Links 28/11/2011: iodoom3, Android Scare
NewsBlur: The Open Source Feed Reader with Brains
Google Reader is the undisputed champ among Web-based RSS and Atom feed-readers. But while the search giant gets plenty of karma points on the software freedom front, Google Reader’s status as a commercial product means that from time to time, features have to come and go. The latest change is the removal of social-networking “share this” functionality, as Google Reader gets merged into Google Plus. The open source feed reader NewsBlur is ready to make a play for your attention, adding not just link-sharing but multi-user rating and intelligence.
Copy of BEEP to give away from Gameolith!
Will it be Desura’s Linux client Vs USC?| Gaming
The wait until now was for a Linux client to run games Desura streams. However, now that it is here, users face a new dilemma – Download from Desura or desuraUbuntu Software Centre?
iodoom3 Source Code Project Underway
Remember that source code project to overhaul the Quake 3 Engine and make it more secure, viable and updated for game management projects? Well, the same team behind the ioquake3 source code project, which overhauled the engine for better and more platform support as well as all sorts of other goodies, is at it again this time using the Doom 3 source code.
For now the project has only been just announced and that means that the team is consolidating resources and setting an outline for what the project will eventually blossom into.
Red Hat Family
Death of Copyright Is Greatly Exaggerated
Red Hat makes money giving away software and selling support services.
Adam worries about a future where “copyright exists on paper only,” but all of the above business models rely, in one way or another, on copyright protection. Hollywood uses copyright law to shut down pirate movie theaters. Apple uses copyright law to shut down unauthorized clones of its hardware products. Even Red Hat relies on copyright law to help it enforce the GPL license, which prohibits third parties from incorporating open source code into proprietary products. The fact that these businesses have chosen monetization strategies that don’t involve selling copies of content directly to the general public doesn’t mean they don’t benefit from copyright protection.
Debian Family
Flavours and Variants
Ubuntu vs LinuxMint: Distrowatch Ratings Don’t Matter, Dude!
Some publication stirred the bee’s hive when they cited Distrowatch ratings as an indicator that Ubuntu is losing it’s popularity to LinuxMint and other Linux-based distributions.
One needs to be extremely careful while taking into account Distrowatch’s ratings because that is not the ‘goal’ or ‘purpose’ of Distrowatch. It provides info about the latest releases. Period.
Linux Mint 12 “Lisa” officially released
Top Free Android Scientific Apps
Science is the effort of trying to understand how the physical world works. From observation and experimentation, science uses physical evidence of natural phenomena to compile data and analyze the collated information.
SwipePad: A Must Have App for Every Android Device
SwipePad is a simple application that lets you launch any app with a single swipe action from within any other app. Upon being recommended by a friend of mine, SwipePad was one of those applications I installed immediately after receiving my first Android phone. Since then, SwipePad has become an integral part of my daily life that I almost started seeing it as one of those core apps for Android which comes as default.
Android scare: percentages do not tell the real tale
In its eagerness to put a computer running its software on every desk, Microsoft has spawned a number of ancillary industries, the most pernicious of which is the anti-virus group. McAfee is a major force in this industry.
Free Software/Open Source
Open source: democratising the internets
You probably use open source software every day, but it’s equally as likely you have no idea what it is or who is building it.
Fortunately for us, Gavin Jackson is one chap who knows what it’s all about and he came into the studio to give Louise Maher the low down.
“Open source software is any software that has been released under a licence that allows people to download the source code for viewing, for modification and also for redistribution,” Jackson explained.
“A lot of big business relies on open source technology, they probably wouldn’t exist without it, so it’s an interesting phenomenon.”
appMobi Open Sources HTML5 Technologies
HTML5 development shop appMobi will now open source key elements of its mobile technology in an attempt to accelerate industry migration to HTML5. This move will see the appMobi cross-platform device APIs released to the community contribution model of development and, as a consequence, also embrace support of HTML5 development for both Android and iOS platforms. appMobi will also release the source code for its mobiUs browser, which sets out to allow HTML5 web apps to perform identically to native apps.
Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over
On November 25, two days after a failed German government bond auction in which Germany was unable to sell 35% of its offerings of 10-year bonds, the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble said that Germany might retreat from its demands that the private banks that hold the troubled sovereign debt from Greece, Italy, and Spain must accept part of the cost of their bailout by writing off some of the debt. The private banks want to avoid any losses either by forcing the Greek, Italian, and Spanish governments to make good on the bonds by imposing extreme austerity on their citizens, or by having the European Central Bank print euros with which to buy the sovereign debt from the private banks. Printing money to make good on debt is contrary to the ECB’s charter and especially frightens Germans, because of the Weimar experience with hyperinflation.