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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 14th, 2008

Posted in IRC Logs at 5:37 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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schestowitz “The Mumbai attacks have been dubbed ‘India’s 9/11′, and there are calls for a 9/11-style response, including an attack on Pakistan. Instead, the country must fight terrorism with justice, or face civil war” < http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/dec/1… > Dec 14 00:00
schestowitz Your friend wrote a comment: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/11/15/microso… Dec 14 00:10
schestowitz Mr “Jihad” responds. Will someone pound him on the head. Even community service won’t undo the damage he caused to the likes of OS/2 engineers Dec 14 00:28
PetoKraus good night :) Dec 14 00:32
MinceR gn Dec 14 01:09
schestowitz “Newsweek has reportedly lost between half a million to a million subscribers from its 2.6 million rate base and has announced layoffs. TIME layoffs may total 600. National Geographic, The Economist Group and Doubledown Media are all laying off staffers.” http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/features/article.p… Dec 14 01:17
schestowitz Good. Dead Big Media. Dec 14 01:17
schestowitz “It’s their own damned fault. Like the US automakers and the music industry, print media companies squandered most of their time and money during boom times clinging to the past rather than preparing for the future. And now they’re left totally unprepared for the bust.” Dec 14 01:18
schestowitz Lessig: “As some of you remember, just over a year ago I reported that I was shifting my academic (and activist) work from free culture related issues to (what I called) “corruption.”” http://lessig.org/blog/2008/12… Similar here… from promoting Free software I moved towards studying corruption against it. Dec 14 01:52
schestowitz “Take the money out of politics (and here’s a specific proposal for doing that), and then come back to me to talk about the good, public regarding reasons why Congress is stepping in to “save the auto industry.”” http://lessig.org/blog/2008/12/the_ba… Dec 14 01:53
schestowitz “Pay our buddies in industry… pay them now… they’ll reward us for it some years down the line (reward to politicians only).” Dec 14 01:54
schestowitz Let’s see how much more corruption will come out of FraudStreet in the year to come. It’s another type of chain reaction. That’s the type of nasty stuff that persuaded me to spend so much time studying and writing about it. Dec 14 01:59
Omar87 schestowitz: What, in your opinion, is the best way to fight back against Micro/Novell? Dec 14 02:25
schestowitz Spreading the word Dec 14 02:27
Omar87 No, I mean something more than that. Dec 14 04:05
Omar87 Like, for example, if we could do something tangible. Dec 14 04:06
Omar87 I don’t think spreading the word alone would be helpful enough to stop the conspiracy. Dec 14 04:07
macabe Do you have a local Linux User Group? Getting together with others that use FOSS can a generate ideas. Dec 14 04:22
Omar87 macabe: That’s right. Dec 14 04:41
macabe Also if there is none, maybe you can start one. Burning live CDs, showing people the simplicity and freedom that exists in GNU/Linux/FOSS. Dec 14 04:48
Omar87 macabe: There is a Linux users group in Jordan. :) Dec 14 04:49
Omar87 There’s also an Open Source Group in my university. Dec 14 04:49
macabe Outstanding. There you can get together with others and share info on corporate lock-in, and so on. Dec 14 04:50
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-142-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 05:32
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-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi all. One of our larger client servers just dropped off the network for a few minutes. It’s back now and hopefully stable, sorry for the downtime and thanks for using freenode! Dec 14 08:48
PetoKraus morning Dec 14 09:10
schestowitz morning Dec 14 09:24
schestowitz Real piracy: http://technocrat.net/d/2008… Dec 14 10:14
*Casperin has quit (“Leaving”) Dec 14 10:41
*Casperin (n=gorm@h11n7-m-kr-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 10:45
schestowitz Microsoft wants to ‘addict’ children to Microsoft monopolists and educators are too dumb to understand dumping tactics…? http://www.itnews.com.au/News/91038,microsoft-still-i… Dec 14 11:19
*anubisg1 (n=anubis@ has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 12:01
anubisg1 hey man.. you are really stupid with “boycott novell” Dec 14 12:02
anubisg1 hahha Dec 14 12:02
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*PetoKraus has quit (“Leaving”) Dec 14 13:50
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schestowitz *LOL* What utter BS… http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gSlKrhp0d… Dec 14 15:55
PetoKraus what’s that? Dec 14 16:03
PetoKraus it makes no sense Dec 14 16:03
PetoKraus i see them talking Dec 14 16:05
PetoKraus but i hear only “bla bla bla” Dec 14 16:05
schestowitz Where? The video? Dec 14 16:06
PetoKraus yeah Dec 14 16:06
PetoKraus i mean Dec 14 16:06
PetoKraus it works like this: you’ve got national TV Dec 14 16:07
PetoKraus it’s controlled by whoever is at the power Dec 14 16:07
PetoKraus then you have commercial/private TV’s Dec 14 16:07
PetoKraus they are responding to public demand Dec 14 16:07
PetoKraus that’s it. That’s how it works. Dec 14 16:07
schestowitz It can be done better Dec 14 16:07
PetoKraus well it can, but why should it Dec 14 16:08
PetoKraus this way you know what bias is where Dec 14 16:08
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 16:08
schestowitz True. Anyway, bbl Dec 14 16:09
Omar87 Hi all. Dec 14 16:47
PetoKraus hello Dec 14 16:49
Casperin PetoKraus: here the state owns one of the tv stations, but it has no saying in what goes into the news. That is by far the best tv station Dec 14 16:58
PetoKraus well, i don’t believe that “it has no saying” part Dec 14 16:59
PetoKraus where are you from? Dec 14 17:00
Casperin Denmark Dec 14 17:00
Casperin and it’s trying.. of course.. but it’s not really succeeding. Dec 14 17:00
PetoKraus the same in Slovakia Dec 14 17:00
PetoKraus but you know, just telling the reporters what not to put/ask is usually enough to get bias Dec 14 17:01
Casperin my point though, is that it is by a large margin the best news reporting here… imo of course. Others enjoy the pravda’ish news coming out of the other major channel (which is private) Dec 14 17:01
Casperin they can’t dictate that… they also can’t block specific reporters, etc Dec 14 17:02
PetoKraus yeah well :) Dec 14 17:02
PetoKraus good for you i’d say Dec 14 17:02
Casperin hehe thanks… I don’t really mean to criticize other ways of doing it. I don’t know enough about it… it was just to offer an alternative view to what you said Dec 14 17:03
PetoKraus well i have to agree, the national tv has usually the most “unbiased” news in slovakia as well Dec 14 17:04
PetoKraus but it’s mainly because the other two channels are focusing on making the news appealing to children and old people by putting “a puppy story” in every evening batch Dec 14 17:05
Casperin exactly Dec 14 17:06
Casperin I’m actually listening to those news now… about Slovakia Dec 14 17:08
PetoKraus umm, are there any? :) Dec 14 17:08
Casperin haha Dec 14 17:08
PetoKraus i’m news-agnostic when in scotland Dec 14 17:08
Casperin they say you have no banking problems with the global crisis.. but that the auto industry is hit Dec 14 17:09
Casperin and then they try to analyze why.. but I wasn’t really listening Dec 14 17:09
PetoKraus yeah, the economics is stable because Dec 14 17:11
PetoKraus we escaped the guillotine by seconds Dec 14 17:11
PetoKraus we’re having € since january Dec 14 17:11
PetoKraus that’s what I call – lucky Dec 14 17:12
Casperin We don’t have it… Dec 14 17:12
Casperin neither Denmark nor Sweden (where I live currently) has it. But I don’t know if it’d have been better or worse with it Dec 14 17:12
PetoKraus well, for us it’s beneficial Dec 14 17:12
PetoKraus there’s been fixed exchange rate since june or so Dec 14 17:12
Casperin why? Dec 14 17:12
PetoKraus when the final exchange rate was announced Dec 14 17:13
PetoKraus if we didn’t have that, we’d be in problems as hungary, or Czech republic Dec 14 17:13
Casperin oh.. one thing I did hear from the analysis, was that probably one of the problems you had, was that your original currency had been evaluated too high Dec 14 17:14
Casperin I see Dec 14 17:14
PetoKraus though when the car industry leaves for further east Dec 14 17:14
PetoKraus that’s when shit hits the fan for us ;) Dec 14 17:14
Casperin and you didn’t manage to keep them there? Dec 14 17:15
PetoKraus well, they are not moving anywhere… Dec 14 17:15
Casperin … I guess I really wasn’t listening to the radio lol Dec 14 17:15
PetoKraus they have been built in past 3-4 years so Dec 14 17:15
Casperin I see Dec 14 17:15
PetoKraus not much reasons to move away, yet. Dec 14 17:16
Casperin taxes are low I heard.. like 14% on everything Dec 14 17:16
PetoKraus umm, as far as i remember, in the summer it was 19% Dec 14 17:18
PetoKraus though they might have lowered it Dec 14 17:18
PetoKraus though it’s flat tax, mostly Dec 14 17:18
Casperin yeah, that’s what they said.. I was listening that far :P Dec 14 17:19
Casperin okay.. I’m going to make some food.. I heard it’s healthy to eat and all that.. better try it out Dec 14 17:20
PetoKraus :D Dec 14 17:20
PetoKraus i’m wondering what’ll happen to britain Dec 14 17:20
PetoKraus hehe, 25 banks bankrupted in 2008 in USA Dec 14 17:23
Casperin small steps towards a better world :P Dec 14 17:39
PetoKraus yeah Dec 14 17:41
Casperin an old (literally) friend told me that here banks were created initially by people throwing their savings together in order to cultivate them… no shareholders or anything like that. It almost made me like banks (the way they were, not how they are) Dec 14 17:43
PetoKraus yeah well Dec 14 17:44
Casperin shit floats Dec 14 17:47
PetoKraus that’s a myth, but let’s say yes ;) Dec 14 17:47
PetoKraus oh GOD Dec 14 17:48
PetoKraus when you think they made sane history in Firefox Dec 14 17:48
PetoKraus they didn’t! Dec 14 17:49
PetoKraus i wanna search AND sort the results by date and page Dec 14 17:49
PetoKraus is it that hard?!? Dec 14 17:49
PetoKraus oh god! Dec 14 17:51
Casperin rhetorical question  I take it.. Dec 14 17:51
Casperin nice link dump btw Roy :) Dec 14 17:51
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 17:54
PetoKraus arch installation is honestly the most f*ed up thing there is Dec 14 17:54
PetoKraus it’s like a maze, if you manage, you’re good to go ;) Dec 14 17:54
PetoKraus gentoo is better, you just follow the instructions… :) Dec 14 17:55
neighborlee odd I cant get to opensourcerer atm… I wonder if it got hacked o_0 ( or didn’t pay his bill thi s month , or its just on my end shrug ?) Dec 14 17:55
PetoKraus “This makes it possible to run pacman as a cron job and leave the system to update and upgrade itself on a regular basis with minimal user intervention. Dec 14 17:56
PetoKraus Dec 14 17:56
PetoKraus MORON! Dec 14 17:56
neighborlee I have installed gentoo before,,but honestly I never felt I got enough bang for my buck Dec 14 17:56
neighborlee update I couild see,,upgrade might be slightly more dangerous ;) Dec 14 17:57
PetoKraus i mean, arch tends to break so much, that running updates as a cronjob is a BAD idea Dec 14 17:58
PetoKraus it’s not that hard to fix though. it’s usually just rebuilding given package againist the fresh lib from the repo Dec 14 17:58
PetoKraus but still!!! Dec 14 17:58
PetoKraus it’s not debian Dec 14 17:58
Casperin heard about this thing called ubuntu? :P Dec 14 18:02
PetoKraus yes i did Dec 14 18:03
PetoKraus i never used it for more than an hour Dec 14 18:03
PetoKraus but i can’t say bad thing about it Dec 14 18:03
PetoKraus but arch is good, arch suits me Dec 14 18:03
Casperin what is that based on? Dec 14 18:04
Casperin or is it from scratch? Dec 14 18:04
PetoKraus yeah Dec 14 18:04
PetoKraus the package manager is similar to portage and apt Dec 14 18:04
PetoKraus flexibility of ebuilds, speed of apt (much better, actually) Dec 14 18:05
Casperin but why run this over debian? Dec 14 18:06
PetoKraus yeah, that’s a good question Dec 14 18:07
PetoKraus rolling-release model Dec 14 18:07
PetoKraus package management done almost perfectly, meaning, if two packages happen to be incompatible Dec 14 18:07
PetoKraus eg. something depending on older glibc, while you just updated to new one Dec 14 18:07
PetoKraus you can just take provided PKGBUILD, and compile the package againist the new glibc using package manager’s tools and install it using package manager’s tools Dec 14 18:08
neighborlee its a shame there aren’t at least one binary repo,,,who wants to have to compile everything just to use it,..or has that beeen added recently ? Dec 14 18:08
PetoKraus arch is binary-only Dec 14 18:08
PetoKraus with PKGBUILDs in arch build system Dec 14 18:09
Casperin tactics Dec 14 18:09
neighborlee sorry I meant gentoo Dec 14 18:09
PetoKraus ah, neighborlee, there’s sabayon Dec 14 18:09
PetoKraus Casperin: other great thing is – 99% of packages are vanilla Dec 14 18:09
PetoKraus meaning, you can complain directly to upstream – no dodgy debian patches Dec 14 18:10
Casperin it’s way above my head :) .. I’m just trying to familiarize myself with it, and wouldn’t dream of switching from Debian for now Dec 14 18:10
PetoKraus AND it’s optimized for i686/x86_64 and not for i386/i486 Dec 14 18:10
Casperin oooh.. I like that :) Dec 14 18:10
PetoKraus it’s nothing like gentoo’s rice, though Dec 14 18:11
Casperin gentoo scares me Dec 14 18:11
PetoKraus well, gentoo is just pain in the ass Dec 14 18:13
PetoKraus because when the package managers in gentoo break something, it’s usually VERY VERY bad news Dec 14 18:13
PetoKraus or no news at all…. Dec 14 18:13
PetoKraus which is the worst case Dec 14 18:13
Casperin I eventually settled on debian with ion2, but now I’m working as a teacher, and a little “corruption” of the pupils won’t harm.. so ubuntu + compiz it is, and I’ve had a LOT of “wow”s lately :) Dec 14 18:14
PetoKraus Arch is pretty upfront about this – “upgrade to xorg 1.5 is gonna screw your computer” were basically the news Dec 14 18:14
Casperin haha Dec 14 18:14
PetoKraus + distinctive #archlinux channel Dec 14 18:14
PetoKraus feels like 4chan sometimes…. Dec 14 18:14
Casperin gentoos package managers sound like something from MS now :P Dec 14 18:14
Casperin hah Dec 14 18:14
PetoKraus it’s portage, i’d say Dec 14 18:14
PetoKraus portage is mess…  python & bash? are you crazy?!? Dec 14 18:15
macabe PK: Have you heard anything bad about Apt-Build? Dec 14 18:15
PetoKraus macabe: not really. I’m using debian lenny on my server. Debian is GREAT for machines you just need to have up and running Dec 14 18:15
PetoKraus and update like once a month or so Dec 14 18:15
neighborlee sounds to me like gentoo has community<>developer issues Dec 14 18:15
neighborlee or have those thing been worked out Dec 14 18:16
neighborlee …………….things Dec 14 18:16
neighborlee http://lwn.net/Articles/265403/ Dec 14 18:16
PetoKraus neighborlee: i can’t tell much, i was using it only 6 months, but it’s well Dec 14 18:16
PetoKraus well… Dec 14 18:16
PetoKraus too bloated :D Dec 14 18:16
PetoKraus in arch, there are only like 20 people managing the repos Dec 14 18:16
PetoKraus all the rest is in AUR (which are user-provided PKGBUILDs, from which you can compile your stuff) Dec 14 18:17
PetoKraus gentoo has definitely more Dec 14 18:17
neighborlee and then there was problem ? where kde4 took forever to get into repos ? Dec 14 18:17
PetoKraus I got no idea…. i just feel that “wee is better” Dec 14 18:18
neighborlee I remember reading their bug database once, but I didnt get through all of it..it was alongggggg discussion ;) Dec 14 18:18
PetoKraus in gentoo, or arch? Dec 14 18:18
neighborlee gentoo Dec 14 18:18
neighborlee I respect gentoo for what it is,,I just always felt price for admission was a bit high ;) Dec 14 18:18
neighborlee sabayon maybe,,,maybe illl take a peek someday Dec 14 18:19
neighborlee so you say it has binaries for many packages then… Dec 14 18:19
PetoKraus neighborlee: i’m gonna suggest you try arch sometime Dec 14 18:20
neighborlee already have  long ago Dec 14 18:20
PetoKraus :) good then Dec 14 18:20
neighborlee same overall problem imnsho..admission too high Dec 14 18:20
PetoKraus you probably know why you are not using it. Dec 14 18:20
neighborlee but I like its simplicity overall…but still not fo rmel Dec 14 18:20
neighborlee for me ^] Dec 14 18:20
PetoKraus yeah :) Dec 14 18:20
PetoKraus i know what you mean. Dec 14 18:21
PetoKraus anyway, Status Quo Dec 14 18:21
neighborlee I tend to use only what average users would be using… Dec 14 18:21
PetoKraus see you :) Dec 14 18:21
neighborlee ok cu ;))) Dec 14 18:21
neighborlee thx for chat Dec 14 18:21
schestowitz *LOL* http://www.fsdaily.com/Opposition/B… “We were kind of stuck for a suitable reply to your generous present of that Hovesepian, back in 2006, until this surplus Beranger suddenly became available. We can guarantee you’ll hear from it about 3 minutes after it first manages to get Vista running, then again, and again, and again……”” Dec 14 18:51
schestowitz Casperin: people who write the news can always be lackeys helping a mate. Dec 14 18:52
schestowitz PetoKraus: good to hear about SK staying out of the Madoffism/FraudStreet/USD Dec 14 18:54
Casperin yes of course. I was just looking at it on a general level. Generally what comes out of the state owned (but not controlled) media is of higher quality. That’s all. I don’t buy the “private is good, because then we know what bias they will have” idea Dec 14 18:56
Casperin but brb :) Dec 14 18:56
schestowitz PetoKraus: re:banks going bankrupt, it’ll be the same with airlines. A friend who lost his job there told me. Dec 14 18:56
Casperin Sterling already went bankrupt, and at least in dk a lot of people are being fired in that business too… anyway brb, for real Dec 14 18:57
schestowitz PetoKraus: Firefox history management is poor. Does it still use Mork files? Dec 14 18:57
schestowitz Arch is for uber-ricers; Gentoo is just for ricers. LFS is for masochists. Dec 14 18:59
schestowitz join #archlinux Dec 14 19:01
schestowitz Oops. Dec 14 19:01
schestowitz Busy house… Dec 14 19:01
schestowitz Much more then ‘mainstream’ distros Dec 14 19:02
schestowitz People could place bets on who’s gonna go out of biz next (which airline). I’d better use up my frequent flyer points soon… Dec 14 19:05
schestowitz New Sun Java patent.. U.S. Patents Awarded to Inventors in New York (Dec. 13) < http://www.mbtmag.com/articleXml/LN8… > Dec 14 19:11
schestowitz About Beranger, I was among those saying he’ll return. He rants like this for ATTENTION. But he’s harmful to FOSS. Vista schmista. You’ll see. He’ll have another major depression and change everything. Dec 14 19:15
*GoblinRFD (n=tim@78-86-75-104.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 19:34
schestowitz IDG is not correcting erroneous report: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do… Dec 14 19:36
schestowitz Totally FALSE. FARCE. Dec 14 19:36
schestowitz Microsoft unable to bet on big new projects? looks like it, for sure…http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/12/z… Dec 14 19:38
schestowitz The Microsoft mouthpieces at CNET help Microsoft’s sentimental blackmail.. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-10118125-75.html http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2336568,00.asp Dec 14 19:52
schestowitz Vapourware boosting from Kevin McLaughlin: http://www.crn.com/software/212300260 Almost  looks like it’s ghostwritten. Dec 14 19:52
schestowitz Panic mode at Microsoft…  http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-101222… http://computerworld.com/action/article.do?co… more zombie PCs… Dec 14 19:56
schestowitz IDG-based Microsoft chanting: Open Docx Files Even if You Don’t Have Office 2007 < http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/art… > Dec 14 20:21
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection) Dec 14 20:27
schestowitz EXCLUSIVE: Microsoft To Lay Off 1,500 In California; 200 In L.A. < http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowlLA/layoffs/excl… > Dec 14 20:28
schestowitz Are they talking about Yahoo or MSFT?? Can anyone help herE? Dec 14 20:29
schestowitz http://blogs.wsj.com/biztech/2008/12/08/are-netfli… (Are Netflix Layoffs Microsoft’s Fault?) Dec 14 20:29
*kapipi has quit (Connection reset by peer) Dec 14 20:56
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 20:59
schestowitz Groklaw is on halt: http://www.groklaw.net/newsitems.php Dec 14 21:22
schestowitz Wasn’t the Examiner related to Microsoft somehow? http://www.examiner.com/x-1676-SF-Microsoft-… Dec 14 21:29
MinceR how are you gentlemen !! Dec 14 21:30
schestowitz Microsoft is throwing FUD at rivals again… http://news.spong.com/article/16741/Sony_Shoots_B… Dec 14 21:33
schestowitz Firefox FUD: http://www.dailytech.com/Firefox+Most+Ri…  Follow the money… http://www.bit9.com/ Selected by Microsoft’s by Partner Group (“Cool Vendor 2008″) ->> http://www.google.com/search?nu… Dec 14 21:40
*Casperin (n=gorm@h11n7-m-kr-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com) has left #boycottnovell Dec 14 22:28
*[H]omer (n=[H]omer@amsterdam.perfect-privacy.com) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 22:39
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omer Dec 14 22:39
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection) Dec 14 23:27
*Jen (n=jensoli@tmo-096-97.customers.d1-online.com) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 14 23:32
MinceR gn Dec 14 23:44
schestowitz u2 Dec 14 23:48
PetoKraus right Dec 14 23:48
PetoKraus Status Quo was rubbish Dec 14 23:49
PetoKraus the support band was actually BETTER than the main act Dec 14 23:49
schestowitz Speaking of rubbish, I have a good post coming up Dec 14 23:49
schestowitz About {Red] Dec 14 23:49
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  7. Update on Patent Trolls and Their Enablers: IAM, Fortress, Inventergy, Nokia, MOSAID/Conversant, Microsoft, Intellectual Ventures, Faraday Future, A*STAR, GPNE, AlphaCap Ventures, and TC Heartland

    A potpourri of reports about some of the world’s worst patent trolls and their highly damaging enablers/facilitators, including Microsoft which claims that it “loves Linux” whilst attacking it with patents by proxy

  8. Mark Summerfield: “US Supreme Court Decision in Alice Looks to Have Eliminated About 75% of New Business Method Patents.”

    Some of the patent microcosm, or those who profit from the bureaucracy associated with patents, responds to claims made by Techrights (that software patents are a dying breed in the US)

  9. Eight Wireless Patents Have Just Been Invalidated Under Section 101 (Alice), But Don't Expect the Patent Microcosm to Cover This News

    Firms that are profiting from patents (without actually producing or inventing anything) want us to obsess over and think about the rare and few cases (some very old) where judges deny Alice and honour patents on software

  10. 2017: Latest Year That the Unitary Patent (UPC) is Still Stuck in a Limbo

    The issues associated with the UPC, especially in light of ongoing negotiations of Britain's exit from the EU, remain too big a barrier to any implementation this year (and probably future years too)

  11. Links 7/1/2017: Linux 4.9.1, Wine 2.0 RC4

    Links for the day

  12. India Keeps Rejecting Software Patents in Spite of Pressure From Large Foreign Multinationals

    India's resilience in the face of incredible pressure to allow software patents is essential for the success of India's growing software industry and more effort is needed to thwart corporate colonisation through patents in India itself

  13. Links 6/1/2017: Irssi 1.0.0, KaOS 2017.01 Released

    Links for the day

  14. Watchtroll a Fake News Site in Lobbying Mode and Attack Mode Against Those Who Don't Agree (Even PTAB and Judges)

    A look at some of the latest spin and the latest shaming courtesy of the patent microcosm, which behaves so poorly that one has to wonder if its objective is to alienate everyone

  15. The Productivity Commission Warns Against Patent Maximalism, Which is Where China (SIPO) is Heading Along With EPO

    In defiance of common sense and everything that public officials or academics keep saying (European, Australian, American), China's SIPO and Europe's EPO want us to believe that when it comes to patents it's "the more, the merrier"

  16. Technical Failure of the European Patent Office (EPO) a Growing Cause for Concern

    The problem associated with Battistelli's strategy of increasing so-called 'production' by granting in haste everything on the shelf is quickly being grasped by patent professionals (outside EPO), not just patent examiners (inside EPO)

  17. Links 5/1/2017: Inkscape 0.92, GNU Sed 4.3

    Links for the day

  18. Links 4/1/2017: Cutelyst 1.2.0 and Lumina 1.2 Desktop Released

    Links for the day

  19. Financial Giants Will Attempt to Dominate or Control Bitcoin, Blockchain and Other Disruptive Free Software Using Software Patents

    Free/Open Source software in the currency and trading world promised to emancipate us from the yoke of banking conglomerates, but a gold rush for software patents threatens to jeopardise any meaningful change or progress

  20. New Article From Heise Explains Erosion of Patent Quality at the European Patent Office (EPO)

    To nobody's surprise, the past half a decade saw accelerating demise in quality of European Patents (EPs) and it is the fault of Battistelli's notorious policies

  21. Insensitivity at the EPO’s Management – Part V: Suspension of Salary and Unfair Trials

    One of the lesser-publicised cases of EPO witch-hunting, wherein a member of staff is denied a salary "without any notification"

  22. Links 3/1/2017: Microsoft Imposing TPM2 on Linux, ASUS Bringing Out Android Phones

    Links for the day

  23. Links 2/1/2017: Neptune 4.5.3 Release, Netrunner Desktop 17.01 Released

    Links for the day

  24. Teaser: Corruption Indictments Brought Against Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO)

    New trouble for Željko Topić in Strasbourg, making it yet another EPO Vice-President who is on shaky grounds and paving the way to managerial collapse/avalanche at the EPO

  25. 365 Days Later, German Justice Minister Heiko Maas Remains Silent and Thus Complicit in EPO Abuses on German Soil

    The utter lack of participation, involvement or even intervention by German authorities serve to confirm that the government of Germany is very much complicit in the EPO's abuses, by refusing to do anything to stop them

  26. Battistelli's Idea of 'Independent' 'External' 'Social' 'Study' is Something to BUY From Notorious Firm PwC

    The sham which is the so-called 'social' 'study' as explained by the Central Staff Committee last year, well before the results came out

  27. Europe Should Listen to SMEs Regarding the UPC, as Battistelli, Team UPC and the Select Committee Lie About It

    Another example of UPC promotion from within the EPO (a committee dedicated to UPC promotion), in spite of everything we know about opposition to the UPC from small businesses (not the imaginary ones which Team UPC claims to speak 'on behalf' of)

  28. Video: French State Secretary for Digital Economy Speaks Out Against Benoît Battistelli at Battistelli's PR Event

    Uploaded by SUEPO earlier today was the above video, which shows how last year's party (actually 2015) was spoiled for Battistelli by the French State Secretary for Digital Economy, Axelle Lemaire, echoing the French government's concern about union busting etc. at the EPO (only to be rudely censored by Battistelli's 'media partner')

  29. When EPO Vice-President, Who Will Resign Soon, Made a Mockery of the EPO

    Leaked letter from Willy Minnoye/management to the people who are supposed to oversee EPO management

  30. No Separation of Powers or Justice at the EPO: Reign of Terror by Battistelli Explained in Letter to the Administrative Council

    In violation of international labour laws, Team Battistelli marches on and engages in a union-busting race against the clock, relying on immunity to keep this gravy train rolling before an inevitable crash


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