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KDE and Qt News: KDE Frameworks 5, Plasma Next, Qt Creator 3.1, KDE Commits

Posted in News Roundup at 3:23 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

KDE Frameworks 5


  • Plasma Next News: Proposed Plasma Experience Dialog

    A new dialog for choosing the Plasma Next look and feel has been proposed in a blog post by Thomas Pfeiffer, member of the KDE community and creator of the KDE Human Interface Guidelines.

  • Plasma Next Alpha

    This week, as well as being a centrefold model in a tabloid rag, another of my life ambitions came true when I had the glory of being the release dude. Plasma 2014.6 is the first version of Plasma using KDE Frameworks 5 and the developers are hard at work coding on it. The release schedule required an Alpha so I was tasked with working out how to release some tars.

  • KDE: Monday Report #10

    In which we mention the recent Alpha, gush about Community Design its problems and gains. Talk about whats coming for Plasma Next AND hand out freebee’s…

  • KDE Releases Alpha Version of Next-gen Plasma Workspace

    KDE today releases the first Alpha version of the next-generation Plasma workspace. This kicks off the public testing phase for the next iteration of the popular Free software workspace, code-named “Plasma Next” (referring to the ‘next’ Plasma release-see below “A note on versioning and naming”). Plasma Next is built using QML and runs on top of a fully hardware-accelerated graphics stack using Qt 5, QtQuick 2 and an OpenGL(-ES) scenegraph. Plasma Next provides a core desktop experience that will be easy and familiar for current users of KDE workspaces or alternative Free Software or proprietary offerings. Plasma Next is planned to be released as 2014.6 on the 17th of June.


  • Qt on Android Episode 4

    After we’ve learned how to set up the development environment and how to use Qt on Android, it’s time to move forward and in this article we are going to learn about different deployment systems and how to sign the package in order to publish it in any Android markets.

  • Qt Creator 3.1 RC1 Released, Qt 5.3 Advances

    Digia is working hard and fast to get the next version of the Qt5 tool-kit out the door along with their Qt Creator integrated development environment.

  • Qt Creator 3.1 RC1 Now Ready for Testing

    Qt Creator, a cross-platform IDE (integrated development environment) tailored to the needs of Qt developers and part of the Qt Project, has just reached version 3.1 RC1 and is now available for download and testing.



  • Interview with Aaron Seigo About Bodega Appstore

    The most important thing is of course the ‘digital asset’ term. That can be anything. For example, applications. Applications can be self contained – think how android does its APK files. Of course, things on Linux are often more complicated. Apache isn’t exactly a self-contained thing. And look further – perl, php, ruby, they all have their own addons like gems that need managing. Generalizing further, there are manuals. And books in general. Music, movies, pictures, you can go on.

  • Calligra 2.8 Is Too Sweet for Words Alone

    Calligra Suite is a massive collection of office writing and editing applications with a database creator and a few other tools added to the mix. Several of the nine modules go well beyond the tool sets found in other office packages. The big advantage to Calligra is that development has continued. Similar office suites for Linux have stalled or forked without much to distinguish one from another.

  • Krita on Steam – Early Access Now Available

    A few days ago I overviewed Calligra, the KDE office suite, which also includes Krita, the powerful image editing tool. Although I’ve mentioned it as being free, it looks like Krita Gemini, which is the name by which Krita goes on Steam, actually costs $22.99, covering the work needed to build, release and maintain it on Steam.


Links: Privacy Erosion and Other Technological Erosions of Rights

Posted in News Roundup at 7:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

With technological transitions come the powers to emancipate or to oppress





  • US Criticises European Anti-Spying Internet Proposals
  • A difficult breakup between US, internet

    It could be a difficult breakup between the US government and the internet.

    A plan unveiled last month would see the US relinquish its key oversight role for the internet, handing that over to “the global multistakeholder community”.

    US officials say the move is part of a longstanding effort to privatise the technical oversight of the internet.

  • US claims EU plans to build ring-fenced network may ‘break global trade rules’

    European Union plans to build a separate communications network to prevent data from passing over US networks is being opposed by the US, which claims that it would breach international trade laws.

    The opposition of the US to the plans comes at a delicate stage of negotiation between the US and EU over a trade treaty that would give more power to multinational organisations – including communications companies – to sue national governments over claimed breaches of trade rules.



  • Former CIA Director Calls Female Senator Too ‘Emotional’ On Torture Report

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has chaired the Senate’s Intelligence Committee for five years. So when she suggested last month that investigators should make public a report on the U.S.’s interrogation techniques because it would “ensure that an un-American, brutal program of detention and interrogation will never again be considered or permitted,” one might have seen it as the strong words and fair assessment of a person who has deep experience on the issue.

  • Hayden Faults Administration, Not CIA, on Benghazi Talking Points

    Former deputy CIA director Michael Morell told the House Intelligence Committee this week that despite reports from the chief of station in Libya that no protests occurred outside the American diplomatic facility in Benghazi prior to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on it, he edited the administration’s talking points to include references to such protests. His CIA analysts in Washington believed they had occurred, and the station chief, after all, was 500 miles away in Tripoli.

  • When the barrels of guns are lifted, truth vanishes – Kristinn Hrafnsson

    For the public revelations that the CIA and NSA were spying on the committee that was supposed to have oversight of their activities should be of great concern as it is a major breakdown in the system of checks and balances that should be inherently present in a healthy democracy. Despite all of the Snowden revelations there is also no indication that the NSA has changed its practices or made changes to how they carry out operations. By not publishing information that the public has the right to know the media has also failed and according to WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson, it is: “… an absolutely disgusting break with all the basic principles of journalism that I know of. And they claim that this is done upon the request of the US authorities for the security concerns. That is not acceptable.” Unfortunately today, he says: “We have submissive and lame editorial boards that will simply do as they are told.”

Venezuela, Cuba

  • Low Intensity War Challenges National Independence of Venezuela

    Over the past six weeks the so called salida ya [exit now] strategy launched by the Venezuelan opposition has developed, in part, into a low intensity war against the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro. This essay will examine two strategic objectives of the Bolivarian revolution that serve as pillars of resistance to the anti-democratic elements of the counter revolution: the struggle to preserve national independence and the campaign to develop and expand the communal structures that are the organized expressions of popular power.

  • Report: US Agency Created ‘Cuban Twitter’ To Foster Dissent






Chromebooks News: Chromebooks Gain at Microsoft’s Expense, Chromebooks for $99 Today at Best Buy (When Trading in Windows XP System)

Posted in News Roundup at 4:14 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Android News: CyanogenMod Rebranding, Source Code Releases, Games, Devices, and Tablets

Posted in News Roundup at 4:11 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Source Code



  • Google’s alleged Silver program would showcase the best of Android at carrier stores

    Google could have big plans in store for the way that it and other smartphone makers sell and advertise their best Android phones. According to a series of slides allegedly shown inside of Google and leaked to Android Police, Google is developing a program called Android Silver, which would find carriers dedicating a section of their store to some of the top Android phones, each of which would come with some significant advantages over phones that weren’t offered as part of the Silver program.

  • Android makes changes to Google Play Developer Program policy
  • Google to Launch Improved Android Camera App, Report Says

    Citing “sources aware of Google’s plans,” Engadget said Google is currently testing the new app, which will be pushed to Android users as a separate update, and won’t be part of the forthcoming Android 4.4.3 update.

  • Google gives a sneak peak at Project Ara development

    Project Ara (Phonebloks) and modular pieces of tech in general are gaining steam. So far, we’ve known that we will be able to swap specified parts of our smartphones, which will result in longer lives for our phones and less waste as a result of our tech lusts. Today, Google revealed some of the work that was going on behind the scenes with their ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) group. The Ara team members (read ‘nerds’) took the time out to demonstrate the sliding ‘blocks’ of their prototype or very early build of the devices, and they have not deviated a whole lot from the initial drafts, but there were significant bits of information included.


  • Android 4.4 KitKat gobbles 5% of all Android devices

    The latest flavor of Android is slowly eating up more Android devices, according to the latest stats from Google.

  • KitKat developer tablet previews 2.7GHz Snapdragon 805

    The Intrinsyc Mobile Development Platform Tablet (“MDP/T”) uses an updated Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 SoC running Android 4.4 (KitKat). According to a TrustedReviews overview of the Snapdragon 800 family, the 805 is set to ship this summer, but Intrinsyc says it’s shipping the MDP/T now for $799. So consider this a sneak preview, or as Intrinsyc calls it “early access” to the Snapdragon 805.

Humble Indie Bundle/Equiso/Games



  • ‘Akash tablets’ to hit market soon

    Under the ministry of human resource development, government of India’s one laptop per child (OLPC) project ‘Akash tablet’ will be available in market in 3-4 months at a cost of around Rs 2,500. The tablet which will be the first of its kind to have a dual book and dual board as it will use both Android as well as Linux operating systems will perform the job of both, a tablet and a computer. It will be the cheapest tablet in the world.

  • Tablets A Bulk Commodity
  • Intel: Small Cheap Computers The New Normal

    Small cheap computers naturally fit with GNU/Linux because they are easier to sell without M$’s “tax”.

Windows XP Will Die Today, New Articles Advise Users to Move to GNU/Linux

Posted in News Roundup at 3:59 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

  • What can you do after Windows XP loses support?

    Before installing a Linux system even in a dual boot install, make sure you back up all your files in case something goes wrong! There are many different versions of Linux. I have one computer with a recent version of Ubuntu, which is one of the more popular versions of Linux.

  • The Unexpected Present from Microsoft

    Microsoft will stop supporting Windows XP in a week’s time, on the 8th of April 2014. The number of users who still use Windows XP is astonishing. Let’s be honest – XP was the best and the most stable of all the releases of that Redmond corporation.

  • R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now?

    There is an alternative to tossing your computer or paying for expensive upgrades. The solution I’ve been talking about for at least a decade is to make the switch to a GNU/Linux operating system. Now, you’ve got a reason to make that switch and it’s never been easier.

  • Win XP usage down but not out as support cutoff deadline looms

    Windows XP usage on the web is decreasing as the venerable operating system edges ever closer towards its “end of life” from Microsoft support next week.

  • More INQUIRER readers will switch from Windows XP to Linux than to Windows 8

    MORE INQUIRER READERS that have Windows XP will switch to Linux than Windows 8 when support for Windows XP ends next week.

    In The INQUIRER’s recent poll we asked, “Which operating system will you use after Windows XP support ends on 8 April?”

    One third will move to Windows 7, which according to latest Net Applications figures still has nearly half of the PC market.

  • Windows XP Is Almost Dead, Here Are 3 Linux Alternatives

    The support for Windows XP is ending on April 8 and the operating system from Microsoft will be slowly killed and suffocated by viruses and malware. It’s conceivable that some of those users will chose a Linux OS and everybody know that they are hundreds of options.

Links 7/4/2014: Games

Posted in News Roundup at 3:47 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Links 7/4/2014: Applications

Posted in News Roundup at 3:41 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Links 7/4/2014: Instructionals

Posted in News Roundup at 3:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

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