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Bruce Perens Audio Interview Re: Microvell

Posted in Interview at 1:35 pm by Shane Coyle

Here is an audio interview with Bruce Perens in which he discusses his "Raining on Novell’s Parade" event during Novell’s Brainshare conference, and much more.

Several days after Novell’s Brainshare conference, Scott talked to Bruce Perens about the reaction to his news conference criticizing Novell’s financial and development agreements with Microsoft. In this conversation, Scott challenges an earlier Perens statement that the agreement amounts to “SCO all over again.” In particular, Scott focuses on Microsoft’s recent willingness to engage the open source community in ways SCO does not. Scott also talks with Bruce about the increasing number of venture-funded open source startups who believe in software patents, and about his aversion to the Mono open source project. Finally, what are the prospects for a more effective open source lobbying organization?

Patent Manoeuvres Fight Free Software, Have Roots in Microsoft’s Past

Posted in Bill Gates, Courtroom, Microsoft, Patents at 3:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Have a look at this mind-boggling antitrust exhibit. This is Microsoft’s response to a small business that offered free software.

[Bill Gates:] “At some point we will have to consider the patents they violate. I am unclear of what their business strategy is with the free version. It is a good product developed by a surprisingly lean team of people.”

It turns out that this strategy, whereby one uses patents to stifle progress of smaller competitors, is by no means new. This is precisely what Microsoft intends to do in order to hinder GNU/Linux adoption. Novell seems to just let it happen.

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