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Do-No-Evil Saturday – Part II: SUSE at Wyse, IBM; Linspire Tiff; Some Turbolinux

Posted in GNU/Linux, IBM, Linspire, Red Hat, SLES/SLED, Turbolinux, Windows at 7:30 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Penguins swim


SUSE has reappeared in some familiar products such as Wyse’s thin clients, which have a new line announced.

In September 2008, Wyse partnered with Novell to provide the joint delivery of Wyse Enhanced SUSE Linux Enterprise. Wyse Enhanced SUSE Linux Enterprise lets end-users to maximize productivity and minimize training costs due to the easy-to-use graphical user interface with cross-platform multimedia support, USB peripheral support and flexible hardware options.

IBM’s occasional preference for SUSE is still showing:

For customers who want to run Windows applications on the machine, IBM has embedded the shareware VMware Server hypervisor, which runs atop the modified SLES instance on the flash drive and allows a Windows guest to be put on the X64 processor inside the box.

IBM developerWorks also has this new resource serving as a RHEL-SLES comparator.

Most system administrators planning to install Linux® on IBM® System p® eventually run into an important question: Which Linux distribution should I install? This article compares two distributions from Red Hat and Novell, and weighs the pros and cons of each. We’ll discuss Linux on POWER (LoP), the history of both distributions, the relationship IBM has with them, and the factors that should go into your decision-making process. We’re also going to compare and contrast what it takes to create logical volumes on SLES and RHEL.

Here is another new sighting of SUSE.

Longtime PPM customer Novell, the provider of SUSE Linux Enterprise, has benefited from hands-on testing of CA Clarity PPM v12 as part of the CA beta program.


Michael and Kevin are still fighting like children, using lawyers and disparaging remarks/images. Linspire itself is no more, so it hardly matters at this stage. It’s as relevant to GNU/Linux as the Reiser murder trial.

Here is another new article that speaks of Linspire’s 15 minutes of fame, which are long gone.

One of the biggest legal battles Microsoft has fought was against software rival Linux over its operating system Lindows.

In 2004, after a long battle Linux changed the name of its software to Linspire.


There is hardly anything in English, but Turbolinux continues to make an appearance in some places, even the English-speaking press that only mentions Turbolinux as a matter of history

Beckman has also worked in industry, founding a research laboratory in 2000 in Santa Fe sponsored by Turbolinux Inc., which developed the world’s first dynamic provisioning system for large clusters and data centers. The following year, he became vice president of Turbolinux’s worldwide engineering efforts, managing development offices in the US, Japan, China, Korea and Slovenia.

This is nothing major, just a relocation of people. Their team leader leaned towards Windows, so the company seems like a lost cause.

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  1. G. Michaels said,

    November 22, 2008 at 8:41 pm


    Hey twitter, you seem to be posting a lot today. Could you comment on this Slashdot thread, where you replied to yourself pretending to be someone else:


    Or do you deny that the “Erris” and “Odder” accounts are yours?

    Can you comment on this as well, where you speak of yourself in the third person:


    Can you comment on why you have 14 accounts on Slashdot? You have claimed in the past that you have many accounts because you were “unfairly moderated”, which I could believe, assuming you used those accounts differently. Can you comment on any of the threads in the ‘Epic shill threads’ section of the Journal linked below, please:


    I think it’s important for these things to be made public, considering you are actively engaging other people on this blog, and promoting BN on Slashdot and elsewhere. Thanks.

    Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.

  2. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 22, 2008 at 8:46 pm


    Please keep arbitrary, off-topic personal attacks where they belong, and that’s not here.

  3. G. Michaels said,

    November 22, 2008 at 9:28 pm


    Roy, they’re not attacks, just requests for clarification. I saw twitter’s last post on another article where he said something rather petulant like “I will publish the results of this discussion in the IRC logs later”, so I figured he was done with that.

    BTW, Gentoo User emailed me. I verified about 10 or so posts of him within your blog, plus two more as “Slashdot User” (the first two actually, ass far as I can tell) which he says he did post before changing his handle. I cannot locate any posts that have any racist or “Nazi” content, that you claim he posted and “broke Godwin’s law” or something along those lines. Since it’s simple for you to grep your logs, can you point me to those comments? If he did post anything like that, I will email him and suggest he drop the whole thing. He did however deny posting anything like that.

    I recommended he save offline copies of the pages where his comment appear, and verifying them against the Google cache, so that he can send then them to whatever passes as communications security at his company. He was rather distraught, so if that was your intention, then congratulations. I would love to see those “Nazi” posts, if you don’t mind. I have his email address so I can send them to him if needed, although he did say he would post here last week, I guess he didn’t for some reason.

    Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.

  4. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 22, 2008 at 10:00 pm


    Roy can’t post proof because his proof doesn’t exist.

    Roy has a bad habbit of making up lies to attack the people who disagree with his warped view. I believe you saw evidence of this just a day or two again when Roy lied about how Jo Shields had financial interests in packaging Mono for Debian or Ubuntu (I don’t remember which distro it was).

    This was proven to be fictitious, which was no big surprise to anyone who is willing to see the truth for what it is rather than blindly trust everything Roy says.

  5. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 22, 2008 at 10:04 pm


    As another example, Roy once claimed that Miguel de Icaza strong-armed a news site (was it LinuxToday or LWN? I forget) into taking down a news article which didn’t speak favorably of Mono.

    When it was proven that this was untrue (by providing a link to the article he claimed was taken down), he tried to claim that what he actually meant was that the title of the article had been changed.

    This too was proven to be another lie because a reference to the news article was found which quoted the title of the article on a Red Hat mailing-list archive on the same day the article was published.

    Roy’s strategy is to lie repeatedly until people believe it.

  6. G. Michaels said,

    November 22, 2008 at 11:28 pm


    Here’s the problem though, and this was my point to Gentoo User as well. Schez has total control over this website. So if he wants to insert a few records into the database and then offer them as proof, who’s going to know?

    That’s the issue. Ultimately this is his turf, and he can do whatever he wants. That’s fine, except when he starts smearing other people. Funny how he falls into the same behavior patterns as the people he claims “slander” him.

    Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.

  7. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 4:02 am


    Godwin law? That’s “eet”. I never attributed this to anyone else.

  8. G. Michaels said,

    November 23, 2008 at 4:57 am


    I see. Thank you for the clarification.

    So essentially you used the whole “OMG HE SAYS HE RUNS GENTOO BUT HE’S POSTING WITH WINDOWS XP KILL KILL KILL” thing as an excuse for this, since the most evil thing I can figure out he did was to comment about your nymshifter/troll friend. What ended up pissing you off was the fact that he brought that up, like myself and many other people. That’s what bothered you, he seemed like an easy mark behind his corporate proxy and you decided to make an example out of him. Correct?

    What is it that you think when you see how Will refers to himself in the third person, Roy? For example:


    “Friend and fellow Slashdot reader”, with a link to an identical journal entry with his twitter account.

    What goes through your mind when you see that? Do you really believe he’s being personally targeted on Slashdot by “M$”? Of all the people on that website that post negative comments about Microsoft, only twitter seems to have these problems. Just curious.

    Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.

  9. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:05 am


    If you believe twitter, “M$” is out to get him elsewhere than just Slashdot too. “M$” has targeted him, presumably because he’s such an important player in the Free Software movement what with all of his substantial contributions to Free Software projects and all.

    (That was sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell)

  10. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:14 am


    Would you mind taking Slashdot’s personal attacks back to Slashdot where they belong? Thank you.

  11. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:23 am


    It’s relevant here because you attack people claiming they “nymshift” without proof, but people who contribute to this site have been caught nymshifting and have even so much as admitted to it in your IRC chat logs (presumably because he didn’t think he’d get caught at it).

    G. Michaels: I will say one thing in Roy’s favor, here, and that is that in the past he has told twitter to stop nymshifting. Twitter hasn’t stopped, though.

  12. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:29 am


    Last night I was offered the argument that all the heckling here is a case of multi-nyming, but I rejected it. Like in development, I reject some ‘patches’ and I report what I consider validated. If it’s not validated, then I present validated evidence (references) and let the readers decide.

    I never change names (you’ll usually just find me under the username ‘schestowitz’).

  13. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:34 am


    I never change names either, so clearly everyone against you isn’t “nymshifting”. You rejected the idea because it is patently ridiculous.

    I should note that there are ~130 people in the #mono IRC channel on GimpNet, and only ~24 of them are Novell employees.

    So clearly a lot of people disagree with you. It’s no great surprise that a few people who disagree with you comment on this site.

    There are more people in the community that disagree with you than agree.

  14. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:39 am


    I had you shown a video in another thread. Here is another, which reasons about the need for eternal suspicion.

    Direct link

  15. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:43 am


    Suspicion needs to be based on some factual evidence or else it is just a waste of time.

    You don’t back up any of your suspicions with facts, instead you back them up with speculation and your old suspicions based on speculation ad nauseum.

    Often, it is a simple google search to disprove your suspicions, but you always claim that you don’t have time to fact check.

  16. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 9:52 am


    I link to external resources, which sometimes happen to be ‘wrapped’ by my posts because it’s easier for me to track them down that way (technical reasons).

  17. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:01 am


    In the cases of Mono/Moonlight articles, those external sources are always opinion pieces by journalists with a grudge against Miguel de Icaza, GNOME, or Novell (or some combination of the above) except in a few cases, where you infer things that were never actually stated in the article (e.g. the Groklaw article about the meaning of the Moonlight covenant).

  18. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:05 am


    In the cases of Mono/Moonlight articles, those external sources are always opinion pieces by journalists with a grudge against Miguel de Icaza, GNOME, or Novell


    MIX – Novell’s de Icaza criticizes Microsoft patent deal

    Open-source pioneer and Novell Vice President Miguel de Icaza Thursday for the first time publicly slammed his company’s cross-patent licensing agreement with Microsoft as he defended himself against lack of patent protection for third parties that distribute his company’s Moonlight project, which ports Microsoft’s Silverlight technology to Linux.

    Speaking on a panel at the MIX 08 conference in Las Vegas, de Icaza said that Novell has done the best it could to balance open-source interests with patent indemnification. However, if he had his way, the company would have remained strictly open source and not gotten into bed with Microsoft. Novell entered into a controversial multimillion dollar cross-patent licensing and interoperability deal with Microsoft in November 2006.

    “I’m not happy about the fact that such an agreement was made, but [the decision] was above my pay grade; I think we should have stayed with the open-source community,” de Icaza said. He was speaking on a panel that also included representatives from Microsoft and open-source companies Mozilla and Zend.

  19. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:31 am


    Whether or not other Linux distributions can legally ship Moonlight is a valid criticism.

    But it is one of your few (if not only) valid criticisms of Moonlight.

  20. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:32 am


    Coming from you, I gather that your counter-arguments are weakening.

    “Idiots can be defeated but they never admit it.”

    Richard Stallman

  21. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:35 am


    Huh?? Are you calling me an idiot now? Aren’t you the one who has said numerous times that whenever you have to resort to name-calling, you’ve lost the argument?

    I guess that means you’ve lost this argument.

  22. Roy Schestowitz said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:36 am


    I’d replace the word “idiot”, but it’s the argument in that quote which counts.

    You slink away from other threads too.

  23. Dan O'Brian said,

    November 23, 2008 at 10:45 am


    Because I get bored of arguing with someone who constantly changes topics in an effort to avoid admitting he’s wrong.

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