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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 20th, 2008

Posted in IRC Logs at 6:16 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) Dec 20 00:30
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schestowitz gn Dec 20 01:23
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MinceR gn Dec 20 01:30
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mib_t2qaa3 miguel responds to blog post: http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/the-o… Dec 20 02:03
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twitter Journaled PR firm uglies http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/219917 Dec 20 03:19
twitter A little something Bill Gates does with his money, http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109… Dec 20 04:11
twitter Yes, while millions of ordinary Americans are losing their homes, Gates and buddies were building yet another tacky pleasure palace.  This one failed because of a divorce by it’s founder, and the company stiffed the people working there. Dec 20 04:13
*macabe (n=macabe@cpe-67-240-216-105.rochester.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 20 04:27
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*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-142-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 20 05:33
twitter Fat cats get their bailout bonuses Legally, thanks to GWB http://www.prwatch.org/node/8075 Dec 20 05:42
twitter hush money means hush, http://www.prwatch.org/node/8070 Dec 20 05:45
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovell Dec 20 06:18
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schestowitz F*. I FINALLY Found out what broke YouTube for me. Dec 20 09:32
schestowitz 2 days ago they did maintenance and their sensitive spot was Flashblock. Dec 20 09:32
schestowitz I couldn’t find this by Google search Dec 20 09:32
schestowitz I tried disabling greasemonkey, debugging JavaScript… everything… the stuff burns a couple of hours. It was all down to Flashblock, which needed disabling, so………. Dec 20 09:33
schestowitz http://www.telegeography.com/wordpress/?p=78 Cable Cuts Disrupt Internet in Middle East and India, Again Dec 20 11:13
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell Dec 20 11:55
Omar87 Hi all. Dec 20 11:55
schestowitz Hi. Dec 20 12:06
schestowitz http://www.pcworld.com/article/155796/under… “Internet and telephone traffic between Europe and the Middle East and Asia was hampered Friday after three major underwater data lines were cut, according to France Telecom.” Dec 20 12:57
Omar87 schestowitz: Yup, that explains why my internet connections is slow as hell.. =_= Dec 20 13:03
Omar87 connection* Dec 20 13:04
schestowitz Yay! DRM coming to radio: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/ent… Dec 20 13:04
trmanco yay? :-P Dec 20 13:08
Omar87 I can’t see where’s the “yay” part here. :p Dec 20 13:10
Omar87 Isn’t the Radio a DRM territory already? Dec 20 13:10
schestowitz I was joking. It was a “yay” or frustration Dec 20 13:13
Omar87 lol :-) Dec 20 13:13
Omar87 But isn’t it already DRM’ed? Dec 20 13:13
schestowitz No, not yet Dec 20 13:13
schestowitz Sony joins HD radio push : http://news.zdnet.com/2100-95… Dec 20 13:14
schestowitz Radio Daddy Tells Podcasters to F off : http://podcast411.com/blog/?p=31 Dec 20 13:15
schestowitz Meanwhile they work to ruin Creative Commons and Internet Radio too Dec 20 13:15
schestowitz US politicians back Act to save internet radio : http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/0… Dec 20 13:15
Omar87 Because sometimes when I listen to a song in the Radio, I noticed in the past years that they never mention the song’s title. So I thought this is part of the DRM.. Dec 20 13:15
schestowitz Internet radio strikes deal with music Mafiaa : http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/… Dec 20 13:15
schestowitz The Internet Radio Death Watch : http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0… Dec 20 13:15
schestowitz Pandora Reaching Its Epilogue? : http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2008/08/18/pando… Dec 20 13:16
schestowitz Pandora can’t make money, may pull the plug : http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080818-pa… Dec 20 13:16
schestowitz Omar87: that seems unrelated though. Dec 20 13:16
schestowitz Royalty fee ‘to damage net radio’ : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6896152.stm Dec 20 13:16
Omar87 schestowitz: I just wonder, what the is a song for if it’s not sharable… Dec 20 13:17
Omar87 schestowitz: I meant, they never mention the song’s title just in order to make it harder for you to look it up in the LimeWire… lol. :p Dec 20 13:18
Omar87 heheh, two of my friends have taken opposite paths. Dec 20 13:22
schestowitz This silly. Dec 20 13:22
schestowitz People have their song on channels like MTV to promote albums Dec 20 13:22
schestowitz In fact, many big labels (MAFIAA-affiliated) put their videos /THEMSELVES/ on YouTube to promote albums and artists. Dec 20 13:22
Omar87 One of them preferred to become a Mac user, and the other has just installed Ubuntu on his machine and is loving the hell out of it. :) Dec 20 13:23
schestowitz http://www.schaeffersresearch.com/commentary/co… Dec 20 13:25
trmanco http://quality.mozilla.org/blogs/jayp… Dec 20 13:49
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groklaw… “On April 4, 2008, Jason Matusow, a Microsoft employee accused Groklaw of being “a website setup by IBM” in a blog posting [27]. He posted a retraction several hours later, however stated that it was his belief that this was the case, however that comments to his blog made him think that he should be careful about his assertions. Jones has always denied such claims. [28]“ Dec 20 14:30
zoobab hehe Dec 20 14:40
schestowitz http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/arti… Dec 20 14:40
schestowitz I’m going to write about that. Dec 20 14:40
*benJIman has quit (“leaving”) Dec 20 15:31
*benJIman (i=bw@compsoc.sunion.warwick.ac.uk) has joined #boycottnovell Dec 20 15:31
MinceR j0 Dec 20 15:41
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/12/20/microso… Dec 20 15:42
schestowitz The joys of databases and silly O/S leaks: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12… Dec 20 16:31
schestowitz “He abused the role to contact 11 convicted offenders and threaten to spill the beans on their crimes unless he was given “hush money”. Johal requested between £29,000 and £31,000 for his silence, threatening to tell work colleagues or neighbours of convicted sex offenders about their crimes. In one instance Johal demanded £89,000 as a “goodwill gesture”.” Dec 20 16:31
schestowitz The headline suggests MAFIAA intervention in packet transmission.. RIAA won’t sue, but will throttle < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/2… >. The article does not support this. Dec 20 16:32
schestowitz http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/serv… Dec 20 16:37
schestowitz “The proposed exclusion of non-royalty free standards will slow down innovation because R&D investments can no longer be earned back. This is bad for society ­ consumers and public authorities alike ­ and for the economy at large. It will hurt our region hardest as proximity to (public authority) customers is an advantage. It should not be forgotten that if royalty-free standards are imposed, European investors in R&D will have t Dec 20 16:37
schestowitz o give royalty-free licenses to non-European competitors, which is difficult to reconcile with the EU’s Lisbon objectives.” Dec 20 16:37
schestowitz zoobab: how close is Philips to Microsoft? Other than patent policy, there’s no tight relationship, right? Dec 20 16:37
*twitter has quit (“Leaving.”) Dec 20 16:41
schestowitz bbl.. [xmas drinks] Dec 20 17:05
schestowitz Microsoft’s attitude towards Free/open source analysed further; Novell & Miguel peddle Microsoft-patented Windows.Forms (in Mono): http://boycottnovell.com/2008/… Dec 20 17:18
zoobab you should collect all the patents related to Monos Dec 20 17:58
zoobab and ask Miguel claim by claim Dec 20 17:58
zoobab make a //ism between Mono features and MS claims Dec 20 17:59
zoobab claim by claim Dec 20 17:59
zoobab and show to the lazzy people like me that Mono is for sure infinging Dec 20 17:59
neighborlee schestowitz: the  witch giving snowwhite the red apple is priceless :))lol Dec 20 19:02
zoobab GIMP sued Dec 20 19:09
trmanco lets drink Wine 1.1.11 Dec 20 19:56
trmanco it was supposed to be released yesterday Dec 20 19:56
trmanco http://www.winehq.org/announce/1.1.11 Dec 20 19:56
trmanco Linux is your wife… you can keep her doing experiment and adding gadgets( dress, rings, cars)and works more fine till end | Windows is a prostitute… ready made and tested by professionals, cant try more changes.. performance gets affected by virus(AIDS) Dec 20 20:45
schestowitz zoobab: really? Got link? Dec 20 21:55
schestowitz http://www.linux.com/articles/35623 Dec 20 21:56
schestowitz trmanco: Windows is not stable, either. Dec 20 21:56
trmanco Microsoft Holes Exploited Again: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2008/12/20/… Dec 20 21:58
schestowitz Seen it, thanks. Let me see. Dec 20 21:59
schestowitz Yeah, I read Alan’s blog… that’s where I got it from. Dec 20 21:59
schestowitz GIMP sued?? http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=e… Dec 20 22:01
trmanco I have no idea Dec 20 22:02
neighborlee nice catch, would have been  nice to not put in the ‘ubuntu will complete the process’ part, but hey ;) Dec 20 22:03
schestowitz Wintel press doesn’t know what “hacker” means… they demonise FOSS developer… http://www.pcworld.com/article/155852/fas… Dec 20 22:04
schestowitz The thing is, programs are easy to resolve patents problems in, Mono is at the very bottom of many applications and changes affect function that requires mimicking to work. Dec 20 22:05
*neighborlee has quit (Remote closed the connection) Dec 20 22:13
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/12/20/mon… Dec 20 22:19
schestowitz http://www.stallman.org/archives/2008-se… “Cheney, along with Bush, ought to be sent to the Hague for trial for crimes against humanity.” Dec 20 22:21
zoobab http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/gipc/… Dec 20 22:27
zoobab can someone manage to dumpo the videos? Dec 20 22:27
zoobab dump Dec 20 22:27
zoobab real media shit Dec 20 22:27
zoobab mplayer -v “rtsp://…” Dec 20 22:27
zoobab gives me: Dec 20 22:27
zoobab librtsp: server responds: ” Dec 20 22:27
schestowitz http://www.alternet.org/story/113758/ Dec 20 22:29
schestowitz vlc? Dec 20 22:30
schestowitz I think I got it Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/s16le -> 0Hz/0ch/??… Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz [libaf] Adding filter dummy Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/2ch/s16le Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/2ch/s16le Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz AO: [pulse] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample) Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz AO: Author: Lennart Poettering Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/s16le -> 44100Hz/2ch/s16le… Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/2ch/s16le Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/2ch/s16le Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz Video: no video Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz Freeing 0 unused video chunks. Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz Starting playback… Dec 20 22:31
schestowitz A:  55.7 (55.6) of 4730.0 ( 1:18:50.0)  0.6% 39%     Dec 20 22:32
schestowitz “That last point is the big one: The real crisis is in the real economy — ya know, the real world of jobs, wages, health care premiums and pensions that Washington has totally ignored as it keeps writing checks to its well-heeled campaign contributors on Wall Street under the guise of a lending crisis.” Dec 20 22:34
schestowitz “Adding insult to injury is the last thing I discussed with Rachel — the fact that because the bailout money came with almost no strings attached, the financial-industry recipients of the taxpayer largesse are either hoarding the money, using it to pay shareholder dividends and executive bonuses, or devoting it to efforts to buy up smaller competitors.” Dec 20 22:34
schestowitz http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/gipc/… What is it good for? Dec 20 22:35
trmanco IPv6 Makes Slow Progress: http://www.informationweek.com/news/infrastructure/ipv… Dec 20 22:39
schestowitz Obama, We Hardly Knew Ye “President-elect Barack Obama’s cabinet appointments are winning praise from conservatives such as Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell and John McCain, and most of the people who actually voted for Obama aren’t complaining just yet. Opinion polls show that most people approve of Obama’s picks, while two-thirds of Americans approve of Obama personally. “ Dec 20 22:43
schestowitz Tories and Lib Dems vow to boycott Damian Green investigation http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/dec/08/d… Dec 20 22:50
schestowitz http://www.prwatch.org/node/8018 Dec 20 22:51
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Dec 20 22:59
schestowitz zoobab: can I publish IRC log? Dec 20 23:04
schestowitz gimp Dec 20 23:04
schestowitz 1 in 4 IT Jobs Done Overseas by 2010 < http://www.cioupdate.com/features/article… > Dec 20 23:22
schestowitz Troll? http://www.zdnet.co.uk/talkback/0,1000001161… Dec 20 23:34
schestowitz This makes it sounds like Groklaw is hutting down: “I fully understand your need to move on and I wish you happiness. I know that you will find what you seek as long as you are true to yourself.” http://www.groklaw.net/com… Dec 20 23:36
schestowitz Another Linux is coming for xmas… http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/12/18/435 Dec 20 23:42
zoobab yes Dec 20 23:54
schestowitz Thanks. Manana. Dec 20 23:58
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  1. Dan O'Brian said,

    December 21, 2008 at 9:36 am


    <zoobab> you should collect all the patents related to Monos
    <zoobab> and ask Miguel claim by claim
    <zoobab> make a //ism between Mono features and MS claims
    <zoobab> claim by claim
    <zoobab> and show to the lazzy people like me that Mono is for sure infinging

    A most excellent idea. Oh, wait, Roy already tried that and failed miserably because he kept pointing at unrelated patents.

  2. jo Shields said,

    December 21, 2008 at 9:52 am


    And Roy has stated elsewhere that a list of specific violated patents has nothing to do with it(?!)

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