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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 9th, 2009 – Part 2

Posted in IRC Logs at 10:58 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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schestowitz W’ere in the front page of LinuxToday today,. Mar 09 19:35
schestowitz PetoKraus: I don’t think he did. Mar 09 19:35
trmanco presto? ugh Mar 09 19:36
*schestowitz has modpoint to spare Mar 09 19:36
schestowitz Prescott Mar 09 19:36
PetoKraus schestowitz: you’re in manc? Mar 09 19:36
PetoKraus *are you Mar 09 19:36
schestowitz http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_… Mar 09 19:36
schestowitz Yes. Mar 09 19:36
schestowitz Here’s Prescott’s egg attack Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus i’m thinking of terrible coincidence Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus schestowitz: did he look like http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc… Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus top right Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus that’d be a stretch Mar 09 19:37
schestowitz No, who’s that? Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus but if it was him, that’s brilliant Mar 09 19:37
schestowitz Which one is you? Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus my former classmate Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus none Mar 09 19:37
PetoKraus he’s in manc, he goes to gym, and he is quite talkative Mar 09 19:38
schestowitz Xandros PR submitted by http://www.technologyreview.com/ Mar 09 19:38
PetoKraus but i guess there’s more than  one gym in manc ;) Mar 09 19:38
PetoKraus alright Mar 09 19:38
PetoKraus talk to you later Mar 09 19:38
schestowitz They also link to th Presto homepage Mar 09 19:40
schestowitz Not just to the submitter’s article Mar 09 19:40
schestowitz Sounds like PR fluff Mar 09 19:40
schestowitz PetoKraus: this guy was Asian. Mar 09 19:41
schestowitz “CeBIT 2009 numbers drop 100,000″ Mar 09 19:42
schestowitz http://www.hungry-hackers.com/2009/03/5-myt… “Myth 2 – I can protect my PC if I disconnect from the Internet or turn it off when I’m not using it.” Mar 09 19:47
schestowitz Shillderle in the BBC pimping Vista: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/tech… Mar 09 19:49
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 19:57
_Hicham_ Hi All! Mar 09 19:57
trmanco hello _Hicham_ Mar 09 19:58
schestowitz Hey, wb Mar 09 19:58
_Hicham_ how r u doing Roy? Mar 09 19:58
schestowitz The patent mafia of Philips strikes again: http://www.pcworld.com/article/160908/no_mo… Mar 09 19:58
schestowitz _Hicham_: I’m all right Mar 09 19:58
schestowitz The world turns to ‘funny money’ and bogus assets now Mar 09 19:59
_Hicham_ I just tried tried Debian Lenny and right now I am on Fedora 10 Mar 09 19:59
schestowitz http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/32… CeBit photos Mar 09 20:01
schestowitz _Hicham_: how is it? Mar 09 20:01
schestowitz http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/49544… “The former detainee disclosed in a newspaper interview how he was shackled in a squat position and made to listen to an album by American rap artist Eminem “non-stop, 24 hours a day”. “ Mar 09 20:02
schestowitz It’s nice, isn’t it? They use your music to torture people. Mar 09 20:02
_Hicham_ Roy : Debian is a little bit outdated, but Fedora 10 rocks Mar 09 20:03
_Hicham_ I never thought Fedora would become that easy Mar 09 20:04
schestowitz F11 is coming soon. Mar 09 20:04
schestowitz F10 was a good success. Debian is just rigorously stable, so you compromise cutting edge for polish Mar 09 20:04
trmanco https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubun… Mar 09 20:05
trmanco ICQ pulls a Microsoft Mar 09 20:05
_Hicham_ but Debian was more trouble Mar 09 20:05
_Hicham_ I ve had problems with the soundcard Mar 09 20:05
schestowitz Isn’t ICQ AOL now? Mar 09 20:06
_Hicham_ because of their policy Mar 09 20:06
schestowitz They bought Mirabbilis (Spelling), no? Mar 09 20:06
trmanco ICQ, yes I think so Mar 09 20:06
schestowitz _Hicham_: the “don’t buy hardware from FOSS haters” policy :-) Mar 09 20:07
schestowitz Sold for like $200m IIRC Mar 09 20:07
_Hicham_ I dont understand Mar 09 20:07
schestowitz Before the dot com bubble burst Mar 09 20:07
_Hicham_ both Fedora and Debian are strong FOSS defenders Mar 09 20:07
trmanco “In 1998, after two years of amazing growth, ICQ was acquired by AOL LLC. “ Mar 09 20:07
_Hicham_ but Debian have a stricter policy Mar 09 20:07
schestowitz I think so Mar 09 20:08
schestowitz they compromised though Mar 09 20:08
trmanco AIM is working fine though Mar 09 20:08
schestowitz You could post to forms of the HW company Mar 09 20:08
_Hicham_ Roy : it is just a firmware question Mar 09 20:09
schestowitz Something along the lines of “I paid you for the hardware, can’t you at least give me code to make it work?” Mar 09 20:09
_Hicham_ they removed alsa firmware from official repos Mar 09 20:09
schestowitz alsa is aging Mar 09 20:09
_Hicham_ but it is widespread Mar 09 20:09
*schestowitz on pulseaudio Mar 09 20:09
schestowitz Fedoa project BTW. They ‘bought out’ the guy Mar 09 20:10
_Hicham_ who’s guy? Mar 09 20:10
schestowitz pulseaudio, I think Mar 09 20:10
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki… Mar 09 20:10
schestowitz http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Intervi… Mar 09 20:11
schestowitz b0rgshot: http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/e/ea/I… Mar 09 20:11
schestowitz http://www.ipjur.com/2008/01/ffii-pre… Mar 09 20:13
_Hicham_ wow Mar 09 20:13
_Hicham_ that is great Mar 09 20:13
schestowitz “EXTERNAL LINKa notice on a boad Wiki which is (at least currently) readable by the public, showing that Mr Pilch vigorously criticises Mr Barrionuevo, demanding that presidency should be taken over by the 1st vice president, Ms Laura Creighton.” Mar 09 20:14
schestowitz zoobab01: what’s up with FFII? Mar 09 20:14
_Hicham_ the problem with fedora is their packaging system Mar 09 20:15
_Hicham_ and the lack of repo Mar 09 20:15
_Hicham_ repos Mar 09 20:15
schestowitz Mandriva’s great. Mar 09 20:17
*JoeSandwich (n=chrome@p54BD4B3F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 20:18
_Hicham_ yes, mandriva has a lot of packages Mar 09 20:18
trmanco http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug… Mar 09 20:19
schestowitz They don’t let me have mysql from the repo unless I pay Mar 09 20:19
schestowitz Fair enough, they just leave me to build or get my own Mar 09 20:20
schestowitz Obama et al will hopefully offer no bailout to Microsoft & surroundings Mar 09 20:20
_Hicham_ wow Mar 09 20:20
schestowitz Let bad companies starve Mar 09 20:20
_Hicham_ that is not good Mar 09 20:20
schestowitz Then, people will raise the industry the right way Mar 09 20:20
_Hicham_ you dont have to pay for mysql Mar 09 20:20
schestowitz Mandriva to devour lots of XP machines (because VIsta was shunned all along) Mar 09 20:21
schestowitz _Hicham_: no, but to get it from the repos (about 100MB) I need a non-free (gratis) version of Driva Mar 09 20:21
schestowitz I can still get it Mar 09 20:21
_Hicham_ that what took me away from Mandriva Mar 09 20:22
_Hicham_ they are not 100% FOSS Mar 09 20:22
_Hicham_ some of their behaviors are suspects Mar 09 20:23
_Hicham_ they are trying to make money the MS way Mar 09 20:23
schestowitz Not really Mar 09 20:23
schestowitz It just needs server edition of something. Mar 09 20:23
schestowitz *or Mar 09 20:23
_Hicham_ you have to pay to access the repos Mar 09 20:23
schestowitz Repos are a nice bonus not a guarantee or obligation Mar 09 20:23
schestowitz And this packages is large Mar 09 20:24
schestowitz Let me check what it says Mar 09 20:24
schestowitz _Hicham_: no, not paid Mar 09 20:24
schestowitz Let me check. Mar 09 20:24
JoeSandwich Paying for OSS software is totally legit Mar 09 20:24
schestowitz Yes, it is Mar 09 20:24
JoeSandwich especially paying for server access Mar 09 20:24
JoeSandwich Bandwidth costs etc. Mar 09 20:25
_Hicham_ pay as a donation Mar 09 20:25
_Hicham_ not forced to Mar 09 20:25
JoeSandwich Thats not correct Mar 09 20:27
schestowitz Gives me another message now Mar 09 20:27
schestowitz I’m not sure why Mar 09 20:27
schestowitz The repos have been fantastic anyway Mar 09 20:27
schestowitz They contain everything I ever needed, including obscure packages like mhonarc. Mar 09 20:27
_Hicham_ I know that there are Mar 09 20:28
_Hicham_ but don’t you have to pay to update? Mar 09 20:28
schestowitz Companies shouldn’t use donation as  abusiness model Mar 09 20:28
schestowitz It doesn’t work Mar 09 20:28
schestowitz I’ve known projects that tried Mar 09 20:28
schestowitz It’s better to offer Free software and then sell skills or features or be employed by companies that benefit Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz Like Red Hat does Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz Sun too. Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz Enterprisedb (posrgres) Mar 09 20:29
_Hicham_ but Mandriva doesn’t do like RedHat Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz Updates are free Mar 09 20:29
_Hicham_ is PowerPack FOSS? Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz Never did any harm, either Mar 09 20:29
schestowitz At any level. Just worked nicely and quietly. Mar 09 20:30
schestowitz Yes, it ought to be Mar 09 20:30
schestowitz Maybe it contained codecs :-( Mar 09 20:30
schestowitz I just get mine with Kaffeine and Amarok. Mar 09 20:30
schestowitz But I keep my files in ogg where possible Mar 09 20:30
schestowitz Since is comes with nvidia-driver and flashplayer you could claim that Mandriva is not FOSS Mar 09 20:31
schestowitz Same goes for mist distros with blobs as drivers in the kernel Mar 09 20:31
schestowitz gnewsense is FOSS Mar 09 20:31
_Hicham_ but it is useless Mar 09 20:31
schestowitz Slated is the developer of BLAG now. That’s FOSS too Mar 09 20:31
schestowitz _Hicham_: not useless at all. Mar 09 20:32
schestowitz But a PC with it preinstalled Mar 09 20:32
_Hicham_ you can’t surf the web without flash Mar 09 20:32
_Hicham_ you can’t watch DVDs without codecs Mar 09 20:32
schestowitz https://www.fsf.org/blogs/communit… Mar 09 20:32
schestowitz You can with gnash and swfdec Mar 09 20:32
_Hicham_ gnash is just unready Mar 09 20:33
schestowitz For stupid videos that could just be embedded in ogg Mar 09 20:33
schestowitz It does youtube Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ i tried it on GoogleVideo Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ it was a big mess Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ yes, it does SOME of youtube Mar 09 20:33
schestowitz That’s one of the few things contaminated by needed swfs Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ it doesnt do youku at all Mar 09 20:33
schestowitz Firefox 3.1 might changew this Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ it support swf up to version 7 Mar 09 20:33
_Hicham_ yes Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz Ogg support on man platforms Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz Google needs to be pressure Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz Download Ogg streams in YouTube or stream it on page Mar 09 20:34
_Hicham_ i tried it on olpc.dailymotion.com Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz To show they support standard Web. Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz Which I doubt Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz Google ain’t what it used to be Mar 09 20:34
schestowitz It doesn’t even give valid HTML Mar 09 20:34
_Hicham_ but is Ogg ready for streaming? Mar 09 20:34
_Hicham_ I think that there should an alternative technology for flash Mar 09 20:35
schestowitz “This means reciting a specific machine or a particular transformation of a specific article in an insignificant step, such a data gathering or outputting, is not sufficient to pass the test. ” http://www.patentlyo.com/patent/2009/03… Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz _Hicham_: yes, it should Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz Apple and MS won’t allow it Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz Nokia too sued to fight it Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz But Nokia is now doubting DRM, so there is hope Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz http://www.w3.org/2007/08/video/p… Mar 09 20:38
schestowitz Stephan Wenger, Nokia: “Compatibility with DRM. We understand that this could be a sore point in W3C, but from our viewpoint, any DRM-incompatible video related mechanism is a non-starter with the content industry (Hollywood).” Mar 09 20:39
schestowitz Android G1 just sued: http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/03/06/g1-tr… Mar 09 20:40
_Hicham_ wow Mar 09 20:41
schestowitz The Microsoft shills lobby for patents in WIPO: http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/… Mar 09 20:44
schestowitz “Thus, all patents potentially inhibit the ability of third parties to compete with the patent owner by using the patented technology without the permission of the patent owner.” Mar 09 20:44
_Hicham_ so gnash is threatened? Mar 09 20:45
schestowitz http://mjg59.livejournal.com/… “Right now the fact that Android is based on Linux is doing almost nothing to benefit the larger Linux community. What could have been a valuable opportunity for us to gain understanding of an interesting problem has instead ended up as yet another embedded vendor kernel, despite all the assurances I got from various people at Google.” Mar 09 20:47
schestowitz No, gnash is fine. Mar 09 20:47
trmanco http://marketshare.hitslink.com/mo… Mar 09 20:50
schestowitz Oh no.. don’t fuel them.. Microsoft and IDG already do that Mar 09 20:57
schestowitz Glyn Moody linked to this too x-| Mar 09 20:57
schestowitz No More Police Raids: China and Europe Agree to Talk < http://www.pcworld.com/article/160908/no_mor… > For conspirators: http://www.sisvel.com/Microsoft.pdf Mar 09 21:00
JoeSandwich Ha yeah our police usually raids the chinese in every other trade show Mar 09 21:03
JoeSandwich They steal all our designs! Mar 09 21:04
schestowitz “PC World owner DSGi has decided not to renew its call centre outsourcing contract with Capita and will instead bring 1,300 staff back in house.” http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2… Mar 09 21:04
schestowitz JoeSandwich: “steal” sometimes means “make cheaper” Mar 09 21:05
schestowitz Except for copycats and counterfeiting Mar 09 21:05
JoeSandwich The are counterfeiters! Mar 09 21:05
JoeSandwich the literally copy the plastic molds Mar 09 21:05
schestowitz http://www.theregister.co.uk/200… “Cebit 09 too dead to trash says Greenpeace” Mar 09 21:06
JoeSandwich On all kinds of electronics, or tools Mar 09 21:06
schestowitz Didn’t the US do similar things? Mar 09 21:06
JoeSandwich Not that I know of Mar 09 21:06
schestowitz Because the definition of hypocrite comes to mind. Mar 09 21:06
JoeSandwich Why? Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz The US ‘stole’ from the UK Mar 09 21:07
JoeSandwich I am not American Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz Also, the Chinese ‘stole’ from The japanese Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz And Japan ‘stole’ from the US Mar 09 21:07
JoeSandwich They sell actual counterfeit tools in the hardware stores here. Like Chainsaws and such. Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz Everyone is ‘steating’ ideas Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz Restricting thought is very hard Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz Sharing might be easier Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz But it neglects the id or ego Mar 09 21:07
schestowitz People want to own stuff Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz So then there’s stuff like GPL Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz Which encourages collective ownership Mar 09 21:08
JoeSandwich It is not wrong to get inspired by a design Mar 09 21:08
JoeSandwich It is not okay to copy it 1:1 Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz You own everything you create and so does everyone else Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz Hoarding is hardly permitted Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz JoeSandwich: agreed Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz Also the branding/visual identity isssue Mar 09 21:08
schestowitz Loreal has just sued ebYa Mar 09 21:09
JoeSandwich Yeah but this is what the chinese do Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz For selling fake products Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz China made some exact copycats of iPods Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz iPod Shuffles Mar 09 21:09
JoeSandwich yeah for exaple Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz Among other thngs Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz Got sued Mar 09 21:09
JoeSandwich Or they use the graphics from mac in so many PMPs Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz Blackberry and iPhone may be other examples Mar 09 21:09
schestowitz JoeSandwich: hehe. yeah, that too. Mar 09 21:10
JoeSandwich http://www.engadget.com/tag/keep… look at this it is ridiculous Mar 09 21:10
schestowitz I sometimes sympathise with those who are oppressed Mar 09 21:10
schestowitz Though I fear the Chinese are not oppressed per se any longer Mar 09 21:10
schestowitz Just bad distribution of wealth in vast populations. Mar 09 21:10
schestowitz I’d be abused when CHina buys GM Mar 09 21:10
JoeSandwich Or do you know the Polystation? It is an NES put into the case of a playstation. The packaging is also that of a playstation. It is crudely copied. Mar 09 21:11
JoeSandwich http://hardgamer.files.wordpress.com/2… Mar 09 21:11
JoeSandwich This stuff is made to fool and rip people off Mar 09 21:11
schestowitz http://www.johannes-eva.net/images/2008_… Mar 09 21:12
schestowitz RedOffice Mar 09 21:12
schestowitz Looks familiar? Mar 09 21:12
JoeSandwich lol Mar 09 21:12
MinceR schestowitz: remember they still have censorship and only one party to “choose” from Mar 09 21:12
JoeSandwich I don’t care if chinese copy the stuff and sell it in their own country Mar 09 21:12
JoeSandwich It’s their problem Mar 09 21:12
schestowitz MinceR: yes, I know. Mar 09 21:13
schestowitz NWO done the wrong way Mar 09 21:13
schestowitz “Subscribers to the popular micro-blogging site received malicious messages from compromised accounts inviting them to visit a pornographic website.” http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/09/… Mar 09 21:14
schestowitz The 100s of links I have to “Firefox 3.1″ in BN need updating http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2009/030909… Mar 09 21:16
*JoeSandwich is now known as proximity Mar 09 21:16
schestowitz There is no Firefox 3.1. Ever. Mar 09 21:16
*_Hicham_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) Mar 09 21:24
*easy has quit (“Leaving”) Mar 09 21:26
schestowitz PCLinuxOS 2009 (GNOME) has just been release. Major one… Mar 09 21:37
schestowitz First SCO, now SUN… Linux is eclipsing UNIX. Mar 09 21:37
schestowitz http://www.tectonic.co.za/?p=4330 (Is Red Hat ready to overtake Sun?) Mar 09 21:37
trmanco Mozilla Patches Fastest. NOT!: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.d… Mar 09 21:44
trmanco let me laugh… Mar 09 21:44
trmanco ”  [DISCLOSURE: Jeff Jones is a director at Microsoft. You can learn more about him at his technet blog.]“ Mar 09 21:44
trmanco idiot Mar 09 21:44
trmanco phony reports sponsored by Msofties Mar 09 21:45
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@adsl196-116-20-217-196.adsl196-9.iam.net.ma) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 21:48
schestowitz IDG gives him a plafform Mar 09 21:49
schestowitz it did this last month too Mar 09 21:49
schestowitz IDG is a money buddy of Microsoft Mar 09 21:49
schestowitz He should reminds people that many of these flaws are Windows-only, i.e. they are caused by his employer’s own incompetence, not Mozilla. Mar 09 21:50
trmanco he should blog on his own stupid platform (ASP,IIS) instead of going to computerworld (Apache,php) Mar 09 21:52
trmanco http://arebentisch.wordpress.com/2009… Mar 09 21:53
*mib_qq08cj (i=a6d65642@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a340b509516067ee) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 21:54
schestowitz trmanco: it’s IDC Mar 09 21:55
schestowitz They are friends of Microsoft, which wanted to ‘moderate’ this discussion. Hey, who needs journalists anyway? Just need their platform ;-) Mar 09 21:55
trmanco Mar 09 21:55
schestowitz Besides, nobodys reads Jones’ blog Mar 09 21:56
schestowitz Those who do are in the choir Mar 09 21:56
schestowitz Microsoft employees Mar 09 21:56
schestowitz I once tried to leave a comment in his blog (long, polite) and he rejected it Mar 09 21:57
schestowitz Wow. Microsoft censorship. Say it ain’t so, Virginia! Mar 09 21:57
trmanco lol Mar 09 21:58
*mib_qq08cj has quit (Client Quit) Mar 09 21:59
schestowitz Were they confident of their future, they would not need to infiltrate other people’s press while deleting anything ‘alien’ on their own. Mar 09 22:00
schestowitz trmanco: identi.ca won’t allow downloading more than just 50 recent entires: http://identi.ca/schestowitz/rss Mar 09 22:01
schestowitz That’s what I suspected Mar 09 22:01
schestowitz So the data gets jammed in their DB Mar 09 22:01
trmanco I’ll check if there is any export feature in future releases Mar 09 22:02
schestowitz http://identi.ca/notice/2694452 Mar 09 22:03
schestowitz The PCLOS site says nothing about their release Mar 09 22:04
schestowitz I couldn’t easily access their mailing lists either. it must be announced in their forums somewhere. Mar 09 22:05
trmanco cache maybe Mar 09 22:05
trmanco schestowitz, http://laconi.ca/trac/ticket/1231 Mar 09 22:08
trmanco Milestone:   1.0 Mar 09 22:08
trmanco http://laconi.ca/trac/ticket/803 Mar 09 22:09
trmanco this one is already due Mar 09 22:09
schestowitz This is brilliant, thanks trmanco Mar 09 22:10
trmanco I’m not done yet Mar 09 22:11
trmanco stay tunned I’ll tweet something more Mar 09 22:11
schestowitz Posted: identi.ca full data export is already being worked on: http://laconi.ca/trac/ticket/803 http://laconi.ca/trac/ticket/1231 Thanks @trmanco Mar 09 22:12
trmanco ahh, I just saw that :-P Mar 09 22:13
schestowitz “TAGS IN TRMANCO’S NOTICES:  fail  gmail google” Mar 09 22:15
schestowitz Google haters supermo Mar 09 22:15
trmanco schestowitz, no that was me responding to the people that were saying that Mar 09 22:16
schestowitz Yes, unfortunate tagging there. Mar 09 22:16
trmanco I think I tweeted saying that everything was fine using IMAP Mar 09 22:16
schestowitz “wine” <- that’ll impress potential employers Mar 09 22:17
trmanco oops Mar 09 22:17
trmanco it really is huge Mar 09 22:17
trmanco I’ll try to bury that somehow Mar 09 22:18
trmanco LOL Mar 09 22:18
schestowitz Climate Change Affecting Europe’s Birds Now, Say Researchers < http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20… > Mar 09 22:20
schestowitz Drink your problems away. Wash it off with tags Mar 09 22:21
trmanco I guess tha got that big because a lot a people where also tweeting it Mar 09 22:21
schestowitz The 50,000 Signatures Campaign for Muntataha Zaidi < http://www.ipetitions.com/petition… > The shoe thrower who challenged an invader Mar 09 22:21
schestowitz *show Mar 09 22:21
trmanco shoe thrower, that remind me of something Mar 09 22:22
trmanco *s Mar 09 22:22
schestowitz He threw a shoe and threw quite a show too Mar 09 22:22
schestowitz Mediterranean Sea Level Could Rise By Over Two Feet, Global Models Predict < http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/… > Mar 09 22:23
schestowitz Here come the junk scientists. Cue entry in 3.. 2… 1.. Mar 09 22:23
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Mar 09 22:29
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@pool-68-238-234-58.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 22:29
schestowitz EXCELLENT comment from Michael Tiemann (harsh words from head of OSI): http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?l… Mar 09 22:31
trmanco very well put Mar 09 22:33
proximity I have to disagree Mar 09 22:37
proximity Microsoft treats its Employees well Mar 09 22:37
proximity The xbox does lose money, but not as much as the PS3 Mar 09 22:38
Balrog_ I heard reports that there’s so much red tape in MS that even though employees *want* to do stuff, they can’t Mar 09 22:38
Balrog_ (from firsthand sources) Mar 09 22:38
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 22:39
oiaohm schestowitz: I forgot to say the big difference between Australian Patent law and USA one.  It effectively makes all MS patents Null and Void. Mar 09 22:39
schestowitz Posted to BN just now. Mar 09 22:39
schestowitz proximity: two negatives don’t make a positive Mar 09 22:40
Balrog_ and what about the Nintendo Wii? Mar 09 22:40
schestowitz oiaohm: really? How so? Mar 09 22:40
proximity The Wii Hardware is a joke Mar 09 22:40
schestowitz Balrog: works well for Nintendo Mar 09 22:40
oiaohm You are required if something you make is using your own patents to include there numbers on your item or in the documentation or on packaging. Mar 09 22:40
Balrog_ each system sold makes Nintendo $25 in profit. Mar 09 22:40
schestowitz proximity: it’s about gameplay Mar 09 22:41
proximity Yeah because it is made out of crap Mar 09 22:41
schestowitz Lots of the market are not about blowing people’s heads off. Mar 09 22:41
proximity Not for me it is Mar 09 22:41
schestowitz Unless you target hardcore gamers (small audience) Mar 09 22:41
oiaohm If you don’t person can use your application or device as basically reference without any legal issues. Mar 09 22:41
proximity gameplay is important, but if technical advance did not account for success, we’d all stil be playing pacman Mar 09 22:41
schestowitz Balrog: they earn from games. they all do. Mar 09 22:41
oiaohm Because it classes as attempted entrapment not to label the patents on your device. Mar 09 22:41
Balrog_ I know the hardware is not as powerful … but the software is (a) less expensive, (b) easier to write, (c) remote is certainly innovative Mar 09 22:42
schestowitz proximity: macman can be fun. Mar 09 22:42
Balrog_ and games are better Mar 09 22:42
proximity The core gamers are who brought this business where it is today: On par with hollywood Mar 09 22:42
oiaohm schestowitz: find the list of patents Vista uses. Mar 09 22:42
oiaohm There is no list. Mar 09 22:42
Balrog_ but many of those gamers are now using PC. Mar 09 22:42
proximity Pacman IS fun, I don’t challenge that Mar 09 22:42
schestowitz LXer has a DB for patents Microsoft infringes. Mar 09 22:42
proximity No they aren’t, PC is half-dead and many games are console-only. Mar 09 22:43
schestowitz Lots of games are about vanity Mar 09 22:43
schestowitz If not to peer than to self Mar 09 22:43
Balrog_ well, way too many Mar 09 22:43
schestowitz Boys love violent games Mar 09 22:43
schestowitz *then Mar 09 22:43
Balrog_ *most Mar 09 22:43
Balrog_ I dislike violent games. Mar 09 22:43
schestowitz I don’t Mar 09 22:44
schestowitz But I see the futility of them Mar 09 22:44
oiaohm Ok some of the best nexuiz players I know are Ladies. Mar 09 22:44
schestowitz I was addicted to some Mar 09 22:44
schestowitz oiaohm: maybe they like shooting males :-) Mar 09 22:44
Balrog_ they just don’t appeal to me Mar 09 22:44
proximity Games serve no purpose other than entertainment Mar 09 22:44
Balrog_ (violent ones) Mar 09 22:44
proximity If they entertain you, they are not futile Mar 09 22:44
schestowitz Been there done that since Wolfenstein (the first) Mar 09 22:44
Balrog_ proximity: what about all the PS3′s that sold as BD players? Mar 09 22:45
oiaohm Female football players are also not the people to insult either. Mar 09 22:45
proximity Balrog: Those are even worse for Sony, because they don’t create income by game licensing fees Mar 09 22:45
*toros has quit (“leaving”) Mar 09 22:45
proximity Sony loses money with every PS3 built Mar 09 22:45
proximity They will never make it profitable, if you ask me Mar 09 22:46
proximity Well the PS3 business Mar 09 22:46
oiaohm Currently Sony is breaking even on PS3 production. Mar 09 22:46
proximity Not Playstation in general Mar 09 22:46
oiaohm Cost of parts that go into has droped. Mar 09 22:46
schestowitz Vista7 laptop/bribe recipient on VIsta death to another huge chain: http://technologizer.com/2009/03/07/t… Mar 09 22:46
Balrog_ proximity: that has changed since they removed PS2 support Mar 09 22:46
Balrog_ and yes, the cost has dropped too. Mar 09 22:46
proximity yes, but in order to stay competitive they must still lower prices further Mar 09 22:47
Balrog_ (new PS3′s can’t play PS2 games) Mar 09 22:47
proximity No, that has not changed because of that Mar 09 22:47
oiaohm Sony sells PS3 as game and movie player. Mar 09 22:47
proximity It saved a few bucks Mar 09 22:47
proximity but they still lose a lot Mar 09 22:47
oiaohm Nop they don’t need to drop it more. Mar 09 22:47
proximity The bluray drive alone is very expensive, especially in the beginning of the PS3 it was Mar 09 22:48
oiaohm Japan market treated the PS3 ok. Mar 09 22:48
oiaohm Xbox 360 is not designed to fit that market. Mar 09 22:48
proximity Xbox 360 actually had a large success in Japan Mar 09 22:48
oiaohm Wii caused sony trouble in that market. Mar 09 22:48
proximity Japanese usually wouldn’t buy a foreign console Mar 09 22:48
oiaohm That they bough any was a success Mar 09 22:49
proximity Xbox 360 is remarkable, for Japan Mar 09 22:49
oiaohm Numbers of Xbox 360 sold really was not that great. Mar 09 22:49
schestowitz There is something spooky about the  photos. Mar 09 22:49
Balrog_ some say that the estimated sales numbers are units shipped to stores Mar 09 22:49
proximity At one time there were more Xbox360 sold than PS3 in Japan Mar 09 22:49
oiaohm Wii kicking PS3 but made Xbox360 numbers look good. Mar 09 22:49
Balrog_ not units actually sold Mar 09 22:49
oiaohm Issue in Japan is space. Mar 09 22:50
schestowitz The end of an era… shop that won’t be used by anyone else (real estate crisis), people who don’t buy even in closing down sales because they save up, many out-of-work tellers, etc. Mar 09 22:50
proximity That is always the case balrog Mar 09 22:50
proximity In every sales statistic Mar 09 22:50
oiaohm Wii and PS3 can both surf the net and do other things out side gaming. Mar 09 22:50
schestowitz proximity: that’s because Microsoft sort of dumped Mar 09 22:50
oiaohm Small houses your devices need to do more than 1 thing well. Mar 09 22:50
schestowitz They lowered the price and then issued lots of brainwash Mar 09 22:51
proximity Yeah but that doesn’t give SONY any money Mar 09 22:51
schestowitz To pretend it was a natutal thing Mar 09 22:51
schestowitz Not just the result of a huge suden price drop Mar 09 22:51
schestowitz *sudden Mar 09 22:51
proximity They Xbox360 is actually a way more sensible piece of hardware Mar 09 22:51
oiaohm How so Mar 09 22:52
proximity The PS3 design is a disaster Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ not really, considering the monthly fees attached to it Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ none of the other systems have that Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ (wii or ps3) Mar 09 22:52
oiaohm Its locked from being retasked proximity Mar 09 22:52
oiaohm PS3 and Wii both can be retasked. Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ though the Wii is also locked Mar 09 22:52
proximity Yeah Xbox Live sucks, I agree Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ and you have to pay for it … there’s no free option Mar 09 22:52
proximity PS3 as a linux box is a joke Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ :( Mar 09 22:52
proximity 256MB ram? lol Mar 09 22:52
Balrog_ I have a 16MB linux box that does stuff (actually a small NAS box) :P Mar 09 22:53
oiaohm PS3 boxs with Linux on have a use. Mar 09 22:53
Balrog_ the GPU is powerful Mar 09 22:53
Balrog_ that’s what matters Mar 09 22:53
Balrog_ (and CPU) Mar 09 22:53
oiaohm Biggest problem on the PS3 for Linux is the GPU is locked off from Access Mar 09 22:53
proximity the GPU cannot even be accessed in linux Mar 09 22:53
proximity the CPU has its use though Mar 09 22:53
oiaohm 256 megs of ram is more than enough to run linux realluy. Mar 09 22:53
proximity Not enough to use it as a desktop computer Mar 09 22:54
oiaohm Cell based 3d video is required for PS3 to come into its own. Mar 09 22:54
oiaohm Really proximity Mar 09 22:54
proximity Yeah really Mar 09 22:54
oiaohm I still have a desktop with Linux here that runs well with only 128 megs of ram. Mar 09 22:54
Balrog_ proximity: yes, 256MB is plenty for a desktop linux computer Mar 09 22:54
schestowitz jstedfast turns out to be a Novell Moonlight developer now. Mar 09 22:54
proximity Come on my few firefox tabs already take up 200MB Mar 09 22:54
oiaohm Under 128 its trouble. Mar 09 22:54
schestowitz I though he did just Mono. Mar 09 22:54
proximity Yaou can’t get that much 3d performance out of a cell Mar 09 22:55
oiaohm Use KDE webbrowser Mar 09 22:55
proximity Not enough for proper games Mar 09 22:55
oiaohm Firefox still has darn memory leaks in it. Mar 09 22:55
proximity KDE webbrowser? That thing is total crap. Mar 09 22:56
oiaohm konquerer Mar 09 22:56
Balrog_ well at least it works Mar 09 22:56
Balrog_ decently Mar 09 22:56
oiaohm Same engine as crome. Mar 09 22:56
proximity No it just takes memory to render webpages… Mar 09 22:56
oiaohm No where near firefox proximity Mar 09 22:56
oiaohm Yes under 128 megs of ram it works ok. Mar 09 22:56
proximity I bet webkit takesabout  as much memory as Firefox Mar 09 22:57
proximity And anyway Mar 09 22:57
oiaohm Nop Mar 09 22:57
oiaohm Webkit takes way less. Mar 09 22:57
proximity A Computer that can’t open 20 Firefox tabs isn’t worth 400$ Mar 09 22:57
oiaohm It don’t leak memory. Mar 09 22:57
proximity Alright, I’ll check it out myself Mar 09 22:57
Balrog_ Safari here uses 261MB (a mac) … 10 tabs open though :P Mar 09 22:57
Balrog_ often I have like 30 – 40 tabs open :) Mar 09 22:58
oiaohm Safari has rendered page caching. Mar 09 22:58
Balrog_ ah. Mar 09 22:58
oiaohm Turn that off and its memory usage drops massively. Mar 09 22:58
Balrog_ that’s in Safari or WebKit? Mar 09 22:58
oiaohm Webkit can have it enabled or disabled. Mar 09 22:59
Balrog_ and there’s an off switch…? Mar 09 22:59
Balrog_ where? Mar 09 22:59
oiaohm I can remember were firefoxs one is at moment not Safaris Mar 09 22:59
Balrog_ o ok. Mar 09 22:59
oiaohm There is a switch to turn it off in all webbrowser that have it. Mar 09 23:00
schestowitz Just in: Google’s Android OS is coming to the desktop this year < http://practical-tech.com/operating-… > Mar 09 23:00
Balrog_ OK. Mar 09 23:00
oiaohm konq from KDE automatically turns it off if it detects low memory. Mar 09 23:00
oiaohm Reason why it can operate in 64 megs of ram. Mar 09 23:00
oiaohm Safari and Firefox not that smart Mar 09 23:00
Balrog_ about the wii: http://hackmii.com/2009/02/why-the-… Mar 09 23:01
proximity it takes the same amount of memory Mar 09 23:01
Balrog_ I had Safari run with not much free RAM… Mar 09 23:01
Balrog_ a CPU that’s bogged down is worse though. Mar 09 23:01
proximity 3 webpages, chrome and firefox both 90MB Mar 09 23:01
Balrog_ chrome on windows…right? Mar 09 23:02
proximity yes Mar 09 23:02
Balrog_ it uses multiple processes Mar 09 23:02
Balrog_ that adds overhead Mar 09 23:02
proximity yeah I know Mar 09 23:03
proximity Doesn’t it under linux? Mar 09 23:03
oiaohm Again chrome page cache enabled. Mar 09 23:03
Balrog_ (on windows, multiple processes leads to a lot of overhead) Mar 09 23:03
proximity I’m sure it does Mar 09 23:03
_Hicham_ Chrome? Mar 09 23:03
proximity okay Mar 09 23:03
_Hicham_ Chrome is not available for Linux Mar 09 23:03
Balrog_ on linux, multiple processes lead to very little overhead Mar 09 23:03
_Hicham_ and probably won’t be Mar 09 23:03
Balrog_ still a bit, but not much Mar 09 23:03
oiaohm Crome also has debuging. Mar 09 23:04
oiaohm Chrome also has debuging information enabled. Mar 09 23:04
proximity And firefox has an sql engine.. whatever Mar 09 23:04
_Hicham_ Multiple processes is a good idea Mar 09 23:04
Balrog_ It is a good idea … except for the overhead :/ Mar 09 23:04
oiaohm So that firefox an Chrome are ths ame size is a sign of a major problem in firefox. Mar 09 23:04
proximity Point of the matter is, if you want to surf the web with a 256MB PS3 it will suck Mar 09 23:05
oiaohm Not really. Mar 09 23:05
Balrog_ what about a 128MB iphone….? Mar 09 23:05
oiaohm I have surfed with a PS3 Mar 09 23:05
Balrog_ it doesn’t suck that bad, or people wouldn’t do it Mar 09 23:05
*DontTaseMeBro has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Mar 09 23:05
proximity Iphone doesn’t compare Mar 09 23:05
oiaohm Remember konq is built for embeded use. Mar 09 23:05
Balrog_ or a G1 Mar 09 23:05
_Hicham_ is there firefox mobile? Mar 09 23:05
proximity Compared to a desktop, Iphone sucks too of course Mar 09 23:05
Balrog_ yeah, they’re working on it Mar 09 23:05
oiaohm So its built to run on like a Iphone. Mar 09 23:05
Balrog_ yeah but rendering on iphone is reasonably fast and stable Mar 09 23:06
*DontTaseMeBro (i=4859c2a5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bb2ed649062cf422) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 23:06
oiaohm Application for use. Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ true, there’s no JS or Flash but that slows down even desktops Mar 09 23:06
proximity lol the Iphone can only handle 1 task Mar 09 23:06
oiaohm Light end applications work quite well on low ram. Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ it can handle multiple tasks Mar 09 23:06
proximity Or at least it only allows one Mar 09 23:06
proximity yeah yeah Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ the mail app runs in the background Mar 09 23:06
proximity oh wow Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ so then jailbreak it Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ I have :) Mar 09 23:06
Balrog_ then you can make any app run in the background Mar 09 23:07
proximity I wouldn’t buy such a device that doesn’t allow me running my own code in the first place Mar 09 23:07
proximity Don’t you lose your warranty? Mar 09 23:07
Balrog_ the G1 doesn’t allow running your own code… Mar 09 23:07
Balrog_ no, it’s all software. After a restore, they won’t know. Mar 09 23:07
oiaohm Also using the for of Firefox built for embeded. Mar 09 23:08
proximity What if you can’t restore? Mar 09 23:08
oiaohm As you can under Linux.  Uses way less ram. Mar 09 23:08
proximity Because your device is BROKEN?? Mar 09 23:08
Balrog_ (and about bricking … unlocking can lead to bricking the baseband chip [which is the radio], but the main hardware has a *burned-in-ROM* recovery mode) Mar 09 23:08
oiaohm Price using embeded from of Firefox.  No extentions allowed. Mar 09 23:08
Balrog_ so you can drop into recovery mode and restore, as it’s in ROM Mar 09 23:09
Balrog_ that’s why there’s no way to brick an iPod touch (with software) Mar 09 23:09
oiaohm Still can use NSplugins that is it. Mar 09 23:09
proximity It can still break Mar 09 23:09
proximity fuses blow whatever Mar 09 23:09
Balrog_ that’s hardware Mar 09 23:09
proximity Thats what warranty is for Mar 09 23:09
Balrog_ yeah. But then they can’t access flash anyway Mar 09 23:10
Balrog_ (if a fuse is blown) Mar 09 23:10
Balrog_ they just replace the board / device Mar 09 23:10
proximity Yeah probably Mar 09 23:10
*oiaohm has quit (“by all”) Mar 09 23:10
Balrog_ I think every such device should have a ROM recovery mode Mar 09 23:11
proximity So you really can’t code for the G1? Mar 09 23:11
Balrog_ that way there would be few bricks Mar 09 23:11
Balrog_ yes you can, in a Java sandbox Mar 09 23:11
proximity Isn’t Android 90% Java anyway` Mar 09 23:11
Balrog_ there’s no root access without jailbreaking Mar 09 23:12
Balrog_ *sandbox*? Mar 09 23:12
proximity Hmm. That sucks too. Mar 09 23:12
proximity So I guess I’ll go with windows mobile then ;) Mar 09 23:13
Balrog_ yes, you can jailbreak, but it’s not a 1-2-3 step process as in the iphone (you have to get an older OS, emergency-mode flash it, then use the telnet exploit, then update with a patched OS) Mar 09 23:13
Balrog_ You can get the dev android but then you can’t use paid apps Mar 09 23:13
proximity That sucks Mar 09 23:14
Balrog_ or just jailbreak Mar 09 23:14
proximity I think there should be a little chip, like a microSD card that holds all the DRM shit Mar 09 23:14
Balrog_ that’s the best way to do stuff. Mar 09 23:14
proximity If you don’t want it, throw it out Mar 09 23:14
proximity if your device breaks, the chip remains Mar 09 23:15
Balrog_ heard of the Adobe PDF DRM getting broken? Mar 09 23:15
Balrog_ (it’s just a bunch of python scripts :P) Mar 09 23:15
proximity No? Mar 09 23:15
Balrog_ was on slashdot Mar 09 23:15
Balrog_ http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?s… Mar 09 23:15
proximity haha Mar 09 23:16
Balrog_ taken down, but search for ‘pastebin’ in the comments on that page :) Mar 09 23:16
proximity drm in text/pictures makes no sense anyway Mar 09 23:16
proximity Lets put DRM in HTML!! Mar 09 23:17
proximity DRHTML! Mar 09 23:17
Balrog_ won’t work :) Mar 09 23:17
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 23:19
schestowitz When You Treat Your Customers Like Criminals, Don’t Be Surprised When They Go To Different Suppliers < http://techdirt.com/articles/2009… > Mar 09 23:22
schestowitz http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/m… (UN accuses Britain of condoning torture) Mar 09 23:22
*DontTaseMeBro has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Mar 09 23:22
Balrog_ HTML has to be an open standard to work. Silverlight can be considered a type of DRM, but it’s a binary plugin Mar 09 23:25
Balrog_ Moonlight is still not there. Mar 09 23:25
Balrog_ (yet) Mar 09 23:27
*oiaohm_ (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 23:27
Balrog_ but it’s all a mess Mar 09 23:27
schestowitz Yes, it is. Mar 09 23:27
schestowitz Worry not, Silver Lie is scarceely adopted Mar 09 23:27
schestowitz Microsoft admits this Mar 09 23:28
schestowitz It makes a lot PR when it BUYS customer. Adobe accused Microsoft of writing chequs for customers to avoid Flash :-) Mar 09 23:28
Balrog_ unfortunately, in certain niche markets it’s the only player. Mar 09 23:28
Balrog_ :( Mar 09 23:28
schestowitz Which reminds me of XBox360 strategy. Let them burn money. :-S Mar 09 23:28
Balrog_ https://bnmcfiles.biotech.wisc.edu/groups/m… Mar 09 23:29
Balrog_ ignore the cert problem Mar 09 23:29
Balrog_ “When I asked if they support other codecs and containers such as .mov, .mp4, etc, they told me that they are pretty much a Microsoft shop. They deal exclusively with .wmv files. They are working on implementing H.264 (for version 2.1 or 2.2). This then turned into a conversation about Silverlight and what appears to be a heavy bias towards Microsoft. The lead programmer/developer at Panopto worked for Microsoft for 5 year Mar 09 23:30
Balrog_ all the other players in this business use SL :( Mar 09 23:30
Balrog_ (silverlight) Mar 09 23:30
Balrog_ http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/x… Mar 09 23:30
Balrog_ good story Mar 09 23:30
Balrog_ you may have seen it already Mar 09 23:31
schestowitz Yes, I saw videos too and posted to BN Mar 09 23:31
schestowitz Hehe. Firefox blocks the site. Mar 09 23:32
schestowitz With insistence. Mar 09 23:32
schestowitz Very slow on Konqueror Mar 09 23:32
Balrog_ which one? Mar 09 23:32
schestowitz WISC Mar 09 23:33
Balrog_ :/ Mar 09 23:33
schestowitz I have a habit of keeping two browsers open now Mar 09 23:33
schestowitz It was more of a stretch when I was low on RAM. Mar 09 23:34
Balrog_ they’re using the Twisted web server Mar 09 23:34
Balrog_ (written in Python, I believe) Mar 09 23:34
Balrog_ and Apache (Linux) Mar 09 23:34
Balrog_ got it working? Mar 09 23:35
schestowitz Microsoft has stooped pretty low now: http://www.techflash.com/microsoft/Microsoft_… (Microsoft tries to entice startups to make Windows Mobile apps) Mar 09 23:35
schestowitz Microsoft hasn’t good reputation with so-called partners Mar 09 23:36
Balrog_ heh … the iphone has taken over there already Mar 09 23:36
schestowitz Balrog_: Yes, it worked Mar 09 23:36
Balrog_ and Android is quickly making way Mar 09 23:36
schestowitz In wealthy parts of the world maybe Mar 09 23:36
Balrog_ ok… Mar 09 23:36
schestowitz That’s not ‘the’ world Mar 09 23:36
schestowitz Same with Macs Mar 09 23:36
Balrog_ I meant with phone app stores Mar 09 23:36
schestowitz People easily forget that most of the world’s computers are old, cheap, and located far from any ‘Apple’ shop Mar 09 23:37
Balrog_ in the ‘rest’ of the world, ‘pirated’ windows is very common Mar 09 23:37
schestowitz Yes, in phone shops Apple does well Mar 09 23:37
schestowitz DRM apps Mar 09 23:37
schestowitz -DRMed Mar 09 23:37
schestowitz You rent programs Mar 09 23:37
Balrog_ well, there is DRM, but ask the independent developers if they want anything different Mar 09 23:37
Balrog_ rent? explain Mar 09 23:37
schestowitz You can’t permanently hold the apps Mar 09 23:38
Balrog_ once you buy an app, it’s tied to your account for the life of your account Mar 09 23:38
schestowitz Same old dilemma with proprietary apps Mar 09 23:38
schestowitz But these are less likely to disable self (self nuke) Mar 09 23:38
Balrog_ if you delete it, you can re-download it (if it’s still available) or re-install it if you have a backup Mar 09 23:38
schestowitz Expiring apps are dangerous because of data that’s tied to business Mar 09 23:38
Balrog_ I haven’t seen iphone apps that expire Mar 09 23:38
schestowitz I like FOSS apps. You can access and  modify old versions too Mar 09 23:38
schestowitz Balrog: are they transferable? Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Portable? Between phones? Different versions of iPhone? Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Executables passable? Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Access to code? Mar 09 23:39
Balrog_ they are tied to an account. They work with an unlimited number of devices authorized to that account Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Compare to some Palm apps that are GPLed Mar 09 23:39
Balrog_ that? yes there are some GPL’ed apps Mar 09 23:39
Balrog_ I believe wordpress has one Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Many? Mar 09 23:39
schestowitz Oh Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz For Palm OS.. Mar 09 23:40
Balrog_ True, you need a cert or jailbroken device to run it Mar 09 23:40
Balrog_ no, for iphone Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz Well, my backup program, RedFeline is GPL Mar 09 23:40
Balrog_ (if you compile it yourself) Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz Not necessarily you Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz Another programmer Mar 09 23:40
*_Hicham_ has quit (“Leaving.”) Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz Successor, enthusiast, whatever.. Mar 09 23:40
schestowitz The fallacy is that you must rely on yourself alone Mar 09 23:40
Balrog_ http://iphone.trac.wordpress.org/browser Mar 09 23:41
schestowitz Sometimes companies can pool money to keep some abandoned software secure or implement more feature.s Mar 09 23:41
Balrog_ explain Mar 09 23:41
Balrog_ the DRM is there (on the iphone) because developers that sell apps (even for $1) scream when people ‘pirate’ their already-cheap apps Mar 09 23:42
schestowitz Yes, I know. Mar 09 23:46
Balrog_ (we’ll see how far the ‘Cydia Store’ goes :P ) Mar 09 23:46
schestowitz But it’s a matter of business models again Mar 09 23:46
*schestowitz lags cause of some news Mar 09 23:46
schestowitz The question is, is limitation to access the right method? Mar 09 23:47
schestowitz Look at the media industry. Mar 09 23:47
Balrog_ Yes. When apple removed the hated NDA from the agreement, GPL became feasible Mar 09 23:47
schestowitz They adopt new models, they at least try Mar 09 23:47
*tessier_ is officially looking for a new job Mar 09 23:47
Balrog_ except that here it’s not really a ‘limitation to access’ just making it rather hard to access Mar 09 23:47
tessier_ I’m not laid off or fired or anything. But I can tell this place is going nowhere. Mar 09 23:47
Balrog_ it’s not very hard to ‘pirate’ apps Mar 09 23:47
Balrog_ many developers are complaining that it’s too easy and apple should strengthen the DRM Mar 09 23:47
*oiaohm has quit (Connection timed out) Mar 09 23:49
schestowitz tessier: going nowhere in terms of passion from your POV? Mar 09 23:50
schestowitz Balrog: “the drugs don’t work” Mar 09 23:50
Balrog_ of course DRM doesn’t work Mar 09 23:51
Balrog_ I know that Mar 09 23:51
Balrog_ but that’s how many people feel Mar 09 23:51
schestowitz No, I meant something else Mar 09 23:53
Balrog_ oh…explain Mar 09 23:53
schestowitz Like the song. They wants stronger DRM. Like that’s the solution. Mar 09 23:53
Balrog_ yeah that’s waht I meant Mar 09 23:53
Balrog_ it doesn’t work… Mar 09 23:53
Balrog_ what * Mar 09 23:53
Balrog_ (DRM) Mar 09 23:53
schestowitz More intoxication… apropos, same with the US economy that they try to revive with more debt. Mar 09 23:54
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) Mar 09 23:54
Balrog_ The DRM already there is strong enough. Mar 09 23:55
*kentma (n=user@host86-152-97-249.range86-152.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 09 23:55
Balrog_ make it stronger and they will crack it within a few weeks, if not sooner Mar 09 23:55
*oiaohm_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Mar 09 23:57
Balrog_ that’s true with most DRM Mar 09 23:58
Balrog_ the whole point is to make it non-trivial Mar 09 23:59
Balrog_ (to circumvent) Mar 09 23:59
schestowitz Why is Jack making DE wars now?? 10 reasons why GNOME is better than KDE < http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com… > Mar 09 23:59
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  10. India Keeps Rejecting Software Patents in Spite of Pressure From Large Foreign Multinationals

    India's resilience in the face of incredible pressure to allow software patents is essential for the success of India's growing software industry and more effort is needed to thwart corporate colonisation through patents in India itself

  11. Links 6/1/2017: Irssi 1.0.0, KaOS 2017.01 Released

    Links for the day

  12. Watchtroll a Fake News Site in Lobbying Mode and Attack Mode Against Those Who Don't Agree (Even PTAB and Judges)

    A look at some of the latest spin and the latest shaming courtesy of the patent microcosm, which behaves so poorly that one has to wonder if its objective is to alienate everyone

  13. The Productivity Commission Warns Against Patent Maximalism, Which is Where China (SIPO) is Heading Along With EPO

    In defiance of common sense and everything that public officials or academics keep saying (European, Australian, American), China's SIPO and Europe's EPO want us to believe that when it comes to patents it's "the more, the merrier"

  14. Technical Failure of the European Patent Office (EPO) a Growing Cause for Concern

    The problem associated with Battistelli's strategy of increasing so-called 'production' by granting in haste everything on the shelf is quickly being grasped by patent professionals (outside EPO), not just patent examiners (inside EPO)

  15. Links 5/1/2017: Inkscape 0.92, GNU Sed 4.3

    Links for the day

  16. Links 4/1/2017: Cutelyst 1.2.0 and Lumina 1.2 Desktop Released

    Links for the day

  17. Financial Giants Will Attempt to Dominate or Control Bitcoin, Blockchain and Other Disruptive Free Software Using Software Patents

    Free/Open Source software in the currency and trading world promised to emancipate us from the yoke of banking conglomerates, but a gold rush for software patents threatens to jeopardise any meaningful change or progress

  18. New Article From Heise Explains Erosion of Patent Quality at the European Patent Office (EPO)

    To nobody's surprise, the past half a decade saw accelerating demise in quality of European Patents (EPs) and it is the fault of Battistelli's notorious policies

  19. Insensitivity at the EPO’s Management – Part V: Suspension of Salary and Unfair Trials

    One of the lesser-publicised cases of EPO witch-hunting, wherein a member of staff is denied a salary "without any notification"

  20. Links 3/1/2017: Microsoft Imposing TPM2 on Linux, ASUS Bringing Out Android Phones

    Links for the day

  21. Links 2/1/2017: Neptune 4.5.3 Release, Netrunner Desktop 17.01 Released

    Links for the day

  22. Teaser: Corruption Indictments Brought Against Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO)

    New trouble for Željko Topić in Strasbourg, making it yet another EPO Vice-President who is on shaky grounds and paving the way to managerial collapse/avalanche at the EPO

  23. 365 Days Later, German Justice Minister Heiko Maas Remains Silent and Thus Complicit in EPO Abuses on German Soil

    The utter lack of participation, involvement or even intervention by German authorities serve to confirm that the government of Germany is very much complicit in the EPO's abuses, by refusing to do anything to stop them

  24. Battistelli's Idea of 'Independent' 'External' 'Social' 'Study' is Something to BUY From Notorious Firm PwC

    The sham which is the so-called 'social' 'study' as explained by the Central Staff Committee last year, well before the results came out

  25. Europe Should Listen to SMEs Regarding the UPC, as Battistelli, Team UPC and the Select Committee Lie About It

    Another example of UPC promotion from within the EPO (a committee dedicated to UPC promotion), in spite of everything we know about opposition to the UPC from small businesses (not the imaginary ones which Team UPC claims to speak 'on behalf' of)

  26. Video: French State Secretary for Digital Economy Speaks Out Against Benoît Battistelli at Battistelli's PR Event

    Uploaded by SUEPO earlier today was the above video, which shows how last year's party (actually 2015) was spoiled for Battistelli by the French State Secretary for Digital Economy, Axelle Lemaire, echoing the French government's concern about union busting etc. at the EPO (only to be rudely censored by Battistelli's 'media partner')

  27. When EPO Vice-President, Who Will Resign Soon, Made a Mockery of the EPO

    Leaked letter from Willy Minnoye/management to the people who are supposed to oversee EPO management

  28. No Separation of Powers or Justice at the EPO: Reign of Terror by Battistelli Explained in Letter to the Administrative Council

    In violation of international labour laws, Team Battistelli marches on and engages in a union-busting race against the clock, relying on immunity to keep this gravy train rolling before an inevitable crash

  29. FFPE-EPO is a Zombie (if Not Dead) Yellow Union Whose Only de Facto Purpose Has Been Attacking the EPO's Staff Union

    A new year's reminder that the EPO has only one legitimate union, the Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO), whereas FFPE-EPO serves virtually no purpose other than to attack SUEPO, more so after signing a deal with the devil (Battistelli)

  30. EPO Select Committee is Wrong About the Unitary Patent (UPC)

    The UPC is neither desirable nor practical, especially now that the EPO lowers patent quality; but does the Select Committee understand that?


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