Cisco’s CEO Would “Completely Throw out Everything” in the US Patent Process, “and Start From the Beginning”
Summary: Another CEO of a massive American company wants the patent system to be scraped as it slows down innovation and “[t]here are patent trolls everywhere”
DAYS after the CEO of Amazon slammed the US patent system we find that another CEO of a large company (neither Apple nor Microsoft, obviously) slams the patent system. It’s one of the most popular CEOs (among his employees) and here is what he has to say:
On the subject of intellectual property, Chambers is critical of the U.S. patent process and said he would “completely throw out everything, and start from the beginning.
“It is a mess; There are patent trolls everywhere,” said Chambers, noting that patent problems impose huge costs on every company.
But Chambers was also critical of the trend by tech companies of suing one another over alleged patent violations. He didn’t name names, but, speaking to the audience, he said for “his peers” in the room, “you shouldn’t be suing your peers.”
Patent litigation, he added, slows down innovation.
TechDirt adds:
[I]‘s nice to see Cisco CEO John Chambers speak out against the patent system by calling out both the trolls and the big tech companies for abusing the system and hindering innovation.
Take note, Apple and Microsoft. Fellow monopolies are getting fed up. It’s not even monopolies that always benefit from this system, either, just their lawyers and some collateral damage (patent trolls). █