Netrunner: Ubuntu GNU/Linux Sans Mono
Summary: Finally we have a Ubuntu-based distribution which does not encourage reliance on Microsoft’s C#
Clemens Toennies has launched Netrunner, which is based on Linux Mint (Ubuntu derivative) and contains no Mono, as a matter of conscious choice.
“We stripped it from Mono, so it serves as a testcase for a functional Ubuntu without Mono.”
–Netrunner’s developerTechrights happily recommends this distribution to those who were going to download Ubuntu anyway. “We stripped it from Mono,” explains Toennies, “so it serves as a testcase for a functional Ubuntu without Mono. We added WINE for backwards compatibility instead.
“Also, we added some KDE apps for good measure like VLC and acetoneiso.” █
linuxcanuck said,
April 9, 2010 at 12:09 pm
It is not Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Ubuntu is just plain Ubuntu and it is Linux Mint and not GNU/Linux Mint. Debian calls itself GNU/Linux. It is confusing enough to keep track of names with over 300 distributions without people changing the names to suit their own preference. Just keeping it real!
Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:
April 9th, 2010 at 12:43 pm
An increasing number of Ubuntu users don’t know what it’s based on (some think it was built from scratch by a cosmonaut), so I try to over-emphasise GNU and Linux, consciously.
When people appreciate software freedom, many things change.
Lanadapter said,
April 12, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Looks like I have a new main distro.(always go for a fresh install when upgrading, mono being the first thing I remove upon completion)