Microsoft Blast from the Past: Compatibility Games
Your application will self-destruct within 2 iterations of Windows
Microsoft has already been seen impeding and harming highly competitive software using Windows Vista. There is a long history there and Novell is a victim too.
Here is a good old story about Microsoft being pressured to play nice with competitors on its desktop platform, which is a monopoly.
Microsoft said in October that its “Troika” project, designed to ensure that competitors’ programs can run on its Windows operating system without glitches, won’t be ready until October 2006, nine months behind schedule.
Later came Vista, destroying compatibility, especially for third-party developers.
One memorable example of such technical sabotage is Microsoft’s action against DR-DOS, although ODF might be another example [1, 2, 3], perhaps even Exchange.
When will there be justice? █
“[Bill Gates] is divisive. He is manipulative. He is a user. He has taken much from me and the industry.”
–Gary Kildall
Gentoo User said,
November 3, 2008 at 12:58 pm
Running out of material? Wow, this is so petty.
And you should research the DR-DOS thing, considering that code was put in to avoid support issues with Win3x and never actually shipped. I know, because I ran WfW on top of DR-DOS 5 in the early 90s without any problems.
There are enough things to criticize Microsoft about, but it seems you’re spending more and more time rehashing old crap (some of which is not even true) and rejoycing when MSFT or NOVL drop but strangely silent when they jump.
Note: comment arrived from a witch hunter that does not even use GNU/Linux.
Needs Sunlight said,
November 3, 2008 at 1:49 pm
DCOM anyone? XP SP2 torpedoed all the chumps who religiously followed MS’ guidelines.
Cross platform is the domain of java…
Roy Schestowitz said,
November 3, 2008 at 2:05 pm
Unless Microsoft gets involved…
“Don’t encourage new, cross-platform Java classes, especially don’t help get great Win 32 implementations written/deployed. [...] Do encourage fragmentation of the Java classlib space.”
–Ben Slivka, Microsoft
Ty said,
November 3, 2008 at 3:44 pm
“And you should research the DR-DOS thing”
Strange, MS paid out on the DR-DOS issue. Didn’t even fight it in court. Sounds a bit guilty to me.
Jeremy said,
November 3, 2008 at 3:45 pm
— Linus Torvalds
This site, and Roy in particular, are exactly the “against” people Linus is talking about.
Roy Schestowitz said,
November 3, 2008 at 3:46 pm
@Ty: “Gentoo User” is a regular troll in BoycottNovell.com. Ad hominem and all..
freewill said,
November 3, 2008 at 5:34 pm
Yay for Jeremy and Linus. I drink to that.
Ty said,
November 3, 2008 at 7:52 pm
@Roy Schestowitz
Thanks. I know now not to pay him any attention.
Keep up the good work!
Gentoo User said,
November 3, 2008 at 8:11 pm
@Ty: That’s Stacker. Get your memes right.
@Schestowitz: Do point out where and how I have “trolled” your blog, so that it’s well documented. I’d like to see what you consider a “troll”. While you’re at it, please look up “ad hominem” in a dictionary.
Note: comment arrived from a witch hunter that does not even use GNU/Linux.
Roy Schestowitz said,
November 3, 2008 at 8:57 pm
Please do not rely on other people not following your activity. You’ve insulted people in off-topic comments.
Gentoo User said,
November 3, 2008 at 9:49 pm
Insulted whom?
Note: comment arrived from a witch hunter that does not even use GNU/Linux.