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Cablegate: UNESCO Was Pro-Free Software Before Gates and Microsoft Intervention

Posted in Cablegate, Free/Libre Software at 12:23 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Interesting cable from Tripoli and its items regarding software

According to the following Cablegate cable from the US embassy at Tripoli, “UNESCO Reinforces Capacities of Public Administrations through the Use of Free Software: The Arab Federation of Technical Education, the UNESCO Office in Rabat, and ISESCO, in cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of the Labor and Training, organized a workshop at the Higher Institute of Computer Technology in Tripoli, Libya. The workshop aimed to reinforce capacities of public administrations through Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). During the three-day workshop, experts from the Maghreb countries presented best practices in using FOSS in their respective countries. This enabled participants to reinforce the capacities of universities in the field of technical education through the use of FOSS, and to develop tools in order to make public services more transparent. [UNESCO, 12/19/2008]“

We also wrote about UNESCO one day ago, in relation to what Microsoft was doing there to derail Free software preference. Here is today’s cable

Read the rest of this entry »


Cablegate: Iraq Rebuilt With Free/Open Source Software

Posted in Cablegate, Free/Libre Software at 7:57 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Folks from MIT (home of the FSF/GNU) were said to be using “open-source software” for an “Intranet [that] would rely on radio and satellite data links to avoid dependence on Iraq’s telecom system” and more

“Gatti said MIT plans to set up the system using open-source software,” claims the following Cablegate cable, which speaks about setting up some communication infrastructure for post-invasion Iraq. Here is the full cable:

C O N F I D E N T I A L  ROME 002050 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/22/2014 
TAGS: EAID [Foreign Economic Assistance], EINT [Economic and Commercial Internet], PREL [External Political Relations], IT [Italy], IZ [Iraq], IRAQI FREEDOM 
Classified By: Economic Minister-Counselor Scott Kilner 
for reasons 1.4 (b)(d) 
¶1. (C) Italy's Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MIT) is 
ready to send a team to Baghdad to start work on a Euro 11 
million project to build an Intranet system for the Iraqi 
government.  According to an aide to MIT Minister Lucio 
Stanca, however, the Italian Foreign Ministry will not 
approve the trip because of security concerns.  The completed 
system would link 20-30 Iraqi government departments to each 
other and the Internet using a mix of radio and satellite 
links.  End summary. 
Safety Concerns Delay E-Government Project. 
¶2. (C) Stefano Gatti (protect), Diplomatic Advisor to 
Innovation and Technology Minister Lucio Stanca, recently 
gave Econoff an update of Italy's Euro 10-11 million project 
to provide the Iraqi government with a basic Intranet 
infrastructure.  The MIT has a team ready to go to Baghdad to 
conduct an initial survey of the Iraqi Ministries' 
requirements; but, Gatti explained with some exasperation, 
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is delaying approval of 
the trip.  Gatti speculated that the MFA was nervous about 
sending additional Italian officials to Baghdad given the 
unresolved status of three Italian hostages, the death this 
month of an Italian soldier in Nasiriyah, and the 
assassination of Interim Governing Council President Ezzedine 
Salim outside the Green Zone.  In this environment, Gatti 
said, the GOI is reluctant to send more people to Baghdad. 
Gatti said the MIT has pared down the team from eight to four 
people in deference to the MFA's security concerns, but the 
MFA is still withholding approval. 
Need for Iraqi Coordinator 
¶3. (SBU) A second problem the project has encountered, Gatti 
remarked, is finding an Iraqi agency to coordinate with the 
MIT team.  He explained that, since the project involves 
hooking up several Iraqi ministries to a central Intranet 
hub, Italy must find an Iraqi authority capable of overseeing 
such a government-wide project.  Gatti predicted, however, 
that this problem would be overcome once the Ministry has its 
own people on the ground in Baghdad. 
¶4. (SBU) MIT's proposed Euro 10-11 million Iraqi Government 
Intranet project is designed to give the Iraqi government a 
basic system for electronically linking ministries and, 
possibly, municipal and provincial governments.  The initial 
budget covers the cost of a central server bank, connections 
for 20-30 government departments (each with 20 work 
stations), a remote back-up system (possibly located in 
Italy), plus training and technical support.  The Iraqi 
Intranet would rely on radio and satellite data links to 
avoid dependence on Iraq's telecom system.  In addition to 
providing Iraqi officials with basic email and Internet 
connectivity, the Intranet network could also be used for 
telephone service among government departments.  Gatti said 
MIT plans to set up the system using open-source software. 
(Note: A copy of Italy's proposal for the Iraqi Government 
Intranet is available on Rome's Classnet homepage under the 
section "Italy Background Notes."  Please do not distribute 
this document outside the USG.  End note.) 
Start-up Funding Available from MFA and World Bank 
--------------------------------------------- ----- 
¶5. (SBU) Gatti said the MFA already has Euro two million 
available to start the project.  The MIT expects to receive 
another Euro two million from the World Bank's Development 
Gateway Foundation, he said.  The MIT, Gatti asserted, is 
ready to start the project even though it has yet to secure 
the full Euro 10-11 million in funding.  Gatti predicted the 
additional money would fall into place once the project got 
underway.  (Note: The GOI is counting this project as part of 
its Euro 200 million Madrid pledge. End note.) 
¶6. (C) The delay in sending the MIT team to Baghdad 
demonstrates how the continuing Italian hostage ordeal and 
recent violence around Nasiriyah is creating government 
nervousness with negative consequences for reconstruction 
work.  However, assuming the security situation stabilizes 
and there are no more high-profile attacks or kidnappings 
that target Italians, we expect that the MIT team will be 
cleared to go to Baghdad in coming weeks. 
Visit Rome's Classified Website: 
http://www.state.sgov.gov/p/eur/rome/index.cf m 
        2004ROME02050 - Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

It is possible that a lot of systems were built with proprietary systems (contractors helping other contractors), but the above is noteworthy nonetheless.

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert Explain Why the Gates Foundation Does Bad Work

Posted in Bill Gates, Videos at 7:38 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Russia Today explains the Gates Foundation

The Gates Foundation is part of the patenting cartel and it monopolises many things. Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert explain this in their new episode, which is pretty well made. For those who wish to get right to the ‘beef’, skip the first 5 or so minutes.

Cablegate: Microsoft Lobbies to Illegalise Backups and Make Copyright Violation a “Crime”

Posted in Cablegate, Microsoft at 7:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Microsoft wants YOU… in prison!


Summary: Lobbying from Microsoft shows just how far the company is willing to go to criminalise its own end users

YESTERDAY we wrote about Apple's use of blackmail to influence French copyright law. According to the following Cablegate cable from Tel Aviv, Microsoft has been doing the same type of thing and met resistance. To quote: “Microsoft Israel has been the most successful of the interested parties in lobbying for changes in the Copyright Bill. Government Affairs Manager for Microsoft Israel, Shai-lee Spigelman, told EconCouns on July 13 that Microsoft has formed a coalition of foreign and Israeli software development companies to push for changes in the bill. Microsoft’s key concerns center around the provisions for creating back-up copies and the unlimited exemptions granted to public libraries. Anti-piracy manager at Microsoft Israel, Gil May-Tal, told Econoff that he has also pushed the MoJ to define end-user piracy as a crime, but found MoJ’s Afori entrenched in opposition to such a change. While Microsoft wants to see end-user piracy defined as a crime in the legislation, May-Tal deemed it not worth pushing, and thereby risking the positive relationship that Microsoft has built with the Afori. May-Tal said Afori is inclined to consider changes to the back-up copy and library usage clauses as recommended by Microsoft. Microsoft execs report that the drafting of the legislation was influenced by proponents of the EU’s open source movement.”

Here is the full Cablegate cable, which speaks more broadly about Israel’s copyright legislation

Carol X Weakley  10/18/2006 02:46:18 PM  From  DB/Inbox:  Carol X Weakley

S E C R E T        TEL AVIV 04106




DE RUEHTV #4106/01 2901552
P 171552Z OCT 06

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 TEL AVIV 004106 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/13/2016 
TAGS: ECON [Economic Conditions], ETRD [Foreign Trade], PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], KIPR [Intellectual Property Rights], IS [Israel] 
REF: A. TEL AVIV 03785 
     B. TEL AVIV 03843 
Classified By: Economic Counselor William Weinstein for reasons 1.4 (b) 
 and (d) 
¶1. (S) Summary: Israel is moving forward with legislation to 
modernize and unify its existing copyright law.  Three pieces 
of pending copyright legislation have a direct impact on U.S. 
industry.  Working-level contacts at Ministry of Justice 
(MoJ), who drafted the legislation, display varying degrees 
of flexibility in responding to U.S. industry concerns. 
While these concerns tend to focus on the specific provisions 
of the legislation (as applicable to a given industry), all 
of Posts' contacts oppose the legislation's decriminalization 
of end-user piracy and its lack of protection for digital 
media.  Per Washington's request EconCouns has requested that 
the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor (MOITAL) engage 
with the MoJ to review the draft legislation and begin 
immediate consultations with the USG.  End Summary. 
Status of Legislation 
¶2. (C) Currently, three different pieces of legislation 
related to copyrights -- in various stages of completion -- 
are being circulated.  The 2005 Copyright Bill passed a first 
reading in the Knesset on July 20, 2005 and is being 
considered by the Knesset Economic Committee.  The 2006 
Copyright Tribunal Bill was published on July 10, 2006 and 
has also passed a first reading and been forwarded to the 
Knesset Economic Committee.  These two bills will likely be 
considered together by the Committee.  The Ministry of 
Justice is the originator and sponsor of the 2005 Copyright 
Bill and the 2006 Copyright Tribunal Bill.  U.S. industry has 
voiced serious concerns over key provisions of these two 
draft pieces of legislation.  A private bill submitted by 
members of the Meretz party on July 17, 2006 -- aimed at 
preventing digital piracy -- has not been voted on by the 
Ministry of Justice 
¶3. (S) As the drafter of the Copyright Bill and the Copyright 
Tribunal Bill, the MoJ has championed the legislation.  With 
the resignation of Minister of Justice Haim Ramon, pending an 
investigation into allegations of sexual harassment, Meir 
Sheetrit assumed the position of acting Minister of Justice 
in August 2006.  In a September 19 meeting with the 
Ambassador, Sheetrit promised to look into the pending 
copyright legislation (reftel a).  In a follow-up-letter and 
phone call to the Ambassador, Sheetrit said that the 
copyright legislation had already "passed."  (Comment: 
Technically Sheetrit is correct.  The legislation "passed" 
the ministerial committee and was forwarded to the Knesset as 
a government bill.  However, the legislation is far from 
becoming law.  It appears as if Sheetrit's staff is telling 
him that the legislation is being handled by the Knesset 
Economic Committee and is out of their hands.  However, past 
experience with pharmaceutical IPR legislation championed by 
the MOITAL indicates that the drafting Ministry has 
considerable influence over the Knesset's consideration of 
the legislation, especially draft legislation as long and 
technical as the Copyright Bill.  End comment).  Copyright 
legislation at the MoJ is the responsibility of Advocate 
Tamir Afori, who has been working on the draft legislation 
since joining the MoJ six years ago. 
Industry Concerns 
¶4. (S) The software, music, and movie industries agree that 
while the Copyright Bill is an improvement on existing law -- 
a mix of British era legislation -- it fundamentally fails to 
implement the necessary safeguards for intellectual property 
in a digital world.  Another concern shared by the majority 
of the copyright industries is the failure of the legislation 
to designate end-user piracy as a criminal offense.  During 
the period of the 2006 Special 301 review, Econoff 
highlighted these concerns to Afori at MoJ.  His response was 
explosive and unexpected -- he railed against U.S. industry 
wanting to "make everything a crime" and questioned the logic 
in designating it as such, given that Israel has no intention 
of prosecuting end-users who commit just a single act of 
piracy.  Afori commented that he was tired of the U.S. 
"hinting" at the problem and proposed that the U.S. either 
quote the relevant law requiring that end-user piracy be 
declared a criminal offense, or drop the matter. 
Software Industry 
¶5. (S) Microsoft Israel has been the most successful of the 
interested parties in lobbying for changes in the Copyright 
Bill.  Government Affairs Manager for Microsoft Israel, 
Shai-lee Spigelman, told EconCouns on July 13 that Microsoft 
has formed a coalition of foreign and Israeli software 
development companies to push for changes in the bill. 
Microsoft's key concerns center around the provisions for 
creating back-up copies and the unlimited exemptions granted 
to public libraries.  Anti-piracy manager at Microsoft 
Israel, Gil May-Tal, told Econoff that he has also pushed the 
MoJ to define end-user piracy as a crime, but found MoJ's 
Afori entrenched in opposition to such a change.  While 
Microsoft wants to see end-user piracy defined as a crime in 
the legislation, May-Tal deemed it not worth pushing, and 
thereby risking the positive relationship that Microsoft has 
built with the Afori.  May-Tal said Afori is inclined to 
consider changes to the back-up copy and library usage 
clauses as recommended by Microsoft.  Microsoft execs report 
that the drafting of the legislation was influenced by 
proponents of the EU's open source movement. 
Movie Industry 
¶6. (C) ALIS, the Motion Picture Association of Israel, has 
thus far not commented on the draft copyright legislation. 
However, the Cinema Industry Association in Israel wrote to 
the Ambassador on September 11 to urge USG support for a 
draft proposal submitted by the Meretz Party.  The 
legislation is aimed at combating digital and on-line piracy. 
 Among the key provisions of this bill are: prohibiting the 
posting of creations on digital networks without the 
permission of the creator, prohibiting the listening to or 
viewing of pirated copies of creations, and imposing varying 
degrees of responsibility on Internet service providers for 
the content its users are able to access. 
Recording Industry 
¶7. (S) Some of the most damaging clauses of the Copyright 
Bill affect the recording industry.  Itshak Sheffer, Managing 
Director of the International Federation of Phonographic 
Industry (IFPI) Israel, told EconOff that he suspects the MoJ 
might be pursuing a discriminatory policy towards the 
recording industry in part because IFPI has been successful 
in winning several court cases against the MoJ.  One of the 
industry's main concerns is that the Copyright Bill could 
deny foreign sound recordings remuneration for public 
broadcast and performance.  The recording industry also 
expressed concern over the Copyright Tribunal Act -- 
legislation which will unify the collection of royalties 
under one umbrella organization. 
Next Steps 
¶8. (S) Director of the International Trade Administration at 
MOITAL Boaz Hirsch promised EconCouns on October 5 that he 
will schedule a meeting including the Director General of the 
MoJ and Emboffs to discuss U.S. concerns about the copyright 
legislation immediately after the Succot holidays.  Post 
continues to emphasize with the MOITAL that this legislation 
will impact US-Israel trade, and that discussions should not 
be confined to MoJ legal staff.  The Knesset Economic 
Committee is currently led by a Likud MK, and Likud chairman 
Bibi Netanyahu has promised to look into the legislation 
(reftel b).  While Post believes that inclusion of the MOITAL 
will broaden discussion of the impact of the legislation on 
U.S. industry, concurrent technical consultations between 
U.S. legal experts and the MoJ's IPR legal team are essential 
to full USG understanding of the legislation.  Local analysts 
predict that the committee will hold hearings and consider 
the legislation section-by-section before recommending any 
amendments.  During this time the MoJ, if it chooses, will 
also be able to recommend changes to the committee. 
********************************************* ******************** 
Visit Embassy Tel Aviv's Classified Website: 


You can also access this site through the State Department's 
Classified SIPRNET website. 
********************************************* ******************** 

Incidentally, for those who are interested in how copyright and patent laws get subverted by the Gates Foundation, we are going to separately post this new video from Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert.

Cablegate: Examples of Indonesia Developing Free/Open Source Software

Posted in Asia, Cablegate, Free/Libre Software at 6:48 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Two cables showing the use of Free software in Indonesia “in order to reduce dependence on proprietary systems.”

IN PREVIOUS posts about Indonesia we showed some good news but also a fair deal of mischief from Microsoft. In reverse-chronological order:

According to the following couple of Cablegate cables, “The Head of the Information and Computer Systems Division of Indonesia’s Agency for Technology Research and Application (BPPT) announced that BPPT is developing several computer applications using Free open source Software (FOSS) in order to reduce dependence on proprietary systems. Applications currently in development include e-office (Kantaya), e-learning (Kutahu), and Local Management Information System (Simda) software. BPPT is assisting several local governments (Jembrana, Pekalongan, Banyuwangi, Kuala Kapuas and Sawah Lunto) to implement FOSS-based applications. By 2014, BPPT plans to develop FOSS-based applications for computer driver and kernel technologies, mining data programs, Indonesian language processing, simulation and computerization.” In another cable (the second one) it says that “the international community has developed GIS applications using free open source software for use by countries such as Indonesia. Around 30 participants with key disaster mitigation responsibilities in the Indonesian government took part in the training.”

E.O. 12958: N/A 
TAGS: SENV [Environmental Affairs], TPHY [Physical Sciences], TBIO [Biological and Medical Science], TRGY [Energy Technology], ENRG [Energy and Power], ID [Indonesia] 
-- Government Phasing out Large-Scale AC Units 
-- Papua Signs USD30 Million Forest Carbon Deal 
-- Reclamation for an Integrated New City in Tangerang 
-- Oil Palm Threatens Sentarum Lake National Park 
-- Orangutans Close to Extinction 
-- Rare Javan Rhino Caught on Video 
-- Sumatran Tiger Population Critical 
-- Legal Reform Initiative Seeks to Protect Habitat for Orangutans 
-- Mangrove Planting in Surabaya 
-- Lax Enforcement and High Waste Treatment Costs Blamed for 
Continued Dumping 
-- Mushroom Farmers Switch from Kerosene to Firewood 
-- BPPT Developing Open Source Software 
-- Nuclear Technology in High School Curriculum 
-- Tackling HIV Infection Rates Among Surabaya's Children 
-- No Blood Transfusion Facilities in Half of Country 
Government Phasing out Large-Scale AC Units 
¶1.  According to Tri Widayati, Director of Ozone Protection of the 
State Ministry of Environment (MOE), most operators of 
industrial-size chilling/air-conditioning units will have replaced 
those units with new ones that use environmentally friendly Freon, 
such as hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) 123 and hydrofluorocarbon 
(HFC) 134, by the end of June 2008.  The MOE says that only 400 
large-scale AC units remain in operation.  The Government of 
Indonesia (GOI) banned the further importation of chlorofluorocarbon 
(CFC) 11 and CFC 12 after January 1, 2008 to meet its obligations 
under the Montreal Protocol.  This will lead to a gradual phase-out 
of older AC units.  The MOE is helping to provide soft loans to 
companies to finance the replacement of older units.  The Ministry 
is also working with voluntary associations to disseminate 
information to the public about the transition process. 
Papua Signs USD30 Million Forest Carbon Deal 
¶2.  Papua has signed a carbon deal worth up to USD 30 million for 
100,000 hectares of forestland.  On May 13, Governor of Papua 
Barnabas Suebu signed a Memorandum of Understanding with New Forests 
Asset Management (NFAM) Pty Ltd.  During the following two months, 
NFAM and the Papua Provincial Government will do a preliminary 
survey to identify three locations for this carbon project.  At the 
end of 2008, Papua will receive USD 10 million of guaranteed revenue 
for the first five years and receive dividends totaling up to USD 20 
million over the same period.  NFAM is collaborating with Generation 
Investment Management, owned by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. 
Tangerang Plans New Integrated City on Reclaimed Land 
--------------------------------------------- -------- 
¶3.  On May 15, Head of Tangerang Land Use Office Didin Samsudin 
confirmed that Tangerang Regency would reclaim 9,000 hectares of its 
northern coastal areas for a planned new "integrated" city.  The 
Tangerang Regent has already issued Local Regulation (Perda) No. 8 
of 2007 on Reclamation.  This new development will contain hotels, a 
marina, a business center, residential areas, and an integrated 
container terminal and port.  The new city will cover approximately 
8,000 hectares and cost Rp. 20 trillion or USD 1.3 billion. 
Tangerang is about 21 km from Jakarta. 
Oil Palm Threatens Sentarum Lake National Park 
--------------------------------------------- - 
¶4.  Budi Suriansyah, the Head of Danau Sentarum National Park, says 
that the palm oil plantation in the Kapuas Hulu region of West 
Kalimantan threaten the 132,000-hectare park's ecosystem, which is 
dependent on Betung Kerihun National Park.  The development of palm 
oil plantations as well as illegal logging is causing water 
pollution, and local fishers are finding it increasingly difficult 
to find local endemic fish such as jelawat and arwana.  There are 11 
palm oil plantation companies and 9 subsidiaries of PT Sinar Mas, 
operating on 160 thousand hectares in areas bordering Betung Kerihun 
National Park. 
Orangutans Close to Extinction 
¶5.  On May 8, the Executive Director of the Center for Orangutan 
Protection (COP) stated that, based on a COP study in Central 
JAKARTA 00001243  002 OF 004 
Kalimantan, orangutans will disappear from the region within 2-3 
years.  The investigation found 242 palm oil plantations with 
activities that having an impact on orangutans and their habitat. 
According to COP, these companies include members of the Roundtable 
on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), such as Wilmar, IOI and Agro Group. 
In 2004, a Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) 
reported that there were 58,575 orangutans left in Borneo, with an 
annual decrease in population of 9 percent leading to extinction by 
2015.  Darori, Director General for Forest Protection and Nature 
Conservation, is skeptical of the investigation's projections, and 
emphasizes that the government will not allow the conversion of 
natural forest to other purposes such as palm oil cultivation. 
Rare Javan Rhino Caught on Video 
¶6. At the end of May, a video recorder installed by Ujung Kulon 
National Park and the World Wide Fund for Nature-Indonesia 
(WWF-Indonesia) caught footage of the extremely rare Javan 
Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus).  Speaking about the incident on 
May 29, Agus Priambudi, Head of Ujung Kulon National Park, said the 
recording would help researchers and conservationists learn more 
about the Javan rhino's behavior, as well as assist efforts to 
reduce threats to the remaining population.  The Java rhino is the 
rarest among five rhino species in the world.  There are only an 
estimated 50-60 Java rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park.  The Java 
rhino is on the International Union for Nature Conservation's "Red 
List" of endangered species. 
Sumatran Tiger Population Critical 
¶7.  On May 25, the Coalition for Protected Animal Monitoring stated 
that there were approximately 250 Sumatran tigers (panthera tigris 
Sumatrae) left in the wild.  The decrease in this species' 
population is due to hunting, conflict with humans, and illegal 
logging and land clearing leading to the fragmentation of its 
habitat.  Poachers hunt the animal for its skin, bones, fang/tooth 
and claws.  Tiger skins sell for approximately 3-5 million Rupiah 
(USD 322-537) apiece in local markets and up to USD 3,300 in 
international markets.  Although Law No. 5 of 1990 on Natural 
Resources Conservation and Ecosystem protects this species, 
enforcement of the law is weak. 
Legal Reform Initiative Seeks to Protect Habitat for Orangutans 
¶8.  The Orangutan Conservation Services Program (OCSP) and Wildlife 
Conservation Society (WCS) launched a media campaign in late May, to 
commemorate World Environment Day, in order to draw attention to the 
urgency of legal protection for orangutan habitat and to support 
survival of orangutans in the wild.  WCS is spearheading a policy 
reform effort that seeks to protect habitat of endangered species 
from conversion to non-forest land uses.  In Indonesia today, it is 
illegal to kill an orangutan but it is still legal to convert the 
little remaining orangutan habitat to non-forest uses.  Habitat 
conversion effectively eliminates whole populations of orangutans 
and other critically endangered species as their habitat becomes 
fragmented and deforested. 
Mangrove Planting in Surabaya 
¶9.  On May 11, people from various organizations planted 8,000 
mangroves along the seashore at Wonorejo in eastern Surabaya. 
Wonorejo is poised to become a center for mangrove research, 
cultivation, and tourism.  The Surabaya city government is actively 
restoring mangrove forests in eastern Surabaya.  Illegal logging has 
destroyed at least 40 percent of a total 6,000 hectares of mangrove 
forest near Wonorejo.  According to the head of Wonorejo Mangrove 
Farming Association, various groups in eastern Surabaya have planted 
at least 25,000 more mangrove trees this year than last year. 
Unfortunately, last year's mangroves were poorly protected.  For 
example, 4,000 mangroves planted in the Kenjeran beach area in 
January had died by the end of May, due to high ocean waves and poor 
Lax Enforcement and High Waste Treatment Costs Blamed for Continued 
¶10.  At least 16 companies in East Java have disposed of industrial 
waste in the Brantas River through underground pipelines or during 
the heavy rainy season through open ditches.  The companies have 
waste treatment facilities but prefer to cut costs by dumping 
untreated waste, according to Purnawan, a lecturer at Brawijaya 
University and a member of East Java Walhi, an environmental NGO. 
JAKARTA 00001243  003 OF 004 
The phenol content of industrial waste these companies are dumping 
in the Brantas is dangerously high, according to Purnawan.  Just 
three hours south of Surabaya in Malang, waste from paper and 
cassava-processing plants has reportedly resulted in serious 
pollution and a major fish kill in the lake behind the Sutami Dam. 
Local media report that Malang's city government is reluctant to 
take action as paper factories are a major contributor to regional 
Mushroom Farmers Switch from Kerosene to Firewood 
--------------------------------------------- ---- 
¶11.  Mushroom farmers in Karawang, West Java, are switching from 
kerosene to firewood because of the high cost and scarcity of 
kerosene.  Mushroom farmers use fuel to boil water and use the 
evaporated water to regulate the level of humidity required for 
mushroom growth.  Kerosene's retail cost has increased from 2,310 
Rupiah (USD 0.25) to between 2,500-3,000 Rupiah (USD 0.27-0.32), 
making the price of firewood relatively cheaper.  During a planting 
period of one month, the farmers require on average 80-120 liters of 
kerosene or three cubic meters of firewood.  With the current 
kerosene price, the farmers' production costs are between 
200,000-300,000 Rupiah, but only 150,000 Rupiah if using firewood. 
Besides the shift by many farmers to firewood, others have closed 
down their mushroom production houses altogether. 
BPPT Developing Open Source Software 
¶12.  The Head of the Information and Computer Systems Division of 
Indonesia's Agency for Technology Research and Application (BPPT) 
announced that BPPT is developing several computer applications 
using Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in order to reduce dependence 
on proprietary systems.  Applications currently in development 
include e-office (Kantaya), e-learning (Kutahu), and Local 
Management Information System (Simda) software.  BPPT is assisting 
several local governments (Jembrana, Pekalongan, Banyuwangi, Kuala 
Kapuas and Sawah Lunto) to implement FOSS-based applications.  By 
2014, BPPT plans to develop FOSS-based applications for computer 
driver and kernel technologies, mining data programs, Indonesian 
language processing, simulation and computerization. 
Nuclear Education in High School Curriculum 
¶13.  On May 2, Dr. Taswanda Taryo, Deputy Chairman for R&D 
Productivity and Public Acceptance of Nuclear Science and 
Technology, BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency), announced plans 
for a program to include education on nuclear technology in school 
curricula, especially high schools.  Eko Madi, Head of the 
Subdivision for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology Dissemination, 
BATAN, explained that BATAN and the Ministry of Education would 
establish an expert team to begin drafting physics, chemistry, and 
biology curricula on nuclear technology.  In addition, BATAN is 
conducting outreach to educate teachers, students, and NGOs about 
nuclear technology.  BATAN will also establish three Centers for 
Nuclear Education and Information, including one in Jepara (Central 
Java), which is close to Muria Bay, the location for a proposed 
nuclear plant. 
Tackling HIV Infection Rates Among Surabaya's Children 
--------------------------------------------- --------- 
¶14.  The Surabaya City Health Department announced that 37 babies in 
Surabaya contracted HIV/AIDS between January and March 2008.  At a 
workshop on HIV/AIDS, Surabaya's Vice Mayor, Arief Afandi, confirmed 
that HIV/AIDS cases are spreading in all 31 districts in Surabaya. 
The Surabaya City government will take a new approach to the problem 
by training students to be HIV/AIDS cadre who will provide 
information and training to their peers.  The Surabaya City 
government will also involve more children and students in future 
HIV/AIDS workshops.  So far, it has selected 10 junior high schools 
and 10 senior high/vocational schools in Surabaya as HIV/AIDS test 
sites for this campaign. 
No Blood Transfusion Facilities in Half of Country 
--------------------------------------------- ---- 
¶15.  During a public hearing before the Jakarta regional parliament 
on May 12, Dr. Ratna Rosita, Director of Basic Medical Services and 
Nutrition of the Ministry of Health, stated that Indonesia lacks 
Blood Transfusion Units (UTDs) in 226 regions.  Ministry of Health 
statistics (2006) show that only 231 of 457 regencies/cities in 
JAKARTA 00001243  004 OF 004 
Indonesia have UTDs, including those operated by the Indonesian Red 
Cross (PMI), provincial governments and hospitals.  PMI's Chairman 
Mari'e Muhammad and Adang Dorodjatun, Chairman of Indonesia Blood 
Donors, also attended the public hearing.  PMI currently has 212 
UTDs, of which 24 percent are located within hospitals and 76 
percent outside of hospitals. 

Here is the second cable.

E.O. 12958: N/A 
TAGS: SENV [Environmental Affairs], TPHY [Physical Sciences], TBIO [Biological and Medical Science], TRGY [Energy Technology], ENRG [Energy and Power], ID [Indonesia] 
¶1. Summary: The Indonesian Supreme Court hosted a judiciary workshop 
on wildlife crime and prosecution under the ASEAN Wildlife 
Enforcement Network (WEN) program in August.  The Vice Governor of 
Jakarta announced on September 27 that Jakarta could potentially 
receive $2 million in funding from developed countries under the 
Kyoto Protocol if it can reduce its CO2 emissions. A 2007 survey 
found that despite overall decreases in other parts of the island, 
Sumatran rhino populations in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park 
and Way Kambas National Park in Lampung increased by up to 30 
animals.  On September 29, Vice President Yusuf Kalla announced that 
starting in 2008, Indonesia would increase its reforestation target 
from 1 million to 2 million hectares per year.  On September 25, the 
Head of Forest Office of West Papua said that the Governors of Papua 
and West Papua provinces would release a joint decree to ban log 
exports from Papua.  The State Ministry of Environment announced on 
September 15 that it aims to phase out imports of ozone-depleting 
substances by the end of 2007 as set in the Montreal Protocol. On 
October 7, Customs officials successfully foiled efforts to smuggle 
70 rare animals through Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta.  The 
State Ministry for Research and Technology and the United Nations 
Development Programme conducted a "Train the Trainer" session on 
open-source geographic information system software in Jakarta on 
October 22-27. On October 3, the Jakarta provincial government 
granted Rp 40 billion ($4.4 million) to improve health and education 
services in eight of its satellite cities.  At a ceremony to 
commemorate World Sight Day, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced 
that it would increase its focus on reducing the numbers of 
vision-impaired children. Several residents of Wolotau Village in 
the Kota Baru sub-district of the Ende Regency were stricken with 
anthrax after eating contaminated buffalo meat in mid-October.  The 
Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatau" Volcano, began spitting out 
flaming rocks and smoke in late October.  On October 23, the WWF 
Program Coordinator for West Kalimantan Hermayani Putera announced 
that poachers had smuggled rare plant species including orchids and 
nepenthes (also known as tropical pitcher plants) from Kalimantan to 
Malaysia. End Summary 
Indonesia Hosts ASEAN WEN Judiciary Training 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
¶2.  The Indonesian Supreme Court hosted a judiciary workshop on 
wildlife crime and prosecution under the ASEAN WEN program in August 
in Jakarta. The two-day workshop brought together representatives 
from Indonesia's judicial sector and focused on prosecution, 
investigation, Indonesian laws governing protection of wild animals 
and plants, local and trans-national cooperation with other 
agencies, and ASEAN-wide initiatives on Mutual Legal Assistance. 
Judicial officers from Thailand, Malaysia and the United States 
joined the event in order to share best practices and increase 
international cooperation to fight trans-national criminals involved 
in the wildlife trade.  Indonesia plans a follow-up training for the 
national police in February 2008. 
Jakarta May Be Eligible for Funding for CO2 Reduction 
--------------------------------------------- -------- 
¶3.  On September 27, Vice Governor of Jakarta Fauzi Wibowo announced 
that Jakarta could potentially receive $2 million in funding from 
developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol if it can reduce its 
CO2 emissions. To be eligible for the funding, Jakarta would have to 
meet United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) certification 
requirements.  Fauzi stated that the Jakarta administration is 
implementing a clean air project to try to meet the UNEP standards. 
Dollaris R. Suhadi, Project Manager of the Clean Air Project, 
explained that achieving UNEP certification will take up to a year 
of research and between $500,000 and $1 million in funding.  Jakarta 
officials are optimistic that the city will be able to meet UNEP 
requirements, citing for example that since the city's bus ways 
became operational in 2004-2005, the total number of private 
vehicles on the road has decreased by 14%. 
Survey Shows Sumatran Rhino Population on the Rise 
--------------------------------------------- ----- 
¶4.  A 2007 survey conducted by the Rhino Protection Unit (RPU) and 
Yayasan Badak Indonesia found that despite overall decreases in 
other parts of the island, Sumatran rhino populations in Bukit 
Barisan Selatan National Park and Way Kambas National Park in 
Lampung increased by between 24 and 30 animals (to a total of 60 and 
85 in each park, respectively).  Coordinator of the RPU Arief 
Rubiyanto stated the increase was unexpected, considering the many 
threats to the rare animals from poachers and territorial 
encroachment due to illegal logging and forest conversion 
activities.  RPU patrolling activities in both parks and the curbing 
of poaching contributed to the improved numbers.  In recognition of 
JAKARTA 00003185  002 OF 003 
his efforts, Rubiyanto received the Disney Conservation Award from 
the Walt Disney Corporation. 
Indonesia Reforestation Target Raised to 2 Million Hectares Per 
--------------------------------------------- ------ 
¶5.  On September 29, Vice President Yusuf Kalla announced that 
starting in 2008, Indonesia would increase its reforestation target 
from 1 million to 2 million hectares per year.  Kalla added that the 
international community could not blame Indonesia for cutting its 
forests in the past, since timber consuming countries such as the 
U.S., Japan and Korea invested in the concession business. Note: 
Although the central government's sets the target, responsibility 
for implementation falls to the regional governments, who may face 
difficulty meeting the increased level. 
Papua Provincial Government Bans Log Exports 
--------------------------------------------- ---- 
¶6.  On September 25, the Head of Forest Office of West Papua 
Province said that the Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu and Governor 
of West Papua Abraham O. Atururi would release a joint decree to ban 
log exports from Papua.  The Papuan administration wants to push 
investors to open wood processing facilities in Papua rather than 
shipping logs out from Papua.  There are currently 25 concessions 
within a 4.6 million hectare area, while there is only one wood 
processing facility, which is located in Sorong.  The Papuan 
government will implement the ban incrementally, beginning with a 
moratorium on 30 percent of log exports. TIME magazine highlighted 
Governor Suebu in October as an environmental hero for his 
conservation efforts. 
Government to Halt Ozone-Depleting Imports 
¶7.  The State Ministry of Environment announced on September 15 that 
it aims to phase out imports of ozone-depleting substances by the 
end of 2007 as set in the Montreal Protocol.  The Ministry said that 
as of August, imports of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for the year had 
reached 193 metric tons, down from 2,331 metric tons in 2006. 
Officials stated that the ministry had phased out the use of 1,209 
metric tons of CFCs from several sectors in 2006 and would eliminate 
use of CFCs from the industrial sector by June 2008. 
Indonesian Customs Officials Foil Animal Smugglers 
--------------------------------------------- ------ 
¶8.  On October 7, Customs officials successfully foiled efforts to 
smuggle 70 rare animals through Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta. 
The Ministry of Finance's Investigation and Enforcement Section 
reported that Indonesian citizen Jonathan Leo Nardha had tried to 
smuggle the rare animals in speaker boxes.  Nardha was transporting 
the animals from Malaysia for Indonesian customers in Jakarta. 
Disaster Data Base Training Conducted in Jakarta 
--------------------------------------------- ----- 
¶9.  The State Ministry for Research and Technology and the United 
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted a "Train the Trainer" 
session on open-source geographic information system (GIS) software 
in Jakarta on October 22-27.  Francis Sarmiento III, Project Officer 
for the UNDP's ASEAN Plus Three Sub-regional Node International Open 
Source Network, explained that Indonesia needed good, efficient, 
effective and fast local and national databases and information 
systems to anticipate and manage natural disasters.  Sarmiento 
explained that database and GIS implementation using closed software 
sources is difficult for developing countries due budget 
limitations.  To address this challenge, the international community 
has developed GIS applications using free open source software for 
use by countries such as Indonesia.  Around 30 participants with key 
disaster mitigation responsibilities in the Indonesian government 
took part in the training. 
Jakarta Grants Funding for Health Services 
¶10.  On October 3, the Jakarta provincial government granted Rp 40 
billion ($4.4 million) to improve health and education services in 
eight of its satellite cities.  The grant would support efforts to 
establish community health centers and reduce the number of 
outbreaks of communal diseases.  The grant includes the surrounding 
cities of Bogor, Depok, Bekasi and Cianjur in West java Province, as 
well as Tangerang in Banten. 
JAKARTA 00003185  003 OF 003 
GOI Seeks to Reduce Vision Impaired Numbers 
¶11.  At a ceremony to commemorate World Sight Day, the Ministry of 
Health (MOH) announced that it would increase its focus on reducing 
the numbers of visually impaired children. The MOH has conducted 
several programs under this initiative, including preventative 
measures through early detection of blindness in community health 
centers, provision of vitamin A supplements to combat deficiencies 
that raise the risk of blindness, and subsidies for regular exams 
and eyeglasses for poorer families. The MOH has established a 
national commission to tackle blindness and other sight disorders. 
Anthrax attacks villagers in East Nusa Tenggara 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
¶12.  The Head of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Sub Office of Veterinary 
of Livestock Office, Maria Geong, reported on October 30 that 
several residents of Wolotau Village in the Kota Baru sub-district 
of the Ende Regency were stricken with anthrax after eating 
contaminated buffalo meat.  Around 20 villagers were in critical 
condition and hospitalized.  Geong instructed the Health and 
Livestock Offices to isolate the area, and the Ende Health Office 
sent medical teams to the village to support the effort.  Ende 
Regency has been an endemic anthrax area since 1994, where anthrax 
spores can live up to 60 years. 
Anak Krakatau Volcano Spits Flames 
¶13.  The Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatau" Volcano, began 
spitting out flaming rocks and smoke in late October. Saut 
Simatupang of Indonesia's Center for Vulcanology and Geological 
Hazard Mitigation predicted that the volcano would continue to 
rumble for some time but posed little danger to the area.  Anak 
Krakatau sits in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. 
"Nepenthes" Flies from Kalimantan 
¶14.  On October 23, the WWF Program Coordinator for West Kalimantan 
Hermayani Putera announced that poachers had smuggled rare plant 
species including orchids and nepenthes (also known as tropical 
pitcher plants) from Kalimantan to Malaysia.  They hunted the plants 
in the Meratus Mountain area and the Hampangin Forest, located in 
the Katingan Ilir Sub-district of Katinan Regency (approximately 40 
miles from Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan).  Demand for these 
species has increased in Malaysia, leading to an increase in 
poaching in Indonesia.  The Indonesian Orchid Association expressed 
worry that these activities are threatening the sustainability of 
the species.  Malaysian consumers allegedly pay local people to 
collect the rare and protected plants in Kalimantan's forests for 
sale.  One pot of Nepenthes is worth Rp 20,000 (approximately 
$2.00), and the price for a Black Orchid ranges from Rp 45,000 to Rp 
75,000 (approximately $4.80 to $8.10). To minimize the threat of 
poaching, the West Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Office 
has trained local residents to develop nurseries for the endangered 

The story of Indonesia is an interesting one especially because of Microsoft’s response to ODF and FOSS adoption. It’s not unique to Indonesia and we have some antitrust material to show how Microsoft systematically identifies and then attacks deployments of FOSS.

Cablegate: Microsoft Attacks Free/Open Source Software in Indonesian Government With ‘Piracy’ Claims and a Secret 80% Discount, Breaks 1999 Monopolies Law

Posted in Asia, Free/Libre Software, Microsoft at 6:34 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: The abusive monopolist is caught trying to (and perhaps succeeding in) sabotage, using “piracy” for propaganda and blackmail

WHEN writing about Microsoft we typically write about a company of sociopaths who do not care about the law, do not respect the right of choice to exist, and work behind the scenes to engineer loopholes, bribe people, intimidate opposition, and sometimes overthrow or overtake positions of power. According to the following Cablegate cable, the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) “said that many computers in the GOI were using open-source software…”

The Microsoft MOU would “hand Microsoft a monopoly,” KPPU argued. The cable also says that Microsoft used the “piracy” propaganda to fight against Free/open source software, quite frankly as usual. Here is another piece of propaganda about ‘savings’: “MS offered an 80% discount to put legitimate software on all GOI computers, estimate at 510,000 units. Total cost would be approximately $45 million, a savings to the GOI of $260 million.”

What a joke. For a country in a poor economic state this is still a high cost and Microsoft is just trying to establish more of a monopoly while expelling Free/open source software (While making a profit, too). For background also see:

Here is the full cable which also says that “the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology did not put in a request for funds for the MOU in the 2007 budget, and in March 2007, the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) urged the GOI to annul the deal in an advisory, stating it violated the 1999 Monopolies Law.”

DE RUEHJA #1388/01 1360856
R 160856Z MAY 07

E.O. 12958: N/A 
TAGS: ETRD [Foreign Trade], KIPR [Intellectual Property Rights], EINV [Foreign Investments], 
ECON [Economic Conditions], EMIN [Minerals and Metals], 
KCOR [Corruption and Anti-Corruption], ID [Indonesia] 
REF: A) Jakarta 1212 - New Investment Law; 
     B) Jakarta 1326 - East Java-China Trade 
¶1. (SBU) Summary.  Visiting USTR officials Barbara Weisel and David 
Katz reviewed efforts related to intellectual property rights (IPR) 
protection and enforcement in Indonesia during their May 3-4 visit 
to Jakarta.  Members of the National IPR Task Force noted that 
difficult and ongoing challenges remained to improve policy 
coordination by the Task Force, and U.S. business leaders reported 
that prosecutions and convictions of IPR pirates remains low, and 
dialog with private industry, especially on pharmaceuticals is weak. 
 The Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Muhammed 
Lutfi, in response to concerns that foreign investors will need a 
letter of recommendation from BKPM to obtain a work visa (and thus a 
"backdoor" approval) under the new investment law, said that the 
BKPM will set up an immigration office in its headquarters to 
facilitate.  A garment industry buyer said competition and 
transshipments from China are hurting Indonesia's textiles and 
garments sector, while a mining industry representative said that 
mining is "flat on its back" in Indonesia, despite high 
prospectivity, due to the unfriendly business climate.  In meetings 
with ASEAN, Katz emphasized cooperation between the U.S. Food and 
Drug Administration and ASEAN on pharmaceuticals issues.  USTR is 
also encouraging ASEAN members to attend a Sanitary and 
Phytosanitary workshop in Vietnam in July to learn more about 
irradiation of tropical fruits to improve access to the U.S. market. 
 End Summary. 
IPR: Progress and Challenges 
¶2. (SBU) During a May 3-4 visit to Jakarta, visiting Assistant U.S. 
Trade Representative (AUSTR) Barbara Weisel and USTR Director for 
Southeast Asia and Pacific Affairs David Katz met with the American 
business community, the National IPR Task Force, IPR advisors, ASEAN 
officials, a member of Parliament's Commission VI, and a prominent 
member of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.  At a May 3 AmCham 
lunch, business representatives gave an update on several issues, 
with emphasis on the continuing challenges of intellectual property 
rights (IPR) enforcement in Indonesia.  The head of the AmCham IPR 
Committee noted several problems in the IPR area: 
-- The National IPR Task Force still does not have a reliable 
budget.  It also does not have a forum for dialog and consultation 
with the private sector. 
-- Customs Law 10/95 was finally amended in November 2006 and allows 
for Customs to take action without having to get court permission in 
advance.  It still requires implementing regulations, however. 
(Note: Embassy learned from Customs Human Resources Department Head 
and former IPR Division Head Okto Irianto, that Minister Mulyani 
will review the draft regulations for further inter-ministry 
-- Legal reform overall still lacks transparency, enforcement and 
decisions need to be made public.  Judges need more training in IPR. 
 More deterrence is needed for IPR piracy. 
National IPR Task Force: Still New 
¶3. (SBU) In a meeting with the National IPR Task Force (TF) on May 
4, USTR Weisel congratulated Indonesia on remaining on the Watch 
List, and noted that the formation of the IPR TF was big news. 
Ansori Sunungan, the Director for Copyrights and Industrial Design, 
said that the IPR TF has the goal of coordinating among relevant 
agencies, show the seriousness of the GOI, and perform public 
outreach and education to support IPR development in Indonesia. 
Cooperation among law enforcement agencies remains a huge problem. 
There is a view here that "piracy creates jobs," Ansori admitted. 
"The high U.S. price for genuine DVDs is also challenging for the 
market here," he argued.  For Global IP Day on April 26, Indonesia 
held a series of seminars and events, including an "integrity 
awards" ceremony at which Vice President Kalla was the keynote 
speaker.  Kalla praised creativity and innovation in his speech, and 
spoke of the importance of legal protections. 
¶4. (SBU) The National IPR TF plans to meet at least once a month, 
and report every six months directly to President Yudhoyono.  The 
IPR TF has five priorities through 2009, to be carried out by 
JAKARTA 00001388  002 OF 005 
special working groups: 
-- Law enforcement issues (Regulation 2004/29); 
-- Review and analyze applicable regulations; 
-- Outreach and public relations; 
-- Human resources and capacity building; 
-- International Cooperation. 
¶5. (SBU) The IPR TF also plans to set up a Secretariat.  AUSTR 
Barbara Weisel asked about the TF's budget.  Ansori responded that 
the budget is authorized under Presidential Decree No 4/2006 Article 
11 "All costs associated with IPR Task Force activities is levied on 
the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights budget."  The IPR TF has 
submitted its budget request to the Ministry of Finance, but has not 
yet received its own dedicated funding.  The IPR TF is also looking 
at other budget sources as well.  There will be a Ministerial level 
meeting with the IPR TF at least once a year, and three Ministers 
are very actively engaged: Coordinating Minister for the Economy 
Boediono, Trade Minister Pangestu, and the Minister of Law and Human 
Rights. Ministry of Trade's Ambassador Halida Miljani urged U.S. 
assistance in improving data collection on IPR violations, better 
case management and training of judges in IPR matters.  Halida said 
her goal is for all police, prosecutors and judges to have the same 
level of knowledge on IPR. 
Food and Pharmaceuticals IPR Issues 
¶6. (SBU) Pharmaceuticals companies continue to face challenges and 
complain there is "no level playing field" as domestic companies do 
not have to comply with World Health Organization codes and 
standards, while foreign companies do.  One AmCham member claimed 
there is a nasty pattern of regulatory discrimination against 
foreign investors.  Other representatives expressed their concern 
that the GOI requirement that all branded pharmaceuticals include 
the generic name of the medicine on the label at 80% of the size of 
the brand name, and in the same font and color as the brand name, 
could have a major impact.  Expert panels on nutrition do not 
reflect the greater body of science.  The views of the experts are 
often not shared, and industry is not permitted to respond or put 
forth a position.  It is not clear how "experts" are selected for 
the panel: they seem intended to simply create an artificial trade 
barrier.  One drug company representative said there is "no 
transparency" on pricing and labeling issues for pharmaceuticals. 
"Not only are the GOI's doors closed, they are locked," she noted. 
Halal: Lack of Standards and Certifiers 
¶7. (SBU) There is no standard or guidance for halal certification 
and labeling in Indonesia, and a lack of certifiers, which affects 
both the food and drug sectors.  The Ministries are not 
communicating well with each other. USTR Weisel noted that this is a 
global problem, with no agreement between religious groups and no 
international halal standard.  Industry currently pays a nominal fee 
for certifiers, but may eventually have to pay a much higher fee per 
unit.  ASEAN may need to discuss having at least a regional halal 
standard.  Currently, there is no consistency across borders. 
Weisel noted the importance that the religious standards of halal 
are met, but suggested that it would be useful to explore ways to 
agree on a regional or international standard of halal to avoid 
creating another non-tariff trade barrier. 
Optical Discs: More Enforcement Needed 
¶8. (SBU) One of the Embassy's IPR advisors noted that there are 29 
registered Optical Disc (OD) factories in Indonesia with a potential 
capacity to produce at least 500 million ODs.  Industry estimates 
the annual legal requirement domestically at only around 15 million 
ODs.  Despite Customs efforts and a licensing requirement for 
imports of optical-grade polycarbonate, large quantities continue to 
be smuggled in each year to support illegal manufacture.  When OD 
factories were registered and required to engrave Source 
Identification Codes (SID) on production line molds, however, many 
JAKARTA 00001388  003 OF 005 
factories have resorted to obscuring the engraved SID codes using 
heat resistant resins and they continue to produce illegal ODs. 
Factory inspectors are having difficulties.  They have been kept 
waiting outside for 30 minutes or more while factories "clean up." 
When they finally enter, machines are warm but managers deny they 
are active. 
¶9. (SBU) The Ministry of Industry representative said the Ministry 
lacks sufficient law enforcement support.  It has the power of 
inspection but not the power to enter the factories, which only the 
police can do.  The head of the AmCham IPR committee noted that 
President Yudhoyono has received the National IPR Task Force report, 
but has not yet made any public comment on the report or a statement 
on the need for improved IPR enforcement.  In a subsequent meeting 
on May 5, the Embassy's two IPR advisors and a regional investigator 
for the recording industry association (IFPI) said the lack of 
continuity and documentation of raids is an ongoing problem.  There 
is no timeline on what raids will occur where, and no follow-up 
through prosecution by the courts.  The actions taken thus far by 
the GOI have received - deservedly - a lot of recognition and 
credit.  But we need to measure results by the actual reduction in 
the availability of pirated material. 
¶10. (SBU) AUSTR Weisel noted with regret that Ratu Plaza, a center 
for pirated OD vendors, was back up and running after two weeks of 
closure, with a pirated copy of the just-released movie "Spiderman 
3" available for $0.45.  The IPR advisors said that change to the 
high-profile malls must be done incrementally, to gradually change 
out pirates with vendors of genuine goods.  Gambling, narcotics and 
OD piracy had been three major sources of funding for the police. 
Now only OD piracy remains.  The IFPI investigator believes that OD 
pirates have invested $400-500 million in pirated OD production in 
End-User Piracy and Microsoft MOU 
¶11. (SBU) Microsoft representatives lamented that Indonesia has the 
third worst software piracy in the world after Zimbabwe and Vietnam. 
 The Memorandum of Understanding signed in November 2006 had as a 
goal for the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to take steps to replace 
the estimated 87% pirated software on GOI computers by March 31, 
2007.  MS offered an 80% discount to put legitimate software on all 
GOI computers, estimate at 510,000 units.  Total cost would be 
approximately $45 million, a savings to the GOI of $260 million. 
¶12. (SBU) However, the Ministry of Information and Communications 
Technology did not put in a request for funds for the MOU in the 
2007 budget, and in March 2007, the Business Competition Supervisory 
Commission (KPPU) urged the GOI to annul the deal in an advisory, 
stating it violated the 1999 Monopolies Law.  Although not as strong 
as a formal KPPU ruling, the advisory has shaken the GOI.    The 
KPPU said that many computers in the GOI were using open-source 
software, and that the MOU would "hand Microsoft a monopoly."  The 
KPPU said the GOI and MS could face sanctions if it pursued the MOU. 
¶13. (SBU) Former MICT Minister Sofyan Djalil has subsequently said 
MICT would have to review the estimate of 510,000 computers and 
asked if the National Bureau of Statistics (BPS) could do it. 
Microsoft has countered that if the estimate of 510,000 computers 
was too high, it would adjust its price accordingly at the 
discounted rate.  (Comment: The stalled MOU reflects a lack of 
ownership in the GOI for solving pirated software use in the 
government.  It is unclear which Ministry has the lead.  The GOI 
does not currently appear to have any alternative strategy to the 
Textiles and Garments: 
China Challenge 
¶14. (SBU) A representative of the garment industry noted that there 
is not one brand or manufacturer her that does not understand the 
challenge of China.  Indonesia has a window of opportunity to be 
number two, but has to deal with the transshipment problem first 
(reftel B).  The industry representative reported that growth in 
Indonesia-based production of just one international brand was 40% 
last year. 
JAKARTA 00001388  004 OF 005 
Mining: "Flat on Its Back" 
¶15. (SBU) A representative of a major mining company noted that the 
mining industry is "flat on its back" in Indonesia.  The Director 
General for Mines recently stated at an international conference 
that foreign investors may need to partner with a state-owned 
company that will have 51% ownership.  The GOI is considering 
requiring mining firms to process their ore domestically.  Under 
current law, they have the option to export ore or process it 
domestically.  In some cases, illegal miners outnumber legal ones. 
Indonesia is in the top ten for geologic prospectivity but near the 
bottom as an attractive place to invest, according to a widely 
respected industry survey.  Data from Chile that poverty has been 
alleviated by 40% in areas surrounding mines falls on deaf ears 
here.  Significant elements of the legislative and executive 
branches of the GOI seem to prefer to deal with Chinese, Korean and 
politically well-connected domestic investors such as Bakrie.  They 
are not interested in U.S. investment right now.  Mining and other 
extractive industries are very concerned about Article 33 of the new 
investment law, which criminalizes tax disputes (reftel).  This 
article was not in the GOI's original draft, but inserted by 
Investment Issues: Negative List Pending 
¶16. (SBU) In a meeting with the Chairman of the Investment 
Coordinating Board (BKPM) Muhammad Lutfi, Lutfi said the new 
investment law is not necessarily better than what we had in 1967. 
Much of Indonesia's current problems with the business climate are 
not related to laws or regulations, but implementation at the local 
level.  "The problem is at the bottom of the pyramid," Lutfi noted. 
"We can't control the harassing behavior of the Echelon IV and V 
officials."  Lutfi said that the new negative list would be very 
progressive, but would not give a timeline for its completion.  He 
criticized Trade Minister Pangestu for asking line ministries for a 
wish list for the negative list, stating this would only open it up 
for expansion.  (Note: There is no love lost between Lutfi and Trade 
Minister Pangestu.)  On the controversy surrounding the need for a 
letter of recommendation for foreign investors to receive employment 
visas (reftel A), Lutfi said that there will be an immigration 
office in the BKPM itself.  Only foreigners who "misbehave" will 
have any difficulty.  Regarding one-stop shops, eventually they will 
be in every province that needs one. 
¶17. (SBU) In a meeting with Parliamentary Commission VI (Trade, 
Industry, Cooperatives and State-Owned Enterprisses) Chairman Didik 
J. Rachbini, he noted that the new investment law will bring three 
levels of openness: completely open, open with conditions, and 
closed.  The composition of the negative list is now in the hands of 
the GOI.  Some national groups have criticized the new investment 
law is too liberal.  The issue of natural resources is still under 
discussion for implementing regulations.  If a sector is located in 
one province only, it will be the decision of the provincial 
government.  If an investment crosses two or more sectors, the 
central government will be responsible.  However, all FDI will be 
managed by the central government.  The BKPM will eventually open 
provincial offices. 
¶18. (SBU) The DPR looked at the investment laws of several other 
countries while crafting the law.  Rachbini opined that the labor 
law amendments were very sensitive, and he was not optimistic about 
any near-term progress, though he said there could be some progress 
on labor in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) He said that nine or ten 
provinces are competing for SEZs.  USTR Weisel asked about local 
awareness of these investment issues.  Rachbini said there is not 
much awareness about the investment debates in the capital.  When he 
travels home, he noted, "There are three things people worry about, 
the price of rice, the price of corn and the price of sugar." 
ASEAN Issues: Pharmaceuticals and SPS 
¶19. (SBU) In meetings with ASEAN officials, USTR David Katz focused 
on the next steps to follow up the initial contact between U.S. Food 
and Drug Administration (FDA) and ASEAN on pharmaceuticals issues. 
The FDA suggested working through the Global Cooperation Group (GCG) 
of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH).  FDA experts 
will participate in a GCG meeting in Japan in the fall and could 
JAKARTA 00001388  005 OF 005 
potentially meet with ASEAN afterwards.  Katz noted that it is rare 
for the FDA to engage with international experts outside the ICH 
framework, so ASEAN should take advantage of this opportunity.  Ms. 
Giang Le Chau, the ASEAN Secretariat's Senior Officer of Standards 
and Conformance, appreciated the need to follow up but cautioned 
about some ASEAN sensitivity with the ICH, which is supported by 
multinational corporations.  She says that even if the initial 
pretext for the FDA to come to the region is the ICH, discussions 
with ASEAN should be portrayed as "government-to-government, 
regulator-to-regulator" talks.  She thought it would be useful to 
develop a list of project for which ASEAN needs technical assistance 
and provide that to the FDA. 
¶20. (SBU) Katz was not certain that such a list of assistance needs 
would be a useful way to proceed, thinking that policy discussion 
with the FDA, at least initially, would be useful to lay the 
groundwork for more technical talks.  Katz suggested that if the FDA 
and ASEAN were to engage in further discussions, this might improve 
the prospects for further collaboration in the future.  The initial 
key is to get the FDA out to ASEAN.  The ASEAN delegation had a 
successful visit to the FDA Center for Drug Analysis and Research 
(CDER) Forum in Washington in April.  USTR and the ASEAN 
Secretariat, along with members of the ASEAN Consultative Committee 
for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) Pharmaceutical Products Working 
Group (PPWG), will need to develop next steps for work under the 
TIFA on the ASEAN Common Technical Dossier for pharmaceuticals 
registration and approvals procedures.  Katz also made a pitch for 
multinational corporations to be included in the dialogue sessions 
with the ASEAN Working Group on Pharmaceutical Products.  Giang 
noted there have been problems in the past resulting in restrictions 
that only permitted ASEAN nationals to attend.  However, she thought 
the Chairman of the group was showing signs of softening on this 
tough position. 
¶21. (SBU) On Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) issues, APHIS is 
proceeding with the workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in July on 
the irradiation of fruits and has sent invitations to all ASEAN 
Member Countries except one.  Mr. Somsak Pippopinyo, Head of Natural 
Resources Unit, said that the ASEAN Secretariat was willing to be 
helpful to inform member countries of the event, but was not certain 
of its role.  They expressed a willingness to inform the ASEAN 
Experts on SPS Issues of the seminar, when it meets June 18-19 in 
Kuala Lumpur, and asked whether APHIS would like to make a 
presentation at the workshop.  Katz said APHIS liked the idea of 
working at the regional level to be efficient at explaining the 
requirements for access to the US market for fresh fruits.  However, 
he doubted if APHIS had a budget to support an extra trip.  He 
promised the Secretariat to provide the list of acceptances for the 
¶22. (U) USTR contributed to and cleared on this message. 

Microsoft is abusing its illegally-obtained monopoly, yet not many authorities seem to pay attention and react. This shows a systemic error in regulation.

Cablegate: With Microsoft Front Group Taking on Indonesia, a Call for Open Source Software Adoption

Posted in Asia, Cablegate at 6:09 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Cables shed light on how Hollywood and a Microsoft front group pressured Indonesian authorities, which had also proposed moving to Free/open source software

We previously covered cables from Indonesia, just shortly after we wrote about ODF there and years after we wrote about a Microsoft MOU. According to the following Cablegate cable, Microsoft’s front group, the BSA, complained about “lack resources to move and properly store cumbersome and sensitive optical disk production machinery seized during raids.” It is in the same cable that we found (in ¶8): “Tanduk provided Katz with an impressive, newly-published handbook titled “Optical Disk Regulation Implementation Guide.” The hard-cover, Indonesian language publication caps a highly successful series of USAID-funded training workshops for the OD factory monitoring team. It includes relevant GOI laws and regulations, color photographs, and detailed technical and procedural guidance for the team. The technical advisor who ran the USAID project, a former Business Software Alliance (BSA) and Motion Picture Association (MPA) local representative, has recently agreed to continue his ODR work with the MOI for another year as a Department of Justice ICITAP senior technical advisor.

Just above that it says: “The heads of several agencies — Trade, Research and Technology, Economic Planning (Bapenas) and the DG for IPR — also pledged to replace pirated software in their agencies computers with open source or legal products.”

As we already know with Cablegate aside, Microsoft used the usual tricks to impede the adoption of FOSS in Indonesia (more on that later). In any event, here is the cable in question:

DE RUEHJA #8114/01 1790836
P 280836Z JUN 06

E.O. 12598: N/A 
TAGS: KIPR [Intellectual Property Rights], ETRD [Foreign Trade], 
WTO [World Tourism Organization], ECON [Economic Conditions], ID [Indonesia] 
SUBJECT: IPR Update - GOI Making Steady Progress 
¶1. (SBU) Summary: At the first meeting of the Indonesian 
Government's (GOI) newly-established National Intellectual 
Property Rights (IPR) Task Force on June 7 Indonesia 
National Police (INP) Chief General Sutanto and Attorney 
General Abdul Rachman Saleh pledged to improve IPR 
enforcement and Minister of Trade Mari Pangestu outlined the 
importance of IPR to the country's economic development. 
The Task Force's senior working level committee is drafting 
short and medium term plans of action, as well as 
coordinating efforts to collect better IPR enforcement data. 
The Ministry of Industry (MOI) optical disk (OD) factory 
monitoring team has registered 26 factories,  provided them 
with source identification (SID) codes, and established a 
schedule of unannounced factory visits.  It is also in the 
process of registering the remaining three factories that 
have been identified by the intellectual property (IP) 
industry.  In response to GOI demands, local OD producers 
have voluntarily surrendered over 180 OD stampers without 
SID codes.  Local OD producers and distributors have agreed 
with the GOI that, after this year, any optical disk sold 
without SID code can be considered a pirated copy.  Local IP 
industry representatives report that police cooperation has 
improved. For the first time, police are conducting vendor 
and factory raids on their own initiative.  Jakarta district 
and national police have promised to continue raids, 
particularly against Jakarta's most notorious malls. Police 
and prosecutor collaboration remains weak and there is a 
large discrepancy between the number of cases police turn 
over to the Attorney General's *~cQnzvh-0`eia and Pacific 
Affairs Director Disited Jakarta June 20-22 to discuss Indonesia's 
current Special 301 OCR with key GOI officials and IP 
industry representatives.  GOI officials expressed general 
disappointment with Indonesia's retention on the Special 301 
Priority Watch List in May.  They welcomed, though, the U.S. 
Government's (USG) decision to conduct a second consecutive 
OCR.  Katz informed them that the timing of the OCR would 
depend on GOI efforts and that it could take place as early 
as the end of August or September.  He also stressed to GOI 
officials and IP industry representatives the importance of 
providing regular enforcement data and other information in 
support of the OCR. 
National IPR Task Force Holds First Meetings 
¶3. (SBU) Ministry of Justice Director General of IPR Abdul 
Bari Azed informed Katz on June 20 that the GOI's newly- 
established National IPR Task Force held its first monthly 
senior working level meeting in May and quarterly 
ministerial-level meeting on June 7.  Bari reported that on 
June 7 Indonesian National Police Chief Sutanto and Attorney 
General Abdul Rachman Saleh along with other key cabinet 
officials pledged to improve IPR enforcement. (Note: Katz 
confirmed Bari's account in subsequent meetings with the 
MOI, MOT and police. End note.)  Minister of Trade (MOT) 
Mari Pangestu, vice chair of the Task Force, explained the 
importance of IPR protection and enforcement to Indonesia's 
investment climate and economic development.  The heads of 
several agencies -- Trade, Research and Technology, Economic 
Planning (Bapenas) and the DG for IPR -- also pledged to 
replace pirated software in their agencies computers with 
open source or legal products. 
¶4. (SBU) According to Bari, General Sutanto promised INP 
support for MOI OD factory monitoring team inspections and 
continued police raids on pirate OD vendors and factories, 
with emphasis on Ratu Plaza and Mangga Dua Mall, two of 
Jakarta's most notorious pirate OD markets.  Sutanto pointed 
out the challenges inherent in conducting aggressive raids 
against Harko-Glodok, Jakarta's primary pirate OD 
distribution center, noting that it risked social disorder. 
(Note: Harko-Glodok is located in an ethnic Chinese majority 
area of Jakarta and is thought to have links to organized 
crime.  A police raid on the area several years ago led to 
riots, a fire, and several deaths, with police paying 
compensation for some of the damage. End note.) 
¶5. (SBU) Bari, who serves as chairman of the Task Force's 
JAKARTA 00008114  002 OF 005 
senior working level committee, said his group would meet 
again in July to agree on text of short and medium term 
plans of action.  Priorities will include OD Regulation 
(ODR) implementation and collecting better data and 
information on GOI IPR enforcement efforts, particularly 
from Indonesia's major urban centers (greater Jakarta, 
Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Makasar and Denpasar).  Bari noted 
that members of the senior working level committee met 
recently with officials at the Supreme Court to request data 
on civil and criminal IPR cases.  According to Bari, the 
committee is also establishing sub-committees to focus on 
specific issues.  One subcommittee, led by Ministry of Trade 
Senior Advisor Halida Miljani, would liaise with IP industry 
representatives and associations, and another with donors 
and the diplomatic community.  (Note: Miljani on May 30 
briefed American Chamber of Commerce IPR Committee members 
on the National Task Force. End note.) 
OD Factory Monitoring Team Sets Schedule 
¶6.  (SBU) MOI Directorate General for Chemical, Agriculture 
and Forestry Based Industry Director Tony Tanduk on June 21 
told Katz that the MOI has registered 26 OD factories  and 
distributed SID codes to each of them.  It is also in the 
process of registering the remaining three OD factories 
identified by the IP industry.  The MOI has allocated Rp 300 
million (approximately USD 30,000) per year to the OD 
factory monitoring team. The team, which now includes 
members of the INP, has set a schedule of six unannounced 
factory visits per month.  The first three inspections 
occurred on June 13.  While all three factories had SID 
codes engraved in their moulds and stampers, none were 
producing ODs.  Tanduk remarked, somewhat sheepishly, that 
managers at all three factories claimed that they were 
waiting to ensure the accuracy of copyright documentation. 
¶7.  (SBU) Under an agreement with the MOI, owners of 
stampers without SIDs have agreed to turn them in to MOI by 
June 15.  Tanduk showed Katz one surrendered stamper and 
said he has collected 186 to date; he expects to receive 
another 100 in the coming weeks.  The MOI plans to destroy 
the stampers at an IPR public destruction ceremony with the 
police sometime in July.  The agreement also stipulates 
that, after December 31, 2006, the GOI will consider all ODs 
sold without SID codes as illegal pirated copies.  Some 
owners of stampers and factories have delayed using SID 
codes, as it requires them to send stampers and molds to 
Singapore or Hong Kong for engraving.  Katz suggested that 
Tanduk send a letter to all registered factories warning 
them that all their molds and stampers must include engraved 
SIDs codes.  Tanduk agreed. 
¶8.  (SBU) Tanduk provided Katz with an impressive, newly- 
published handbook titled "Optical Disk Regulation 
Implementation Guide."  The hard-cover, Indonesian language 
publication caps a highly successful series of USAID-funded 
training workshops for the OD factory monitoring team.  It 
includes relevant GOI laws and regulations, color 
photographs, and detailed technical and procedural guidance 
for the team.  The technical advisor who ran the USAID 
project, a former Business Software Alliance (BSA) and 
Motion Picture Association (MPA) local representative, has 
recently agreed to continue his ODR work with the MOI for 
another year as a Department of Justice ICITAP senior 
technical advisor. 
Police Continue Raids 
¶9. (SBU) Jakarta Metropolitan Police (Metropolda) Special 
Crimes Lieutenant Colonel Police Agus Adriyanto and Chief of 
Investigation Umar Surya Fana on June 23 provided Katz with 
a spreadsheet detailing 267 IPR raids on pirate OD vendors 
that police conducted throughout the greater Jakarta 
metropolitan area since the beginning of this year. 
According to the report, police seized roughly 1.2 million 
pirated ODs, and at least temporarily detained 433. 
According to a local MPA representative, these figures do 
not include a raid on Ratu Plaza late on June 23, during 
which Metropolda police seized roughly 100,000 pirated ODs 
and arrested several people.  The 267 raids also do not 
include West Jakarta Police's seizure on June 1 of 140 DVD 
burners and 55,000 pirated ODs and the arrest of two 
persons.  Metropolda also seized 55 burners and 360,000 
pirated ODs and arrested two persons in a separate raid on 
JAKARTA 00008114  003 OF 005 
April 27.  Based on leads from this raid, police raided a 
small distribution warehouse where they seized 30,000 
pirated ODs and arrested another two individuals. 
¶10. (SBU) Umar explained that police had investigated and 
referred all 267 cases to the AGO.  He also showed Katz a 
wall chart indicating that 16 individuals remained in 
Metropolda's temporary detention facilities on IPR-related 
charges.  Umar could not say how many of the 433 individuals 
arrested in 2006 were transferred to AGO holding facilities 
along with their case files.  He complained that once police 
sent cases to the AGO, it was very difficult to obtain 
information on their outcomes from the AGO or courts.  Katz 
suggested that joint workshops with the police, AGO and 
courts on IPR evidence collection, investigations and 
prosecutions might facilitate greater cooperation between 
these groups.  Both Agus and Umar welcomed the idea. 
¶11.  (SBU) Katz congratulated Agus and Umar on their 
successes and noted that reports of their actions had been 
received in Washington.  He encouraged them to continue 
their efforts, and suggested particular attention be paid to 
Jakarta's most notorious malls.  Umar said his unit would 
remain focused on Ratu Plaza, Mangga Dua and Harko-Glodok, 
but added that raids on Harko-Glodok posed risks.  On June 
22 some Jakarta police ran into physical resistance when 
they attempted to conduct a limited raid on Harko-Glodok's 
street vendors, located some distance away from its main 
wholesale distribution center. 
¶12.  (SBU) Umar, a son-in-law of Indonesia Anti-Corruption 
Chairman Taufikurrahman Ruki, said that support for 
Metropolda's efforts came directly to him from General 
Sutanto.   He provided Katz with a tour of Metropolda's 
halls and warehouse filled with growing sacks of seized 
pirated ODs and DVD burners.  Sometime in July, the police 
plan to hold a public destruction ceremony with support from 
the Motion Pictures Association (MPA).  An investigator for 
a local law firm, who works part-time for MPA and supports 
Metropolda's raids, has recently accepted a second DOJ 
ICITAP one-year senior technical advisor position to support 
INP IPR enforcement efforts. 
¶13. (SBU) In a separate meeting on June 23, INP Headquarters 
Special Economic Crimes Colonel Police Rycko Amelza Danniel 
told Katz that INP Police Chief General Sutanto has ordered 
his unit to work with North Jakarta police units to develop 
a plan for shutting down Harko-Glodok.  Rycko added that his 
unit would also begin collecting data from police raids, 
seizures and arrests from major urban centers across 
AGO Remains Weak But Interested 
¶14. (SBU) Although he did not provide detailed information, 
AGO Acting Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes Abdul 
Hakim Ritonga on June 23 informed Katz that the Jakarta AGO 
had prosecuted roughly a dozen IPR cases over the past year. 
He admitted that until recently IPR has not been a high 
priority.  He suggested the AGO could raise the profile of 
IPR by including it under the purview of the AGO's newly 
created Transnational Crimes Task Force.  Katz remarked that 
detailed data on IPR prosecutions and convictions throughout 
Indonesia would be very useful for the Special 301 decision- 
making process.  Ritonga said that he could gather such 
information, provided the U.S. Embassy formally requested 
¶15.  (SBU) Katz showed the Ritonga Metropolda's data on 
raids, arrests and investigations since the beginning of 
this year, and asked if the AGO could tell us what happened 
with each case.  Ritonga said it was possible, but warned 
that, while police have recently referred many IPR-related 
case files to the AGO, their cases were often poorly 
investigated, lacked sufficient evidence, or were intended 
to simply to boost police arrest numbers and impress 
superiors.  Ritonga said he would support joint workshops 
with the police, AGO and courts on IPR evidence collection, 
investigations and prosecutions. 
Draft Customs Law Includes Ex Officio Powers 
¶16. (SBU) Ministry of Finance Directorate General of Customs 
IPR Unit Chief Okto Iranto on June 22 told Katz that the 
JAKARTA 00008114  004 OF 005 
GOI's new draft customs law contained the same ex officio 
powers contained in the existing 1995 customs law.  The new 
customs law, however, is intended to resolve court 
jurisdiction issues that held up the issuance of 
implementing regulations for the ex officio power. Okto said 
that Indonesia Customs is eager to obtain the new authority, 
as it will enable customs officers to detain temporarily 
suspected shipments of pirate or counterfeit goods.  He 
added that Customs has consulted closely with local IP 
industry representatives on the status of ex officio powers 
in the draft law, including the  American Chamber of 
Commerce IPR Committee on May 2.  The issue was also 
discussed throughout a May 16-18 USPTO-Indonesia Customs 
workshop in Jakarta that included presentations and 
participation by senior Customs officials and IP industry 
representatives.  Okto said that the GOI has set a deadline 
by the end of this year to enact the new Customs law and 
accompanying implementing regulations. 
Other GOI Efforts 
¶17. (SBU) During their June 21 meeting, Bari informed Katz 
of several other ongoing IPR related efforts within his 
office.  The Directorate of IPR is cooperating with the 
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in conducting 
15 IPR public awareness seminars throughout Indonesia this 
year for officials, academics, students and the press.  DG 
IPR also collaborated with the European Commission-ASEAN IPR 
Co-operation Program] in holding a May 22-23 workshop in 
Jakarta on civil and criminal court proceedings.  Lastly, DG 
IPR Abdul Bari Azed on June 6 gave opening remarks at the 
opening of a BSA representative office in Jakarta. 
Amcham Members See Improved Enforcement and Cooperation 
--------------------------------------------- ---------- 
¶18. (SBU) At a June 22 meeting with Katz, Amcham IPR 
Committee members were in agreement that police were 
improving IPR enforcement and cooperation.  An MPA 
representative said that, for the first time, police were 
conducting raids on their own initiative and were no longer 
requiring formal complaints to act.  She attributed this to 
General Sutanto's December 2005 instruction to district 
police chiefs ordering them to step up IPR enforcement 
activities, particularly against pirated ODs.  The MPA 
representative noted that Jakarta police raids on Ratu Plaza 
and Mangga Dua Mall, however, stopped after Indonesia was 
retained on the Priority Watch List in May, but that police 
continued raids at other locations across the city. 
¶19. (SBU) A representative of a major U.S. cigarette 
manufacturer said that he has received very good cooperation 
from police and customs over the last year in seizing large 
shipments of counterfeit cigarettes.  In these cases, 
customs is able to make seizures without ex officio powers 
because the counterfeit cigarettes have counterfeit excise 
stickers that violate Indonesia's tax laws.  He added that 
his company was considering a plan to provide equipment and 
training to some police units.  He noted that one unit he 
works closely with in the Riau Islands has 70 officers but 
severely lacks other resources: it has only two vehicles, 
one telephone line, no internet, and a yearly operating 
budget of USD 12,000. 
¶20. (SBU) A Business Software Alliance (BSA) representative 
added that police also lack resources to move and properly 
store cumbersome and sensitive optical disk production 
machinery seized during raids.  Police are scared that if 
the machinery is damaged while under their custody, the 
courts may rule that they pay compensation to the owners. 
Consequently, police customarily seal OD machinery with 
police tape at factories, and it is often just a matter of 
days before pirates break the seals move the machinery or 
simply begin operating again. 
¶21.  (SBU)  The GOI continues to make steady progress on 
IPR, and high level backing from the Police Chief and 
Attorney General bodes well.  Closer cooperation between the 
MOI, police and AGO will be important for ensuring effective 
factory monitoring and greater prosecutions of pirates.  Our 
new senior technical advisors at the MOI and police, and a 
new Embassy resident legal advisor with considerable IPR 
JAKARTA 00008114  005 OF 005 
experience, should provide valuable new tools for assisting 
the GOI with these challenges. 
¶22. (U) USTR Director David Katz has cleared this cable. 

A separate cable says that “[o]ne of the ICT National Team’s stated objectives is to work towards legalizing all government software, regardless of whether it is open source or licensed.” Here is the full cable:

E.O. 12598: N/A 
TAGS: ECON [Economic Conditions], ETRD [Foreign Trade], KIPR [Intellectual Property Rights], ID [Indonesia] 
Ref: a) State 07944; b) Jakarta 00011 
¶1. (SBU) Summary:  Since Indonesia's upgrade to the Special 301 
Watch List in November 2006, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has 
continued to make steady progress towards improving its enforcement 
and protection of intellectual property rights (IPR).  A National 
Intellectual Property (IP) Task Force now holds regular interagency 
coordination meetings, and President Yudhoyono (SBY) signed a decree 
in November 2006 committing the GOI to legalize all its computer 
software.  Parliament passed a new Customs Law on November 15 that, 
when fully implemented, will provide ex officio powers for Customs 
Officials to seize suspected infringing products.  Jakarta 
Metropolitan Police continue to elicit praise from local and 
regional International Intellectual Property Association (IIPA) 
representatives for raids on notorious malls, vendors, distributors 
and factories.  The Ministry of Industry's Optical Disk Factory 
Monitoring Team (ODFMT) inspected registered factories in November 
2006 and February 2007 and issued initial warning letters to some 12 
optical disk (OD) factories.  The Ministry of Industry (MOI) plans 
to assign full-time staff to the ODFMT, conduct more regular 
inspections (including inspections after hours), and begin 
sanctioning non-compliant factories.  A recent Supreme Court ruling 
in favor of the company Intel in a trademark infringement case case 
bodes well for future cases. 
¶2.  (SBU) Summary, continued. Despite these steps, the GOI needs to 
further improve the operations of the ODFMT and involve the police 
more closely in the ODFMT's operations.  It also needs to step up 
prosecutions and deterrent convictions of IPR violators and combat 
book piracy and pharmaceutical counterfeiting.  But the GOI is 
steadily taking ownership over the IPR issue, and our interactions 
with Indonesia on the issue have grown less confrontational and more 
collaborative.  To further encourage this important U.S. policy 
success, we recommend that Indonesia remain on the Watch List for 
the entire 2007 Special 301 regular cycle.  End Summary. 
¶3.  (SBU) In response to Ref A, we reviewed this year's Special 301 
submissions from the GOI, IIPA, Intel, PhRMA, and the Phillip Morris 
Company.  In general, we agree with their data, characterizations, 
and assessments of the state of IPR protection and enforcement in 
Indonesia.  Piracy and counterfeiting rates remain high and, 
although improving, enforcement remains weak.  At the same time, GOI 
engagement and political will continue to improve and are gaining 
their own momentum. 
National IP Task Force Remains Active 
¶4. (SBU) According to GOI contacts, The National IP Task Force 
continues hold regularly scheduled quarterly working level meetings, 
as well less frequent senior and Ministerial-level meetings.  At the 
working level, the Task Force has developed a national IP strategy 
and strengthened data collection and interagency coordination. 
However, the lack of a formal budget continues to hamper the Task 
Force, and it must rely on limited funding from the Ministry of 
Justice Directorate General for IPR.  Nevertheless, the Task Force's 
regular interagency meetings, particularly those of senior and 
ministerial level officials, are encouraging greater GOI focus on 
IPR.  Following the first Task Force meeting last year, for example, 
the Minister of Justice and National Police Chief collaborated in 
developing a clever, animated TV spot emphasizing the costs of 
piracy on Indonesia's culture and creative arts. 
SBY Leads Efforts to Legalize GOI Software 
¶5.  (SBU) There are other recent examples of growing GOI initiative 
and high-level political will to improve IPR protection.  On 
November 13, SBY signed a decree establishing an Information 
Communication Technology National Team.  The team consists of 
academics, business leaders and GOI officials and aims to create an 
IT regulatory regime that can contribute to economic growth, job 
creation and poverty alleviation.  One of the ICT National Team's 
stated objectives is to work towards legalizing all government 
software, regardless of whether it is open source or licensed. 
Further, the Team will also pursue approaches to cracking down on 
the use of pirate software in internet cafes, universities and the 
private businesses.  The ICT team will report directly to President 
SBY and work out of an office at the Ministry of Communication and 
Information Technology. 
¶6.  (SBU) Two months after SBY signed the decree, Minister of 
Communication and Information Sofyan Djalil signed an MOU with PT. 
Microsoft Indonesia, under which the software maker will help GOI 
ministries legalize and upgrade their MS Windows products at a 
significantly discounted price.  Although there has been some public 
JAKARTA 00000475  002 OF 003 
criticism of the MOU, including by State Minister for Research and 
Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman, SBY has stood behind the agreement. 
PT Microsoft Indonesia President Director Tony Chen recently told us 
he was "astonished" by the GOI's growing commitment to legalize its 
software and recommended we encourage the GOI by maintaining 
Indonesia on the Special 301 Watch List. 
Customs Law Enacted with Ex Officio Powers 
¶7.  (SBU) Parliament passed a new Customs Law on November 15, 2006, 
that, when fully implemented, will provide ex officio powers for 
Indonesian Customs officials to seize suspected infringing products 
without a court order.  The new law retains ex officio powers that 
existed in the old law, but also clears up court jurisdictional 
issues that had blocked their implementation.  Indonesia Customs 
expects to promulgate the new law's implementing regulations, 
including those pertaining to ex officio powers, by the end of 
Jakarta Police Sustaining Enforcement 
¶8. (SBU) As noted in the GOI's submission, and confirmed by local 
IIPA representatives, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police have sustained 
enforcement actions against malls, vendors, distributors and 
factories of pirated optical discs.  Ratu Plaza, Indonesia's most 
notorious modern market for pirated ODs, has been the subject of 
repeated raids, and one Motion Pictures Association (MPA) regional 
representative told us recently that some of Ratu's vendors have 
given up or moved to other, less-centrally located malls.  That same 
MPA representative described the Jakarta Police's continuing police 
cooperation as "brilliant" and he too recommended Indonesia remain 
on the Watch List.  Our EEB-funded senior IPR technical advisor has 
been instrumental in training and encouraging the Jakarta Police to 
step up their IPR enforcement.  Looking forward, the advisor will 
work to encourage greater police collaboration with the ODFMT and 
prosecutors, as well as greater police enforcement actions beyond 
the boundaries of metropolitan Jakarta. 
Monitoring Team Yielding Some Results 
¶9. (SBU) As noted in ref b, the ODFMT, with training and planning 
support from our second EEB-funded advisor, conducted monitoring 
visits to all registered optical disc factories in November 2006. 
The MOI subsequently sent 12 warning letters to factories observed 
to have irregularities.  However, the letters highlighted only minor 
infractions, and there has been little ODFMT follow-up.  Although 
the visits revealed weaknesses in the ODFMT's capacity and security 
procedures, they also gleaned useful baseline data on the capacity 
and activities of registered optical disc factories.  More 
importantly, the visits allowed the ODFMT to collect forensic 
exemplars from a majority of the known production machines in 
Indonesia's registered factories.  The International Federtion of 
the Phonographic" Industry (IFPI) continus to analyze tthese 
exemplars in its forensic laboratory in London, and already they are 
yielding important information. 
¶10.  (SBU) The ODFMT still requires considerable institution and 
capacity building to be fully effective.  The ODFMT does not have 
full-time monitors, and relies largely on MOI and Police officials 
temporarily seconded from other positions.  t needs direct support 
from the police, particulrly if it is tt c"n*duct visits at night 
and to wlll guarded factories.  The ODFMT also needs to impe ment a 
more credible system of warning and sanctioning factories in 
violation of laws and regulations. 
¶11.  (SBU) MOI Director General for Downstream Chemical Industries 
Benny Wahyudi told us on February 20 that the ODFMT visited seven 
factories on February 17, and inspected the five that were open and 
operating.  He promised to provide us with the results of those 
visits as soon as they were compiled.  Wahyudi agreed that the 
Monitoring Team needs at least one full-time staff member.  He 
noted, though, that this person might have to be a contractor, as 
the MOI did not have a specific budget and position set aside to 
staff the ODFMT.  Wahyudi also agreed that the MOI would need to 
work closer with the police and develop a more effective system of 
warning and sanctions.  He suggested that the Embassy senior advisor 
for the ODFMT would be instrumental in helping the MOI address these 
Glimmer of Hope in Intel Case 
¶12. (SBU) The Supreme Court's February 1 ruling in favor of Intel in 
JAKARTA 00000475  003 OF 003 
the Intel Jeans case is also a favorable development.  In the case, 
the court cancelled the trademark of a local brand of jeans, Intel 
Jeans, and ruled that Intel is entitled to trademark protection as a 
well known brand.  The ruling bodes well for the Supreme Court's 
upcoming decision in the appeal of Intel's Panggung case (the 
Indonesian firm PT Panggung produces a number of electronics 
products under the registered trademark "Intel").  While the 
Commercial Court's previous rulings against Intel in the Panggung 
case have been setbacks, Intel's legal counsel recently described 
the case as an aberration in the Commercial Court's otherwise 
respectable record in handling civil IPR cases, particularly those 
involving trademarks. 
Significant Concerns Remain 
¶13. (SBU) Despite the clear momentum on IPR issues, there are 
remaining concerns.  Indonesia's record on IPR prosecutions remains 
poor.  Frequent prosecutor rotations, lack of transparency, and 
corruption make this a daunting task; and high level political will 
and support will be critical to making headway on IPR convictions 
and prosecutions.  Pharmaceutical counterfeiting and book piracy 
also remain largely unchecked.  GOI officials tell us frequently 
that they consider pharmaceutical counterfeiting to be a serious 
health concern for the country, as well as a potential rallying 
point for greater public support for IPR protection and enforcement. 
 Key GOI officials have endorsed a University of Indonesia study 
revealing alarming pharmaceutical counterfeiting rates and its high 
cost to the Indonesian economy.  The GOI, however, has yet to 
effectively engage the pharmaceutical industry on these issues. 
Book piracy remains rampant in universities and local bookshops. 
Indonesia has yet to develop an association or other means through 
which publishers and authors can collect and distribute book 
royalties.  The GOI would very likely welcome U.S. technical 
assistance in this area. 
Watch List is the Best Option 
¶14. (SBU) Over the past two years, the combination of a 
reform-minded government in Indonesia and five regular or 
out-of-cycle Special 301 reviews has done much to change our 
interactions with the GOI on IPR issues.  GOI leaders are pursuing 
initiatives to promote IPR that were a only short time ago beyond 
our expectations.  At the same time, our relationships with working 
level contacts have become much more collaborative, particularly 
following Indonesia's removal from the Priority Watch List last 
November.  Four months later, although much work remains, the GOI is 
moving forward on IPR issues largely under its own steam.  With the 
GOI taking increasing ownership of the issue and steadily improving 
its IPR enforcement and protection, we believe a third consecutive 
OCR would be counterproductive.  Accordingly, Embassy Jakarta 
recommends strongly that Washington agencies retain Indonesia on the 
Special 301 Watch List for the 2007 regular Special 301 cycle, with 
no OCR. 

We will cover some more Indonesia cables in a separate post.

Cablegate: State Governments in India Prefer Open Source Code

Posted in Asia, Cablegate, Free/Libre Software, GNU/Linux, IBM at 5:48 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: A diplomatic cable about IBM, Linux and Free/open source software

The following Cablegate cable talks about IBM and Linux. It also states that “[t]he use of an open source code Linux is another area of focus for IBM India. The company formed an IBM Linux Competency Center and Linux Solution Center in Bangalore to establish product standards, further Linux R&D as well as to localize products for an increasingly global customer base with local content requirements. State governments in India are big customers as they prefer open source code that enables development of local language fonts.”

Here is the Cablegate cable in full:

DE RUEHCG #2571/01 3260727
R 220727Z NOV 06
Hide header
E.O. 12958: N/A 
TAGS: ECON [Economic Conditions], EINV [Foreign Investments], 
EINT [Economic and Commercial Internet], IN [India; Andaman Islands; 
Lakshadweep Islands; Nicobar Islands] 
¶1. (U) Summary:  Riding the crest of a $6 billion 
investment, IBM India plans to expand its Bangalore 
research and development (R&D) operations and in 
doing so will unleash a new human capital thrust in 
already talent-hungry south India.  The company 
anticipates its Indian workforce will triple in the 
next five years.  An expanding market in India for 
U.S. manufactured mainframes and network software 
services presents an opportunity the company does not 
plan to miss. Increasing demand for remote management 
of global client networks is another revenue stream 
for IBM India. Simultaneous investments in open 
source software protocol and capacity building 
spearhead the companyQs effort to market e-governance 
solutions in the Indian market.  To meet its expanded 
human resource requirements, IBM plans to initiate 
in-house staff training programs, marking a notable 
shift from its past strategy of hiring employees away 
from competitors.  Indian software companies, already 
experiencing a human capital crunch, are now 
struggling to quickly respond and prevent attrition, 
fearful of losing skilled employees to their 
competitors.  End summary. 
All bets on India 
¶2. (U) On June 6 Sam Palmisano, IBMQs Chairman, 
announced investment plans in India of $6 billion 
over a five year period (reftel).  The company 
remains reluctant to disclose the details of its 
investment strategy, but during a recent meeting in 
Bangalore with visiting New Delhi DCM Pyatt, Inder 
Thukral, Director Strategy and Business Development 
at IBM India told post that emphasis will be on 
research and development of telecommunication and 
netware solutions for IBM operations worldwide.  The 
desire to leverage even further IndiaQs large highly- 
skilled labor force led to this investment move, 
Shankar Annasamy, Managing Director IBM India told 
us.  The company expects to triple its workforce from 
the current 47,000 employees at 25 locations in the 
next five years. 
India: IBMQs research and development hub 
¶3. (U) IBM India, with $2 billion in current 
investments, is the proverbial Q800-pound gorillaQ of 
IT research and development in the country.  The 
companyQs India-based teams account for over 30% of 
IBMQs global R&D on network and communications 
solutions.  With its latest investment, the company 
has rapidly diversified to meet its R&D needs:  The 
IBM Innovation Center in Bangalore provides an 
institutional platform for software service suppliers 
and is a critical testing ground for new products in 
both the Indian and global market. IBMQs India 
Software Lab, with facilities in Bangalore and Pune, 
also develops and supports IBM software products for 
worldwide operations.  In addition, the high- 
performance On Demand Lab develops specialized 
software to automate and virtualize the complex 
information technology infrastructure of clients 
located in the south Asian region.  To further 
hardware development, the Engineering and Technology 
Services Center designs advanced chips, cards and 
systems to meet customer requirements across Asia. 
India: A big market for US made mainframes 
¶4. (U) IBMQs U.S. manufactured main frames have 
captured the booming Indian main frame market.  The 
company holds an 80 percent share of IndiaQs 
estimated $250 million market for main frames.  The 
market is currently growing at 55 percent, with much 
of the growth coming from mid-sized Indian 
businesses.  Main frames offered to the Indian market 
are pre-positioned at the companyQs Bangalore-based 
Innovation Center to enable potential customers to 
experience the computing power and capabilities of 
the machines.  IBMQs service oriented architecture 
that facilitates communication between different 
business segments located in various locations has 
CHENNAI 00002571  002 OF 003 
found favor in India and helped IBM secure a $100 
million deal with Bharti-Airtel, one of IndiaQs 
largest mobile phone service providers. 
Open source products spearhead E-governance 
¶5. (U) The use of an open source code Linux is 
another area of focus for IBM India.  The company 
formed an IBM Linux Competency Center and Linux 
Solution Center in Bangalore to establish product 
standards, further Linux R&D as well as to localize 
products for an increasingly global customer base 
with local content requirements.  State governments 
in India are big customers as they prefer open source 
code that enables development of local language 
IBMQs BPOs transform outsourcing 
¶6. (U) Leveraging IndiaQs large talent pool of 
network managers, IBM India services clients around 
the world via satellite and fiber optic networks from 
its global operations hub in Bangalore.  IBM Daksh, a 
back office unit which the company acquired in 2004, 
accounts for nearly 50% of the companyQs staff in 
India and is expected to contribute over half of the 
company revenues in the next five years.  Similar to 
other BPO operations such as local giants Infosys and 
Wipro, Daksh provides services for clients involved 
in retail, technology, banking, mortgage, energy and 
life insurance.  The range of services includes 
application processing, account maintenance, data 
conversion services, logistics management, claims 
processing, email support and financial services. 
According to IBM executives, this line of business 
registered some of the fastest growth rates for IBM 
in recent history. 
In-house training to meet in-house needs 
¶7. (U) IBMQs recent investment spike comes at a time 
when a fiercely competitive hiring climate is forcing 
top leadership to rethink its human resource 
strategy. In the past the company notoriously 
QpoachedQ experienced individuals from local firms. 
Looking for new HR capacity building vehicles, 
company executives are emphasizing university 
recruitment to attract and train new waves of fresh 
engineering graduates, or Qfreshers.Q  Yet this may 
be a tall order in a time when A-list tech firms are 
vying for talent, and freshers with experience under 
their belt are job-hopping for bigger and better 
packages.  Nonetheless, IBM executives are betting on 
a combination of higher salaries and their global 
brand equity to ensure a steady talent pool. 
¶8. (U) Strategic partnerships with elite Indian 
technology institutions are also enabling IBM India 
to further leverage local human capital expertise. 
IBMQs Center for Advanced Studies, for example, 
maintains a close relationship with prestigious 
institutions such as the Indian Institute of 
Technology (IIT) Chennai that leads directly into 
software R&D.  The company has a similar program with 
the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and 
plans to expand its partnerships with other high- 
caliber institutions across India. 
--------------------------------------------- -------- 
Expansion plans leave Indian software companies 
--------------------------------------------- -------- 
¶9. (U) Comment:  IBMQs investment announcement sent a 
minor wave of anxiety through the Indian software 
industry, which is already struggling to control 
costs.  InfosysQ Human Resource Director told us his 
company is trying to preempt potential attrition by 
offering a 30% salary hike.  Mindtree Consulting, a 
medium sized software development company, plans to 
tap bright talent as early as the secondary school 
level.  The company hopes to partner with U.S.-based 
universities to offer recruits a degree in 
CHENNAI 00002571  003 OF 003 
engineering at the end of a five year stint. 
Whatever strategy adopted, representatives of both 
Infosys and Mindtree told us that IBMQs investment 
plans will dramatically alter IndiaQs software 
business landscape and long-term human capital 
strategy. End comment. 
¶10. (U) This message was coordinated with Embassy New 

In later cable we are going to see some more evidence of warming up to FOSS.

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