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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 23rd, 2009 – Part 1

Posted in IRC Logs at 10:57 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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Balrog schestowitz: Feb 23 00:04
Balrog http://news.slashdot.org/article.p… Feb 23 00:04
Balrog Microsoft is asking laid-off employees to return some money from their severance packages because they were ‘overpaid’ Feb 23 00:05
schestowitz Yes, I got 3 articles about it Feb 23 00:06
schestowitz Microsoft is cheap and it running low on cash, IMHO Feb 23 00:06
schestowitz Many articles about MS and bailout in recent days too Feb 23 00:06
Balrog I see. Feb 23 00:22
schestowitz Finnix 92.1 Review – http://ryanorser.com/?p=777 Not much of a review, is it? Feb 23 00:26
schestowitz http://www.johannes-eva.net/inde… “In this article I explain why I think that the rulers should be hidden by default in Openoffice.org Writer.” I only recently found the need for rulers/grid in GIMP, which are there… Feb 23 00:30
schestowitz Songbird, music player that wants to do everything, loses CEO < http://venturebeat.com/2009/02/21/songbird-mu… > Feb 23 00:33
MinceR the OS that only needs a good music player? :> Feb 23 00:36
MinceR gn Feb 23 00:36
schestowitz Apple Hype Mill: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=3130 Feb 23 00:51
schestowitz http://blog.flameeyes.eu/2009/02/20/wh… “For everyone who cares about users, let’s try to work all together to make PulseAudio better rather than attacking Lennart for trying to do the right thing, okay?” Feb 23 00:55
*balzac_ (i=18bce7e8@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6ef4cf7c4506b63d) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 00:58
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 01:05
schestowitz Weird comments here: http://www.tuxradar.com/linuxstarterpack Feb 23 01:09
*mib_cowwpz (i=18bce7e8@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9e58c7d5c79ce83e) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 01:13
*mib_cowwpz has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 23 01:30
*balzac_ has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Feb 23 01:31
*Balrog has quit (“bye”) Feb 23 02:09
balzac 00:11 < Balrog> Microsoft is asking laid-off employees to return some money from their severance Feb 23 02:20
balzac 00:11 < Balrog> Microsoft is asking laid-off employees to return some money from their severance Feb 23 02:20
balzac oops Feb 23 02:20
balzac that is quite an embarrassment for Microsoft to be stooping to shake-down laid-off employees in the hopes of saving a few coins Feb 23 02:22
balzac don’t be “white-man givers” Feb 23 02:22
balzac jk Feb 23 02:22
schestowitz Poor Microsoft Feb 23 02:22
schestowitz They need $$ (nickels maybe) Feb 23 02:22
balzac “we’re sorry, but we had an accounting error regarding the size of your severance package. We’re going to need some of that back. Feb 23 02:23
balzac If the money had already been transferred, I’d offer Microsoft’s account a two-word answer. Feb 23 02:23
schestowitz I can’t wait till the day when, just like SCO, they’ll make some surprise chapter-you-know-what. A lot of companies and CEOs look at each other like in a poker game waiting to see who goes down next and who stays off the sharks at the end. Judging by the terrain, Microsoft will be in for a very rough time. Feb 23 02:24
balzac that would be heavenly Feb 23 02:24
balzac It reminds me of the US government asking soldiers to pay back some of their wages because of an accounting error Feb 23 02:25
balzac iraq war veterans, asked to pay back the government under Bush Feb 23 02:25
balzac Bush is worse than Microsoft Feb 23 02:25
balzac Bush would ask the soldiers for a bit more sacrifice – would you do Uncle Sam a favor and sell your mechanical leg, replace it with a wooden peg-leg so we could save a few thousand dollars? Feb 23 02:26
balzac Bush loved to say “sacrifice”. Feb 23 02:29
schestowitz Heh. Feb 23 02:29
schestowitz Bush is religious Feb 23 02:30
schestowitz I’m sure he believes in sacrifice Feb 23 02:30
schestowitz He sends kids to die abroad… to return to Wichita in coffins. Feb 23 02:30
balzac anyone excempt himself Feb 23 02:30
schestowitz Like Bill O’Reilly. Feb 23 02:30
balzac he believes himself connected to god through fate, so his whims and comfort are sacrosanct, while everyone can die like a character in a movie. Feb 23 02:31
schestowitz Heroes promoting democracy{tm} Feb 23 02:31
schestowitz From the armchair. Feb 23 02:31
balzac I can’t believe the New York Times compared Bernie Madoff to Ted Bundy and never compared Bush to a serial killer Feb 23 02:31
schestowitz “God Mess America” Feb 23 02:32
schestowitz Ted Bundy? Feb 23 02:32
schestowitz What was his other name? Feb 23 02:32
schestowitz I forgot.. Feb 23 02:32
balzac Bush had 162 people executed as governor of Texas Feb 23 02:32
schestowitz He strangled many women Feb 23 02:32
balzac Bush loved having people killed Feb 23 02:32
schestowitz Bush  – if the Nuremberg trial rules were applied… Feb 23 02:33
balzac would hang Feb 23 02:33
schestowitz At best Feb 23 02:33
balzac Well, Muntadar al Zaidi hurled a shoe at Bush Feb 23 02:34
balzac I think it’s a signal that Bush is in for a restless future Feb 23 02:34
balzac things are going very sour with the Republicans despite Obama’s best efforts to extend his hand diplomatically Feb 23 02:35
balzac First the NY Post cartoon which compares a crazed chimpanzee which had just been shot dead for biting a woman’s face to President Obama Feb 23 02:36
balzac the NAACP is calling for the firing of the cartoonist and the editor. I agree emphatically that both should be fired. Feb 23 02:36
balzac Then, John Gibson from  Fox compared Eric Holder, Attourney General to another primate – an esacaped monkey in a zoo Feb 23 02:37
schestowitz Was there a cause for the cartoon (as in something deeper)? Feb 23 02:37
balzac Rupert Murdoch owns New York Post and Fox Noise Feb 23 02:37
schestowitz Maybe it was accidental… better to check… ask question before shooting. Feb 23 02:37
schestowitz *LOL* “Fox Noise”… new to me… Feb 23 02:38
balzac there’s no possible excuse or plausible deniability Feb 23 02:38
balzac the cartoon leaves no room for misinterpretation Feb 23 02:38
schestowitz OBAMAA will get a hard time for sure Feb 23 02:38
schestowitz It’s a racist nation in some parts Feb 23 02:38
schestowitz Being half black he’ll get a lot of the blame even harder for being ‘different’ to them. Feb 23 02:39
balzac If Bush is to be prosecuted, Eric Holder is the man at the helm at the Department of Justice Feb 23 02:39
balzac he’s also the guy who will either apply the law to microsoft, or let them slide. Feb 23 02:40
schestowitz They’ll cover each others’ back Feb 23 02:40
schestowitz RMS wrote about it the other day Feb 23 02:40
schestowitz he stated, linking to some article, that OBAMAA won’t prosecute Bush Feb 23 02:40
balzac well, these guys like Rupert Murdoch are sicking their attack-pigs on Obama Feb 23 02:40
schestowitz Maybe Feb 23 02:41
schestowitz Can he prosecure Rupert instead Feb 23 02:41
balzac if it gets bad enough, how can the Repuglicans be protected from themselves? Feb 23 02:41
schestowitz they can put him in a parents’ home Feb 23 02:41
balzac they’re treating Obama like they still can’t believe he’s really president Feb 23 02:41
schestowitz Remember 2000 elections? Feb 23 02:41
schestowitz Friends of Gerorge announced prematutely a win Feb 23 02:42
balzac I bet Rupert Murdoch’s trophy wife and son are both praying daily for his heart to give out. Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz But he did not win Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz So then the theme changed to “can Gore somehow reverse it?” Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz It would make Gore seem like he’s the cheater this way Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz All of this was intentional Feb 23 02:42
balzac Yeah, you reminded me of something which sits at the back of my mind, a nearly forgotten crime of epic proportions. Feb 23 02:42
balzac The theft of the election Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz And the ballot-counting cancellation too Feb 23 02:42
schestowitz Perople in the US forgot and ignored how the elections got hijacked Feb 23 02:43
balzac Bush is a traitor to America Feb 23 02:43
schestowitz It’s not “theft” if they /almost got the required votes :-) Feb 23 02:43
schestowitz Nice guys finish last Feb 23 02:43
balzac Bush worked hard to destroy the United States of America, in the tradition of Jefferson Davis. Feb 23 02:44
balzac Obama is working hard to keep it together, like President Lincoln. Feb 23 02:44
schestowitz Not destory Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz He didn’t destory it Feb 23 02:45
balzac well, once in a rare while, we see someone come along who appears to have only good intentions. Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz Not to those “who count” Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz The issue is, who did he represent?? Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz The voters? The faction of the United States part? Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz *party Feb 23 02:45
balzac well, Republicans are pretty explicit in their goals of ending the USA. Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz Not ending Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz Mooching Feb 23 02:45
balzac Bush methodically broke down the US military Feb 23 02:45
schestowitz Reputation ruined too Feb 23 02:46
schestowitz The US military is perceived in Europe as dangerous and trigger happy Feb 23 02:46
balzac no, ending the oldest democracy is most definitely on the agenda of some of these restless elite Feb 23 02:46
schestowitz That doesn’t help Feb 23 02:46
schestowitz It endorses ‘terrorism’ in some people’s minds Feb 23 02:46
schestowitz When the white knights start raping women, they cease to be white knights Feb 23 02:46
balzac Our military is a lot better than Bush’s friends killer mercenaries Feb 23 02:47
balzac at least our military has the UCMJ for some semblance of accountability Feb 23 02:48
balzac the mercenaries answer to no one Feb 23 02:48
schestowitz Militaries too can be hijacked Feb 23 02:48
schestowitz The UK suffered a similar fate Feb 23 02:48
schestowitz So has Israel Feb 23 02:48
balzac Bush was literally trying to subjugate and break the effectiveness of our military in order to replace them with private forces Feb 23 02:48
schestowitz When fascists run countries, they give a bad name to those who are part of ‘The Machine’ Feb 23 02:48
balzac private forces who were not even Americans Feb 23 02:49
balzac As a symbol of the treatment of the US military by Bush and his Repuglican supporters, Pat Tillman is quite relevant Feb 23 02:50
balzac Pat Tillman volunteers for military duty after 9/11, leaving behind a great sports career at his prime Feb 23 02:50
balzac millions of income – he walked away from it to find himself in afghanistan Feb 23 02:50
balzac what does he get for it? a three round burst from an m16 in the forhead at close range Feb 23 02:51
balzac his body armor is burned Feb 23 02:51
balzac the investigation is surpressed Feb 23 02:51
balzac the shooter had to be quite close because a three-round burst from an m16 spreads over distance Feb 23 02:51
schestowitz m16? Feb 23 02:52
balzac and then we find that Pat Tillman was about to come out against Bush’s phony “war on terror” Feb 23 02:52
schestowitz Was he shot with an American Colt rifle? Feb 23 02:52
balzac wait, lemme search – I was telling the story from memory Feb 23 02:52
balzac I beleive it’s the m16 because it’s standard and the three round burst is a setting on it Feb 23 02:53
schestowitz ‘Friendly’ fire (Orwellian term)? Feb 23 02:53
balzac Pat Tillman was planning to meet Noam Chomsky when he got home Feb 23 02:53
balzac he made it home in a coffin Feb 23 02:53
schestowitz Where did the Taliban get weapons for in the first place? Feb 23 02:53
schestowitz US or Russia? Feb 23 02:53
schestowitz Kalashnikov would seem more likely for them after the war with USSR Feb 23 02:54
schestowitz America (well, USA) gave a lot of weapons to Iraq too Feb 23 02:54
balzac I think the US armed the militant islamic radicals in order to hurt the Soviet occupation of afghanistan Feb 23 02:54
schestowitz So when they are shot by Iraqis, US soldiers must remember where armament comes from Feb 23 02:55
balzac Well, Pat Tillman wasn’t shot by any Mujahideen Feb 23 02:55
schestowitz balzac: That’s how I remember it. They fueled that war to weaken Russia Feb 23 02:55
schestowitz They also try to bang China against Russia now (or vice versa) Feb 23 02:56
schestowitz Keeping the nuke in the east Feb 23 02:56
balzac I think Pat Tillman’s journal may have been lost or destroyed as well. Feb 23 02:57
balzac The San Francisco Chronicle reports: Feb 23 02:58
balzac He was an avid reader whose interests ranged from history books … to works of leftist Noam Chomsky, a favorite author.” Feb 23 02:58
balzac Apparently a meeting between Tillman and Chomsky was planned for after Pat’s return to the U.S., but he never returned. Instead, he was killed – under circumstances that Pat’s mother, Mary, has always characterized as “murky,” at best, and that seem, to my eye, at least, suspicious at worst. Feb 23 02:58
schestowitz Like Dr. Kelly..? Feb 23 02:59
balzac I really want to see that investigation carried forth without obstruction Feb 23 02:59
balzac that name sounds familiar Feb 23 02:59
balzac the weapons inspector? Feb 23 02:59
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Kelly… Feb 23 02:59
balzac indeed Feb 23 02:59
balzac or the enron witness Feb 23 02:59
schestowitz Cut his wrists to death…? Feb 23 02:59
schestowitz I don’t know… Feb 23 02:59
balzac many pivotal figures died quite conveniently during Bush’s years Feb 23 02:59
schestowitz Who else? Feb 23 03:01
balzac there are more than 1,000,000 ghosts houling for Bush Feb 23 03:02
balzac well, a guy involved in interrogations was having an internal moral struggle, and changing his mind against Bush policy on torture Feb 23 03:03
balzac he was found conveniently dead, allegedly a suicide Feb 23 03:03
balzac there was a young woman who had told relatives she was fearful for her life one time back from Iraq on leave Feb 23 03:03
balzac she was quite afraid, later found dead, murdered within a US military base in Iraq Feb 23 03:04
balzac she had information on the corrupt accounting of US funds in Iraq Feb 23 03:04
balzac Ken Lay also died, along with a pivotal witness in the Enron case who was scheduled to testify Feb 23 03:05
balzac it’s just such a long list, it wouldn’t be a short piece of work to compile it and add footnotes and references Feb 23 03:06
schestowitz It’s wothwhile Feb 23 03:06
schestowitz I bet someone has it already Feb 23 03:06
schestowitz So if you google all those named together you might find one/it Feb 23 03:06
balzac The same guy who successfully prosecuted Charles Manson makes the case for the trial of George Bush for murder Feb 23 03:07
balzac we’ll see Feb 23 03:07
balzac often when I would make a thorough list of relevant facts based on memory, I would find it was the most exhaustive list on the subject available online. Feb 23 03:08
balzac I’ll show you an example Feb 23 03:08
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection) Feb 23 03:08
schestowitz balzac: why wait until he finished his presidency? Feb 23 03:09
balzac http://ia300217.us.archive.org/0/item… Feb 23 03:09
schestowitz That’s why I don’t get Feb 23 03:09
balzac I never waited Feb 23 03:09
schestowitz I wrote BN sometimes in order to organise thoughts and notes, mostly refs Feb 23 03:10
balzac I supported Kucinich and wrote so many times in favor of impeachment over the years Feb 23 03:10
balzac especially from 2005 on Feb 23 03:10
schestowitz If others find them handy too, the  great Feb 23 03:10
balzac Check out that link I pasted please Feb 23 03:10
schestowitz I can search for them using Google now Feb 23 03:10
schestowitz So I find my old thoughts quickly Feb 23 03:10
balzac I wrote about the Zarqawi psyops campaign a day before the story officially broke on Washington Post.com Feb 23 03:11
schestowitz balzac: I’m not familiar enough with these connections Feb 23 03:11
balzac well, it’s missing the first diagram which included all the dubious links Feb 23 03:12
balzac archive.org thought these two diagrams were the same and deleted the first version Feb 23 03:12
balzac I used rational criteria for color-coding the intelligence events according to the criteria Feb 23 03:12
balzac remember all those alleged Bin Laden audio tapes Feb 23 03:13
balzac ? Feb 23 03:13
balzac Bin Laden endorses John Kerry Feb 23 03:14
balzac yeah, right. Feb 23 03:14
balzac That audio came out of the Bush-lead psyops team Feb 23 03:14
balzac Those audio tapes were quite silly and obviously fake Feb 23 03:15
balzac a long series of them Feb 23 03:15
schestowitz Hmmmm… Feb 23 03:15
schestowitz I don’t know these stories too well at all. Feb 23 03:15
balzac they’d just show a picture of Bin Laden and the recorded audio would be played, presented as authentic by CNN and others Feb 23 03:15
schestowitz Talking points :-) Feb 23 03:15
schestowitz Does he say he likes Budweiser? Feb 23 03:16
schestowitz That would be worth a bundle $$ Feb 23 03:16
balzac I just can’t believe how outlandish and silly these “al qaeda” audio releases became Feb 23 03:16
schestowitz Osama lip-synching… Feb 23 03:16
balzac zarqawi was supposed to have been the leader of “al qaeda in iraq” Feb 23 03:17
balzac a non-existent entity, for the the most part Feb 23 03:17
balzac I said, he’s probably frozen in a meat locker Feb 23 03:18
balzac they wouldn’t be feeding zarqawi all these fake lines if he were alive, investing so much in building up his ridiculous reputation Feb 23 03:18
balzac they picked real terrorists such as Bin Laden and Zarqawi and then embellished quite a bit to feed the media a gripping narrative to keep Bush in control. Feb 23 03:19
schestowitz Maybe. I don’t know this stuff. Feb 23 03:20
balzac Well, these investigations have lost their direction because they were hijacked by conspiracy theorists who were not responsible. Feb 23 03:22
balzac “bombs in the towers” conspiracy theories, anti-semitic conspiracy theories derailed the whole grassroots effort to know what happened on 9/11 Feb 23 03:22
schestowitz Some people give it a bad name Feb 23 03:23
balzac meanwhile, Bush and Cheney refused to go under oath and 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report were redacted on behalf of Saudi Arabia Feb 23 03:23
schestowitz Redacted? Feb 23 03:23
balzac well, not redacted, but never allowed to be published Feb 23 03:24
schestowitz Well, people like Alex Jones and David Ike cause trouble for analyses Feb 23 03:24
balzac I have to look up redacted Feb 23 03:24
schestowitz Bad to make them speakers for skeptics of the government Feb 23 03:24
balzac they’re  just jokers who make a career off of sensationalizing it Feb 23 03:24
schestowitz Wait, I’ll show you something.. Feb 23 03:24
schestowitz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0APTn… Feb 23 03:25
schestowitz He went bonkers Feb 23 03:25
balzac It’s tough to choose the right words on 9/11 Feb 23 03:26
balzac ‘inside job’ is a fair description in some ways, but some people’s minds shut down when that phrase is spoken Feb 23 03:27
balzac it was an “inside job” when JFK, RFK and MLK were shot Feb 23 03:28
balzac it was an inside job when President Carter was politically humiliated by a hostage crisis in which Republicans cooperated with Iranian hostage takers Feb 23 03:28
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 03:29
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F… Feb 23 03:29
schestowitz I didn’t know he too was shot Feb 23 03:29
balzac The Repugs have established a track record of taking American National security very lightly, in fact subverting it Feb 23 03:29
balzac The 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by islamic radicals from saudi arabia Feb 23 03:32
balzac that’s why 28 pages were not published on behalf of saudi arabia Feb 23 03:32
balzac mostly saudi arabia Feb 23 03:32
balzac but Bush’s people surpressed our national security just prior to the attacks Feb 23 03:33
balzac they really didn’t give a fig Feb 23 03:33
balzac Clinton shot 60 cruise missiles into Pakistan to kill Osama Bin Laden Feb 23 03:33
balzac Bush didn’t even care enough to be bothered by the concerns of domestic terror attacks Feb 23 03:34
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 03:34
balzac either that, or like others of his ideology, he thought his party could benefit from the aftermath of such an attack Feb 23 03:34
schestowitz 60 missile? Feb 23 03:34
balzac so they left our guard down Feb 23 03:34
schestowitz *lies Feb 23 03:34
schestowitz Just clustering them around in random to assassinate one person who used to work with the CIA? Feb 23 03:35
balzac there was one particular attack in which lots of missiles were fired from a ship Feb 23 03:35
balzac well, this was reported when it was done, not after Feb 23 03:36
balzac the USS cole had been hit, and OBL was taking credit Feb 23 03:37
balzac also the bombing of the US embassy in Tanzania Feb 23 03:37
balzac not to mention WTC attack I in 1993, which has slipped the minds of many Feb 23 03:38
balzac Osama had let his beard down long before 9/11 Feb 23 03:39
balzac Bush just waited for Osama to do what he promised to do. Feb 23 03:39
balzac roy, did you know Osama Bin Laden’s father, Mohammad Bin Laden was in the Carlylse Group, a personal contact of George Bush Sr.? Feb 23 03:39
balzac or that Neil Bush was a personal friend of John Hinkley’s brother, the assassin who tried to kill Ronald Reagan? Feb 23 03:40
schestowitz Wait.. Feb 23 03:41
balzac I just can’t be convinced that Bush ever cared about national security Feb 23 03:41
schestowitz Carlyle Group? Feb 23 03:41
balzac yes Feb 23 03:41
schestowitz You know we wrote about them in BN.. Feb 23 03:41
schestowitz For other reasons Feb 23 03:41
schestowitz So I did some sniffing around them too Feb 23 03:41
schestowitz SCO connections Feb 23 03:41
balzac hmm Feb 23 03:42
schestowitz There’s also the Arab investors in Norris Feb 23 03:42
schestowitz Friends of Gates Feb 23 03:42
schestowitz Norris is right in there. Feb 23 03:42
balzac interesting Feb 23 03:43
balzac The financial elite take care of each other Feb 23 03:44
balzac well, I’ll wrap it up succintly Feb 23 03:44
balzac Bush is “White Al Qaeda” Feb 23 03:44
schestowitz Whatever. Feb 23 03:45
schestowitz I don’t want to make such statements Feb 23 03:45
schestowitz But it’s OK for others to say such stuff Feb 23 03:45
balzac no pressure Feb 23 03:45
schestowitz Likewise in BN Feb 23 03:45
schestowitz I could go on and do with Justice Jackson Penfield did…. and like many just call Microsoft “Criminals”… but then you lose voice legitimacy. Feb 23 03:46
schestowitz For saying truths Feb 23 03:46
balzac I’m really glad you’re emphasizing teh law-breaking by Microsoft Feb 23 03:46
schestowitz Like you can get smeared for saying things about the bible, religions, leaders, or the ALL MIGHTY GATES FOUNDATION Feb 23 03:46
balzac it’s easy to forget Feb 23 03:46
schestowitz Who DARE say that the GATES FOUNDATION (oh! Mighty goodness!) is more than some charity Feb 23 03:47
schestowitz BTW, google BN for ‘carlyle’ to find interesting things. Feb 23 03:47
schestowitz I don’t remember exactly the things that I found but I wrote them down Feb 23 03:47
schestowitz Somertimes, like in Groklaw, you need to just pass facts without judgment Feb 23 03:48
balzac well, it’s classical philanthropy – done more in the service of the ego and social stature than for the stated purpose Feb 23 03:48
schestowitz Then you see people linking to it with phrases like “those criminals” or “mafia” Feb 23 03:48
schestowitz So it doesn’t matter what words you use… just what you present Feb 23 03:48
schestowitz Intellectual can provoke rage without any strong words Feb 23 03:48
schestowitz Just annoying phrases like “you ‘little people’” Feb 23 03:49
balzac It’s not right to denigrate the mafia too much Feb 23 03:49
schestowitz Or “them the ‘big brains’” Feb 23 03:49
balzac well, factual support is very important Feb 23 03:50
balzac but I like Michael Moore’s style because he’s not afraid to lend his own editorial take on the facts as well. Feb 23 03:51
balzac But, it’s equally important to emphatically challenge the identity which the opposition is project as a strategic matter Feb 23 03:51
balzac Bill Gates is really not the Santa Clause of the world Feb 23 03:52
balzac Microsoft is a mind-prison, the bars are made of proprietary software. Feb 23 03:52
balzac He’s not Dr. Evil, he’s not the second coming Feb 23 03:52
balzac but he may well be a man who has deliberately broken the law on behalf of his company a number of times Feb 23 03:53
balzac but these are “soft crimes” Feb 23 03:53
balzac I’m not convinced the M$ crimes justify any jail sentence, or will result in such Feb 23 03:54
balzac I’ve been defending “soft crime” perpetrators such as Madoff, Blagejevich and others because their crime pale in comparison to the Bush Administrations assault on America and the world. Feb 23 03:55
balzac How can Bill Gates possibly be held to the letter of the law, while Bush still walks free? Feb 23 03:56
balzac how can anyone? Feb 23 03:56
balzac Most people think it’s a remote possibility for Bush to go to jail. Feb 23 03:56
balzac I think it could happen some years down the road. Feb 23 03:56
balzac I doubt any of the three top executives of Microsoft have any likelyhood at all of being convicted of crimes resulting in jail sentences. Feb 23 03:57
balzac But I commend you for making the case. Feb 23 03:57
balzac Someone ought to do it, just to remind people that we have laws for a reason. Feb 23 03:57
balzac and to call attention to the fact that microsoft has been running rough-shod over the laws of our country for years Feb 23 03:58
schestowitz balzac: jusdge jackson disgaree Feb 23 03:58
schestowitz he promposed criminal prosecution against Microsoft ececs Feb 23 03:58
schestowitz They could face prison Feb 23 03:58
schestowitz white-collar crime costs the public a lot more than shoplifting or smoking of pot Feb 23 03:58
balzac he’s the guy whose sentence was to break up ms? Feb 23 03:59
schestowitz But those people are good at coirrupting  (paying off) justice figures Feb 23 03:59
balzac yeah Feb 23 03:59
schestowitz Corruptible officials make all the differencee Feb 23 03:59
balzac well, society is a social network which spans both law-breakers and law-enforcement Feb 23 03:59
balzac there are intermediaries who prevent justice from being applied uniformly Feb 23 04:00
schestowitz balzac: yes, then Bush came Feb 23 04:00
schestowitz Bush changed the rule for Microsoft Feb 23 04:00
schestowitz Maybe they paid a lot for his running campaign Feb 23 04:00
schestowitz There’s the McCain-MS link too Feb 23 04:00
balzac I’m not a critic of corruption in general in society, it’s not going to change. Feb 23 04:00
schestowitz It can be reduced Feb 23 04:01
schestowitz With the internet, criminals can be exposed more easily Feb 23 04:01
balzac yes Feb 23 04:01
schestowitz I still need to proceed more Comes materia Feb 23 04:01
schestowitz *ial Feb 23 04:01
balzac good point Feb 23 04:01
balzac the wheels of justice turn slowly… Feb 23 04:02
balzac but they grind exceedingly fine Feb 23 04:02
balzac I just have a feeling that Bill Gates has invested so much in his reputation in society, that he will never be held to account Feb 23 04:02
balzac and why should he be, when we have bigger fish to fry Feb 23 04:03
balzac justice can never be applied as uniformly or as intended when laws were originally drafted Feb 23 04:03
schestowitz Yes, you put it rightly. Feb 23 04:03
schestowitz Gates is an example of prior /bigger’ criminals who rewrote their bios Feb 23 04:04
schestowitz he also rewrites MS history in the MSBBC, e.g. when he retired Feb 23 04:04
schestowitz This pissed his victums off.. they blogged about it Feb 23 04:04
balzac but I don’t criticize you for making the case for how Gates may have run afoul of the law Feb 23 04:04
schestowitz They noticed BN Feb 23 04:04
balzac what if MS collapsed like a ponzi scheme? Feb 23 04:04
schestowitz Convicted to prison or not, people should know the truth Feb 23 04:04
balzac what if the psychology of Microsoft inverted itself Feb 23 04:05
schestowitz If people at least recognise Gates for the crimes he comitted, then he will at least be prosecuted in the minds of people. Feb 23 04:05
schestowitz *committed Feb 23 04:05
balzac Madoff was the hero, then the goat Feb 23 04:05
balzac it happened very quickly Feb 23 04:05
schestowitz balzac: hold ob Feb 23 04:05
schestowitz Microsoft may *be* a Ponzi scheme Feb 23 04:05
balzac yes Feb 23 04:05
schestowitz I heard from MSFT investors yeterday and they compare ballmer and gates to madoff Feb 23 04:06
balzac i’m starting to realize that based on the links you’ve shared Feb 23 04:06
schestowitz They will unveil details in an interview soon. Feb 23 04:06
schestowitz balzac: look at archives under “finance” Feb 23 04:06
balzac Roy, if enough people get burned by a collapse in the value of MS stock, they Feb 23 04:06
schestowitz I have journalists who agree with me Feb 23 04:06
oiaohm How MS formed is nothing new. Feb 23 04:06
balzac they’ll cry out for heads to roll Feb 23 04:06
schestowitz But they talk privately.. they are afraid to publish this Feb 23 04:06
schestowitz Parish tried and got smeared for it Feb 23 04:06
oiaohm History has done the same things many times over. Feb 23 04:06
balzac Roy, this is some of the juiciest stuff published on your site Feb 23 04:07
balzac the financial troubles of MS Feb 23 04:07
balzac and shady accounting Feb 23 04:07
oiaohm Financial troubles are cased. Feb 23 04:08
balzac a half-legitimate business can quickly turn into a full on fraud Feb 23 04:08
oiaohm Simple point MS under predicted how much force Linux could apply to the market. Feb 23 04:08
oiaohm Force being applied is not even to its max yet. Feb 23 04:08
balzac MS may be a half-way legitimate business now, but if they don’t recognize their downward trajectory, and begin to settle accounts… Feb 23 04:09
balzac oiaohm: yes Feb 23 04:09
oiaohm Nothing to do with legitmate Feb 23 04:09
balzac but it’s coming to a head with Firefox taking IE market-share at such a brisk pace Feb 23 04:09
oiaohm Sun selling solarias in the super computer was legitimate Feb 23 04:09
balzac how long until the tipping point is reached? Feb 23 04:09
oiaohm yet they lost the market. Feb 23 04:10
oiaohm Cost vs Quality.  When someone can provide something good enough you are basically dead in the water. Feb 23 04:10
balzac well, these MS executives and share-holders should be thinking very defensively now Feb 23 04:10
balzac there’s building paranoia and dwindling capital Feb 23 04:10
oiaohm Microsoft basically has to restructure or die. Feb 23 04:10
balzac yep Feb 23 04:11
oiaohm Its like scribes vs printing presses Feb 23 04:11
oiaohm And I could pull out many historic examples. Feb 23 04:11
oiaohm These events have happened so many times over its not funny. Feb 23 04:11
balzac If MS is too late to admit their financial ruin and settle accounts, it will be said that they covered up their problems, tricked share holders, benefitted from inside knowledge, and committed fraud. Feb 23 04:12
balzac they could be on the hook like Bernie Madoff, if the discrepency between expected value and actual value is too great. Feb 23 04:13
oiaohm Bill gates set up everything to stop this day coming. Feb 23 04:13
oiaohm Now that is here stoping it could be impossable. Feb 23 04:13
balzac roy, so the MS investors who contacted you compared Gates to Madoff? Feb 23 04:15
balzac oiaohm: their accounting discrepancies could be very bad and getting worse quickly Feb 23 04:15
balzac but they may be hiding it in hopes of a recovery Feb 23 04:15
balzac I’m hoping for a cataclysmic collapse of value of MS stock, so that I may profit from the F&OSS boom Feb 23 04:16
balzac (and for the sake of freedom, obviously) Feb 23 04:17
balzac Microsoft has failed to adapt to the internet Feb 23 04:24
balzac the price of failure will be more than they realize Feb 23 04:24
balzac The government of Iceland was recently caught flat-footed by financial ruin Feb 23 04:25
balzac and revealed to be quite corrupt Feb 23 04:26
schestowitz         balzac: “Roy, this is some of the juiciest stuff published on your site” Feb 23 04:30
schestowitz Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on it Feb 23 04:30
schestowitz I heard another theory from a friend today Feb 23 04:30
schestowitz He talked about how they changed the accounting methods over time Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz They inflated the economy based on illusions Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz So all that “Microsoft revenue rises every quarter” is likely to be utter BS Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz As Parish showed Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz They can fake it with the support of it being “the norm” Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz So they are a pyramid part of a much bigger one Feb 23 04:31
schestowitz Which is a global collapse that’s unprecedented Feb 23 04:32
balzac sounds quite plausible Feb 23 04:32
schestowitz They got busted before Feb 23 04:32
schestowitz Whistleblower, then SEC investigation Feb 23 04:33
schestowitz Novell’s a similar story Feb 23 04:33
balzac Madoff’s interactions with the SEC, Greenspan’s years of watering down accountability and delaying the inevitable accounting… Feb 23 04:33
schestowitz I reckon Novell’s frauds that I wrote about are still very real Feb 23 04:33
schestowitz So Novell was nearly bankrupt before the deal with MS Feb 23 04:33
balzac wow Feb 23 04:33
schestowitz They sold their soul, almost literally. Feb 23 04:33
schestowitz Commercial life or death Feb 23 04:33
balzac and George Soros has said that the financial collapse could be “bottomless”. Feb 23 04:34
schestowitz        <balzac> roy, so the MS investors who contacted you compared Gates to Madoff? Feb 23 04:34
schestowitz balzac: they conteacted me Feb 23 04:34
schestowitz One of them did Feb 23 04:34
balzac awesome Feb 23 04:34
schestowitz I reckon they lost over half their money on Ballmer’s gang Feb 23 04:34
balzac probably on behalf of a like-minded group of them Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz And some people got rich at their expense over the years Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz Microsoft has Motley Fool Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz And all sorts of other ‘bought’ publications to kite their stock Feb 23 04:35
balzac yeah Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz But they could be like SCO Feb 23 04:35
balzac right Feb 23 04:35
balzac these are unseemly relationships Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz They also have attack dogs against turth speakers Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz I used to get that in USENET Feb 23 04:35
schestowitz Also when exposing Gate  Foundary[sic] Feb 23 04:36
schestowitz When I produced evidencer they stopped complaining Feb 23 04:36
balzac they may have thought this was just friendly press back when they started throwing treats to the pundits for favorable press – after a collapse of stock value, this could be described as conspiracy Feb 23 04:36
schestowitz it’s hard to rebut when all I do is state verifiable fact and I build a case with many refrences, over time. Then I get feedback in BN/mail/USENET/fellow bloggers Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz So it’s like teamwork Feb 23 04:37
balzac payola for favorable press… Feb 23 04:37
balzac yeah Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz Microsoft is said to have lost $18bn in 2998 Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz 1998 Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz In one year Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz But they played accounting tricks, says Smithers Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz People ignored it at the time Feb 23 04:37
schestowitz Gates had stepped down Feb 23 04:38
schestowitz Ballmer put in charge while Gates prepares to reshape image.. hand-washing./ Feb 23 04:38
balzac wow, things may actually change in a big way Feb 23 04:38
schestowitz His dad is a HUGE part of Microsoft Feb 23 04:38
schestowitz But his dad you will hardly ever see in the media Feb 23 04:38
schestowitz He’s like that relative of Freud Feb 23 04:38
oiaohm MS depended on the fact it could force upgrades. Feb 23 04:38
balzac after all these years of wondering, when could GNU and Linux get a chance Feb 23 04:38
schestowitz Working behind the scenes in obscurity Feb 23 04:39
oiaohm That has kinda shattered. Feb 23 04:39
balzac hmm Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz oiaohm: not only that Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz They depend on margins Feb 23 04:39
oiaohm Now with Linux putting pressure on cutting proffeit percent. Feb 23 04:39
balzac yeah, well people aren’t even upgrading their hardware very much Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz They have just two reallyt profitable products Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz 1) Office 2) Windows Feb 23 04:39
balzac computing power got so far ahead of the office applications and operating system Feb 23 04:39
oiaohm Basically Open source has 1 2 punched MS. Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz This is confirmed by MS watch (a guy who worked for MS pretty much) Feb 23 04:39
balzac now only games and ultra-rich media can sell new computers Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz Windows includes server Feb 23 04:39
schestowitz That’s where margins are better Feb 23 04:40
schestowitz But Linux is killing those too Feb 23 04:40
schestowitz Now on sub-notebooks Feb 23 04:40
schestowitz And education contracts… EDGI and all Feb 23 04:40
oiaohm If sub-notebooks turn into notebooks then MS is really in trouble. Feb 23 04:40
oiaohm Desktop market is reducing anyhow. Feb 23 04:40
schestowitz Why do you think Mirosoft become top patent aplicant? Feb 23 04:40
balzac The Linux Kernel’s most important aspect is the hardware-compatibility. Feb 23 04:40
schestowitz In the past they hardly talked about it Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Now it’s just IP this , IP that Feb 23 04:41
oiaohm Ms is trying to restruct like sun did. Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Because they failed to kill Google Feb 23 04:41
oiaohm Most of sun income these days comes from patents. Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Their on-line office suite is well behind Feb 23 04:41
oiaohm Not from they selling stuff. Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Feature-wise even.. Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz And they couldn’t sell hardware either Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz They tried Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz After losing billion in late 90s Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz They tried XBox Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Failed badly Feb 23 04:41
balzac I don’t carry my full-sized notebook around Feb 23 04:41
oiaohm Google has a track record of selling hardware Feb 23 04:41
schestowitz Lost more billiobs Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz They tried Zune. Haha. Feb 23 04:42
oiaohm And making a profit. Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz Liceinsing fees for WM are low due to Linux Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz WincE.. $3 apiece, due to Linux Feb 23 04:42
balzac I saw this poor guy who had a Zune logo as a tattoo Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz Since around 2004 (not sure, don’t trust me on this) Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz Patents is like mortgages Feb 23 04:42
schestowitz Imaginary stuff Feb 23 04:43
oiaohm Patents have limited live spans as well. Feb 23 04:43
schestowitz        balzac> The Linux Kernel’s most important aspect is the hardware-compatibility. Feb 23 04:43
schestowitz Linux has the best hardware support anywhere. Feb 23 04:43
schestowitz But not necessarily when it comes to MS-centric h/w Feb 23 04:43
balzac yeah, but they need to get the blobs out Feb 23 04:43
oiaohm Linux Kernel hardware compatiblity too a look of work. Feb 23 04:43
oiaohm took Feb 23 04:43
balzac oiaohm: sure Feb 23 04:43
schestowitz Microsoft is drolling for something like Linux Feb 23 04:43
schestowitz Sun especiually Feb 23 04:43
balzac but it’s the drivers Feb 23 04:43
oiaohm to get hardware companies on side. Feb 23 04:44
schestowitz Sun craves Linux-like h/w support Feb 23 04:44
oiaohm So drivers could be built. Feb 23 04:44
schestowitz Then they could use KDE/GNOME to make a solid substitute Feb 23 04:44
balzac the corporate support for the linux kernel project was what really made it fly. It’s good that it has a GPL-license. Feb 23 04:44
oiaohm blobs are the price to get some on side. Feb 23 04:44
balzac But they really need to keep the blobs out Feb 23 04:44
schestowitz    > oiaohm> Google has a track record of selling hardware Feb 23 04:44
schestowitz Coirrect, search appliances Feb 23 04:44
oiaohm Remember BSD is older. Feb 23 04:44
schestowitz Big money right there. Feb 23 04:44
oiaohm And BSD has never really got anywhere. Feb 23 04:45
oiaohm It shows the importance of licence. Feb 23 04:45
balzac Well, BSD doesn’t have a “copyleft” Feb 23 04:45
schestowitz Yes, developer attraction Feb 23 04:45
balzac it didn’t have the right kind of “social contract” for a strong community Feb 23 04:45
oiaohm GPL is about making developer work with each other. Feb 23 04:45
schestowitz BSD lawsuits also bought Linux time Feb 23 04:45
oiaohm BSD lets people take stuff. Feb 23 04:45
balzac The Linux Kernel project had the GPL – the gold standard among software licenses Feb 23 04:45
schestowitz Reversing copyright law Feb 23 04:46
schestowitz Seems to work well after all Feb 23 04:46
schestowitz Copywrong Feb 23 04:46
oiaohm The Licence is the secrect to linux. Feb 23 04:46
schestowitz oiaohm: yes, some people miss it Feb 23 04:46
balzac schestowitz: beating AT&&^\\\\\\\\ Feb 23 04:46
schestowitz They think it’s cost Feb 23 04:46
balzac oops Feb 23 04:46
schestowitz It’s MS talking point Feb 23 04:46
balzac tiny little eee pc keyboard Feb 23 04:46
oiaohm Without the licence Linux would have never got so many hardware companies on board. Feb 23 04:46
oiaohm Forced sharing also creates trust Feb 23 04:46
oiaohm Between companies using it. Feb 23 04:47
balzac oiaohm, true Feb 23 04:47
balzac oiaohm: you’re right, not just between individuals, but also companies Feb 23 04:47
oiaohm Hardware companies have to trust they will not be betrayed. Feb 23 04:47
balzac I haven’t thought much about how the GPL facilitates strategic cooperation between companies Feb 23 04:47
oiaohm And have there devices cloned. Feb 23 04:47
oiaohm GPL has changed the open source world in more ways than a lot of people dream. Feb 23 04:48
balzac I’ve put more attention on individuals, because during the early stages, individuals make or break a free software project Feb 23 04:48
balzac so the choice of license is important Feb 23 04:48
oiaohm Wine was almost destroyed by the incorrect selection of licence. Feb 23 04:48
oiaohm They started life with MIT licence. Feb 23 04:48
oiaohm One company took there source base and went closed.  Lucky there were not good at it. Feb 23 04:49
balzac oiaohm: hardware companies have to know that their devices will be cloned, but they have to keep innovating and trust that loyalty to their brand will be their reward for playing nice with their customers Feb 23 04:49
oiaohm Wine had to change to lgpl to protect themselves from future attacks. Feb 23 04:49
balzac oiaohm: there was a good article on a Linux website Feb 23 04:50
oiaohm balzac if you spent a few million design a chips. Feb 23 04:50
oiaohm You don’t want someone just copy cating you chip. Feb 23 04:50
oiaohm Withotu putting in the work. Feb 23 04:50
balzac the writer says the “GPL is the disruptive technology of GNU/Linux, not the software” Feb 23 04:50
oiaohm GPL means no secrets. Feb 23 04:51
balzac that’s what really separates GNU/Linux from other software Feb 23 04:51
oiaohm If you are a non approved clone maker and everyone knows. Feb 23 04:52
oiaohm How long before your means to sell stuff reduces. Feb 23 04:52
oiaohm Really closed source driver idea gives hardware makers less protection. Feb 23 04:52
balzac well, now it’s time that these hardware manufacturers think about their relationship with the F&OSS community Feb 23 04:53
oiaohm They are Feb 23 04:54
balzac while MS loses it’s iron grip on their necks Feb 23 04:54
balzac and game companies need to get real Feb 23 04:54
balzac the president of Valve asks on Digg whether games are over-priced Feb 23 04:54
oiaohm AMD VIA and Intel in joint packet over video card drivers. Feb 23 04:54
balzac yes they are, but your games are based on a license which is ridiculous and archaic Feb 23 04:54
balzac forget about the cost of these silly games Feb 23 04:55
oiaohm Nvidia has formally agreed never to apply patents against open source. Feb 23 04:55
oiaohm Ok not help open source just never sue open source. Feb 23 04:55
oiaohm Most hardware makers we have the basic these days. Feb 23 04:55
balzac the licenses are just paranoia-inducing, anti-social, archaic, relics of the past Feb 23 04:55
oiaohm licenses have there place. Feb 23 04:55
oiaohm Licences provide the rules. Feb 23 04:56
balzac well, i’m talking about the licenses which start with “never share this or the FBI will get you” Feb 23 04:56
balzac like the beginning of a rented movie Feb 23 04:56
oiaohm You agree to that. Feb 23 04:56
balzac that’s just anti-social and ridiculously alienated from your customers Feb 23 04:56
balzac it induces paranoia and bad customer relations Feb 23 04:57
balzac nothing good can come of it when they want to prosecute college kids for sharing music online Feb 23 04:57
balzac or make businesses paranoid because they can’t afford the proprietary software Feb 23 04:57
oiaohm Was it illegal to hand copies of tapes around. Feb 23 04:57
oiaohm Yes it was. Feb 23 04:58
oiaohm People have forgot the law. Feb 23 04:58
balzac the law has forgotten the people Feb 23 04:58
oiaohm Not really. Feb 23 04:58
oiaohm Remember most money exists electronicly. Feb 23 04:59
balzac when the law does not keep pace with changing circumstances, people break the law in droves Feb 23 04:59
oiaohm so would you have problems with people coping and forgin money. Feb 23 04:59
oiaohm Remember anything can be used as money. Feb 23 04:59
*tessier_1 (n=treed@mail.copilotconsulting.com) has joined #boycottnovell Feb 23 05:00
balzac game currencies how have exchange rates against real currencies Feb 23 05:00
balzac the google click could be described as a currency Feb 23 05:00
oiaohm The basic laws that cover illegally coping of data also apply to faking money. Feb 23 05:00
balzac not in any traditional sense, but it sure does enable a lot of transactions Feb 23 05:00
balzac a lot of value flows as google cliks Feb 23 05:00
*tessier_1 is now known as tessier___ Feb 23 05:01
balzac oiaohm: good point Feb 23 05:01
oiaohm The law is a interlinked beast. Feb 23 05:01
balzac one I hadn’t considered in the context of copyright Feb 23 05:01
oiaohm Remove the wrong bit you will bring it all down. Feb 23 05:01
balzac but this is different Feb 23 05:01
oiaohm Bank notes are protected by copyright. Feb 23 05:01
balzac I can see the connection Feb 23 05:01
oiaohm Just like a lot of other important things. Feb 23 05:02
balzac but copying movies, songs, games, can be good for artists Feb 23 05:02
balzac copying money can only undermine the system Feb 23 05:02
oiaohm Allowing people freely to break copyright could bring the system complete downing. Feb 23 05:02
oiaohm So can copying movies. Feb 23 05:02
balzac there must be integrity in the accounting of the financial infrastructure Feb 23 05:02
oiaohm Large ammount of money gets invested in making movies. Feb 23 05:02
oiaohm In hope of a return. Feb 23 05:03
balzac they need to rely on people’s enthusiasm for their product Feb 23 05:03
oiaohm So each one sold is like a share. Feb 23 05:03
balzac make me want to see it in the theater instead of on my computer Feb 23 05:03
balzac put it on imax Feb 23 05:03
balzac sent some cast members to my city Feb 23 05:03
oiaohm Same thing Feb 23 05:03
oiaohm Withotu money they cannot do imax productions. Feb 23 05:03
oiaohm without money they cannot send cast to many locations. Feb 23 05:04
balzac if I want to download it because i don’t think it’s worth seeing in the theater, i will Feb 23 05:04
balzac well, you can’t get the imax experience from your computer Feb 23 05:04
oiaohm Now lot are coming around to providing legal downloads. Feb 23 05:04
oiaohm So people still pay part of the share of the costs and make some profits. Feb 23 05:04
balzac when you can’t enforce the law without invading everybody’s privacy, that law is not law anymore Feb 23 05:05
oiaohm Basically copyright breaching can bring down a lot of industries just like fake money can bring down the lot. Feb 23 05:05
balzac well, those industries can strangle society if they’re not defeated Feb 23 05:06
oiaohm That is where you are wrong. Feb 23 05:06
balzac they have caused the USA to fall behind many countries in broadband deployment Feb 23 05:06
oiaohm What is the most damaging thing to Open Source balzac Feb 23 05:06
balzac open source? Feb 23 05:06
balzac i’m not sure Feb 23 05:06
oiaohm Illegal copies of software. Feb 23 05:07
oiaohm Why should someone use Open Source and help develop it when they can get Illegal copies of software for nothing. Feb 23 05:07
oiaohm Same applied to the music and videos. Feb 23 05:08
balzac well, I agree with RMS that people ought not to encourage proprietary software developers to make more software under bad licenses by purachasing software under those paranoia-inducing licenses. Feb 23 05:08
balzac oiaohm: open source isn’t really my thing Feb 23 05:08
balzac I’m enjoying the GPL-licensed software mostly Feb 23 05:09
oiaohm Why should people help develop good free content of they flood themselves with Illegally aquired. Feb 23 05:09
oiaohm This is the problem.  If you truly want to have freedom you have to create a system that works. Feb 23 05:09
oiaohm Not just by pass the rules. Feb 23 05:09
balzac well, I’ll have no part of the system which depends on invading everyone’s privacy in order to account for expected profits Feb 23 05:10
oiaohm Really blocking illegal content Feb 23 05:10
oiaohm Will force people to think about creating there own. Feb 23 05:10
oiaohm Think before radios and so on we had to create our own music. Feb 23 05:10
oiaohm The world has got lazy. Feb 23 05:10
balzac yeah, but really blocking illegal content would mean we just found our way into the plot of a science fiction horror movie Feb 23 05:10
balzac but it’s real Feb 23 05:11
oiaohm Simple fact they don’t have to do it for ever. Feb 23 05:11
oiaohm Its like over 80 percent of bittorrent traffic is legal content. Feb 23 05:11
balzac well, control, once acquired, is not relinquished Feb 23 05:12
balzac let the world be lazy Feb 23 05:12
oiaohm Its not as big of deal as most people think. Feb 23 05:12
balzac I want to see encrypted streams of copyrighted material going into every home via fiberoptics Feb 23 05:13
balzac then people will wake up, and stop asserting copyrights against their fans, and acknowledge that the attention of their audience is worth having Feb 23 05:13
balzac attention has value and is currency Feb 23 05:13
balzac if people are trading your media on the file-sharing networks, be happy about that Feb 23 05:14
oiaohm How do you plan to get the costs back. Feb 23 05:14
balzac there’s value in merely being known Feb 23 05:14
oiaohm producing movies don’t happen for nothing. Feb 23 05:14
balzac how do you not get the costs back when you’ve reached a wide audience – just don’t make a 50,000,000 dollar movie that file-traders won’t even bother to download, because then you’re really screwed. Feb 23 05:15
oiaohm Have you not noticed that blueray needs internet so you can play disks. Feb 23 05:15
balzac i don’t have any dvds Feb 23 05:15
balzac I don’t care for all the plastic – the data-density is too low Feb 23 05:16
oiaohm Its a bit like saying MS can live selling XP for 0 dollars. Feb 23 05:16
oiaohm opps windows for 0 dollars. Feb 23 05:16
oiaohm Unless they make income somewhere else they will die. Feb 23 05:16
balzac no, I’m not saying MS can live by selling operating systems Feb 23 05:16
balzac they have been attacking their users for so long Feb 23 05:16
oiaohm Movie producting companies are the same. Feb 23 05:16
balzac they’re due to be downsized Feb 23 05:16
oiaohm If they don’t get income they have to downsize or die. Feb 23 05:17
balzac so, they’re due to be downsized as an industry if they don’t acknowledge the value of people’s attention Feb 23 05:17
balzac if I’m watching your movie at all, listening to your song at all, be glad Feb 23 05:17
oiaohm How to turn attention into dollars balzac Feb 23 05:17
balzac because I can acquire it if I want Feb 23 05:17
oiaohm That is the problem no one is answering. Feb 23 05:17
oiaohm Answer that and media companines may stop caring. Feb 23 05:18
balzac oiaohm: check out the marketing blogger who has a site called attentiontrust.org Feb 23 05:18
schestowitz Christopher Hitchens’ take on politics is so terrible still (not news to me but… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwDk8LOD5… ) Feb 23 05:18
balzac steve rubel Feb 23 05:18
oiaohm Have you seen what those movies look like that follows those rules. Feb 23 05:18
balzac attention is a form of currency. if you can say that your movie was downloaded 10,000,000 times, that’s going to be helping, not hurting your revenue from that movie. Feb 23 05:19
schestowitz wb, tessier___ Feb 23 05:19
balzac oiaohm: give me enough attention, I will show you how I convert it dollars Feb 23 05:20
balzac there are myriad ways Feb 23 05:20
oiaohm At how much cost to the movie it self. Feb 23 05:20
oiaohm Remember dick tracy movie.  No single ad placement in it. Feb 23 05:21
balzac oiaohm: as I said, if they company miscalculates, that’s too bad Feb 23 05:21
balzac it happened with Waterworld – can you blame the file-traders for that? I doubt it has been downloaded by many. Feb 23 05:21
balzac I think we’re seeing a lot of complainers who are taking out their failure on file-traders Feb 23 05:22
oiaohm Now basically if movies are going to work on attantion you basically are going to make movies without embed advertisement impossable. Feb 23 05:22
balzac they should be worried that file-traders aren’t interested in their media Feb 23 05:22
oiaohm Do you really want coka cola controling design of movies. Feb 23 05:22
balzac maybe that’s what upsets them the most, because these media conglomerates are losing their grip as the gate-keepers of success and famme Feb 23 05:23
oiaohm There are negitives Feb 23 05:23
schestowitz movies are already controlled by Colca Cola Feb 23 05:23
oiaohm That will hapen. Feb 23 05:23
schestowitz A lot of the context is ad-driven Feb 23 05:23
schestowitz Or producer agenda-driven Feb 23 05:23
oiaohm Not to the point of controlling the script. Feb 23 05:23
balzac oiaohm: maybe you should be thinking about the way things are going instead of the way they were Feb 23 05:23
balzac you can’t get the file-traders to stop, ever Feb 23 05:24
oiaohm Sorry they are stoppable. Feb 23 05:24
oiaohm If done no one will like it. Feb 23 05:24
balzac they can be harassed Feb 23 05:24
balzac not stopped Feb 23 05:24
oiaohm Only way they can be stopped is fullly controlled internet conntections Feb 23 05:24
oiaohm by by freedom. Feb 23 05:24
balzac if we ever had the infrastructure to enforce the DMCA, we would be living a science ficion horror movie Feb 23 05:24
oiaohm Already lots of sites supporting illegal software and illegal music ideas are filtered. Feb 23 05:25
balzac oiaohm: fully-controlled internet connections will never be the only connections Feb 23 05:25
balzac that is the nightmare Feb 23 05:25
oiaohm Australia where I am Feb 23 05:25
oiaohm Goverment can control all ways in. Feb 23 05:25
balzac not indefinitely Feb 23 05:25
oiaohm Indefinitely Feb 23 05:26
balzac and not 200% Feb 23 05:26
balzac 100 Feb 23 05:26
oiaohm Reason the law allows them to. Feb 23 05:26
balzac well, you can download from torrents Feb 23 05:26
oiaohm torrents are blockable. Feb 23 05:26
oiaohm Quite simple really. Feb 23 05:27
balzac what does your ISP do if you download a movie? Feb 23 05:27
balzac so, another ISP Feb 23 05:27
oiaohm ISPs are at the risk of legally inforced filters. Feb 23 05:27
balzac well, politicians are a the risk of being smacked down Feb 23 05:27
oiaohm Not really. Feb 23 05:27
oiaohm They were smart. Feb 23 05:28
oiaohm Who wants to sit in jail without charge. Feb 23 05:28
oiaohm For a unlimited amount of time. Feb 23 05:28
balzac I’ll break copyright proactively and publicly Feb 23 05:28
oiaohm And get no media coverage. Feb 23 05:29
oiaohm It will be like you did nothing. Feb 23 05:29
balzac I’ll make a record of movies and albums I download, and then I’ll send the list to the RIAA myself Feb 23 05:29
oiaohm Illegal software trials here get 0 media coverage. Feb 23 05:29
balzac I don’t use proprietary software because it sucks Feb 23 05:30
oiaohm Or music or movies. Feb 23 05:30
balzac nor do I play proprietary games Feb 23 05:30
oiaohm Basically you would not exist to everyone else. Feb 23 05:30
balzac but I do like to download songs and occasionally movies Feb 23 05:30
balzac my taste in music can be pretty obscure Feb 23 05:30
oiaohm Funny enough here.  Downloading is not illegal. Feb 23 05:31
oiaohm Its uploading is. Feb 23 05:31
balzac I’m the kind of file-trader who is ignored because my tastes are eclectic Feb 23 05:31
balzac why don’t you upload something? Feb 23 05:31
balzac upload something as a protest Feb 23 05:31
balzac a small file Feb 23 05:32
oiaohm Ie law applys to passing illegal content on. Feb 23 05:32
oiaohm Not having it. Feb 23 05:32
balzac right, so pass some along Feb 23 05:32
oiaohm If caught risk next 15 years in jail. Feb 23 05:32
oiaohm Police want internet filters so they can catch a lot more. Feb 23 05:32
balzac remember when it was a big deal when DVD encryption was cracked and a code was pasted on Slashdot and Digg? Feb 23 05:33
oiaohm Bittorrent breaches our law. Feb 23 05:33
oiaohm Cracking DVD encryption is prefectly legal here. Feb 23 05:33
balzac well, Bush tried to repeal our constitution Feb 23 05:33
balzac John Howard was a scumbag Feb 23 05:33
oiaohm Since you are allows to recode any media you have legally aquired into any format you like. Feb 23 05:33
balzac you ought to make a name for yourself  by pissing in the face of your government Feb 23 05:33
oiaohm Just not allow to legally give it to another person. Feb 23 05:33
balzac piss in their faces and you will enjoy great fortune Feb 23 05:34
oiaohm Our laws are some of the most open. Feb 23 05:34
oiaohm Also why our goverment is annoyed by people not following them. Feb 23 05:34
balzac I don’t want an ISP which filters traffic Feb 23 05:35
balzac they’re supposed to be neutral, neither for nor against bit torrent or any other type of content Feb 23 05:35
balzac their jobs is to make data flow at specific rates, not to filter Feb 23 05:35
oiaohm Basically if law passes you will not have any other selection here. Feb 23 05:35
balzac if they think their job is also filtering, I will look for other data-services Feb 23 05:35
oiaohm Also filtering provides a way to speed up internet traffic. Feb 23 05:35
oiaohm Big problem with encrypted bit torrent is that it cannot be cached. Feb 23 05:36
balzac well, we’re not lacking in technology for network capacity Feb 23 05:36
oiaohm By ISP. Feb 23 05:36
oiaohm We are lacking technology for network capacity. Feb 23 05:36
balzac there’s so much dark fiber, yet to be brought online, because the media companies are clinging to the past Feb 23 05:36
oiaohm Traffic growth on internet is faster than means to transport that traffic. Feb 23 05:36
balzac that’s by design Feb 23 05:37
oiaohm Here almost most of the fiber links are fully in use. Feb 23 05:37
balzac you’re not lacking in technology, nor budget, you’re lacking in access because access is being blocked Feb 23 05:37
oiaohm Reason why there is a never ending battle to get more in the groud.. Feb 23 05:37
balzac so – destroy those entities which are blocking the deployment of more fiber and satellites Feb 23 05:37
oiaohm No balzac Feb 23 05:37
oiaohm Australia is a huge place with low population. Feb 23 05:38
oiaohm So distances are also huge. Feb 23 05:38
oiaohm Deploying fiber is not a simple job. Feb 23 05:38
balzac oiaohm: the costs of networking infrastructure are very low compared to other kinds of infrastructure Feb 23 05:39
balzac the whole world could have free cell phones very easily Feb 23 05:39
balzac eventually we will all have free international long-distance telephony Feb 23 05:39
oiaohm Same applies to large ocean Feb 23 05:39
oiaohm data cable lays. Feb 23 05:39
balzac but it could be done in a few years if the telcos weren’t slowing us down by subverting community networking projects and price-fixing Feb 23 05:40
oiaohm Annoying some paths we cannot lay fiber sharks in the area attack it. Feb 23 05:40
oiaohm Nop Feb 23 05:40
balzac yep Feb 23 05:40
oiaohm community networking here has not blockages in what they are allowed to do. Feb 23 05:40
oiaohm Distance defeats them. Feb 23 05:41
balzac oiaohm: so you need wireless Feb 23 05:41
oiaohm wireless does not have enough range to get between cities and towns here. Feb 23 05:41
balzac but your government won’t allot the funds, even though the cost of covering AU would be trivial Feb 23 05:41
oiaohm LOL Feb 23 05:42
oiaohm Distance. Feb 23 05:42
balzac LOL yourself, you could make free wireless out in the middle of the pacific at a trivial cost Feb 23 05:42
oiaohm Please look at a map of Australia Feb 23 05:42
oiaohm We do have free wireless networks. Feb 23 05:42
oiaohm Issue is they only work while the poplutation is in range of each other. Feb 23 05:43
balzac look man – the point is not that it isn’t feasible to cover the whole world with free voice and data services Feb 23 05:43
balzac that would not cost much Feb 23 05:43
balzac it woul be good Feb 23 05:43
balzac they have virtually halted the growth of network capacity in order to preserve the privilege of access Feb 23 05:44
balzac if access is not for the privileged, nobody would buy it Feb 23 05:44
oiaohm moblie phone network costs about 100 billion here in raw hardware. Feb 23 05:44
oiaohm Because most of it has to be solar powered. Feb 23 05:44
balzac so these networking companies are in the business of restricting access by lobbying your government Feb 23 05:44
oiaohm Distance so far in fact you must design everything to get power where it is. Feb 23 05:45
balzac oiaohm: so if you had a decent government, they wouldn’t allow once citizen to lack free wireless broadband Feb 23 05:45
oiaohm Goverment provides sat broadband. Feb 23 05:45
oiaohm Because for the simple fact its the only thing that can cover Australia at a effective cost. Feb 23 05:46
oiaohm Now problem how does a community network afford to put a sat up there. Feb 23 05:46
balzac that’s not for AU Feb 23 05:46
balzac that’s for a municipal-scale project Feb 23 05:46
oiaohm To cover  Australia it takes 2 sat. Feb 23 05:47
oiaohm We already have municipal scale Feb 23 05:47
oiaohm That does not cover half our poplutation. Feb 23 05:47
oiaohm Yes over half don’t live in towns or cities. Feb 23 05:47
balzac Australia can afford networking technology to cover its whole territory for less than 1% of GDP, I bet. Feb 23 05:47
balzac if your whole national infrastructure can be afforded for less than 1% of GDP, that means it isn’t done because it isn’t feasible, it isn’t done because people want to be your gate-keepers and keep you trapped like a bunch of sheep in a fence. Feb 23 05:49
oiaohm 1 person  per 2.833/km2 on adverage. Feb 23 05:49
balzac what’s your GDP? Feb 23 05:49
balzac I’ll tell u in a sec Feb 23 05:49
oiaohm $762.887 billion Feb 23 05:49
balzac ok, if you give me a 7 billion dollar budget Feb 23 05:51
balzac that’s less than 1% Feb 23 05:51
oiaohm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of…  Australia is one of the lead population per land area in the world. Feb 23 05:52
balzac and I’ll give you national broadband coverage over every inch of the outback and tasmania and any islands as well Feb 23 05:52
balzac and I’ll keep most of the money for myself Feb 23 05:52
oiaohm You would have to go sat Feb 23 05:52
balzac no prob Feb 23 05:52
oiaohm Simple fact land based Feb 23 05:52
oiaohm No way. Feb 23 05:53
oiaohm Then next problem.  Sat and weather here drops out. Feb 23 05:53
balzac 7 billion is my budget Feb 23 05:53
oiaohm In the lower half. Feb 23 05:53
oiaohm Taz would give you a big problem. Feb 23 05:53
balzac well, I’d put up some towers as well, and run some fiber across the continent Feb 23 05:53
balzac well, I’ve got 7B Feb 23 05:53
balzac no problem Feb 23 05:53
oiaohm Southren lights. Feb 23 05:53
balzac I’d use fiber there Feb 23 05:54
balzac point to point direction antennas Feb 23 05:54
oiaohm 7 B would go just putting fiber in taz Feb 23 05:54
balzac I’d have all kinds of innovative ideas Feb 23 05:54
oiaohm To be correct just to lay the link between mainland and taz Feb 23 05:54
balzac well, not if it were my 7B to spend Feb 23 05:54
oiaohm Bass straight Feb 23 05:54
balzac I’d use point-to-point directional antenna instead Feb 23 05:54
oiaohm Again not there. Feb 23 05:55
balzac high-power signal Feb 23 05:55
balzac I Feb 23 05:55
balzac I’d put them up Feb 23 05:55
oiaohm They have been put there. Feb 23 05:55
oiaohm And they have been lost. Feb 23 05:55
oiaohm Bass straight. Feb 23 05:55
balzac anyway, you’d have full national coverage for less than 1% of GDP Feb 23 05:55
oiaohm Nasty storm generating location. Feb 23 05:55
balzac lost? Feb 23 05:55
balzac ok, put up a bigger one Feb 23 05:55
oiaohm this is the problem Feb 23 05:56
balzac fool engineers didn’t measure wind-strength? Feb 23 05:56
oiaohm Australia huge. Feb 23 05:56
oiaohm They did but who allows on a boat being sent into the tower. Feb 23 05:56
balzac well, I said before the most important thing is to give every citizen access, not to cover empty zones where no people live Feb 23 05:56
balzac anyway, your country can afford it Feb 23 05:56
oiaohm Basically that section is fiber only. Feb 23 05:56
balzac the cost of networking equipment is trivial Feb 23 05:57
oiaohm We have other sections like that as well. Feb 23 05:57
oiaohm Large place many nasty problems. Feb 23 05:57
balzac yeah, well your gov is the problem Feb 23 05:57
balzac as is ours Feb 23 05:57
oiaohm Total worked out cost is half our our GDP to do it. Feb 23 05:57
oiaohm yes ouch. Feb 23 05:58
balzac I think you should have the kind of broadband they have in tokyo over every inch of the outback, and 100 miles out to sea from the coast Feb 23 05:58
balzac just in case you should go yachting Feb 23 05:58
balzac oiaohm: where did you get that figure Feb 23 05:59
balzac 06:04 < oiaohm> Total worked out cost is half our our GDP to do it. Feb 23 05:59
balzac that can’t be right Feb 23 05:59
balzac if you wanted to cover your whole continent in pleather, it might be half your GDP Feb 23 05:59
oiaohm That was when that were valuing the telstra network. Feb 23 05:59
oiaohm to replace it. Feb 23 05:59
balzac well, they happen to be lying sacks of shit Feb 23 05:59
balzac lying sacks of shit Feb 23 05:59
oiaohm There is a nasty little problem. Feb 23 06:00
balzac yeah, lobbyists Feb 23 06:00
oiaohm Some areas to put cable in the ground take about 200 kg of c4 a km. Feb 23 06:00
balzac so don’t put it in the ground, put it on a cable above ground Feb 23 06:00
oiaohm Very hard rock. Feb 23 06:00
balzac so what, why make this so difficult? Feb 23 06:01
oiaohm Fiber cable above ground in those areas get lighting struck. Feb 23 06:01
balzac insulation Feb 23 06:01
balzac this is for engineers to figure out Feb 23 06:01
oiaohm that is the problem. Feb 23 06:01
balzac it would obviously be less costly to have thick insulation rather than dynamite through rock Feb 23 06:01
oiaohm so far none of the current tech works cheaply. Feb 23 06:01
balzac no, it’s not a big deal Feb 23 06:02
oiaohm 1 metre into rock gives you insulation that will hold against a lighting strike. Feb 23 06:02
balzac not cheap enough for the cheap-bastards who run your government Feb 23 06:02
oiaohm Putting 1 meter of insultation around cable will give you the same thing. Feb 23 06:02
balzac which ever is cheaper Feb 23 06:03
oiaohm Really you don’t want to be trying to move cable with 1 meter think insulation. Feb 23 06:03
balzac no, put the cable down, build casing over it made from local materials Feb 23 06:03
oiaohm Or putting any other rock sub that thick on. Feb 23 06:03
oiaohm Blasting is still cheaper than doing that balzac Feb 23 06:03
balzac who says your insulation has to be a meter thick Feb 23 06:03
balzac we have lightning in the US to Feb 23 06:03
balzac it’s not another planet you live on Feb 23 06:04
oiaohm Its just some areas.  Nice plasma balls. Feb 23 06:04
oiaohm Ok goverment could always try to move people out of those areas. Feb 23 06:04
balzac yeah, well i’m just saying – give me the 7B and you’d have everything – so don’t take excuses of your government, their lobbyists from the networking companies seriously – they don’t take you seriously. Feb 23 06:05
oiaohm 7B would work on something the size of Taz Feb 23 06:05
oiaohm Its population is tightly confined. Feb 23 06:06
balzac how many people live in tasmania? Feb 23 06:06
balzac how many natives are left Feb 23 06:06
oiaohm 500,000 Feb 23 06:07
oiaohm No natives Tasmania had them all nuked. Feb 23 06:07
oiaohm Issue down there is more getting links out. Feb 23 06:08
balzac 500,000 is not many users Feb 23 06:08
oiaohm 68,401 km² in that land area Feb 23 06:09
oiaohm Low dencity is what makes it hard here. Feb 23 06:10
balzac Linking North America and France, the 3,148-mile cable is capable of handling 40,000 telephone calls simultaneously using 1.3-micrometer wavelength lasers and single-mode fiber. The total cost of $361 million Feb 23 06:10
balzac this was  1988      First transatlantic fiber-optic cable Feb 23 06:10
balzac http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=3706 Feb 23 06:11
oiaohm Australia Feb 23 06:11
balzac don’t tell me 7B for tasmania Feb 23 06:11
oiaohm Only country with sharks that like eating cables. Feb 23 06:11
balzac this was shark-proof cable Feb 23 06:11
oiaohm No it was not. Feb 23 06:11
balzac The shark-proof TAT-8 is dedicated by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, who praises “this maiden voyage across the sea on a beam of light.” Linking North America and France Feb 23 06:12
oiaohm Same type of cable was layed across our coral sea. Feb 23 06:12
oiaohm Lasted 3 months. Feb 23 06:12
balzac well, I’d put down a companion cable which gave a signal annoying to sharks Feb 23 06:12
balzac or put some chemical in the casing they couldn’t stand to bite Feb 23 06:13
oiaohm Its return to copper cable. Feb 23 06:13
balzac or just a little something which their teeth couldn’t penetrate Feb 23 06:13
oiaohm Sharks don’t mind that. Feb 23 06:13
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