Posted in Google, Intellectual Monopoly, Microsoft, Novell, Samba, Steve Ballmer at 4:20 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
If there is something going for Jeremy, among many things, it is the fact is that he says what he thinks. Linuxworld has a new interview with him which touches on interoperability and patents.
Did the Microsoft-Novell deal really have anything in it to promote interoperability? What’s next for Samba? Should we call it “GNU/Solaris”? What’s the first rule of Google? And what goes in your .burritorc file? We ask the only person who can answer all.
Jeremy has also posted a long letter which contains his thoughts on these matters.
“Microsoft has been in the Linux news again, with their Tony Soprano-like CEO Steve Ballmer claiming ‘the fact that Linux uses our intellectual property is a problem for our shareholders.’ Problem indeed, as if this were true then Microsoft is not getting paid for their ‘Intellectual Property’ by all those millions of infringing Linux users out there. That means you, especially if you’re reading this magazine. It definitely includes me. I don’t remember sending my tribute to ‘Capo’ Ballmer for all my Linux installs, and he thinks I owe him.
“But ‘Intellectual Property’ is a weasel phrase…”
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Posted in Free/Libre Software, GNU/Linux, Marketing, Microsoft, Novell, SLES/SLED, Vista, Windows at 1:16 pm by Shane Coyle
It seems that Novell will position their award-winning distribution as a complete desktop replacement, rather than just a complement to Windows after all.
Novell will be unveiling a new website that will be comparing Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 and Microsoft Windows Vista (early version here, apparently) on Friday.
The company is set to launch, on Friday, a web site that puts its SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 in a series of head-to-head comparisons versus Vista. The tag line: “SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 is the compelling alternative to Windows Vista.”
A Novell spokeswoman emails to say, “Ultimately, the website will focus on these four key benefits of SLED 10: Lower Cost, Strengthened Security, Improved Usability Increased Flexibility.”
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Posted in Deals, Finance, Microsoft, Novell, Servers, SLES/SLED at 3:20 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
The Novell/Microsoft deal is being criticised in yet another writeup that foresees trouble.
With Bill Gates getting ready to clear his desk and spend more time with his family (of servers), there had never been a better opportunity for Microsoft to shed its reputation as the ‘Evil Empire’. Goodbye to the surly, unrepentant Mr Microsoft, and hello to cuddly Steve Ballmer, infamous for bounding around the stage at company get-togethers.
Novell received an upgrade ahead of its delayed financial reports. It has, on the other hand, just signed a deal.
“Business software maker Novell has signed a lease for 16,634 square feet of space in Vienna.
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