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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 16th, 2009 – Part 2

Posted in IRC Logs at 3:32 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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schestowitz Those who agree will receive incentives (bribes Mar 16 17:16
*Balrog_ has quit () Mar 16 17:16
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:17
*kentma1 (n=user@ellandroad.demon.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:17
schestowitz it’s a reward system which ultiamtelty benefits: 1) lawyers (they need business writing patents and suing);2) monopolies. Sadly for (2) (not for (1)), patent trolls came later. Mar 16 17:17
schestowitz RMS has explained very eloquently that the myth of small guys being protected by patents is a joke Mar 16 17:18
Balrog schestowitz: I’ll PM Mar 16 17:18
schestowitz Good talk: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/03/… Mar 16 17:18
schestowitz I’ll look into it Mar 16 17:19
Balrog OK. Mar 16 17:19
Balrog thank you very much Mar 16 17:19
schestowitz Balrog: I see… Mar 16 17:19
Balrog yes. :( Mar 16 17:19
schestowitz It spreads like bad literature (“war on terrorism”) Mar 16 17:19
*tacone (n=tacone@213-156-53-16.ip.fastwebnet.it) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:20
schestowitz He has a go at Lessig too Mar 16 17:20
schestowitz But Lessig has no beard ;-p heh. Mar 16 17:20
Balrog heh Mar 16 17:20
schestowitz When is “Marx” a curse anyway? Mar 16 17:20
tessier_ Since communism scared everyone so much by threatening death that anything associated with it became a curse. Mar 16 17:21
schestowitz Hahaha. Last line: “Professor Lessig has his head stuck in the 1930s sand. “ Mar 16 17:21
schestowitz Remind me of something Mar 16 17:21
schestowitz http://www.cypherpunks.to/~pet… Mar 16 17:22
schestowitz *reminds Mar 16 17:22
schestowitz “(the “bunch of freaking morons” includes Bruce Schneier and Charlie Demerjian of the Inquirer, whom he refers to in a preceding email).” Mar 16 17:22
schestowitz He goes nowhere by comparing Lessig to Marx, IMHO Mar 16 17:22
schestowitz Lessig is successful financially, unlike those whom he assimilated him to Mar 16 17:23
tacone schestowitz: i sent you in prv the link to the italian net-censorship matter Mar 16 17:23
*tacone (n=tacone@213-156-53-16.ip.fastwebnet.it) has left #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:23
schestowitz Obama won the elections because of PR and ideology of sharing. Mar 16 17:23
schestowitz there’s a book called  “Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way..” Mar 16 17:24
schestowitz Italy wants to ruin the Web for bloggers Mar 16 17:25
schestowitz Classic excuse: pedophiles Mar 16 17:25
Balrog he also uses the excuse that the quality of Linux sucks. Mar 16 17:26
schestowitz Can’t say “NO” to that, so might as well go along and censor bloggers Mar 16 17:26
Balrog (but he was using Novell’s SUSE 10.1 :( ) Mar 16 17:26
schestowitz Balrog: that’s a shame. So most of the world uses a platform that “Sux” Mar 16 17:26
schestowitz We should advise Google to dump Linux immediately Mar 16 17:26
Balrog Unfortunately, free software tends to be worth what you pay for it. Linux enjoys a robust 3% of the market because only 3% of the computer users value their own many hours of time less than the $200 they might save if they bought Windows. Apache wins over the Microsoft product solely because the market for internet servers is so small that it does not justify the expense Microsoft would have to go to, to make their server easier to use than the Mar 16 17:27
schestowitz And DreamWorks too. They really need some good proggies like Conficker to get the job done. Mar 16 17:27
Balrog << quite Mar 16 17:27
Balrog quote * Mar 16 17:27
schestowitz Microsoft uses illegal OEM  tactics Mar 16 17:28
schestowitz People don’t chose Windows Mar 16 17:28
Balrog I’ll be around. PM or email important stuff Mar 16 17:28
schestowitz The OEMs ‘choose’ for them Mar 16 17:28
schestowitz I have lots of antitrust material about this, to be posted some time this year Mar 16 17:28
Balrog I know. :( Mar 16 17:28
Balrog I’ll be back in an hour. Mar 16 17:28
schestowitz If you don’t know the author, why not post it publicly? Mar 16 17:29
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Mar 16 17:31
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@pool-68-238-235-164.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:33
*mib_fzyyw6 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9aeaff2af853eeb2) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:34
twitter Have we seen Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Holt in any M$ collusion? Mar 16 17:35
schestowitz MinceR will love this one: Digg Founder Offers Sneak Peek of iPhone 3.0 Copy/Paste Feature < http://www.pcworld.com/article/16128… >. Apple and Digg are ‘inventing’ copy and paste now. Coming down Mount Sinai with the feature of heaven (the one that they shut down *cough* OpenClip) Mar 16 17:36
*Balrog_ has quit (Client Quit) Mar 16 17:36
schestowitz twitter: what did he say other than bad things? Mar 16 17:36
twitter Well, he expects Windows 7 to fix things. Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz http://www.linkedin.com/in/adamholt ” Adam Holt – Account Director, Microsoft Advertising “ Mar 16 17:37
twitter Not even Intel executives think that’s right. Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz Paid shilll Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz Where did he write this nonsense? Mar 16 17:37
twitter bam, thanks Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz Is there a disclosure? Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz Show me Mar 16 17:37
schestowitz Let’s expose the paid shills that generate buzz Mar 16 17:37
twitter Your link from today’s BN, business week. Mar 16 17:38
twitter http://www.businessweek.com/ap/finan… Mar 16 17:38
twitter ” However, the Windows 7 release, expected by the December quarter, should stabilize 2010 prices as companies upgrade.” Mar 16 17:38
schestowitz Is this the same person? Mar 16 17:38
schestowitz Analyst? Mar 16 17:38
twitter Got me.  I don’t know. Mar 16 17:39
schestowitz “Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Holt “ Mar 16 17:39
schestowitz Doubtful. Mar 16 17:39
twitter He shows up in BN twice. Mar 16 17:39
schestowitz No intersection Mar 16 17:39
schestowitz Where? Mar 16 17:39
twitter last warning http://boycottnovell.com/2008/1… Mar 16 17:39
schestowitz ” February 2005  — Present (4 years 2 months)  “ Mar 16 17:40
twitter uhhh, your article was written in 2008 Mar 16 17:40
schestowitz http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/?first=+… Mar 16 17:40
twitter ahhhh Mar 16 17:41
*mib_fzyyw6 has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Mar 16 17:41
schestowitz Many people visit BN today. I don’t know why except # of posts Mar 16 17:43
twitter http://www.google.com/search?q=Morgan%20… Mar 16 17:43
twitter http://www.computerweekly.com/Home/… Mar 16 17:44
twitter seems consistent. Mar 16 17:44
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:45
schestowitz I saw that too. Mar 16 17:45
schestowitz Same person though? Mar 16 17:45
twitter think so, it’s hard to tell. Mar 16 17:45
schestowitz Morgan Stanley and MS are close thought Mar 16 17:45
schestowitz MG was just being realistic when it said MS is f*ed Mar 16 17:46
schestowitz Then it expressed hope (Vista7 to the rescue( Mar 16 17:46
_Hicham_ Vista 7 is no rescue Mar 16 17:46
_Hicham_ it started with a lot of flaws Mar 16 17:46
schestowitz Of course not Mar 16 17:46
schestowitz Unless you’re in marketing Mar 16 17:46
twitter The question is if they consistently pump things up as better than they are, even while saying things are getting worse. Mar 16 17:46
twitter No big deal now, no one but Adam expects Windows 7 to pick things up. Mar 16 17:47
schestowitz Novell to Present at Morgan Stanley 2009 Technology Conference in San Francisco < http://www.centredaily.com/business/tech… > Mar 16 17:47
schestowitz Morgan Stanley = multi-man Cramer (MAD MONEY!!) Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz *multi-men Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz         > No big deal now, no one but Adam expects Windows 7 to pick things up. Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz Well, BW readers are deceived Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz it’s the ‘business press’ Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz People in suits, people who make decisions Mar 16 17:48
schestowitz “Let’s wait for Vista 7″.  Stanley’s Morgage sez so Mar 16 17:49
schestowitz The criterion for selection here is obedience and MS (Morgan Stanley) serves the business that pay it. That’s just how those things work. You pump up some names like MS (Morgan Stanley) and then use their press to parrot self-fulfilling prophecies. Analysts are all the same, the ones that get big anyway Mar 16 17:52
schestowitz Recent Microsoft patch useless  < http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/… >. Covered in BN too Mar 16 17:53
schestowitz The copyrights cartel gets the public to pay to defend it: UK agency will discourage piracy  < http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/new… > Mar 16 17:54
schestowitz They should promote GPL and CC instead, then “discourage” maximalists Mar 16 17:55
twitter http://slashdot.org/firehose… Mar 16 17:56
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-193-127.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 17:57
*_Hicham_ has quit (“Leaving.”) Mar 16 17:57
schestowitz The formerly impressive Satyam is AWOL in a matter of just months: Satyam loses Oz contract < http://www.channelregister.co.uk/20… >. Imagine how quickly companies like SCO or Microsoft sink due to fraud Mar 16 18:01
tessier_ This is a little bit different from what either SCO or Microsoft are doing. Mar 16 18:02
tessier_ So far there have been no such clear accounting “irregularities” in either. Mar 16 18:02
schestowitz tessier: not true Mar 16 18:02
schestowitz Microsoft was caught Mar 16 18:02
schestowitz Fraud Mar 16 18:02
schestowitz They paid their way out Mar 16 18:02
schestowitz Even Madoff had people blow the whistle on him for years, but regulators conveniently ignore… until he admit this by blowing the whistle on himself. Mar 16 18:03
schestowitz People sang praises about his wealth… kind of like the ‘rich’ Microsoft (which for a fact has lost all its savings and who knows how bad it really is) Mar 16 18:04
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection) Mar 16 18:05
twitter heh, an algorithm to determine your contributions to the company – http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?o… Mar 16 18:05
twitter what an easy way to “paper” someone’s file. Mar 16 18:05
twitter how goes M$’s vanishing cash pile these days? Mar 16 18:06
twitter People keep saying they have $20B in the bank, but that’s got to be a dated figure.  I thought they would be at zero or debt by now. Mar 16 18:07
schestowitz Some people lost all their money and entered debt even. Mar 16 18:08
schestowitz They keep quiet about it Mar 16 18:08
twitter yeah, but M$ people are loud and usually full of something other than cash. Mar 16 18:09
twitter full of beans and other vaporware Mar 16 18:09
schestowitz twitter: Microsoft left you a messge Mar 16 18:10
schestowitz They wanted to say, “thank you for refurbishing our campus and developing it further” Mar 16 18:10
twitter It’s like full monte but bigger.  http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl… Mar 16 18:10
schestowitz Madoff bragged about big numbers Mar 16 18:10
twitter how nice of M$, but I’ve been broke for years and don’t pay taxes to much of anyone. Mar 16 18:11
schestowitz But he forgor the minus sign :-D Mar 16 18:11
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) Mar 16 18:11
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection) Mar 16 18:11
twitter no job.  it kind of makes the “no new taxes” rhetoric sound empty. Mar 16 18:11
schestowitz “Economists forecast industrial production would drop 1.3 percent, according to the median projection in a Bloomberg News survey of 68 economists. Estimates ranged from declines of 2.2 percent to 0.3 percent. “ Mar 16 18:11
twitter thanks for nothing, GWB. Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz twitter, tessier what does the US export? Mar 16 18:12
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 18:12
twitter used to be food Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz I know Mar 16 18:12
twitter weapons Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz for wrong reasons Mar 16 18:12
twitter autos Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz Like in South America Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz They would make all sorts of fgood that’s useles Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz Live in poverty Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz And then they depended on food imports from the US Mar 16 18:12
schestowitz So they gave the US what they wanted Mar 16 18:13
schestowitz And then depended on it for food Mar 16 18:13
schestowitz By growing the wrong thinks Mar 16 18:13
twitter before ADM started their corn fuel fraud, the US provided a lot of corn around the world. Mar 16 18:13
schestowitz Like cattle for burgets and stuff. Mar 16 18:13
schestowitz twitter: does the US export autos like it used to? Mar 16 18:13
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-52-38.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 18:13
twitter GM and friends flirt with bankruptcy. Mar 16 18:13
schestowitz Corn fuel apparently takes more fuel than it generates Mar 16 18:14
schestowitz I hear it from many sources Mar 16 18:14
schestowitz Independent Mar 16 18:14
twitter yes, it was a terrible fraud Mar 16 18:14
schestowitz Ethanol could be argued to be work on progress… Mar 16 18:14
schestowitz Same with solar power I heard Mar 16 18:14
twitter people in Mexico have rioted over higher priced food and hunger Mar 16 18:14
schestowitz Takes more to produce solar panels than they generate in their lifetime. Mar 16 18:14
twitter ugh, even the printed ones? Mar 16 18:14
twitter they have low efficiency, but there’s a US factory making giga watts worth of them every year. Mar 16 18:15
twitter RMS pointed to an interesting bio fuel idea from Lovelock, the guy who told everyone about the ozone hole. Mar 16 18:16
twitter his idea was to make charcoal out of agricultural waste.  The effluent is fuel and the charcoal sequesters carbon. Mar 16 18:17
twitter if you don’t burn the charcoal Mar 16 18:17
schestowitz pollies discover blogging: Despite being seen by some as a joke figure after a series of embarrassments during his time as deputy prime minister, Prescott’s rehabilitation at the head of Labour’s internet assault on the Tories has been sanctioned by Gordon Brown. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009… Mar 16 18:17
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 18:18
twitter it could actually make a dent in global warming.  Lovelock did not think people would go for it and thinks we are doomed to a 50% population crash this century. Mar 16 18:18
schestowitz That’s why I’d advocate birth control Mar 16 18:18
twitter Agriculture can be a reputable export.  More honest than arms sales. Mar 16 18:18
schestowitz Reduce population size or face atrociuty Mar 16 18:19
schestowitz But it’s adverse to human nature Mar 16 18:19
schestowitz We’re like the dinosaurs Mar 16 18:19
schestowitz http://coffee.geek.nz/te-papa-d… “Te Papa reserves the right to approve the use of hypertext links to the Te Papa website and you must remove or cease any link at Te Papa’s request. Written permission is required before a link to any part of the Te Papa site is established from an external site. “ Mar 16 18:21
schestowitz Nature’s destruction in progress: ‘Green’ dams hasten rape of Borneo forests < http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne… > Mar 16 18:22
twitter it won’t be enough to compensate victims, but Madoff’s $800M of property is fair game.  http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?p… Mar 16 18:25
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Mar 16 18:27
schestowitz “More than $100 million in real estate, cash, bonds, art, autos, boats and other property owned by Bernard Madoff and his wife, Ruth Madoff, is subject to forfeiture, prosecutors said. “ Mar 16 18:29
schestowitz What about cousins and all? He did spread his loot around, didn’t he? They need to collect everything he has given to others Mar 16 18:30
schestowitz “So finally, free culture is nothing more than, and nothing less than, mankind’s natural propensity to communicate, collaborate and share. It is not a fad, it goes much deeper. Characterising it in narrow terms as a politically motivated cult, or as a commercially damaging movement is missing the big picture, for these things are not of its essence. It first and foremost is a technology-facilitated extension of our normal modes o Mar 16 18:31
schestowitz f behaviour — and this is why it is inevitable, profound and unstoppable.” Mar 16 18:31
schestowitz http://ralpress.org/2009/03/16/fre… What’s with the headline? They use words from a Microsoft shill. Mar 16 18:31
schestowitz “Not surprisingly, when a technology becomes obsolete, firms who specialize in exploiting that technology go out of business.” http://techliberation.com/2009/03/03/… Mar 16 18:34
*[H]omer has quit (“reset by beer”) Mar 16 18:37
MinceR re the jesusPhone 3.0 link — the digg founder being a crApple cultist explains digg itself being a wretched hive of crApple fanboyism, i guess… Mar 16 18:37
schestowitz With the thief and the patent troll: http://www.mactropolis.com/fun-st… Mar 16 18:41
schestowitz Actually 2 patent trolls Mar 16 18:41
schestowitz Gates too has its own trolling firm in the making. Searette Mar 16 18:41
schestowitz Adult kids: http://www.iphonesavior.com… Mar 16 18:42
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-218-217.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 18:46
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Mar 16 18:47
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-115-239.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 18:52
twitter Freetards, people who believe in imaginary property but demand costless entertainment.  They don’t understand sharing and place a high value on their own works instead of sharing. Mar 16 18:56
twitter They use crap like Windows and Word when better alternatives are available. Mar 16 18:57
twitter Everything about copyright is cool for them, as long as they don’t pay the bills. Mar 16 18:58
twitter This is how we should steal the term “freetard” and use it against the M$ shills who created it.  They have no understanding of free culture. Mar 16 18:59
twitter Paytards, people who think it’s morally correct to pay evil companies like M$ and RIAA members for stuff normal people share without cost. Mar 16 19:00
schestowitz I think, although I ain’t sure, that Microsoft shill Lyons made it up Mar 16 19:00
twitter It does not matter who made it up, let’s jam the concept down their throats. Mar 16 19:00
schestowitz Mins ago I’d found: http://techdirt.com/articles… (If Your Business Model Revolves Around Taking Some Feature Away From People, You’re Doing It Wrong) Mar 16 19:00
schestowitz Terry McBride: Songs Are Not Copyright. Songs Are Emotions < http://techdirt.com/art… > Mar 16 19:01
*schestowitz listens to gigs of music whose creators want it to be ‘copies’ (shared) Mar 16 19:01
twitter They don’t understand free culture and should be shown up for it. Mar 16 19:01
schestowitz *codpied Mar 16 19:01
schestowitz Free culture is something for the Murdoch press to shy away from Mar 16 19:01
schestowitz Not many people will know it exists this way Mar 16 19:01
schestowitz Kind of like Nader Mar 16 19:01
twitter They can’t hide forever. Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz ‘You’ don’t want to give them voice. Keep them marglialised Mar 16 19:02
twitter Music you can share is cool. Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz It succeeds too Mar 16 19:02
twitter Software you can share is cool. Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz I hope ther MAFIAA enforce harder Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz BUT Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz Not kill protocols Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz The good guys use torrent too Mar 16 19:02
schestowitz Comes vs Microsoft was a hot torrent Mar 16 19:03
twitter I came close to deleting my non free music collection but decided it is better to understand popular culture and wield it. Mar 16 19:03
schestowitz Had it not been for torrent, maybe all those Microsoft crimes (inc. Wal-Mart taskforce) would stay on some guy’s PCs.. a guy with an NDA Mar 16 19:03
twitter of course, shared knowledge has value. Mar 16 19:04
twitter hoarded information makes you a freak, out of touch and suspicious. Mar 16 19:04
schestowitz http://torrentfreak.com/sxsw-20… Rearm Mar 16 19:04
schestowitz It’s pretty good. I listen to it these days. If only it were oggs too Mar 16 19:04
twitter I enjoy the internet archive’s live music collection. Mar 16 19:05
twitter Jam to the New Orleans Radiators. Mar 16 19:05
schestowitz Economics fallacy: By banning online sales, are the Girl Scouts failing our daughters? < http://www.newsweek.com/id/188714 > Mar 16 19:06
twitter http://www.archive.org/browse.php?c… Mar 16 19:06
trmanco hello Mar 16 19:07
twitter Here’s the Radiators.  910 shows going back to the early 1980s.  http://www.archive.org/details/Radiators Mar 16 19:07
schestowitz haha. Dinosaurs: Columbia Journalism Professor: Fuck New Media < http://techdirt.com/articles/20090… > Mar 16 19:07
twitter http://www.archive.org/search.ph… Mar 16 19:08
twitter pardon me, there are only 893 concerts available. Mar 16 19:08
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) Mar 16 19:09
twitter I don’t think new media’s audience will hear the dinosaur’s cry. Mar 16 19:09
schestowitz Wow. Big collections there: http://www.archive.org/details/rad199… Mar 16 19:09
schestowitz “This is illegal competition as seen from IFPI. It /has/ to be stopped! Now! Shut down bittorrent! Shut down the internet!” Mar 16 19:10
schestowitz *LOL* Mar 16 19:10
twitter The result of sharing is endless abundance. Mar 16 19:10
schestowitz Kind of like Microsoft calls Linux illegal competition Mar 16 19:10
schestowitz Now you need to buy patents, not software Mar 16 19:10
schestowitz Microsoft wants to buy some laws Mar 16 19:11
schestowitz Why compete when you can call the competition criminal with new laws? Mar 16 19:11
schestowitz Business to them is like a /right/ Mar 16 19:11
twitter Their power to buy is going the same place their sales. Mar 16 19:11
schestowitz “We used to earn X$, please ensure we don’t lose our job,Senator” Mar 16 19:11
twitter No bribe, no jibe. Mar 16 19:12
schestowitz Wow. Just got interesting mail. Mar 16 19:12
twitter The Radiators always make me smile. Mar 16 19:12
schestowitz “This looks like it might be worse retribution than what happened to Peter Quinn: http://news.google.fi/news?q… Mar 16 19:12
schestowitz Could this be targeted? Mar 16 19:12
schestowitz He promoted MS alternatives and FOSS. Mar 16 19:13
twitter I don’t have the details. Mar 16 19:13
schestowitz I’ve just asked for some Mar 16 19:14
schestowitz Maybe they frame him or something Mar 16 19:14
schestowitz he didn’t do anything Mar 16 19:14
schestowitz But they associated himself with some old employee of him Mar 16 19:14
schestowitz *his Mar 16 19:14
schestowitz If they want to find dirt to dethrone him, they’ll find it somewhere Mar 16 19:15
twitter For all I know, M$ provided the cash found. Mar 16 19:15
schestowitz If not direct dirt, then dirt about someone he ‘knows’… dirt by association is familiar to me. Mar 16 19:15
twitter yes, made up dirt too. Mar 16 19:15
twitter The Justice Department, FBI and other organizations need to be cleaned out with a fire hose. Mar 16 19:16
twitter Homeland security should be abolished – that would save a lot of money the Gov does not have. Mar 16 19:17
schestowitz Won’t happen Mar 16 19:17
twitter Yes, Obama looks like a wimp so far.  Protecting wiretaps and ACTA. Mar 16 19:18
twitter It’s still early. Mar 16 19:18
twitter Computer World is not always a good source of information.  They all but shout, “there will be no government free software revolution” Mar 16 19:19
schestowitz IDC Mar 16 19:22
schestowitz They don’t want it Mar 16 19:22
schestowitz They would be out of business otally Mar 16 19:22
trmanco http://www.boston.com/business/tech… Mar 16 19:22
schestowitz And the writers go down with them, not just the anal-ysts Mar 16 19:22
schestowitz trmanco: got it already Mar 16 19:22
schestowitz see BN Mar 16 19:22
trmanco ah ok, I just got home, did not read feeds yet Mar 16 19:23
twitter btdownloading some of sxsw Mar 16 19:24
twitter it’s really slow.  my ISP has been busted for messing with torrents before Mar 16 19:25
twitter 40 K/s max so far, projected finish time 44 hours Mar 16 19:26
twitter zero up Mar 16 19:26
trmanco traffic shaping? Mar 16 19:28
schestowitz Maybe. Mar 16 19:29
schestowitz At least it’s going. Mar 16 19:29
schestowitz They should throttle Windows update Mar 16 19:29
schestowitz Useless POS./ Mar 16 19:30
balzac “i am linux” Mar 16 19:31
balzac “i am legend” Mar 16 19:32
balzac “i am sparticus” Mar 16 19:32
balzac “this is SPARTAAAA!!” Mar 16 19:33
twitter fraud survives downturn http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-d… Mar 16 19:33
twitter no surprise there Mar 16 19:34
twitter merged banks are even bigger and dumber than their big dumb parts. Mar 16 19:34
twitter stupidity, it’s a product not a sum Mar 16 19:34
_Hicham_ balzac : u r the incarnation of linux Mar 16 19:35
balzac gnu Mar 16 19:35
balzac i am one manifestation of gnu Mar 16 19:36
twitter it is what you make of it Mar 16 19:36
twitter torrent is moving now Mar 16 19:36
balzac i am a gnu citizen Mar 16 19:36
balzac gnubermensch Mar 16 19:37
schestowitz Microsoft is getting aggressive now < http://boycottnovell.com/2009… > Mar 16 19:40
trmanco troll are starting to infect the ubuntu newsgroup Mar 16 19:40
balzac well, nevermind “gnubermensch”, it has bad connotations Mar 16 19:40
trmanco trolls* Mar 16 19:40
schestowitz “The study noted that the spike in fraudulent activity cases can be partially attributed to more vigorous reporting and investigations. ” *Now* they realise it’s time to  watch over? Mar 16 19:41
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection) Mar 16 19:41
balzac trmanco: url? Mar 16 19:41
trmanco 1 sec Mar 16 19:41
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 19:41
trmanco ah right Mar 16 19:42
trmanco google doesn’t carry this group :| Mar 16 19:42
trmanco balzac, no link sorry Mar 16 19:42
balzac ok Mar 16 19:45
*Goblin (i=5ec1b73f@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-cc6d0c0fe87e1fa1) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 19:46
Goblin hi all! Mar 16 19:46
twitter Intel goes for AMD’s throat. Mar 16 19:49
twitter “AMD’s former manufacturing division opened for business last week as GlobalFoundries, but the spin-off may run afoul of AMD’s 2001 cross-licensing agreement with Intel. Indeed, Intel has formally accused AMD of violating the agreement, and threatened to terminate the company’s licenses in 60 days if a resolution is not found. Intel contends that GlobalFoundries is not a subsidiary of AMD, and thus is not covered by the licensing Mar 16 19:49
twitter http://slashdot.org/articl… Mar 16 19:49
twitter or Mar 16 19:49
twitter http://techreport.com/discussion… Mar 16 19:49
balzac you know what website is really annoying? experts-exchange.com Mar 16 19:55
balzac I keep finding their crap near the top of google page results for lots of different IT-related queries Mar 16 19:55
balzac and you don’t get the answer, you get a thing which asks you to pay to join experts-exchange.com Mar 16 19:55
balzac Google should knock their authority down a few notches, they’re very, very annoying. Mar 16 19:56
balzac /j #gsoc Mar 16 19:58
balzac oops Mar 16 19:58
balzac /j #gsoc Mar 16 19:58
balzac that leading space… Mar 16 19:58
schestowitz Hey, Goblin Mar 16 19:59
MinceR you can view the ExpertSexchange answers without paying, actually Mar 16 20:00
MinceR iirc they’re shown in the google cache Mar 16 20:00
schestowitz Or just change headers? Mar 16 20:01
MinceR dunno Mar 16 20:02
MinceR (in the google cache, they’re at the bottom of the page) Mar 16 20:02
*mib_w43346 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9d94cd8cdae1c08f) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 20:14
*mib_w43346 has quit (Client Quit) Mar 16 20:16
Goblin great new article Roy. Mar 16 20:27
Goblin wow, 14 updates in 8.10 for today.  Just noticed…Puts MS to shame when Canonical puts so much effort into keep the OS updated. Mar 16 20:28
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-43-31.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 20:33
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Mar 16 20:35
*Goblin has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Mar 16 20:37
schestowitz Let’s see how Obama can combat white-collar crime: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29714402/rs222 (Obama seeking ways to block AIG bonuses) Mar 16 20:43
schestowitz http://www.msversus.org/microsoft-r… (Microsoft Restricts Free & Fair Use) Mar 16 20:46
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-66-119.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 20:46
schestowitz Hmmm.. “Bill Gates is involved in Eugenics… The “good work” he is throwing $ at in Afrika is earmarked mostly for population control… His Father was top Dog in “planned Parent-hood. IBM set him up … ” http://digg.com/microsoft/Microsof… Sounds like Alex Jones baloney Mar 16 20:46
schestowitz I’ve finally written that story about India and Microsoft versus FUSS: http://digg.com/linux_unix/India_Moves… Mar 16 20:47
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Mar 16 20:48
schestowitz *FOSS Mar 16 20:48
Balrog schestowitz: any comments on that one? Mar 16 20:49
Balrog (what I was discussing previously) Mar 16 20:49
schestowitz No, none of the RMS slur Mar 16 20:49
Balrog ok. The ignorance I see is appaling Mar 16 20:49
Balrog appalling * Mar 16 20:50
trmanco “Last but not least, gedit is now available on MS Windows [*]“ Mar 16 20:51
trmanco [*] python plugins are not yet supported on windows Mar 16 20:51
schestowitz His Wikipedia picture changed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stallman Mar 16 20:51
Balrog new picture :) Mar 16 20:51
schestowitz Much better now with the shorter beard. It used to show some horrific pictures of him, maybe because of vandals Mar 16 20:52
twitter toxic stream leaking from Redmond http://slashdot.org/firehose… Mar 16 20:52
schestowitz twitter: yes, Sweaty uses the bathroom there. Mar 16 20:52
twitter I like the long beard. Mar 16 20:52
schestowitz Mike Elgan pushes Windows stories Mar 16 20:53
schestowitz What a surprise. Mar 16 20:53
schestowitz Not Mar 16 20:53
twitter The long hair too.  Looks like some sort of Moses. Mar 16 20:53
schestowitz IDC + self confessed “Windows guy” + army of PR people = FP? Mar 16 20:53
twitter binspam Mar 16 20:54
twitter There was an interesting moment when some AC claimed CWMike was a twitter sock puppet.  The usual munchinks then tore CWMike up. Mar 16 20:55
twitter What a bunch of morons. Mar 16 20:55
twitter ha ha Mar 16 20:55
twitter When PR agencies collide. Mar 16 20:56
Balrog heh Mar 16 20:58
Balrog http://www.macrumors.com/2009/… Mar 16 20:58
twitter hmm, Slashdot troll told me there was. Mar 16 20:59
twitter SciFi becomes SyFy in move that shows NBC idiocy on all levels.  http://entertainment.slashdot.org/article… Mar 16 21:00
Balrog twitter: right now we’re not sure Mar 16 21:00
Balrog it will take some reverse-engineering to figure out :) Mar 16 21:00
Balrog it’s probably a simple high-frequency pulse system anyway Mar 16 21:01
Balrog or some form of pulse coding over the microphone lines that don’t distort audio Mar 16 21:01
twitter whole thing is strange Mar 16 21:02
Balrog the whole point is that the ‘DRM in headphones!!! RUN!!!!’ argument was totally premature Mar 16 21:02
twitter like I want something with marketing signaling instead?  What’s the difference between that and DRM? Mar 16 21:03
twitter If the device treats one set of headphones one way and another some other way, the device has digital restrictions in it. Mar 16 21:03
Balrog twitter: there are no other headphones yet. You have to compare headphones with buttons. Mar 16 21:04
Balrog Headphones without buttons work, but you lose the benefit of buttons. Once more is learned about how this works, we’ll know if it’s drm or just a clever signaling system Mar 16 21:05
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-126-172.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 21:05
twitter The only useful signaling I can imagine is device ID, so the shuffle knows what kind of headphones are plugged in and can set eq levels. Mar 16 21:06
twitter It would be better to just have flat responses. Mar 16 21:06
twitter other capabilities should come from the buttons themselves. Mar 16 21:07
twitter Apple should publish the signaling scheme so anyone could make headphones that work. Mar 16 21:07
twitter the rumor site, for what it’s worth, suggests the signaling is for marketing purposes. Mar 16 21:08
twitter I don’t care much because I already have a reasonable portable music player Mar 16 21:08
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) Mar 16 21:11
schestowitz yes, amarok Mar 16 21:32
twitter Rockbox, if I wanted a heavier device Mar 16 21:34
twitter my old TrekStor works like a shuffle with a nice display. Mar 16 21:34
twitter ogg play, usb mass storage Mar 16 21:34
schestowitz Here we go again: 10 reasons why KDE is better than GNOME < http://blog.hyperfish.org/2009/10-rea… > Mar 16 21:34
schestowitz Is Debian listening to its users? < http://blog.stone-head.org/is-d… > Mar 16 21:35
twitter Debian works for me. Mar 16 21:36
schestowitz fwbuilder: Manage Firewalls Professionally < http://debaday.debian.net/2009/03… > Mar 16 21:42
schestowitz Chromium on Ubuntu ! [HOW TO] < http://www.stefanoforenza.com/chro… >. If Google mistreats Linux with Chrome,then it deserves no place on Linux (yet) Mar 16 21:43
schestowitz http://gquigs.blogspot.com/2009… “I had finally finished my We’re Linux video when I find out the Linux Foundations website doesn’t support Ogg :(. (I can convert to other formats fine, but still)” Mar 16 21:46
schestowitz Someone should tell the Linux Foundation about patents and all. That’s why I don’t trust these people. They use twitter too, not identi.ca. They care about Freedom not at all. Mar 16 21:47
schestowitz Install Chromium Browser on Arch Linux < http://blog.zelut.org/2009/03/14/ins… > Mar 16 21:47
schestowitz Nice comical truth: Reason why people who work with computers have so much free time < http://www.benkevan.com/blog/reason-why-… > Mar 16 21:50
*_Hicham_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) Mar 16 21:52
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) Mar 16 21:53
schestowitz Inspirational: Finnish computer expert fits finger prosthesis with USB  < http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news… > Mar 16 21:55
schestowitz CNET spreads *NIX bread myth: “Some of you have beards. I know, I’ve seen them. Now, I know this isn’t a gadget per se, but it’s not fashion, either. It’s got a function. You need to protect and care for your beards, lest you lose your Linux admin superpowers.” http://news.cnet.com/8301-179… Mar 16 21:58
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-106-151.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 21:58
schestowitz someone copies phoronix (new parasite):: http://www.pressreleasepoint.com… Mar 16 22:04
MinceR gn Mar 16 22:17
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 22:19
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Mar 16 22:20
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-193-139.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 22:39
*[H]omer (n=[H]omer@moscow.perfect-privacy.com) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 22:39
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omer Mar 16 22:39
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04 Mar 16 22:49
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has left #boycottnovell (“Leaving”) Mar 16 22:49
trmanco http://www.hiprank.com/arch-lin… Mar 16 22:56
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 22:57
*_Hicham_ has quit (“Leaving.”) Mar 16 23:06
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 23:11
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Mar 16 23:53
oiaohm I think I have found the biggest thing MS FUDDERS want to keep alive.  Realtime vs Desktop vs Server.   They don’t want to see that come 1. Mar 16 23:55
schestowitz What’s the substance of it? Mar 16 23:55
oiaohm That they are completely different OS design required.   Even that NT it self the the biggest case that they are not. Mar 16 23:57
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