Eye on Apple, Microsoft: More Flukes, PR Problems
Summary: A couple of new articles from the British press and one which is a parody
• Apple voids warranties over cigarette smoke, users say
A Mac user claims that Apple voided her warranty and refused to repair her machine because it was “contaminated” with cigarette smoke.
• iPhone worm hjacks ING customers
The second worm to infect jailbroken iPhone users reportedly targets customers of Dutch online bank ING Direct.
Surfers visiting the site with infected devices are redirected to a phishing site designed to harvest online banking login details, the BBC reports. ING Direct told the BBC it planned to warn users’ of the attack via its website, as well as briefing front line call centre staff on the threat.
The “Windows 7 Launch Party” ads are proof that the Homo Sapiens are dividing into new species. Whole teams of marketing executives, PR hacks and television “people” got together and produced this thing without once realizing it was a parody of human interaction. And they aren’t rogue mutants; those are modern jobs – entire tax brackets filled with things who can no longer communicate with real people without a team of fake-smiling market-focussed minorities. And it’s interesting to see that, on some survey somewhere, “old” is now a token demographic.