Links 2/8/2013: Android Overtakes iOS for App Downloads, XKeyscore Explosed
LPI Announces Corporate Membership Program
(Sacramento, CA, USA: July 31, 2013) – The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world’s premier Linux certification organization, announced a Corporate Membership Program for partner organizations interested in promoting growth opportunities in Linux and Open Source Software. The program enables partner organizations to directly develop and recruit Linux and Open Source talent through targeted multi-media, product promotions and other educational resources provided to LPI alumni and other Open Source professionals. Organizations such as Cloudera (http://www.cloudera.com), Dice (http://www.dice.com), Medialinx IT-Academy (http://www.medialinx-academy.de), oDesk (http://www.oDesk.com), Open Source Software Institute (http://oss-institute.org), Rackspace (http://www.rackspace.com) and uCertify (http://www.ucertify.com) have recently joined this new initiative.
Has Linus Torvalds won the long battle with Microsoft?
Microsoft has two cash cows – Windows and Office suite. These two applications have made Microsoft the monopoly in the computing world with almost 80-90% people using these two applications on their desktop computers.
The Applications Barrier To Entry Has Been Breeched
Is Linux Operating System Virus Free?
Linux System is considered to be free from Viruses and Malware. What is the truth behind this notion and how far it is correct ? We will be discussing all these stuffs in this article.
Free Linux installation fest
Chennai: A team of 300-odd youngsters will soon be seen on the streets of Tamil Nadu with their laptops.
20 Years of Top500 Data Show Linux’s Role in Supercomputing Breakthroughs
oday the Linux Foundation released a short analysis paper on 20 years of data collected by the Top500.org supercomputer list. Released each June and November, the Top500 list has ranked the world’s fastest supercomputers since 1993.
The Linux community has delighted in watching Linux become the dominant OS running on Top500 machines over the past decade. And there has been no shortage of stories chronicling the rise of Linux in supercomputing. But we found the data tells another, less obvious story as well.
SUSE’s George Shi Explains Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 Role in Mission-Critical Computing
Guest blog: Top500 supercomputers and SUSE Linux Enterprise
IBM Intros PowerLinux 7R4 Server for Analytics and Cloud
IBM announced the addition of a new PowerLinux server for analytics and cloud computing workloads.
Uncomplicated server updates with the Spacewalk Linux management tool
When you have more than a few Linux servers in the data center, manual management is no longer an option. Check out Linux server management options such as Spacewalk to administer patch enrollment and updates.
Report: Linux is Driving Innovation and Affordability in Supercomputing
When most of us think about supercomputers, we think about closet-sized machines loaded with exotic and expensive technologies developed at great expense. However, if you actually look at the state of supercomputing, off-the-shelf components and open source platforms are playing an important role. In fact, The Linux Foundation has released an analysis paper on 20 years of data collected by the Top500.org supercomputer list. The Top500 list has ranked the world’s fastest supercomputers since 1993. The paper shows that Linux has become the dominant OS running on Top500 machines over the past decade.
IBM Watson & open source, served in a Linux Box
IBM’s latest PowerLinux server arrives this week along with new software and middleware for big data, analytics and Java applications in open cloud environments.
IBM Intros PowerLinux 7R4 Server for Analytics and Cloud
Big Blue bolstered its Linux on Power initiative with the new high-performance PowerLinux server as well as new software and middleware for embracing big data, analytics and next-generation Java applications in an open cloud environment.
Did Linux drive supers, and can it drive corporate data centers?
Like many new technologies, the Linux operating system got its big break in high performance computing. There is a symbiotic relationship between Linux and HPC that seems natural and normal today, and the Linux Foundation, which is the steward of the Linux kernel and other important open source projects – and, importantly, the place where Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, gets his paycheck – thinks that Linux was more than a phenomenon on HPC iron. The organization goes so far as to say that Linux helped spawn the massive expansion in supercomputing capacity we have seen in the past two decades.
Podcast Season 5 Episode 13
OSCON 2013
Simon Phipps interviews five key people at OSCON 2013.
Kernel Space
Kernel prepatch 3.11-rc3
Stable kernel updates
Vanilla sources stabilization policy change
Team members working alongside upstream (and downstream) developer Greg k-h have decided to no longer request stabilization of the vanilla sources kernel. Team members and arch teams (understandably) are unable to keep up with the 1-2 weekly kernel releases (per version), and therefore will now direct users to always run the latest vanilla sources, or to run gentoo-sources for a fully Gentoo supported kernel. We will continue to do our best effort to request and get stabilized g-s versions.
Reiser4 File-System Shows Decent Performance On Linux 3.10
Graphics Stack
NVIDIA Releases Its SHIELD Portable Gaming Device
After a delay, NVIDIA released today its SHIELD portable gaming console that’s powered by Android.
Nouveau Is Back To Needing NVIDIA GPU Dumps
The Nouveau driver project is back to needing reverse-engineering data dumps on select NVIDIA graphics processors, which will help in some new re-clocking work. If you’re just a Linux desktop user but wanting to help out this reverse-engineered NVIDIA driver project, providing MMIOtrace dumps is a great way to contribute.
Experimental PRIME Support For Wayland
There isn’t any major new patch-set to share today regarding PRIME support for Wayland, but a new video has been posted to YouTube that illustrates the experimental PRIME support on Wayland.
SunFlower Twin-Panel File Manager for Ubuntu 13.04/12.10/12.04/Linux Mint/other Ubuntu Derivatives
5 free Linux text editors for programming and word processing
Docker: A ‘Shipping Container’ for Linux Code
Not so very long ago, shipping goods over long distances was a very different matter than it is today. Numerous types of products were often jumbled together in a single vessel, sometimes with untoward consequences. Stack the bricks next to the bananas, for example, and you may have a mess on your hands when the shipment arrives.
Going on…
Minitube – A better way to watch youtube videos
One of the software, I have been very fond of recently is minitube. It is a software that lets you watch youtube videos.
What makes minitube different from say a browser, is its ability to subscribe to channels without having to login. Also, it fetches metadata of new videos from your subscriptions, that you haven’t yet watched.
Linux Google Drive Client Insync Comes Out Of Beta
The third party Google Drive syncing app, Insync has finally lost it’s beta tag for the Linux version of it’s client and it brings with it some brilliant features which the native Google Drive application simply doesn’t emulate.
Talygen Adds Desktop Screenshot Feature for Linux Users
Talygen, the world leader in Business Management Automation, has added a Desktop Screenshot feature to its advanced Linux Desktop Tool to give Companies and their Clients even more options to audit and review the work being performed by Employees
How to install VirtualBox Guest Additions for Linux
Introducing the new Blender Guru Podcast!
How to generate documentation from source code in Linux
How to create a self-extracting archive or installer in Linux
How to install a printer in Ubuntu
Upgrade from Fedora 18 to Fedora 19 with FedUp
mpg123 and ogg123: Two workhorses
How to Format USB Drive in the Terminal
How to install Tiny Core Linux on USB drive
Send Encrypted Messages with Bitmessage
How to Format USB Drive in the Terminal
Linux Academy Offers Certification Study Courses
Wine or Emulation
Run OS X apps in Linux with Darling
Today in Open Source: Run OS X applications in Linux? Plus: Leadwerks Linux game development, and a free iOS 7-like control center app for Android
Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live Stream
Further to my previous post showing off the Planet Editor for Planetary Annihilation under Linux I have now recorded a video showing off creating a planet and then playing a quick game against the AI on it, also the developers have just done a new live stream talking about new stuff heading in! I even got a mention in the live stream, cool!
Build & Defend New Update Out And Price Rise Soon
You wake up in a desolated and dangerous world, where almost everything is a deadly trap. Will you be fast and clever enough to survive? This game mixes several classical gameplay-styles such as Tower Defense, Multi-player cooperation, Destructible world and Economics.
Wings Of Saint Nazaire A Retro Space Game Done Right
Do You Remember Classic Games Like Desert Strike, Tiger Heli, Air Rescue Etc?
Desktop Environments/WMs
LXLE Paradigm goes beta.
I was involved in an email/post conversation about the discussion of an XP like session for Lubuntu, which I didn’t understand because the Lubuntu default interface is already so much like XP.
I understood the need for perhaps a Mac like session or another OS because familiarity is important. I didn’t agree with both a Lubuntu session and an XP session considering the similarities.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Announcing Season of KDE 2013
Season of KDE is a community outreach program, much like Google Summer of Code that has been hosted by the KDE community for five years straight.
AudioCD. Week 6.
Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth
Google Earth is a great mapping tool, hugely detailed and packed with features. Like Street View, for instance, which helps you navigate millions of miles of road all around the world, and would probably justify installing the program all on its own.
If you don’t like the program, though — or, maybe, you just don’t like Google — then there are some excellent alternatives available. The open source and cross-platform Marble, for instance, can’t compete with the photos and the imagery of Google Earth, but is still extremely powerful and has a great deal to offer.
KDE – the Prism Breaker
You Can Now Try KDE Frameworks 5 On Kubuntu
Through the new Project Neon initiative, daily builds of the next-generation KDE stack — KDE Frameworks 5 — can be easily installed via Debian packages for Kubuntu.
Project Neon is a Kubuntu community project powered on Ubuntu’s Launchpad to provide daily packages of the latest KDE Frameworks 5 state.
No more “unknown” icons
In recent versions of Dolphin, the view sometimes looked like this just after entering a directory.
Some of the files and sub-directories have “unknown” icons, which are replaced by the correct icons later.
This will not happen any more in Dolphin 4.11.
The state of accessing Android devices under KDE or: What’s up with kio-mtp?
KDE 4.11 releases are around the corner. Let’s cellebrate!
At KDE España we have started the ball rolling to cellebrate the release for 4.11 by starting the organization of the Barcelona event. Right now it feels pretty lonely at http://community.kde.org/Promo/Events/Release_Parties/4.11.
Linux Foundation Joins the GNOME Advisory Board
Karen was speaking at the opening of GNOME’s annual European conference (GUADEC), she said, “We are excited to have the Linux Foundation join our Advisory Board, and look forward to working closely with them. Their membership in the Advisory Board is a recognition of the value that the GNOME Project brings to the GNU/Linux ecosystem, which is something that we hope to enhance even further in the future.”
Linux Foundation Joins the GNOME Advisory Board
Opening GUADEC 2013 today, Karen Sandler, GNOME Executive Director, announced that the Linux Foundation has become the latest member of GNOME’s Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is a body of stakeholder organizations and companies who support the GNOME Project by providing funding and expert consultation. It includes IBM, Google, Intel and the Free Software Foundation, among others.
GUADEC 2013 Starts Tomorrow
Members of the GNOME project are gathering in Brno, Czech Republic, for their annual European conference (GUADEC). The event starts on Thursday 1 August. There will be four core days of presentations, including talks on Linux gaming, Wayland, design, GTK+, documentation, LibreOffice, application sandboxing, and much much more. The full schedule can be found on the GUADEC website.
Joshua Lock is the new maintainer of Brasero
My short term goal is to make a 3.8.x and 3.10.x releases with some fixes I’ve made.
GNOME Boxes 3.9.5 Is Now Available for Testing
The development team behind the GNOME Boxes project announced a few days ago the fifth unstable release of the upcoming GNOME Boxes 3.10 application, a GNOME utility that allows users to manage remote or virtual systems.
Solydx – I want a non-Ubuntu, Debian based distro with the XFCE desktop
When it comes to the choice of reviewing a distro running XFCE or one running KDE there is no contest. I much prefer to use XFCE over KDE. I have never been a KDE fan.
New Releases
OS/4 OpenLinux 13.6 released and new hardware initiative
Today we are releasing OS/4 OpenLinux 13.6 and unveiling our new hardware initiative. This release comes with a lot of bug fixes and application updates. We also have brought new functionality and services.
Parted Magic 2013_08_01
Arch 2013.08.01
Arch Linux 2013.08.01 Is Now Available for Download
Today, August 1, 2013, the Arch Linux 2013.08.01 has been made available for download on mirrors worldwide (see download link at the end of the article).
As usual, at the beginning of every month, the Arch Linux developers cook an updated ISO image of the popular Arch Linux operating system, which contains a new kernel and updated packages ready for those who want to install Arch Linux on new machines.
Superb Mini Server 2.0.5 Released
SMS 2.0.5 adds the Fluxbox window manager, upgrades the kernel, and brings many more improvements to the tiny server distro
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
New ServicePlace expands the Mandriva ecosystem, provides a more compelling experience
This new Mandriva ServicePlace sports a brand new interface that enables a more compelling experience for customers. Its combination of tiled design and new colours will provide customers with clearer choices and enhance their overall experience of the ServicePlace.
OpenMandriva Beta Postponed, YaST Gone Ruby
Since last week’s server issues over at the OpenMandriva camp, the beta has been delayed a bit as well as overshadowing what would have been an anniversary announcement. In the meantime, over at the openSUSE project, YaST Developer Lukas Ocilka blogged today that the migration of YaST to Ruby is complete with the last modules being automatically converted.
Red Hat Family
What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst?
Is Red Hat Destined for Greatness?
All these Silicon Valley marketing buzzwords can make the non-techie investor’s eyes cross, but Red Hat certainly seems set for robust growth in the future — at least if the consistent growth in net income during the last few quarters can continue. However, Red Hat has no time to rest on its laurels. Cloud computing, despite being one of the hot tech trends of the young decade, has yet to displace the server infrastructure most large companies still depend on for both Web traffic and intranet purposes.
RedHat On Open Source Adoption
It’s all good. Individuals, governments, businesses, organizations large and small can all benefit from using FLOSS because the licence under which the software is distributed includes permission to run, examine, modify and distribute the code, essentially empowering the users rather than taxing them. I recommend Debian GNU/Linux, the universal operating system because folks can get most of what they need from a single place and yet not be locked in to a single supplier. Debian takes FLOSS from thousands of sources and distributes it in a tidy, easy to use package. RedHat is good, too, but it does cost more to use.
Openfiler is moving to CentOS
Openfiler, a Linux distribution designed for building Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems, is being ported to CentOS, a distribution which itself is derived from Red Hat Linux. That means when the port is completed, Openfiler will be using the yum package management system.
The current version of Openfiler uses the Conary package management system, a system developed by rPath, Inc., a technology outfit based in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Debian Family
Martin Michlmayr gets the O’Reilly Open Source Award
Longtime Debian Developer Martin Michlmayr was named as one of 6 winners of the 2013 O’Reilly Open Source Awards. This Award recognize individual contributors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of Open Source Software.
Is the Ubuntu Edge phone doomed?
Today in Open Source: Ubuntu Edge fundraising stalled? Plus: Gnash flash player stuck, and the state of the Linux desktop
Canonical reveals details of Ubuntu Forums hack
Will an Ubuntu Superphone Give Enterprises the Edge?
Canonical’s bold effort to crowdsource $32 million to fund its Ubuntu Edge ‘superphone’ has generated a wave of excitement since its launch seven days ago. The company’s marketing team has been pulling out all the stops to try and reach its lofty target, offering a number of discounted ‘perks’ to try and tempt backers, while Mark Shuttleworth presided over lively discussion on Reddit to espouse the phone’s benefits. Ubuntu fanantics seem to have heeded the call, pledging exactly $7,297,624 at the time of writing to give Canonical a realistic chance of hitting its campaign target, but while this is encouraging it’s yet to entice a single backer from one of its key audiences – the enterprise.
The Ubuntu Edge campaign is in trouble, and here’s why
Why Mark Shuttleworth Is Important to Desktop Linux
If you want to see desktop Linux finally get some traction with the unwashed public, Mark Shuttleworth is more likely to be the guy who’ll make that happen than anyone who’s come along so far. He’s a capitalist and for better or worse this is a capitalist world. He knows that nothing big is going to get done on this market oriented planet without the art of the deal and some hustle. He also understands something about fit and finish, which was always lacking in desktop Linux until he came along.
For too long, we’ve been sitting around wringing our hands, sometimes proclaiming this to finally be the year of the Linux desktop without doing anything to make it happen and sometimes bemoaning the fact that the world still hasn’t discovered Linux as the secret to computing happiness. The thing is, the world never knows anything about secrets until they’re not secret anymore. We’ve been wanting Linux to just “catch on,” while we’ve been blaming the OEMs for not automatically pushing our home grown geek-centric distros with the same elan they put behind their bread and butter Windows.
Why Ubuntu Edge deserves your support
At $32 million, Canonical’s audacious, ambitious crowdfunding project for the new Ubuntu phone is worth sponsoring
Canonical bares breach details as Apple continues security silence
With two operating system developers experiencing attacks on the same weekend, one has opened up, shared exactly what it knows, and returned its services to life, while the other has stayed silent.
Ubuntu Edge: the best smartphone you’ll never own
With $32mn Crowd-Funding Goal, Ubuntu Edge Wants to be the Formula 1 of Smartphones
Ubuntu Phone Seeks To Be Crowd-Funded — for $32 Million
ne of the most interesting aspects of the Ubuntu Edge is that it will run both Linux and Android, instead of solely running Linux like you would expect it to. To start, people running the phone in Android mode will access Ubuntu through the Ubuntu for Android app; further down the line, Canonical will push out a native desktop version of Ubuntu for the Edge.
Ubuntu Edge Phone: A Crazy, Cool Idea That’s Probably Ahead of Its Time
Ubuntu Edge: Crowdfunding a Super-Smartphone
Alexey Miller, the chief executive officer of Russian natural gas exporter Gazprom, seemed to be having a megalomaniacal moment. On July 16 he took to the company’s website and demanded a tablet computer that could mimic all of the functions of a PC. While Miller elicited some ribbing on Twitter because he offered to pay $3.7 million for such a device, that’s nothing compared with Mark Shuttleworth’s pitch.
Flavours and Variants
Kubuntu opens up for donations
KDE-based Ubuntu flavor Kubuntu is now open for outside donations. The distribution was earlier funded by Canonical, but then as the company shifted focus towards mobile platform. Jonathan Riddell, the lead Kubuntu developer, who was hired by Canonical to develop Kubuntu was reassigned to other projects. Riddell quit Canonical and joined Blue Systems, which funds other GNU/Linux based systems such as Linux Mint, to continue his work on Kubuntu.
HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC
Rikomagic UK announced two new versions of its MK802 HDMI stick computers pre-installed with Linux instead of Android, starting at 65 UK Pounds (about $100). The Cloudsto MK802III LE and MK802IV LE mini-PCs run on dual- and quad-core Rockchip processors and run a lightweight Ubuntu derivative called Picuntu.
COM Express module runs Linux on quad-core Haswell
MSC launched a COM Express Type 6 module based on 4th Generation “Haswell” Intel Core processors. The MSC C6B-8S runs the 2.4GHz, quad-core Core i7-4700EQ processor, accepts up to 16GB SODIMM SDRAM, offers interfaces including SATA, USB 2.0 and 3.0, and three DisplayPort/HDMI/DVI ports with triple-display support, expands with PCI Express, and has a ready-to-go Linux BSP.
$350 Linux-controlled Lego robot ships Sept. 1
Lego Group announced that its $350 hackable Lego Mindstorms EV3 robot will ship Sept. 1. Lego also unveiled a dozen new downloadable fan-built designs for the educational and hobbyist robot, which runs Linux on an ARM9 processor, and supports Bluetooth remote access via Android and iOS devices.
Web service spins custom Linux-friendly SBCs
Gumstix unveiled a major expansion of its Geppetto drag-and-drop custom embedded board design platform. In addition to supporting the design of custom baseboards for Gumstix’s Overo computer-on-modules, the browser-based service now lets customers create custom Linux-compatible SBCs based on the TI Sitara AM3354 SoC and receive assembled boards within three weeks.
Raspberry Pi camera adds Sprite logo to its photos
Robofun Create has constructed a camera based on the latest Raspberry Pi SBC — but it’s no ordinary digital camera. The “Sprite Raspberry Pi Camera” was created in response to a Sprite marketing campaign challenging hackers to build a camera that automatically inserts the Sprite logo watermark on every photo it takes.
Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black
Trying to choose between the Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black? This article will help you decide which one is best for the job.
Samsung claims innocence in face of benchmark-rigging allegations
Samsung has responded to allegations made by AnandTech, claiming that it is innocent of any wrongdoing. Yesterday, the site reported that Samsung engineered the Galaxy S4′s benchmarking performance by allowing the GPU to run a higher clock speed than normal (533MHz vs. 480MHz), giving an 11 percent boost that users would not be able to attain under normal conditions. Samsung’s response? “[We] did not use a specific tool on purpose to achieve higher benchmark scores.”
SD Times Blog: Samsung buying off StackOverflow users for publicity
Samsung is seemingly so desperate to promote the 2013 Samsung Smart App Challenge, they were willing to risk the harsh backlash now raging against them from the developer community. A digital marketing company reportedly hired to promote SSAC has been offering US$500 to users of Q&A programming site StackOverflow to get the word out.
According to Delyan Kratunov, an Android developer, he was approached through his personal blog by John Yoon, chief commercial officer at digital marketing company Fllu, about a “small partnership” to promote the 2013 Smart App Challenge. Kratunov turned them down, and posted the entire exchange for all to see.
13 apps that will make you wish you had an Android smartphone
Motorola’s comeback: MotoX will come to all US carriers
Google owned Motorola is marking its comeback as a leading smartphone player with the launch of Moto X. The good news is it won’t be locked to any one player and will be available to all major carriers including Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile. The phone will be sold for $199 (16GB) for 2 years contract. A 32GB model will also be available for $249.
Android overtakes iOS for app downloads, but Apple’s platform still more lucrative for developers
App Annie stats show Google Play is becoming a significant market for paid apps and in-app purchases though
Android’s Crazy-Quilt Syndrome
Android’s fragmentation is a bane and a boon. Developers have a dizzying number of devices to test if they want to make their apps available to a large swath of the market. For consumers, though, fragmentation means choice — there’s pretty much an Android for everyone. “The availability of Android in open source … has been a key ingredient in its market dominance,” said IDC’s Al Hilwa.
A New Android Owner’s Guide to Gaming
Whether you’re an iOS veteran testing the Android waters with a Nexus 7 tablet or a non-techie that just ended up with a Samsung smartphone because that’s what the Verizon store recommended, you’ve now joined the ranks of hundreds of millions of other Android users.
Android captures record 80 percent of smartphone market in second quarter
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Google’s Android mobile operating system is sitting pretty on eight out of 10 smartphones worldwide, according to statistics from Strategy Analytics.
Android captures record 80 percent of smartphone market in second quarter
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Google’s Android mobile operating system is sitting pretty on eight out of 10 smartphones worldwide, according to statistics from Strategy Analytics.
The market research firm has released its second quarter global smartphone figures, which reveal that Android held a 79.5 percent share of the smartphone market during April through June, up from 69.5 percent in the same quarter last year.
Google exec suggests hardware partners need to improve lackluster Android tablets
Google’s release of the new Nexus 7 again highlights an area of concern for the overall Android ecosystem: That tablet’s hardware seems to be well ahead of many of its competitors.
Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of global shipments
It wasn’t long ago that the iPad was unquestionably the leader in the tablet market — if not the entire market itself.
But the Android ecosystem has proven that it could catch up, thanks especially to entries that have debuted in the last two years — namely Amazon’s Kindle Fire brand and Google’s own Nexus 7 series built with mobile OEM partners.
Cheaper than most, better than all: the 2013 Nexus 7 reviewed
Great screen, fast internals make this refreshed tablet a great deal at any price.
You may now buy the SlateBook x2 for “just” $479
The SlateBook x2 is powered by NVIDIA’s Tegra 4 processor, the same processor that powers many smartphones and tablet computers. Like so many of those smartphones and tablets, it is also powered by the Android operating system.
Free Software/Open Source
Boffin Provides Its First Ever Open Source Organizer Software Listing This Month
Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company
You don’t have to contribute your code to the world to gain advantages from open source methods. An expert offers suggestions on how to use open source practices to run internal code bases effectively.
The power of the open source way, an intern’s story
Before I came to Red Hat as a Social Media Marketing intern, I didn’t know a thing about open source. During the application process, I did some research into what Red Hat does and what this company is all about. I found all sorts of information about Linux, software, technology, and more.
6 Things to Know About Successful (and Failed) Open-Source Software
In the community of media and journalism innovators, it is commonly accepted that releasing software with an open-source license is the best way to maximize the chance that others will use your code. Yet, by any measure, the vast majority of open-source software goes nowhere.
Why it is worth to build open source software.
The End of a Year of Open Source
One year ago, without any discernable tech skills or any practical experience within the fields of open hardware, free software or free culture, I embarked on a project to try to live as ‘open source’ as possible for a whole year. Rather than buying proprietary solutions to my day-to-day problems, I chose to hunt down, adapt or develop open source options. I did this to document the experience in writing and videos, to test out how well the open source idea could apply to areas outside of software, and to show the experience of a newbie taking his first tentative steps into the collaborative world of the commons.
Open Source Matters: 6 Source Code Search Engines You Can Use For Programming Projects
The Open source movement is playing a remarkable role in pushing technology and making it available to all. The success of Linux is also an example how open source can translate into a successful business model. Open source is pretty much mainstream now and in the coming years, it could have a major footprint across cutting edge educational technology and aerospace (think DIY drones).
Web Browsers
What if we replace GTK/Qt with WebKit?
Few months ago I had made two posts “Making Fancy GNOME Apps with NodeJS, MongoDB and WebKit!” and “Run GNOME + HTML5 Applications over Network” that were using GtkWebkit on the top of a NodeJS instance. Furthermore I was illustrating how we can create Apps that can be Client/Server at the same time, and connected between them with WebSockets.
Mozilla Grows Peach Fuzz with Blackberry; Debuts Security Minion
Security for Mozilla and Blackberry is set to get boost thanks to a little Peach Fuzzing.
Peach is an open source Fuzzer project that is now set to benefit from the joint efforts of Mozilla and Blackberry. Fuzzing is a well known security technique in which fault code is injected into a program to see what happens.
“At CanSecWest, one of the many conferences BlackBerry sponsors, we had an opportunity for our researchers and Mozilla researchers to meet and discuss security automation tools,” Adrian Stone, Director of Response for BlackBerry, told Datamation. “During that discussion, we determined both companies are working on similar security research projects, and we identified an opportunity to protect our mutual customers and help bolster industry security overall.”
Mozilla, BlackBerry Team Up on Peach Fuzzing
Fuzzing, or fault injection, can be used on any type of program input, and it can be extended to the contents of databases or shared memory. It can indicate which parts of a program require special attention such as a code audit or rewrite. Security experts also use fuzz testing to find bugs such as assertion failures — and when coupled with a memory debugger, to locate memory leaks.
EMAIL: The Guy Who Turned Off Cookies In Firefox Just Quit The ‘Do Not Track’ Negotiations
Mayer has been a vocal part of the privacy movement. Although top adtech lobbyist Randall Rothenberg described the Stanford grad student as “just a volunteer who hangs around the offices” at Mozilla, Mayer is the guy who turned off third-party cookies (which track online activity to better target ads) in new versions of Firefox.
He is vocal about not caring if limiting tracking hurts the online ad business — especially on his Twitter account — and has been a part of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Tracking Protection Working Group.
SaaS/Big Data
Breaking bad: Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux website takes a break
It might be dubbed “unbreakable”, but Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux website is certainly stoppable.
Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border
Since LibreOffice 3.3 there are more then 500 new features and improvements listed on the pages that are published with the new releases.
Google Drive in LibreOffice
LibreOffice can now connect and browser Google Drive files (but not yet released nor merged
). Although creation a session the first time takes around 3-4 seconds since we have to pass a number of steps of OAuth2 . Still, it doesn’t redirect you to a web browser like other applications. In case of Google Drive file formats, LO converts it automatically to ODF or other compatible formats before opening. Then when you save, it automatically converts back to Google formats. Handy, is n’t it? But there is currently a bug in CMIS file picker which prevents us from opening a file without an extension. We are working to fix it soon. You can also create file and folder directly in the file picker dialog.
A guide to teaching FOSS: teachers as learners
Knowing everything about any open source project is impossible. If you’re going to deal with a large community, you’re not going to know all the details. This is unlike reaching courses where everything is black-and-white, and there are plenty of reference texts. If you’re going to teach open source, you’re going to have to change the way you teach. Rather than a lecturer, you’re a mentor.
HackRF Exceeds Kickstarter Goal Within Hours
Earlier today, Michael Ossmann, founder of Great Scott Gadgets and creator of the Ubertooth One Bluetooth development platform, unleashed his latest project on Kickstarter to staggering success: in just a few hours, the campaign exceeded its $80,000 goal with no signs of slowing down. Michael’s success is yet another in a long line of extremely popular open hardware campaigns on Kickstarter, and once again proves how the community is willing to support open products.
FreeBSD Can Compete With Ubuntu Linux, Windows 8
Yesterday I published results that show NVIDIA’s Linux driver is very competitive with Microsoft Windows 8 when it comes to OpenGL gaming performance. It turns out that the NVIDIA BSD driver, which is still mostly shared common code with Linux and Solaris and Windows, pairs very well with FreeBSD’s Linux binary compatibility layer. The NVIDIA BSD performance is very good for OpenGL as shown in this article with a comparison of Windows 8 vs. Ubuntu 13.10 vs. FreeBSD 9.1. In fact, for some OpenGL workloads the Linux games are running faster on FreeBSD/PC-BSD 9.1 than Ubuntu!
PC-BSD rolling-release updated and 9.2-BETA1 Released
Miscellaneous FreeBSD links and news
Austin Startup Lawful.ly Offers Open Source Legal Insight
Historically speaking, law is a tangled mess of arcane language wrapped around a maze of pitfalls and risk, and lawyers were the only ones who could safely wield it. But a new Austin startup wants to change that. Lawful.ly, founded by Chris Murphy and Bradley Clark, a couple of entrepreneurs who are both attorneys and IT guys, is a law crowdsource website. Users can get free legal documents as they can on other sites, but instead of just blank forms, the documents will be explained by commentary about what they mean and how to use them from lawyers and other experts.
Adult science fair showcases open-source technology
It’s designed to look like a high school science fair, but the second annual New York Times Open Source Science Fair is actually for adults. The event displays some of the most innovative ideas being built on open source software, which is software that is free for anyone to use and manipulate.
Canadian open source two-seat airplane may cost only $15,000
The idea of building your own airplane from scratch may seem like a crazy idea, but a handful of engineers (and a legion of volunteers) believe anyone with some consumer manufacturing tools, DIY skills and a taste for adventure should have the opportunity to it a go.
Open Access/Content
MIT not to blame for Aaron Swartz prosecution, MIT report says
Six months after MIT vowed to conduct a ” thorough analysis” of any role it might have played in the prosecution that preceded Aaron Swartz’s suicide, the college has released a report absolving itself of any wrongdoing.
Although MIT called in a Cambridge police detective to help investigate the massive downloading of academic journal articles from the JSTOR database to a laptop on MIT’s network, the school never “call[ed] in the feds” or requested criminal prosecution of Swartz, the report said.
Aaron Swartz supporters label MIT report a ‘whitewash’
The case of “U.S. vs. Swartz,” dating back two years, was doggedly pursued by federal prosecutors who sought jail time against the 26-year-old computer innovator Aaron Swartz [1] for his alleged theft of a massive amount of scholarly articles from the JSTOR database service available through the MIT campus network at the time. Swartz committed suicide in January shortly before his trial was set to begin this year, and his death was a shock that prompted widespread media coverage.
Open Hardware
$199 open Intel Atom SBC ships, runs Angstrom
The Intel-backed MinnowBoard.org project has shipped its first open source SBC for $199. The MinnowBoard runs a Yocto-compatible Angstrom Linux build on a 1GHz Intel Atom E640 with 1GB of DDR2 RAM, and provides SATA, gigabit Ethernet, USB, HDMI, and PCI Express interfaces, as well as stackable expansion boards called Lures.
Book Review: “Think Like a Programmer” by V. Anton Spraul
Pick the best code control system for you – or you’ll be crying into your source
Software configuration management (SCM) isn’t just about IT, but in the space I have, I want to very briefly look at some issues in selecting the right version control system (VCS), a component of SCM, for you.
To start with, people often overlook the fact that IT is a fashion industry – but fashion isn’t a very good driver for choosing tools that may be critical to your business.
August 2013 Issue of Linux Journal: Programming
Intel Threading Building Blocks Scalable Allocator & Valgrind
GSoC Status Update – Week 6
LLVM Clang 64-bit ARM (AArch64) Now Supports NEON
Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale
Metaphorically speaking, the size of the workforce about to occupy Twitter’s first-ever Silicon Valley outpost in Sunnyvale is quite a few characters shy of a full tweet.
The 8,000-square-foot office, which was first reported in May, can accommodate 40 or 50 employees, a drop in the bucket for a company that employed more than 900 as of 2012. Now some of those staffers may soon be on the premises.
…must be “proficient with one or more: gdb, perf, oprofile, wireshark” and other developer tools for Linux, a computer operating system.
Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box
Tomorrow at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, the Pwnie Express will officially unleash Pwn Plug R2, the next generation in its arsenal of penetration testing and hacking hardware. Ars got an exclusive rundown in advance on the device from Dave Porcello, founder and CEO of Pwnie Express.
Got an account on a site like Github? Hackers may know your e-mail address
Researcher de-anonymizes forum members who post extremist views.
FBI launches cyberattack reporting portal for industry
An FBI program launched this week will provide companies a secure and standard way to report cybersecurity attacks in real time, an agency official said Tuesday.
The origins of DefCon
This week we have the DefCon 20 and Black Hat computer security conferences in Las Vegas — reasons enough for me to do 2-3 columns about computer security. These columns will be heading in a direction I don’t think you expect, but first please indulge my look back at the origin of these two conferences, which were started by the same guy, Jeff Moss, known 20 years ago as The Dark Tangent. Computer criminals and vigilantes today topple companies and governments, but 20 years ago it was just kids, or seemed to be. I should know, because I was there — the only reporter to attend Def Con 1.
HackMiami to Unveil Live Linux Cryptocurrency Mining Distribution During Defcon Skytalks at Las Vegas Hacking Conference
U.S. is destabilizing Egypt with military funding
On the one hand, General Abdel-Fattah al Sisi’s call for the Egyptian people to support a campaign of violence against “terrorists” can only be seen as a dangerous and shameful attempt to legitimate the slaughter of scores of supporters of the former Morsi government. The implementation of an interim constitution, the appointment of former Mubarak officials to high office, the reinstitution of Mubarak’s abusive State Security Investigations Service and overall, the institution of military rule including media censorship, political arrests, and the imprisonment of Morsi himself are deeply troubling.
This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide
Washington’s role is a story not worth telling
US Embassy, DEA Obstructing Investigation into Drug War Killings in Honduras
More than a year has passed since a DEA-assisted drug war operation in the Honduran Moskitia killed four indigenous Miskitu civilians, and relatives of the victims are still looking for answers.
Responses have been few and far between. Honduran judicial authorities highlight a lack of cooperation from the US Embassy in Tegucigalpa, impeding their investigation. A leaked State Department memo suggests high-level interference in the United States’ own investigation. And a local police official in the remote Moskitia region in northeastern Honduras told Truthout that destruction of evidence by the DEA is a regular occurrence in the area.
Transparency Reporting
NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video
Covering the verdict announcement on last night’s NBC Nightly News (7/30/13), anchor Brian Williams said that Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski had “covered this story from the start.”
But you’d have a hard time believing that when you heard the way he described the Collateral Murder video, one of the most talked-about aspects of Manning’s trial. It is the gunsight footage from a July 12, 2007, U.S. helicopter attack in Baghdad that killed two Reuters journalists, along with an unknown number of other Iraqis (FAIR Media Advisory, 4/7/10).
The Government Can’t Prove Bradley Manning Hurt Anyone–but Joe Klein Knows
The sentencing phase of the Bradley Manning trial currently underway is where the government is attempting to show the real world harm done by Manning and WikiLeaks. They’re not having much luck–but perhaps they should call in Time columnist Joe Klein.
Google’s Own Scientists Ask Google To Stop Funding Climate Deniers
Google’s climate scientists are not happy with the company’s political support for climate science denying Senator James Inhofe (R-OK).
Gag order imposed on two kids in Marcellus fracking case
Two young children are forbidden from speaking about Marcellus Shale or fracking for the rest of their lives. The court action stems from a settlement in a high-profile Marcellus Shale lawsuit in western Pennsylvania.
The two children were 7 and 10 years old at the time the Hallowich family settled a nuisance case against driller Range Resources in August 2011. The parents, Chris and Stephanie, had been outspoken critics of fracking, saying the family became sick from the gas drilling activity surrounding their Washington County home.
Florida declares two butterfly species extinct as pollinator crisis worsens
Conservationist’s faced a crushing blow last month as two butterfly species native to Florida were declared extinct.
4 Out of 5 Americans Struggling With Joblessness or Poverty
The American economy is increasingly delivering security and prosperity to only a tiny fraction of the population.
How Bank of England ‘helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs’
Official account of what many believe was British central bank’s most shameful episode revealed more than 70 years after event
Anti-imperialist Summit Calls to Stop Blockade Against Cuba
Anti-imperialista Summit taking place in this city will include in its final declaration a claim to end the U.S. blockade against Cuba, and the release of the antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in that country, according to a press release.
Ex-Goldman Sachs trader Fabrice Tourre liable in $1bn fraud
A New York jury has found former Goldman Sachs trader Fabrice Tourre liable for fraud in a complex mortgage deal that cost investors $1bn (£661m).
The Minimum Wage Doesn’t Apply to Everyone
This week marked the four-year anniversary of the last time Congress increased the minimum wage — from $5.15 in 2007 to $7.25 in 2009. Groups demonstrated across the country, demanding increases at both the state and federal level. President Obama pledged that he would continue to press for an increase in his economic policy speech at Knox College.
But there’s another problem: Millions of working Americans make less than minimum wage. In fact, more Americans are exempt from it than actually earn it.
What Is the `Guaranteed Income Bill’?
U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network Board Member Allan Sheahen discusses the guaranteed income bill with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television’s “Bottom Line.”
Who Decided There Are No Crimes in MF Global Collapse?
The New York Post reports that there will be no criminal charges against Jon Corzine over the billion dollars of customer money used to keep MF Global afloat for a few extra days. The Post quotes “federal investigators” as saying there is no evidence of lawbreaking. Some of the evidence is detailed in the complaint filed by the CFTC recently, which you can read here.
The complaint says what happened to the money. It says that Edith O’Brien took the money out of customer accounts, knowing that this was unlawful. ¶ 62(d) For months, these federal investigators were saying that the big problem was foul-ups and mistakes in a mad rush in the back office. That is now inoperative.
Dirty Hands: 77 ALEC Bills in 2013 Advance a Big Oil, Big Ag Agenda
At least 77 bills to oppose renewable energy standards, support fracking and the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, and otherwise undermine environmental laws were introduced in 34 states in 2013, according to a new analysis from the Center for Media and Democracy, publishers of ALECexposed.org. In addition, nine states have been inspired by ALEC’s “Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act” to crack down on videographers documenting abuses on factory farms.
A Media Microscope on Islam-Linked Violence
The murder of British soldier Sgt. Lee Rigby on a London street in May received massive U.S. media attention. The brazenness of the attackers—who allegedly struck Rigby with a car in broad daylight before hacking him to death with bladed weapons—guaranteed coverage. That the crime was captured on videotape from multiple sources didn’t hurt either. All told, Lee Rigby’s London murder has been mentioned in nearly 500 U.S. newspaper and wire stories, according to a search of the Nexis news database.
Right-Wing Media Characterize Government Effort To Reduce Fraud, Error, And Debt As “Mind Control”
Breitbart.com quickly jumped on the story, suggesting that the Obama administration will use the program to push a social agenda: “The Obama administration has not been shy about attempting to use its influence – or taxpayer money – to push enthusiasm for its agenda, including Obamacare, nutrition, and gay rights.”
Fox stoked fears by hyping the program on multiple shows with little mention of its benefits. On the July 30 edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox Business host Lou Dobbs commented on FoxNews.com’s report on the program, saying, “To many, that sounds purely like propaganda and mind control.”
Diane Abbott responds on web forum blocking
The word about the breadth of nudge censorship or default filtering is spreading. Categories such as “web forums” may well be pre-selected when adults enable filters.
NSA secrets kill our trust
In July 2012, responding to allegations that the video-chat service Skype — owned by Microsoft — was changing its protocols to make it possible for the government to eavesdrop on users, Corporate Vice President Mark Gillett took to the company’s blog to deny it.
The NSA’s top-secret slide deck on XKeyScore, its massive internet surveillance program
For example, the system used 150 sites all over the world in countries such as Egypt, Australia, India, Pakistan, Russia, and France to collect e-mail addresses, phone numbers, web chat logs, and sites visited, among other things. Even in 2008, the system had the capability to show intelligence analysts “all the encrypted word documents from Iran,” for instance, or all users of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) in that country.
Extraditing Snowden impossible even if US submits official request
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects ‘nearly everything a user does on the internet’
The files shed light on one of Snowden’s most controversial statements, made in his first video interview published by the Guardian on June 10.
“I, sitting at my desk,” said Snowden, could “wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge or even the president, if I had a personal email”.
US officials vehemently denied this specific claim. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, said of Snowden’s assertion: “He’s lying. It’s impossible for him to do what he was saying he could do.”
But training materials for XKeyscore detail how analysts can use it and other systems to mine enormous agency databases by filling in a simple on-screen form giving only a broad justification for the search. The request is not reviewed by a court or any NSA personnel before it is processed.
NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us
That said, the audience seemed to largely be on his side, which surprised me. I had expected the tech-security crowd to be heavily anti-NSA, but occasional heckling was met with only scattered applause, whereas when Alexander retorted to “Read the Constitution!” with “I have. You should too,” the resulting ovation was loud and broad.
Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance Program Was No Secret From Congress
Intelligence officials today released top secret internal briefings they had provided to members of Congress that outline the dragnet phone call metadata surveillance program lawmakers secretly knew about but could not tell Americans when publicly voting for it.
The disclosure of the classified documents back assertions from the government, and even some members of Congress, that lawmakers were well in the loop of the dragnet surveillance program disclosed by the Guardian newspaper last month based on secret documents from National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Yet lawmakers were prohibited from publicly discussing the classified program, although the House and Senate subsequently authorized the dragnet in public votes on at least two occasions without the general public’s knowledge.
NSA Director Defends Surveillance Activities During
NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander’s keynote today at Black Hat USA 2013 was a tense confessional, an hour-long emotional and sometimes angry ride that shed some new insight into the spy agency’s two notorious data collection programs, inspired moments of loud applause in support of the NSA, and likewise, profane heckling that called into question the legality and morality of the agency’s practices.
Loud voices from the overflowing crowd called out Alexander on his claims that the NSA stands for freedom while at the same time collecting, storing and analyzing telephone business records, metadata and Internet records on Americans. He also denied lying to Congress about the NSA’s capabilities and activities in the name of protecting Americans from terrorism in response to such a claim from a member of the audience.
NSA Director Heckled At Conference As He Asks For Security Community’s Understanding
“You lied to Congress. Why would people believe you’re not lying to us right now?”
NSA spy leaks: Edward Snowden leaves Moscow airport
US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has left the Moscow airport where he had been staying since June after being granted temporary asylum.
Mr Snowden’s lawyer said he had left after receiving the papers he needed to enter Russian territory from Sheremetyevo Airport’s transit zone.
The US has charged Mr Snowden with leaking details of its electronic surveillance programmes.
Edward Snowden Granted Asylum, Leaves Moscow Airport
Snowden granted 1-year asylum in Russia, leaves airport (PHOTOS)
Senators take intelligence officials to the mat over secret courts, phone metadata
As intelligence officials came under fire over controversial National Security Agency (NSA) spying programs at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, two senators announced that they would introduce legislation aimed at reforming the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and—in an apparent response to a recent petition from technology firms and civil liberties groups—providing more public information about government surveillance.
The Problem with PRISM – the dangers of mass surveillance
FBI can remotely activate Android and laptop microphones, reports WSJ
Last month, we discussed whether the new Microsoft Kinect could be used as an NSA spying tool. When it comes to the microphones in Android cell phones and laptop computers, though, surveillance might not be a theoretical question. The Wall Street Journal reports that the FBI can already remotely activate those microphones to record conversations.
FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
Law-enforcement officials in the U.S. are expanding the use of tools routinely used by computer hackers to gather information on suspects, bringing the criminal wiretap into the cyber age.
Civil Rights
Non-Compliance: A Spiritual Revolution
People of the world rise up
Right now, people around the world are speaking of rebellion against this unjust system that not only supports our lives, but controls them. Rioting is happening on the streets of Istanbul and in Brazil, the people are rallying against inequality and poverty. That’s not to mention the ongoing protests in Europe and other parts of the world about austerity cuts. On youtube and other social media there’s much blame for our political leaders and also the bankers. But who is to blame really? And can anyone really control us? If we bring this system down, what will we replace it with?… -
Google ‘Pressure Cookers’ and ‘Backpacks,’ Get a Visit from the Cops
Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. Her husband, in the same time frame, was Googling backpacks. Wednesday morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house to see if they were terrorists. Which prompts the question: How’d the government know what they were Googling?
82 year old nun about to be sentenced as a terrorist
In just ten months, the United States managed to transform an 82 year-old Catholic nun and two pacifists from non-violent anti-nuclear peace protestors accused of misdemeanor trespassing into federal felons convicted of violent crimes of terrorism. Now in jail awaiting sentencing for their acts at an Oak Ridge, TN nuclear weapons production facility, their story should chill every person concerned about dissent in the US.
Government announces plans to regulate private investigators
The Home Secretary yesterday confirmed plans to regulate private investigators, including a new penalty for working as an unlicensed private investigator or supplying unlicensed investigators of a fine of up to £5,000 and up to six months in prison.
In our report earlier this year, we warned that private investigators were potentially being used to circumvent surveillance law by public authorities, and also identified their work as being a major threat to privacy where the information could be used in court if it had been obtained by improper means. We are pleased the Home Office has agreed with our recommendation to regulate private investigators.
Intellectual Monopolies
German Newspaper Publishers Seem Not To Understand Google News
Given that everyone was in fact arguing about money no one quite got what they wanted. But the end result was that Google made inclusion in Google News opt in, not opt out. I’m not quite sure why this was so important as anyone can opt out of Google anytime they want just by changing robots.txt. But there we have it, that was the deal: and all of the newspaper publishers have opted in.
So, the end result of this fight has been pretty much nothing. Google still shows snippets on Google News without paying anyone, the newspaper publishers still get the search engine drive traffic and, well, nothing has changed, has it?