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Links 21/2/2014: Screenshot Galleries

Posted in News Roundup at 4:00 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Police and Army: Not Protecting and Not Serving Ordinary People

Posted in News Roundup at 10:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Domestic and foreign abuses of power; examples from recent weeks for police and from the past 24 hours for the army/secret agencies



Foreign Policy

Death of Privacy: Lync in PRISM, Intel Dodges Questions on Back Doors, WhatsApp Joins PRISM, Censorship/Surveillance

Posted in News Roundup at 10:49 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: News about mass surveillance and privacy, collected over the past 24 hours


  • Microsoft Lync gathers data just like NSA vacuums up info in its domestic surveillance program (as we noted days ago)

    Microsoft’s Lync communications platform gathers enough readily analyzable data to let corporations spy on their employees like the NSA can on U.S. citizens, and it’s based on the same type of information – call details.

  • Writing The Snowden Files: ‘The paragraph began to self-delete’ (don’t use Windows)

    One day last summer – a short while after Edward Snowden revealed himself as the source behind the momentous leak of classified intelligence – the Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger got in touch. Would I write a book on Snowden’s story and that of the journalists working with him? The answer, of course, was yes. At this point Snowden was still in Hong Kong. He was in hiding. He had leaked documents that revealed the US National Security Agency (NSA) and its British equivalent GCHQ were surveilling much of the planet.


    By September the book was going well – 30,000 words done. A Christmas deadline loomed. I was writing a chapter on the NSA’s close, and largely hidden, relationship with Silicon Valley. I wrote that Snowden’s revelations had damaged US tech companies and their bottom line. Something odd happened. The paragraph I had just written began to self-delete. The cursor moved rapidly from the left, gobbling text. I watched my words vanish. When I tried to close my OpenOffice file the keyboard began flashing and bleeping.

  • Intel chief dodges NSA questions in Reddit AMA

    One Redditer asked the Intel chief how the NSA revelations have impacted how Intel looks at hardware security, another asked for a response to questions of the security level of Intel processors. Krzanich issued no response to either question.




  • Why AT&T’s Surveillance Report Omits 80 Million NSA Targets

    AT&T this week released for the first time in the phone company’s 140-year history a rough accounting of how often the U.S. government secretly demands records on telephone customers. But to those who’ve been following the National Security Agency leaks, Ma Bell’s numbers come up short by more than 80 million spied-upon Americans.

    AT&T’s transparency report counts 301,816 total requests for information — spread between subpoenas, court orders and search warrants — in 2013. That includes between 2,000 and 4,000 under the category “national security demands,” which collectively gathered information on about 39,000 to 42,000 different accounts.

    There was a time when that number would have seemed high. Today, it’s suspiciously low, given the disclosures by whistleblower Edward Snowden about the NSA’s bulk metadata program. We now know that the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is ordering the major telecoms to provide the NSA a firehose of metadata covering every phone call that crosses their networks.

  • The NSA once banned Furbies as a threat to national security

    In 1999, after the Furby craze put tons of these talking toys beneath American Christmas trees, the NSA issued a memo banning them from its offices in Fort Meade. Because the commercials advertised Furbies as “learning” English over time, the folks in charge believed that Furbies contained an internal recording device, and they feared the toys would spill secrets in their cutesy voices. According to a 1999 BBC News article, anyone who came across a Furby on NSA premises was instructed to “contact their Staff Security Office for guidance.”


  • Rand Paul: The NSA is still violating our rights, despite what James Clapper says
  • NSA snooping must not disrupt global Internet governance model, warns EU politician

    Europe must ensure that fears of NSA-style government snooping do not disrupt its multi-stakeholder Internet governance model.

    That’s the verdict from this year’s FTTH Conference in Stockholm, as Sweden’s minister for information technology and energy, Anna-Karin Hatt, spoke candidly about the importance of securing a democratic future for the web.

    “We are all stakeholders in the development of the Internet, with legitimate interests and points-of-view that we want to – and need to – be able to pursue and protect,” she said.

    Hatt added: “The only logical way to continue developing the Internet is to protect and develop the multi-stakeholder model of decision-making we already have – a model that has been tried and proven to work.”

    “The revelations of the capacities and activities of the NSA is not a reason to abandon our multi-stakeholder model.”

  • Mikulski Denounces Bill That Would Deny NSA ‘Material Support’ in Maryland

    Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., isn’t pleased with a bill pending in her state’s legislature that would prohibit state and local support for the National Security Agency.

    The legislation was proposed Feb. 6 by eight Republicans in the 141-member Maryland House of Delegates and would deny the NSA “material support, participation or assistance in any form” from the state, its political subdivisions and companies with state contracts.

  • 15 Ways to Make Sense of Calls for NSA Reform

New PRISM Additions

Induced Censorship

Links 21/2/2014: Games

Posted in News Roundup at 7:30 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Links 21/2/2014: Applications

Posted in News Roundup at 7:28 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

  • It’s about the User: Applying Usability in Open-Source Software
  • Usability and Open Source
  • The quest for the perfect Twitter client on Linux

    After a few years of announcements, releases and online reviews, I am still out there looking for the right, if not the perfect, Twitter client on Linux. And believe me, this quest is frutstrating.

  • Dear Adobe: Make Software for Linux Too

    More than a month into his campaign, Linux server admin Gao Nagy has persuaded just 124 people to join him in petitioning Adobe to make Linux versions of its most popular products. However, Nagy hopes that a little media attention will kick-start his petition efforts and result in an outpouring of support. “It’s really hard to reach people,” he noted.

  • Should Adobe release software for Linux?
  • Birdie – A Lightweight and Beautiful Twitter Client

    If you’re looking for a Twitter desktop application for your Linux operating system, especially a lightweight and simple program you can just leave running with very little drain on system resources, Birdie may be for you.

  • Need a Good Bitcoin Client?

    Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency that is powered by its users with no central authority, central server or middlemen. Instead, managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world.

  • Phusion Releases Robust Docker Base Image

    Minimalism has it’s place, but there is such a thing as an installed system being too bare-bones. Many Docker images are built like they are full Linux installs, but don’t run like they are due to a lack of common daemons running inside the container. To address the issue, Phusion, the Rails company behind Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition, has released Baseimage. Baseimage is a Docker image that closer mimics a real Linux environment with proper init, syslog, SSH, and runit daemons.

Links 21/2/2014: Instructionals

Posted in News Roundup at 7:26 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

‘Cloud’ Watch: ownCloud, CloudStack, OpenStack, Hadoop and More

Posted in News Roundup at 4:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: ‘Cloud’, ‘stack’, and all that hype over servers which mostly run Free software and GNU/Linux

Oprating Systems

  • As the desktop moves to the cloud, Microsoft is running behind again

    And what’s funny is that Microsoft, the company that lays claim to the desktop in business with the Office/Windows franchise is getting left behind by the likes of Google and Amazon.

  • January 2014 Web Server Survey
  • 10 Reasons Why Ruby Hosting is Best on OpenShift

    The idea of PaaS came from the Ruby land and nowadays the market there is quite saturated. OpenShift came from a polyglot by design and Ruby is very well supported. Let’s take a look why OpenShift is a great option for a Ruby developer.

  • Red Hat Advances OpenShift Enterprise Platform-as-a-Service

    Red Hat is officially releasing the next generation of its on-premises OpenShift platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud solution. OpenShift Enterprise 2.0 brings new data center and networking features that expand on the initial promise of the first release of the OpenShift Enterprise platform in 2012.

  • Dell and Red Hat Could Co-Engineer Success in the Cloud

    As 2014 gets underway, one of the biggest stories in all of open source has to be the transformation going on at Red Hat as it moves from being squarely Linux-focused to becoming a big player in the cloud computing space. As The Register notes, the company has “scraped up its Linux, virtualization, OpenStack and cloud management businesses into a new infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) unit.”


  • Getting to Know ownCloud

    As the new year begins, many people are focused on cloud computing, and that includes people who are focused on building out their own individual cloud environments. As we covered here, you can go beyond what services such as Dropbox and Box offer by leveraging ownCloud, an open source platform that lets you set up your own cloud computing instance, which means you don’t have to have your files sitting on servers that you don’t choose, governed by people you don’t know.

  • ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features

    ownCloud, Inc. is proud to announce today, December 11, that the Community Edition of its highly anticipated ownCloud 6 open source DIY (Do It Yourself) cloud server software is now available for download/upgrade with an improved design.

  • ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features

    ownCloud, Inc. is proud to announce today, December 11, that the Community Edition of its highly anticipated ownCloud 6 open source DIY (Do It Yourself) cloud server software is now available for download/upgrade with an improved design.

  • I have been fooling around

    My conclusion is clearly ‘enthusiasm’. I will certainly be using ownCloud as my private cloud server from now on and I can see some very cool ideas coming in the future. I’m exited about WebODF working with ODF documents using JavaScript and I can see many useful things to use it for. I can clearly see ownCloud useful for small business and e.g., schools and NGOs.

  • Open Source ownCloud Project Puts IT in File Synchronization Control

    One of the most obvious reasons that services such as Dropbox or Box are so popular with end users is that most internal IT organizations simply haven’t had a way to offer that capability. End users were acquiring mobile computing devices by the millions and they simply needed a way to share files.


  • ShapeBlue Offering Commercial Support for Apache CloudStack

    It’s been nearly two years since Citrix contributed its CloudStack open source cloud computing platform to the Apache Software Foundation, a move that gave the platform a leg up in the competitive open source cloud computing race. And, CloudStack continues to gain rapid adoption with large scale deployments around the world. In October, Apache announced the arrival of version 4.2 online, as we covered here.

  • Announcing Apache CloudStack 4.2.1



  • Enterprises Ask More from Hadoop, Need More Skilled Practitioners

    At enterprises around the world, as the Big Data trend spreads out, you can hardly talk technology anymore without the conversation focusing on Hadoop, the star open source framework for drawing insights from large data sets. We’ve also reported that the job market is very healthy for people with Hadoop and Big Data skills.

  • Cray brings Hadoop to supercomputing

    Cray has released a package designed to allow XC30 users to easily deploy Hadoop

  • Why elephants never forget big data

    Hortonworks is down at the watering hole, blowing its trumpet and enjoying a period of positive development.

    Just in case you missed the elephantine reference, Hortonworks (named after the elephant in Horton Hears A Who!) is a commercial vendor of Apache Hadoop, the open source platform for distributed processing of big data sets across clusters of computers.

  • The Questions for Hadoop Moving Forward

    In the beginning – October, 2003 to be precise – there was the Google File System. And it was good. MapReduce, which followed in December 2004, was even better. Together, they served as a framework for Doug Cutting’s original work at Yahoo, work that resulted in the project now known as Hadoop in 2005.

    After being pressed into service by Yahoo and other large web properties, Hadoop’s inevitable standalone commercialization arrived in the form of Cloudera in 2009. Founded by Amr Awadallah (Yahoo), Christophe Bisciglia (Google), Jeff Hammerbacher (Facebook) and Mike Olson (Oracle/Sleepycat) – Cutting was to join later – Cloudera oddly had the Hadoop market more or less to itself for a few years.



Security News: Education, DDoS, Linksys, SpamAssassin Release…

Posted in News Roundup at 12:39 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Some security-related news of interest

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