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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 10th, 2009 – Part 1

Posted in IRC Logs at 6:21 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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*mib_jwabio (i=865301e9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-954923f9bd362205) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:01
*mib_jwabio has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 00:07
schestowitz Why is tah Byfield spending time bitching about RMS? http://brucebyfield.wordpress.com/2009/02/0… Feb 10 00:10
*mib_k93h6p (i=470d15de@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-deead9e31ca6c9e5) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:11
*mib_k93h6p (i=470d15de@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-deead9e31ca6c9e5) has left #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:11
schestowitz Six carriers promise LiMo phones in 2009 < http://www.linuxdevices.com/news… > Feb 10 00:13
*mib_ozkrg8 (i=46e1a988@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-686d0f0a2fb3a16e) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:16
mib_ozkrg8 omg this is some serious evidence… it seems like microsoft might be …. a business Feb 10 00:16
*zer0c00l has quit (Excess Flood) Feb 10 00:18
*mib_ozkrg8 has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 00:19
schestowitz You mean the latest post? Feb 10 00:20
schestowitz It’s going to make Digg’s FP ( http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ballmer_We_c… ) and I have at least 3 more Intel anti-Linux posts coming. :-D Feb 10 00:21
*metalmayhem420m1 (n=root@1Cust5503.an2.cle11.da.uu.net) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:22
*GhostOfEruaran (n=jeremy@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 00:31
*metalmayhem420me has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Feb 10 00:32
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) Feb 10 00:32
schestowitz *LOL* Check the subject line: http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/2/8/129 Feb 10 00:38
schestowitz Has Linux just been renamed “Linus”? Feb 10 00:39
*mib_urbv0s (i=50c94f11@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4fa4c0599f8b2678) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 01:04
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (“Leaving.”) Feb 10 01:32
twitter “mib_ozkrg8: omg this is some serious evidence… it seems like microsoft might be …. a business” he forgot the words “criminal” and “failing” Feb 10 01:57
twitter Byfield is an idiot. Feb 10 01:58
schestowitz Did you read it? Feb 10 01:58
*mib_3uppf1 (i=85080222@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b7930e90c7cb572d) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 01:59
twitter not yet, but I’ve read enough from byfield … Feb 10 01:59
*mib_3uppf1 (i=85080222@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b7930e90c7cb572d) has left #boycottnovell Feb 10 01:59
schestowitz I read only a portion. Feb 10 01:59
twitter I’ll have a look at the juvenile thing. Feb 10 01:59
schestowitz But my theory is that people are given this noation of idols in general for bad reasons, RMS too. Feb 10 02:00
schestowitz The idea of celebrities and the way they are sold to the public as models is one that’s to do with controlling minds and feelings. Celebrities are then used to tell people how to behave, what to buy, etc Feb 10 02:00
schestowitz [H]omer_ no longer agrees with everything RMS says and at times neither do I Feb 10 02:01
twitter RMS is smeared because what he says threatens small minded people.  No two people agree about everything but a lot of what RMS has done is worth emulating. Feb 10 02:01
twitter I rank him with Thomas Jefferson – a leader who clearly articulated rights of men at great personal risk and cost. Feb 10 02:02
twitter RMS’s free software rights are a non obvious extension of natural rights. Feb 10 02:02
schestowitz Yes, they are means to goals Feb 10 02:03
twitter They are also rights in and of themselves.  People have to take them away from you by force. Feb 10 02:03
schestowitz He has always used his movement and aspirations as a tool to protect activism. Feb 10 02:03
*tessier__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Feb 10 02:03
schestowitz Many others started as software engineers and found the political debate later Feb 10 02:04
twitter True, he says that, but his formulation is very sound and rights are worth protecting for their own sake. Feb 10 02:04
schestowitz It gets worse Feb 10 02:07
schestowitz When I came to think of it, for many decades things improved Feb 10 02:07
twitter ? Feb 10 02:07
schestowitz The past decade was degradation of rights in most places Feb 10 02:07
twitter yes Feb 10 02:08
schestowitz Return to medival ages and barbarism Feb 10 02:08
schestowitz They call it “war on terrorism”, “emergency” and other euphemisms Feb 10 02:08
*ushimitsudoki (n=ushimits@p4207-ipad15yosemiya.okinawa.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 02:08
twitter Byfield, ” Another myth-buster: Stallman starts by being polite when you talk to him. Nor is he humorless.” Duh.  Only trolls say he’s rude like that.  The man is full of good natured fun. Feb 10 02:09
schestowitz Well, it *is* an emergency when one is violently colonialising the whole world only to find that people don’t like being stomped on, so they fight back. Feb 10 02:09
twitter Byfield, “Stallman would probably be a difficult man to get to know under any circumstances.”  LOL, if you can’t get to know someone through their writing, I’m not sure what you consider “knowing someone”  Stallman is one of the most self documented and consistent people on the planet. Feb 10 02:17
twitter Byfield, ” it is hard for a casual observer like me to say where the public man ends and the private one begins.”  He’s looking for contradictions and can’t find any – that’s why he has to repeat a bunch of tired stereotypes. Feb 10 02:18
twitter The “war on terrorism” was used to sneak 1984 onto people. Feb 10 02:19
twitter surveillance, language changes, militarism and a decline in education – these are all attacks on freedom. Feb 10 02:20
twitter The worst attacks have been the murder and intimidation of journalists. Feb 10 02:21
schestowitz People are asleep at the wheel Feb 10 02:21
schestowitz twitter: yes, that too Feb 10 02:21
twitter The press has been intimidated but many people are not sleeping.  They have been vocal but unheard.  Look at Jimmy Carter and his book about “Apartheid” in Israel.  He was reduced to a stage wave for the Democratic National Convention. Feb 10 02:23
twitter His message is too at odds with the toxic crap poured over the airwaves to present. Feb 10 02:24
twitter Yet there he is, writing books and talking to anyone who will listen. Feb 10 02:24
schestowitz There’s nothing but agenda there. Feb 10 02:24
schestowitz But whose is served? Feb 10 02:24
twitter Arms producers, religious fanatics. Feb 10 02:25
twitter People who exploit Palestinians as slave labor for their subsidized industry. Feb 10 02:25
twitter There are other, less ugly places where freedom has been chipped away but the result will be just as ugly in the end.  Once you are stripped of your rights, people can and will abuse you all the more. Feb 10 02:31
schestowitz Yes, all the same under the sun, but everyone says “We’re the good guys” (like Microsoft) Feb 10 02:31
twitter How good or bad people are is written in their licenses.  What they demand is more important than what they say. Feb 10 02:32
twitter The wife needs help.  Gotta go. Feb 10 02:32
twitter good night. Feb 10 02:32
schestowitz gn Feb 10 02:34
schestowitz twitter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4… Feb 10 03:13
schestowitz We’re in FP now (Digg) Feb 10 03:28
balzac you’re the man now, dog! Feb 10 03:44
schestowitz I stay out of BN Feb 10 03:44
schestowitz It’s probably down (don’t check) Feb 10 03:45
schestowitz I put 4 pages on cache Feb 10 03:45
*mib_oks35h (i=c17874ba@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-097caca4c3a9edc8) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 03:45
mib_oks35h HI Feb 10 03:45
balzac I got my dig in on that story Feb 10 03:45
schestowitz Comments here (not stressing the server): http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ballmer_We_cann… Feb 10 03:45
schestowitz Hi, mib_oks35h Feb 10 03:45
balzac mib_oks35h: did you arrive via the digg story? Feb 10 03:45
mib_oks35h i did Feb 10 03:46
*mib_uotl0r (i=803d744f@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3dbf50fb38f03aae) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 03:46
balzac cool Feb 10 03:46
schestowitz Hi. Feb 10 03:46
mib_uotl0r wow Feb 10 03:46
schestowitz What’s up? Feb 10 03:46
mib_oks35h wow? Feb 10 03:46
mib_uotl0r this is impressive Feb 10 03:46
balzac this is Roy Schestowitz himself, a major PITA for M$ and Novell Feb 10 03:46
mib_oks35h wow all you people are so cool? Feb 10 03:46
schestowitz Naaa… hot and angry :-) Feb 10 03:47
balzac are you on ecstasy or are you just really excited by bad news for M$? Feb 10 03:47
mib_oks35h :) Feb 10 03:47
mib_uotl0r no wow so many people here Feb 10 03:47
schestowitz There are hundreds more where it came from Feb 10 03:47
schestowitz 23 Feb 10 03:47
mib_oks35h 193 Diggs so far Feb 10 03:48
mib_uotl0r in a deep dark random as shit chat room on a monday night? wow there so many people period that this many end up here Feb 10 03:48
schestowitz Not really Feb 10 03:48
schestowitz We usually have about 15-30 people here Feb 10 03:49
mib_oks35h Plus Digg helped Feb 10 03:49
schestowitz Maybe a little Feb 10 03:49
mib_uotl0r kk Feb 10 03:49
schestowitz :-) Feb 10 03:49
balzac There’ll be a sweet after-party here on Freenode and on Mozilla’s IRC server as well when Microsoft’s decline gets really bad. Feb 10 03:49
schestowitz This is where thinking takes place :-) Joining of minds Feb 10 03:49
mib_oks35h aww, poor microsoft! :) Feb 10 03:50
schestowitz I have worse ones coming Feb 10 03:50
mib_uotl0r an after party? how does that work with just texr? Feb 10 03:50
mib_uotl0r *text? Feb 10 03:50
balzac no mercy!! Kobra Kai! Feb 10 03:50
mib_oks35h :) Feb 10 03:50
schestowitz LOL Feb 10 03:50
schestowitz “httpd (1.3.41 (Unix))  failed” Feb 10 03:51
schestowitz I can’t wait until we’re out of page 1 and I can breathe more comfortably. Feb 10 03:51
schestowitz There’s the danger of being suspended.. host’s mercy Feb 10 03:52
mib_oks35h lol Feb 10 03:52
schestowitz Were taken offline last week Feb 10 03:52
mib_oks35h why? Feb 10 03:53
balzac lots of traffic Feb 10 03:53
balzac and a wimpy webhost Feb 10 03:53
mib_oks35h thats a good thing…kida Feb 10 03:53
mib_oks35h kinda* Feb 10 03:53
balzac They used to call it the “slashdot effect” Feb 10 03:53
balzac now Digg seems to have the scene Feb 10 03:54
mib_oks35h you know it :) Feb 10 03:54
balzac how about that whole rendition of the Queen song? Feb 10 03:54
balzac That was pretty far out Feb 10 03:54
balzac Roy, that’s what I’m talking about when I say the highest number of concurrent users + the highest level of interactivity Feb 10 03:55
balzac Everyone single person wrote one of the lyrics got 200+ diggs Feb 10 03:55
schestowitz Digg effect >> /. effect Feb 10 03:56
schestowitz Been the case for a while actually. Feb 10 03:56
balzac slashdot screwed up their ratings system Feb 10 03:56
mib_oks35h have a look at this: http://blogs.tech-recipes.com/davak/2005/1… Feb 10 03:56
schestowitz But it’s page dependent, story dependent, time dependent, etc. Feb 10 03:56
balzac I could have told cowboyneal that up or down voting is where it’s at Feb 10 03:56
balzac slashdot’s rating system is too complicated Feb 10 03:57
balzac Digg’s I find a bit more simple than neccessary Feb 10 03:57
balzac why not reveal the names of every up or down digg? Feb 10 03:57
schestowitz “The digg effect is much less on a weekend. “ Feb 10 03:57
schestowitz True dat. Feb 10 03:57
schestowitz balzac: in some sites they do Feb 10 03:57
schestowitz Drigg does this Feb 10 03:57
balzac I just saw a pic of Kevin Rose chillin with Bill Gates Feb 10 03:58
mib_oks35h can you see who voted up or down on slashdot? Feb 10 03:58
balzac Drigg is great, but the developer is disillusioned with Drupal politics Feb 10 03:58
balzac mib_oks35h: not sure, but you can on DailyKos Feb 10 03:58
balzac too bad it’s just a fund-raising “free speech zone” Feb 10 03:59
balzac Drigg is awesome but Tony Mobily, (editor of FreeSoftwareMagazine.com) got disillusioned with Drupal because some obnoxious people were too eager to have their way. Feb 10 03:59
mib_oks35h later dudes Feb 10 04:00
balzac later mib_uotl0r Feb 10 04:00
*mib_oks35h has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 04:00
balzac I’m going to put that module on my site, www.disruptech.com Feb 10 04:01
schestowitz balzac: pic? Feb 10 04:01
balzac mibbit Feb 10 04:01
schestowitz I know about MS and Digg Feb 10 04:02
balzac It’s good to see your stories getting dugg Feb 10 04:02
schestowitz But it started with a Debian server and Google. Then that Adelson dude went for the Ballmer boots to lick :-( Feb 10 04:02
balzac MS is breathing down the necks of slashdot and digg Feb 10 04:02
schestowitz balzac: hold on… Feb 10 04:02
balzac and the apache organization Feb 10 04:03
*mib_uotl0r has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 04:03
schestowitz I’ll show you something from hours ago Feb 10 04:03
schestowitz The Munchkins try to bair m Feb 10 04:03
schestowitz *me Feb 10 04:03
balzac bury? Feb 10 04:03
schestowitz http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linu… Feb 10 04:03
schestowitz They bait, then spread assaults on me to all sorts of places… they keep nymshifting Feb 10 04:04
schestowitz I spotted this one due to a reply Feb 10 04:04
schestowitz The poster has had hundreds of names (flatfish, remember?) and he’s on a crusade against Microsoft rivals Feb 10 04:04
schestowitz Let me find a video that relates to this… mass mailing and all.. Feb 10 04:04
schestowitz Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBsJm8HlD2… Feb 10 04:05
balzac And his message is set to expire, conveniently erasing the record of his smear campaign. Feb 10 04:05
schestowitz So this guy had external forces trying to ruin him.. how typical in fascism, eh? :-) Feb 10 04:05
schestowitz balzac: I wouldn’t be surprised Feb 10 04:05
balzac I enjoy psychological “warfare” Feb 10 04:08
balzac It can be quite amusing Feb 10 04:08
schestowitz I’ve just replied to it. Feb 10 04:10
schestowitz balzac: yeah, these don’t bother me anymore Feb 10 04:10
schestowitz They also read the IRC logs Feb 10 04:10
schestowitz Hey, Gary Stewart. Eat a brick. Feb 10 04:10
*mib_y3lmyd (i=46e6f18d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4b56283cc59a197f) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 04:11
balzac I said some provocative things against Bush, which took guts Feb 10 04:11
balzac This guy said I ought to be drugged Feb 10 04:11
balzac and he was a democrat Feb 10 04:11
mib_y3lmyd ooh a anti novell chatroom Feb 10 04:11
balzac did you come from Digg? Feb 10 04:12
mib_y3lmyd maybe Feb 10 04:12
balzac don’t be embarrassed to admit it. I have a digg account too. Feb 10 04:12
mib_y3lmyd someone gave me a link to this on MSN Feb 10 04:12
balzac ok Feb 10 04:12
mib_y3lmyd im a computer devloper so i always like seeing microsoft stuff Feb 10 04:13
schestowitz Some people don’t get served :-( Feb 10 04:13
balzac mib_y3lmyd: have you tried gnu/linux? Feb 10 04:13
schestowitz “Stupid page won’t load. Mirror anybody? I’ve seen boycottnovell’s site on DIgg before..going down..Why can’t they invest in a better serrver, since they know their pages gets served on Digg.” Feb 10 04:13
mib_y3lmyd I use ubuntu Feb 10 04:13
balzac cool Feb 10 04:13
schestowitz balzac: the solution is only more than one node Feb 10 04:13
balzac I’m using ubuntu as well Feb 10 04:13
schestowitz I use COral. Feb 10 04:13
schestowitz Other plans for hosting are very pricey Feb 10 04:14
mib_y3lmyd I dont like novell. Its censorship software, which means it violates freedom of speech Feb 10 04:14
schestowitz mib_urbv0s: no, not anti Novell Feb 10 04:14
balzac I suggest slicehost.net Feb 10 04:14
balzac I can put your page on a mirror Feb 10 04:14
schestowitz Novell criticism for particular policies Feb 10 04:14
schestowitz balzac: please do Feb 10 04:14
schestowitz Post a link in Digg, too Feb 10 04:14
balzac where can I find the page in question? Feb 10 04:15
balzac if it’s down, i mean Feb 10 04:15
schestowitz I’ll give you Google cache Feb 10 04:15
balzac lemme see if my browser cache has it Feb 10 04:15
schestowitz Even Google misbehaves Feb 10 04:16
mib_y3lmyd i made a program that kills all novell processes. The people over at novell are nice enough to post it on there site Feb 10 04:16
schestowitz http://pastebin.com/m52bac20 Feb 10 04:16
balzac mib_y3lmyd: I always remove mono after I install Ubuntu Feb 10 04:16
mib_y3lmyd well im goig to go Feb 10 04:17
*mib_y3lmyd (i=46e6f18d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4b56283cc59a197f) has left #boycottnovell Feb 10 04:17
schestowitz Ubuntu is like milk with crust on top Feb 10 04:19
schestowitz crust=mono Feb 10 04:20
*mib_gnow09 (i=4c76d8de@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-fd82900261aec8c0) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 04:20
schestowitz Hi, mib_gnow09 Feb 10 04:22
mib_gnow09 very cool mibbit embed on the site posts Feb 10 04:23
mib_gnow09 just made it at the mibbit site? Feb 10 04:23
schestowitz Thanks, not mine though Feb 10 04:23
schestowitz Yes, it’s an <embed> thing Feb 10 04:23
schestowitz You just need to copy and paste it from source with modifications like channel addr Feb 10 04:23
*mib_gnow09 has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 04:25
balzac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hadxBZWxNrs <– I hadn’t seen this video of Ballmer’s freakout remixed Feb 10 04:27
schestowitz Just one moment.. Feb 10 04:29
schestowitz Server issues. Feb 10 04:29
schestowitz And new comments Feb 10 04:29
schestowitz OK, I think we handle this Digg effect relatively OK because I was prepared for it (anticipated time)… but the first hour is always hard. Feb 10 04:36
schestowitz We got a comment from a former Intel engineer Feb 10 04:36
schestowitz balzac: regarding that video, I put it in BN 2 years ago Feb 10 04:42
schestowitz OK, it’s 5am here, I’f off. Catch you later/in the morning. Feb 10 04:56
*mib_royj29 (i=3c32c378@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-331c3e89941162f5) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 05:01
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*mib_o906o1 (i=44e62112@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ac3e21aa4c3a37fa) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 05:20
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 05:21
*mib_o906o1 has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 05:21
*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 05:22
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Feb 10 05:27
*mib_asl956 (i=60fae20a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-27ffb7b2b0c41751) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 05:43
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*mib_19wujo (i=52c9daec@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c0ae3787bb2faaca) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 06:08
mib_19wujo the “66 pages of microsoft evilness” article is fantastic Feb 10 06:09
*mib_19wujo (i=52c9daec@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c0ae3787bb2faaca) has left #boycottnovell Feb 10 06:10
*metalmayhem420m1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Feb 10 06:25
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR Feb 10 07:09
*mib_tb41wy (i=1806fa61@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bb6387384ff13bf6) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 07:09
*ushimitsudoki has quit (“Leaving.”) Feb 10 07:09
*mib_tb41wy has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 07:10
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 07:13
Omar87 Hi all Feb 10 07:14
*ushimitsudoki (n=ushimits@p4207-ipad15yosemiya.okinawa.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 07:16
*ushimitsudoki1 (n=ushimits@p4066-ipad01yosemiya.okinawa.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 07:45
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MinceR r4wr Feb 10 09:16
*tanderson has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Feb 10 09:17
*tanderson (n=gentoofa@gentoo/developer/gentoofan23) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 09:27
schestowitz Morning. Feb 10 09:32
schestowitz Some error pages returned, as usual. Feb 10 09:33
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 09:36
oiaohm I see you found where Intel Linux interest has come from. Feb 10 09:36
*mib_76d45z (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-589bd6a5a31a14fd) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 09:39
*mib_76d45z has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 09:39
schestowitz oiaohm: yes, but we did before, too. Feb 10 09:39
schestowitz oiaohm: there are some more comments there that have not showed up yet (using cache) Feb 10 09:39
*mib_urbv0s has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 10:03
*kentma1 has quit (“Leaving.”) Feb 10 10:04
*kentma (n=user@ellandroad.demon.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 10:04
*mib_ebh7dn (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d12689c3fdcee495) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 10:17
*mib_ebh7dn has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 10:17
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 10:22
schestowitz BN has been pretty troll-free for the past 2 weeks. They come in bursts. But people keep suggesting moderation, not realising that the moment censorship is embraced is the moment we get slammed for it, too. Feb 10 10:22
schestowitz Suggestion made by someone: “I really wish you would just dump the shills from BN. IMHO all those false negative comments on the site puts it in a bad light. It’s different if you receive a critical response directly from de Icaza, but these unknown anonymous shills astroturfing BN with their spewage makes it look as though the vast majority of people disagree with your assertions, whereas in reality it’s only a handful of…” Feb 10 10:23
schestowitz “nymshifting munchkins deployed by Microvell, and you’re allowing them to continue wallpapering the site with their pro-MSFT/NOVL propaganda. I know you’re anti-censorship, but I think you need to draw the line at blatant astroturfers, especially when they do so much damage.” Feb 10 10:23
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Feb 10 10:23
oiaohm It been really good for Linux since Intel started using internally for chip development. Feb 10 10:42
oiaohm That started Linux desktop rework a really important event. Feb 10 10:42
oiaohm Yep the complete netbook out break might never had happened if MS had improved there posix compadiblity. Feb 10 10:43
schestowitz I mistakenly did not disable comments. Feb 10 10:47
schestowitz So some people lose their comments that they try posting. Feb 10 10:47
schestowitz I got two mails this morning.. Feb 10 10:48
schestowitz One says: “You’re a hero man. Keep fighting.” Feb 10 10:48
schestowitz Another says: “Thank you Roy a.o. for persisting in bringing these things to the light. In a way it’s even more important than the original mission of Groklaw! “ Feb 10 10:48
schestowitz I’m doing 2 more COmes posts ATM. Feb 10 10:48
oiaohm So having another server problem or cache cause hell schestowitz Feb 10 11:01
schestowitz It fails for you? Feb 10 11:02
oiaohm Not at moment. Feb 10 11:02
oiaohm Seen a few odd mysql lines from wp. Feb 10 11:02
schestowitz Oh, I see…. Feb 10 11:02
schestowitz I forgot to monitor it Feb 10 11:03
oiaohm so far they appear and disappear. Feb 10 11:03
schestowitz Thanks. What do they say? Feb 10 11:04
oiaohm Just wp could not connect to mysql for some odd reason. Feb 10 11:05
schestowitz Oh, that happens sometimes. Feb 10 11:06
schestowitz Heavy load, still. Feb 10 11:06
schestowitz 2 FPs in less than a day and FP effect > /, effect Feb 10 11:06
oiaohm Ok answer I was after. Feb 10 11:07
oiaohm If it was not normal for current load investagation was needed. Feb 10 11:07
oiaohm Yes its a real sign wp and mysql are getting stressed a little too much. Feb 10 11:07
schestowitz Have a look, see what you think (just posted): http://boycottnovell.com/2009/02/10/bi… Feb 10 11:10
schestowitz I don’t even know how many visits we get because most of them are channeled to remote cache. Feb 10 11:10
schestowitz This makes statistics not comparable anymore, but at least the /info/ is served, and that’s what’s most important to me. Late in the year maybe I’ll summarise some key points in an ebook, I dunno.. Feb 10 11:11
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 11:17
*burmas (n=thomas@25-178-112-217.dyn.adsl.belcenter.be) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 11:40
*Casperin (n=Casperin@x1-6-00-1e-2a-29-69-de.k112.webspeed.dk) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 11:53
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 10 12:16
*mib_r6oi43 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-eb41d5d556c8d300) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 12:28
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 12:33
*Omar871 has quit (“Leaving.”) Feb 10 12:35
*mib_r6oi43 has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 12:45
*mib_55el9u (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b15cde0b27bfad0e) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 12:46
*mib_55el9u has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 12:48
*mib_gvm43b (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-fb37881b252dad65) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 12:50
schestowitz Aw s*.. “Server Load  34.46 (4 cpus)” Feb 10 13:07
schestowitz Totally dead.. almost Feb 10 13:07
schestowitz “Memory Used  85.8 %” Feb 10 13:07
*burmas (n=thomas@25-178-112-217.dyn.adsl.belcenter.be) has left #boycottnovell (“Konversation terminated!”) Feb 10 13:08
*GhostOfEruaran is now known as Eruaran Feb 10 13:09
Eruaran hello Feb 10 13:09
Eruaran I’ve had a run in with another shill on youtube Feb 10 13:09
schestowitz Hey, what shill? Feb 10 13:09
Eruaran Rather unexpected this time Feb 10 13:09
Eruaran And guess what Feb 10 13:09
schestowitz Admission? Feb 10 13:09
Eruaran surprise surprise, he’s buddies with drphysx and links to his video on his channel Feb 10 13:10
Eruaran or, they’re the same person Feb 10 13:10
Eruaran which might explain why he blocked me so quickly Feb 10 13:10
Eruaran blocked, comments deleted etc Feb 10 13:10
Eruaran I didn’t do anything wrong or even say anything to him… I wasn’t even overly critical of Windows 7 Feb 10 13:11
Eruaran blocked, just like that Feb 10 13:11
Eruaran fascinating Feb 10 13:11
schestowitz drphysx? Feb 10 13:12
Eruaran he shills hard for Microsoft, like drphysx does Feb 10 13:12
schestowitz Microsoft has presence in YouTube… they use it to “Evangelise” Feb 10 13:12
Eruaran drphysx = youtube user and M$ shill Feb 10 13:12
schestowitz Meaning to promote in disguise Feb 10 13:12
Eruaran Windows7videos = M$ shill (I have flagged all his videos as spam: mass advertising) Feb 10 13:13
schestowitz BN seems to have broken the server. Feb 10 13:13
schestowitz It hardly responds. Feb 10 13:13
Eruaran really ? Feb 10 13:13
schestowitz I hope we don’t get suspended for this. Feb 10 13:13
schestowitz I don’t know what led to a sudden surge Feb 10 13:13
Eruaran attack ? Feb 10 13:13
schestowitz I don’t think so Feb 10 13:14
schestowitz I don’t know actually. Feb 10 13:14
oiaohm Did the surge start building about 2 months ago. Feb 10 13:14
schestowitz ” failed” Feb 10 13:14
schestowitz Why 2 months? Feb 10 13:14
oiaohm That is about the time I ripped Linux Hater apart for the first time. Feb 10 13:15
schestowitz WordPress gives error pages rather than time out Feb 10 13:15
oiaohm Caused by reactos developers using him as a defence. Feb 10 13:15
schestowitz One might suggest that Intel/Microsoft have reasons to harm the availability of the server at this time. Feb 10 13:15
oiaohm It has seamed to cause ripples. Feb 10 13:16
schestowitz “Server Load37.84 (4 cpus)” Feb 10 13:16
oiaohm can you get a break down. Feb 10 13:16
oiaohm There is a risk here that is mysql. Feb 10 13:16
schestowitz I have backups, but… Feb 10 13:19
oiaohm I am talking about mysql being at a critical mass for some reason. Feb 10 13:20
oiaohm That is creating load. Feb 10 13:20
schestowitz Shane ought to be looking into a solution for the host Feb 10 13:20
Eruaran I can’t get boycottnovell up here Feb 10 13:20
schestowitz Eruaran: don’t try Feb 10 13:20
Eruaran np Feb 10 13:20
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 13:21
oiaohm Can you get a breakdown of services you are running and the load they have schestowitz Feb 10 13:22
schestowitz In a way, but not quite Feb 10 13:22
schestowitz I can get mysql stats and uptime Feb 10 13:22
oiaohm You can reach a point where index’s in mysql are cuasing load. Feb 10 13:22
oiaohm Instead of reducing it. Feb 10 13:22
oiaohm Form of fragmentation in mysql. Feb 10 13:22
schestowitz http://news.slashdot.org/article.p… Feb 10 13:23
schestowitz oiaohm: I don’t think I can do much about this. I have no control over mysql Feb 10 13:24
oiaohm switch malfunction is different. Feb 10 13:25
oiaohm You get massive load on the front edge of server and no load in the database. Feb 10 13:25
schestowitz Feb 10 13:26
schestowitz WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away] Feb 10 13:26
schestowitz SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘siteurl’ LIMIT 1″ Feb 10 13:26
oiaohm Having the load each service you have running it taking gives us a idea where problem is. Feb 10 13:26
schestowitz oiaohm: I know. Feb 10 13:26
schestowitz But there’s no easy way to check. Feb 10 13:26
schestowitz Intel releases eight-headed* beast < http://www.theregister.co.uk/200… > Feb 10 13:27
oiaohm I would put in a polite email to the service provider that you are having problems. Feb 10 13:27
oiaohm And that information that would be useful to tell what is going on is kinda not accessable. Feb 10 13:27
schestowitz Yes, I’ll do that Feb 10 13:29
oiaohm That way you informed them. Feb 10 13:30
oiaohm Most annoying if you have another switch malfunction. Feb 10 13:30
oiaohm I have had a complete network ground to a stop by a switch. Feb 10 13:31
schestowitz “Our site, boycottnovell.com (account name boycottn) is down and I wish to know what I can do to help bring it up again. Shane Coyle  and I currently try using distributed caching to reduce server load.” Feb 10 13:32
*oiaohm_ (n=oiaohm@36.112.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 13:33
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.) Feb 10 13:34
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 10 13:36
*jose_X (n=jose@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 13:36
jose_X schestowitz, is mysql down? Feb 10 13:36
schestowitz I guess. Feb 10 13:37
schestowitz It’s all very touch and go right now. Feb 10 13:37
jose_X my refreshes still return pages that suggest so… for the Slated page on the LGPLv2 issues Feb 10 13:37
jose_X yeah, i had some probs yesterday but only momentarily.. i’ll try later Feb 10 13:37
schestowitz NetApp lays off staff < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009… >; Intel kills off IDF Taipei < http://www.theregister.co.uk/20… > Feb 10 13:38
jose_X last i read, Dan had quoted from the website.. but i didn’t get to read it Feb 10 13:38
schestowitz jose_X: it’s heavy load that led to issue, but I think something else must have caused this too Feb 10 13:39
schestowitz Not just Digg Feb 10 13:40
jose_X a heavy load could mean a lack of resources which would lead to inaccessibility Feb 10 13:40
jose_X maybe someone is running a script pulling down pages Feb 10 13:41
jose_X can you tell? Feb 10 13:41
schestowitz “pop  failed” Feb 10 13:41
jose_X I’ll let you figure it out on your time. Feb 10 13:41
schestowitz mysql claimed to be up as a service Feb 10 13:41
schestowitz “Server Load  39.89 (4 cpus)” Feb 10 13:42
schestowitz “Memory Used  74.7 %” (it was higher before Feb 10 13:42
schestowitz jose_X: hard to tell because I wasn’t watching closely. Running awstats would slow it down further. Feb 10 13:42
jose_X i just got a different web page.. let me quote from it Feb 10 13:42
jose_X >> This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down. Feb 10 13:42
schestowitz Yes, both are interchanged Feb 10 13:43
schestowitz Don’t request pages though, it’s not helping Feb 10 13:43
jose_X i’ll stop Feb 10 13:43
jose_X i only refreshed a few times Feb 10 13:44
schestowitz I was in the middle of writing something when it happened. Feb 10 13:44
jose_X btw, i did one more and got the usual page with a bunch of lines each showing a query and saying the database failed Feb 10 13:44
schestowitz I envy some of those who have a bif server, but.. Feb 10 13:44
schestowitz The thing is, if you come to rely on ‘Big Sites’, then they control you Feb 10 13:44
schestowitz When you tryst to Host Your Own(tm), then you’re left without ability to reach far and wide Feb 10 13:45
jose_X so what are you doing? Feb 10 13:45
schestowitz I’m OK. I don’t talk about personal life much because some hounds are stalking for dirt. Feb 10 13:46
jose_X i meant what type of hosting Feb 10 13:46
jose_X :-) Feb 10 13:46
jose_X no need to answer about the hosting either if you don’t want Feb 10 13:46
jose_X but you were giving options and I wasn’t sure if what you meant Feb 10 13:47
schestowitz It’s one server. Feb 10 13:47
schestowitz I used cache, but it’s not helping much at the moment Feb 10 13:48
schestowitz We turn away many visitors who could know about MS-Intel slime Feb 10 13:48
jose_X do you Host Your Own(tm) Feb 10 13:49
schestowitz No, it’s a host Feb 10 13:49
jose_X ok Feb 10 13:49
jose_X what a shame.. i wanted to get back to that thread now …. [baby will eventually stop pouting] Feb 10 13:50
schestowitz Blogging Hits Crossroads: A-Listers Giving Up < http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/02/10/bl… > Feb 10 13:52
jose_X roy, i’m getting the page but it is taking a while to receive all of it. Feb 10 13:54
schestowitz Cool! Feb 10 13:54
schestowitz :-) Feb 10 13:54
jose_X hip hip… Feb 10 13:54
schestowitz At least it ain’t dead. Feb 10 13:54
jose_X it’s alive Feb 10 13:54
schestowitz jose_X: don’t hammer on it Feb 10 13:54
schestowitz Let me explain why Feb 10 13:55
schestowitz I said it here before Feb 10 13:55
jose_X left off with your comment of almost 2 hours ago Feb 10 13:55
schestowitz When we get overloaded (thousands+ visitt/hour) I cache the pages hit most Feb 10 13:55
jose_X i won’t hammer on it.. i know enough to give up after a bit so as not to aggravate Feb 10 13:55
schestowitz When you visit ‘sidal’ pages then you don’t land on cache Feb 10 13:55
jose_X sidal? Feb 10 13:55
schestowitz Sort of. Feb 10 13:56
schestowitz So whatever is left of the resources is used up by non-Diggers Feb 10 13:56
jose_X what does sidal mean? Feb 10 13:56
schestowitz I still don’t know what ’tiled’ the server out of control Feb 10 13:56
schestowitz Like side-related… it’s  not a woird Feb 10 13:56
jose_X ok Feb 10 13:56
schestowitz I took it from Seinfeld Feb 10 13:56
jose_X i’m laughing at the construction Feb 10 13:56
MinceR ew, seinfeld Feb 10 13:57
schestowitz When George says “sidal nudity” Feb 10 13:57
jose_X makes sense Feb 10 13:57
jose_X sort of Feb 10 13:57
MinceR nudal sidity? Feb 10 13:57
schestowitz :-) Feb 10 13:57
schestowitz Sounds almost like nudal sodomy or something Feb 10 13:57
schestowitz Yay Feb 10 13:59
schestowitz I can get to the cache via Digg Feb 10 13:59
schestowitz That’s where the heaps of witnesses come at the moment Feb 10 13:59
schestowitz Funny thing is, many sites think of visitors as customers Feb 10 13:59
MinceR btw, how do you measure the number of visitors/hits when you rely on CoralCDN? Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz I just think of visitors as power to drive change. If they are better informed, then as you find in Digg comments, they loudly call for the EU commission to put the handcuffs on Microsoft. Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz That’s what we need… Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz MinceR: I can’t, that’s the thing. Feb 10 14:00
MinceR ic Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz TBH, I don’t care much Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz Groklaw disabled logging altogether, for performance Feb 10 14:00
schestowitz I can’t do this with my host though Feb 10 14:00
*r0ver has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 10 14:08
schestowitz “Server Load  7.96 (4 cpus)” Feb 10 14:27
schestowitz :-oI’d need to check what’s doing this Feb 10 14:27
schestowitz Is ma.comcast Massachusetts? is MA Massachusetts or can it be Maine? Feb 10 14:29
schestowitz “I hope intel moves to linux for chip design. Also, Microsoft should be afraid of linux, just this year i move almost my entire family to linux and they love it and like it better than windows. and if my grandma likes it better than windows then Intel should have no problems making the switch” Feb 10 14:32
jose_X roy, from that a-list blogging going down link: “The weak, those whose prime devotion is getting rich, getting famous, getting laid, or getting approval will be culled. In the end, as in the beginning, it’s about purity and (some type of) artistic integrity.” Feb 10 14:35
jose_X ma is mass Feb 10 14:36
jose_X me is maine Feb 10 14:36
schestowitz OK Feb 10 14:37
schestowitz Cause I think you’re arguing with a neighbour of Novell Inc. Feb 10 14:37
jose_X yeah, probably Feb 10 14:37
schestowitz Some of the comments we get are actually from novel.com (i.e. people sit there in Novell headwuarters and mess about with Boycott Novell rather than get actual work done)./ Feb 10 14:38
jose_X intel should have no probs making the switch.. lol Feb 10 14:38
jose_X because of grandma Feb 10 14:38
schestowitz You can teach grandma to hack on CAD designs :-) Feb 10 14:38
jose_X i’m looking for the license file in gcc Feb 10 14:39
jose_X was downloading.. now am opening up the bzip2 Feb 10 14:39
twitter heh, I know a gradma that used to hike TNT under her school uniform. Feb 10 14:39
schestowitz http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html Feb 10 14:39
schestowitz wget one Feb 10 14:40
jose_X nevermind.. it’s still downloading Feb 10 14:40
jose_X wget about halfway Feb 10 14:40
jose_X looked briefly but didn’t find a web version of each page Feb 10 14:41
jose_X so downloading the whole bundle Feb 10 14:41
jose_X 62% done Feb 10 14:41
jose_X the moonlight folks are confused Feb 10 14:41
jose_X but then they said that gcc and others do the same thing.. Feb 10 14:41
schestowitz I found it funny when “O’Brian” said that he was not a programmer Feb 10 14:41
jose_X so I am going to check Feb 10 14:41
jose_X he said that Feb 10 14:41
schestowitz He insisted that he shortly took some night school or something Feb 10 14:42
schestowitz There are things that are dubious there. Feb 10 14:42
jose_X sure, whatever Feb 10 14:42
twitter Who does No’Brain claim to be? Feb 10 14:42
jose_X sometimes it’s difficult to say who has what experience.. surely he understands some things Feb 10 14:42
*[H]omer_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Feb 10 14:43
jose_X i figure devs, legal, or marketing are the most likely.. what else is there? Feb 10 14:43
*[H]omer_ (n=[H]omer@amsterdam.perfect-privacy.com) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 14:43
twitter Experience is easy to get these days.  All you need is an itch to scratch and some free tools. Feb 10 14:43
jose_X have you heard of Linux Feb 10 14:43
jose_X ;-) Feb 10 14:44
twitter yes, but the M$ Astroturfers usually have their head buried in the sphincter known as Visual Studio or some other nasty Bill Gates gave them. Feb 10 14:44
twitter A few are starting to show free software clues. Feb 10 14:45
schestowitz The server goes mad again. Feb 10 14:45
schestowitz Hold on Feb 10 14:45
jose_X it wasn’t me Feb 10 14:45
jose_X :-) Feb 10 14:45
schestowitz I’ll rerirect to cache Feb 10 14:46
schestowitz Google cache Feb 10 14:46
schestowitz twitter: he doesn’t claim to be anything. He was asked half a dozen times and then declined Feb 10 14:47
schestowitz Server restablised Feb 10 14:48
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2009/02/09/m… Feb 10 14:48
schestowitz Just redirects to Google Feb 10 14:48
twitter Did you see the Google, M$ patent nonsense this morning? Feb 10 14:50
twitter About sync? Feb 10 14:50
schestowitz The MSBBC carries two paopganda pieces for net censorhip this morning: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7880772.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7… Feb 10 14:50
schestowitz twitter: I didn’t see that, no. Feb 10 14:50
twitter Google it.  Gozallez and other trolls are making a big deal about Google “needing” M$ patents to sync with Exchange – claiming it shows the value of M$ IP. Feb 10 14:51
*mib_2pbbjy (i=a55f9101@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6ebac427e67ea722) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 14:51
oiaohm_ LOL Feb 10 14:52
oiaohm_ They miss the point. Feb 10 14:52
*mib_2pbbjy has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 14:52
twitter Shows their ability to obscure their formats and extort money. Feb 10 14:52
jose_X value of ms IP .. hah… you mean the monopoly stupidity of the patent office Feb 10 14:52
oiaohm_ If google gets everyone onto there mail system why will compaines bother building for MS support any more. Feb 10 14:52
twitter My Visor has been able to do two way sync with M$ shit for ten years, no patents required. Feb 10 14:52
schestowitz Redirecting to Coral again. Feb 10 14:52
*mib_og7w6v (i=5992239d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5e8d4fb121013c1d) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 14:53
twitter It did better with KDE, again no patents required. Feb 10 14:53
schestowitz It really drains hours of time each time BN makes Digg’s FP. I guess it’s worth the investment of time, but had we had a better sevrer…… Feb 10 14:53
*mib_og7w6v has quit (Client Quit) Feb 10 14:53
schestowitz twitter: sounds typical. They also do this with Scalix and maybe Novell too. Feb 10 14:53
schestowitz See this morning’s post about Gates’ hypocrisy re: patents. Feb 10 14:54
*rami_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 10 14:54
MinceR perhaps google and m$ are getting closer to each other Feb 10 14:54
twitter Let me go dig up some links.  BBL. Feb 10 14:54
schestowitz To Microsoft, there are two leverage points here; i) makes the competition more expensive; ii) make MS richer Feb 10 14:55
schestowitz This is extortion obscured as “innovation” Feb 10 14:55
schestowitz Which Microsoft knows nothing about unless it’s innovative stealing. The company built itself copying ideas and stealing staff Feb 10 14:56
Eruaran http://www.youtube.com/w… Feb 10 14:59
*mib_gvm43b has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 10 15:00
schestowitz Large Hadron Collider delayed again < http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-267399.html >. Aren’t there better ways to use resources? Feb 10 15:00
Eruaran A nice OpenCV/KDE4 vid Feb 10 15:00
schestowitz Eruaran: thanks. Feb 10 15:01
schestowitz I need to make an introduction page to GNU/Linux in BN Feb 10 15:01
Eruaran How about a mini collider where they bash m&m’s into each other Feb 10 15:01
*rami (n=rami@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 10 15:03
*oiaohm_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 10 15:03
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    A look at actions taken at a political level against the EPO in spite of the EPO's truly awkward exemption from lawfulness or even minimal accountability

  28. No “New Life to Software Patents” in the US; That's Just Fiction Perpetuated by the Patent Microcosm

    Selective emphasis on very few cases and neglect of various other dimensions help create a parallel reality (or so-called 'fake news') where software patents are on the rebound

  29. Links 27/12/2016: Chakra GNU/Linux Updated, Preview of Fedora 26

    Links for the day

  30. Leaked: Letter to Quality Support (DQS) at the European Patent Office (EPO)

    Example of abysmal service at the EPO, where high staff turnover and unreasonable pressure from above may be leading to communication issues that harm stakeholders the most


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