente negativo, menos que cero en la OEP ahora mismo).

Para aclarar una vez más, apoyamos la OEP, en principio (no hay intención de destruir la OEP), pero la EPO tiene que retornar a la EPC. Vean cómo la OEP está tratando de ‘masajear’ las “Guías para la examinación” en diversos eventos, algunos de los cuales se dieron a conocer o re-anunciaron hace incluso horas. La EPO se pregunta: “¿Cuál es el impacto de las modificaciones en las nuevas directrices para el examen? Discutir con expertos en Oslo el 7 de abril … ”

¿En qué estan basados estos cambios/enmiendas? Definitivamente no la EPC, que definitivamente y inambiguamente PROHIBIÓ las patentes de software (sean estas ¨como tales¨ o no).

Solicitando comentrarios en una última propaganda de la OEP (falsos números de patentes serán compartidos la próxima semana), un lector nos dijo: ¨OK es sólo un estupido desfile de relaciones públicas de nuevo. Han estado haciendo esto por años. No puedo decir cuando empezo (antes o después de Battistelli), pero Pinocho ya había hecho el mismo show cuando estuvo a cargo de la oficina Francesa de patentes. Pensé que podía ser algo diferente, debería aprender a no sobreestimarlos.¨

Regresando a IAM, en su cuente de Twitter dijo: ¨Esta claro que dado los reciéntes titulares acerca de los últimos despidos de representantes de la unión así como el agrandamiénto del Jurado de Apelaciones han asustado a algunos en la AC.¨

“Lo que todo esto significa,” IAM añadió, “es algo que tiene que ceder ante la OEP. Cuando eso pase no será algo bonito.”

“Battistelli no puede tolerar transparencia (ya que él sólo puede escribir/crear entradas en blogs posts titulados “transparencia”) porque la transparencia revelaría graves abusos como los keyloggers, cámaras ocultas (los huéspedes que vienen a la OEP de orientación), y peor aún – todo tipo de CARGOS CRIMINALES GRAVES EN CROACIA.”IAM entonces dijo que ¨la OEP esta en crisis esta tarde. Su estructura gubernamental claramente no se ciñe a este propósito. Es tiempo de transparencia plena.¨ Como le expliqué a IAM, no (falta de) ¨transparencia¨ es el problema. Es lo que el sigilo ha servido a ocultar… hasta ahora. Battistelli no puede tolerar transparencia (ya que él sólo puede escribir/crear entradas en blogs posts titulados “transparencia”) porque la transparencia revelaría graves abusos como los keyloggers, cámaras ocultas (los huéspedes que vienen a la OEP de orientación), y peor aún - todo tipo de cargos criminales graves en Croacia.

El fondo del asunto es este: cuando la gente a quien Pinocho esta pagando reconoce que el pueda estar saliendo realmente significa algo.

Un final (segundo) recordatorio: Por favor urgentemente necesitamos una traducción del artículo “Franse despoot wil 18 miljoen bij vertrek” (link arriba) ya que sirve a confirmar aún más que Battistelli saldrá pronto (es sólo materia de dinero ahora). Cuando escojan o preparen una traducción por favor informenos su intención para asegurarnos que no haya duplicación de esfuerzos (dos o más personas trabajando en una traducción al mismo tiempo). Ya tenemos a alguien trabajando en una traducción de ¨Problemas de Gobernanza en Organizaciones Internacionales: la EPO¨ Hoy recibimos tres traducciones de tres artículos en Holándes, asi que sigan sintonizándonos por más…

Nueva Evidencia Emerge, Mostrando que La Corte Unitaria de Patentes es en Realidad un Asesino de PYMEs Que Afecta a Europa para Beneficio de los Abogados de Patentes

Posted in Europe, Patents at 4:55 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en Europe, Patents at 5:56 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Trojan horse

Sumario: Un nuevo publicado PDF derrama luiz en la grave injusticia planeada por la Corte Unitaria de Patentes, el nuevo secreto y dañino sistema, cuyos arquitectos son en su mayoría abogados de patentes y otros que gana con ellas sirviendo a las grandes corporaciones internacionales

Más evidencia, irónicamente proveniente de los más acérrimos promotores de la UPC comienza a salir a luz; revelando la verdadera fea cara del nuevo ´bebito´ de la OEP, la UPC (la OEP gasta muchísimo dinero promoviéndola). Hay un lado muy oscuro a la UPC en Alemania, donde los abogados de patentes incluso interfieren con el sistema legal en un esfuerzo de arrimárnos el caballo de Troya de la UPC [1, 2]. Es un golpe de estado donde los ciudadanos Europeos no tienen idea de ello.

De acuerdo a este nuevo comentario en un nuevo artículo de IP Kat, la OEP guíada por Battistelli esta ansiosa por ´incrementar´ los números de las supuestas patentes que otorga, no simplemente extendiéndo/expandiendo la esfera de patentes (la UPC probablemente acomodaría las patentes de software, como personas en altas posiciones nos advierten). Como el comentador lo puso, ¨Veo la correspondiente patente de EP que ha sido ya otorgada después de que el examinador levanto una objeción relacionada a un reclamo prioritario citando una thesis de PhD. La previa formulación parece questionable como si revelara la ¨misma invención¨ según la jerga de la OEP. La oposición inevitable debería ser interesante.¨

“11K por una declaración de no violación parece un poco prohibitivo. Nada alentador/promotor una actitud de “la-manera-clara.”
Comentando en este nuevo artículo de la ayayera de la UPC Annsley Merelle Ward (also IP Kat, no sólo sitios promotores de la UPC), una persona dice “11K por una declaración de no violación parece un poco prohibitivo. Nada alentador/promotor una actitud de “la-manera-clara.”Bueno para los titulares de patentes cuando los infractores son de poca monta.”

La UPC, como sitúa en el momento, tiene una barrera mayor. No són países que no la firmarán (España, Reino Unido en el caso de Brexit etc.) pero un actual debate democrático (la UPC es anti-democrática). Ahora mismo todo este proceso esta ocurriendo a puertas cerradas. Como una clase de tratado secreto. Sus Cortes estan siendo establecidas en Londres antes de que haya un referéndum Británico, en orden de hacer que la barrera de salida (salida de la UPC) increíblemente alta.

“La acción de la UPC para revocar una patente costará 20.000 euros. Las acciones por infracción por lo menos 11.000 euros. Los abogados no están incluidos!”
      –Kristof Neefs
Por más indicaciones la UPC (a pesar de la secretividad internacional) – en realidad lo advertimos desde hace tiempo. Será un ASESINO DE PYMEs si alguna vez se hace realidad. Como otra persona (Kristoff Neefs, quién dice que es un abogado de media, IP y tecnología) lo puso: “La acción de la UPC para revocar una patente costará 20.000 euros. Las acciones por infracción por lo menos 11.000 euros. Los abogados no están incluidos! ”

¿Porqué necesitaría usted revocar una patente? Vea el párrafo de arriba. La OEP guíada por Battistelli es un chiste tratándose de examinación (frecuentemente cada vez más apuradas) y Battistelli no tiende idea (o se hace el cojudo) de ello, o tal vez este negándolo, i.e voluntariamente ignorándolo.

Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), un proponente de la UPC (como la mayoría de abogados de patentes alla afuera), pretende que la UPC esta aquí ya (pero no es inevitable).

Lo que necesita hacerse ahora mismo es diseminar información acerca de la UPC, donde el público Europeo (más de 95% de ellos) no sabe nada acerca de ella. Presentemente, la UPC ESTA SIENDO PROMOVIDA POR LA MISMA GENTE QUE SE BENEFICIARÍA DE ELLA, mientras los demás no tiene voz ni voto. Serían buenas noticias para los parásitos de patentes y abogados de patentes (miren quien estan excitados por ello) y sabemos a costas de quién. Todos serán perjudicados. Recuérden nuestro reciénte articulo titulado ¨UPC Entendamos Quién Se Beneficiaria de Ella Mirando quienes la estan promoviendo (Like TPP)¨.

“Esto es como Koch Industries celebrándo la aprobación del ISDS.”CIPA también esta promoviendo la UPC ahora mismo. Recuerden lo que ella representa. Es simplemente una horda de abogados de patentes cabildeando por sus intereses en el mismo corazón de Europa. Tratando de perjudicar a todos mientras que nadie presta atención. Como la CIPA lo puso: ¨El #Comite Preparatorio de la UPC confirma que no habra multa por salirse. Gran voto de confianza en el nuevo sistema!¨ A los ayayeros de la UPC (como Jane Lambert en este caso) sólo les interesa la membresía en la UE por las patentes!

Esto es como Koch Industries celebrándo la aprobación del ISDS. Cualquier cosa como ISDS daría tal poder a tan maliciosa corporación de contaminar sin interferencia del gobierno (por que esta interferencia puede perjudicar a sus dueños de acciones). Necesitamos detener a esta gente antes de que sea muy tarde. La UPC es un enorme peligro para Europa, la que es una economía basada en las PYMEs. ¡DESPIERTA EUROPA!

Largas Corporaciones y Sus Abogados de Patentes Se Levantan en Armas Después de Que el Gobierno EstadoUnidense Abolió un Montón de Patentes de Software

Posted in America, Law, Patents at 4:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en America, Law, Patentes at 7:11 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

No aceptaremos NO por una respuesta…


Sumario: El creciente conflicto entre el interés público, políticas gubernamentales de patentes y los multibillonarios (o sus megacorporaciones) que lo quieren TODO, sin mencionar a sus abogados, ayayeros y cabildeadores

HOY EN DÍA la OEP abiertamente promueve las patentes de software en Europa, en efecto, metafóricamente, escupiéndo en la EPC sobre la cual fue fundada. Esto es lo que pasa cuando los maximalistas tontamente son puestos en cargo. Lo que pasa ahora mismo en los Estados Unidos también es interesante. Las Corporaciones allí controlan al gobierno mas que en Europa, tanto así que algunas estan llevando a su gobierno a corte sobre supuestos ¨daños y perjuicios¨ (i.e políticas que no favorecen a dichas corporaciones).

Nunca olviden la introducción de patentes de software por la CAFC (Corte de Apelaciones del Distrito Federal) hace varios días. Ahora vean esta última proclamacion acerca de CAFC, que dice: ¨Como punto de partida para la mayoría de reclamos de patentes de software contra un gobierno es con immunidad de soberanía. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos reclama immunidad soberana contra juicios excepto cuando renuncie a ella. En el contexto de patentes , el gobierno de ese país ha renunciado a su immunidad, pero limita los procedimientos y formas de recuperación. En particular la U.S.C 28 U.S.C. § 1498(a) provee que el ¨remedio para el dueño sera por acción contra el gobierno de los Estados Unidos en la Corte Suprema de Reclamos Federales para recuperación de compensación razonable por tal uso y manufactura.¨ El estatuto también provee cubierta para cotratantes y otras entidades no-gubernamentales que infringen la patente ¨con autorización o consentimiento del Gobierno¨ así que aquellas acciones deben también ser perseguidas contra el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. La Corte de Reclamos Federales esta localizada en el mismo edificio Madison que la Corte de Apelaciones del Circuito Federal.¨

Como hemos notado en pasando la pasada declaración, ISDS (y sus encapsulantes ´hosts´, e.g TTIP/TTPP) se están convirtiéndo en un creciente peligro. ¿Pueden corporaciones bajo el disfraz de ¨inversores¨, enjuiciar al gobierno por tomar acción contra las patentes de software? ¿Pueden preveir los trolles de patentes tambien juicios contra su gobierno sobre Alice en la SCOTUS por ejemplo? Usualmente SCOTUS emite juicos a favor de las corporaciones, con o sin Scalia a la cabeza, y este nuevo reportaje de WIPR dice ¨La Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos escucha argumentos sobre daños y perjuicos¨ (¿Quién despues de todo se beneficiara de ello?).

Ayer encontramos ese nuevo reporte de Martin H. Snyder from Main Sequence Technology Inc. El abstracto dice: “Los sistemas de patentes no se han ajustado exitosamente al advenimienteo de la era Informática. Leyes desarrolladas durante la Era Industrial genera distorsiones dañinas cuando son enfrentadas con invenciones basadas en procesos que resultan en nueva y útil información. El Congreso y las Cortes han intentado soluciones, pere ellas son insatisfactorias en aspectos de repetición y faltas de separación coherente de materia y patentabilidad, con tal separación aparentemente implícita en el esquema del acto patentatorio. Una doctrina unificable de elegibilidad para información de invenciones es necesaria que se adhiera a la presente ley de patentes, procedimientos de cortes, y expectaciones normátivas. Las Cortes deberían requerir que las invenciones basadas en preceso produzcan un resultado identificable, que debería ser construído como materia de ley. Presentes procedimentos Markman deberían ser expándidas y tratadas como ambas elegibilidad y fases de causas probables de la validez inquirimiento. Hay un estandar en invenciones considerados ideas abstractas, así como tambien estandar en imprimir material patentable. Estos antiguos estadares existen por que virtualmente cualquier actividad humana puede caracterizarse como un proceso, trayendo así unlimitados derechos de patentes que van en directo conflicto con otros derechos Constitucionales. A pesar de esos estándares, miles de patentes de computadoras y biotecnológicas son otorgadas que constructivamente cubren información y/o la utilidad derivadas de ellas. Encontrar abstracciones descalificatorias en elegibilidad y descalificación en patentabilidad requiere diferentes exámenes. Si una invención basada en un proceso resulta en contener/comprometer información, un nuevo exámen por elegibilidad debe ser aplicado. El presente examen de Alice debe ser aplicado a la solicitud por patentabilidad. La abstracción es un continuoum de linguísticos y semióticos niveles, que requieren convensiones sociales para crear significabilidad. Encontrar significado justificatorio en convenciones sociales crea impasables desafíos a la obligación ética de los derechos de propiedad intelectual. La raíz literal de la palabra abstracto significa ¨incomprensible¨, o consumir. El propuesto test de elegibilidad requiere que el consumidor de información de una invención basada en un proceso no sea un ser humano. Porque inteligencias no-humanas son una nueva realidad en el mundo, producto del ingenio humano, y esenciales actores en la era informática. Si el consumidor informático es no humano, la información resultante de tal proceso debería ser elegible de patentes, sujetas a estatutos y leyes comúnes de patentabilidad. Han habido otoras propuestas para resolver este problema, pero todas fallaron por varias causas. Este propuesto nuevo examen enfocándose en el consumidor informático es simplemente aplicable a través de las artes, neutral tecnológicamente, apropiado intuitivamente, impulsando la innovación dentro de la Era Informática, y altamente ceñida a los ideales Americanos.”

Lo que tenemos aquí es un CABILDEO CORPORATIVO (de hecho cabildeo) tratándo de impulsar por patentes de software en la forma de ¨papel¨ (disfráz académico), tanto como el que hizo David Kappos el año pasado. Esta gente hace sus ganancias por las patentes de software y están cada vez más molestos contra el gobierno por que terminó muchas patentes de software despues del dictámen de SCOTUS.

IBM y Otras Multinacionales Gigantes Molestos Porque las Patentes de Software Están Siendo Rechazadas Cada Vez Más en Los Estados Unidos, y Ahora en la India

Posted in America, Asia, IBM, Patents at 4:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en America, Asia, IBM, Patents at 6:23 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Oh, pobre bebito, IBM…

A baby angel

Sumario: La bastánte reveladora respuesta de los agresores de patentes y los maximalistas a la presente tendencia, que (con excepción de la OEP en Europa) rechazan las patentes de software

PONIENDO aparte a la OEP por un momento, se necesita decir mucho acerca de las patentes de software en general. De acuerdo a estas nuevas apreciaciones [1, 2], las compañías continúan disfrazando a las patentes de software como si fueran hardware, en este caso particular ¨patentes por su innovador software para WOS Object Storage.¨

“IBM debería entender lo entendible y dejar de ejercer presión por patentes de software en Europa y Nueva Zelanda, por no hablar de la India.”Recuerden que no sólo en Europa, Nueva Zelanda e India se ha vuelto difícil (si no imposible) patentar software ¨abstracto¨, al menos que sea descrito como atado a cierto aparato físico (como ¨storage¨). En los Estados Unidos también, mucho más despues del caso Alice, y especialmente tratar de afirmar una patente de software en una Corte de Leyes de los Estados Unidos. Como el presidente de la FFII correctamente señaló, sin embargo, ¨Tribunales ISDS serán capaces de interpretar las ¨patentes por todos los campos de tecnología¨ de TRIPS en order de otorgar swpates [patentes de software] y derribar a Alice.¨ Pueda ser que cubramos más de esta materia en otro dia.

No sobreestimen los trucos de los abogados de patentes. SUS GRANDES CLIENTES SON LAS MEGACORPORACIONES, FRECUENTEMENTE EXTRANJERAS. Muchos (casi todos diríamos) dependen de las patentes de software para ganar su subsistencia. Aquí un abogado de patentes Australiano Justin Blows análizando un caso estadounidense (Ameritox Ltd vs Millenium Health) diciendo, ¨¿Explica esto la patentabilidad de software en los Estados Unidos?

Para citar a Blows: ¨La gente tratando de entender la patentabilidad de software, particularmente en los Estados Unidos, frecuentemente acuden a la decisión Alice de la Corte Suprema de ese país. Para muchos de ellos es difícil de entender.

“Consecuentemente, es siempre intersante tener a un Juez que comente acerca de lo que es Alice.”

Ahora, recuerden ¿cómo Manny Schecter (IBM) estuvo presionando a la India para que acepte las patentes de software? Aquí el esta resáltando ¨Más estadísticas en el creciente rechazo de #101 aplicaciones por patentes de software después de la decisión Alice¨ (IBM no debe estar feliz por ello) y aquí el está como CABILDEANDO (usando tácticas vergonzósas) por las patentes de software en la India, en vez de reconocer de que las cosas han cambiado. ESTO ES DENIGRANTE PARA TODO EL PUEBLO DE LA INDIA.

IBM debería entender lo entendible y dejar de ejercer presión por patentes de software en Europa y Nueva Zelanda, por no hablar de la India. Queridos Hindues, por favor tomen nota de lo que IBM ha estado haciendo en su glorioso país (vean esta página Wiki acerca de las patentes de software en su país para entenderlo mejor), incluso después del derribamiento último de las patentes de software allí (hay adicionales reportajes de prensa acerca de ello, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] el Lunes, el Martes, con links del Martes con mayor number de citaciones).

Para el jefe de IBM, basado en este tweet, es un caso de copiar o innovar. Consiguió una bonita dicotonomía allí. O patentas software (significando innovación) o no, significando que tu simplemente copias o robas de alguién. ¿A quiéne el esta bromeándo? ¿Esta de moda acaso usar tácticas anti-Chinas contra los Hindues?

Yendo al pasado caso estadounidense, vean este artículo titulado “¿Qué es Alice, And Porqué esta Enloqueciendo a los Abogados de Patentes como Sombrereros?”

Este nuevo artículo menciona: ¨De vez en cuando, la Corte Suprema impone un caso que causa un cambio sísmico en nuestro sistema legal. Profesores de Leyes Constitucionales enceran poéticamente acerca de Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland. Analistas de noticias vociferan contra Ciudadanos Unidos: ¨Corporaciones no son personas!¨ Pero pregunta a un abogado de patentes por un ejemplo de tal caso y es posible que seas testigo de una diatriba de diez minutos en las faltas de Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int’l (2014).”

Hay muchas intersantes estadísticas allí de Juristat (las que Schecter linkeo). Como el texto explica: ¨Esta linea representa el porcentaje de todos los rechazos de patentes basados on sección 101. En Mayo del 2014, ese porcentaje sólo fue de 75. Para Agosto casi doblo al 12%. A finales de ese mes, rechazos basados en sección 101 alcanzaron un 15% de todas los rechazos emitidos por la USPTO. Eso es un incremento MASIVO, considerando especialmente que las patentes de software representan sólo una pequeña porción de todas las aplicaciones manejadas en la USPTO.¨

Miren lo que Alice ha estado haciendo a las patentes de software en los Estados Unidos. Resulta que hay un intercambio de armas de patentes entre China y los Estados Unidos ahora mismo (estos gringos se orinan ante el gigante Asiatico a diferencia de Europa, LatinoAmerica, Africa y el Tercer Mundo donden compran gobiernos para promover un sistema de patentes para su beneficio), mientras que Intel descarga un montón de patentes a Xiaomi. Recuerden que Intel es promotor de patentes de software y tiene muchas en su propiedad (hemos cubierto esto durante los años pasados).


Links 27/2/2016: New ROSA, Ireland National Library Goes FOSS

Posted in News Roundup at 7:57 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source


  • Tesla Fan ‘Incivility’ Forces Indiana To Back Off Direct Sales Ban… For Now

    We recently noted how Indiana was just the latest state to try and pass auto industry-backed bills banning Tesla’s direct-to-consumer sales model. Under the latest GM-backed bill, Tesla’s dealer license would have expired in 2018, forcing the company to embrace the traditional franchise dealership model — or stop selling cars in the state entirely. Telsa had been reaching out for the last few weeks to Tesla fans in the state, quite-correctly highlighting how GM was buying protectionist law instead of competing.

  • Hardware

    • Data Backup Devices for Small Businesses

      You already know you need to back up your small business data regularly, but you may get stuck figuring out the best way to manage the process. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a scary amount of money to buy and set up a reliable data backup system.

  • Security

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • New York investigates radioactive leak in groundwater near city

      Radioactive material has leaked into the groundwater below a nuclear power plant north of New York City, prompting a state investigation on Saturday and condemnation from governor Andrew Cuomo.

      Cuomo ordered an investigation into “alarming levels of radioactivity” found at three monitoring wells at the Indian Point energy center in Buchanan, New York, about 40 miles north of Manhattan.

    • Old Nuclear Reactor Leaks Radiation

      Nuclear fission reactors are expensive to build and decommission so it’s natural to keep them running as long as possible to optimize the economic benefit. The licence for the old Indian Point reactor in New York state has been extended and while there have been occasional problems, the reactor was considered reliable. News that a leak of tritium in the ground water has been discovered is a whole new ball-game however. Tritium is a short-lived radioisotope of hydrogen so it’s possible the contamination may not leave the site in dangerous concentrations.

  • Finance

    • TTIP Negotiations: 12th Round Ends With Plan To Hurry Between Official Rounds

      By July trade negotiators from the United States and the European Union want to present a draft text that only has brackets for the “most sensitive issues” in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This was announced by Ignacio Bercero, chief negotiator for the European Union, and his US counterpart Dan Mullaney during a press conference today after this week’s 12th round of TTIP negotiations in Brussels.

  • Censorship

    • Self-censorship runs amok on local television

      It should have been a regular live broadcast of a Putri Indonesia pageant show, but those who tuned in were surprised when private station Indosiar decided to completely blur the torsos of contestants who wore the body-hugging Javanese kebaya dress.

      But many considered that local television stations had gone too far when one of them blurred a scene from a popular cartoon show, simply because one of its characters wears a short skirt, and questions began to be raised about why the local channels were taking that conservative turn.

    • Video: Is Canadian self-censorship preventing open debate on racism, discrimination and other important issues?

      Conversations That Matter features former B.C. premier and free speech advocate Ujjal Dosanjh. He argues that people in power in Canada are self-censoring and in doing so are preventing open and honest discourse about issues that form the fabric of Canadian society. Dosanjh has been attacked and beaten for saying what he thinks and continues to do so because he maintains if we cower from vigorous debate then we deprive ourselves.

    • National TV Channel Denies Actor’s Censorship Allegation

      Tunisian actor, Majd Mastoura has accused Wataniya TV of censoring part of his acceptance speech following his win at the Berlinale Film Festival in Germany.

      During an emotional speech, Mastoura paid tribute to the martyrs of the Tunisian Revolution. However, during its showing upon the national channel, the actor’s closing remarks were cut from the broadcast of his award.

    • Twitter Accused Of Censoring Anti-Hillary Hashtag

      Political censorship or coincidence? Activists on Friday were in full pitchfork mode after Twitter users alleged the social media site removed #WhichHillary from its trending topics in an apparent kowtow to the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign. The collective uproar managed to inspire another Clinton-themed hashtag, #WhichHillaryCensored.

    • Hillary Vs. Hillary: Hashtag Pits Clinton Against Her Past Self

      Hillary Clinton is facing one of her biggest rivals online today: Hillary Clinton. A hashtag mocking the candidate for her flip-flops over the years rocketed to the the top of Twitter’s trending list Thursday—driven not by Republicans but supporters of her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders.

    • China tightens censorship of online TV programmes

      Beijing has further tightened its muzzle on mainland China’s internet after a senior media content watchdog official demanded all online programmes be censored as strictly as those of traditional television programmes.

      The move comes days after widespread audience dissatisfaction when popular shows, made and aired by Chinese video streaming sites, were removed or suspended until they had been censored to the satisfaction of the media content regulator.

    • Puritanical Facebook Censors Parody Publication, Makes Appeal Process A Threat

      I have no idea why, but there seems to be a sudden influx of stories concerning Facebook patrolling its site and taking down content over rather puritanical standards of offense and vulgarity. The most recent examples of this have concerned a couple of pieces of artwork that the Facebook Decency Office deemed to be to risque, despite the fact that neither of the art pieces could reasonably be described as particularly pornographic. The most recent example of this kind of censorious brigade is less to do with scary, scary sex, and more to do with parody content that some might find vulgar.

    • Mark Zuckerberg Angry At His Employees For Disrespecting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement
  • Privacy

    • Techdirt Needs Your Help To Fight Encryption Fearmongering
    • Poll: You Vote to Outlaw Tracking by Advertisers

      Back on February 15 when we ran an article calling for a ban on advertisers’ practice of tracking users who just happen to drive by an ad, much less click on it, we ran a poll to find out what you think. Actually, we were pretty sure we already knew what you thought. You tell us everyday, either in the comments section to our articles or by blocking ads here on FOSS Force. The poll was mainly to put some numbers to what we already knew.

    • FISA Court Accused of Failing to Restrain NSA

      A Washington spy court’s “secret, ex parte proceedings” do not provide the oversight required to restrain the National Security Agency’s Upstream program, a privacy group argued in a court filing Thursday.

    • ‘GCHQ spy who raped us is still working there because police didn’t take us seriously’

      A spy accused of rape by two women is still working at the heart of ­Britain’s security services after police ignored their claims.

      The spook’s first alleged victim, who met him through a dating website, today say detectives TWICE failed to act over her accusations – even after the second woman, who worked with him at the top secret GCHQ base, had come forward.

    • Katherine Jenkins Gives Spies Singing Treat [Ed: Katherine Jenkins has helped create femmewashing puff pieces for GCHQ - by associating with celebrities they created a dozen PR pieces]

      The classical music star hailed workers at Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenham, England as “heroes”, before singing songs from her repertoire including Habanera from the opera Carmen.

    • Katherine Jenkins performs private show for GCHQ staff to thank them for keeping us safe
    • Obama Administration to Expand Sharing of NSA Data from Snooping
    • Obama To Allow FBI And CIA Access To NSA Data

      The Obama administration will soon allow the National Security Agency to share certain bulk collections of communications and satellite transmissions with other government intelligence agencies. This information includes phone calls and emails from foreigners within the U.S., as well as exchanges that involve or are about Americans collected by the NSA’s foreign intelligence programs.

    • Obama administration closing in on rules to let NSA share more freely with FBI, CIA

      The New York Times is reporting that Obama administration officials are close to agreeing on new rules that would allow the National Security Agency (NSA) to share surveillance information more freely with other federal agencies, including the FBI and the CIA, without scrubbing Americans’ identifying information first.

      In 2008, President George W. Bush put forth an executive order that said such a change to the rules governing sharing between agencies could occur when procedures had been put in place. When the Obama administration took over, it started “quietly developing a framework” to carry out the proposed change in 2009, according to the Times.

      For the past decade, the NSA has collected massive amounts of phone metadata, e-mail, and other information from a variety of sources—sometimes directly from the companies that make such communication possible, sometimes through overseas taps on lines that connect to data centers outside of the US. Currently when an agency wants information on a foreign citizen, it requests that data from the NSA, and the NSA theoretically scrubs it of any incidental references to American citizens who are not being targeted. This process is known as “minimization.”

    • Germany’s New Citizen Monitoring Spyware May Be Creepier Than NSA’s

      The new spyware Trojan virus recently approved by Germany’s Interior Ministry may actually steal personal photos and notes stored on Germans’ phones and laptops.

      The German government’s new computer virus intended for spying in criminal cases has drawn scrutiny because of its potentially unlimited abilities.

    • Barack Obama to allow NSA to share contents of intercepted phone calls and emails

      The Obama administration is planning to allow the National Security Agency to share more of the raw information it acquires through wiretapping with other intelligence agencies.

      The rule change, which would allow intelligence agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency to access the unedited contents of phone calls and emails without having the information filtered by the NSA, was first reported by the New York Times Friday.

  • Civil Rights

    • Kos Bishop: Foreign Reporters Pay Refugees to Play Victims of Drowning

      Foreign reporters pay refugees 20 euros to act as if they have drowned, said Bishop of Kos and Nisyros Nathanael.

      The unusual testimony was made during a radio interview on Alpha 98.9 on Wednesday. Bishop Nathanael said that, “I witnessed with my own eyes foreign television reporters paying people (refugees) 20 euros to play victims of drowning.”

    • A blunt defense of interrogations, targeted killings and domestic spying
    • Former CIA Chief Warns Against Donald Trump

      In an interview with the BBC, ex-CIA boss Michael Hayden warned against the dangers of having, Republican front-runner, Donald Trump as President of the United States of America.

    • Ex-CIA, NSA chief: 2016 GOP rhetoric ‘scares me’

      Former CIA and National Security Agency Director Gen. Michael Hayden says the rhetoric from the GOP candidates in the presidential race is scary — and he suspects the rest of the world is concerned, too.

      Hayden was responding Thursday to a question from CNN’s Michael Holmes about the rhetoric on the campaign trail, with Holmes mentioning Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s promise of carpet bombing ISIS and GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s praise for waterboarding and harsher interrogation techniques as well as a proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims.

    • Court Monitor Finds NYPD Still Performing Unconstitutional Stops

      The NYPD is more in its element when it’s creating terrorism/dissent-focused task forces or shipping its officers halfway around the word to get in the way of local investigators. What it’s less interested in doing is ensuring its officers live up to the Constitutional expectations of Judge Shira Scheindlin’s order from nearly three years ago.

    • Estragon’s boot: the Conservatives delay the repeal of the Human Rights Act

      According to a news report today, the Conservative government has “shelved” the proposals to repeal the Human Rights Act and replace it with a “British Bill of Rights”.

      This is not a surprise. It was never going to be an easy task.

      In the last week or so, the proposals – as well as a daft and dappy “Sovereignty Bill” proposal – have been nothing other than tokens in a political game between the Prime Minister and other Conservative politicians about supporting and opposing Brexit. But the tokens turned out to have no value and no purchase in this game.

      Last May this blog set out the “seven hurdles” for repeal of the Human Rights Act. These hurdles included the facts that the Good Friday Agreement requires the European Convention on Human Rights to have local effect in Northern Ireland and that Scotland would have a veto on the replacement legislation.

    • Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism on Twitter

      A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to 10 years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism in hundreds of social media posts.

      The report carried in Al-Watan says the 28-year-old man admitted to being an atheist and refused to repent, saying that what he wrote reflected his own beliefs and that he had the right to express them. The report did not name the man.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality

    • AT&T Sues To Keep Google Fiber Competition Out Of Louisville

      We recently noted how the city of Louisville had voted 23-0 to let Google Fiber bring ultra-fast broadband competition to the city. As part of the vote, the city revamped its utility pole-attachment rules, which previously forced competitors through a six-month bureaucratic process to connect to the poles, an estimated 40% of which are owned by AT&T. The new policy streamlines that down to one month, letting competitors like Google Fiber move hardware already attached to the poles, while holding them financially accountable for any potential damages.

    • Cruz, Rubio Celebrate One Year Anniversary Of Net Neutrality Rules — By Trying To Kill Them

      It has already been a year since the FCC voted to reclassify ISPs as common carriers under the telecom act. And despite the countless calories spent by the telecom industry and its various mouthpieces claiming Title II and net neutrality would demolish all Internet investment and innovation as we know it, you may have noticed that things by and large did not implode. In fact, while the FCC has been snoozing on things like zero rating and usage caps, the mere threat of rules helped the Internet by putting an end to the interconnection shenanigans causing Netflix performance degradation.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • ‘The Dress’ A Year Later: The Meme Has Faded, But The Copyright Will Last Forever

        Have you heard? Today is the anniversary of “the dress.” You know the one. It was all over the internet exactly a year ago. White and gold or blue and black. It was a phenomenon. And, yes, I know a bunch of you are snidely mocking it as you read this, but shut up. It was a fun way to kill an afternoon a year ago and it made a bunch of people happy, so don’t be “that person.” A year ago, we wrote a short piece about it, noting that you had fair use to thank for it, because the dress was being shared widely, and that was possible due to fair use. And the timing was great, because it was fair use week — as it is again.

Media Alert: Spokespeople of the EPO Are Lying to Journalists

Posted in Europe, Patents at 8:15 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The EPO is having another ‘Clinton moment’ (Lewinsky)

Clinton did not have...

Summary: A call for journalists to be more sceptical of what EPO officials and spokespeople tell them, for there is a pattern of deception which compromises accurate reporting

WE WERE rather astonished if not flabbergasted by a response from the EPO (spokespeople presumably), sent for the The Register to publish the other day. We were going to post a point-by-point rebuttal*, but now, as it turns out, Kieren McCarthy already issued a sort of correction. It goes like this:

European Patent Office still in nosedive as union denies reaching deal


A SUEPO representative vigorously denies the union is prepared to sign the agreement however, telling us that the most recent document the EPO presented still contains “massive flaws” and that the union is still some way from agreeing.

Subsequently, the EPO got back in contact with us to point out that there had been a “misunderstanding” during our conversation over SUEPO’s willingness to sign the document. A similar misunderstanding also seemingly occurred when we reported that the revised version of the “request” to EPO management would remove direct criticism of Battistelli.


With both sides seemingly at an impasse, the board of the EPO’s administrative council met twice this month to discuss how to resolve the issue, and once with the president and his staff.

When their solution – an external review of the disciplinary actions – was rejected by Battistelli, they resolved to take it to the full council in March. In particular, a draft of the board’s formal response specifically referenced the fact that the management team had failed to sign an MoU with its main union.

Soon after we reported the contents of that response, the EPO told us it was close to signing an MoU. After we reported that, the union strongly denied any such agreement was forthcoming.

What is the truth? The answer is that there are multiple truths and that by reporting on heated negotiations, we poured gasoline on an already flaming wreck.

One thing is for sure: at its March 16-17 meeting in Munich, the EPO’s administrative council will need to do something if it wishes to avoid a full meltdown at the organization.

Well, all the pressure is on Battistelli, not on the Council, so he will probably resign rather than be officially sacked, just to make it all look “nice”. Then he'll argue about how much money he's entitled to. The moral of the story (and lesson to The Register and others) is, don’t trust anything that EPO PR people tell, no matter how persuasively. They have been repeatedly caught lying to the press and we covered examples of this. They not only lie to journalists but also to EPO staff. They even SLAPP activists.
* No need for sources on this. I know enough of internal EPO affairs to do this rebuttal, but mostly lacking the time and still recovering from illness and migraines caused by lack of basic/sufficient sleep.

“It takes a long time to turn a big country around.”

Bill Clinton

Confirmed by Dutch Media (Telegraaf): Benoît Battistelli Makes Unreasonable Compensation Demands

Posted in Europe, Patents at 7:04 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Telegraaf article

Summary: Based on an article published late on Friday, Battistelli is hoping to get a presidential salary for several decades to come even once he’s out the Office, which makes imperative all sorts of hard questions

LITTLE by little many of the “rumours” we heard and learned about turn out to be facts. One such “rumour” was snowballing into what we later called "reinforced rumour" because the lawyer of SUEPO said it to Dutch media and now it’s actually in headlines of Dutch media, and not even with a question mark.

Battistelli must be living in a dream; based on his salary (which we think we now know, and it’s a lot less than publicly assumed), he wishes to receive a presidential salary until he’s about a hundred years old (if the compensation was to be split into annual ‘chunks’, along the lines of Brimelow’s pay grade). He should be the one compensating the EPO for the damage he did to it after more than four decades of reputation-building efforts (the damage may be valued at billions of euros).

Human-corrected (by Petra Kramer) machine translation of this new article (“Franse despoot wil 18 miljoen bij vertrek”, published 18:36 CET on Friday) can be found below, with a few bits highlighted in yellow:

French despot wants 18 million on departure

by Marieke van Essen

THE HAGUE – The controversial French president of the European Patent Office (EPO), Benoît Battistelli, “demands 18 million, or ten years’ salary on his departure.” According to sources within the international organization, which has an office in Rijswijk among other places.

Battistelli is already under fire for some time because of his reign of terror that according to the union. He deteriorated working conditions and suggested severe reprisals against trade unionists who criticize his policies. In Rijswijk two representatives are at home on sick leave after being submitted to alleged “intimidating integrity investigations”. The last three years regrettably there were five suicides at the EPO.

Meanwhile, not only the staff are complaining, but for the first time the Member States (38 countries) turned against the Frenchman who took office in 2010. This is evident from a letter from Jesper Kongstad, the Danish president of the Administrative Council, a sort of supervisory board in which the 38 participating countries are represented.

Kongstad, whose letter is in possession of the Telegraaf, requests Battistelli to investigate any disciplinary measures against members of the union by an external committee. “Unfortunately we can not carry any meaningful conversation with the president,” writes Kongstad.

EPO staff who are in contact with the outside world through secret email addresses and telephone numbers, managed to tell that the days of Battistelli are numbered. “The chance that he will have to leave is huge. Twenty countries are against,” says one. “He’s already been called the man of eighteen million,” says the other. “It is a true dictatorship. We have already several deputy bosses who come from the French secret service or the military. It is really starting to be ridiculous. These types get paid more than 15 grand a month and do everything the big boss orders them to do.”

On March 16 delegates from the 38 participating countries officially vote on the proposals from Kongstad. Battistelli now lobbies with Member States to get them to abandon the independent investigation. According to the president, the EPO is “healthier than ever.”

This serves to prove a lot of what we wrote before, but the part about Battistelli’s salary we very much doubt as it would serve to suggest that his salary was hiked to almost 2 million euros (per annum). Battistelli’s salary will be the subject of a future post because it requires some further verification. Another possibility is that the number (18 million) is not correct and that it’s actually 10 years’ salary, based on extrapolation of a much lower figure (salary). We have been getting contradictory reports about the exact number, but it seems possible that 10 years’ salary is what Battistelli insists on. Either way, this is where Battistelli’s unacceptable secrecy about his salary (his predecessor disclosed hers) actually harms him even more.

“We have been getting contradictory reports about the exact number, but it seems possible that 10 years’ salary is what Battistelli insists on.”As someone told us a while back, “Alison Brimelow was massively into transparency. Seems odd that Battistelli could have demanded a much higher salary than her, unless he really, really promoted the “reforms” as some massive task of work that would totally change the office. For the better, I mean.”

For comparative purposes, as one person put it, “Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament) gets 200K plus expenses, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, gets 112.5% of the top civil service grade, which is around 300K.” Does Battistelli receive 6 (six!) times what the latter gets (President of the European Commission)? We doubt it. If it’s true, then that in itself is a massive scandal to come. Consider that people who control his salary are also more or less in his ‘circle’, which might lead to allegations of corruption (the Bygmalion Affair notwithstanding).

If Battistelli stays (until 2018, which is extremely improbable), he’ll be paid for 2-3 years’ work; why should he be paid for 10 (or more) upon resignation, caused to a large degree by his own folly? It beggars belief.

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