Links 18/8/2013: Applications and Instructionals
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Write LaTeX documents with LyX
LaTeX is a typesetting system that gives you full control over how everything in your document is rendered. The problem is its really steep learning curve. One option is to use a basic text editor and learn all the markup you need for your document. The other option is to use an application that wraps the markup to some degree. LyX does this very nicely. While a fully WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX doesn’t make sense (since your doc isn’t fully rendered until sent to an output device), LyX does provide a pseudo-WYSIWYG interface where you can see how different regions will be rendered.
Lightworks Linux Build now offers DVD, YouTube export options
Key updates include:
• Background rendering/export support
• Curve effect added to FX Colour Correction effects
• Magnetic snapping enabled on all panels (can be turned off)
• Ruler added to timelines
• Right click functionality (Export, Add FX)
• Free users can now specify where media folders are located
• ‘Insert/Replace’ source option added -
Google Drive for Linux? Patience, patience…
More than a year and a half ago, Google promised to bring its Google Drive to the Linux. Those who want to use the cloud-synchronized file system on the the open-source operating system, though, will have to keep on waiting.
In April 2012, when Google Drive launched, Google said, “The team is working on a sync client for Linux.” In May 2013, the update was, “The team is still working on it.” I asked for another update and got it Sunday: Google doesn’t “have anything new to share at this time in terms of timing.”
Screencasting and video editing using Ubuntu Linux
Wine 1.6.1 Stable Release Fixes iTunes 7 Issues
Install Nginx + Php FPM + APC on CentOS 6.4
10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3
How to install WordPress from the command line
How to draw flowchart or diagram on Linux
How to install Ghost blogging platform on Linux
Install Tweak Tools in Ubuntu 13.10
You can use GNOME Tweak Tool and Unity Tweak Tool to change your configuration options in Ubuntu 13.10.
Time-Saving Tricks on the Command Line
Using Wireshark on Ubuntu
rbash : Set Restricted shell in Linux
arkOS: build your Cloud with a Raspberry Pi
Recently I’ve discovered this project that has great ambitions:
arkOS is an open-source platform for securely self-hosting your online life.
Everything started from the founder Jacob Cook and the CitizenWeb Project he founded. It’s designed to run on a Raspberry Pi – a super-low-cost single board computer – and ultimately will let users, even of the non-technical variety, run from within their homes email, social networking, storage and other services that are increasingly getting shunted out into the cloud, and so under the control of big companies.