Cablegate: Government of Oman is Sponsoring Microsoft, Helping to Indoctrinate the Population
Summary: Another shady deal between the Government of Oman and Microsoft, as revealed by a 2007 diplomatic cable
“The agreement, signed by Mohammed Nasser al-Khusaibi, Chairman of the ITA and Secretary General of the Ministry of National Economy, and Charbel Fakhoury, General Manager of Microsoft Gulf, calls for an investment of $6 million in establishing the center, $1 million of which is to come from Microsoft under its investment partnership accord with the Omani government (reftel).”
Wait, what?
Why is the government covering the large majority of the costs for a Microsoft recruitment centre? Does the public of Oman (taxpayers) know that this is going on? It was only yesterday that we wrote about the Government of Oman and Microsoft. The same types of deals happen in other countries and remain secret for a reason. Here is the later Cablegate cable (it came months later):
VZCZCXYZ0002 RR RUEHWEB DE RUEHMS #0323 0910806 ZNR UUUUU ZZH R 010806Z APR 07 FM AMEMBASSY MUSCAT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC 8035 INFO RUCPDOC/DEPT OF COMMERCE WASHDC UNCLAS MUSCAT 000323 SIPDIS SIPDIS STATE FOR NEA/ARP, EEB/CBA COMMERCE FOR COBERG E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: ECON, EINV, KIPR, MU SUBJECT: MICROSOFT FIRMS PARTNERSHIP WITH GOVERNMENT REF: 06 MUSCAT 1282 1. On March 27, Microsoft concluded an agreement with Oman's Information Technology Authority (ITA) to launch an innovation and support center, to be housed at Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), the government-run technology incubator. The agreement, signed by Mohammed Nasser al-Khusaibi, Chairman of the ITA and Secretary General of the Ministry of National Economy, and Charbel Fakhoury, General Manager of Microsoft Gulf, calls for an investment of $6 million in establishing the center, $1 million of which is to come from Microsoft under its investment partnership accord with the Omani government (reftel). Microsoft Country Manager Abdullah al-Lootah told Econoff that the center will house between 20 to 40 Omanis, who will be trained by Microsoft consultants to deliver services under the government's "E-Oman" initiative in two to three years' time. 2. Lootah explained that the initiative is one of several Microsoft is pursuing to "bridge the technology skills gap" in Oman. In addition to the innovation center, Microsoft will team with KOM and other selected partners in training 300 Omani government professionals per year on Microsoft solutions. To support the government's recent purchase of over 22,000 operating licenses, Microsoft will provide 24 hour on-site support services. In terms of further promoting knowledge transfer opportunities, Microsoft will sponsor six month visits by government officials to the company's Dubai office to educate them on "best financial practices." GRAPPO
Why is Microsoft receiving this franchise in Oman? Does that serve the interests of the Omani people? █