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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 24th, 2008

Posted in IRC Logs at 4:31 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

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schestowitz http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2004/06… Aug 24 00:00
twitter Free software has no place in the new American century. Aug 24 00:00
schestowitz Those Dang Terrorists!!!111111111111111111111111111111 Aug 24 00:00
schestowitz http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2… Aug 24 00:00
schestowitz Oops. Aug 24 00:01
schestowitz Here’s the right link: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/07… Aug 24 00:01
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/… Aug 24 00:03
schestowitz Yes, seen it before. Aug 24 00:03
twitter Interesting.  Founded back in 1954 when the US cared a little about rights. Aug 24 00:03
schestowitz It could be defac^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbalanced by the feds that edit Wikipedia though. Aug 24 00:03
schestowitz The Phorm people ruin Wikipedia too. Aug 24 00:03
twitter Cory is great. Aug 24 00:04
schestowitz And the military, Microsoft… all with proof with IPs pointing back to Redmond headquarters… Aug 24 00:04
schestowitz It was easy to find when an automated tool came out… can’t remember it though… Aug 24 00:04
schestowitz Yes, he fights swpats also. Aug 24 00:04
schestowitz http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/… Aug 24 00:05
schestowitz “The activities uncovered by Wikileaks include deleting Guantanamo detainees’ ID numbers from Wikipedia, posting of self-praising comments on news websites in response to negative articles, promoting pro-Guantanamo stories on the Internet news focus website Digg, and even altering Wikipedia’s entry on Cuban President Fidel Castro to describe him as “an admitted transexual” [sic]. Aug 24 00:05
schestowitz Aug 24 00:05
twitter Uncensored news and information publishers have no place in the New American Century. Aug 24 00:06
schestowitz “New American Century” is New To  Me Aug 24 00:07
schestowitz I know about NWO Aug 24 00:07
twitter Project for the New American Century.  It was written by Dick Chaney and other chronies and reads like a blueprint of the Bush administration. Aug 24 00:07
schestowitz Here’s Gordon Brown (of the Bildies’ about new world order in youtube: http://www.youtube.com/wa… Aug 24 00:08
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projec… Aug 24 00:08
schestowitz Well, if American Century is about recession and poverty, then Dick and George sure do a helluva job. It only took them 8 years to achieve so much… Aug 24 00:09
twitter It called for the conquest of Afganistan and Iraq.  It also talked about the need for a Perl Harbor like event as motivation … before 911. Aug 24 00:11
schestowitz Are we straying off topic, or is it about Perl? Aug 24 00:13
twitter ha ha. Aug 24 00:13
twitter http://www.newamericancentury.org/Rebuild… Aug 24 00:13
schestowitz Error: Can’t find module “Harbour” on CPAN Aug 24 00:14
twitter “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.” Aug 24 00:14
twitter They have done a hell of a lot in 8 years. Aug 24 00:14
schestowitz I wonder if they brought in enough cronies to give Obama flak from behind. Aug 24 00:15
schestowitz You know, I was recently told a story from a professor whose environment was ruined by some Germanic dean who brought in many cronies. After he had left, the cronies stayed and everyone suffers. Aug 24 00:16
twitter Germanic dean? Aug 24 00:17
twitter Pertaining to, or containing, germanium.   [1913 Webster] Aug 24 00:18
twitter Teutonic Aug 24 00:18
schestowitz Remember how wer talked earlier about Alfresco? Aug 24 00:18
schestowitz http://asay.blogspot.com/2008/08/my-da… “I started the day (5:00 AM) at the LDS temple, trying to seek some shelter from a brutally difficult quarter. That and mountain biking in the middle of the day with Bryce Roberts seem to have done the trick. I ended the day much more relaxed, which even bedtime at a hotel for Lily and Greta couldn’t disrupt. Well, not much.” Aug 24 00:19
schestowitz So there are issue again. Also in the last quarter. I hope it goes well for them. They depend on Microsoft’s mood. Aug 24 00:19
twitter I saw a little about the Alfresco deal. Aug 24 00:19
schestowitz Oops. I meant a dean of German origin. Aug 24 00:20
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic “The Germanic languages, “ Aug 24 00:20
schestowitz Microsoft’s Kempin is a good example Aug 24 00:20
twitter I was imaging a University of such impressive size the German department had it’s own dean. Aug 24 00:21
twitter ha ha Aug 24 00:21
twitter I’m sorry that your professor had his place ruined by cronies.  I’m sure that was not funny. Aug 24 00:21
schestowitz No, it’s in California anyway. Aug 24 00:21
schestowitz Not mine. Aug 24 00:22
schestowitz I was talking about a friend. Aug 24 00:22
twitter Yes, that’s sad wherever it happened. Aug 24 00:22
twitter One of my professors grew up in Hungry.  The Bush administration has him nervous. Aug 24 00:23
twitter Here’s a good write up on the PNAC http://www.e-thepeople.org/article/28571… Aug 24 00:24
schestowitz OMG Aug 24 00:24
twitter what? Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz Just spotted more lies from Redmond Gangsters Aug 24 00:25
twitter happens every day.  what this time? Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz Some days ago the press was shouting about Microsoft XBox doing well in Japan. Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz Classical fake shortages it seems Aug 24 00:25
twitter if losing money is doing well … Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz Unless I’m reading this wrongly. Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz http://www.itwire.com/content/vi… Aug 24 00:25
dsmith_ i read about that last week Aug 24 00:25
schestowitz Channel-stuffing and other dirty tricks is all they can do. Aug 24 00:26
schestowitz dsmith_: I only looked at this quickly. Maybe I’m missing something. Aug 24 00:26
twitter a better write up on PNAC http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?tit… Aug 24 00:27
twitter now on to XBox. Aug 24 00:27
schestowitz Watch this for comparison: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&amp… Aug 24 00:27
dsmith_ xbox is losing  money Aug 24 00:28
twitter 25,000 in Japan? They have what, 150 million people. Aug 24 00:28
dsmith_ MS should focus on its stinkin’ oS Aug 24 00:29
twitter Surge! Aug 24 00:29
schestowitz http://www.sourcewatch.org/ is valuable Aug 24 00:30
schestowitz I used it for: Aug 24 00:30
schestowitz http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?tit… Aug 24 00:31
twitter M$ gives me an Urge to Purge Aug 24 00:31
schestowitz http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti… Aug 24 00:31
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/06/08/associati… Aug 24 00:31
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/08… Aug 24 00:31
schestowitz http://www.sourcewatch.org/ind… Aug 24 00:32
twitter that is a good source Aug 24 00:32
twitter Now that people know ACT was a shill, ACT is gone. Aug 24 00:32
schestowitz Well, why? Aug 24 00:32
schestowitz ACT got pissed off at me. Aug 24 00:32
twitter It will be reborn with a different name. Aug 24 00:32
schestowitz Called me “some Angry Brit”: http://blog.actonline.org/2008/06/bust… Aug 24 00:33
twitter From CMD, ” The groups website is no longer active and the last archived version of its website dates from July 2007, so the group now appears to be defunct” Aug 24 00:33
schestowitz Jonahtan Zuck can’t change his name that easily. His crimes against the commons are here to stay and be remembered. Aug 24 00:33
schestowitz http://www.youtube.com/wa… Aug 24 00:34
schestowitz Watch the shill attacking ODF… on behalf of… ‘small businesses’ Aug 24 00:34
twitter M$ will find another Sch[Z]uck Aug 24 00:35
schestowitz Wow. Aug 24 00:35
twitter That should be Schm[Z]uck Aug 24 00:35
schestowitz That’s quite an update Aug 24 00:35
schestowitz So they moved to ACTOnline? Aug 24 00:35
schestowitz Ther group is not dead. It’s very active in the EU, shilling for swpatents. Aug 24 00:36
twitter Oh, must be wishful thinking.  What’s their new website? Aug 24 00:36
schestowitz In fact, they have just headquarters in DC and Brussels. Hmmm…. wonder why… Aug 24 00:36
schestowitz See the pointer above. Aug 24 00:36
schestowitz http://blog.actonline.org/2008/06… Aug 24 00:36
twitter Pay no attention to the man behind the curtian. Aug 24 00:37
schestowitz http://www.sourcewatch.org/index… lists Mark Blafkin, the guy who took a shot at me. Darn ‘lobbyist’… I’ve always said such people belong in prison. Aug 24 00:38
schestowitz “The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) was a group that was founded in 1998 in response to the anti-trust action against Microsoft then taking place in the United States. “ Aug 24 00:38
trmanco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3uX5XwdN_8 Aug 24 00:38
twitter Who listens to people who talk about getting drunk on $350/bottle champagne? Aug 24 00:39
schestowitz Watch the title of ACT’s site: “Protecting small business…” Aug 24 00:39
schestowitz But then: z> “The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) was a group that was founded in 1998 in response to the anti-trust action against Microsoft then taking place in the United States. “ Aug 24 00:39
schestowitz Fishy, fishy, fishy…. Aug 24 00:40
schestowitz twitter: lobbyists are well paid. They need enough money to bribe pollies with wine at dinner. Aug 24 00:40
*trmanco has quit (“I just hit the close button :)”) Aug 24 00:40
schestowitz Have wine, illegalise WINE. Aug 24 00:40
twitter You know you can get lead poisoning from drinking booze from leaded glass.  Russians don’t care when exporting, I suppose. Aug 24 00:41
schestowitz Those who are heavy drinkers don’t care much about health anyway Aug 24 00:42
twitter Trashy, all around.  When they say “Small business people” they must be referring to Bill Gate’s short stature. Aug 24 00:42
schestowitz It’s like choosing a good set of silverware to eat maggots with. Aug 24 00:42
schestowitz twitter: here’s the thing. Aug 24 00:43
twitter Or spending $350 for lead poison. Aug 24 00:43
schestowitz In order to lobby for the rich, they need to pretend to be representing the poor. Aug 24 00:43
dsmith_ … in this corner, we have  “Angry….Brit ……….Schestowitzzzzzzzzz” Aug 24 00:43
schestowitz In order to defend proprietary software, Mcirosoft needs authority points in FOSS. Aug 24 00:43
twitter or at least people who has being rich as a goal. Aug 24 00:44
schestowitz That’s what people like Doug Levin might have been about  (see my latest post about it) and those sponsorships with Brad Smith and Ramji speaking, as well. Aug 24 00:44
schestowitz dsmith_: Big Buck Bunny. Aug 24 00:44
schestowitz He’s after the bad guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBTE-RoMsvw Aug 24 00:44
schestowitz twitter: see http://boycottnovell.com/2008/03/09/ac… Aug 24 00:45
twitter I’ve seen enough of ACT.  Anyone group defended M$ in the anti-trust trials is corrupt.  That one hate filled and idiotic article is enough for me for a week or so. Aug 24 00:47
schestowitz About time… “When you see somebody abusing the term “Open Source”, please tell us. But also tell them. Let them know that they have lost your trust as a business.” http://www.opensource.org/node/362 Aug 24 00:47
schestowitz twitter: any other ones you are aware of? Aug 24 00:48
schestowitz I’ll be building an index of Microsoft shills at some stage. Aug 24 00:48
schestowitz You know, CompTIA, Mr. Youth LLC, LawMedia, EW, etc. Aug 24 00:49
twitter I’ve been building a list of poison pens but have not put much effort into it.  http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/206959 Aug 24 00:50
twitter You probably know all of them better than I do. Aug 24 00:50
twitter My masterpiece was the Vista Failure log.  :) Aug 24 00:52
schestowitz *LOL* Aug 24 00:52
schestowitz Excellent! I’ll make a link to it and bookmark Aug 24 00:52
twitter thanks Aug 24 00:53
schestowitz Microsoft Jack. *LOL* Aug 24 00:54
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/07/1… Aug 24 00:54
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2… Aug 24 00:55
twitter Feel free to use the stuff I stumble across.  Many eyes spot the lie. Aug 24 00:58
twitter It’s time for me to eat dinner.  Later. Aug 24 00:59
*seller_liar (n=seller@200-161-62-196.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 02:38
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schestowitz : “I just send you this quick link, I spotted at planet debian (the distro I use) just in case you didn’t know it (I didn’t chaek your blog as of late since I have been camping out in the french pyrinees without a computer at hand whatsoever): http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/… Aug 24 12:21
schestowitz “Seems Novell killed AppArmor and its lead developer was hired by MSFT. Just another “coincidence” highlighting the close relationship between Novell and MSFT that everyday that passes seem more partners than competitors…” Aug 24 12:21
schestowitz Just in (old news) anyway…. Aug 24 12:21
benJIman Crispin Cowan went to microsoft ages ago. Aug 24 12:42
schestowitz Yes, I know. Aug 24 12:43
benJIman That blog entry is based on unfounded speculation. SELinux was available in the past, it was removed because they didn’t want to maintain both, now clearly customers want it again. Aug 24 12:43
benJIman Apparmor’s not going anywhere soon, SELinux won’t be supported in the next SLE, and Novell have a lot invested in training and support for apparmor. Aug 24 12:43
schestowitz Doesn’t Ubuntu use it by default? Aug 24 12:43
benJIman Which? Aug 24 12:44
benJIman I believe they have both available. Aug 24 12:44
schestowitz Apparmor. Aug 24 12:44
benJIman I’m not sure. Aug 24 12:44
schestowitz SLE just got SELinux, maybe in the nightlies. Aug 24 12:44
schestowitz Ubuntu got SELinux readiness about 2 months ago. Aug 24 12:44
*anivar (i=75c06a36@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f495f9805b2358ce) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 12:48
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*libervisco has quit (“Ideas are bullet proof.”) Aug 24 14:07
*PetoKraus (n=Peter@host-77-247-224-25.isper.sk) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 15:45
twitter “unfounded speculation”?  The chain of reasoning is solid and nothing involving M$ is ever “founded” until the emails spill out in court. Aug 24 16:01
twitter M$’s ineffectiveness should not be confused with a lack of malice.  Hiring lead developers is a way to harm free software projects. Aug 24 16:02
twitter It gives them FUD if nothing else. Aug 24 16:04
*godthedeceiver (i=pearly@gateway/tor/x-3c1944a542bd3545) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 16:58
godthedeceiver i am here Aug 24 17:00
*_Doug (i=c17a2faa@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7c71ed11560c1229) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 17:09
_Doug Hi there all .. Aug 24 17:10
*godthedeceiver has quit (Remote closed the connection) Aug 24 17:12
_Doug is there no-one else ? Aug 24 17:20
_Doug znooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …………………….. Aug 24 17:22
*_Doug (i=c17a2faa@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7c71ed11560c1229) has left #boycottnovell Aug 24 17:23
schestowitz twitter: it’s logic more than speculation. He was already working for a ‘subsidiary’, so why not the patent company? Anyway, I covered this before. Aug 24 17:37
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2008/08/08/borlan… Aug 24 17:39
twitter Yes, but the details should be documented as they occur.  I’ll slap it into a comment. Aug 24 17:45
schestowitz Hehe. Just got this from FFII: “ACT is talking about you: http://blog.actonline.org/20… They should correct their banner: “ACT – Protecting Small Business Innovation” And they have Microsoft as a member.” Aug 24 17:47
schestowitz Just got back anyway. I’ve also just got a good report from India: “Photos of Bangalore No Software Patent Protest is available at http://flickr.com/photos/tags/upcom… Aug 24 17:48
schestowitz “It was a great success . around 100 people 100 people attended. Bangalore consultation seems to be postponed from 27th. Kolkotta Consultation is also postponed. Chennai Consultation is advanced to 28th 10pm -1pm . New Dates for Bangalore and Kolkotta Consultations are not yet announced.” Aug 24 17:49
schestowitz “Chennai and Kolkotta stakeholder consultations are not limited to Software patents. Those are general meetings. Bangalore Consultation is specifically on Software patents.” Well, they also sent this to PJ anyway. Aug 24 17:49
twitter good news is nice Aug 24 17:52
schestowitz Thanks for the comment. Just read it. I never thought about it this way. Aug 24 17:52
schestowitz The truth about the demise of that team could be interesting. Were people (Novell or Cris) approach by Microsoft before or after the announcement. Was it related? Aug 24 17:53
twitter I don’t know. Aug 24 17:58
twitter I’m not a big fan of MAC but M$ and big dumb companies are.  I prefer the traditional Unix user groups permissions.  MAC is an extra layer that’s not needed unless you think top down information control is possible and good. Aug 24 18:01
twitter It depends on treacherous computing which is even bad for big dumb companies if a third party is in control. Aug 24 18:03
schestowitz I thought about NAC Aug 24 18:03
schestowitz IBM is in to TC as well, AFAIK. Aug 24 18:03
schestowitz *into Aug 24 18:03
twitter There’s a market for it. Aug 24 18:04
schestowitz Had machines been secure by design (no back doors)… Aug 24 18:06
twitter In the end, it’s like other DRM schemes.  Water is wet and bits can be copied. Aug 24 18:07
schestowitz Got to fight those ‘terrorists’, you know? Aug 24 18:10
twitter What really counts for companies is that they can trust their employees and the employees can trust their employer. Aug 24 18:10
twitter Terrorists like Code Pink. Aug 24 18:11
twitter http://slashdot.org/~Erris/journal/185971 Aug 24 18:15
*schestowitz looks Aug 24 18:16
schestowitz It’s bizniz as usual(C) Aug 24 18:17
twitter Seimens now offers such tracking in a single box,  http://tech.slashdot.org/article… Aug 24 18:17
twitter That kind of business is not supposed to happen in the US. Aug 24 18:18
schestowitz Siemens… corrupt company (bribes like it’s a bodily function), software patents lobbyist in Europe. Aug 24 18:18
schestowitz Fortunately, this company seems to be collapsing a bit. Aug 24 18:19
schestowitz Now they resort to abusive-intrusive-obtrusive technology, just like Microsoft. Being bad pays off sometimes. Aug 24 18:19
schestowitz Press release from India just reposted: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/08/24… Aug 24 18:33
*Tallken (i=f2f93bf5@ has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 18:35
MinceR afaik the point of MAC is that there’s no single person who can access all data by himself Aug 24 19:12
*ReverseGTR (n=ReverseG@ool-44c46c4b.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 19:27
twitter There’s always someone who holds the keys. Aug 24 19:31
twitter Here’s a few UMPC threads I’ve pulled together http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/209939 Aug 24 19:31
ReverseGTR twitter: I hope the UMPC and MID concepts die a horrible death. Down with corporately enforced standards! Aug 24 19:32
ReverseGTR if a company puts out a small laptop with a swivel touchscreen or one with no keyboard. It is just a small computer with a touchscreen and no keyboard, companies should learn it is not good in the longrun to patent things that don’t belong to them Aug 24 19:33
schestowitz LANCOR Aug 24 19:34
ReverseGTR schestowitz: who do you think funded that venture capital project? Aug 24 19:35
*Tallken (i=f2f93bf5@ has left #boycottnovell Aug 24 19:37
schestowitz Which one? Aug 24 19:38
ReverseGTR LANCOR Aug 24 19:39
ReverseGTR let me give you a hint: http://linux.slashdot.org/article… Aug 24 19:40
twitter We should not confuse all makers of UMPC with those who worked to destroy the OLPC. Aug 24 19:42
twitter A flood of $200 laptops will do a lot of good for everyone. Aug 24 19:43
ReverseGTR twitter: but its the same thing, patent a concept or name of one so they can extort other companies with royalties for selling products that are similar Aug 24 19:43
schestowitz ReverseGTR: I don’t know. PJ asked them if Intel or Microsoft had anything to do with it, but they never responded, as far as I can tell. Aug 24 19:44
ReverseGTR but does every $200 laptop need to be called a Netbook? Aug 24 19:45
twitter Patents are a separate abomination but it will go away with the Wintel monopoly. Aug 24 19:45
twitter I don’t care what they are called. Aug 24 19:45
twitter Computers should not cost $1000. Aug 24 19:45
ReverseGTR patents may, but its close cousin the trademark won’t Aug 24 19:45
twitter Trademark won’t stop the next OLPC project. Aug 24 19:46
ReverseGTR twitter: of course they should not cost $1000, and if you don’t want them to they don’t need to share a similar name just because of their hardware layout Aug 24 19:46
ReverseGTR if anyone wants to give it a standardized name let it be the consumers Aug 24 19:46
twitter Asus did just fine with their EEEPC. Aug 24 19:47
ReverseGTR twitter: and created the whole “Netbook” concept Aug 24 19:47
twitter Brand and generic names will be made by those who move into the market. Aug 24 19:47
ReverseGTR twitter: I wonder if that means if a computer comes out that is cheaper then it Asus will sue for trademark violation Aug 24 19:47
schestowitz Isn’t Netbook an Intel-only name? Also, they coined MID. Aug 24 19:48
ReverseGTR schestowitz: the EEEPC was the first netbook Aug 24 19:48
schestowitz UMPC is a Microsoft term, I think… or tablet.. Origami which was a massive failure. Aug 24 19:48
schestowitz EeePC was done with the help of Intel. Aug 24 19:48
ReverseGTR schestowitz: exactly, you have M$ holding the UMPC name, Intel with MID and Netbook. But where does that leave everyone else? Aug 24 19:49
schestowitz I can find you the article where Intel is shown collaborating with ASUS to derail OLPC Aug 24 19:49
twitter That would be like US trademark law.  I don’t think anyone owns the generic name laptop, portable computer, etc. Aug 24 19:49
schestowitz ReverseGTR: let me find it for you. Aug 24 19:49
twitter I can believe that, but now Intel wants to cage the monster they made. Aug 24 19:49
twitter I don’t think they can. Aug 24 19:50
ReverseGTR twitter: they don’t they will just sue everyone who does not assosciate themselves with the monster :) Aug 24 19:50
ReverseGTR thus Intel and M$ are the monsters Aug 24 19:50
schestowitz See the part about OLPC here: http://boycottnovell.com/2008… Aug 24 19:50
schestowitz I sent this to PJ at the time. Aug 24 19:50
ReverseGTR if they can’t sue then they will just bribe them out of the market Aug 24 19:51
*Tallken (i=f2f93bf5@ has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 19:51
twitter Sooner or later the economics will favor makers who don’t play the old monopoly game.  I think the time is now. Aug 24 19:51
schestowitz BTW, AMD wants to enter this market after ‘their’ OLPC was slaughtered by the monopolists. Aug 24 19:51
schestowitz AMD’s processors are much more suited. 10 times more energy-efficient, at least at the time. Aug 24 19:52
ReverseGTR twitter: not if Intel and M$ coin these names and preside over brands who use them like Frito Lay does with all its different snacks Aug 24 19:52
schestowitz ReverseGTR: Intel pretty much brtibed in Nigeria. The BBC reported that they gave Classmate PCs _at a loss_ (they covered the expenses while competing for a place in Nigeria) Aug 24 19:53
schestowitz For a company like Intel, to sell at a loss just to drive away smaller rivals is illegal, I think. BBC has the evidence or *is* the evidence. Aug 24 19:53
ReverseGTR schetowitz: its the same way Intel tried to keep its lionshare of the desktop market during the Pentium 4 and AMD Athlon XP/64 years Aug 24 19:54
twitter I laugh at Intel and M$ efforts to bribe makers in Taiwan and China.  AMD wants into the market and China has its own line of MIPS derivatives. Aug 24 19:55
ReverseGTR twitter: is it working in Taiwan and China? Aug 24 19:56
twitter Sooner or later someone is going to be happier making $5 per unit than taking a bribe. Aug 24 19:56
twitter No, Aug 24 19:57
ReverseGTR twitter: I am sure with the PRC breathing down their knecks to be more favorable to domestic goods they would think twice before they do :-/ Aug 24 19:58
twitter I don’t think Intel is going to be able to sell to China now that China has its own line of “good enough” chips. Aug 24 19:58
ReverseGTR twitter: what about Russia? Aug 24 19:58
twitter Everyone will sooner or later buy the cheapest chip set. Aug 24 19:59
twitter Every dollar of bribe money poured into China is a dollar used to set up more domestic production. Aug 24 19:59
ReverseGTR twitter: except in the good’ole US of A, Canada and Europe :P Aug 24 19:59
twitter No, Dell, HP and others will jump on the band wagon when forced. Aug 24 20:00
schestowitz ReverseGTR: Intel and Microsoft try to ‘pull a China’ in Russia too. Aug 24 20:00
ReverseGTR schestowitz: what happened? Aug 24 20:00
schestowitz I wrote about it in http://boycottnovell.com/2007/11… Aug 24 20:02
ReverseGTR but isn’t it bad that Russia’s premiere Linux distro is Red Hat? Aug 24 20:05
ReverseGTR source: http://boycottnovell.com/2008… Aug 24 20:07
*_Doug (i=c17a2faa@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ce879de5f2160b58) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 20:09
schestowitz Russia uses ALTLinux at schools. I think it’s Mandrake/iva-bsed, i.e. RPM (going a long way back). Aug 24 20:10
schestowitz Others seem to be using Mandriva (esp. the government) and Linux XP is from Russia, IIRC. Also PCLOS/Mandriva. The post office chose Red Hat. Aug 24 20:11
ReverseGTR interesting, if only the US with the exception of some of the armed forces wasn’t One Nation, Under Microsoft Aug 24 20:13
ReverseGTR I wonder which OS Cheyenne Mountain uses? Aug 24 20:15
schestowitz You’re not the only person whose analogies go along these lines. Aug 24 20:18
ReverseGTR tis why I logon here Aug 24 20:21
ReverseGTR and to be kept informed of events that justify such a cynical view Aug 24 20:21
ReverseGTR as well as help on all things Unix Aug 24 20:24
schestowitz Have you heard about India? Aug 24 20:25
schestowitz I posted their press release which they sent me. Their government permits itself to sell out to Microsoft (and partners in India). Aug 24 20:26
ReverseGTR considering how much M$ invested in support and software development there why am I not surprised Aug 24 20:30
schestowitz There is another way to look at it. Aug 24 20:34
schestowitz A lot of very good software comes from India (either produced and managed locally or by a multi-nationals) Aug 24 20:35
schestowitz They need to put barriers. If not technical ones, then legal ones. They are also trey to poach some India Adobe employees these days. Aug 24 20:35
ReverseGTR schestowitz: hence why Microsoft was one of the first to move the majority of their software development there Aug 24 20:35
ReverseGTR schestowitz: now how do they going about getting these Adobe employees? Aug 24 20:38
schestowitz See this one: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/07/… Aug 24 20:43
schestowitz Then, see this one: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/08/0… Aug 24 20:43
ReverseGTR big difference is the Indian courts are looking at this indifferently as apposed to Borland in the US Aug 24 20:50
schestowitz How so? Aug 24 20:51
*pcole (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-39441b3b4610c7c5) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 20:55
Tallken I wonder how many MS spies are here :D Aug 24 20:56
Tallken identify yourselves :D Aug 24 20:57
pcole Aaron Kaplan, founder and an active member of OLPC Austria quit Aug 24 20:58
*ReverseGTR makes a run for it to Redmond Aug 24 20:58
ReverseGTR I got the plans mwahahaha! Aug 24 20:58
ReverseGTR pcole: OLPC is just going to die eventually, sad though :( Aug 24 20:58
pcole Still things just have to be said. http://discuss.itwire.com/viewto… Aug 24 21:00
pcole If only 2 others understand what was said, then there is a chance. Aug 24 21:02
Tallken well it kinda achieved its purpose… at least laptops are getting cheaper :/ Aug 24 21:02
pcole True LTs are cheaper but that was not its primary purpose. Aug 24 21:03
pcole It was the children. Aug 24 21:03
Tallken beautiful: “Kaplan: Intel didn’t win. YOU JUST QUIT.” Aug 24 21:04
Tallken well it’s life Aug 24 21:05
Tallken we can’t do anything about it Aug 24 21:05
Tallken except spread the word Aug 24 21:05
Tallken and buy AMDs Aug 24 21:05
Tallken lol Aug 24 21:05
Tallken anyway Aug 24 21:06
*Tallken away Aug 24 21:06
schestowitz OLPC was about education, not price. Aug 24 21:06
pcole That’s what we’re doing “spreading the word” Aug 24 21:06
Tallken schestowitz, I know Aug 24 21:08
Tallken and I’m disconnecting after all, other wise my computer will heat up the room :) Aug 24 21:08
Tallken cya Aug 24 21:08
*Tallken has quit (“initiating room dis-heataration”) Aug 24 21:08
schestowitz *LOL* Aug 24 21:08
_Doug have to go .. have to reboot the building .. :) Aug 24 21:14
*_Doug has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Aug 24 21:14
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) Aug 24 21:46
schestowitz Hmm… I’ve just been invited to join FFII. Aug 24 21:56
pcole What is FFII? Aug 24 22:03
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundat… Aug 24 22:03
twitter congratulations Aug 24 22:03
schestowitz Well, I could have joined before. Aug 24 22:04
schestowitz I’m already in the OSC sort of… since 2005, IIRC. Aug 24 22:04
schestowitz It’s just an affiliation, not a job, but it gives you proximity to politicians. Aug 24 22:05
twitter http://www.fsf.org/news/eoty-2005 Aug 24 22:06
twitter Looks like they are worth paying attention to. Aug 24 22:06
schestowitz It’s not over yet. Aug 24 22:08
schestowitz Apparently, as they would say, if 3 years go by, then a bad idea might magically be a good idea all of a sudden (or politicians be easier to bribe with the likes of ACT and f00ls like Mccreevy) Aug 24 22:09
*Tallken (i=f2f93bf5@ has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 22:25
*ReverseGTR has quit (“Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com“) Aug 24 22:29
*seller_liar (n=seller@201-43-37-22.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 22:53
twitter Ha ha, RMS notices that Mickey Mouse may be free http://www.latimes.com/business/la… Aug 24 23:29
twitter Free Mickey! Aug 24 23:29
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovell Aug 24 23:47
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