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On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re a Mercenary

Posted in Microsoft at 5:54 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

You are a dog

Summary: Words from unknown or unverified entities make extraordinary claims

A TECHRIGHTS READER has brought a new comment from John Bilderback to our attention. John writes, “I get $10 USD for each 50 word comment I write. We have a site we log into where we point the auto script to check against our name and the comment”.

While this seems absurd, the reader believes Bilderback is serious. At least the name seems real, but we at TechRights are sceptical nonetheless. Consider this:

I get $10 USD for each 50 word comment I write. We have a site we log into where we point the auto script to check against our name and the comment.

A heuristics engine checks for certain words. For example, if we use the word “Microsoft”, it gets counted as 3 words. Punctuation doesn’t count.

We get bonus points (words) if we link back to Microsoft.

I currently make about $700 USD per month. It doesn’t quite pay for a living but it makes for extra spending money.

Tony E. Whitcomb, another so-called insider, has E-mailed us on a weekly basis since 2010. Typically, we do not cover any of his claims (he alleged that Microsoft's Jon DeVaan had engaged in political corruption/election fraud). However, there seems to be enough merit to these claims that we decided to mention then again earlier today. These same claims are now being shared with other sources:

Fellowship of the Minds received an e-mail from Tony Whitcomb, a reader who’s asking for our help to publicize what he claims are Microsoft’s illegal campaign contributions to Obama. Mr. Whitcomb’s plight is heartbreaking and should disturb any American. For his whistleblowing, in three years he has gone from being the CEO of a multi-million dollar Internet start-up (that now is 49% owned by Microsoft) to being flat broke and homeless.

To what extent are these true? And how can one judge? These questions illustrate the difficulty involved when dealing with proprietary sources of all kinds.

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A Single Comment

  1. Dr. Roy Schestowitz said,

    April 8, 2011 at 1:24 am


    Regarding the credibility of the latter claim, we’ve been sent additional details which can be judged for what they are (or what they are claimed to be:

    Dear Dr. Schestowitz,

    I see you decided to mention me in another one of your articles, http://techrights.org/2011/04/06/extraordinary-claims/ and I also see that you decided to refer to me as, “Another So-Called Insider.”

    So for the record, everything that I have now both privately, as well as publicly, claimed against Mr. Jon DeVaan, as well as several others, is nothing but the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God!

    Now I have once again attached for your independent, objective and thoughtful review, a copy of the multi-million dollar, Confidential Private Placement Memorandum that me, Mr. DeVaan and a few others, put together for my Intellectual Property called Expotera, back in 2007, along with a copy of the Expotera/Visa debit card.

    I am also “cc” Mr. Jon DeVaan on this particular e-mail, along with his boss, Mr. Steven Sinofsky, along with his boss, Mr. Bill Gates, along with a current member of Microsoft’s Board of Directors, Mrs. Maria Klawe, and I would now ask you to please feel free to personally contact any one of these person’s listed above and ask them to fully explain to you what exactly happened to Expotera back in 2008 and while you are at it, you can also feel free to ask Mr. DeVaan, about his blatantly illegal campaign contributions made directly to President Obama’s, 2008 presidential campaign under two different spellings of his last name DeVaan and DeVann.

    Dr. Schestowitz, I now personally thank you in advance for all of your time and for all of your considerations into these extremely serious matters and if Mr. DeVaan or anyone else listed above would now like to directly respond to this e-mail written to you, I would most certainly welcome this opportunity to begin a very public discussion in regards to all of these now outstanding matters as, “Another So-Called Insider.”

    Very Best Regards,

    Tony E. Whitcomb
    Founder/CEO Expotera

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Stac Ming
    Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 3:40 PM
    Subject: Expotera
    To: Robert Barnett
    Cc: Tony Whitcomb

    Dear Mr. Barnett:

    My name is Stacy Ming and I am a business associate of Mr. Whitcomb and investor in his Expotera entrepreneurial endeavor.

    I will be speaking on behalf of Mr. Whitcomb in this response to give more of a 3rd party point of view and as one of his many investors, however, Mr. Whitcomb wholehearted shares in the comments and statements made in this reply.

    First of all, thank you for your willingness to listen to Mr. Whitcomb’s unfortunate situation and asking the question of, “what is it he wants?”

    What we would like to see happen is the correction of a huge injustice that occurred to an African American entrepreneur whose only goal was to come up with an innovative product which utilizes the Internet and Social Networking that would give the American public access to these resources for economic purposes (This opportunity is not currently available to Main Street America).

    This innovative idea will allow every American the capability to generate additional monthly residual income to help increase their current standard of living or for many Americans in today’s economic climate, the opportunity to just generate income period.

    The overall net results for the economy would be the fact that less people would be unemployed (or collecting unemployment benefits if they still qualify), additional jobs and additional taxable income would be generated which would be beneficial to both State and the Federal government.

    Mr. Whitcomb has been trying to get President Obama’s attention to this matter since he believes Expotera can immediately help with the current economic crisis that is occurring in America today.

    Mr. Whitcomb has been trying to get a response from President Obama, his Administration at every level, and/or his advisors for the past 2 years and had not received any acknowledgement until your email response dated January 9, 2010.

    What we want is President Obama’s administration to partner with us in Expotera since it clearly demonstrates a new way to solve social problems where government serves as an investor in innovations that are developed and identified by citizens outside the government.

    Expotera and what we are requesting from the Obama Administration definitely falls into President Obama’s newly created Office on Social Innovation and Civic Participation.

    How many entrepreneurs approach the government to form a partnership before launching their company? Mr. Whitcomb so strongly believes that this is the right thing to do for the American people and the Obama administration that he has done everything he possibly can do or made every attempt to bring this to the immediate attention of the Obama administration.

    As Mr. Whitcomb has previously stated “Expotera is going to be one of the big stories of 2010”. We sincerely hope that history will show that the Obama Administration was a partner of Expotera and was on the side of justice and the American people.

    Best Regards, Stacy L Ming

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: tony whitcomb
    Date: Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 6:06 PM
    Subject: FBI Election Fraud Agent/Illegal Campaign Contributions Microsoft
    To: seattle.fbi@ic.fbi.gov
    Cc: stacy.ming@gmail.com

    Dear Federal Bureau of Investigation:

    My name is Tony Whitcomb and this is my former boss/business partner, http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/devaan/

    Below is a list of Political Campaign Contributions Mr. Devaan has made to the Democratic Party going back to the year 2000 under the correct spelling of his last name, “Devaan.”

    On this list you will see in 2008, Mr. Devaan donated $28,500.00 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on March 31, 2008.

    Below this list is another list of Political Campaign Contributions Mr. Devaan made in 2008 to the, “Obama Victory Fund” on July 25, 2008 for another, $28,500.00.

    But you will notice Mr. Devaan made this second large political campaign contribution to the Obama Victory Fund under a slightly different spelling of his last name, “Devann?”

    You will also notice, “Mr. Devann” has all of the same address and employment information as, “Mr. Devaan” but, “Mr. Devann” has only donated money in the 2008 election cycle while, “Mr. Devaan” has donated money in every election cycle going back to the year 2000.

    I am not an attorney, but is it normal/legal for a private citizen to be able to make multiple large political campaign contributions under two different spellings of their last name?

    It is my understanding the following limits apply to contributions from individuals to candidates for all Federal offices:

    $2,400 per Election to a Federal candidate — Each primary, runoff, and general election counts as a separate election.

    $30,400 per calendar year to a national party committee — applies separately to a party’s national committee, and House and Senate campaign committee.

    $10,000 per calendar year to state, district & local party committees.

    $5,000 per calendar year to state, district & local party committee.

    It is also my understanding that, “No person shall make a contribution in the name of another person or knowingly permit his name to be used to effect such a contribution, and no person shall knowingly accept a contribution made by one person in the name of another person.”

    And it is also my understanding, “It is a federal crime to evade the following donation limits listed above through a straw donor scheme” which is exactly what I think Mr. Devaan may have been a part of through the 4th largest contributors to President Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign, Microsoft.

    Upon your request I can provide the FBI with a copy of a $10,000,000.00 Confidential Private Placement Memorandum that Mr. Devaan and I put together back in 2007 in regards to my Intellectual Property called Expotera to help you verify my relationship to Mr. Devaan and his relationship to me.

    Thank you for your time and for your immediate considerations into these matters and if you should need any additional information from me you can feel free to reach me via this e-mail address.


    Tony E. Whitcomb
    Founder/CEO Expotera

    Jon Devaan Political Campaign Contributions 2008 Election Cycle Contribution Totals

    Download all contribution records for this person from 1999 to present To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type

    2010 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0
    2008 Transaction Count/Amount3/$33,100
    2006 Transaction Count/Amount5/$13,300
    2004 Transaction Count/Amount12/$50,000
    2002 Transaction Count/Amount3/$3,000
    2000 Transaction Count/Amount4/$4,000

    Download all contribution records for this person from 1999 to present To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type

    Jon Devaan Contribution List in 2008

    Name & Location Employer/Occupation Dollar Amount Date Primary/General Contributed To


    $2,3000 3/12/2007 P AL FRANKEN FOR SENATE – Democrat Farm Labor

    $2,3000 3/12/2007 G AL FRANKEN FOR SENATE – Democrat Farm Labor


    Jon Devann Political Campaign Contributions 2008 Election Cycle Contribution Totals

    Download all contribution records for this person from 1999 to present To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type

    2010 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0
    2008 Transaction Count/Amount2/$30,800
    2006 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0
    2004 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0
    2002 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0
    2000 Transaction Count/Amount0/$0

    Download all contribution records for this person from 1999 to present To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type

    Jon Devann Contribution List in 2008

    Name & Location Employer/Occupation Dollar Amount Date Primary/General Contributed To

    Devann, Jon S Mr.MEDINA, WA 98039 Microsoft Corp/Executive
    $28,5000 7/25/2008 P OBAMA VICTORY FUND – Democrat

    DeVann, Jon S MEDINA, WA 98039 Microsoft Corp/Executive
    $2,300 12/27/2007 P OBAMA FOR AMERICA – Democrat


    Barack Obama (D)Top Contributors this table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle.

    University of California $1,591,395
    Goldman Sachs $994,795
    Harvard University $854,747
    Microsoft Corp $833,617
    Google Inc $803,436
    Citigroup Inc $701,290
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $695,132
    Time Warner $590,084
    Sidley Austin LLP $588,598
    Stanford University $586,557
    National Amusements Inc $551,683
    UBS AG $543,219
    Wilmerhale Llp $542,618
    Skadden, Arps et al $530,839
    IBM Corp $528,822
    Columbia University $528,302
    Morgan Stanley $514,881
    General Electric $499,130
    US Government $494,820
    Latham & Watkins $493,835


    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Schutz, Ronald J.
    Date: Sat, May 1, 2010 at 4:04 PM
    Subject: RE: Expotera/Canada
    To: tony whitcomb
    Cc: Stac Ming


    We admire your passion and intensity. It has obviously served you well over the years. But as we said in our meeting, although we think you were wronged by Mr. Devaan and his group we are not willing to take on that battle for you for all of the reasons we stated in the meeting (e.g., the inherent difficulty in proving the claim and the likelihood that there would be no money to collect). I hope you appreciate that we have limited resources and that we have an obligation on behalf of the firm and its employees to invest those resources wisely. We do not think pursuing this claim on any type of incentive fee arrangement would be a wise use of our resources. And, even if you had the money to pay us we would advise you to use the money toward developing your business.

    Again, we hope you take your passion and intensity and apply it toward developing your business.



    Ronald J. Schutz


    Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P.

    2800 LaSalle Plaza

    800 LaSalle Avenue

    Minneapolis, MN 55402

    Direct: (612) 349-8435

    Fax: (612) 339-4181

    Email: rjschutz@rkmc.com


    From: tony whitcomb [mailto:expotera.ceo@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 6:41 AM
    To: Schutz, Ronald J.
    Cc: Stac Ming
    Subject: Fwd: Expotera/Canada


    Please let your Partners and Governor Pawlenty know that Expotera has already made several great contacts outside of the United States in regards to this global opportunity.

    So all we need at this point is a great attorney/law firm by our side to help us quickly clean up the mess Mr. Devaan and his group have made of this project up to this point.

    And to legally protect all of us going forward from here, because thirteen years of repeatedly getting screwed over by corrupt, dishonest and unethical individuals has to finally come to an end.



    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: tony whitcomb
    Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:30 PM
    Subject: Expotera/Canada
    To: dgoossen@springfieldindustries.ca


    It was a real pleasure meeting you and as promised, here’s a copy of our Confidential Private Placement Memorandum and a copy of our Expotera/Visa debit card.

    We are hoping to have the web site up and running in the next 30 to 60 days and as soon as we are able to offer the Expotera opportunity up in Canada, I will be sure to let you know.

    Dave I wish you nothing but continued success in all of your current and future endeavors and I hope you and your family enjoyed your week’s stay here in Minnesota and have a very safe drive home.

    Best Regards,

    Tony Whitcomb



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