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IRC: #bocottnovell @ FreeNode: May 5th, 2009 – Part 2

Posted in IRC Logs at 2:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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kentma1 It begs questions about the future of government, amongst many things May 05 14:00
*kentma1 switches off dump mode :-) May 05 14:00
oiaohm Big thing here is people doing the same thing here by law are required to provide where the funding came from. May 05 14:04
oiaohm There is a major law failing in the USA. May 05 14:05
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell May 05 14:05
*benkai has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) May 05 14:06
Omar87 Guys, I know this might sound crazy, but what would it be like if Red Hat decides to buy MySQL and OO.o? May 05 14:06
oiaohm Unlikely. May 05 14:06
Omar87 oiaohm: I know, it’s just a thought. May 05 14:07
oiaohm Redhat has enough on there plate for the next 5 years. May 05 14:07
oiaohm Mysql yes is a heavily used database.  Feature wise you would be better taking postgresql and amping it up. May 05 14:08
oiaohm OpenOffice under redhat its not there thing.   Redhat does only what they need to the user interface. May 05 14:09
oiaohm Most likely thing for redhat to do with either is spin them off into foundations. May 05 14:09
oiaohm What orcale is likely to do with some open source project as well. May 05 14:11
oiaohm Basically it you are not compadible with our business module but we don’t want anyone else taking full control of you. May 05 14:11
*benkai_ (n=benkai@fw2.pdts.at) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 14:11
oiaohm Or simple not buy the project or just let them go. May 05 14:12
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2009/… (Consumer Watchdog Funded by the Rose Foundation, Which is Funded by Exxon, Banks, Others…) May 05 14:17
*schestowitz waits for another batch of angry E-mails May 05 14:18
MinceR (offtopic) http://meganmcardle.theatlantic.com/L… May 05 14:20
schestowitz Load issue in BN today May 05 14:29
oiaohm Yep it should bring the hate. May 05 14:29
schestowitz LOL May 05 14:30
oiaohm That is good MinceR May 05 14:31
oiaohm Thinking I am currently restricted to dialup speed.   it really does not take me long once I have a clue to track down links. May 05 14:37
oiaohm Google is the worst ememy to PR companies it can undercover files they have forgot about. May 05 14:38
schestowitz Jason Brooks is going to do an analysis of ODF’s (lack of) support in Microsoft Orifice 2007 May 05 14:39
oiaohm Another round of bad press for MS. May 05 14:39
schestowitz Yes, Googe hurts them badly May 05 14:39
schestowitz Old stuff that was on the Web May 05 14:39
schestowitz If only you could have Googld index Web Archives too……. May 05 14:39
schestowitz Gotta go now May 05 14:40
oiaohm Its the reason why they will be attacking google. May 05 14:40
oiaohm Self protection. May 05 14:40
twitter heh, they could protect themselves better by not acting like asses in the first place May 05 14:50
twitter after the fact, they should admit and repudiate the behavior. May 05 14:51
twitter shooting the messenger is just another crime. May 05 14:51
kentma1 stm is indeed a crime, however, it’s resulted in many a dead messenger over the years… May 05 14:58
oiaohm PR game is old twitter May 05 14:58
oiaohm Very few countries have it under control. May 05 14:59
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection) May 05 15:05
twitter Windows 7 wallpaper.  The laughing toilet babies says it all.  I wonder when they will get animated backgrounds like E17, then the toilets can laugh at you while you try to work and nothing else happens. May 05 15:06
kentma1 laughing toilet babies?  odd. May 05 15:22
twitter yes, very odd. May 05 15:25
twitter there are other odd wallpapers in the collection too May 05 15:25
twitter they are trying to cash in on some kind of 70′s fashion revival. May 05 15:26
twitter touting wallpaper is pretty lame when so many excellent images are available at no charge May 05 15:27
MinceR it’s the only thing they have left. May 05 15:28
twitter marketing? May 05 15:28
twitter put a pretty face on it, call it something good, people will eat it up http://www.kansascity.com/105/s… May 05 15:29
twitter oh my. May 05 15:29
*twitter has quit (“Leaving.”) May 05 15:29
*iwmw has quit (“Leaving”) May 05 15:34
kentma1 he’s gone now, but I think that the only thing MS ever had was marketing. May 05 15:39
MinceR pretty much May 05 15:40
MinceR well, they also have an army of lawyers May 05 15:40
MinceR same thing as crApple. May 05 15:40
kentma1 yeah, lawyers on the flanks, marketers in the centre. May 05 15:48
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-124-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 15:51
_Hicham_ Hi schestowitz May 05 15:51
*mib_7us398 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e44c38713965ab16) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 15:52
*mib_7us398 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e44c38713965ab16) has left #boycottnovell May 05 15:56
*tacone is now known as dan_one May 05 16:15
*dan_one is now known as tacone May 05 16:16
*tacone (n=tacone@93-32-186-60.ip34.fastwebnet.it) has left #boycottnovell (“ERROR: crap-talking overflow – Aborting.”) May 05 16:17
*Eruaran (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell May 05 16:23
*mib_pozv52 has quit (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) May 05 16:29
*mib_fobnbl has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) May 05 16:29
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-190-140.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 16:31
*benJIman has quit (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) May 05 16:32
*amarsh04 has quit (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) May 05 16:32
Eruaran I couldn’t help but reply to Doug Heller from consumerwatchdog May 05 16:32
*benJIman (n=benji@ has joined #boycottnovell May 05 16:33
*mib_pozv52 (i=823916c9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-44833fb5fa3d2194) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 16:34
*neonfloss (n=neon@rdsl-0145.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 16:56
schestowitz Wayne is gonna return to kcikass Linux writing. May 05 17:01
schestowitz Just mailed me this: “I may “relauch” the site in a month or so.  Redesigning the site, maybe a new domain to go along with it.” May 05 17:01
schestowitz :-D May 05 17:01
schestowitz Eruaran: that’s good May 05 17:01
schestowitz Keep em on their toes May 05 17:01
schestowitz Got this by mail: Bulldogs (Watchdog) May 05 17:01
schestowitz ‘”it took the Bulldogs (Watchdog) just HOURS to mail me after I posted in BN” What’s this about ?’ May 05 17:02
schestowitz Any layoffs news from MSFT yet? May 05 17:04
schestowitz 12pm in the USian market May 05 17:04
schestowitz MSF is down 2% today May 05 17:05
schestowitz 3 hours into trading May 05 17:05
schestowitz *MSFT May 05 17:05
schestowitz YES! May 05 17:05
schestowitz More layoffs! May 05 17:05
schestowitz 5000 May 05 17:05
Balrog_ url? May 05 17:05
*mib_jpn39q (i=51fce659@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0146e5470bb25f17) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 17:05
Balrog_ nvm, http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2… May 05 17:06
schestowitz Microsoft to announced 5000 more layoffs. the rumours were true. May 05 17:06
Balrog_ http://vowe.net/archives/010470.html has the details May 05 17:06
*mib_jpn39q has quit (Client Quit) May 05 17:07
schestowitz Wow May 05 17:07
schestowitz Even more coming May 05 17:07
schestowitz That’s over 10,000, excluding contractors, pay cuts, etc. May 05 17:07
schestowitz GOOG is up today May 05 17:10
schestowitz Microsoft down quite sharply May 05 17:10
trmanco GOOG was already up yesterday May 05 17:11
schestowitz MSFT will go down only once May 05 17:12
schestowitz Got to document this properly May 05 17:12
Eruaran MSFT is sliding May 05 17:13
Balrog_ do any of you know drupal well? especially how to update it May 05 17:13
Eruaran I’m interested in Drupal but haven’t learned anything about it yet May 05 17:14
schestowitz Posted to COLA May 05 17:28
schestowitz Balrog_: I want to try Drupal one day, but no… never installed it May 05 17:28
schestowitz It’s like my competirtor May 05 17:28
schestowitz I’m a WordPresser since 2004 May 05 17:28
*schestowitz looks for free pics of sinking ships May 05 17:31
Balrog_ well, I’m stuck working on a Drupal site May 05 17:37
Balrog_ and no, it’s not a competitor. Drupal is much more extensible May 05 17:37
schestowitz Here is a good place to start for information about MSFT layoffs: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/0… May 05 17:39
trmanco drupal is differente in may ways compared to wordpress May 05 17:43
trmanco many* May 05 17:43
trmanco I’ve worked with it a couple of hours, and it’s a nice piece of software May 05 17:44
trmanco I would love to build some site with it, but I’m not sure what kind of site May 05 17:45
trmanco http://www.ramoonus.nl/2009/05/0… May 05 17:56
Omar87 So now that Microsoft is no longer a major threat, how is the FOSS community fight back against the other demons(e.g: Oracle…. etc.)? May 05 18:03
Omar87 —> correction: “how is the FOSS community going to fight back against…” May 05 18:04
schestowitz Microsoft is till a threat May 05 18:09
schestowitz Now they it’s dying it fights May 05 18:09
schestowitz Like SCO May 05 18:09
schestowitz So we ought to prepare May 05 18:09
schestowitz I’ve come to the conclusion that I can read 30 headlines about some breaking story and absorb more info than from 1 article. May 05 18:12
Eruaran Microsoft never ceases to surprise me May 05 18:16
*mib_ajdyx3 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6a5783ca275f5f80) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 18:17
schestowitz Internet Censorship in the US? Or Just Law Enforcement? < http://www.linuxjournal.com/conten… > May 05 18:18
Eruaran Their not so subtle breaking of ODF in MS Office 2007 SP2 is so brazen it belies where heads are at within Microsoft. May 05 18:18
schestowitz Eruaran: I replied to your comment May 05 18:18
schestowitz Eruaran: yes, I linked to your finding too May 05 18:19
schestowitz “ODF is corrupt” thing May 05 18:19
schestowitz It came handy yesterday May 05 18:19
schestowitz Exclusive Video of Virgin Galactic’s Test Flight < http://www.wired.com/autopia/200… > May 05 18:19
schestowitz “Space junkies and wannabe astronauts rejoice – we’ve got exclusive video of Virgin Galactic’s recent test flight in the Mojave.” May 05 18:20
schestowitz Mojave is now a bad word. Makes me think of a trainwreck after another trainwreck May 05 18:20
schestowitz Vista7 to come this year apparently, prematurely (with bugs) May 05 18:20
schestowitz Something tells me “Vista” May 05 18:20
schestowitz Jacqui’s secret plan to ‘Master the Internet’ < http://www.theregister.co.u… > Already over 100 comments in The Reg. May 05 18:22
*mib_ajdyx3 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6a5783ca275f5f80) has left #boycottnovell May 05 18:22
schestowitz “The European Patent Office is an executive organisation, it deals especially with patent applicants, as such, its view of the world may be biased. As an executive organisation, its interpretative powers are very limited. The European Patent Convention excludes computer programs, it is outside the EPO’s power to change this” http://media.ffii.org/EbaReferra… May 05 18:23
Eruaran Social desktop starts to arrive: http://dot.kde.org/2009/05/01/socia… May 05 18:27
schestowitz http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/… May 05 18:32
schestowitz Microsoft’s idea of social desktop is Clippy & Bob May 05 18:36
schestowitz BS: Apple is making a console  < http://www.theinquirer.net/inqu… > May 05 18:36
Eruaran I agree with one of the commenters May 05 18:39
Eruaran I think its more likely some proprietary hardware platform May 05 18:40
Eruaran to differentiate Apples hardware from the PC May 05 18:40
Eruaran I can’t see Apple just doing a game console May 05 18:40
schestowitz WTF? May 05 18:41
schestowitz Apple to buy twitter? May 05 18:41
schestowitz Makes no sense May 05 18:41
schestowitz Twitter also has a deal with the Vole. May 05 18:41
schestowitz The Register is stupid May 05 18:42
schestowitz Intentionally misleading headline May 05 18:42
schestowitz Could Apple Buy Twitter? < http://valleywag.gawker.com/524… > May 05 18:42
schestowitz It’s just hypothetical May 05 18:42
schestowitz Reg: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/… May 05 18:42
schestowitz Sage workers braced for job cuts < http://www.channelregister.co.uk/20… > May 05 18:43
Eruaran yay May 05 18:43
trmanco http://digg.com/d1qJ2p May 05 18:44
Eruaran Sage must die May 05 18:44
schestowitz :-) May 05 18:44
schestowitz Any good FOSS solutions? May 05 18:45
schestowitz Isn’t SAGE maths infringing on a trademark? May 05 18:45
schestowitz There’s the FOSS which is SAGE May 05 18:45
schestowitz http://linux.about.com/b/2008/12/24/ma… May 05 18:46
schestowitz http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/l… May 05 18:46
schestowitz http://www.tuxmachines.or… May 05 18:46
schestowitz http://thedaily.washington.edu/200… May 05 18:46
schestowitz Investigation into Mafia control of Italian windfarm biz <  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/… > :-) May 05 18:46
Eruaran All I know is that Sage Line 50 is horrible May 05 18:47
schestowitz Apple bans Page 3 from iPhone app < http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009… >  Apple’s Arbitrary Rejects Hit Nine Inch Nails App < http://techdirt.com/articles/… > May 05 18:48
schestowitz Eruaran: maybe the sage grew too old May 05 18:48
Eruaran schestowitz: yeah, like Paradox kind of old… May 05 18:48
schestowitz It may have a heart attack in no-time May 05 18:48
Eruaran mark my words May 05 18:49
schestowitz MS wanted to go into CRM May 05 18:49
schestowitz Been quiet May 05 18:49
schestowitz Maybe they’ll drop it niow May 05 18:49
Eruaran Sage’s backend is so old it would take it several days to have a heart attack May 05 18:49
schestowitz With the layoff and all. May 05 18:49
schestowitz The junk empire spits its junk at Google. http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/… May 05 18:50
Eruaran GooTube May 05 18:50
Eruaran they shut down the alex jones channel May 05 18:51
Eruaran I mean May 05 18:51
Eruaran You can’t shut down alex May 05 18:51
Eruaran he’s too entertaining May 05 18:51
schestowitz Facebook Opens Australian Office… I don’t like it how a lot of function and activity moved to DBs that are remote. No privacy May 05 18:58
schestowitz Eruaran: he’s insane May 05 18:58
schestowitz Did they really shut him out? He’s still on there AFAIK May 05 18:58
schestowitz Let me find you something May 05 18:58
schestowitz Eruaran: watch this and lose respect for the bastard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0… May 05 19:00
schestowitz Steve Ballmer’s internal memo on Microsoft’s latest round of layoffs < http://www.techflash.com/microsof… > May 05 19:02
schestowitz This review of Ubuntu is bizarre for its theme/enclosure: http://www.nintenlord.com/x/?p… May 05 19:05
Balrog_ schestowitz: that techflash link leads to a 404 May 05 19:08
Balrog_ here’s the original May 05 19:08
Balrog_ http://vowe.net/archive… May 05 19:08
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 19:10
toros hi May 05 19:10
Balrog_ hi toros May 05 19:10
schestowitz Hm….. weird May 05 19:11
schestowitz Microsoft cuts thousands more jobs , http://www.bizjournals.com/day… May 05 19:12
schestowitz They hurry up cause there’s more coming May 05 19:12
toros schestowitz: you were right yesterday :) http://identi.ca/notice/3944258 May 05 19:12
toros and I am always happy to hear news like this \o/ May 05 19:12
schestowitz Red Hat: UBS Upgrades; Worth Up To $32 In Takeout < http://blogs.barrons.com/techtrad… > May 05 19:14
schestowitz Microsoft Jack is attacking Linux again with myths and insult [no links] May 05 19:18
Balrog_ …why no links? May 05 19:19
schestowitz Feeding the troll. May 05 19:25
Balrog_ hm… well ok then May 05 19:25
schestowitz “”Less than…” I was going to say 2% but at that point he decided to do May 05 19:25
schestowitz something more interesting. But he was nodding as he left.” May 05 19:25
bgtr4 isn’t m$ hiring attackers to linux? May 05 19:26
schestowitz “Among the problems: too many versions of Linux, too many driver and May 05 19:26
schestowitz driver installation problems for too many types of mobile dongle, May 05 19:26
schestowitz qualifying all of them for 24 of the world’s top 25 telcos, and the May 05 19:26
schestowitz telcos’ general unwillingness to support Linux.” May 05 19:26
schestowitz May 05 19:26
schestowitz “”Among the problems: too many versions of cars…” May 05 19:26
schestowitz bgtr4: it does May 05 19:26
schestowitz Yesterday I did a post about anti-Linux twitterers who are from Microsoft May 05 19:27
schestowitz Rose Foundation wrote back to me: May 05 19:28
schestowitz “We would be happy to put you in our media database. What publication or May 05 19:28
schestowitz media outlet do you write for? May 05 19:28
schestowitz I am happy to confirm that the Rose Foundation funded Consumer Watchdog to May 05 19:28
schestowitz engage with Google on privacy issues.” May 05 19:28
bgtr4 lol May 05 19:28
schestowitz I thought they did work on the environment May 05 19:29
bgtr4 just lol May 05 19:29
schestowitz Let’s go along with it :-) May 05 19:29
schestowitz “Thank you for responding.” May 05 19:34
schestowitz “I occasionally write for Datamation, but my current investigation is focused on something where I lack sufficient evidence. My concern is that Consumer Watchdog has been systematically attacking Google, which angered many outside observers.” May 05 19:34
schestowitz “I spoke to a gentleman from Consumer Watchdog (Doug Heller mailed me a few times) and  I wished to find out why the Rose Foundation has an interest in pursuing privacy objectives, which did not fully align with its stated goals. Any clarifications would be very much appreciated and thank you for the good work.” May 05 19:34
trmanco 12 million new IP addresses have been hijacked by botnets: http://www.net-security.org/sec… May 05 19:34
schestowitz just 12? May 05 19:35
bgtr4 conficker could’ve jacked much more May 05 19:38
bgtr4 it just wasn’t designed for that May 05 19:38
schestowitz Here is a decent analysis of how Linux harms MS in netbooks: http://www.bmighty.com/blog/main/a… May 05 19:38
bgtr4 but only to show how weak m$ security is May 05 19:38
schestowitz In my next chance I’ll ask the Rose Foundation if they are aware that they fund an AstroTurf farm (Grassrotts.com) May 05 19:39
schestowitz I won’t raise issue with /them/ yet May 05 19:39
schestowitz Like source of funding including Exxon… for an ENVIRONMENTAL group May 05 19:39
schestowitz Makes me wonder about global warming output from their subsidiaries for example May 05 19:40
bgtr4 i don’t even get WHY i should buy notebook with vista May 05 19:42
bgtr4 i’m not too rich to buy netbooks May 05 19:42
schestowitz Netbooks are gone May 05 19:42
schestowitz MS ruined them May 05 19:42
schestowitz As accused widely May 05 19:43
schestowitz They elevated specs May 05 19:43
bgtr4 recently i found some good notebook in my store May 05 19:43
bgtr4 but it was coming with vista May 05 19:43
schestowitz As in, they ensured it can work with Windows by making them fat May 05 19:43
schestowitz Original ASUS Eee PC was to cost $199 (2007) May 05 19:43
bgtr4 so it’s kinda -%50 of likeliness to me May 05 19:43
schestowitz By 2009 standrad, that would be $150 or less May 05 19:43
schestowitz For the same hardware May 05 19:43
schestowitz Runs Linux well, runs Windows poorly or not at all May 05 19:43
schestowitz So MS colluded with OEMs to fatten the units May 05 19:44
schestowitz Intel might be happy May 05 19:44
schestowitz anti-OLPC moves May 05 19:44
schestowitz All documented, all in the past now May 05 19:44
schestowitz ARM brings back the game to its genesis May 05 19:44
schestowitz Android netbooks could be almost free May 05 19:44
bgtr4 oh no… i won’t buy arm May 05 19:44
schestowitz ARM, subsidised.. May 05 19:44
bgtr4 and especially not android May 05 19:45
schestowitz Buy bionic ARM May 05 19:45
schestowitz Like android: _) May 05 19:45
bgtr4 i know how software for arm is produced May 05 19:45
bgtr4 it just sucks May 05 19:45
schestowitz Open Source Monitoring: GroundWork on Sale? Not Really < Open Source Monitoring: GroundWork on Sale? Not Really > May 05 19:46
schestowitz http://robertogaloppini.net/2009/04/30/o… May 05 19:46
schestowitz SpringSource acquires Hyperic to build end-to-end Java stack http://arstechnica.com/open-source/… May 05 19:46
bgtr4 what’s java stack? May 05 19:46
MinceR 205654 < bgtr4> i know how software for arm is produced May 05 19:47
MinceR via gcc? :> May 05 19:47
bgtr4 not only? May 05 19:47
bgtr4 there are other toolchains May 05 19:47
MinceR i know May 05 19:47
schestowitz Knowing what Weird has shown, why is Roberto giving a nod to Microsoft’s insult to ODF? http://robertogaloppini.net/2009/05/0… May 05 19:47
schestowitz *Weir May 05 19:47
schestowitz Toolchain.. /me imagines Microsoft engineers hacking software with hammers and screwdrivers.. May 05 19:49
MinceR “microsoft engineers”? May 05 19:49
*MinceR can’t imagine such a thing May 05 19:49
bgtr4 m$ engineers are not that stuped May 05 19:49
bgtr4 but they are slaves at mind May 05 19:50
bgtr4 i saw them May 05 19:50
MinceR to call anyone who works for m$ an engineer would be an insult to engineers May 05 19:50
bgtr4 and i worked with them May 05 19:50
bgtr4 yeah, ’cause sane engineers are not slaves May 05 19:50
MinceR engineers produce things that work using reasonable methods May 05 19:51
MinceR relying on actual knowledge May 05 19:51
MinceR engineering is about putting science to technical use May 05 19:51
schestowitz Excellent new comment (must read): http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_stor… May 05 19:52
MinceR not changing copyrights in code you steal, giving it a new skin every few years and using unfair business practices to keep others from competing May 05 19:52
bgtr4 is it a riddle? m$! am i right, MinceR? May 05 19:54
MinceR well, we were talking about m$ :> May 05 19:55
bgtr4 yay May 05 19:55
schestowitz Sales, marketing and support bearing the brunt of new Microsoft job cuts? < http://blogs.zdnet.com/micro… > May 05 19:58
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-124-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has left #boycottnovell May 05 19:59
trmanco schestowitz, -> http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/04/f… thanks for the reference May 05 20:00
schestowitz Wave 2 of announced layoffs hits Microsoft < http://blogs.zdnet.com/micros… > May 05 20:02
schestowitz trmanco: np May 05 20:02
schestowitz Most people (thousands) read in ~/feed/ mode, so maybe they’ll see the original too May 05 20:03
trmanco moonlie 2.0 preview something is out May 05 20:03
schestowitz 10/10 (8 votes) May 05 20:03
schestowitz Been lots more positive recently. May 05 20:03
schestowitz Maybe the trolls pissed off May 05 20:03
schestowitz trmanco: I know May 05 20:04
schestowitz I saw it a moment ago May 05 20:04
schestowitz Was gonna comment about it tomorrow May 05 20:04
trmanco it hit linuxtoday May 05 20:04
schestowitz The MS Boosters camp is promoting it May 05 20:04
trmanco frontpage I guess May 05 20:04
schestowitz Which tells you how Microsoft views the work of de Icaza.. He helps Microsoft. May 05 20:04
*mib_06hw3z (i=be036aa4@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9ddc400b16ad328a) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 20:08
trmanco transmission goes QT (cute) May 05 20:08
trmanco http://news.softpedia.com/news/T… May 05 20:08
schestowitz http://www.blogicalthoughts.com/image… May 05 20:09
trmanco that just gave you an idea, right? May 05 20:10
schestowitz Why You Should Not Upgrade to Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) < http://tech.shantanugoel.com/2009/05… > May 05 20:11
schestowitz Ubuntu is FAST May 05 20:11
schestowitz Well, others do the code May 05 20:11
schestowitz Ubuntu puts together much of the latest May 05 20:11
trmanco fedora is more bleeding edge May 05 20:11
trmanco IMO May 05 20:12
trmanco on some software May 05 20:12
trmanco bbl May 05 20:12
MinceR “if i want cutting edge, i’ll buy a sword. if i want bleeding edge, i’ll use it.” May 05 20:12
schestowitz Speaking of Transmission, “Record Label Sponsors BitTorrent Site isoHunt” http://torrentfreak.com/record-… May 05 20:14
schestowitz New business model: give away what’s a commodity, sell the rest: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/ent… May 05 20:15
schestowitz Hollywood battling ‘DVD copying’ < http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/h… >. Too late, I’ve moved on from Hollywood… May 05 20:18
schestowitz Story on McAfee Security Hole Triggers Another  < http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcwo… > May 05 20:20
schestowitz Massachusetts wants to imprison people for 10 years if they take a nude photo of their over-60 spouse, even with spouse’s consent <  http://www.boingboing.net/20… > May 05 20:21
schestowitz “It’s idiotic for two reasons — first, for making it a crime to take a nude photo of a consenting adult (I’m talking about people over the age of 60 who are mentally competent), and second, taking away the ability of people over the age of 60 to do whatever the heck they want to do without interference from the government.” May 05 20:22
schestowitz 911 police officer refuses to help girl who calls about her dying father because she said the F word before the call was answered < http://www.boingboing.net/2009… > May 05 20:22
schestowitz Scalia Scoffs at Calls for More Data Privacy Protection, Students Surprise Him With Dossier of His Own Data. < http://www.boingboing.net/2009/… > May 05 20:24
*mib_06hw3z has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) May 05 20:25
*toros has quit (“leaving”) May 05 20:30
schestowitz Ubuntu and Fedora Replace init with Upstart < http://www.linuxplanet.com/li… > May 05 20:34
*kentma1 has quit (“Leaving.”) May 05 20:35
schestowitz See the comment here: http://www.tectonic.co.za/?p=4728 May 05 20:41
schestowitz Astroturfers? May 05 20:41
schestowitz Perfect reciple May 05 20:41
schestowitz “I’m all for Linux, but……” May 05 20:41
schestowitz “Vista7 blah blah…” May 05 20:41
schestowitz Seems like a marketing troll May 05 20:42
schestowitz Omar87: are you there? May 05 21:19
schestowitz http://news.cnet.com/8301-1… “Al Rousan: It will cost you more, by the way. We are working in the hospital sector, using open source. I think that in the beginning, the cost will be higher. In the long run it could be better.” May 05 21:19
schestowitz Here you have a minister who says that open source costs more. Maybe he was drinking from Microsoft’s well too much. May 05 21:20
schestowitz The setting Sun: responses to the acquisition <  http://arstechnica.com/open-sourc… > May 05 21:30
trmanco back May 05 21:30
trmanco lkml has gone foobar May 05 21:33
schestowitz :-) May 05 21:40
schestowitz Better to go foobar than to go titsup May 05 21:41
trmanco :-P May 05 21:41
*neonfloss has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) May 05 21:51
schestowitz NoScript Isn’t The Only Guilty Party < http://www.customdistros.com/2009/… > May 05 21:54
schestowitz NoScript could make its own ff derivative May 05 21:54
schestowitz I’d take anything with NoScriptopaganda label on it May 05 21:55
MinceR http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar… May 05 21:55
MinceR ^ the value of the m$ brand shows how utterly, incredibly stupid people are May 05 21:55
trmanco yeah May 05 21:56
schestowitz neonfloss made some big pages: http://www.blogpirate.org/2009/05… May 05 21:56
schestowitz MinceR: they should sell it May 05 21:57
schestowitz Start from scratch with an apt rename like Mafiasoft ort Mugabesoft. May 05 21:57
MinceR lol May 05 21:59
schestowitz Pavs is still one of the crowd who forgets that without freedom Linux is just some another lousy OS X: Linux And Politics Don’t Mix Well < http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2009/… > May 05 21:59
MinceR no, it isn’t just some another os x May 05 21:59
MinceR linux is far superior to os x technically May 05 21:59
schestowitz MinceR: Mugabe would still sue them for harming his name May 05 21:59
schestowitz Like Fiji was gonna sue Microsoft for using the name May 05 22:00
schestowitz Same with some who were called “Vista” May 05 22:00
schestowitz Poor Zermatt May 05 22:00
schestowitz Microsoft is now using the place’s name as a codename for development May 05 22:00
*schestowitz was in Zermatt like 6 times or more May 05 22:00
schestowitz Mojave’s reputation is ruined too May 05 22:00
schestowitz Mojava == dark room, ugly OS , people being called stupid, trainwreck advertising that got pulled after a while. May 05 22:01
trmanco Brazilian people are searching for gnote May 05 22:01
trmanco :D May 05 22:01
schestowitz AFAIK there was also a reason behing dumping the name Longhorn May 05 22:01
schestowitz Which I think was a pub name that Sweaty’s peons attended May 05 22:02
schestowitz trmanco: +1 May 05 22:02
trmanco :) May 05 22:02
schestowitz Almost everyone knows about gnote, among those who follow the news May 05 22:02
trmanco good thing I wrote something about it May 05 22:02
trmanco http://www.google.com.br/search?… May 05 22:02
trmanco I even beat gnome’s website May 05 22:03
trmanco well, gnote’s entry on gnome’s website May 05 22:03
schestowitz One reason less to boot into Windows. Get the same apps working in Linux (joke): http://www.desktoplinux.com/new… May 05 22:04
schestowitz Is Hubert French? May 05 22:05
schestowitz His name suggests otherwise. May 05 22:05
schestowitz But I never looked into it anyway May 05 22:05
schestowitz Since he moved to Fedora which is first to adopt gnote they might as well hire him at some stage May 05 22:05
schestowitz I heard from a very reliable source that Red Hat is working on hiring SUSE developers. benJIman might wish to pass this on. May 05 22:06
trmanco he lives in Canada I think May 05 22:06
trmanco my home country :D May 05 22:06
trmanco well, good for him May 05 22:07
schestowitz You’re Canadian? May 05 22:07
trmanco yeah May 05 22:07
trmanco I’ve never mentioned this,but I am May 05 22:07
schestowitz SJVN made Digg’s FP: http://blogs.computerworld.com/… May 05 22:07
schestowitz Very good! May 05 22:07
trmanco I think I wrote that on my facebook profile May 05 22:07
trmanco not sure May 05 22:07
schestowitz They never have pictures in CW May 05 22:07
schestowitz Stinkin’ site May 05 22:07
trmanco yeah, old school May 05 22:08
schestowitz With NAFTA in place, the US is closer to just creating a bigger federation May 05 22:08
schestowitz It’s interestingly to see how Hollywood exports DMCA to them May 05 22:09
schestowitz Bray’s views from BC are sobering May 05 22:09
schestowitz I think Americans (in the US sense) are a lot more afraid to deviate from the Fox status quo May 05 22:09
schestowitz Scary. May 05 22:09
trmanco wow, 405 readers May 05 22:10
trmanco I’m impressed May 05 22:10
trmanco my readership has ballooned this second year May 05 22:11
MinceR gn May 05 22:13
schestowitz ESP launches en.swpat.org: A Wiki for Anti-Software Patent Campaigns < http://www.fsf.org/news/endsoftw… > May 05 22:13
trmanco schestowitz, thanks for the 21 visits you gave me to my site, the personal one May 05 22:19
trmanco :-P May 05 22:19
trmanco that day, I had 26 visits, unique, not bots May 05 22:19
schestowitz There was a link in the comments IIRC May 05 22:19
trmanco yeah, I saw it May 05 22:21
schestowitz I wrote to RMS about gnote today May 05 22:21
schestowitz http://www.mail-archive.com/found… May 05 22:23
*DavidGerard (n=Diva_@wikimedia/DavidGerard) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 22:24
DavidGerard good evening all May 05 22:24
schestowitz Mandriva : thumbs up, GNOME : thumbs down < http://blog.freeside.fr/post… > May 05 22:24
trmanco hello May 05 22:24
trmanco schestowitz, cool May 05 22:25
schestowitz I guess that’d be good for KDE May 05 22:25
trmanco argh May 05 22:25
trmanco why am I not subed to this list? May 05 22:25
trmanco May 05 22:25
schestowitz DavidGerard: how many minutes to open files/dialogues now? May 05 22:25
DavidGerard heh May 05 22:25
DavidGerard haven’t tried lately May 05 22:25
schestowitz Could be worse May 05 22:25
schestowitz MSO loses data May 05 22:25
DavidGerard i dont’ actually use OOo where avoidable May 05 22:25
schestowitz Yum! It swallows it May 05 22:26
DavidGerard it’s what they get for all this “seven” thinking May 05 22:26
schestowitz We had one person come here just weeks ago after his Word file cgot corrupted May 05 22:26
DavidGerard “seven” is just a Vista castrated of its manly might by soy latte sipping weenies who want to be mac users May 05 22:26
schestowitz Nothing could  rescue the data May 05 22:26
DavidGerard we need to SAVE VISTA May 05 22:26
DavidGerard we ahve a facebook group now May 05 22:26
schestowitz HEHE May 05 22:26
schestowitz Save XP May 05 22:26
schestowitz How many sigs in disinfoworld? May 05 22:27
schestowitz Like 200k? May 05 22:27
DavidGerard http://www.facebook.com/grou… May 05 22:27
DavidGerard we have fifteen members now! May 05 22:27
DavidGerard i’m amazed there’s over ten May 05 22:27
schestowitz I don’t use Windows May 05 22:27
schestowitz But I want Vista saved May 05 22:27
DavidGerard and at least two of them i don’t actually know May 05 22:27
*jose (n=jose@adsl-233-56-102.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 22:27
DavidGerard i’m sure you can fully support the campaign to save vista May 05 22:27
schestowitz It’s just so bad that it might as well be back May 05 22:27
schestowitz Is it a joke? May 05 22:28
schestowitz Let’s see…. May 05 22:28
DavidGerard “I fully support this initiative. My computer business employs 200 people; the best possible thing for it is to make sure Vista continues and goes forward.” – M. Shuttleworth, London May 05 22:28
DavidGerard “I can’t tell you how much Vista has done for my business. So many people depend on it.” – S. Jobs, Cupertino May 05 22:28
DavidGerard “Vista is the one thing that will keep people seeking out and using systems that are at the forefront of technology. It’s been the best thing for all of us.” – L. Torvalds, Portland. May 05 22:28
schestowitz “Windows 7 is CASTRATED APPEASEMENT to soy latte-sipping girly-men who wish they owned a Mac. We want a REAL operating system. An operating system that PERSONIFIES America’s INDUSTRIAL MIGHT. That makes you feel AWE at the MAJESTY of the progress of its operation. It’s a monument to everything that makes us the country we are.” May 05 22:28
schestowitz Hehe. Joining for fun May 05 22:28
DavidGerard “I’m … I’m touched. *sob* I didn’t think anyone cared. You guys. Developers! *sob*” – S. Ballmer, Seattle. May 05 22:28
DavidGerard i’d make you a group admin but that’d be even more of a giveaway May 05 22:29
schestowitz Must. Get. Mojvista. Back. May 05 22:29
jose http://www.linuxtoday.com/infr… This wasn’t missed, right? May 05 22:29
jose (overlooked) May 05 22:30
jose To say it made my day is a serious understatement May 05 22:30
DavidGerard indeed. May 05 22:30
schestowitz jose: I got it already May 05 22:30
schestowitz For tomorrow May 05 22:30
jose i haven’t jumped up for joy yet, but i think it just takes a little while to sink in May 05 22:30
schestowitz jose: made the day? May 05 22:30
schestowitz Why? May 05 22:30
jose http://www.answers.com/topic/… May 05 22:31
schestowitz jose: it’s hardly anything major May 05 22:32
schestowitz MSFT layoffs is a lot bigger May 05 22:32
schestowitz jose: I know what the term means, but there’s better news May 05 22:32
schestowitz I’ll do some BN links soon, as well May 05 22:33
schestowitz There’s heaps of goodies May 05 22:33
jose did you post links to the larger ms layoffs. May 05 22:33
jose ? May 05 22:33
jose it seems ms was just hurrying up past plans (though leaving room for more future cuts) May 05 22:34
jose the red hat argument is great May 05 22:34
DavidGerard well, these cuts seem to complete the 5000 May 05 22:34
schestowitz This is trollish IMHO: “Do we want it to become a viable open source alternative to Windows or Mac OS X, or do we want it to remain a niche market?” http://blogs.zdnet.com/gadg… May 05 22:34
DavidGerard but ballmer specifically says there may be more May 05 22:34
schestowitz Typical Zidi Nyet May 05 22:34
jose i’m also happy because i think i had underestimated bilski (about the *process* patent) May 05 22:35
schestowitz jose: see BN’s FP May 05 22:35
DavidGerard it may be trolling, but mostly it’s space-filler May 05 22:35
schestowitz It’s bothersome that Bernard Bilski gets all this ‘credit’ for actually being the idiotic parasite in this case May 05 22:36
schestowitz Bilski is BAD May 05 22:36
schestowitz The Bilski RULING is good May 05 22:36
schestowitz Because it nailed the man who ‘invested’ thoughts May 05 22:36
schestowitz *invented May 05 22:36
DavidGerard tch – obviously bilski was just conspiring to fix the patent system May 05 22:36
schestowitz DavidGerard: there’s enough news for them to cover May 05 22:36
DavidGerard he set out to sacrifice his reputation for the good of all May 05 22:37
schestowitz Had ZIdi done news May 05 22:37
DavidGerard yes, there is enough news May 05 22:37
DavidGerard but that’s like, work. May 05 22:37
DavidGerard the tech press is one reason i actually fear for mainstream journalism on the web May 05 22:37
schestowitz Zidi is not news May 05 22:37
schestowitz They said so themselves: it’s about comments and pageviews May 05 22:37
DavidGerard because the only business model for commercial journalism on the web appears to be blatant unapologetic whoredom May 05 22:37
schestowitz That’s what determines their pay grade May 05 22:37
*trmanco has the need to subscribe to some more relevant lists May 05 22:37
schestowitz Not the quality of reporting AT ALL May 05 22:37
schestowitz trmanco: wordpress-hackers May 05 22:38
schestowitz Come and join us May 05 22:38
schestowitz 500msgs/month May 05 22:38
trmanco I already have joined May 05 22:38
schestowitz Oh May 05 22:39
trmanco I use gmane May 05 22:39
schestowitz I was on about 30 May 05 22:39
schestowitz Back in 2005 May 05 22:39
schestowitz But I hardly read them as much now May 05 22:39
schestowitz I also read many newsgroups May 05 22:39
schestowitz About 50 at one stage May 05 22:39
*DavidGerard reads twitter May 05 22:39
DavidGerard er, that’s about it May 05 22:39
trmanco I’m subed to 200 and something lists May 05 22:39
trmanco just in gmane May 05 22:39
schestowitz IDG = IDIOTS: http://www.infoworld.com/d/advent… May 05 22:40
schestowitz They pretend that we still live in a world ofpages and leafs May 05 22:40
schestowitz They slice  the pages for advertising May 05 22:41
schestowitz Same in Phoronic BTW May 05 22:41
DavidGerard of course, there’s the free hardware and user programmability route to software freedom: http://www.flickr.com/photos/… May 05 22:41
schestowitz It’s impossible to search articles or read them quickly that way May 05 22:41
DavidGerard now available as a pdf! May 05 22:41
schestowitz They shoot themselves in the foot and spoil articles May 05 22:41
schestowitz It’s worse than multi-page PDFs May 05 22:41
schestowitz Cause you can’t treat all pages as one doc May 05 22:41
DavidGerard phoronix doing this is particularly annoying since they have actual content often enough May 05 22:41
jose everything is a little bit more funny today. May 05 22:41
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection) May 05 22:41
jose i’m getting a bad case of giggles May 05 22:42
schestowitz “Build Your Own Z80 Computer” May 05 22:42
jose I can’t stop.. will come back later May 05 22:42
schestowitz He. He. He. He. [lame laugh] May 05 22:43
jose peace and enjoy May 05 22:43
jose honestly i can’t stop May 05 22:43
schestowitz Maybe you have pot in the air May 05 22:43
jose let me go leverage this good mood May 05 22:43
schestowitz beverage? May 05 22:43
jose you’d think so May 05 22:43
schestowitz The suana went on fire this afternoon May 05 22:43
schestowitz It stank in a way. Like burned wood May 05 22:43
jose lol May 05 22:44
schestowitz They had to shut it down May 05 22:44
jose ha ha ha May 05 22:44
jose ok,… May 05 22:44
*jose has quit (“Leaving”) May 05 22:44
schestowitz Adopting newcomers to FOSS/Linux < http://manishtech.wordpress.com/2009/05/… > May 05 22:45
schestowitz FOSS/Linux? May 05 22:45
schestowitz Earlier I saw “GNU/Linux/Ubuntu” May 05 22:46
schestowitz Red Hat CEO: ‘The Cloud Belongs to Linux’ http://www.internetnews.com/software/… May 05 22:46
DavidGerard Though the Stallmanwall riots themselves, as well as the political organisation they triggered, were events that were fully participated in by BSD contributors, FSF volunteers, X11 people and future Sun founders as well as by white middle-class male Linux users of all races, genders and backgrounds, historically these events were first named Linux, the word at that time being used in a more generic sense to cover the entire spectrum of w May 05 22:48
DavidGerard hat is now variously called the Red Hat, SuSE or even Debian community. May 05 22:48
DavidGerard But eventually the language caught up with the reality of the community and the names have become more inclusive. Changing first to Linux and BSD Pride, today most are called GNU/Linux/BSD/X11/KDE/GNOME/Mozilla/gcc (GLBXKGMg) Pride Parades. But only by the sort of geeks even the other geeks don’t want to hang out with. May 05 22:48
DavidGerard http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/w… May 05 22:48
DavidGerard (written by me a coupla years ago one day when the phrase “Linux Pride” occurred to me) May 05 22:49
schestowitz Wait May 05 22:49
schestowitz You do uncyclopedia? May 05 22:49
DavidGerard i did a few years ago May 05 22:49
schestowitz Wasn’t there also a domain like that outside the wikia domain? May 05 22:50
DavidGerard haven’t written anything in ages May 05 22:50
DavidGerard uncyclopedia.org is now fully owned by wikia May 05 22:50
DavidGerard it now redirects to the uncyclopedia.wikia.com domain May 05 22:50
schestowitz Writing take a lot of time and it’s prone to errors May 05 22:50
schestowitz I love mashups May 05 22:50
DavidGerard there’s also mirror.uncyc.org which is maintained in case wikia goes insane May 05 22:50
schestowitz In mashups you can collect complete work and cite rather than rephrase May 05 22:50
DavidGerard i used to write a shitload of stuff for unnewws May 05 22:51
DavidGerard unnews May 05 22:51
schestowitz Because — as we all know — our writings are just mashups of ideas we learn May 05 22:51
DavidGerard which is how i learnt to write fake news May 05 22:51
DavidGerard which is fun itself May 05 22:51
schestowitz They are compositions of facts May 05 22:51
DavidGerard it ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it May 05 22:51
DavidGerard that’s what gets a copyright May 05 22:51
schestowitz DavidGerard: why is it owned by Wikia now? May 05 22:51
DavidGerard chronarion, who started it, sold it to wikia May 05 22:51
schestowitz I tried getting short URLs in BN wiki BTW May 05 22:52
schestowitz Too problematic to do the Apache redirect because WordPress is installed in ~/ May 05 22:52
schestowitz Shane’s fault May 05 22:52
DavidGerard i told you! mod_rewrite is a reliable source of Cthulhu knowledge. May 05 22:52
schestowitz I do something funny to just redirect the front page because of that May 05 22:52
schestowitz DavidGerard: how much was it sold for? May 05 22:52
DavidGerard personally i’d have put it on separate subdomains with a rewrite for wordpress-like urls May 05 22:52
DavidGerard no idea May 05 22:52
schestowitz DavidGerard: what do you use for images? May 05 22:53
DavidGerard the joke is “chron’s ferrari fund” but really he couldn’t be bothered with it any more May 05 22:53
DavidGerard i take them wherever May 05 22:53
schestowitz I use http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml May 05 22:53
schestowitz I don’t know the licence they use but it’s royalty free May 05 22:53
schestowitz I think also for commercial pruposes May 05 22:53
DavidGerard the nice thing about humour for a us-based blog is that parody and satire have INCREDIBLE rights under fair use May 05 22:53
schestowitz MATALAB casted my contribs BSD some days ago May 05 22:53
schestowitz Not given a choice even !! May 05 22:54
DavidGerard even for commercial purposes May 05 22:54
schestowitz Tell that to YouTube May 05 22:54
*neonfloss (n=neon@rdsl-0145.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 22:54
schestowitz They obey takedown requests for cases where people like CNN anchors get bitchslapped May 05 22:54
schestowitz neonfloss: you’re blogpirate admin, right? May 05 22:54
DavidGerard the problem being it’s their server May 05 22:55
DavidGerard putting it on one’s own server would be much safer in this regard May 05 22:55
neonfloss yay May 05 22:55
neonfloss yea * May 05 22:55
neonfloss why? May 05 22:55
schestowitz neonfloss:I saw it in TuxMachines May 05 22:55
schestowitz 6 distros May 05 22:55
neonfloss ? May 05 22:55
schestowitz http://www.blogpirate.org/2009/0… May 05 22:56
neonfloss nice May 05 22:56
neonfloss ive been out of it for the past couple days May 05 22:56
neonfloss thanks for heads up May 05 22:56
schestowitz New release of Microsoft Moonlight (no typo): http://tirania.org/blog/archive/… May 05 22:56
neonfloss heh May 05 22:57
schestowitz Upgrading to Mandriva 2009.1 < http://colin.guthr.ie/development/upg… > May 05 22:59
schestowitz trmanco: The LKML Summary Podcast http://lwn.net/Article… May 05 23:00
trmanco interesting May 05 23:01
trmanco thanks May 05 23:01
trmanco wow look ar this -> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=sto… May 05 23:12
trmanco 404 May 05 23:12
trmanco http://blogs.zdnet.com/ITFacts/?p=5334 May 05 23:12
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-124-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 23:14
_Hicham_ Hi All! May 05 23:14
trmanco hi May 05 23:14
_Hicham_ how r u doing trmanco? May 05 23:15
trmanco _Hicham_, fine and you? May 05 23:16
_Hicham_ I am good, thought still stumbling upon gtkmmglext May 05 23:17
_Hicham_ have u ever worked with it? May 05 23:17
trmanco I’ve never heard of it May 05 23:24
_Hicham_ have u ever worked with OpenGL? May 05 23:27
trmanco no, never May 05 23:29
DavidGerard heh. http://www.internetnews.com/sof… jim whitehurst crowing over how good business is for red hat. May 05 23:31
schestowitz “So, we exited, and there was no more Old Port for RedMonk. That’s the bad news. The good news is that a couple of weeks later, I’ve resettled in what is going to be an even better home for the firm eight or nine blocks from the former office.” May 05 23:31
schestowitz http://redmonk.com/sogrady/20… May 05 23:32
schestowitz mortgage victim? May 05 23:32
DavidGerard quite possibly May 05 23:32
DavidGerard landlords having a financial crunch often makes problems for the tenants May 05 23:32
schestowitz In my eyes they lost credibility when they took MS money while carrying on with the FOSS spiel May 05 23:33
schestowitz Alex left  iTWire May 05 23:34
schestowitz this is good May 05 23:34
schestowitz less msfters May 05 23:34
DavidGerard alex who? May 05 23:34
schestowitz Reutt something May 05 23:35
schestowitz lots of ms boosters quit May 05 23:35
schestowitz watchers too May 05 23:35
schestowitz mary jo became pr May 05 23:35
*schestowitz eats apple May 05 23:35
schestowitz so typing w one hand May 05 23:36
DavidGerard Microsoft Completely Enderelependent Analysis, Inc. May 05 23:36
DavidGerard Mary Jo Enderle, Alex Reuttderle, Ed Bottderle, Dan Lyonderle, etc. May 05 23:37
schestowitz Ed Bought May 05 23:37
DavidGerard http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/a… – a jawdroppingly, spectacularly awful idea May 05 23:37
DavidGerard an idea so epic in its fail you almost want it to happen to foment internet revolution. p2p pirate email etc. May 05 23:38
schestowitz Enderle Associates, founded by founder Enderle and president in chief enderle, seniot analyderle May 05 23:38
schestowitz He keeps changing funny May 05 23:38
schestowitz He keeps changing titles May 05 23:38
schestowitz It’s very funny May 05 23:38
schestowitz the Mac fans joke about his one-man ‘firm’ as well May 05 23:38
schestowitz DavidGerard: I’ll need to phone BN associates tomorrow May 05 23:38
schestowitz Here in BN labs we need to conduct experiments with SUSE May 05 23:39
schestowitz Feel free to tax our secretary and be sure to pick a number for the queue :-) May 05 23:39
DavidGerard what, poking it with sticks? May 05 23:39
schestowitz Doctor’s office are a lot like that May 05 23:39
schestowitz They give the illusion of demand May 05 23:39
DavidGerard or is that only in your spare time at lunch? May 05 23:39
schestowitz Like dentists May 05 23:39
schestowitz Just condense all the meeting with ‘patience’ May 05 23:39
schestowitz Always refer to  secrettary to pretend you’re too busty May 05 23:40
DavidGerard ill-favoured typo there May 05 23:40
schestowitz All for the glorification for the genius May 05 23:40
schestowitz I was mused to see some publicatyions do the same May 05 23:40
schestowitz Like call it “labe;” May 05 23:40
schestowitz “eWeek lab” May 05 23:40
schestowitz That’d be jason Brooks May 05 23:40
schestowitz And Matt Hartley talks about his labs May 05 23:41
DavidGerard “Notnews Lab”, the copy of virtualbox i don’t run anything in any more May 05 23:41
schestowitz Probably some CRT at home May 05 23:41
schestowitz Others are amused by this too May 05 23:41
schestowitz There are lots of ‘businesses’ out there which put an illusion of size May 05 23:41
schestowitz It’s easy with the Internet in particular May 05 23:41
schestowitz NotNews lab May 05 23:41
schestowitz Sounds exciting May 05 23:41
schestowitz Add a banner that says departments May 05 23:42
schestowitz Then put your daughter’s phone # or something and call it “customer feedback” May 05 23:42
schestowitz Plurality for scale May 05 23:42
schestowitz Like in the paper, deny comments. They show how little response there is to ‘big’ press May 05 23:42
schestowitz Shills online > http://www.actonline.org/ May 05 23:44
schestowitz It’s hilarious May 05 23:44
schestowitz When SweatyB and PearlyG stops feeding this shillporation, they too will go out of busienss May 05 23:45
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell May 05 23:52
schestowitz gn May 05 23:56
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What Else is New

  1. Eight Wireless Patents Have Just Been Invalidated Under Section 101 (Alice), But Don't Expect the Patent Microcosm to Cover This News

    Firms that are profiting from patents (without actually producing or inventing anything) want us to obsess over and think about the rare and few cases (some very old) where judges deny Alice and honour patents on software

  2. 2017: Latest Year That the Unitary Patent (UPC) is Still Stuck in a Limbo

    The issues associated with the UPC, especially in light of ongoing negotiations of Britain's exit from the EU, remain too big a barrier to any implementation this year (and probably future years too)

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  4. India Keeps Rejecting Software Patents in Spite of Pressure From Large Foreign Multinationals

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  6. Watchtroll a Fake News Site in Lobbying Mode and Attack Mode Against Those Who Don't Agree (Even PTAB and Judges)

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  7. The Productivity Commission Warns Against Patent Maximalism, Which is Where China (SIPO) is Heading Along With EPO

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  8. Technical Failure of the European Patent Office (EPO) a Growing Cause for Concern

    The problem associated with Battistelli's strategy of increasing so-called 'production' by granting in haste everything on the shelf is quickly being grasped by patent professionals (outside EPO), not just patent examiners (inside EPO)

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  11. Financial Giants Will Attempt to Dominate or Control Bitcoin, Blockchain and Other Disruptive Free Software Using Software Patents

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  12. New Article From Heise Explains Erosion of Patent Quality at the European Patent Office (EPO)

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  13. Insensitivity at the EPO’s Management – Part V: Suspension of Salary and Unfair Trials

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  16. Teaser: Corruption Indictments Brought Against Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO)

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  17. 365 Days Later, German Justice Minister Heiko Maas Remains Silent and Thus Complicit in EPO Abuses on German Soil

    The utter lack of participation, involvement or even intervention by German authorities serve to confirm that the government of Germany is very much complicit in the EPO's abuses, by refusing to do anything to stop them

  18. Battistelli's Idea of 'Independent' 'External' 'Social' 'Study' is Something to BUY From Notorious Firm PwC

    The sham which is the so-called 'social' 'study' as explained by the Central Staff Committee last year, well before the results came out

  19. Europe Should Listen to SMEs Regarding the UPC, as Battistelli, Team UPC and the Select Committee Lie About It

    Another example of UPC promotion from within the EPO (a committee dedicated to UPC promotion), in spite of everything we know about opposition to the UPC from small businesses (not the imaginary ones which Team UPC claims to speak 'on behalf' of)

  20. Video: French State Secretary for Digital Economy Speaks Out Against Benoît Battistelli at Battistelli's PR Event

    Uploaded by SUEPO earlier today was the above video, which shows how last year's party (actually 2015) was spoiled for Battistelli by the French State Secretary for Digital Economy, Axelle Lemaire, echoing the French government's concern about union busting etc. at the EPO (only to be rudely censored by Battistelli's 'media partner')

  21. When EPO Vice-President, Who Will Resign Soon, Made a Mockery of the EPO

    Leaked letter from Willy Minnoye/management to the people who are supposed to oversee EPO management

  22. No Separation of Powers or Justice at the EPO: Reign of Terror by Battistelli Explained in Letter to the Administrative Council

    In violation of international labour laws, Team Battistelli marches on and engages in a union-busting race against the clock, relying on immunity to keep this gravy train rolling before an inevitable crash

  23. FFPE-EPO is a Zombie (if Not Dead) Yellow Union Whose Only de Facto Purpose Has Been Attacking the EPO's Staff Union

    A new year's reminder that the EPO has only one legitimate union, the Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO), whereas FFPE-EPO serves virtually no purpose other than to attack SUEPO, more so after signing a deal with the devil (Battistelli)

  24. EPO Select Committee is Wrong About the Unitary Patent (UPC)

    The UPC is neither desirable nor practical, especially now that the EPO lowers patent quality; but does the Select Committee understand that?

  25. Links 1/1/2017: KDE Plasma 5.9 Coming, PelicanHPC 4.1

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  26. 2016: The Year EPO Staff Went on Strike, Possibly “Biggest Ever Strike in the History of the EPO.”

    A look back at a key event inside the EPO, which marked somewhat of a breaking point for Team Battistelli

  27. Open EPO Letter Bemoans Battistelli's Antisocial Autocracy Disguised/Camouflaged Under the Misleading Term “Social Democracy”

    Orwellian misuse of terms by the EPO, which keeps using the term "social democracy" whilst actually pushing further and further towards a totalitarian regime led by 'King' Battistelli

  28. EPO's Central Staff Committee Complains About Battistelli's Bodyguards Fetish and Corruption of the Media

    Even the EPO's Central Staff Committee (not SUEPO) understands that Battistelli brings waste and disgrace to the Office

  29. Translation of French Texts About Battistelli and His Awful Perception of Omnipotence

    The paradigm of totalitarian control, inability to admit mistakes and tendency to lie all the time is backfiring on the EPO rather than making it stronger

  30. 2016 in Review and Plans for 2017

    A look back and a quick look at the road ahead, as 2016 comes to an end


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