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IRC Proceedings: July 26th, 2010

Posted in IRC Logs at 6:38 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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Links 26/7/2010: Sabayon 5.3 Review, OpenOffice.org 3.3 is Coming

Posted in News Roundup at 6:05 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Living the Linux Lifestyle

    Why do some people choose to run Linux as their PC platform of choice while others opt instead for other ways of running their computing experiences?

    Is it market share, perceived ease of use, slick marketing overtures, users wanting to use what they already know? This list might explain why people might choose OS X or Windows.

    But what approach to computing (and life) prompts a person to use a Linux box on a daily basis? I’ll share my insights based on personal experiences and other observations accumulated over years of living the Linux lifestyle full time.

  • Server

    • Why You Should Never Steal From a Linux Admin

      You get to spend countless hours dealing with “me myself and I” users who always seem to have issues that can escalate to bringing the world as we know it to an end if not promptly attended to. The pay is bad and the work hours are long. Simply put system administration is a job for those who love and have a passion for administering computers and their users.

  • Graphics Stack

    • Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.35 (Part 4) – Architecture and infrastructure

      Measures to optimise the power management code and fully support the Turbo Core function of recent AMD six-core processors increase the data throughput and processing speed of Linux 2.6.35. Further kernel additions include tracing interfaces for KVM, another kernel configuration program, and functions for de-fragmenting the working memory.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Smitten with Xfce 4

      If you’ve read me long enough, you know I am a desktop junkie. Much to Jaqui’s chagrin, I do love my desktops. So much so I could have a different desktop every day and still not be completely happy. During my trials and tribulations with the Linux desktop I have, surprisingly, missed the whole Xfce train. Why? I have no idea. I’ve known of it, I’ve used it briefly, and never really thought much more about it. That is, until recently.

  • Distributions

    • Reviews

      • Sabayon 5.3 review

        The main purpose of the reviews published on this site is to give readers a good idea of what they would experience if they actually downloaded and installed the distribution on their computer. It is, therefore, necessary to highlight good features, or features I think will lead to a positive user experience. It is also necessary to highlight badly implemented features, or features that could give a negative user experience. For this review, let’s begin by looking at the features I think you’ll like on Sabayon (5.3).

    • Debian Family

      • Debian Project News – July 26th, 2010

        The organisers of the DebConf10, the upcoming annual Debian Developer conference, announced that there will again be a Debian Day for everybody interested in free software. It will be on the 1st of August at the Columbia University in New York City. During this event, there will be a full day of talks on several subjects such as free software in government, design and free software, free software advocacy as well as string of talks about the Debian project and operating system. Debian Day is free of charge, but a registration via e-mail is required to ease the organisation of that event. More information is available on http://debianday.org/.

      • [Howto] Debian preseed with Netboot

        Imagine the following situation: you find yourself with ten to twenty brand new Notebooks and the opportunity to install them with Debian and customise to your own taste. In any case it would be great fun to manually perform the Debian installation and configuration on each Notebook. This is where Debian Preseed comes into play.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Android

      • Carrier Billing For Android Market Is Coming To More Networks

        Hidden away in a bland update about terms & conditions, Google’s Android Developer Blog has revealed the next phase in Google’s plans to make Android a little more pleasing to the mass market—direct carrier billing for app purchases made via the Android Market.

      • Survey: Android Tablets “Sad state of Open Source”

        Although Android itself is under an Apache licence, within Android are GPL licensed components such as the Linux kernel. This means that although vendors can freely use Google created layers such as the Dalvik VM, user interface layer and other services, the operating system’s kernel needs to be made available as source code to anyone who receives the code under the GPL licence.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Mozilla

  • Oracle

    • OpenOffice.org 3.3 Definitely On Its Way

      OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 was released on June 4 and a new master workspace was branched off for the upcoming 3.3 on June 5. The code in this branch will be stabilized and later become the product release that will find its way onto your desktops.

      With the feature and UI freeze of June 24, only fixes will go into this new OOO330 release code branch. New features will be merged into the DEV300 development code line as 3.3 is readied for release.

    • Five Reasons You Don’t Need Microsoft Office 2010

      Have you looked at the new Microsoft Office 2010 yet? How many of its few, new features does your company really need? And are these features worth the investment? Here are five reasons your company doesn’t need to purchase Office 2010.

    • Java’s team of rivals: Conflicts and alliances in the Oracle era

      On the surface, it would seem Oracle, as the new proprietor of all things Sun, is now the master of Java’s fate. Besides inventing Java, Sun had steered important Java technologies such as the GlassFish application server, which has served as the open source reference implementation of enterprise Java. Sun also held power in the Java Community Process (JCP), the official scheme for amending Java.

  • Simon Phipps/Semi-Open Source

    • Former Sun Open Source Evangelist Forges Forward

      Simon Phipps is one of those technology purists that makes you wish you were even half as enthusiastic as he is about your favourite subject. As Sun Microsystems’ chief open source officer/evangelist he was a welcome addition to JavaOne events, where he would typically install himself in the press room alongside the technical journalists and file Flip-video reports on his own company’s event with tremendous gusto.

    • Open Source Does Not Need “Monetising”

      Phrases like “we can’t give everything away” garnish the thought, and it’s easy to be drawn into sympathising with them. But they are wrong. Open source itself is not about making money – that’s the job of its participants.

      Open source is what happens when several different people choose to work together on the same code base rather than working separately. They use an OSI-approved licence and gather as an open source community around the resulting free-software commons. Each of them is there for their own reasons; each covers their own costs and contributes the code they choose to. There is no pooling of funds to pay for work to be done because everyone is solely responsible for their own costs.

  • Programming

    • Whatever happened to Perl?

      Once one of the pillars of the Internet, is Perl now fading away — or will Perl 6 will spark a renaissance for the programming language?


  • Environment

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

    • EFF Wins New Legal Protections for Video Artists, Cell Phone Jailbreakers, and Unlockers

      The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) won three critical exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) anticircumvention provisions today, carving out new legal protections for consumers who modify their cell phones and artists who remix videos — people who, until now, could have been sued for their non-infringing or fair use activities.


      The first of EFF’s three successful requests clarifies the legality of cell phone “jailbreaking” — software modifications that liberate iPhones and other handsets to run applications from sources other than those approved by the phone maker. More than a million iPhone owners are said to have “jailbroken” their handsets in order to change wireless providers or use applications obtained from sources other than Apple’s own iTunes “App Store,” and many more have expressed a desire to do so. But the threat of DMCA liability had previously endangered these customers and alternate applications stores.

    • Judge rules that circumventing DRM is not illegal
    • The DMCA just got a little weaker

Clip of the Day

Xmonad + Compiz 0.9

Why New Zealand Should Also Abolish Patents on ‘Embedded Software’

Posted in GNU/Linux, Novell, Patents at 4:15 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“[The EPO] can’t distinguish between hardware and software so the patents get issued anyway.”

Marshall Phelps, Microsoft

Summary: The vague distinction between embedded and non-embedded software leaves room for Microsoft to harm Free software in New Zealand; Microsoft’s software patents still pushed into GNU/Linux via Novell

THE PATENT policy situation in New Zealand is an iffy one; it’s neither a win nor a loss, but a loophole remained to allow software companies (Microsoft et al.) to do there what they already do in Europe, namely patent their software. This issue with the loophole is being recognised by Red Hat’s Web site, which now states:

For the past few months, the debate revolved around the section titled “Patentable Inventions” in the Patents Bill. Right off the bat, this section says, “We recommend amending clause 15 to include computer programs among inventions that may not be patented.” This obviously did not go too well with the pro-software patents lobby and open source supporters feared that this recommendation may be overturned. However, on 15th July, 2010, a New Zealand Government web site reported that Commerce Minister, Simon Power instructed the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) to develop guidelines to allow inventions that contain embedded software to be patented. “My decision follows a meeting with the chair of the Commerce Committee where it was agreed that a further amendment to the bill is neither necessary nor desirable,” Mr. Power said.


“We recommend that the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand develop guidelines for inventions containing embedded software.”

This is not too helpful, particularly the latter part. It leaves room for Microsoft to sneak its patents in and bully users/vendors/distributors of Linux, just as it did in Europe with TomTom.

“It leaves room for Microsoft to sneak its patents in and bully users/vendors/distributors of Linux, just as it did in Europe with TomTom.”SCO’s plan to appeal and continue to seek royalties on Linux gets covered and discussed in Groklaw right now. Microsoft has already moved beyond sponsoring SCO’s lawsuit against Linux and currently it puts patents inside GNU/Linux, primarily through projects like Mono and Moonlight (which are a bad idea for reasons mentioned by the FSF). Novell and Microsoft are already putting Banshee in OpenSUSE 11.3, which makes OpenSUSE users sensitive to Microsoft lawsuits and they are passing it on to other distributions like Ubuntu and alternative channels.

Reports: Apple to Charge for (Security) Updates

Posted in Apple, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Security, Windows at 4:00 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Stocks in newspaper

Summary: Terrible mistake from Apple could cost not just Apple customers in terms of security but also cost others who share the same ‘pipes’

ANY update served for security purposes is one which is crucial in preventing chaos and enhancing confidence. It’s not about adding features. Older versions of software tend not to be maintained, thus for security reasons it’s important to make updates and upgrades free. That’s the case with almost every GNU/Linux distribution, which is why most people use the latest version of the Free software that’s available. This contributes a great deal to security. According to some sources, Apple wants to charge for IOS updates:

TOYMAKER FOR THE WELL HEELED Apple, reeling from having to give away rubber bands to make its Iphone 4 work, is about to charge Ipad users to upgrade to the latest version of the Ithings OS.

Microsoft is having many security issues at the moment [1, 2, 3, 4] (we are completely out of sync with Microsoft news) and Apple may be following similar footsteps if it discourages people from using the latest software free of charge. There ought to be laws to encourage or enforce this for the benefit of one’s surroundings (Techrights is still under fire from Windows bots today and there are occasional downtimes as a results). Siemens too is having security problems with Windows at the moment [1, 2, 3] and removing the Windows worms “could disrupt power plants”.

Siemens has made a program available for detecting and disinfecting malware attacking its software used to control power grids, gas refineries, and factories but warned customers who use it could disrupt sensitive plant operations.

Wonderful. So Windows not only contributed to the Deepwater Horizon disaster [1, 2] but also to problems at power plants. Will they ever learn that proprietary software is not reliable or dependable?

Counterfeiting is Not the Same as Copyright Infringement

Posted in Africa, Deception, Intellectual Monopoly, Microsoft, Patents at 3:39 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Cinema film

Summary: How the recording industry and the proprietary software industry mischaracterise the problems they are having in order to change the law

YESTERDAY we showed that the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) was dissatisfied with the ACTA's attempt to lump together counterfeiting and copyright infringement. These are separate types of offences that have as much to do with one another as patents and trademarks (which lawyers like to group under the “IP” umbrella).

According to TechDirt, Homeland Security is using the same tricks as ACTA negotiators, part of whom is the MAFIAA (RIAA/MPAA/others).

Homeland Security Decides If It Just Keeps Interchanging Counterfeiting With Copyright Infringement, Perhaps No One Will Notice

We already wrote about the recent Congressional committee hearings on intellectual property enforcement, where IP Czar Victoria Espinel blamed China. However, there were other speakers there as well, and perhaps the most interesting was from John Morton, the assistant secretary of Homeland Security’s Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) division — the group that recently started working for Disney and seized a bunch of domains using questionable legal theories. We’re still trying to figure out what the hell immigration and customs enforcement has to do with internet file sharing, and here was a chance to set the record straight.

Wikiedpedia defines “counterfeit” as “an imitation, usually one that is made with the intent of fraudulently passing it off as genuine.”

If words cease to have a distinct meaning or their meanings fused with anything else, then something like sharing becomes the equivalent of raiding ships and killing people. Language is a tool and it is being misused by those who want to tell society to behave in a way that favours someone’s personal/commercial agenda. For instance, Microsoft likes to confuse copyright infringement with “piracy”/counterfeiting and it daemonises Africans who share Windows by calling them “pirates” (not those Somalians who actually attack ships), assisted as always by the BSA and IDC, whose claims were recently refuted by the South African press. Here is what TechDirt had to say about that same refutation:

Every year, in May, we report on the latest release of the BSA’s totally bogus stats about “worldwide software piracy.” The stats are so laughable that even the firm that put them together for the BSA, IDC has claimed that the BSA is being misleading with the stats. In years past, we’ve done a detailed analysis of how the BSA’s stats are misleading, but one bit of news that came out last year that was even more interesting is that in the majority of countries listed in the report, IDC does no actual surveys. Instead, it just makes up the numbers.

Glyn Moody points us to an article looking at the report’s coverage of South Africa, and notes not only did IDC/BSA not survey anyone in South Africa, they’re using these totally made up numbers to push for new copyright laws. As for how ridiculous the numbers are, well, here’s the quick explanation:

How was the 35 percent rate arrived at? It’s a guess, or rather, a combination of guesses combined with some market data and presented as a final authoritative percentage.

IDC and BSA ought to be disgraced in more media outlets. They not only lie but they also know that they are lying. But they merely serve their clients in this case. Microsoft is one of those clients or sponsors.

Links 26/7/2010: Library of Congress Still GNU/Linux Hostile, Misc. News That Matters

Posted in News Roundup at 2:52 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Librarian of Congress Still Clueless About Linux

    So. They tell us to buy another operating system. Thou shalt use proprietary software. Is that the government’s role? If we want to use Netflix, we have to have two operating systems, one just for that? I wonder if a different legal argument were made if it might be successful, namely that the government should not be in the position of forcing citizens to spend money to have two operating systems just to be legal. Nor should a government aid certain vendors to make money by such compelling of citizens to buy their products. Nor should the government endorse products or enable certain companies to make competing products less desirable in the market.

    I mean, to think about how silly this is, turn it around. Let’s say the US Copyright Office said you could only view movies and DVDs on Linux. Imagine if they told protesters using Microsoft and Apple that Linux is free, so they can just download it and dual boot, so there’s no problem? Can you imagine the uproar? From Microsoft, for starters. They fight like pit bulls when any government suggests using Linux too, and when they say they will only use Linux, what does Microsoft do? Well, legally they argue it’s prejudicial. Why isn’t this similarly prejudicial?

    Of course, Netflix and Hollywood could do the right thing and solve this in the marketplace by making their works available to Linux users. Hollywood seriously needs to think about its use of Linux while making it impossible for Linux users to enjoy the resulting works. They use Linux because it’s the best tool they can find. So do we.

  • K Desktop Environment (KDE SC)


  • This isn’t the first time Seed has sacrificed editorial independence

    Journalist Gaia Vince recalls how Seed magazine, owner of ScienceBlogs, spiked one of her articles because it was critical of a potential advertiser

    While the science community reacted with indignation and shock this week over ScienceBlogs’ decision to publish a blog on nutrition written by food giant PepsiCo, I was unsurprised. I’ve been here before with Seed magazine, owners of the ScienceBlogs network.

  • Judge Says Constitution Protects Right to Lie About Purple Heart

    A federal judge has declared unconstitutional a little-known law making it a crime to falsely claim to have been awarded a military medal.

  • Internet will soon be running on IPv4 address fumes
  • Science

  • Environment

    • 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells in Gulf of Mexico ignored by government, industry

      More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one — not industry, not government — is checking to see if they are leaking, an Associated Press investigation shows.

    • Photographer detained by police, BP employee near refinery

      A photographer taking pictures of a BP refinery in Texas was detained by a BP security official, local police and a man who said he was from the Department of Homeland Security, according to ProPublica, a non-profit news organization in the U.S.

    • Africa’s national parks failing to conserve large mammals, study shows
    • BP whistleblower: oil clean-up effort is in disarray

      Former BP contractor Adam Dillon went public last Friday, telling a local news station in New Orleans that he was fed up with BP’s handling of the spill response, not least of all its information clampdown. In an interview with Mother Jones this week, Dillon, who claims he was fired for raising concerns about the cleanup with his bosses, elaborated on his experiences in the Gulf and vented his frustrations with BP.

    • Gulf Oil Spill Mapping

      We’re helping citizens to use balloons, kites, and other simple and inexpensive tools to produce their own aerial imagery of the spill… documentation that will be essential for environmental and legal use in coming years.

    • 10 ways vegetarianism can help save the planet

      The average British carnivore eats more than 11,000 animals in their lifetime, each requiring vast amounts of land, fuel and water to reach the plate. It’s time to think of waste as well as taste

  • Finance

    • Deficits of Mass Destruction

      If you’ve been paying attention this past decade, it won’t surprise you to learn that the country’s policy elites are in the midst of a destructive, well-nigh unhinged discussion about the future of the nation. But even by the degraded standards of the Washington establishment, the growing panic over government debt is shocking.

    • IMF warns against budget cuts

      International Monetary Fund says only western countries in the most severe difficulty should try to reduce their deficits, appearing to back former Labour government’s policy


      By contrast, the IMF reckoned the world economy was recovering faster than expected, although it warned that Europe’s debt troubles posed a big risk.

    • Keiser Declares Goldman Sachs “An Undeclared National Enemy”

      I have often maintained that any action by any company, individual or group of individuals, that has a mass negative affect on the people should be considered an enemy of the state. In fact, some actions taken by these individuals may even be considered treasonous. I believe that some high ranking government officials have commited treason but their actions, by virtue of who they are, are not dealt with as they would if it were you or I doing the same things.

    • Helping homeowners – or the banks?

      Through May, the treasury department reported that 340,000 of the 1.5 million homeowners who been offered trial modifications had received permanent modifications. Almost as many, 300,000 homeowners, never even started on the trial after it was offered. Roughly the same number of homeowners had their trial modifications cancelled before being offered a permanent modification.


      Unfortunately, almost no one in Washington talks about this route either. They are concerned about interfering with the Fed’s independence. After all, Greenspan and Bernanke have done such great things for the economy how can anyone suggest changes?

      For now at least, we can only talk about helping homeowners if most of the money goes to the banks. Since we aren’t actually helping homeowners with current policy, maybe we should just end the discussion and make the banks work for their money instead of relying on taxpayer handouts.

  • Health

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

  • Internet/Net Neutrality/DRM

    • Net neutrality will die in the US

      INTERNET DEMOCRACY is set to be crushed and hopes for an Internet that is fair and open to all look doomed as Republican senators push legislation that will force antitrust like laws on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Facebook & WNY man square off in Buffalo court

      Facebook will try to get a New York man’s claim for majority ownership of the website thrown out of court, attorneys for the social networking site said Tuesday.

      A complaint by Paul Ceglia of Wellsville claims that a 7-year-old contract he signed with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for software development entitles him to 84 percent of the company.

    • Copyrights

      • Chaplin song silences U.K. charity girl

        Silence isn’t always golden after all — at least not for Bethany Hare.

        The 10-year-old budding actress’ effort to raise money for a U.K. children’s hospice through a homemade video has been dealt a setback by a copyright dispute with a New York-based publishing company that owns the rights to a song from a Charlie Chaplin movie.

      • While We’re Ranting, It’s Time For the “Bamboo Fly Rod Builder vs Corporate Legal Department” Show

        While we’re on the subject of rants (a real rarity here at the Underground), we’d like to point out it’s not exactly been a great decade for the PR departments of most corporations (the financial industry recently brought the world economy to its knees, and if you haven’t looked to the Southeast USA lately, you’ve missed the specter of BP work crews burning oil-covered sea turtles alive).

      • Canadian Court Lets Perfect 10 Case Against Google Move Forward

        Over the years, we’ve written many, many, many times about Perfect 10, the former publisher of a porn magazine who has spent the last decade making ridiculously laughable arguments about how every search engine on the planet is infringing on its copyrights for pointing people to images that people had scanned from Perfect 10′s magazines and put online. For the most part, these lawsuits have gone nowhere, but Perfect 10 is incredibly persistent. Last month, we wrote about a countersuit by Rapidshare, which detailed how Perfect 10 is now a “copyright troll,” that (according to Rapidshare’s claims) purposely tries to spread its works online in order to have more companies to sue. Obviously, a key target of Perfect 10 has been Google, though Perfect 10 keeps losing (and then continues to come up with ridiculous reasons to keep the lawsuit alive).

      • More Porn Companies Filing Mass Lawsuits Against File Sharers

        The complaint reads like most of the other, similar complaints we’ve seen, explaining the basics of BitTorrent to establish the claim that these “Does” infringed on the copyright. Once again, it seems like an open question as to whether or not it’s actually legal to include all of these defendants in a single lawsuit. It’s also not clear if the goal here is to send similar pre-settlement letters, but that sure seems likely.

      • IP czar targets overseas pirate sites

        U.S. President Barack Obama isn’t the only government official who wants to smack down copyright infringement and counterfeiting.

      • Court reverses Rapidshare filesharing verdict

        WEB HOST Rapidshare has won an appeal against film distributor Capelight Pictures that absolves it of blame for the dissemination of a film through its network.

        Capelight Pictures, known for peddling such motion picture marvels as Cherrybomb, Dood Eind and Fanboy, had accused Rapidshare of not undertaking “all reasonable measures” to stop the spread of a title through its network. Capelight had initially won an injunction against Rapidshare, however the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf has reversed that decision.

      • Copycats: A Tale of Two Jackets
      • Pissing Off A Movie Critic By Claiming Copyright Over A Video Review… Probably Not Smart

        On that first one. Just saying it’s a “review” doesn’t automatically give you fair use rights. And there’s no fair use for “satire,” only parody — and it’s not clear that the review is actually a parody (or, for that matter, satire). Going through the four factors for fair use… you could make an argument either way as to whether or not it currently is fair use. It would really depend on the judge, and I’d actually guess that the sheer amount of the movie that is used would probably tilt the scales against fair use.

      • What is a £1m record deal?

        News of an act being given a £1m record contract by a major label conjures up images of a big cheque and instant riches. But what does a £1m record contract actually mean?

      • Digital Economy (UK)

        • UK regulator turns over Internet policing standards to movie and record industries

          When the last UK Parliament rushed the Digital Economy Act into law without debate, hours before it dissolved for the election, it appointed Ofcom, the telcoms regulator, to work out the details. Specifically, it charged Ofcom with sorting out some high standards for what evidence a rightsholder would have to produce in order to finger an online infringer (the DEA gives these rightsholders the power to eventually disconnect entire families from the internet on the strength of these accusations).

          Now Ofcom has abrogated its duty to the public and announced that the record and film industry can “self-regulate” their evidence-gathering procedures; in other words, anything that the MPA or BPI say counts as proof that you’ve violated copyright goes. Since these are the same companies that have mistakenly accused dead people, inanimate objects (laser printers), and people who don’t own computers of file-sharing, this doesn’t bode well.

Clip of the Day

While we get 0.9 compiz

Eye on Security: Windows Perils

Posted in Microsoft, Security, Windows at 12:56 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Windows continues to be inherently insecure and Microsoft is not helping

Microsoft Windows Security Advisory Flawed, Pros Say

Security researchers are expressing concern that Microsoft’s security advisory about a Windows vulnerability is misleading, as users do not need to click on malicious icons in order to trigger malware exploiting the flaw, which, according to all sides, has already been the subject of attacks.

Experts predict extensive attacks of Windows zero-day

Security organizations today raised Internet threat levels to warn users that they expect widespread attacks using exploits of a just-acknowledged critical bug in all versions of Windows.

Kaspersky blocks BBC News over false phishing fears

New Virus Targets Industrial Secrets

Techrights is still sporadically bombarded by Windows zombies today. Apart from limited availability to visitors, this has caused the distressing loss of several hours of work.

Apple Released Defective hypePhones Knowingly — New York Daily News

Posted in Apple, Deception at 12:46 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

New York

Summary: It is suggested by the New York Daily News that Apple knew very well that hypePhone 4 had problems but decided to ship it anyway

ACCORDING TO THIS article that we missed at the time, Apple knew it was releasing a product with reception issues. As The Inquirer puts it, “Apple knew that the Iphone 4 was a lemon.”

According to the New York Daily News, Jobs knew that there was a problem with the reception, but he thought Apple fanbois would be more impressed with the sleek design.

It also turns out that government agencies/Congress are getting involved (there are apologetics for these politicians/regulators getting involved) and the cartoons keep coming.

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