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Links 23/1/2011: Pardus 2011 Reviews, Skolelinux Interview

Posted in News Roundup at 5:32 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • How to develop for Linux

    Apple built this platform from scratch, but thanks to the work put in by the GNU project and countless others, we already have a platform. We have a rich set of development tools, a range of desktop environments and a wide range of development forges packed with source control, bug tracking and other features.

  • Linux: Successful Upgrade – SBS 2003 to Linux

    Late in 2010 one of our charitable organization clients, a local church, came to these decisions: 1) The aging XP Professional systems in their office needed to be replaced with new systems. 2) The existing XP Professional systems that were not so old needed to be upgraded to newer operating systems. 3) The existing SBS 2003 system needed to be upgraded to a new OS as well.

    We at ERACC made the pitch for Linux on the desktop and the server but the staff at this client thought they “needed” to stay with something “famliiar like Microsoft” and voted for Windows 7 Professional on their new and “upgraded” desktop systems. (I knew they were not going to see fuzzy, cuddly familiarity with a migration from XP to W7. But I also know when to stop promoting Linux and move on along.) However, the fellows in charge of decision making about their server decided they wanted to try Linux and not spend money to “upgrade” SBS 2003 to Windows Server 2008. We considered this latter victory enough for our Linux sales pitch and laid out an upgrade plan for their office. Funds were procured and the parts for new systems were ordered from ERACC in late December. The work began the first week in January 2011.


    At this point the upgrade from SBS 2003 to Linux is done. Some call this a “migration”, but we here at ERACC think of any move from Microsoft to Linux as an upgrade, so that is what we call it. Over the next few weeks each user’s PC will either be replaced with a new PC running W7 Pro or migrated to W7 Pro from XP Pro. To date, two of these are done and we are working on the third one this weekend. In case you are wondering, the W7 Pro installations work just fine with SAMBA 3.5.3 on Mandriva 2010.2 Linux.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Qt in the land of Gnome-based desktops: The issue of copyright in Free software

      Recently Mark Shuttleworth wrote about how Qt will become part of the Ubuntu 11.10 desktop, and that Qt-based apps will eventually be considered as possible default Ubuntu apps. Obviously, this would be a big change from using GTK-only applications (that is, aside from Firefox and Open/Libreoffice applications), but Mark encourages GNOME developers to consider using Qt, too. He writes, “Perhaps GNOME itself will embrace Qt, perhaps not, but if it does then our willingness to blaze this trail would be a contribution in leadership.”

      I agree on this, and think that enabling usage of Qt in GNOME projects would be a contribution in leadership. It would be great if developers had the option of using tools like Qt Creator and Qt Quick when building applications for GNOME-based desktops (or other devices!).

    • My way or the highway?

      2 days ago I wrote an enthusiastic blog about a cross-distribution collaboration meeting on App Stores we’ve organized in Nuremberg. Then, a day later, Canonical decided to ship Qt with Ubuntu. While not anything special from an openSUSE pov (we give both GTK and Qt equal treatment and offer the best platform to develop for both), it’s a nice move. In the announcement Mark Shuttleworth emphasized Qt integration with Ubuntu. I specifically write Ubuntu, not GNOME/GTK – Aaron Seigo responded to that with a blog post showing a bit of frustration with Canonical’s policy, the push for dconf & Ubuntu-specific Qt integration in apps.

    • GNOME Desktop

  • Distributions

    • Why I Use Gentoo: Unused Dependency Removal

      Perhaps with the exception of Slackware, today’s modern distributions have completely mastered the fine art of installing a package’s dependencies automatically. The installation of a package and all its required dependencies is no more difficult than a single command.

    • Skolelinux interview: Morten Amundsen

      This time the Tromsø office of the Free software Centre and the newly elected board member of the association FRESH I’ve been speaking in my interview series with Skolelinux -people.

      How did you connect with the Skolelinux project?

    • Pardus

      • Review: Pardus 2011

        It’s stable, smooth, reasonably quick, and extraordinarily newbie-friendly. Plus, it has goodies that most people would need on a daily basis. That said, there are a lot of applications that will need to be uploaded to the repository soon. Otherwise, I can only recommend this to people who will only be surfing the web and creating documents (and nothing else).

      • Pardus2011- A Linux distro that needs your attention
      • Pardus 2011, Independent Distro Releases Latest and Greatest

        All in all, Pardus is a truly underrated and underused distribution. It’s a wonderful offering that everyone should try. And everyone can, because it comes with support for about every language in the known world.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Fedora

        • Meld Diff Viewer – Compare and Merge files/directories in Ubuntu

          Fudcon 2011 will be coming up next weekend. I’m looking forward to it, and hope to see lots of Fedora folks I talk with on irc and on mailing lists, as well as new folks I haven’t met yet. ;)

        • Stripes Fedora^WInfinity, Gnome 3, Owl, etc.

          I’ve made Fedora branded stripes to submit it for potential inclusion in F15. Unfortunately, Mairin (the famous Fedorartist) explained that wallpapers need to be published under a free license, and since mine contained Fedora logo, it can’t be (that is, Fedora logo is TMed).

    • Debian Family

Free Software/Open Source

  • Oracle

    • The Oracle scorecard: One year after Sun

      To be fair to Oracle, it shouldn’t be expected that the company carry all the projects forward that Sun sponsored. It would have been nice if Oracle could have seen fit to continue sponsoring activities like GNOME a11y — but hard to argue that GNOME is particularly strategic to Oracle. But the list of projects that Oracle has stopped investing in entirely, or have stopped contributing to the FOSS project, is fairly long.

  • Project Releases


  • Silvio Berlusconi defended by Italian porn star

    The debate raging in Italy about Silvio Berlusconi’s alleged taste for teenage girls and prostitutes has taken a surreal turn, after the country’s top porn star weighed in with high praise for the prime minister. “The truth is,” said Rocco Siffredi, “that Italians are proud of someone like Berlusconi who is 74, loves sex and has a good sex life – and I don’t just mean working-class Italians.”


    Two years after Berlusconi’s wife left him over his friendship with teenager Noemi Letizia, and a prostitute, Patrizia D’Addario, claimed to have slept with him, Berlusconi is again facing criticism after accusations that he had sex with pole-dancing prostitutes at parties at his mansion near Milan. One guest, Nadia Macrì, described Berlusconi lying on a bed calling out “Next” as women queued to have sex with him.

  • Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google?

    Was Eric Schmidt pushed or did he jump? Both. According to close advisors, the Google C.E.O. was upset a year ago when co-founder Larry Page sided with his founding partner, Sergey Brin, to withdraw censored searches from China. Schmidt did not hide his belief that Google should stay in the world’s largest consumer marketplace. It was an indication of the nature of the relationship Schmidt had with the founders that he—as Brian Cashman of the Yankees did this week—acknowledged that the decision was made above his head. He often joked that he provided “adult supervision,” and was never shy about interrupting the founders at meetings to crystallize a point. In the eleven interviews I conducted with him for my book on Google, he freely told anecdotes about the founders, sometimes making gentle fun of them, never seeming to look over his shoulder. Yet he always made clear that they were “geniuses” and he, in effect, was their manager.

Clip of the Day

Drupal: Colour Enabled

Links 23/1/2011: Sabayon 5.4 KDE, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.8 Released

Posted in News Roundup at 1:18 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Desktop

    • GNU/Linux To Connect 9.2 Million UK Adults To The Internet

      While 200 computer packages have been set aside for the pilot, over the course of the next 12 months around 8000 consumers are expected to take up the Remploy offer. People will be able to get additional support by phone and email from Positive IT solutions, who can help with set up problems and troubleshooting. As well as making IT affordable, the scheme also has a Green IT message – giving a computer a second life is the equivalent of taking two cars off the road for one year.

  • Server

    • Zentyal Counters Windows Small Business Server In the Cloud

      Zentyal estimates that there are roughly 50,000 active Zentyal server installations worldwide.

    • Linux supercomputer beats humans in Jeopardy match

      IBM showed off its Linux-based Watson supercomputer in an exhibition “Human vs. Machine” game of Jeopardy, while discussing potential practical uses of its natural-language AI in the IT industry, especially in health care and tech support. Watson beat two human challengers in this practice round, but the real winner will be proven in a televised competition in February.

    • Large Scale SMP, Yes Really

      My desire for SMP is rather practical and has nothing to do with performance or cache coherency.

  • Google

    • As CEO of Google, Larry Page Won’t Frown on Open Source

      Google does qualify as the biggest open source company of all, and has consistently employed open source experts such as Chris DiBona, who serves as Open Source Program Manager. More than that, Google has released tons of open source code into the wild, sponsors Google Summer of Code, runs its own search engine on Linux, and generally gives open source much more of a fair shake than many companies focused on proprietary technology do.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

    • GNOME Desktop

      • Elementary Studio GTK Theme – Fusion of Elementary and Ubuntu Studio Themes

        Elementary Studio GTK theme is a nice and impressive fusion of DanRabbit’s Elementary GTK theme and beautiful dark Ubuntu Studio default theme. Elementary theme is supposed to be the default theme for upcoming Elementary OS codenamed “Jupiter”.

      • Unity Window Decorator

        The reason this is a fork (for now) is because it does depend on those changes to libmetacity-private and it makes no sense for the compiz project to ship a decorator which depends on a patched library. The plan is, of course, to get the changes to the metacity theme spec upstreamed once I’ve finished working on them and to merge the changes made to unity-window-decorator back into the upstream gtk-window-decorator.

  • Distributions

    • Gentoo Security Team: Scouting Tips

      When someone volunteers on the security team, the first role they are asked to fill is that of a “Scout.” In this role, they primarily work to learn of newly disclosed vulnerabilities, determine if it applies to Gentoo, verify that a bug does not already exist, and then open bugs as appropriate. I wish I could say that this job is out-of-this-world-fantastic-fun. But that just isn’t always the case. At the same time I think that done right, it doesn’t have to be that bad.

    • Classifying Linux Distributions

      This is somehow my personal classification, of Linux distributions. And maybe at the same time of the Linux users.

      I’m going to classify only those I have used more than just a few hours in a virtual machine.

    • Linux CDs Vs. Linux DVDs…

      My only complaints are that it is 1.1 Gb. and that Pardus repository is not as varied as those of Debian-based distros or Mandriva are. However, I can do without some packages…they are not vital…just minor things I like. In exchange, Pardus does have its unique features.

    • Request to Linux distributions

      Do not waste my hard disk!

      I recently acquired an 2 TB hard disk drive, which I immediately formatted with ext4. Given that mkfs.ext4 defaults to 5% reserved blocks for too, that amounts to 100 GB of lost* space.

      Wow. 100 GB. On a desktop machine. For root.

    • Reviews

    • New Releases

      • Clonezilla Live 1.2.6-59 Stable Has Been Released

        Steven Shiau announced earlier today, January 18th, the immediate availability of a new stable release of his system-cloning Linux distribution, Clonezilla Live 1.2.6-59.

        Clonezilla Live 1.2.6-59 is powered by Linux kernel 2.6.32-30, and it introduces a couple of important bugfixes, as well as many enhancements and changes.

        “This release of Clonezilla live includes major enhancements, changes and bug fixes.” – said Steven Shiau in the official release announcement.

      • Pardus Linux 2011 Has LibreOffice, Firefox 4 and KDE SC 4.5.5

        Gökcen Eraslan announced earlier today, January 21st, the immediate availability for download and upgrade of the popular Pardus 2011 Linux-based Turkish operating system.

        The final and stable version of Pardus 2011 is powered by Linux kernel 2.6.37 and it’s available as Live and Installation images for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. It includes an enhanced YALI installer, a fist boot configuration tool, and the brand-new KDE Software Compilation 4.5.5.

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • Mandriva Provides an Educational Solution for Schools and OEMs

        Mandriva Linux is the ultimate operating system from Mandriva. It is the fruit of the convergence of three technologies: Mandriva, Conectiva and Lycoris and is available in three editions: One, Powerpack and Free, for both i586 and x86-64 architectures.

      • PCLinuxOS, LXDE, and User Management

        PCLinuxOS is an excellent distribution for everyone, especially for people who have never used Linux. The LXDE Desktop is similar to Windows reducing a casual users learning curve. Combine the two into PCLinuxOS – LXDE and it is an instant hit. Everything the Community Center’s need is included on one CD. The included programs are well thought out, and Open Office Org install is available at the click of a button, completing the setup.

    • Debian Family

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Boxee Box Review

      For many, the Internet has become a preferred source of entertainment. With offerings like Netflix, VUDU, Hulu and digital downloads, even once loyal cable television subscribers are abandoning their service for online content.

    • Phones

      • Smartphone watch

        Once a mobile powerhouse, Motorola has been struggling to remain relevant in the fast-moving cellphone market over the past couple of years. Now the company looks as if it is ready to make a serious comeback. The Motorola Atrix 4G was awarded the title of best smartphone at the recent Consumer Electronics Show and will be the company’s flagship device for the early part of this year. The handset runs Android 2.2 operating system and is powered with a dual-core 1GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 processor coupled with 1GB of memory – the device is a serious contender.

      • Android 3.0 to kick-start tablet wars

        The Android Honeycomb release will feature many tablet PC-specific features

        Google’s Android mobile phone operating system was one of the winners of 2010, booming in popularity to become the second most popular smartphone OS by the end of the year. Now in 2011 it looks that Google is setting its sights firmly on the tablet market.

      • Android

    • Tablets

      • Android tablet boom

        Most of the devices here will run Honeycomb, Android’s 3.0 release, which has already been earmarked as being specifically designed for tablet PCs.

      • Motorola Atrix vs the Always Innovating Smart Book

        It is not an overstatement that the Motorola Atrix smartphone was one of the bright stars of CES 2011. An often-mentioned, breakthrough feature of the Atrix is its modularity, namely that it can be placed into a netbook dock which gives it work-time (and battery recharge) and a desktop-like work environment (Linux based).

      • Acer to ship Android tablets based on Sandy Bridge CPUs, says report

        Acer is expected to release two to three Android-based tablets running Intel’s “Sandy Bridge” Core processors, and will start to back out of the netbook business, says an industry report. At CES, Acer announced ARM Cortex-A9 based Iconia Tab A500 Android tablet for Verizon’s 4G LTE network.

      • Is HP’s WebOS heading for netbooks?

        HP is prepping a netbook using its Linux-based WebOS operating system, says an industry report. On Feb. 9, HP is expected to announce several WebOS devices, including nine-inch “Topaz” and seven-inch “Opal” tablets, says Engadget.

      • Turn Your Linux Desktop,Tablet or Touch Device into Digital Sketchpad

Free Software/Open Source

  • Open Source Search Solutions Ready For The Enterprise: Ovum

    Open source enterprise search software is viable and reliable and can stand up against leading commercial players from the industry, according to Ovum.

    In a new report* the independent technology analyst states that open source software is ready for the enterprise and is able to deliver on the needs of most organisations.

    Mike Davis, Ovum analyst and author of the report, said: “Free-to-use open source enterprise search and retrieval (ESR) solutions are now ready for the enterprise. We believe enterprises should start with open source options when looking for a search solution and only go to the big players if open source is unable to deliver what they need.”

  • Events

    • 2011 Call for Presentations

      The Arizona Business and Liberty Experience Conference (ABLEconf) is soliciting presentations for its third annual conference. ABLEconf 2011 will take place on Saturday April 02, 2011, at the University of Advancing Technology (UAT) in Tempe, Arizona.

    • Texas Linux Fest 2011 Call For Papers is open!

      We are proud to officially open the call for papers for Texas Linux Fest 2011, scheduled for April 2 at the Hilton Austin hotel in downtown Austin, Texas.

      Texas Linux Fest 2011 is the second annual Linux and open source software event for Texas and the surrounding region. We are assembling a one day program for the business and home Linux user, and for the experienced developer and newcomer alike.

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

      • Google Chrome 10 advances with new V8 3 JavaScript engine

        Google is updating its dev-channel version of the Chrome browser this week with an updated JavaScript engine and a long list of bug fixes.

        Chrome 10.0.642.2 is an update for Windows, Linux and Mac and includes the new V8 version JavaScript engine.

    • Mozilla

      • Skype Toolbar Blocked by Mozilla – FINALLY!

        According to Mozilla, the Skype toolbar was one of the top crashers of Firefox 3.6.13 last week, accounting for some 40,000 crashes! In addition to that, Mozilla says that having the Skype toolbar installed can make some parts of Firefox as much as 300 times slower, making it appear that Firefox is slow loading pages.

  • SaaS

    • Open Source: OpenERP Launches SaaS Version for Partners

      OpenERP, as you may guess from the name, sells a suite of business applications built on open source code, ensuring low-cost apps for the customer and flexible deployment for the administrator. But OpenERP has always been limited by its status as an on-premises product. Not anymore.

  • Oracle

    • Univa forks Oracle’s Sun Grid Engine

      Another fork has appeared in the Sun Microsystems software road. Univa is forking the Sun Grid Engine project, now controlled by Oracle.

      In the wake of Oracle’s $5.6bn acquisition of Sun a year ago, co-founder and chief executive officer Larry Ellison made no secret of the fact that Oracle was not going to waste time on products and projects that do not make the company money. And rightly so, by the way.

    • Whamcloud Building New Lustre Distro

      The open source Lustre technology is a parallel file system that is often found in high performance computing (HPC) environments. Users of the file system will soon get community Lustre distribution, thanks to the leadership of startup Whamcloud.

      Whamcloud is a venture backed startup that includes veterans from Oracle and Sun, where the Lustre project originated. The reason why Whamcloud is building a Lustre distribution isn’t about creating a fork from Oracle, but is about helping to support and expand the Lustre community.

    • New: OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 Release Candidate 10 (build OOO330m20) available

      OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 Release Candidate 10 is now available on the download website.

  • CMS

    • My first look at DIASPORA*

      Consequently, when I finally got around to getting to getting an account for the DIASPORA* alpha, what I mainly noticed was the difference in the privacy policy and interface

  • Business

  • Project Releases

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Open Access/Content

      • Canada’s Digital Library a Grassroots Effort

        Last week, the European Commission released “The New Renaissance”, an expert report on efforts to digitize Europe’s cultural heritage. Europe has been particularly aggressive about its digitization efforts, developing Europeana, an online portal currently featuring more than 15 million works of art, books, music and film, as well as the European Library, which provides access to 24 million pages of full-text scanned by 14 national libraries.

    • Open Hardware

      • Nvidia Tegra3 launch imminent. Intel, you did this to yourself.

        Reading about the likely launch of Tegra3 at Mobile World Congress 2011 and seeing this video, one cannot help wondering how big a mistake Intel made when denied Atom hardware interfaces from Nvidia some time ago. Doing that, it practically forced Nvidia to abandon mobile-x86 solutions and pour all of its resources into Tegra/ARM development.

  • Programming

    • JQuery Mobile, Part 3: Attack of the Forms

      In our prior articles we have introduced JQuery Mobile and begun to look at application structure. In this article we continue our look at JQuery Mobile by touching upon forms handling.

      While many mobile applications are dominated by the presentation of information, we cannot escape the fact that mobile devices are ideally suited for data gathering, or data-collection.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • HTML5 to become a living standard called “HTML”

      HTML5, which has been developed by the WHATWG group, is to lose its version number and be referred to only as “HTML”. Ian Hickson, the author and editor of the W3C’s current HTML5 draft, announced this decision in a blog posting. Hickson said that, when the group announced that the HTML5 specification was progressing to “Last Call” in 2009, the plan at the time was to publish a “snapshot” of HTML5 in 2012. However, due to the high demand for new features, the group has now decided to switch to a different development model.


  • Takeover War Turns Into a Trial Over ‘Poison Pill’

    For almost 30 years, companies have used the pill as the critical legal tool to ward off hostile takeovers.

    Now the pill itself has come under attack and, in the next few weeks, a Delaware judge is expected to rule on its use as part of his review of a year-long takeover battle for industrial-gas company Airgas Inc.

  • Investors to stay lawsuit as HP investigates Hurd departure

    A committee of Hewlett Packard directors will investigate former CEO Mark Hurd’s departure from the company amid sexual harassment allegations last year, according to a recent court filing.

    The inquiry comes in the course of shareholder litigation involving the company. The investigation will be conducted by independent directors who joined HP’s board after Hurd’s departure and will be assisted by outside lawyers, according to a joint case management statement filed on Jan. 14.

  • H.P. Replaces 4 on Its Board in Wake of Chief’s Dismissal

    The changes are intended to diversify H.P.’s board and add new experience and perspectives, according to Raymond J. Lane, H.P.’s chairman. It comes just months after the hiring of Léo Apotheker as chief executive.

  • Deaf Attorney Takes On Key FCC Legal Post

    When Gregory Hlibok was 9 years old, he wanted to be a lawyer — until adults told him to consider another field, since it was “not possible” for him to litigate in a courtroom as a deaf person.

    Profoundly deaf since birth, Hlibok at first dutifully studied engineering, but never gave up on his dream. Now one of an estimated 170 deaf lawyers in the United States (out of a population of 36 million people with impaired hearing), Hlibok, 43, is the new head of the Federal Communications Commission’s Disability Rights Office.

  • A Supreme Conflict of Interest

    Americans are about to find out just how much baseball and our judicial system really are alike.
    Common Cause, which I’m privileged to lead, has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas should have recused themselves from the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission case last year because they may have attended secret retreats where lobbying and political strategies were developed by some of the biggest players in the 2010 elections.

  • The Problem With Vendor Sponsored Testing

    Sponsored tests are meaningless, from any vendor. I simply don’t believe that sponsored tests provide value to the technical community. But that’s ok – they’re not targeted at the technical community. They’re marketing tools, used by sales and marketing teams to sway the opinions of management decision makers with lots of “independent” results.

  • Security

    • Cyberattacks on social networks doubled in 2010
    • It Management Fail: Always Blame the Worker Bees

      Security fail: When trusted IT people go bad has a great title. Then it’s all downhill. I suppose it’s appropriate for an audience of managers who want cheerleading for bad management more than good information.

      It starts off with a tale of ultimate horror: not only is your trusted systems administrator selling you pirated software and incurring the wrath of the BSA (Business Software Alliance), he is running a giant porn server from the company network and stealing customer credit card numbers.

      Then it takes the obligatory gratuitous swipe at “rogue” San Francisco admin Terry Childs.

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

  • Finance

    • Booya! Latest Wall Street Innovation: Twitter Trading

      Major news providers Dow Jones and Reuters offer news products that archive and structure news to provide machine-readable feeds for use in trading algorithms. This enables large-scale trading with little human screening. The market for unstructured data is also big. The New York Times reports that about 35 percent of quantitative trading firms are exploring whether to use unstructured data feeds of news, blogs and tweets. Two years ago, only about two percent of those firms used them.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Lorillard’s Unreal “Youth Smoking Prevention” Campaign

      Family Circle and Parents magazines regularly run youth smoking prevention (YSP) ads called “Real Parents, Real Answers” that are paid for by the Lorillard Tobacco Company. The ads drive readers to a website operated by Lorillard that contains no information about the health hazards of cigarette smoking, the nature of nicotine or cigarette companies’ role in promoting youth smoking through advertising and marketing techniques.

    • Dog-Whistling Past Disaster

      Recently the use of the political phrase “dog whistle” came to my attention while listening to the Sunday morning political talk shows. According to Wikipedia, “Dog-whistle politics” refers to political speechmaking or campaigning that uses coded language to signify one thing to the general public, while also signifying a different and more specific meaning to a targeted subgroup of the audience. The analogy is a reference to dog whistles, which emit an extremely high-frequency pitch that only dogs can hear, and humans can’t. Political “dog-whistling” as a tactic of public persuasion can take a variety of forms.

    • RootsAction.org Taps Into the Discontented Left

      A new, independent, progressive public interest group called RootsAction has formed to fight “a far-right Republican Party that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate America, and a Democratic Party whose leadership is enmeshed with corporate power.” RootsAction is an online campaign to address issues like the squandering of billions of taxpayer dollars on foreign wars that are generating hatred of the U.S. overseas, Wall Street schemes that are costing Americans their homes and the continuation of Bush administration policies under President Obama.

    • David Martosko’s Glass House Takes a Hit

      In his role as research director for the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) — the notorious front group that works for the alcoholic beverage industry — David Martosko has routinely attacked Mothers Against Drunk Driving, claiming the group persecutes social drinkers by “expanding the parameters of the ‘drinking and driving problem’ ” to include social drinkers, rather than just focusing on hard-core alcoholics. Now a new website has sprung up called AboutDavidMartosko.com, that contains official law enforcement documents showing that Martosko was arrested in September 2008 for driving while intoxicated.

  • Civil Rights

    • UK ID Cards Are No More!

      The Identity card system was a perfect example of Big Brother. They were photo cards that, like a passport, enabled you to travel to other countries (but only a few countries, unlike a passport) and could be used to prove your identity, just like a modern photo driving licence. What then was the point?

  • DRM

    • Sony’s solution for root key hack? – Is a more open system really that bad?

      I would hope Sony keeps in mind that DRM/copy protection systems are very unpopular with end-users, we just have to look towards the PC to see the problems it can cause, one of the many advantages of the consoles is that any DRM type systems are mostly invisible to the user who merely wants to run and use the software. If introduce a more PC approach, making that “plug-in and play” gaming more of a chore and I think you are asking for trouble.

Clip of the Day

Drupal: Installing Modules & Themes

Credit: TinyOgg


Links 22/1/2011: More Android Tablets, Tor Released

Posted in News Roundup at 10:53 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • Hewlett-Packard releases HPLIP 3.11.1 with new features and support for more devices
    • Graphics Stack

      • Another Look At The Latest Nouveau Gallium3D Driver

        When checking out the latest Linux 2.6.38 kernel, libdrm, xf86-video-nouveau, and Mesa 7.11-devel all as of 17 January 2011, more graphics cards that I previously tested with Nouveau were back to functioning with the open-source kernel driver. In particular, the GeForce 9500GT, GeForce 9800GT, GeForce 9800GTX, and GeForce GT 220 were used for another mini test comparison of this days-old Nouveau code against the proprietary NVIDIA driver.

      • A Guide To How Graphics Cards Work

        This entry on the X.Org Wiki isn’t brand new, but for those that have yet to see it, there is a development guide to how graphics cards work on this Wiki page. There was just a trivial update to the guide today and I had then realized it hasn’t been mentioned before on Phoronix.

  • Applications

    • OpenShot 1.3.0 gets fancy upgrades

      OpenShot developers have been hard at work since November cooking up improvements & upgrades for this already awesome video editor.

      Starting early this week the guys over at OpenShot have been announcing new features to be included in the next release. This list is quite impressive already with still more to come.

    • RadioTray 0.6.3 Released With Ubuntu AppIndicator Support, Sleep Timer

      RadioTray is a minimalistic radio player stat runs in the notification area (system tray).

    • 3 Photo collage programs on Linux

      It happens every now and then you have a set of photos and you want to do with them a background image with a collage of them, or perhaps a mosaic, it’s possible in Linux?

      Sure there are Gimp and Picasa that among the many features that give even offer these options, but there are other programs, perhaps smaller and simpler to just make this work?

    • Instructionals/Technical

    • Wine

      • Wine 1.3.12 Brings Initial DOSBox Integration

        Wine 1.3.11 wasn’t too interesting as the inaugural Wine development release of 2011, but Wine 1.3.12 has been released today and it carries a bit more weight, such as an initial stab at integrating DOSBox.

        The noteworthy changes to be found in today’s bi-weekly development snapshot, Wine 1.3.12, include support for multiple icon sizes in the Wine menu builder, improvements to the Wine help browser, initial stab at DOSBox integration, various MSI installer fixes, fixes to the Wine debugger, and various other bug-fixes throughout the Wine stack.

  • Desktop Environments

  • Distributions

    • Reviews

      • Saline Linux Review

        This is my first attempt at reviewing a Linux distribution. I’m excited, and I hope you’ll find it useful. I would definitely appreciate any feedback! I’m a user, not a developer, so I’ll be approaching this from a not-too-technical angle, focusing on asthetics and usability. Here goes.

        I first became aware of Saline Linux when Anthony Nordquist posted a comment on one of my previous blog posts, Why I Use Linux. Toward the end of his comment he mentioned that he was working on a distribution of his own, and I said I would give it a try. I was excited to learn via Twitter that as of 1/16/2011, version 1.0 of Saline Linux is now available.


        Saline Linux is built on Debian and features Xfce for its desktop environment.

      • Saline Operating System
      • New Linux Distribution Brings Goodies to Debian

        Saline OS 1.0 has been released. Saline is a new Linux distribution based on Debian Squeeze with the main purpose of bringing some of the things users’ might want that doesn’t fit in with Debian Open Source philosophy. It uses Xfce for the desktop, making it light weight enough for some older machines and netbooks while still bringing modern amenities.

    • New Releases

      • Jolinux 3
      • Clonezilla 1.2.6-59
      • MoLinux 6.2 (Edu)
      • Pardus 2011
      • Release: IPFire 2.9

        After the last maintainance release in november 2010, the developers are proud to release a new version 2.9. About 400 different changes were taken in this build and there were about one hundred testers that have installed at least one of the beta versions.

      • Calculate Linux 11.0 released

        The new version of the distribution Calculate Linux 11.0 has been released. All editions of distribution are available for download: Calculate Linux Desktop with desktop KDE (CLD), GNOME (CLDG) and XFCE (CLDX), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Directory Server (CDS) and Calculate Scratch Server (CSS).

      • PelicanHPC GNU Linux

        10 January 2011. pelicanhpc-v2.3 is out. From this release forward, Debian Squeeze will be the base for PelicanHPC, until future notice. Also, PelicanHPC is henceforth available only in a 64 bit version. There are no major changes since version 2.2, apart from the newer versions of most packages. In particular, the kernel is now at 2.6.32, and Xfce is looking sharp at version 4.6.2. In the move from Lenny to Squeeze as the base, the ganglia monitoring system has stopped working, because the configuration files have not yet been updated. I would be happy to receive gmond.conf and gmetad.conf files that cause the installed version of ganglia to work properly on PelicanHPC. ksysguard still works well as a cluster monitor, though.

    • Red Hat Family

    • Debian Family

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Ubuntu – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

          Canonical’s implementation of the XFCE Desktop works fine, and looks good. The problem is that it could look fantastic with a bit more work. I don’t know why Canonical made the original decision to concentrate on Gnome. In my opinion XFCE is far nicer.

        • Unity Gets A “Places Tile View”, More [Natty Updates]

          The Places Tile View is not yet fully functional: clicking the top items it opens Nautilus. Further more, the design looks unpolished with no effects and a rough design but this will surely change.

        • Unity update delivers the initial drop of a revamped Dash

          Just in, and an update to the Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha has brought with it the first iteration of what will soon blossom into Unity’s long-awaited Dash revamp.

        • Canonical’s Shuttleworth Explains Ubuntu-Dell Cloud Pitch

          Still, Canonical has faced its share of challenges over the past year. COO Matt Asay left the company in December 2010; Google Android and Apple iPad have largely stolen Ubuntu’s thunder on so-called Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs); and Google Chrome OS could emerge as an Ubuntu rival on netbook-type devices.

        • Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Software Center Has Ratings and Reviews

          Ubuntu Developer Diaries with Michael Vogt and Matthew Paul Thomas introducing new features under developing to Software Center For Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal.

          Rating and Reviews are a great way to easily know users feedbacks, reviews, and rating about any application available on the software center before installing it, and you can publish your own reviews and ratings, also sharing your reviews and rating directly from Ubuntu Software Center to your twitter account and other social network using Gwibber client.

        • Ubuntu Developer Manual Encourages User Contribution
        • Flavours and Variants

          • Operating System

            Linux Mint is my recommended operating system (as well as my recommended GNU/Linux distribution).

            Linux Mint will provide an end user with a legitimately free, robust, stable, secure, full featured, easy to use, and up-to-date modern operating system.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Phones

      • Nokia/MeeGo/Maemo

        • MeeGo Events 2011
        • UPDATE: Accelerometer-based Phone Control

          In my previous post, I whipped up the ability to hang-up calls when placing my N900 face down, well I got a few comments and requests about turning the loud speaker on when placed face up. So, with a little time to kill on a Wednesday evening, I cracked a cold Moosehead and added that in.

        • qutIM user interface on Nokia N900(Maemo 5)
        • Going back: Qtscape and the first port of Mozilla to Qt

          I recently came across an article reporting the rebirth of the Qt port for Firefox 4. When the journalist wrote about rebirth they were referring to work that some bloggers at Tech Freaks 4 You reported two years ago, but it rattled loose an old memory I had from when I first joined Trolltech (way back when digital watches were thought to be a pretty neat idea).

      • Android

        • Car Radio Powered by Android. Introduce Your Ride to Some Apps (video)

          Sure your car can go from 0 to 60 in less than four seconds, but can it play Angry Birds? French wireless specialist Parrot has developed a break-through in automotive accessories: the Android- powered car radio. Known as Asteroid, the system uses 3G, Bluetooth, and GPS to provide you with internet radio, hands-free calling, maps…and apps. With its Android OS Asteroid will be able to run a variety of smart phone applications, as well as some developed specifically for in-car use.

        • An Open Letter to Motorola

          What a rollercoaster you’ve put me through today Motorola, can I call you Moto? I’ve been a fan of your products since the MicroTac I had way back in the day and I said this then, and I still say it today, you seriously build some outstanding hardware. I’ve also had several variants of the Razr, which was a great phone (pretty obvious from the bajillions you sold back then, huh?) and innovative at the time. Then you hit some rough times. Your glory days had seemed to wind toward that corporate sunset, and you needed a way back into the hearts and minds of the people. A small green robot came by and offered his tiny robot hand to pull you out of the depths. The Droid was born. Now you did an amazing job with the original Droid, which is still one of the best devices I’ve owned running CyanogenMod 7 Nightlies, touting some nice specs for the time and offering the openness that really sets Android apart from its competitor in its walled garden. The Droid is still the number 1 Android device, at least as of Dec 2010, which says a lot toward its greatness.

        • Motorola Getting Nicer to Android ROM Devs and Rooters?

          After the infamous announcement by one of Motorola’s YouTube channel moderators that those wanting custom ROMs should “buy elsewhere”, it seems that Motorola’s PR department has taken control back: “We apologize for the feedback we provided regarding our bootloader policy. The response does not reflect the views of Motorola. We are working closely with our partners to offer a bootloader solution that will enable developers to use our devices as a development platform while still protecting our users’ interests. More detailed information will follow as we get closer to availability.”

        • Motorola ready to make sweet love to Android ROM devs and rooters?
        • HTC smartphone profits rise 160%

          HTC was the first smartphone maker to use Google’s Android operating system.

        • T-Mobile reveals Android-based 4G smartphone

          T-Mobile USA introduced its Samsung Galaxy S 4G, an Android 2.2-based smartphone the carrier says will offer peak download speeds of 21Mbps. While few other details were provided, the device will likely feature a 4.3-inch AMOLED (active matrix organic LED) screen and dual cameras, as do others in the Galaxy S line.

    • Tablets

      • Another Ubuntu-powered tablet appears

        GizChina have posted news of another new (albeit dual-booting) Ubuntu tablet.

        The tablet boasts a dual-core 1.6Ghz Atom CPU, 1GB Ram, a 16Gb SSD hard-drive and a 9.7″ screen, all tucked up inside an iPad-esque shell complete with iPad home button and iPod-style charger.

      • Toshiba teases Android Honeycomb tablet

        Even though it isn’t needed with the tablet version of the software, the Toshiba Android Honeycomb tablet will have the four standard Android buttons on the bezel. We haven’t been able to dive into the latest version of the little, green robot to know if these standard buttons are even needed anymore.

      • HTC planning three Android tablets, starting in 2Q

        HTC is planning three Android tablets under the “Flyer” moniker, starting with a tablet due in the second quarter, says a report. In other Android-related news, Acer has denied claims that it would either phase out netbooks or use “Sandy Bridge” processors in tablets — but now confirms two Android tablets are coming — and Google co-founder Larry Page is taking over as CEO.

      • Xoom wins huge pre-orders as Asus denies Eee Pad slippage

        Massive pre-orders show that demand is high for the Motorola Xoom Android 3.0 tablet, as well as the RIM PlayBook tablet, says an industry report. Meanwhile, Asus has denied rumors that its Eee Pad tablets will be delayed and won’t run Android 3.0, says another report, and LG’s G-Slate gains a sign-up page on T-Mobile.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Can Linux Open-Xchange Replace Microsoft Exchange?

    From the experience I’ve had so far with OX administration, I’d give it a B, maybe a B-. It could be far easier to administer for a small business, but I suspect that much of the company’s focus is on their hosting provider business. I’d recommend strongly considering a hosted version of Open-Xchange if you have a smallish organization with limited tech support resources. If you have more time than money, though, the Server and Community Editions are there.

  • Is cloud computing opening up?

    We wondered recently about the impact of a cloud partnership between Red Hat and Eucalyptus Systems, which also works closely with Canonical for its Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. In a recent discussion, Marten Mickos told me Eucalyptus Systems fully expects and supports Canonical’s moves toward another cloud framework, OpenStack. While Canonical’s strategy probably has as much to do with customer demand, particularly for cloud flexibility, as it does with responding to rivals’ moves and deals, I believe that both the Red Hat partnership with Eucalyptus Systems and Canonical’s support for multiple, open source cloud computing frameworks signal a more open cloud computing market that is evolving.

  • Web Browsers

  • SaaS

    • Amazon mooches from Tomcat as it bets on Java in the cloud

      The fact that Amazon.com selected the open source Apache Tomcat as the Java application server powering Amazon.com’s entry into the Java platform-as-a-service market came as little surprise to Java vendors and industry watchers. Amazon.com’s pricing strategy, on the other hand, will surely surprise some vendors and IT decision makers. Additionally, Amazon.com’s apparent lack of contributions to the Apache Tomcat project should be considered as you make your Java cloud-platform selection decisions.

    • Joyent Introduces Next Generation Cloud Operating System
    • Eucalyptus Claims: Fortune 100 Runs Our Private Cloud Software

      And, perhaps most notably, Eucalyptus Systems’s technologies and buzz drew open source management talent like former MySQL head Marten Mickos and Red Hat sales veteran Said Ziouani to sign onto the core executive team.

  • Databases

    • EnterpriseDB Announces Availability of SQL/Protect, PL/Secure and xDB Replication Server for Community PostgreSQL Users

      EnterpriseDB, the largest independent PostgreSQL open source database company, today announced the availability of three components, adding important security and replication technology for community PostgreSQL Server users — SQL/Protect, PL/Secure and xDB Replication Server. These add-on modules make PostgreSQL more secure and supply data integration capabilities between multiple PostgreSQL servers as well as between PostgreSQL and Oracle. Prior to today’s announcement, these three components were only made available to EnterpriseDB’s Postgres Plus customers.

    • Former Oracle® MySQL® Customers Drive SkySQL Sales to Seven Figures in Its First Twelve Weeks

      In this brief period, SkySQL, with employees in 13 countries, grew its global operations, expanded its sales force in the Americas and APAC regions, and increased its overall workforce. The company is now serving roughly 40 customers globally across various industries. Growth was particularly strong in Europe, where the company added customers such as internet-based financial information services provider, BörseGo; luxury goods manufacturer, Richemont; film/tv studio and distributor Canal+; and internet hosting provider, FHR, to its list of customers. This list includes a growing number of former Oracle MySQL customers that have made the switch to SkySQL.

  • Business

    • Why Nuxeo Dropped JCR
    • How MySQL solved their Sales & Marketing challenges

      An interview with Lesley Young, who was the VP of worldwide Sales for MySQL, and then head of sales for the MySQL division within Oracle. Few products are as well known as the ubiquitous MySQL database. The company behind the database was also one of the great success stories in the Open Source world, and ended being acquired by Sun (now Oracle) for approx. $1 billion. Making money in Open Source businesses is a lot harder than it may appear on the outside. Lesley tells the story of how she and Zack Urlocker, running marketing partnered to solve the sales and marketing challenges that the company faced when trying to monetize MySQL.

    • Pentaho Announces Record Growth, Adds 400 New Customers

      Pentaho Corporation, the open source business intelligence (BI) and data integration leader, today announced the most successful year in company history represented by 120 percent bookings growth, over 400 new customers and rapid expansion of the global partner network during 2010. This momentum has helped solidify Pentaho as the leading OSBI provider helping to address some of the most demanding needs for its thriving worldwide customer base.

    • Press Release: January 12, 2011

      n the past year, one in five Fortune 100 companies started up a Eucalyptus cloud deployment, as part of the more than more than 25,000 Eucalyptus deployments across government organizations, academic institutions and private enterprises worldwide. The past year was also marked by rapid expansion of the Eucalyptus partner ecosystem, with leading global companies including Dell, HP, Intel, and Red Hat collaborating with Eucalyptus for private cloud computing solutions.

    • WANdisco Completes Acquisition of Leading Subversion User Community SVNForum.org

      WANdisco, the makers of Enterprise Subversion with the most active core developers from the project on staff, today announced that it had completed the acquisition of SVNForum.org – the world’s largest Subversion user community with over 20,000 active members. At the same time the company has given the site a new lease of life with a distinctive new look and new features that make it easier to use.

    • Delivering on the promise

      The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) does not claim to be a perfect organization, but our model is definitely geared towards project sustainability, and makes most or all such events impossible by design.

      Let’s discuss a few concepts that promote and enable this project sustainability.

      Newcomers to the ASF sometimes complain about our “red tape”. People have to sign our CLA [1] before being granted commit access. Projects have to follow strict rules for voting and releasing software. Adding a committer also requires a specific process, which lasts at least 72 hours. None of this is really complicated once you’ve done it a few times, but it sometimes seems like extra overhead for people coming from smaller projects where everything just happens.

    • Reposting Mark Schonewille’s blog on how the GPL applies to MySQL use cases

      This is just a repost of the disappeared blog post. (The small print allows me to copy it verbatim.) There is no commentary from myself, except that what Mark wrote is the same I also heard Oracle say a year ago. That Oracle is being consistent on this point is very welcome and deserves to be kept available online.

    • CloudBees Introduces Worldwide Training for Hudson Continuous Integration Server

      Hudson is the most popular open source continuous integration server with 25,000 sites deployed.

    • OpenLogic Expands Support Around Open Source Data Integration With Talend Partnership

      OpenLogic, Inc., a provider of enterprise open source software support and governance solutions encompassing hundreds of open source packages, today announced a partnership with Talend, a global open source software leader.

      “Talend is a recognized market leader in open source software with more than ten million downloads,” said Vincent Pineau, general manager of Americas for Talend. “Our solutions are the most widely used and deployed open source data management and application integration solutions in the world. We are excited to see our community get more support options for these products, thanks to this partnership with OpenLogic.”

    • KnowledgeTree Signs Record Volume of New Customers in December
    • Convirture Brings Strong Momentum into 2011

      “The launch of ConVirt 2.0 Open Sourcein February really hit a chord with anyone looking for a better way to manage Linux virtualization,” said Arsalan Farooq, CEO of Convirture. “The new features, combined with our datacenter experience from versions 1.x drove an incredible amount of downloads and valuable contributions to the product, which provided a great launch pad for our Enterprise version later in the year.”

    • OpenERP Launches V6.0 of its OpenSource ERP Business Applications Suite; Gives Customers Choice Between On-Site Version and SaaS Platform
    • OpenERP Aims to Bring ERP to the SMB Masses

      OpenERP has launched a significant upgrade designed to appeal to small and mid-sized businesses both for its functionality and its pricing. OpenERP is “a good example of a company using open source to target a piece of the market that has been overlooked by some of the larger, more established vendors,” said 451 Group analyst Jay Lyman.

    • The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Pivot 2.0
  • Funding

    • Scala Team Wins ERC Grant

      The Scala research group at EPFL is excited to announce that they have won a 5 year European Research Grant of over 2.3 million Euros to tackle the “Popular Parallel Programming” challenge. This means that the Scala team will nearly double in size to pursue a truly promising way for industry to harness the parallel processing power of the ever increasing number of cores available on each chip.

  • Project Releases

    • Tor is released (security patches)

      Tor continues our recent code security audit work. The main fix resolves a remote heap overflow vulnerability that can allow remote code execution. Other fixes address a variety of assert and crash bugs, most of which we think are hard to exploit remotely.

    • Open source Wireshark sniffs new 1.4.3 network traffic

      If you’ve ever had to audit/capture network traffic, you’ve likely used the open source wireshark (formerly Ethereal) application.

      Wireshark is getting updated this week to version 1.4.3, providing some really interesting fixes. I personally use wireshark to audit network traffic and security, but apparently Wireshark itself had a trio of security flaws in it.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Make Your Music Go Viral on Facebook By Offering It For Free

      According to Dave Glassanos, founder of Disrupt.fm, the price of a song is about the equivalent of a Facebook update. That’s up for debate, but I will say that Glassanos’s Facebook-oriented startup is pretty cool.

    • Could you lead Wikimedia UK to success?

      Can you help lead the chapter to success in 2011 by standing for election as a board member? If so, you’re warmly invited to join us on Saturday 5th February from 5pm where you can find out more about what is involved in being a board member and have an opportunity to ask any questions and meet other interested people.

    • Green Energy Corp Launches Smart Grid Open Source Community

      Green Energy Corp, a software technology company that enables traditional and emerging power providers to move to the Smart Grid, today announced that it has launched the Total Grid open source community.

    • Open Access/Content

      • The Right to Research Coalition’s Nick Shockey: Open Education and Policy

        Nick Shockey is the Director of the Right to Research Coalition (R2RC) and the Director of Student Advocacy at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). The R2RC is an international alliance of 31 graduate and undergraduate student organizations, representing nearly 7 million students, that promotes an open scholarly publishing system based on the belief that no student should be denied access to the research they need for their education because their institution cannot afford the often high cost of scholarly journals. We spoke to Nick about similarities in the open access and open educational resources movements, the worldwide student movement in support of access to scholarly research, and the benefits of adopting Creative Commons tools for open access literature.

  • Programming

  • Standards/Consortia

    • The HTML5 Logo Conversation

      The most unified criticism has centered around the FAQ’s original statement that the logo means “a broad set of open web technologies”, which some believe “muddies the waters” of the open web platform.


  • The Gospel of Steve Jobs
  • Barack Obama gives Hu Jintao the red carpet treatment
  • The Social Side of the Internet

    The internet is now deeply embedded in group and organizational life in America. A new national survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has found that 75% of all American adults are active in some kind of voluntary group or organization and internet users are more likely than others to be active: 80% of internet users participate in groups, compared with 56% of non-internet users. Moreover, social media users are even more likely to be active: 82% of social network users and 85% of Twitter users are group participants.

  • Google shuffle: why Eric Schmidt had to be pushed from the top

    The move has clearly been planned for some time; in a blog post, Schmidt admitted the move had been planned “over the [Christmas] holidays”. Of course the trio – Schmidt, Page and his co-founder Sergey Brin – had figured out that if Schmidt had simply announced it on 2 January, all hell would have broken loose: the stock would have tanked, and everyone would have picked the financial results announced on Thursday night apart like vultures on a carcass.

  • Textbook Publishing in a Flat World

    According to the National Association of College Stores in a 2007 survey, the average cost of a new college textbook was $53. The founders of Flat World Knowledge, which launches with its first run of college textbooks this fall, consider that too high–so high, in fact, that they’ll be offering textbooks for free, at least in versions that can be read online.

    If the student wants to buy a printed copy of the textbook, it will be printed on demand by the company and provided in color for one price or black and white for a lesser price. For the student who prefers to listen to the book on an MP3 player, audio versions will be available too. Each format will have its own cost structure, but on average, it’ll tally up to about $30.

  • Deploying the British Granny Cloud to tutor poor Indian classrooms over Skype

    This BBC video-clip describes the latest ingenious project from Sugata Mitra, an Indian-born professor at Newcastle University.

  • Alex Roman’s astonishingly hyper-real CGI animation
  • “Wideband” Internet on way to Durham from Time Warner — just make sure your wallet’s set to “wideband,” too

    We may all be getting ready to “Marry Durham” come March, but Google hasn’t even shown a willingness to return our phone calls after that initial flirtation they made with municipalities nationwide for their fiber-optic program. (Or, for that matter, anyone’s calls — there’s no sign that the Big G has picked any community for a residential gigabit network.)

    Instead, we’ve been stuck in a relationship with Time Warner Cable that’s been pretty monogamous, though some Durhamites have tried to stray with mixed success.

  • Google and NetApp make top ten in best places to work

    Google may be trying to take over the world, but as long as you’re on-side it is still a brilliant place to work.

  • California Appeals Court Says Company Can Be Held Liable For Spam It Didn’t Write Or Know About

    In a ruling that Eric Goldman correctly refers to as “divorced from reality,” a California Appeals court has ruled that two advertising firms can be held liable for actions done by their affiliates (and sub-affiliates). In this case, these sub-affiliates sent out spam, advertising things on behalf of the defendants in the case. There were a few legal questions raised by the case, including yet another attempt to see if CAN SPAM really pre-empts state anti-spam laws, which are interesting, but which we won’t discuss right now. Instead, I wanted to focus on that one key issue of putting the blame on a company for what a third party does.

  • Botswana approves $3bn mine as Bushman water case gets underway

    Botswana’s government has green-lighted a massive $3bn mine in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve – in the middle of the Kalahari Bushmen’s appeal against the Botswana authorities’ refusal to allow them access to water there.

    Gem Diamonds announced today that its application to open a huge diamond mine near the Bushman community of Gope in the reserve has been approved. The company claims to have secured the consent of the Bushmen on whose lands the mine will be located.

  • Breastfeeding: Would you react negatively to a mother breastfeeding her child in public?

    More than 100 breastfeeding mothers staged a protest outside a store in Montreal Wednesday.

    The “nurse-in” was in front of the Orchestra baby clothing store in the Complexe Les Ailes shopping centre on Ste-Catherine Street. Two weeks ago, Montrealer Shannon Smith was asked to leave the shop because she was breastfeeding.

  • Science

    • How Art Made Me Fail a Science Course

      Being an artist, taking science courses is usually just a bit curious. Usually it only has slight ramifications. Like for graphing in 3D, the texts and teachers just used the below left axes. But I made my own, I thought more artistic axes, shown by the below right axes.

    • Google Donates 1 Million Euros To Mathematics Championship Organization

      Google is making a €1 million gift to the International Mathematical Olympiad organization, which has been organizing the annual World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School Students.

    • Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?

      This book is written in the hope that presenting the engineering discipline underlying successful parallel-programming projects will free a new generation of parallel hackers from the need to slowly and painstakingly reinvent old wheels, instead focusing their energy and creativity on new frontiers. Although the book is intended primarily for self-study, it is likely to be more generally useful.

  • Health/Nutrition

  • Security

    • Friday’s security advisories
    • Google’s Niels Provos battles malware on the Web

      During 2000 and 2001, Ph.D. student Niels Provos would occasionally drive from the University of Michigan across the border into Canada and spend the weekend working on an open-source cryptography project that would end up becoming one of the most widely used network security technologies ever: OpenSSH. He couldn’t work on it in his Ann Arbor office, or he would have run afoul of restrictive U.S. export regulations designed to keep strong crypto out of the hands of foreigners.

      Several years later, Provos moved his research papers and software related to steganography, which is the science of hiding secret messages, from servers at the U.S. university to a server in the Netherlands to avoid violating Michigan law. He was concerned (and so was the Electronic Frontier Foundation) that the law–which made it illegal to develop software that conceals “the existence or place of origin of any telecommunications service”–was so vague as to allow it to apply to his research. After the legislation was later watered down, he moved his stuff back to the states.

    • A Day of Reckoning is Coming

      Terry Sweeny is right. Hacker attacks won’t hurt your company brand. And claims that they do hurt security’s brand.

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • Perpetual War is Expensive! Jan 20 2011
    • Is CCTV creeping too far?

      For the last 25 years CCTV has proliferated into public spaces across the UK, but is it going too far to use cameras to give parking tickets and enforce bus lane rules?

      When most people think of CCTV being used in law enforcement they think of a string of high-profile crimes that have been solved or publicised with the help of footage.

    • G20 officer: ‘This ain’t Canada right now’

      A G20 incident caught on video that shows a York Regional Police officer telling a protester he is no longer in Canada and has no civil rights is under investigation.

      The video shows several activists standing outside of the G20 security perimeter at King St. W. and University Ave. on June 27 while their bags are searched by a group of police officers. The mood is pleasant until a young man in a black T-shirt and cap refuses to hand over his backpack.

    • 20 years after Gulf War, architects talk of lessons

      It has been two decades since a U.S.-led coalition expelled Saddam Hussein’s army from Kuwait — and global leaders are still grappling with the challenges of the new world heralded by the Persian Gulf War.

      “In the case of Desert Storm, I honestly believe history will say we got this one right,” former president George H.W. Bush said Thursday at Texas A&M University’s basketball arena as he opened a 20th-anniversary symposium on the war.

      Members of Bush’s war cabinet, including Dick Cheney and Colin Powell, discussed the legacy of the first major military conflict after the Cold War — as well as some of the lessons that have not been easy to apply in the years since.

    • Joe Lieberman Insists Iraq Was Developing WMDs Despite No Evidence

      During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” today, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) continued to insist that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction even though none were ever found after the invasion of Iraq.

      The senator, retiring his seat in 2012, also said that despite the enormous cost to the U.S. in blood, prestige and treasure he does not regret his vote for war and would do it all over again.

  • Cablegate

    • FDL Coverage of Bradley Manning’s Detention

      Private First Class Bradley E. Manning was arrested and charged with the unauthorized use and disclosure of U.S. diplomatic cables to Wikileaks. He has been held in solitary confinement at the Marine Corps Brig, Quantico since sometime in May 2010.

    • @exiledsurfer says: Why don’t You Just Blow Me.
    • Oliver North’s Pre-Trial Conditions For UCMJ Violations Dramatically Different Than Bradley Manning’s

      I will drive down to Quantico this weekend with Bradley Manning’s friend David House when David delivers petition signatures to the Commander of the Quantico brig. The petition urges an end to the inhumane treatment of Manning during his pre-trial confinement.

    • Article 138 Complaint

      Life for PFC Manning, however, is not much better now that he has been returned to POI watch. Like suicide risk, he is held in solitary confinement. For 23 hours per day, he will sit in his cell. The guards will check on him every five minutes by asking him if he is okay. PFC Manning will be required to respond in some affirmative manner. At night, if the guards cannot see him clearly, because he has a blanket over his head or is curled up towards the wall, they will wake him in order to ensure that he is okay. He will receive each of his meals in his cell. He will not be allowed to have a pillow or sheets. He will not be allowed to have any personal items in his cell. He will only be allowed to have one book or one magazine at any given time to read. The book or magazine will be taken away from him at the end of the day before he goes to sleep. He will be prevented from exercising in his cell. If he attempts to do push-ups, sit-ups, or any other form of exercise he will be forced to stop. He will receive one hour of exercise outside of his cell daily. The guards will take him to an empty room and allow him to walk. He will usually just walk in figure eights around the room until his hour is complete. When he goes to sleep, he will be required to strip down to his underwear and surrender his clothing to the guards.

    • Did WikiLeaks Use P2P to Collect Classified Data?

      For years we’ve heard reports of classified data inadvertently being available on P2P networks, and watched Congress hold hearing after hearing proclaiming the chances of a “cyber Pearl Harbor.”


      WikiLeaks says the claims are “completely false in every regard,” but Tiversa has compiled a rather damning list of coincidences.

    • If Wikileaks Scraped P2P Networks for “Leaks,” Did it Break Federal Criminal Law?

      On Bloomberg.com today, Michael Riley reports that some of the documents hosted at Wikileaks may not be “leaks” at all, at least not in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, according to a computer security firm called Tiversa, “computers in Sweden” have been searching the files shared on p2p networks like Limewire for sensitive and confidential information, and the firm supposedly has proof that some of the documents found in this way have ended up on the Wikileaks site. These charges are denied as “completely false in every regard” by Wikileaks lawyer Mark Stephens.

      I have no idea whether these accusations are true, but I am interested to learn from the story that if they are true they might provide “an alternate path for prosecuting WikiLeaks,” most importantly because the reporter attributes this claim to me. Although I wasn’t misquoted in the article, I think what I said to the reporter is a few shades away from what he reported, so I wanted to clarify what I think about this.


      But I restate my conclusion: I think a prosecution under the CFAA against someone for searching a p2p network should fail. The text and caselaw of the CFAA don’t support such a prosecution. Maybe it’s “not a slam dunk either way,” as I am quoted saying in the story, but for the lawyers defending against such a theory, it’s at worst an easy layup.

    • Breaking: Wikileaks cables cited by defense lawyers in French Guantanamo Trial

      Lawyers for ex-inmates of the Guantanamo prison camp used documents released by WikiLeaks to argue for their acquittal in a French terrorism trial Thursday.

      The lawyers for five Frenchmen, originally acquitted of the charges in a 2009 trial, argued that it was inappropriate for French investigators to have discussed the ex-inmates’ cases with American authorities after a new trial was ordered. Lawyer Dominique Many said it “shocked” him that investigators would discuss ongoing cases with the U.S. government.

    • Swedish PM: Assange extradition a judicial matter

      Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt insisted Thursday that his government will play no role in deciding whether WikiLeaks’ founder, Julian Assange, should be extradited to the U.S.

      Assange is in London, where he’s battling extradition to Sweden over sex-crime allegations.

    • Wikileaks Thriller Headed to Big Screen

      The production company behind the TV series Bones has announced a biopic on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. It will be a thriller—a “suspenseful drama with a global impact”. But who’s going to play Julian Assange?

    • Malware referencing Julian Assange

      While browsing through incoming malware samples, we noticed this one.

    • Three reasons why WikiLeaks is dangerous to corporations

      Public relations professionals in Germany say that trying to sit out the storm is no longer a strategy for success in a post-cablegate world.

    • Wikileaks: US embassy condemned eviction of Kalahari Bushmen

      The US Ambassador to Botswana strongly condemned the government’s forced eviction of the Kalahari Bushmen, according to secret US embassy cables released today.

      Ambassador Joseph Huggins told his bosses in Washington in 2005 that the Bushmen had been ‘dumped in economically absolutely unviable situations without forethought, and without follow-up support. The lack of imagination displayed… is breathtaking.’

      He concluded by saying, ‘The special tragedy of New Xade’s dependent population [i.e. the Bushmen in the relocation camp] is that it could have been avoided.’

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Global Warming Policy Foundation donor funding levels revealed

      A high-profile thinktank founded by the former chancellor Lord Lawson, which has been highly critical of climate scientists and action on global warming, appears to have attracted fewer than 100 members in its first year.

      Accounts filed with the Charities Commission and Companies House in the last week show for the first time the extent to which the secretive Global Warming Policy Foundation, founded in November 2009, is funded by anonymous donors, compared with income from membership fees. Its total income for the period up to 31 July 2010 was £503,302, of which only £8,168 came from membership contributions. The foundation charges a minimum annual membership fee of £100 .

    • China’s great disappearing lake

      Northern China’s largest body of freshwater is shrinking, but can it be saved? Huo Weiya travelled to Inner Mongolia to find out.

    • New Congress Wastes No Time Undoing Climate Progress

      In a document making its rounds among Republican lawmakers, Upton claims that the EPA has put a “chokehold” on businesses by regulating their emissions and pollution. The Hill obtained a copy of the document titled “Key Issues before the Committee on Energy and Commerce 112th Congress [PDF], which contains the following:

      “We believe it critical that the Obama administration ‘stop’ imposing its new global warming regulatory regime, which will undermine economic growth and U.S. competitiveness for no significant benefit…The EPA is regulating too much too fast without fully analyzing the feasibility and economic and job impacts of the new rules.”

      Upton and his colleagues are working to dismantle the EPA’s ability to regulate carbon emissions, which was granted to them by a Supreme Court ruling that stated that carbon was, in fact, a greenhouse gas. The energy industry was strongly opposed to this ruling, as it would hinder their ability to pollute without consequence, and reducing their emissions would take a small percentage off of their bottom line. And since Upton’s number one campaign donor is the energy industry, he’s not going to waste any time to grant their wishes.

    • Ask yourself these two Questions before buying your next hardware

      But then take a look at this video. Have you ever asked yourself where all those computers, printers and other things you disposed off ended up? Do you really need that computer with a bazillion gigs of memory and all that power?

      You might be safe from the pollution that the hardware and software companies induce through their very powerful marketing strategies, but for people like yours truly, we bear the full brunt of it.

      Next time you go out shopping for gadgets, ask yourself two questions: do you really need it, and what is the real price aside what’s displayed on the price tag.

    • Water in the Hole: Postcard From Australia

      As a follow up to last week’s post, China Lights, Global Floods, Australian Coal, I’ve helpfully received various emails, reports, and some photographs from friends and contacts in New Zealand and Australia. Below is a classic Before and After portrait of the Baralaba Mine, flooded by the Dawson River.

  • Finance

    • Bitcoin – a Step Toward Censorship-Resistant Digital Currency

      A few weeks ago, we mentioned a rather unusual technological endeavor to create an online currency. We received a few queries about this subject, so decided to provide a more thorough description of what digital currency is, how this system works, why it’s appealing and how it might fall short of user expectations.

      To understand digital currency, one must first note that money in the digital age has moved from a largely anonymous system to one increasingly laden with tracking, control and regulatory overhead. Our cold hard cash is now shepherded through a series of regulated financial institutions like banks, credit unions and lenders. Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, is a peer-to-peer digital currency system that endeavors to re-establish both privacy and autonomy by avoiding the banking and government middlemen. The goal is to allow individuals and merchants to generate and exchange modern money directly. Once the Bitcoin software has been downloaded, a user can store Bitcoins and exchange them directly with other users or merchants — without the currency being verified by a third party such as a bank or government. It uses a unique system to prevent multiple-spending of each coin, which makes it an interesting development in the movement toward digital cash systems.

    • California And Janet Yellen Will Drive the Next Round of QE

      FED observers are quite aware of Vice-Chairman Yellen’s recent theoretical presentation, in which she asserted that quantitative easing would create 3 million jobs in America. Yellen marked this objective to the year 2012, which is now just a year away.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Opposition MPs claim Harper violated ‘spirit’ of Commons rules over using his Prime Minister’s Hill office in Tory ad, later referred to in fundraising letter

      Opposition MPs claim Prime Minister Stephen Harper has violated the spirit if not the letter of a Commons rule banning the use of House resources for election-related purposes by using his Prime Minister’s office on Parliament Hill as the setting for a television ad the Conservative party itself has linked to a possible snap election.

    • CPC AdWatch: Prime Ministerial Office Politics

      So, remember how the Conservative Party’s latest ad campaign — and, specifically, the spot filmed in the prime minister’s office — got me wondering whether it was against the rules that govern the use of parliamentary property for partisan purposes? Turns out that I may not have been entirely correct when I concluded that it likely was not — or, at the very least, wasn’t explicitly forbidden — since it was shot in his Hill office, and not his ministerial quarters across the street in Langevin.

  • Privacy

    • EFF obtains docs that reveal when authorities can get your data from social media companies

      The Electronic Frontier Foundation today posted analysis of documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act which show how various popular social media companies handle requests for user data from authorities. The issue became a focal point earlier this month when the US Department of Justice obtained a court order for records from Twitter on users affiliated with WikiLeaks.

    • Justices Uphold Background Checks

      Employees of government contractors, including scientists and engineers who work on government space programs, must submit to intrusive background checks if they want to keep their jobs, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Wednesday.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality

    • Verizon sues FCC, says “net neutrality lite” rules illegal

      Verizon dropped a bomb on the FCC’s net neutrality plans today, asking a federal appeals court to “vacate, enjoin, and set aside” the signature accomplishment of FCC Chair Julius Genachowski.

    • Canadians lose out with internet metered billing

      Free and open access to the internet in Canada is under threat, according to New Democrat Digital Affairs Critic Charlie Angus. Angus, the MP for Timmins-James Bay, said the CRTC’s decision to allow usage-based Internet billing won’t just affect the so-called “bandwidth hogs” but also unfairly hit Canadian consumers in the pocket book.

    • Extra billing for internet use a ‘ripoff’: NDP

      The CRTC’s decision to allow internet service providers to charge their customers for downloading excessive amounts of data threatens “free and open access to the internet in Canada,” the NDP said Thursday.

    • UBB is a Non Partisan “Ripoff”

      Somehow I’m not surprised to see a Cable ISP like Shaw trying to fool their customers into thinking this forces them to raise the prices.

      The biggest problem with UBB is still that most Canadians consumers don’t understand it. And won’t even know about it until we get the bills.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • A Key Myth That Drives Bad Policy: Stronger IP Laws Mean More Creativity

      Ars Technica has an article highlighting Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s “conservative tech policy goals,” which has a heavy focus on ramping up intellectual property laws and enforcement. Of course, I don’t see how that’s any different than the “liberal tech policy” these days. Of course, this reinforces the general point that intellectual property issues are not partisan, as both major parties seem to be beholden to the interests of those who abuse IP laws.


      It’s really quite unfortunate that so many of our elected officials, no matter what their political party, seem to have fallen for the same fallacy, that seeks to turn the internet into the next version of television, rather than focusing on what the internet actually does well.

    • Copyrights

      • IRIS Distribution targets file sharing

        An odd campaign by IRIS Distribution, a record label representative, is targetting children with the slogan “I share everything but my music.” The image of adorable woodland creatures depicting an “i’m totally ignoring you” rabbit wearing headphones and a confused looking raccoon attempting to share a ball with his rude buddy attempts to get at the problem of digital file sharing.

      • IPRED review: alarm bells for those who care about the ‘Net

        The European Commission is consulting on blocking orders against websites, and on privacy rules which relate to graduated response / 3-strikes measures. Interested Internet users have just over 2 months left to respond.

      • File-Sharing Operators Hit With Big Fines, Jail Sentences

        A man and woman who operated a 50TB capacity file-sharing hub have been found guilty of copyright infringement offenses. Despite arguing that their 2,600 member system was set up merely for discussion, the pair now face paying damages to the IFPI of more than $1 million and suspended jail sentences totalling 7 months.

      • Piracy Horrors and The Music Industry’s Twisted Reality

        Once again the music industry has published a report featuring the desperate times record labels are facing, all because of file-sharing horrors. Each year the industry’s press releases and annual reports are ever more depressive, with their lobbyists citing horribly inaccurate research and utilizing twisted arguments to beg governments for help. Brace yourself.

      • Do You Prefer Copyright or the Right to Talk in Private?

        Five years ago, when I founded the Swedish and first Pirate Party, we set three pillars for our policy: shared culture, free knowledge, and fundamental privacy. These were themes that were heard as ideals in the respected activist circles. I had a gut feeling that they were connected somehow, but it would take another couple months for me to connect the dots between the right to fundamental liberty of privacy and the right to share culture.

        The connection was so obvious once you had made it, it’s still one of our best points:

        Today’s level of copyright can’t coexist with the right to communicate in private.

      • IFPI: Fighting music piracy is a government job

        It’s official: online piracy has only one real solution, and that solution will be taxpayer-funded.

      • Big Music 2011 report: Get The Kids!

        The yearly ‘reports’ from Vivendi Universal, EMI, Warner Music and Sony Music’s IFPI used to be fun.

        Full of little lies, medium sized lies and Big Lies, statistics from outer space, smooth PR babble, and all the rest of it, they were ridiculous and fun to pull apart.

        They’re still ridiculous, but as it becomes more and more obvious they’re on their last legs and their efforts to stay alive in the 21st digital century become increasingly outrageous, the fun has worn off.


        That’s the message buried in this year’s report, which features a section which should be deeply alarming to any parent, any teacher, any government department anywhere that’s concerned with the way in which our children are taught, and by whom.

        “Consumer education plays an important role in the music industry’s digital strategy”, admit Vivendi Universal (France), Sony (Japan), EMI (Britain), and Warner Music (US). Their “IFPI and its national affiliates are involved in dozens of public education programmes worldwide”, they say in the ‘report’, punching up “Four international consumer education programmes”.

        For “education” read “indoctrination”. And there’s zero genuine content: only corporate disinformation.

      • IFPI: 31% Decline in Global Music Sales

        Like all other music industry interest groups the IFPI suffers from the delusion that digital music is like physical music, and that two would be equal if “wasn’t for them meddlin’ kids” – aka illegal file-sharers. It says that in 2010 CD sales continued their sharp decline while digital music sales rose by a mere 6%, but what it doesn’t say is that people no longer want to own clunky, outdated CDs.

      • Big content to ICANN: make it easier for us to challenge domain suffixes

        A small battalion of music copyright trade associations have written to the global agency in charge of domains to express their displeasure with the group’s latest Draft Application Guidebook for generic Top-Level Domains (gLTDs). Those are the domain suffixes that we’ve all come to know and possibly love, such as .com, .org, and .info.

      • Digital Economy (UK)

        • Digital Economy Act Update

          Rights holders will pay 75%, with the remaining 25% borne by ISPs. This reflects the position announced last spring following an earlier consultation – so no surprises in the draft SI, then.

          With no sign of a draft of the main body of the Initial Obligations Code – the legislation which details how the copyright infringement warning scheme will run, appeals will be heard etc – some commentators are surprised that the government should choose now to put this lesser costs order before parliament.

Clip of the Day

GTK RecordMyDesktop

Credit: TinyOgg

Links 22/1/2011: Pardus 2011, Red Hat’s Andreas

Posted in News Roundup at 1:22 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Linux time… again

    I’ve recently turned to looking at lighter weight distros with lower impact on on the limited resources. After some research I found an excellent article on Tuxradar which attempts to answer the question What’s the best lightweight linux distro? I’ve seen a few excellent options and after further reading the distro I’m particularly interested in trying is Lubuntu. All I need now is time, hopefully I will be able to try Lubuntu over the next few days. I will of course be posting a first impressions followed by a review.

  • Linux lovers riled up over Sony PS3 lawsuit, Firefox woes

    The Linux blogosphere is “all shook up” these days, skewering Sony for suing a hacker for jailbreaking the PS3, and hammering Mozilla for skimping on hardware acceleration in the Linux Firefox 4 beta. Meanwhile, Google’s decision to drop H.264 from its Chrome browser for open source alternatives received praise from the open source world, but also a surprising amount of criticism.

  • Home Computer – Green, Palm Sized Computer For Rs 5000

    elLoka Techsolutions Pvt Ltd a Hyderabad based product design and manufacturing company that delivers Ultra Low Cost Computer Platforms(ULCCP), has come up with a palm-sized computer that is very cheap and consumes very little power.

  • Search is One of the Strengths of GNU/Linux

    Searching is one of the five major functions of computerized information processing: searching, creating, modifying, storing and presenting. In the early days of PCs one could keep a scrap of paper or such with a list of floppies and a directory listing would get you close to your data sooner or later. Now, one can keep track of stuff on many terabytes of storage in an instant.

  • Tux Planet, an awesome source for Linux wallpapers

    I recently stumbled with this great French site, which contains some of the most amazing Linux wallpapers I have found. Many Linux distributions are featured, including the usual suspects, like Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Fedora, but also some other distros that are perhaps not as popular yet, such as CrunchBang or Pardus.

  • Server

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • Revisited: 3 Newbie-Friendly KDE Distributions

        Pardus 2009.2 “Geronticus Eremita” Live CD
        This one’s going to be short. I selected Pardus, saw a little bit of boot text, and then…nothing. I was stuck at a blank screen. I tried again, this time waiting for 15 minutes — still nothing. I find it slightly ironic that Pardus won the last comparison test considering that it couldn’t even start here. Then again, I have a strong suspicion that it’s an issue with MultiSystem and that MultiSystem doesn’t support Pardus nearly as well as its (MultiSystem’s) developer(s) thought it would. Oh well. That was the end of that.

    • GNOME Desktop

      • Mutter: window and compositing manager for GNOME 3 based on Clutter.

        GNOME 3 is the GNOME project’s ambitious effort to take its desktop into the future. A key component of the desktop is the window manager, which defines much of the overall feel of the system. Thomas Thurman, the maintainer of Metacity—GNOME’s current window manager—is looking ahead to “Mutter” as the window manager for GNOME 3. Metacity 2 will gradually be phased out in favor of Mutter; in GNOME 2.28 it will be an alternative window manager, while in GNOME 3, it will take over the reins from Metacity.

  • Distributions

    • Why I Use Gentoo Linux

      I’ll admit it right here: Gentoo is my primary operating system and remains my favorite distribution of Linux.

    • PARDUS 2011 is here!

      For those of you were waiting for Pardus 2011, the waiting is finally over!

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

    • Red Hat Family

      • Red Hat Waiting for a Break Out?

        Latest price action range, defined by a peaks and troughs algorithm places calculated support at $45.50 and calculated resistance at $48.78. These levels will be closely watched by traders, as they provide great insight into the latest price dynamics defined by Red Hat shares.

      • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) 6 Released

        Kevin Fenzi, one of release-engineers for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) and long time member of the EPEL Fedora Special Interest Group (SIG) discusses the EPEL 6 release.

      • Introducing Andreas

        Andreas currently detects bugs in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 cases, and is expected to quickly expand to include additional products, including earlier versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and our JBoss Enterprise Middleware product suite.

    • Debian Family

      • Myths and Facts about Firmwares and their non-removal from Debian

        Debian’s announcement to release “Squeeze” with a completely free Linux kernel caused quite some attention, which is actually a good thing. However, it also seems to have caused quite some uncertainty and was often partially misunderstood and miss quoted.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal – First Impressions

          At the time of writing this article, Ubuntu 11.04 codenamed “Natty Narwhal” is still very much in its nascent stages of development. I really wanted to take it for a spin and write about my first hand impressions on latest build Ubuntu Natty. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 in my USB drive and things went pretty smooth from the word go.

        • Ubuntu Business Model – A Misunderstood Concept

          Canonical, the business arm of Ubuntu, has one of the most promising business models in the Linux world, and also the most misunderstood. First of all, Ubuntu is in a market termed by economists as a perfectly competitive market. This means that it cannot charge any price beyond that which is determined by the market. The only way to make profit, as has rightly been identified by Canonical is to create an ecosystem of products and services around Ubuntu, which would complement the functions of the OS.

          This is model of making profit is not new. There are other companies that make money from this method. Give the primary product for free but then create other value added products and services that complements this primary product. To make profit from this kind of business model takes time and a lot of investment. Mark Shuttleworth, the financial backbone of the Ubuntu project rightly knows so and is doing exactly that. Most critics of the Ubuntu distro, are convinced that it’s only a matter of time before Ubuntu also capitulates like its predecessors for lack of funds. They couldn’t be further from reality.

        • Ubuntu 11.04 switches to LibreOffice in latest daily builds
        • Ubuntu Unity Adds 2D Support

          Honestly, I’m not surprised by this. We’ve been down this road once before, with the original Ubuntu Netbook Remix requiring advanced graphic support, and in subsequent releases it was adapted to work quite adequately without the fancy graphic bells and whistles. If there is anything surprising about it, it is that Canonical/Ubuntu didn’t learn the lesson the first time. If you are going to start dictating hardware requirements to your users, and demanding that they have nothing but the absolute latest, greatest and most powerful systems, then you might want to consider changing your name to “Microsoft”.

        • Flavours and Variants

          • Getting Enlightened with Bodhi Linux

            Much of E17′s functionality is contained in modules.

          • Bodhi Linux is Blossoming

            I am also especially pleased to welcome Christopher Michael (devilhorns) to our team. Christopher has been working with the Enlightenment development team for nearly ten years. He is working hand in hand with the Bodhi team and community to get any issues that occur with the desktop corrected ASAP. He will also be coding some new things that will allow Bodhi to provide a better desktop experience for everyone.

Free Software/Open Source

  • When “open source” software isn’t truly open source

    Once the term “open source software” was coined, it was also defined. The official Open Source Definition is clear, and explains how software must be licensed to qualify as open source software. The specific points of the Definition address issues related to:

    1. Redistribution
    2. Source Code
    3. Derived Works
    4. Integrity of the Author’s Source Code
    5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
    6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
    7. Distribution of License
    8. License Product Specificity
    9. License Restrictions on Other Software
    10. License Technology Neutrality

  • Pirates: Good for Microsoft, great for open sourcers

    Perhaps for that reason, since 2008 Cisco Systems, EMC, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, SAP, and others have dropped off its membership rolls, as pointed out on TechRights.

    These companies may recognize the PR hit they take each time the BSA succeeds in nabbing an alleged pirate. But perhaps they also recognize that there are better ways to policy piracy.

  • Development of FFmpeg under new management

    With over 100 audio and video formats, FFmpeg is at the heart of countless multimedia programs, and it is one of the show-piece projects on the open source scene. Originally founded by Fabrice Bellard, Michael Niedermayer started maintaining the project in 2004. However, a team of 18 developers has now ousted him and appointed seven new project maintainers, among them the main x264 developer, Jason Garrett-Glaser (“Dark Shikari”), and Ronald S. Bultje. Some of the most active FFmpeg developers had been dissatisfied with Niedermayer’s project management and had accused him of slowing down the development of the codec library, which is licensed under the GPL / LGPL, by focussing on unnecessary details and causing superfluous discussions.

  • 5 open source security projects to watch

    Data security is always top of mind for CIOs and CSOs, and there is no shortage of challenges when it comes to picking the right tool for the job.

    With network and software vulnerabilities growing at a perpetual rate, good security software can help defend against many of the large-scale threats that occur locally and from all over the Internet.

  • Events

    • Everything you need to know about Linux.conf.au 2011

      The annual conference is one of the largest Open Source conferences in the southern hemisphere, and one of three major international grassroots Linux conferences worldwide, the other two being Linux Symposium and Linux Kongress.

      Originally founded in 1999 by Linux Kernel Hacker Rusty Russell under the acronym “CALU,” the conference changed its name to linux.conf.au in 2001, when it was held in Sydney.

  • Databases

    • MySQL: Drive Your Performance Problems Away!

      You’ve just heaved a sigh of relief after the latest release of your online system—but you can already see troubled times ahead, with performance issues cropping up after adding on just a few concurrent users. You don’t have time for elaborate load or scalability testing, since the user count will grow rapidly in the next few weeks. As the solutions architect, you know that you’ll get the maximum returns on your investment of effort by taming the database. Will you start scrambling for tools, hoping they will help you? Or will you simply decide to throw more powerful hardware at the system, to postpone solving the problem?

      The approach we advocate is to tune your MySQL database system for the most efficient performance before you begin throwing new hardware at the problem, or begin re-designing the very solution itself. Let’s learn to use some very effective tools—most of which are included in your MySQL installation—to make this process a pleasure. We can start right away if you are ready to take the plunge.

  • Oracle

    • Sun’s open source legacy

      Colbourne later recounted that “Shortly after the merger I spoke to a Sun employee who was now employed by Oracle. Their view was that Oracle had no idea what they had really bought with Java. The meaning was that Oracle did not understand the role of the wider community in the success of Java”. Since then, a specification for Java SE 7 has been released, but Oracle’s intransigence on the IP issue has led the Apache Software Foundation to leave the JCP.

  • CMS

    • So long, Drupal 5.x (End of Life Announcement)

      When Drupal 7 was released that meant that Drupal 5 was no longer supported. This announcement is merely a reminder of that fact. It is the policy (and, to large extent a matter of pragmatics) of the Drupal community to support only the current major release of Drupal (currently Drupal 7.x), and the previous release (currently Drupal 6.x). See Drupal’s version info for more details on this policy.


    • Call for IceCat developers

      The GNU Icecat project is a web browser built to deal with the influx of threats to freedom and privacy on the web from traps such as nonfree plugins and nonfree JavaScript.

  • Government/Transparency

    • Legal advice on enhanced cooperation kept secret

      The European Council has some difficulties to apply the TURCO judgement of the ECJ which clearly mandates a disclosure of legal advice unrelated to court proceedings. Legal advice concerning the enhanced cooperation on an unitary patent, they think they are permitted to keep it confidential. I strongly doubt so.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • HTML Versioning Eliminated

      There will be no HTML version 6 or version 6.2.3, or any other numbered version. Instead, HTML will just be considered a “living document,” one that will be updated on an ongoing basis, said Ian Hickson, a member of the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), in a blog post Wednesday.


  • Student protester who threw fire extinguisher from roof jailed

    A student who admitted throwing a fire extinguisher from the roof of Millbank Tower during November’s tuition fees protests was sentenced to 32 months in jail today by a judge who warned those who abuse the right of peaceful protest to expect lengthy custodial sentences.

  • Italian court waters down Berlusconi immunity law

    Italy’s constitutional court has opened the way for Silvio Berlusconi to be put back on trial, throwing out crucial parts of the law that represented his latest attempt to shield himself from prosecution.

  • Haiti earthquake: Corruption kills, not tremors

    Buildings kill people, not earthquakes. The seismologists’ saying has never been more true, with deaths from tremors continuing to rise despite advances in earthquake resistant design.

  • Health/Nutrition

    • How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed

      In the first part of a special BMJ series, Brian Deer exposes the bogus data behind claims that launched a worldwide scare over the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, and reveals how the appearance of a link with autism was manufactured at a London medical school

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • Mark Kennedy knew of second undercover eco-activist

      The undercover police officer whose seven-year infiltration of the green protest movement has sparked widespread controversy is said to have named another eco-activist as a fellow police spy, the Guardian can reveal.

    • Police spy who married activist suspended from duty

      One of three police officers revealed by the Guardian to have infiltrated the green protest movement has been restricted from duty pending an investigation into his professional conduct.

      Jim Boyling, who carried out covert surveillance for five years while undercover as eco-activist Jim Sutton, was accused of engaging in sexual relationships with targets. It emerged this week that Boyling had married an activist and had gone on to have two children with her before divorcing two years ago.

    • Mark Kennedy: secret policeman’s sideline as corporate spy

      The undercover police officer whose unmasking led to the collapse of a trial of six environmental protesters on Monday apparently also worked as a corporate spy, according to documents seen by the Guardian.

    • The state’s pedlars of fear must be brought to account

      So “Mark Stone” was not acting alone. The most extraordinary feature of the police penetration of the green movement was the alleged presence of a woman constable, “and others … lots of others.” I looked again at the picture of the Ratcliffe Six, who appeared to be “greens” from central casting. It recalled Chesterton’s satire on the early Met police special branch, The Man Who Was Thursday, in which all the members of the “supreme anarchist council” turned out to be policemen. So, are the greens all policemen, and if so what is their game?

    • US gun crime: death for sale

      “The endurance of the gun in America is not about nostalgia for a golden past,” says Sugarmann. “It’s about political fear. Politicians have abandoned their moral responsibility to ensure public safety because of the perceived power of the gun lobby.”

    • Thought experiment

      To the extent that any liberals have talked like number 2 about conservatives, that is beyond the pale and unacceptable. I don’t think I’ve done it. I use big words and I snarl and I sneer and I call people idiots and liars and so forth, but I don’t say things like let’s have open season on right-wingers, or don’t retreat, reload. I don’t use that kind of imagery. If I have, I am sorry. But I don’t think I have. Guns aren’t part of my life, so it’s just not the imagery that comes to mind for me.

    • Tomgram: William Hartung, Lockheed Martin’s Shadow Government

      If one giant outfit gives war profiteering its full modern meaning, though, it’s Lockheed Martin. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you read today’s post. As much as any robber baron of the nineteenth century, that corporation has long deserved its own biography. Now, William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation, has written Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex, the definitive account of how that company came to lord it over our national security world.

    • Israeli Court Extends Jail Term for Abdallah Abu Rahma, Anti-Wall Activist

      UPDATE: Today, the Israeli Military Court has accepted the military prosecution’s appeal to extend Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but was kept in detention at the military prosecution’s request despite having finished serving his term. He will now serve an additional 2-3 months in prison, making his serving time a total of sixteen months.

    • Shameful imprisonment

      Jonathan Pollak, an activist against the occupation and a leader of the group Anarchists Against the Wall, is due to enter Hermon Prison this morning to serve the three-month term to which he was sentenced for illegal assembly. In January 2008 Pollak took part in a protest by bicycle riders in Tel Aviv against the siege of the Gaza Strip. Some 30 riders participated in the demonstration, but Pollak was the only one arrested, tried and punished. His arrest should trouble every citizen who cares about human rights in Israel.

      Pollak had participated in a peaceful, non-violent demonstration, which is not merely the right of every citizen, but also the duty of everyone who wishes to fight against wrong. In similar demonstrations that took place on highways, such as that of the motorcyclists against raising insurance rates or the demonstration by firefighters, no one was arrested. The fact that Pollak was the only one arrested in the cyclists’ demonstration raises serious suspicions that he was being singled out by police and the courts because of his long struggle against the occupation.


      Pollak’s incarceration is a dark day: not only for Pollak but for all those who fear for democracy in Israel.

    • Hundreds displaced in village demolition

      Three-hundred Palestinians were displaced Wednesday afternoon when their homes outside a village were torn down by Israeli military order, and witnesses said parts of a schoolhouse were also destroyed.

    • Ivory Coast: Stop Conflict Chocolate

      Ivory Coast is on the brink of civil war, and chocolate companies could play a critical role in saving lives and bringing peace.

    • Palin to be prosecuted for inciting violence if she visits Australia, attorney says

      Under Australian law, inciting violence is a serious crime: an offense which could even trigger the prosecution of members of the US political class and mainstream media who called for the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to his attorney.

      Comments by Robert Stary, Assange’s Melbourne-based lawyer, were carried in the US by a Friday broadcast of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Conservationists unveil plans to save coral from extinction

      Conservationists have unveiled plans to preserve and protect the world’s most important species of coral, in a response to increasing threats that they say will lead to “functional extinction” within decades.

      Led by scientists at the Zoological Society of London, the Edge Coral Reefs project has identified 10 coral species in most urgent risk of becoming extinct.

    • BP Gulf oil spill final report backs British safety model

      The final report from the presidential commission investigating the causes of BP’s Gulf of Mexico disaster is expected to recommend today that the US oil industry adopt the North Sea approach to safety.

      The US government is expected to radically overhaul its discredited regulatory regime covering offshore operations, which had merely required companies to fill out uniform box-ticking safety audits. It is also expected that the commission will recommend the setting up of an independent safety institute responsible for auditing companies’ plans.

    • BP oil spill: Colombian farmers sue for negligence

      BP failed to observe proper environmental safety procedures during construction of an oil pipeline in Colombia, according to allegations in a case lodged by a group of farmers at the high court in London.

      The case comes at the worst possible time for BP as it deals with the fallout from the new report into the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the shutdown of the Trans-Alaska pipeline on Saturday after a leak.

    • Don’t look to North Sea oil
    • Congress must act on oil spill commission recommendations

      On January 11, the oil spill commission released its final reporting. The report offers a sweep of reforms that would protect taxpayers and make offshore drilling safer for workers, while also protecting the environment and Gulf Coast businesses from future oil spills that damage wetlands and hurt the region’s fishing and tourism industries.

    • Forbes’ rich list of nonsense

      While it is no longer surprising, it remains disheartening to see a blistering attack on climate science in the business press where thoughtful reviews of climate policy ought to be appearing. Of course, the underlying strategy is to pretend that no evidence that the climate is changing exists, so any effort to address climate change is a waste of resources.

      A recent piece by Larry Bell in Forbes, entitled “Hot Sensations Vs. Cold Facts”, is a classic example.

    • Last year was joint warmest on record, say climatologists

      The year of devastating floods, freak snowstorms, forest fires and heatwaves that was 2010 has tied for the warmest on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced today.

      The Earth’s temperature was 0.62C (1.12F) above the 20th-century average of 13.9C(57F), tying 2005 for the warmest year since record-keeping began in 1880, the analysis by the National Climatic Data Centre showed.

    • Tagging penguins limits survival chances, study shows

      The researchers found that the survival rates for king penguins with flipper bands dropped by 16% and the birds produced 39% fewer chicks. The finding raises serious questions about the ethics of banding penguins for research and casts doubt on years of data produced by tagging the birds in this way.

    • Green investment bank could help to build nuclear reactors

      The government’s Green Investment Bank could fund the building of new nuclear reactors, it has emerged.

  • Finance

    • Banks given go-ahead to pay unlimited bonuses

      Britain’s banks have been given the go-ahead to pay unlimited bonuses, drawing to a close a two-year political battle to rein in the City.

      After months in which a series of government ministers of all parties have threatened a toughening in the stance over City bonuses, Downing Street said the government did not intend to intervene in the pay of the UK’s top bankers.

    • The Market and Inequality

      Paul Krugman joined a debate on the morality of markets, arguing that the United States has not met the fundamental condition of equality of opportunity that libertarian conservatives agree is necessary for fairness. While this is true (only in looney tune land does a kid growing up in Anacostia have the same opportunity as a kid growing up in Chevy Chase), this argument wrongly cedes the main point to the right.

      It is ridiculous to argue that the inequality in the U.S. is simply the result of free markets. Markets are structured by governments, and the rich have used their control of the government to structure the market in ways to make themselves richer.

      The mechanisms for upward redistribution can be seen everywhere.

    • The Ibanez Effect on Past, Future Foreclosures

      The Ibanez case ruled against the lender in a lender-borrower dispute over the validity of a foreclosure proceeding is not just a highly political homeowners’ protection issue. It sets a precedent expected to greatly affect the mortgage industry in the future.

    • The Golden Ticket at Goldman Sachs
    • Investors to take hit when gov’t dismantles banks

      Creditors and shareholders will now have to absorb some of the losses when the federal government steps in to dismantle large failing financial firms.

    • Credit card problems ebbed in December

      Fewer credit card accounts slipped into default in December than in any other month of 2010, and signs point to further improvement ahead.

    • Study Points to Windfall for Goldman Partners

      Goldman Sachs executives have long been among the most richly paid on Wall Street in the best of times. They are now poised to reap a windfall that was sown in the dark days of the financial crisis in 2008.

      Nearly 36 million stock options were granted to employees in December 2008 — 10 times the amount issued the previous year — when the stock was trading at $78.78. Since those uncertain days, Goldman’s business has roared back and its share price has more than doubled, closing on Tuesday at nearly $175.

    • Obama Asks for Review of Rules Stifling Jobs

      President Obama on Tuesday ordered “a governmentwide review” of federal regulations to root out those “that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive,” but he exempted many agencies that most vex corporate America.

    • Business lauds Obama’s call for review of ‘excessive’ regs

      The White House announced a new government-wide review of regulations Tuesday, heeding the call of business groups.

      In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, President Obama said the country’s “excessive” and “inconsistent” regulations have sometimes had a “chilling effect” on job growth and — in a nod to the priorities of the new House Republican majority — observed that small businesses often bear the burden.

    • Europeans Vow to Get Tough on Bankers Pay

      The European Union finance ministers vowed Tuesday to closely monitor rules governing bankers’ compensation while promising that new banking stress tests would be stricter than the ones conducted last year.

    • Elizabeth Warren faces first inquiry

      The chairman of a financial services oversight panel sent a letter to Elizabeth Warren, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, saying he is skeptical of the new bureau’s very existence and demanded details about how it will operate.

      Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas), who chairs an oversight panel of the Financial Services Committee, said in the letter sent Tuesday that he thinks Warren is “tasked with executing a fatally flawed plan.”

    • Citigroup dips into reserves to post 4Q profit

      Citigroup Inc. was profitable in the fourth quarter, but only after reaching into reserves that it no longer needed for loan losses. Revenues from trading stocks and bonds fell sharply.

      The New York bank reported fourth-quarter income of $1.3 billion Tuesday, or 4 cents a share, falling short of the 7 cents expected by analysts surveyed by FactSet. Citi’s stock fell 6 percent to $4.82 in heavy trading.

    • Why Did Goldman Blink?

      Goldman Sachs’s decision to offer shares of Facebook only to offshore investors is simple risk management. The risk here can be attributable to the scrutiny that this transaction, and Goldman Sachs generally, are now under.

      About a week ago, I discussed the legal issues associated with the Goldman-Facebook share sale. One of the items I noted was that in order to make sure that the full registration requirements of the securities laws were inapplicable, Goldman could not engage in a “general solicitation” of shareholders.

  • Politics/PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Why Won’t Obama Meet With the Left? (By RALPH NADER)

      The sentiments expressed in this letter may have more meaning more for you now that the results of the mid-term elections are clear. You have seen what can happen when a number of your supporters lose their enthusiasm and stay home or do not actively participate as volunteers.

      In your first two years, you have developed a wide asymmetry between your association with Big Business executives and the leaders of national civic and labor groups whose members are in the tens of millions. You have met repeatedly at the White House and other locales with corporate officials, spoken to their gatherings and even traveled abroad with them to promote their exports.

      Recently on your trip to India with a covey of business leaders, you vigorously touted their products, some by brand name (Boeing and Harley-Davidson’s expensive motorcycles). Your traveling companions could not have been more gratified as you legitimized their view that WTO trade rules were a net plus for employment in the United States as well as India. Imagine—the President as business agent.

    • Guantánamo at nine and Obama’s broken promise

      His story is one of many that reflect the callous nature of the ordeal several returnees have had to face: continued isolation and enforced separation from their families. Lahmar and his wife and children, the youngest of whom he’s never seen – an all too familiar consequence of the Guantánamo experiment – continue to live apart, as he has no way of getting to Bosnia, nor they of coming to France.

    • Lawyer: FBI Illegally Interrogating Gulet Mohamed

      FBI agents are taking advantage of an American teenager’s detention in Kuwait to illegally harass and interrogate him without counsel, the teen’s lawyer said Wednesday. Gulet Mohamed, a Somali-born American Muslim, says he was tortured and interrogated after he was detained by Kuwaiti security officials last month. He claims that Kuwaiti interrogators asked him questions about his travels, his past, and his family that he and his lawyer believe were fed to the Kuwaitis by US officials.

    • Obama’s Drone Memo Dilemma

      Sometime during Barack Obama’s term in office, there’s a good chance an American citizen will be killed on the president’s orders.

    • State Denies Request for Info on TransCanada Connection

      The Department of State has denied a Freedom of Information Act request that environmental groups filed seeking a record of correspondence between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a former member of her campaign staff who is now lobbying for an international oil services company. The company is seeking approval from the State Department for a massive oil pipeline that would run from Canada to Texas.

      Friends of the Earth, Corporate Ethics International and the Center for International Environmental Law submitted the request last month, seeking any communication between Clinton’s office and the top lobbyist for TransCanada, Paul Elliott, who served as her national deputy director during the 2008 campaign. The ties between the two have drawn scrutiny, as the State Department is in the process of deciding whether to approve TransCanada’s proposal for the Keystone XL pipeline. Clinton raised ire among environmental groups and some senators when she indicated last October that the pipeline would likely be approved despite the fact that the evaluation of the proposal is still underway.

  • Censorship

    • Miami’s World Erotic Art Museum Fraudulently Uses the DMCA to Take Down Items in Their Collection From the Web

      Unfortunately, a set of mine with hundreds of photos in it has now been almost entirely deleted on Flickr. Oddly Flickr deleted every single photo in the set (except for the ones that I’d manually marked as “moderate” or “restricted” content) in conjunction with this notice on my account. I suspect those will be the next to go.

    • Communists Gag the Web

      By clamping down on the Facebook.com social networking service, Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party is revealing its discomfort with the rapidly expanding avenue for free expression even as it pushes to transform the once poor agrarian nation into a modern industrial society by 2020.

    • UPD UK and EU ISPs Bash European Proposals to Force Blocking of Child Abuse Sites

      The European Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA) has called on the European Parliament to consider permanently removing internet based child sexual abuse content at source, which would be instead of forcing EU and UK ISPs into merely filtering out (blocking) such material. The latter would only provide a merely cosmetic appearance of having done something useful and is easily circumvented.

  • Civil Rights

    • ‘Evil spirit’ sweeping over Israel, warns opposition leader Tzipi Livni

      Israel’s opposition leader, Tzipi Livni, today said a wave of evil was sweeping the country, characterised by legislation to investigate the funding of civil and human rights organisations.

      Her party, Kadima, would oppose the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into groups such as B’Tselem and Physicians for Human Rights, she said. Her comments followed an attack by the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, whose party sponsored the bill, on rightwing opponents of the measure. He said they had “bleeding hearts” and were harming the “national camp”.

    • Israel’s Assault on Human Rights

      Imagine a college student returning to her university after spending Christmas break at home. At the airport she logs on to the Internet to double check some of the sources she used in her final take-home exam for the course “Introduction to Human Rights.” She gets online and begins to surf the web; however, she soon realizes that the websites of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are blocked. She calls the service provider’s 800 number, only to find out that all human rights organizations’ websites have indeed been restricted and that they can no longer be accessed from the airport.

      This, you are probably thinking, cannot happen in the United States. Such practices are common in China, North Korea and Syria, but not in liberal democracies that pride themselves on the basic right to freedom of expression.

      In the United States students can of course access human rights websites, no matter where they surf from. But in Israel, which is also known as the only democracy in the Middle East, human rights websites as well as the websites of some extreme right-wing organizations cannot be accessed from Ben-Gurion, the country’s only international airport.

    • Hi, Joe!

      In your time, you succeeded in infecting all of the US with hysteria. You detected a Soviet agent under every bed. You waved a list of Soviet spies in the State Department (a list which nobody was ever shown). In a hundred languages around the world – including Hebrew – the name McCarthy, McCarthyism, has become a household word. Yes, you made your mark alright.

      But you were, after all, only a plagiarist. Before you, the House Anti-American Activities Committee terrorized the country, destroyed careers, hounded people into suicide and tarnished the reputation of the US throughout the democratic world. It “investigated” intellectuals and artists and branded many of them as “anti-American”.

    • ACLU Lens: Citizenship At Birth Under the 14th Amendment

      Today a group of state legislators announced they will introduce bills in their state legislatures intended to deny Americans the fundamental protections of the 14th Amendment by requiring states to deny standard birth certificates to many U.S. citizen babies born in the U.S. to immigrant parents. The proposed legislation directly contradicts the long-standing 14th Amendment guarantee that all people born in the U.S. and under its jurisdiction are citizens of the U.S. and the state in which they reside and subject to equal protection under the law. If enacted, the bills are unlikely to survive legal scrutiny since the Constitution can only be changed by amendment, not by state or federal statute.

    • Don’t Put Your Trust in “Trusted Identities”

      The involvement of the private sector in this non-centralized or “federated” identity scheme is of course preferable to a direct, centralized government-run identity system. That kind of a system would be a non-starter. But we would also have questions about what the private sector will do with this system. The interests and values of large companies tends to push toward stability, security and predictability — not toward the raucous freedom that online privacy and anonymity makes possible. Once a standard is in place, will people have to start identifying themselves everywhere online — even when it’s totally unnecessary. This has happened all too often in the offline world. It could be driven by the need for legal due diligence (we need to know you’re over 18 or we can’t market to you and our lawyers say if we don’t use this system we could be liable; we need to track you in case you later turn out to be a hacker) and the opportunity to collect reliable personal data for online advertising and other purposes.

Clip of the Day

Symphony of Science – ‘The Big Beginning’ (ft. Hawking, Sagan, Dawkins, Shears, Tyson)

Credit: TinyOgg


Links 21/1/2011: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) 6, Parrot 3.0.0

Posted in News Roundup at 3:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Ask the Experts: How to Get Paid to Work on Linux

    But it’s looking like there is some light at the end of the tunnel, at least in the industry in which we all work and play. According to Dice.com, a career website for IT and engineering professionals, job postings on its site are up 40 percent year-over-year. What’s better? Dice.com says that postings asking for Linux knowledge are up 47 percent over last year, while Windows-related postings are only up 40 percent.

  • Ballnux

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)/Qt

      • Developing my first plasmoid Part 1

        Recently the wife wanted to go to JoAnne’s so I went to Borders and the latest issue of Linux Format Magazine (which I used to be subscribed to) had a QT programming example. I bought the issue solely for that. It had this neat tutorial on QT Quick which is this semi-new prototyping language based on Javascript. In just a few lines of code (less than 100 for sure), Graham Chapman showed how to create a program that would take a geo feed from flickr and map the photos onto Google.

      • Resolving QtScript’s “Legacy” APIs

        We want Qt to have the best possible JavaScript technology. To make this happen, we need the ability to make drastic changes to the implementation — even replacing it — underneath our public APIs. If an API exposes implementation details, that will cause us to limp.

      • Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview released
  • Distributions

    • Red Hat Family

      • EPEL-ANNOUNCE Announcing EPEL 6

        The Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) project is happy to announce the release of EPEL 6 today!

        EPEL 6 is a collection of add-on packages available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 and other compatible systems, maintained by the community under the umbrella of the Fedora Project. EPEL 6 is designed to supplement RHEL 6 by providing additional functionality and does not replace any RHEL 6 packages. As a community project, EPEL is maintained and supported by volunteers via Bugzilla and
        mailing lists. EPEL is not commercially supported by Red Hat, Inc.

    • Debian Family

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Cobbler Accepted Into Ubuntu Archive

          Cobbler, a linux installation server originally developer by Red Hat’s Emerging Technologies group to accelerate setup of network installation environments, has been accepted into the Ubuntu Archive according to Chuck Short on his blog earlier today.

        • Docklet API ‘coming’ to Unity Launcher

          Unity’s launcher could get some added oomph with the release of a new Launcher API for developers to use.

        • Free Culture Showcase

          For the 11.04 Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase we (the attendees at the UDS session) thought it would be really good to set a theme. The decision was made in order to encourage people to create content with wider artistic merit.

          The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is designed to help all of us show off the beauty of our creative work. We want the brief to inspire people to explore and celebrate their interpretation of Freedom.

          The Brief: To create photography, illustration, music and video which express Freedom.

        • Flavours and Variants

          • Wallpaper Required for Edubuntu 11.04

            The Ubuntu Artwork team has been going through a revival over the last few months, which is great, they now offer services to other Ubuntu teams in a structured way.

            We took them up on their offer and requested a wallpaper for the next release that we can also use to base the rest of the artwork on.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Phones

      • Nokia/MeeGo/Maemo

        • Pingus – free Lemmings clone for the N900
        • QTv – TV series watcher

          QTv by Harri Kovalainen is a TV series searcher, a Qml interface for searching TV show information from thetvdb.com.

        • MyAgent-IM – instant messaging application for Mail.ru
        • Video: Amino Freedom MeeGo TV – Work 3 times faster with MeeGo than any other platform.

          As you know, MeeGo isn’t just for phones and tablets, it’s pretty much for everything that has a screen or can be viewed on a screen. Here’s the first generation of Intel and Nokia’s MeeGo for the TV on the Amino Freedom OTT Hybrid Media Centre box, brought to you by the MeeGo Experts folks who went to CES 2011. (Cheers for the tip Jim!)

        • Gtk+/MeeGo Handset bidders selected

          The GNOME Foundation Board is happy to announce that following the call for bids for MeeGo/GTK+ integration work, Igalia was selected as the preferred bidder to perform the work set out.

          We received a number of very interesting bids for the project, but Igalia’s bid was the one that focused the most on integrating elements of Hildon into GTK+ upstream. This should mean easier porting of older Hildon/Maemo applications to the new MeeGo Handset platform, as well as easier porting of existing desktop GTK+ applications to the handset.

Free Software/Open Source

  • With Page as CEO, Open Source is stronger than ever at Google

    Who, after hearing about Android, the Linux-based smartphone and tablet operating system for the first time decided that Google didn’t want to just support it, but buy Android and keep it open? That was Page.

    When I spoke with Chris DiBona, Google’s open-source program manager, a few years back when Google was big but not yet Google, DiBona told me, that Page was “passionate about open source.” DiBona added, that Google also supported its engineers working on “open-source and Linux,” and that “many of them use part of their time to work on open-source projects.”

  • Events

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

      • Chromium release management explained

        Some people seem to be confused about the Chromium release management, the weird x.y.z.t versions, the channels, the PPAs… I often receive questions about those subjects from end-users, but also from fellow Ubuntu developers. In this post, I will try to explain and demystify a few things. In order to do that, I also need to cover Google Chrome.

      • Last.fm Free Music Player Google Chrome Extension Works Like a Charm

        Tech Drive-in has covered several posts on useful Google Chrome extensions before, the most prominent being the one where we featured useful Chrome extensions for a more secure browsing experience. But this one is special. A Last.fm music player extension for Google Chrome that does exactly what you expect it to.

    • Mozilla

      • Blocking the Skype Toolbar in Firefox

        The Skype Toolbar for Firefox is an extension that detects phone numbers in web pages, and re-renders them as a clickable button that can be used to dial the number using the Skype desktop application. This extension is bundled with the Skype application, and is installed into Firefox by default when Skype is installed or, in some circumstances, updated. As a result, a large number of Firefox users who have installed Skype have also installed the Skype Toolbar, knowingly or unknowingly.

  • Oracle

  • Project Releases

    • Parrot 3.0.0 “Beef Stew” Released!

      On behalf of the Parrot team and an enthusiastic but undiscriminating dachshund that followed me home last week, I’m proud to announce Parrot 3.0.0, also known as “Beef Stew”, or at the insistence of a shadowy government organization, “Snowflake”. Parrot is a virtual machine that dreams about running all dynamic languages everywhere, even the one you’re think about right now. Parrot has big plans, even if needs a haircut and sometimes goes outside with its shoes untied.

  • Government

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Canada’s Grassroots National Digital Library Takes Shape

      Several European countries have set very ambitious digitization goals. The National Library of the Netherlands has committed to digitizing everything – all Dutch books, newspapers and periodicals dating back to 1470. The National Library of Norway set a similar goal in 2005, setting in motion plans to digitize its entire collection that now includes 170,000 books, 250,000 newspapers, 610,000 hours of radio broadcasts, 200,000 hours of television and 500,000 photographs.

    • Knowledge Workers & The Commons – A Reflection

      I began to understand something about the nature of this gap when Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation made a comment about the place of knowledge workers (programmers, architects, designers, writers, salespeople, managers) in the commons movement. To paraphrase, he said they have a different world view than common activists on the left or right but share a similar vision. I thought that this might explain the reception of my ideas on the listserv. It also resonated with what I learned about the differences between the social organization of moderates and those at the political extremes while writing white papers for a political consultancy.

    • BitTorrent Inventor Demos New P2P Live Streaming Protocol

      Bram Cohen, the inventor of the BitTorrent protocol that revolutionized file-sharing, is finalizing the code for his new P2P-live streaming protocol. With his efforts he aims to develop a piece of code superior to all other streaming solutions on the market today. The release of the application is still a few months away, but Cohen has shown a demo exclusively to TorrentFreak.

    • U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Education commit $2 billion to create open educational resources for community colleges and career training; CC BY required for grant outputs
    • Open Grantmaking in Practice, Not Just In Principle

      The Department of Labor in partnership with the Department of Education announced two billion dollars in grants to support educational and career training programs for workers. Known as the “Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant” – or TAA CCCT inside the Beltway – the program is precedent setting in its magnitude of support for 21st century job skill training and for making the default-setting in grantmaking much more open.


  • Belarus Accuses EU States Of Plotting ‘Poll Coup’

    Belarus today accused EU members Poland and Germany of seeking to topple President Alyaksandr Lukashenka by organizing the December mass protests against his reelection.

    “Sovyetskaya Belorussia,” the official newspaper of the presidential administration, today said that the German and Polish secret services had devised the plot and Poland had even trained opposition activists.

  • How Facebook Beat MySpace

    Giving dedicated people permission to do whatever it takes, and resources, then holding their feet to the fire to demonstrate performance. Letting dedicated people learn from their successes, and failures, and move fast to keep the business in the fast moving water. There is no manager, leader or management team that can predict, plan and execute as well as a team that has its ears close to the market, and the flexibility to react quickly, willing to make mistakes (and learn from them even faster) without bias for a predetermined plan.

  • The EU will not disintegrate: it will integrate further

    Euro-sceptics have had great fun in recent weeks tracking the bond markets’ onslaught on the euro in European Union countries. Some, more excitable, bond market vigilantes and euro-sceptic ideologues have predicted the eventual break up of the 17-member euro-area. Others have even suggested that the disintegration of the euro might undermine the economic and then the political foundations of the European Union itself.

    There is no denying the shock the euro-area has received as a result of the crises first in Greece, then in Ireland and more recently in Portugal and Spain. Even the most dedicated supporters of “the European project” have warned that a combination of political indolence at the highest level of euro-area governments and antiquated ideas about how to respond to the bank generated crises could put the entire Union at risk.

  • United States: Buckeye Socialist Network launched

    The emergence of the right-wing Tea Party movement and the general rightward shift in political discourse created an urgent need to articulate a left alternative. Thus far, the left has largely been unable to capitalise on the widespread confusion and anger that working people feel.

  • Science

    • i.Materialise Metalises

      This very advanced process seems unique to i.Materialise, and involves a powder based process. Powedered titanium metal is laid in a very thin layer. An extremely powerful laser then traces the solid portions by melting the powder. A second layer of titanium powder is deployed and the process repeats, gradually building up a whole object.

      The strength of titanium is legendary, of course – but this means that the minimum wall thickness can be quite small. In this case, i.Materialise is able to print with a minimum wall thickness of 0.2mm, enabling very fine structures to be printed.

    • Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion (w/ Video)

      Few areas of science are more controversial than cold fusion, the hypothetical near-room-temperature reaction in which two smaller nuclei join together to form a single larger nucleus while releasing large amounts of energy. In the 1980s, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishmann claimed to have demonstrated cold fusion – which could potentially provide the world with a cheap, clean energy source – but their experiment could not be reproduced. Since then, all other claims of cold fusion have been illegitimate, and studies have shown that cold fusion is theoretically implausible, causing mainstream science to become highly speculative of the field in general.

    • Peer review: Trial by Twitter

      Blogs and tweets are ripping papers apart within days of publication, leaving researchers unsure how to react.

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • The third world war
    • Plain-clothes Metropolitan police officers were at G20 demonstrations

      The Metropolitan police was forced to admit today that one of its senior commanders gave false information to MPs when he denied having plain-clothes officers in the crowd at the G20 demonstrations in London in 2009.

      Giving evidence to the House of Commons home affairs committee a month after the protest – in which thousands of demonstrators clashed with police – Commander Bob Broadhurst insisted there were no plain-clothes officers among the crowd, saying it would have been too dangerous to do so.

    • On-duty cop rapes woman, pleads sentence down to one year
    • Undercover Agitators Everywhere – G8/G20 Too?

      There’s been rumors going the rounds that the ‘Block Bloc’ protestors who trashed parts of downtown Toronto were actually police officers. For example, why, exactly was a police cruiser left unattended where protestors could destroy it?

    • BombRot

      Every single technology except one: explosives. Explosives do have limited beneficial uses: mining, quarrying and demolition come to mind. However, the principal use of explosives is the opposite of beneficial – it is killing. What’s more, virtually every machine that we make for killing relies on explosives. These machines range from those such as the suicide vest or the nuclear bomb that have killed comparatively few people, to viscously lethal weapons of mass destruction such as the assault rifle.


      What has the selective breeding of microbes to do with alleviating the misery caused by explosives? Well – explosives are organic molecules with a lot of energy locked up in their chemical bonds. In other words they are an ideal potential food source for yeasts, bacteria and archaea. But explosives haven’t been around for long enough for such explosive-eating microbes to evolve by natural selection.

    • 25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map

      An American-led military unit pulverized an Afghan village in Kandahar’s Arghandab River Valley in October, after it became overrun with Taliban insurgents. It’s hard to understand how turning an entire village into dust fits into America’s counterinsurgency strategy — which supposedly prizes the local people’s loyalty above all else.

    • Daniel Hamilton: Join Big Brother Watch’s campaign against the EU’s INDECT surveillance project

      In the project’s own words, the EU has tasked scientists with creating a system which will allow for the “registration and exchange of operational data, acquisition of multimedia content, intelligent processing of all information” accessed online in the EU in order to detect terrorists operating online.

  • Cablegate

    • WikiLeaks: the latest developments

      The latest newspaper to get access to the WikiLeaks cables appears to be Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat.

    • Swiss banker linked to Wikileaks is found guilty

      A former Swiss banker who said he gave Wikileaks details of rich tax evaders has been found guilty of breaching Switzerland’s strict bank secrecy laws.

      A judge in Zurich did so even though the leaked documents referred to accounts in the Cayman Islands.

      Judge Sebastian Aeppli fined Rudolf Elmer, 55, more than 6,000 Swiss francs ($6,250; £4,000).

    • Claim: WikiLeaks Published Documents Siphoned Over File Sharing Software

      Music and movie pirates may not be the only ones trolling peer-to-peer networks for booty. The secret-spilling site WikiLeaks may also have used file sharing networks to obtain some of the documents it has published, according to a computer-security firm.

      The allegations come from Tiversa, a Pennsylvania peer-to-peer investigations firm, that claims it passed information of WikiLeaks’ file sharing activity to U.S. government officials, according to Bloomberg.

    • Former Quantico Commander Objects to Treatment of Bradley Manning, the Alleged WikiLeaks Whistleblower

      Via WarIsACrime.org, here’s a powerful letter to General James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, by retired Marine Corps captain David C. MacMichael, the former commander of Headquarters Company at Marine Corps Base Quantico, in Virginia, where Pfc Bradley Manning, the young soldier accused of providing a trove of classified US government documents to WikiLeaks, is being held in conditions that amount to prolonged solitary confinement, as I explained in a recent article, Is Bradley Manning Being Held as Some Sort of “Enemy Combatant”?

      Capt. MacMichael makes a number of valid and powerful points, in particular asking why Manning is being held for so long before trial (in violation of his Sixth Amendment rights), and also questioning his conditions of confinement. On the first point, he states, “I question the length of confinement prior to conduct of court-martial. The sixth amendment to the US Constitution, guaranteeing to the accused in all criminal prosecutions the right to a speedy and public trial, extends to those being prosecuted in the military justice system.” On the second, he notes, “I seriously doubt that the conditions of his confinement — solitary confinement, sleep interruption, denial of all but minimal physical exercise, etc. — are necessary, customary, or in accordance with law, US or international.”

    • Sign Our Letter: Stop the Inhumane Treatment of Bradley Manning
    • Obama administration keeps new policy on Miranda secret

      The Obama administration has issued new guidance on use of the Miranda warning in interrogations of terrorism suspects, potentially chipping away at the rule that bars the government from using information in court if it was gathered before a suspect was informed of his right to remain silent and to an attorney.

      But the Department of Justice is refusing to publicly release the guidance, with a spokesman describing it in an interview as an “internal document.” So we don’t know the administration’s exact interpretation of Miranda, even though it may have significantly reshaped the way terrorism interrogations are conducted.

  • Finance

    • Goldman Fails to See Hype That Derailed Facebook’s Private Sale

      Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s decision to scuttle a sale of Facebook Inc. shares to U.S. investors shows the bank miscalculated by trying to privately offer stock in a company with more than 600 million users.

      In a statement yesterday, New York-based Goldman Sachs said the sale, first reported Jan. 2, will be restricted to non-U.S. investors because “the level of media attention might not be consistent with the proper completion of a U.S. private placement under U.S. law.” The firm planned to sell as much as $1.5 billion of closely held Facebook to clients of its private wealth unit.

    • Blame the Victims and Enrich the Perpetrators

      The same banks that supplied money — and in some cases now own — suspect mortgage lenders also packaged up and sold those loans to investors. These banks also own or owned “servicers” that are supposed to act as stewards for investors. But if servicers cannot recover foreclosure costs combined with the costs of maintaining and reselling the house, they often abandon the property. After pumping up appraisals and falsifying borrowers’ income on applications, banks are walking away. Once again, American taxpayers will foot the bill…

    • The SEC Just Hired This Woman To Oversee Asset Managers — Guess Which Bank She’s From

      Goldman Sachs’ former Asset Management CIO, Eileen Rominger, just got a new job as the head of the SEC division that oversees asset managers and hedge funds, Dow Jones reports (via FoxBusiness).

      Rominger managed equity funds at Goldman before she was made chief investment officer for its global portfolio management teams.

    • Richard Trumka v. Goldman Sachs: Different Visions of America

      Even back in “the good ‘ole” days of Wall Street — before the 2008 collapse — we, the people, suffered from the Goldman Sachs ethos. Wall Street has been the financial engine behind the unwinding of the American Dream. It financed leveraged buyouts and corporate takeovers based heavily on debt — which resulted in the shedding of millions of good-paying jobs and will continue to create the same sick dynamic in the financial system whereby the “health of a company” is measured by its stock price, not by how well the workers are doing.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

  • Censorship

    • Threats block anti-Iran movie screening

      A suspicious package and a rash of phone calls threatening protests shut down the planned screening of an anti-Iran documentary at Library and Archives Canada Tuesday night.

      Iran’s embassy in Ottawa had tried to censor the film, Iranium, by complaining to the national library, which cancelled it until Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore stepped in.

    • Paulo Coelho Books Banned In Iran… So He Offers Them As A Free Download

      There are few successful authors who have jumped in and embraced what the online world allows you to do more than Paulo Coelho. Three years ago, we wrote about his efforts to “pirate” his own books and how he found that it only served to help his sales. He’s also talked up the importance for authors of setting ideas free to help them spread. He’s also gone even further than that with cool experiments like having his fans make a movie out of one of his books, via a sort of crowdsourcing methodology.

  • Privacy

    • DuckDuckGo Challenges Google on Privacy (With a Billboard)

      DuckDuckGo, a one-man-band search engine based out of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, is aiming at Google’s privacy practices with an unusual tactic: a billboard in San Francisco that proclaims “Google Tracks You. We Don’t.”

    • Social Media and Law Enforcement: Who Gets What Data and When?

      This month, we were reminded how important it is that social media companies do what they can to protect the sensitive data they hold from the prying eyes of the government. As many news outlets have reported, the US Department of Justice recently obtained a court order for records from Twitter on several of its users related to the WikiLeaks disclosures. Instead of just turning over this information, Twitter “beta-tested a spine” and notified its users of the court order, thus giving them the opportunity to challenge it in court.

      We have been investigating how the government seeks information from social networking sites such as Twitter and how the sites respond to these requests in our ongoing social networking Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, filed with the help of UC Berkeley’s Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic. As part of our request to the Department of Justice and other federal agencies, we asked for copies of the guides the sites themselves send out to law enforcement explaining how agents can obtain information about a site’s users and what kinds of information are available. The information we got back enabled us to make an unprecedented comparison of these critical documents, as most of the information was not available publicly before now.

  • Civil Rights

    • Destruction of ID card data to cost £400,000

      The destruction of the National Identity Register (NIR) and the personal data held on the controversial ID card system will cost about £400,000.

      The NIR was designed to hold the biometric and biographic details of ID card holders. But last May the ill-fated project was shelved.

    • How truly liberal is the coalition government?

      The two parties – then in opposition, now in government – seemed to find common ground in defending the rights of the individual against the increasingly shrill demands of the agencies charged with upholding our safety and security. Whether it was the introduction of national identity cards, and the gargantuan accompanying database, or three months detention without trial for terror suspects, Cameron’s and Clegg’s parliamentary troops seemed conjoined in civil libertarianism.

      But has entering government changed them? We have seen in the past how politicians can change in government. Back in 1994, Michael Howard, then Home Secretary, proclaimed the merits of ID cards. Labour railed against the plans. But seven years later – in the wake of the 9/11 outrage – senior Labour figures, by then in government, found merit in the proposals.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality

    • CRTC Says Rogers Not Complying With Net Neutrality Disclosure Requirements

      CRTC concerns with Rogers and its response to net neutrality complaints escalated this week when the Commission sent a letter to the company advising that it has received a growing number of complaints and that its public disclosures have not been compliant with CRTC Internet traffic management policy requirements. The case began last fall when the CRTC received a complaint over changes to Rogers’ practices that affected downstream P2P traffic.

  • DRM

    • iDOS emulator back on App Store, requires hack to load games

      iDOS, a repackaged version of the open source DOSBox emulator, is back on the App Store after getting rid of the ability to load games and other software using iTunes file syncing. While that might make the emulator seem far less useful, users have discovered a simple, no-jailbreak-required hack to load any old DOS software they want to run.

    • Sony v. Hotz: Sony Sends A Dangerous Message to Researchers — and Its Customers

      For years, EFF has been warning that the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act can be used to chill speech, particularly security research, because legitimate researchers will be afraid to publish their results lest they be accused of circumventing a technological protection measure. We’ve also been concerned that the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act could be abused to try to make alleged contract violations into crimes.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • How ‘Cyberlockers’ Became The Biggest Problem In Piracy

      Since Napster exploded into the public consciousness when it was founded 12 years ago, the world of digital piracy has been associated with a particular type of software—“peer-to-peer” download services. (Sometimes fairly, sometimes not.) Either way, 2011 is likely to be the year when P2P is finally eclipsed by “cyberlockers,” a wildly popular type of site that many in the entertainment industry see as a new threat that could be even bigger than P2P. So what are cyberlockers, anyway? Why are they so popular—and so alarming to those who fight against piracy?

    • Copyrights

      • Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-14

        Call for comments on amendments to the Radio Regulations, 1986, Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, Pay Television Regulations, 1990, Specialty Services Regulations, 1990, and the Broadcasting Information Regulations, 1993

      • URGENT: Canadian Copyright Bill C-32 Another Step Closer To Becoming Law
      • Send A Letter To Ottawa To Stop The Canadian DMCA
      • Copyright development in China: writers transferring digital copyright

        During a signing ceremony held on January 10, writers Zhou Guoping and Deng Xian transferred their digital copyright to Zhongnan Media.

      • Brazil’s Copyright Reform: the tip of the iceberg?

        Sister of acclaimed composer and singer Chico Buarque de Hollanda, Ms. Ana de Hollanda is herself a singer and composer as well. As soon as Brazil’s new president Mrs. Dilma Rousseff nominated Ms. Ana de Hollanda for the Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for Brazil’s copyright agenda, several academics, activists and civil society have been voicing concerns against the twist of policy that she might implement from now on.

        Over 1,000 signatures have been gathered thus far on an Open Letter from the Brazilian civil society that is concerned that “the broad and open participation by society might be replaced by “commissions of notables” or “lawyers” giving their biased views on the subject”.

      • Blaming Piracy, Music Industry Says It’s Lost a Third of Its Value Over Past 7 Years

        While digital music revenue has grown 1,000% over the past seven years, the entire music industry has lost a third of its value over that same time period. And while digital music seems to represent both the best hopes and the worst fears of the industry, even its growth is slowing – only 6% last year, down from 9.2% growth in 2009. Digital sales comprise about a third of the industry’s total revenue.

      • ACTA

        • Where to get the detailed response to Question E-8847/10

          Where is the “detailled response” to Marietje Schaake’s question? The Dutch MEP is not aware of it. Does De Gucht have something to hide? Will Pedro Velasco-Martins carry along a printed copy of the answer for participants of his stakeholder meeting on ACTA to demonstrate their unprecedented openness?

        • FFII requests answer to Parliamentary ACTA question
        • Opinion of European Academics on ACTA

          A group of prominent European academics has released today an opinion on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The opinion identifies the most critical aspects of ACTA and invites European and national institutions to carefully consider the opinion before ratifying the Agreement or withholding consent.

        • ACTA resolution contains fundamental flaws

          Contrary to what De Gucht said, whether border officials can do something or not is not part of material law, but is part of procedural (enforcement) law. The EU IPR Customs Regulation and ACTA both are about enforcement law. By saying that the EU law is in another field, De Gucht wrongly created the impression ACTA can not touch upon EU law. De Gucht mixed up basic legal concepts. The Parliament copied this misconception.

          Conflicting with its earlier statement, the resolution later on acknowledges the existence of EU enforcement legislation. The resolution emphasises that ACTA will not change present EU laws in terms of IPR enforcement, because EU law is already considerably more advanced than the current international standards – following another Commission statement.

      • Digital Economy (UK)

        • ORG will intervene in Digitial Economy Act Judicial Review

          Some excellent news: ORG has been given permission to intervene in the Judicial Review of the Digital Economy Act. The review was granted to BT and Talk Talk late last year on four specific points (there’s a good roundup of the background here). Having permission to intervene means that we’ll be able to put forward our case, in court, in clear terms, to outline why we think the Act is so badly flawed. Across all four points we will be making arguments that the Act threatens to curtail people’s rights to freedom of expression, endangers their privacy, and will have a disproportionate impact not only only the public but on businesses too.

Clip of the Day

XUbuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 Review

Credit: TinyOgg


Links 20/1/2011: China and GNU/Linux, Linux 2.6.38 RC1, gnome3.org Debut

Posted in News Roundup at 1:37 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Tron: An open source legacy

    When I first started using Linux, one of the first open source games I played was GLTron, a faithful recreation of the movie’s light-cycle scenes. Maybe it was the simple, fast-paced gameplay or the fact that the graphics were identical to that of the film in almost every way, but that game still sticks out in my mind as one of my first open source gaming experiences. Suffice to say, open source and Tron are married in my mind forever thanks to that program (not to mention that both are tantamount to my geek cred).


    It’s not the first time that Disney has advocated open source, dating back to their switch to Linux and monetary support of Crossover Office to help get Photoshop running in Linux. Disney was quick to announce that this saved Disney, Pixar, and other animation studios thousands of dollars a year in license costs alone. It was a huge deal at a time when most corporations were far from considering deploying Linux on anything other than scientific workstations. Still, it’s one thing to use open source as a cost-cutting business move. But to make it the underlying premise of an entire feature film–well that’s pretty cool to say the least.

  • China, The Most Linux-friendly Country on Earth

    As a barometer of growth of GNU/Linux in emerging markets, China is a leading indicator. They consume the vast quantities of IT that they produce. GNU/Linux is popular globally but only India, Indonesia and Europe come anywhere close to the popularity of GNU/Linux in China.

  • Steve Ballmer Wants China to Switch to GNU/Linux

    President Obama:“So we were just in a meeting with business leaders, and Steve Ballmer of Microsoft pointed out that their estimate is that only one customer in every 10 of their products is actually paying for it in China. And so can we get better enforcement, since that is an area where America excels — intellectual property and high-value added products and services.”
    see US-China Press Conference at the Whitehouse

    That’s an interesting statistic. 90% of users have obtained a copy without a licence/permission. They could have used GNU/Linux for little cost but their suppliers gave them that other OS. Presumably those same suppliers provided other software such as Office or PhotoShop or games to make the package attractive. If China cracks down further on this illegal supply-chain, will licensing fees result or will Free Software with a legal supply of usable software? Probably some of both. Given a choice of a higher-priced product with that other OS or the same old price with Free Software, there will be competition on price/performance and some will go either way.

  • Events

  • Desktop

    • £98 PCs target UK digital divide

      Distributor Remploy hopes to sell 8,000 machines in the next 12 months.

    • Refurbishment

      One business along these lines has been announced in UK but they are aiming low, 8000 units a year. That’s peanuts compared to the size of the opportunity. They seek to supply low-end consumers. There’s a large opportunity for mainstream consumers of PCs. What other business can look at cost of materials being so low compared to the value of the end-product?

    • How to convert people to Linux

      Converting people to Linux is not different from converting people to anything, be it a new religion, new lifestyle, new diet, new language, whatever. It’s a painful and frustrating process for both parties, often compounded by overzealous and sometimes good-natured intentions on behalf of the converters. The only way to make the transition more pleasant is by using humor, bribes and incentives.

      Unfortunately, too many people take their digital thingies too seriously. It’s almost frightening to read some of the articles out there, which lay out the dominion plain in such simple terms, as if switching to Linux is going to cure cancer or expose new fossil fuel resources. Relax. It’s only software.

  • Server

    • Rackspace’s CEO on Open Source and OpenStack

      As well as dedicated machines, it offers what it calls “Cloud Servers” – virtual machines running either GNU/Linux or Windows. Interestingly, the majority of virtual machines are running the former. Companies often use these cloud offerings to add extra resources to their computing capabilities at peak times. For example, the main e-commerce system might be hosted in-house, but cloud computing resources added to provide flexible and scalable Web hosting.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • Linux 2.6.38-rc1

      It’s been two weeks, and the merge window for 2.6.38 is thus closed. And an interesting merge window it has been.

    • Linux 2.6.38-rc1 Is Here With Two Features Linus Loves

      After keeping the Linux 2.6.38 kernel merge window open for two weeks, Linus Torvalds has this evening announced the release of the Linux 2.6.38-rc1 kernel. This kernel has a lot to love about it, including Linus’ two favorite features of the group scheduling improvements and the RCU-based path name lookup support. Performance improvements!

    • Main development phase of Linux kernel 2.6.38 completed

      Exactly 14 days after Linux version 2.6.37 was released, Linus Torvalds has published the first beta version of kernel 2.6.38, which is expected to be completed at the end of March or beginning of April. With this release, the merge window for the development cycle has come to an end and Torvalds has now integrated most of the changes for this version into the main development branch’s source code management system.

    • Linux 2.6.38 eliminates last main global lock, improving performance

      The first release candidate for the upcoming Linux 2.6.38 kernel is now out and it could further improve Linux performance.

      With 2.6.37, the Big Kernel Lock (BKL) was removed, but apparently there is at least one more big global lock that needed to come out. In 2.6.38 there is a new RCU (Read/Copy/Update)-based path name lookup.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Desktops for 2011

      It’s been a long while since I wrote an article sharing some of my current desktops. I thought the beginning of 2011 was a good time to show how some of my Linux desktops look like today.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • Changes in KDE Git infrastructure

        As some of you may be aware, sysadmin is currently preparing to launch a big change to git.kde.org: New hooks. These new hooks will be launched tomorrow, so the repositories may be in maintenance mode for a period of time.

        The biggest improvement to these hooks is commit mails, which have improved significantly. Particular highlights of this is the format of the mails, and the extra information about what changes took place being included.

      • KDE Commit-Digest for 19th December 2010
    • GNOME Desktop

      • gnome3.org is live!

        In case you haven’t heard: the GNOME 3 website is now live! Check it out, if you haven’t already. And spread the word: we want as many people to hear about this as possible.

        The launch of gnome3.org is an exciting development, since it’s the GNOME project’s first major opportunity to tell the world about all the cool stuff that’s going to be in the upcoming release. The site will evolve over the coming days and weeks to include additional information, new, rich content (such as Jason‘s awesome videos), and ways to try the new release: so look out for updates. If you would like to help with the site, please get in touch via the marketing mailing list or #marketing on irc.gnome.org.

      • GNOME 3 website now live, tries a bit too hard to be cool, looks like Unity

        New, clean-and-simple HTML5 websites are obviously in this week: GNOME, one of the most popular desktop environments for Linux, has just released a new website to celebrate the features of version 3, which will be released in April.

      • Some thoughts on GNOME 3

        I stumbled across a website talking about GNOME 3 today, with a few screenshots. It’s not really my first exposure to gnome-shell and friends, but it’s the first time I sat down and really looked at it, and imagined myself trying to work with it.

    • Xfce

      • Forget GNOME and KDE, Xfce 4.8 Runs Simpler and Faster

        A few times each month, I tire of the complexities of GNOME and KDE. Then I turn to a simpler, faster desktop for a couple of days or a week — and that desktop, more often than not, is Xfce. No other desktop I’m aware of balances convenience and speed half so well.

        The only drawback has been that, until this week, the current version of Xfce has been a couple of years old and looking blocky and a little limited in what it can do. Consequently, the release of Xfce 4.8 is both welcome and overdue. The new release gives Xfce a facelift and some new enhancements to general functionality, settings, and — most of all — the panel, while not compromising previous releases’ functionality and lightweight.

  • Distributions

    • Red Hat Family

    • Debian Family

      • Release Update: timings, status and awesomeness

        From the usertags page[1]: you can see a total of:
        Blockers for Squeeze bugs (4 bugs)
        Planned for removal bugs (22 bugs)
        Ignored for Squeeze bugs (109 bugs)

      • Debian 6 Expected by February 6

        After nearly two years the light at the end of the Debian 6.0 tunnel may finally be in sight. Delay after delay has pushed the release of Debian 6 nearly a year passed its original estimated release date. Many observers had put the elusive release in the same category as Duke Nukem Forever. But those Doubting Thomases are eating their words now as Neil McGovern posted that 6.0 is definitely on its way – well, barring “something really critical” like “a needed machine crashes, RC2 exploding in a giant ball of fire etc.”

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Inclusion of Qt in Ubuntu 11.10 is a win for developers

          In an announcement published today on his personal blog, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth revealed that Nokia’s Qt toolkit will be included as a standard component in future versions of Ubuntu. The move will pave the way for applications built with Qt to become a part of the popular Linux distribution.

          Qt’s numerous technical advantages, excellent cross-platform compatibility, and strong positioning in the mobile space are making it an attractive choice for third-party developers and commercial ISVs. Supporting Qt out-of-the-box on Ubuntu could help bring more software to the platform and will help to accelerate third-party application development. The move could be viewed as controversial, however—as a GNOME-based distribution, Ubuntu has historically been aligned with the competing Gtk+ toolkit.

        • The last 12 months in Ubuntu (and a brief look ahead)

          One of the features that is most exciting is uTouch, which is multi-touch and gesture support. This is some significant work that Ubuntu has been undertaking since Maverick; with compatible hardware, it will change the human-computer interaction mechanism for the better. Gestures vary from one- to four-finger interaction and this system is rather groundbreaking when compared with multi-touch on other operating systems. One of the interesting projects to watch is GEIS, which is ‘Gesture Engine Interface and Support’, along with Grail (Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library). While these are not significant to the end user, together it is these that will shape what the future of multi-touch. The current development version has around nine blueprints that are targeted towards uTouch, which makes the next release of Ubuntu very exciting.

        • Natty’s new Ubuntu One Control Panel takes shape

          Long time readers or those with good memories may remember that a new – and very elegant – Ubuntu One control panel was targeted for Ubuntu 11.04.

          As we surmised back in July, the aim of the redesigned-application is to’ improve the user experience of using the Ubuntu One service by allowing users to join, sign in and manage their accounts directly from the Ubuntu desktop.’

        • Siding With Canonical on Unity for Ubuntu

          Perhaps this will mark me as an Ubuntu fanboy in the eyes of some, but in the Unity vs. Gnome debate, I’m with Canonical. That isn’t to say that I believe the Unity shell is superior to the GNOME shell. I have no idea, having not tried out Unity. So why do I support it? I don’t. I support Canonical’s decision to go part ways with the Gnome community.


          Fourth, if Canonical is right that this will make Ubuntu more attractive to more “common users,” more power to them.

        • Oops! Updates are a Part of Life

          I noticed as I was installing Ubuntu it brought back a frequent complaint I see towards Sabayon. A fresh install has many updates to be performed. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 x86 and during the actual install it was doing updates from the internet and upon completion of install and reboot, many more updates needed to be performed. I also didn’t have my nvidia-drivers and had to install them and setup my xorg for dual display. So this update thing is just not a Sabayon ordeal. My install of Ubuntu took longer as I had to wait for it to download packages during the install. Sure I could of said no, but they would of needed to get there eventually. I hope to not see any more complaints about updates. It’s part of computing, get use to it. A windows install will even take longer. Do the install and than get through windows updates is hours unless you have the service packs and even than there is more updates after them. I think Sabayon is balanced well with updates and releases. We always have a fresh spin to grab also.

        • Canonical’s Qt decision may also be mobile power play

          When Mark Shuttleworth informed the world yesterday the Qt libraries would be included in the next Ubuntu release alongside the Gtk+ libraries, my very first thought was “Huh. Qt on GNOME. Sounds like MeeGo.”

          Then it was my second thought. And my third. Because all that stuff Shuttleworth wrote about building a vibrant ecosystem is all very well and good, and certainly true–but it isn’t really a reason for a business decision, is it?

        • Flavours and Variants

          • Ozone: New Lubuntu 11.04 Proposed Theme

            A new theme called O³ (Ozone) has been proposed for being default in Lubuntu 11.04 (an LXDE unofficial Ubuntu spin). The theme looks a lot like the new Xubuntu theme (introduced in Xubuntu 10.10) and in fact it’s based on the same theme: Zuki Blues by Lassekongo.

          • Pinguy OS – An Ubuntu Based Linux Distribution on Steroids

            Ubuntu has helped spawn umpteen Linux distributions. Pinguy OS is yet another Linux distribution based on Ubuntu (version 10.10 to be exact).

            Pinguy OS is targeted at lay persons – people who are going to use Linux for the first time, or those who want an out-of-box working OS.

            It is currently available to download as a DVD ISO (~1.3 GB size) for the 32 and 64 bit architecture PCs.

          • Review: Trisquel 4.0.1 LTS “Taranis”

            Well, that’s all I have to say about Trisquel. I appreciate goals of the distribution and the time and effort put into all parts of the presentation of this distribution. That said, the Gnash issues and lack of Skype mean that I won’t be using this on a regular basis anytime soon. This distribution is probably good for someone who has somewhat more limited needs (i.e. doesn’t need Skype, doesn’t watch YouTube so much, and in any case, MiniTube is available and works without Adobe Flash) or someone who truly cares about not using proprietary software.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Thin Client Usage in Largo, FL

      I don’t know what Largo pays for 48 processor servers choked with RAM but HP sells similar products from $30K and up. That’s in the neighbourhood of $100 per user, a bit more than I usually pay ($25 fully loaded and $50 lightly loaded custom-built). It’s clear Dave Richards spends a lot of time customizing his servers/services. Amen.

    • Phones

      • Android vs. iPhone: The GPL Question

        Well, now we know. You can’t sell software using the General Public License (GPL) on the Apple App Store& because it conflicts with its Terms of Service (ToS) . The popular VLC media player, was the first major GPLed software to be pulled from Apple’s App Store, it won’t be the last. But, what about Google’s Android Market? I asked the experts and they tell me that, in general, GPL developers can offer their wares on Android.

      • Nokia/MeeGo

        • trx

          TxPad is a code editor i created for the Maemo OS.

      • Android

        • Notion Ink’s Adam Android Tablet Said To Ship This Week

          junaidslife86 writes with news that the Notion Ink Android tablet has gotten the regulatory go-ahead from US authorities, and should soon be shipping.

        • Notion Ink Adam clears FCC, begins shipping ‘around Wednesday’
        • Android Virtualization: It’s Time

          James Kendrick, our new Mobile News columnist has a serious beef with the mobile carriers and the device manufacturers. It’s taking them way too long to get updates out for all of the Android handsets out on the market.

          The Android platform is extremely successful and it’s only becoming more so. By this time next year, it will almost certainly eclipse the BlackBerry as the leading smartphone platform in overall market share.

          That’s great news for Android, but there’s a downside to this rapid expansion. There’s a vast array of handsets currently on the market, not to mention all of the devices that were released in the last year or so, all of which have unique “Value Add” in their modification of the Android OS, a.k.a platform fragmentation.

        • Betting on Android! Shanda Announced RMB20Millions Funds for Android Development

          We reported that The9′s $100million fund, NetDragon’s $50million fund together with IDGVC, we also have the angel investor Lei Jun’s Xiaomi mobile application team with valuation at $200million and of course you would not forget Kaifu Lee’s Innovation Works. The competition on China mobile market in 2011 will be tough, but with so much investment money stimulating the market, It is going to be a really good thing.

    • Tablets

      • Compal aims to ship 3.8 million tablet PCs in 2011

        Compal Electronics expects to ship 3.8 million tablet PCs in 2011, the largest volume among ODM makers, according to company president and CEO Ray Chen.

        Demand for tablet PCs will grow quarterly at the expense of conventional notebooks through 2011, Chen said, adding global tablet PC sales in 2011 will reach 60 million units, 70-75% of which will be iPads. Of the Compal-produced tablet PCs in 2011, 90% will be ARM-based, Chen noted.

      • Tablets in 2011

        iPads start at about $500 and Android phones start at about $100. I cannot see iPad taking 75% of the market with those price differences and manufacturers could easily double their shipments of Android in 2011.

      • Businesses Will Buy 10 Million Tablets in 2011: Deloitte

        Deloitte said healthcare and retail sectors alone could purchase some 5 million tablets this year.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Software downloads for Iran

    During the protests that erupted in Iran following the disputed Presidential election in June 2009, the central government in Tehran deported all foreign journalists, shut down traditional media outlets, closed off print journalism and disrupted cell phone lines. The government also infiltrated networks, posing as activists and using false identities to round up dissidents. In spite of this, the sharing of information using the Internet prevailed. YouTube and Twitter were cited by journalists, activists and bloggers as the best source for firsthand accounts and on-the-scene footage of the protests and violence across the country. At the time, though, U.S. export controls and sanctions programs prohibited software downloads to Iran.

  • Open Source in GSM Could Breed Mobile Mayhem

    The open source code for GSM base station programming could allow malicious hackers to set up rogue base stations and grab control of peoples’ cellphones, according to security researcher Ralf-Philipp Weinmann. He’s raised particular concern about such activities near places like airports and embassies, but other researchers have questioned the seriousness of the threat.

  • Study charts global open source trends

    The 150-page report, published by the National Open Source Software Observatory of the CENATIC Foundation, charts globally the popularity and deployment of OSS. Primarily aimed at – by its own admission – boosting competitiveness of the Spanish business sector by identifying international projects that can be relevant to Spain, the report analyses, rather comprehensively, trends in both public and private sector adoption of OSS, and the role and participation of technology communities in many advanced IS.

  • FFmpeg turmoil

    A group of FFmpeg developers has announced that the project has a new set of maintainers – news which came as a surprise to existing maintainer Michael Niedermayer. Developer Diego Biurrun has posted an explanation of how the coup came to be, but it’s clear that not everybody is satisfied.

  • [ANNOUNCE] New FFmpeg maintainership
  • Re: [ANNOUNCE] New FFmpeg maintainership
  • How Unemployed Developers Use Open Source to Get Hired

    Solve a problem, provide a solution and watch your name circulate among all the right people. Sounds like a fantasy, yet if you play your cards right, you might just be surprised at how easily this can happen. The key however, is finding that ideal “pain-point” that will make the enterprise user want to try your new open source project in the first place. Perhaps the best approach is to find a problem that the enterprise market is either not addressing or – an even better opportunity – costs a fortune with its current proprietary software options.

  • Web Browsers

    • Web Browser Security User Interfaces: Hard to Get Right and Increasingly Inconsistent

      A great deal of online commerce, speech, and socializing supposedly happens over encrypted protocols. When using these protocols, users supposedly know what remote web site they are communicating with, and they know that nobody else can listen in. In the past, this blog has detailed how the technical protocols and legal framework are lacking. Today I’d like to talk about how secure communications are represented in the browser user interface (UI), and what users should be expected to believe based on those indicators.

    • Mozilla

      • Add-ons Review Update – Week of 2011/01/18


        * These posts written every 2 weeks explain the current state of add-on reviews and other information relevant to add-on developers.
        * Last week a new version of the Developer Tools was pushed live at AMO. They include a new review process among a ton of other changes. More information here.
        * Most nominations are being reviewed within 10 days.
        * Most updates are being reviewed within 5 days.
        * Most preliminary reviews are being reviewed within 5 days.

      • Zooming and rotating for video in HTML5 and CSS3

        The source of the code examples in this post is available on GitHub and you can see the demo in action.

        There are dozens of video players that allow you to do all the normal things with videos: play, pause, jump to a certain time and so on. More advanced ones also allow you to fast forward and reverse the video and support subtitles.

      • Firefox and the open web in the Philippines

        I don’t have much to say because Chin says it better than I can.

  • Databases

    • HBase: Shops swap MySQL for open source Google mimic

      Facebook isn’t the only one swapping MySQL for HBase, the open source distributed database platform based on Google’s BigTable. The Hadoopian HBase is now in play at several of the web’s most recognizable names – including Adobe, Yahoo!, Mozilla, and StumbleUpon – as well as smaller operations looking to climb their way to such online prominence.

    • Manage MySQL with Consummate Ease Using SQL Buddy

      phpMyAdmin is probably the most popular Web-based tool for managing MySQL databases, but it is definitely not the only fish in the sea. In fact, if phpMyAdmin’s interface is not your cup of tea and the tool itself is overkill for your needs, then you’d be better off using something like SQL Buddy. This lightweight tool sports a slick user-friendly interface that puts all essential management features at your fingertips. Better yet, SQL Buddy is ridiculously easy to install. Grab the latest version of the application, unzip the downloaded archive, move it to your server, and SQL Buddy is ready to go.

  • Oracle

    • A Year After: The Open Source Projects

      Below is a summary of the status of the main Open Source projects that had been sponsored by Sun, as of a year after Oracle’s Acquisition of Sun. Like A Year After: The People, all information here is public.

      The projects covered are: DarkStar, DTrace, Drizzle, Fuji, GlassFish, GridEngine, Hudson, JXTA, Lustre, MySQL, NetBeans, ODFtoolkit, OpenDS, OpenESB, OpenJDK, OpenOffice, OpenSolaris, OpenSSO, Pymonkey, VirtualBox, Wonderland, WebSpace Server, ZFS.

    • Impressive LibreOffice UI Mockups You Need to See

      LibreOffice is already my default office suite in Ubuntu though there is not much of a difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice for now. But things are moving fast and LibreOffice is going to have its first official release soon. Meanwhile, you might want to remove all traces of OpenOffice and install LibreOffice in Ubuntu for a change. Trust me, it feels good.

    • LibreOffice 3.3.0 RC3, Finally Uploaded To The LibreOffice PPA

      A quick update: LibreOffice 3.3.0 RC3 which was released last week has finally been uploaded to the LibreOffice PPA. Unfortunately the Ubuntu Lucid packages were not updated so only Ubuntu Maverick and Natty users will receive this update.

    • Starting 2011 : a progress report on LibreOffice

      * The Document Foundation has joined the OpenDoc Society. The OpenDoc Society is an international community (based in the Netherlands) that promotes the use of open standards such as ODF and helps various initiatives related to open standards. I think it illustrates our unwaving commitment to ODF -despite what you might have read around the Internet these past weeks- and you should expect more news to come about our commitment to ODF in the coming months.

      * LibreOffice RC3 has been released; will we be releasing the final version soon? Suspense! In any case, give it a shot, and bring us your feedback!

    • First LibreOffice Stable Release Nears: What Now?

      LibreOffice 3.3 is almost here. The third release candidate came out on Thursday, January 13 and looks to be very near complete. It’s not a major upgrade over OpenOffice.org 3.2, but should put the project on solid footing going forward.

      The list of show stoppers for 3.3 is just about cleared out. If 3.3 doesn’t turn up new blockers, it looks like we’ll have a final release that looks very much like the RC3.

  • Business

    • Who is profiting from open source?

      It’s good to see Mark Hinkle has a new open source-related blog (The Fountainhead) although I was somewhat amused by his first post, Open source status report reveals good health and profits.

      It wasn’t so much the relative health of open source, which is supported by his list of open source-related statistics, but the reference to profits. The only other mention of profit in the post is in the description of the “non-profit Mozilla Foundation”.

      The relative profitability of open source-related software vendors has been on my mind recently. Having updated the database of open source-related vendors we use for our business strategy research I was left pondering how many of the 323 vendors listed are profitable.

  • BSD

    • GhostBSD development in 2011

      Continuing with the “2011″ series, let’s have a look today at the development planned for GhostBSD. Earlier posts can be found here: PC-BSD, pfSense, HeX Live, MaheshaBSD.

      GhostBSD is relatively new. This project started in 2010 and is being worked on by Eric Turgeon and Nahuel Sanchez. GhostBSD is a live CD for general use and is based on FreeBSD 8.1 featuring the Gnome window manager. This operating system can also be installed on your hard drive by using PC-BSD’s pc-sysinstall (link – video).


    • 1 year FSFE Fellow – 1 year deepening of Free Software in Greece

      Tommorow, January 19th, I will renew my membership at Free Software Foundation Europe. Its been exactly a year since I joined FSFE and the Fellowship. This year (2010) many actions took place for the deepening of Free Software by public institutions and people in Greece:

  • Project Releases

    • Funambol v9 Simplifies Over-the-air Syncing of iPhone Pictures and Android Calendars via the Cloud

      Funambol, the open source mobile cloud company, today introduced Funambol v9 to allow users to wirelessly sync iPhone pictures and Android calendars via the cloud. Funambol v9 simplifies over-the-air sharing of iPhone pictures with Flickr, Picasa, Facebook and PCs. It wirelessly syncs calendars on Android phones, tablets and devices with other cloud services and computers. The software provides on-device mobile signup with an easy three step setup process while on-the-go, without requiring a PC, and supports localization of the Funambol Portal into multiple languages. The release removes the 90 day limit on the myFUNAMBOL Portal to let users easily and freely sync and share contacts, calendars, pictures and more via the cloud.

  • Government

    • The World’s Top 10 Gov 2.0 Initiatives

      The Gov 2.0 movement continues to gain momentum around the world with a number of inspiring people, projects & ideas rising to prominence over the last year or so. Sometimes the most important innovations emerge from the periphery where creative citizens take a “do it first, ask for permission later” approach that can generate a wealth of benefits for the entire global community. So here’s my pick of the world’s best Gov 2.0 initiatives. What are your favourites?

  • Licensing

    • Hoist by my own petard: How to reduce your impact with restrictive licences

      Across the audience people didn’t tweet, and indeed in a couple of cases deleted photographs that they had taken. Again the respect for the request people thought I was making was solid. Even in an audience full of radicals and open geeks no-one questioned the request. I’m slightly gobsmacked in fact that no-one shouted at me to ask what the hell I thought I was doing. Some thought I was being ironic, which I have to say would have been too clever by half. But again it shows, if you ask, people do for the most part respect that request.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Viewpoints: what the world thinks of Wikipedia

      Love it or hate it, Wikipedia is now the fifth most visited site in the world and shows no signs of going away any time soon. As such, the collaborative encyclopaedia rouses a wide range of opinions. In the hater corner lie accusations of unreliability, systemic bias and cliquishness. In the lover corner you will find admiration of its sheer scale, the generosity of people with their time and expertise, and its mission to spread information for free to the world. Wired has garnered viewpoints from a range of experts including one of Wikipedia’s founders, a former editor-in-chief of Encyclopaedia Britannica and some of the site’s editors.

      Larry Sanger, philospher and co-founder of Wikipedia
      I started Wikipedia in the first place because I believed, and still believe, that there is an enormous opportunity: getting all the smart people in the world together to create content that is free to everyone. There are three sorts of freedom inherent in the idea of Wikipedia: freedom to create it, freedom to use it, and freedom to redistribute it. With publishers and their slow-moving mechanisms out of the way, I was convinced that volunteers could quickly create a large free encyclopedia.

    • Single point of failure.

      Monopoly isn’t a goal for Wikipedia, it’s something that just happened.

      There’s basically no way at this stage for someone to be a better Wikipedia than Wikipedia. Anyone else wanting to do a wiki of educational information has to either (a) vary from Wikipedia in coverage (e.g., be strongly specialised — a good Wikia does this superlatively) (b) vary from Wikipedia in rules (e.g., not neutral, or allow original research) and/or (c) have a small bunch of people who want to do a general neutral encyclopedia that isn’t Wikipedia and who will happily persist because they want to (e.g., Knowino, Citizendium).

    • Yochai Benkler on Wikipedia’s 10th Anniversary

      Ten years ago, when Jimmy Wales put a few hundred stubs on a web platform to which anyone could write, and which anyone could edit, but no one was paid to do either of these, it was doomed to failure. Or so then-conventional wisdom would have said. Anyone who would have proposed that within five years Nature would claim that Wikipedia’s science articles are not fundamentally worse than those of Britannica; or that by the end of a decade it would become the standard reference online would have been laughed out of the room. Wikipedia was impossible. So, by the way, were free or open source software, Yelp, or Tripadvisor. They were all impossible because the dominant model of human behavior said that we were all fundamentally self-interested, and that without systems to reward good behavior and punish or constrain bad behavior, human enterprise cannot flourish. Without law or markets, we would simply devolved to mutual shirking and abuse.

    • Open Data

      • JFK Library opens largest online digitized presidential archive

        Marking the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy, the JFK Library Foundation today unveiled the nation’s largest online digitized presidential archive, providing access to papers, records, photographs and recordings of the 35th president’s thousand days in office.

      • How London Leads the Way in Techno Wizardry

        Boris Johnson sparked the revolution a year ago when he launched the London Data Store website as a repository of London government data, provided for free. Last week, the Government launched the Public Data Corporation, and it is essential that it also commits to providing that data for free, or else it will have limited impact.

        We now provide hundreds of different streams of information, covering everything from air quality and Tube timetables to voting patterns and hospital performance, from fires to road accidents. More than 1,000 firms have accessed the data so far.

      • The Next International Open Data Hack Day – initial thoughts

        It also has two nice benefits:

        * it gets us away from an exclusive focus on government and might get people in the headspace of creating applications with tangible uses – something almost everyone can relate to
        * many people have mom’s! so getting into the shoes of a mom and imagining what might be interesting, engaging and/or helpful shouldn’t be impossible
        * it might engage new people in the open data movement and in the local events

      • Parliament, data and eDemocracy: A big step forward

        From an eDemocracy perspective, one of the most exciting individual proposals is to open up the procedure relating to amendments to legislation.

    • Open Access/Content

      • World’s largest medical student organization joins Right to Research Coalition

        In a move that demonstrates the building global momentum for student commitment to Open Access, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) today announced its membership in the Right to Research Coalition, an international alliance of undergraduate and graduate student organizations that promotes a more open scholarly publishing system through advocacy and education.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • No double standards: supporting Google’s push for WebM

      We’ve signed up as a supporter of the WebM Project, and we encourage other foundations and organizations to join us—write to webmaster@webmproject.org to learn how. Today, we’re also urging Web site operators to distribute videos in the WebM format, and abandon H.264

      Last week, Google announced that it plans to remove support for the H.264 video codec from its browsers, in favor of the WebM codec that they recently made free. Since then, there’s been a lot of discussion about how this change will affect the Web going forward, as HTML5 standards like the video tag mature.

      We applaud Google for this change; it’s a positive step for free software, its users, and everyone who uses the Web. For a while now, watching video on the Web has been fraught with peril. Most of it is delivered with Flash, which is proprietary, nonstandard software. Free software alternatives like GNU Gnash are available, but the user experience isn’t always as seamless as it ought to be.

    • On WebM again: freedom, quality, patents

      So, after all this text, I think that there may be some more complexity behind Google’s decision to drop H264 than “we want to kill Apple”, as some commenters seem to think – and the final line is: software patents are adding a degree of complexity to the ICT world that is becoming, in my humble opinion, damaging in too many ways – not only in terms of uncertainty, but adding a great friction in the capability of companies and researchers to bring innovation to the market. Something that, curiously, patent promoters describe as their first motivation.

    • The Truth Behind HTML5′s New Logo Fiasco

      So what’s the problem? Well, it’s not particularly because of the way it looks (it doesn’t appear particularly offensive), or what it’s replacing (it is new). This time, people are angry simply because it exists.


  • The Return of Winklevoss Vs. Zuckerberg

    A long-running legal quarrel returns to a courtroom in San Francisco on Tuesday: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg versus his collegiate business partners Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss.

  • [License Agreements] Cartoon for Jan 14, 2011
  • The Rise And Fall Of Yahoo: The Infographic

    It’s no secret that Yahoo is in a troubled place. And has been for awhile. We just learned of the news that Yahoo is looking to sell bookmarking service Delicious and “sunsetting” a number of other web services. Preceding this debacle was a massive round of layoffs that affected over 500 employees. Many have tried to pinpoint where Yahoo went wrong (i.e. product strategy, leadership etc.), but this infographic, titled “The Rise And Fall Of Yahoo,” gives you a play by play of the company’s history, acquisitions, highs, lows and more.

  • Vatican letter on sex abuse from ’97 revealed

    A newly revealed 1997 letter from the Vatican warned Ireland’s Catholic bishops not to report all suspected child-abuse cases to police — a disclosure with the potential to fuel more lawsuits worldwide against the Vatican, which has long denied any involvement in coverups.

    The letter, obtained by Irish broadcasters RTE and provided to The Associated Press, documents the Vatican’s rejection of an Irish church initiative to begin helping police identify pedophile priests.

  • Vatican officials told Irish not to report child abuse

    A Vatican department advised Ireland’s Catholic bishops in 1997 not to report priests suspected of child abuse to the police, a newly revealed letter shows.

  • Vatican warned Irish bishops not to report abuse
  • Youth more radically opposed to present government than tea parties, poll finds

    Predictions of a youth uprising sweeping the United States in 2011 appear to be turning increasingly true, according to a recent poll.

    Figures supporting that hypothesis, produced by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) for a liberal blog, were cited by partisan news figures as proof of a growing violent radical element in the tea parties.

  • Is 25 Old?


    * Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook
    * Ian Murdock founds the Debian Project


    * Steve Jobs co-founds Apple Computer
    * Rob Malda starts Slashdot (then Chips & Dips)


    * Linus Torvalds releases Linux 0.01
    * Darren Kitchen launches Hak.5
    * Mark Shuttleworth founds Thawte
    * Dries Buytaert releases the first version of Drupal

  • Max Mosley Says Newspapers Must Alert Famous People Before Writing Stories About Them

    Ima Fish alerts us to the bizarre idea of Max Mosley, the former head of the international motorsports organization FIA, to create a special rule for the rich and famous that would require the media to alert them to any stories mentioning them before publication.

  • Chinese parenting

    There are nearly 7,000 comments to Amy Chua’s now infamous article in the Wall Street Journal titled, modestly, Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior. I read the piece, as I’m guessing most of you did, with grim fascination. Its main contention is that Chinese parents raise kids who are more successful than their Western counterparts because these parents deprive their kids of fun, slave-drive them to study constantly, prohibit them from acting in school plays and sleeping over at friends’ houses, and insisting that they never get a grade below A. Chua’s description of how she terrorized her daughter to force her to master a piano piece is not something you’ll soon forget.

  • Science

    • What the humble fruit fly is teaching the powerful computer

      A new study reveals that the fly arranges the hair-like structures of its nervous system to feel and hear. That method now serves as a model for refining wireless sensor networks, among other computer applications.

    • Excellent Little Apps: PDF-Shuffler

      Rummaging through my blogposts related to Ubuntu, too many of them are grumbling or complaining posts. We forget about the awesome stuff in Ubuntu because it Just Works; it’s the stuff that’s broken or that we dislike that consumes our attention.

    • Abandoned Knol

      Knol’s homepage says a lot about the current state of the project. There’s a big empty section called “what’s new”, a single featured knol that has 1,000 views, while the “most discussed” section doesn’t include any knol and the search feature no longer works properly.

      Knol has been last updated in December 2009 and it’s obvious that the service has been abandoned. Somebody needs to close Knol before it’s too late.

    • RightNow acquires natural language search firm Q-Go

      CRM vendor RightNow has agreed to buy Q-go.com, a vendor of natural language-based search software, for US$34 million in cash, the companies announced Tuesday.

    • About Face: Hu at the White House

      The Chinese president had not even taken off his overcoat off before Obama, on the White House lawn, said, “Societies are more harmonious, nations are more successful, and the world is more just when the rights and responsibilities of all nations and all people are upheld, including the universal rights of every human being.” So began a state visit that nudged debate over China’s political values back into the spotlight, after two years in which the Obama White House tried, and abandoned, an effort to reframe the relationship around other issues. This tack is likely to defuse some of the criticism of the Administration for soft-pedalling human rights. But these tougher words came in an elegant package, and, like all Chinese gift-exchanges, that was at least as important as the contents.

    • Silicon quantum computer a possibility

      By achieving entanglement in silicon, researchers have brought quantum computing a step closer.

    • New Reactor Paves the Way for Efficiently Producing Fuel from Sunlight

      Using a common metal most famously found in self-cleaning ovens, Sossina Haile hopes to change our energy future. The metal is cerium oxide—or ceria—and it is the centerpiece of a promising new technology developed by Haile and her colleagues that concentrates solar energy and uses it to efficiently convert carbon dioxide and water into fuels.

  • Health/Nutrition

    • Pols: Spare drug-addled former mayoral worker

      Ex-Senate president Robert Travaglini and City Councilor Sal LaMattina are among dozens of compassionate supporters asking a federal judge to spare the rod on an erstwhile rising star in Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s camp, whose addiction to painkillers poisoned his political career.

    • Can you be both obese and healthy?

      Countless epidemiological studies have shown that as you move from a normal body weight towards obesity the risk of many chronic diseases increases exponentially. However, more and more research suggests that the relationship between body weight and health is much more nuanced than previously thought.

  • Security

    • Wednesday’s security updates
    • Tarsnap critical security bug

      Tarsnap versions 1.0.22 through 1.0.27 have a critical security bug. It may be possible for me, Amazon, or US government agencies with access to Amazon’s datacenters to decrypt data stored with those versions of Tarsnap. This is an absolutely unacceptable compromise of Tarsnap’s security principles, and I sincerely apologize to everyone affected.

    • An Example of Malware in GNU/Linux

      MacOS has a much lower share than 16%. Why are they hit so often? It’s because GNU/Linux is hardly hit at all. Java applications shouldn’t care what OS someone is using to operate. Why would the malware authours not go after GNU/Linux machines using Java?

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • In Wake of Tucson Shootings, a ‘Distracted’ Time For Judges

      Even though Arizona Chief U.S. District Judge John M. Roll was not the intended target of Jared Lee Loughner’s assualt Saturday morning, the Tucson massacre has raised legitimate questions about judicial protection and security. On Sunday, I asked another federal trial judge, who, like Judge Roll, has faced his share of threats over the years, to share with me a few of his thoughts about what happened.

    • Lithuania drops CIA torture site inquiry amid claims of official cover-up

      Reprieve challenges bizarre excuses for refusal to investigate horse-riding school believed to have imprisoned ‘high-value detainee’ Abu Zubaydah.

      Lithuania’s Prosecutor General has blamed a ‘lack of NGO transparency’ for his sudden decision not to investigate CIA torture sites operating in Lithuania between 2004 and 2006.

      Prosecutor Darius Valys unexpectedly announced last Friday that he was terminating his official inquiry into allegations that Lithuania’s secret services teamed up with the CIA to host one or more ‘black sites’, including one in a disused horse-riding academy.

    • Thousands of federal officials under lifelong gag order, records show

      More than 12,000 current and former federal intelligence officials must take the secrets of their most sensitive work to the grave, newly obtained records show.

      The number of people “permanently bound to secrecy” is more than double the figure expected in 2003 when the government began putting the provisions in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

    • Canadian TSA’s Non-Apology Apology To 82-Year-Old Woman

      We just had a story about how the Canadian version of the TSA, the CATSA, had treated an 82-year-old woman to ridiculous security procedures — berating her for not originally telling them about the gel in her prosthetic breast (there due to her mastectomy because of breast cancer) and then arguing with her because she physically could not lift her arms in the new naked scanners. Reader Joe points out that the CATSA eventually did offer an apology… of sorts. It’s not a real apology, in that they don’t say they’re sorry for what they did.

    • French photographer ‘murdered’ in Tunisia

      Lucas Mebrouk Dolega, working for the European Press Photo Agency (EPA), has died in Tunis’ Rabta hospital from head injuries sustained on January 14 when police are said to have “deliberately fired a tear gas grenade at him” during the Tunisia protests, says Reporters Without Borders.

      “I think it was a crime, a real murder”, it has EPA spokesman Horacio Villalobos declaring.

      Dolega, 32, the first French photographer to die in the line of duty since 1985, was also the first foreign journalist to be killed in Tunisia, says the story.

    • Arrr! Pirates Take Up to $12 Billion Worth of Booty

      Don’t let the dilapidated fishing boats or the rusting AK-47s fool you. Pirates mean serious business. A maritime industry group crunched the numbers and found that the measures companies and governments take to avoid and combat the piracy threat cost between $7 billion and $12 billion every year.

  • Cablegate

    • So you think death threats are against the law?

      Well, apparently they’re not. Just so long as the threats are contained in a registered domain name linked to a website with no content. Just so long as they’re directed against Julian Assange. Vivantleakers is keeping a list of death-to-assange websites springing up around the net, with whois searches including registrars and admin contacts.

    • vivantleakers.org

      Tracking cyber-bullies who promote illegal murder or harm to Assange and his associates.

    • Russian WikiLeaks site blocked

      It was blocked today because it showed pix of what’s said to be Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin’s palace, built at a cost of some $1 billion.

      That’s it on the right, according to BritInRussia in a pic uploaded to travel.webshots.com in 2006.

      President Putin’s Palace, it says. “This is where the G8 Summit is going to take place.”

      Visitors started experiencing problems on Tuesday after ruleaks.net “posted photos of an Italian-style palace on the Black Sea coast that according to The Washington Post belongs to Putin”, says RIA Novosti.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Wales’ carrier bag charge becomes law

      The law, which will come into force from 1 October next year, will see Welsh shoppers paying 5p per single use carrier bag.

      Wales is the first country in the UK to introduce a charge as part of its efforts to dramatically reduce the volume of carrier bags given out to shoppers.

    • 10 Most Alien like Insects on Earth

      A common mistake when searching for alien life forms is to look up into the sky for something big. But alien life is right here, at our feet, in our backyards. Millions of tiny but frightening aliens, many just a few millimetres long. We’ve convinced the most cheerful of the lot to give us a tour…

    • The last of a species, caught on film

      As a kid, I was fascinated by the photos of the extinct quagga that were bolted to the sides of the zebra pen at the Topeka Zoo. I knew about extinction, of course. Dinosaurs were extinct. And I knew that buffalo had been shot by the 1000s a long time ago and might have become extinct, if they hadn’t been protected.

  • Finance

    • Goldman to exclude U.S. from Facebook placement

      Goldman Sachs will limit its private placement of shares of social networking site Facebook to investors outside the United States, citing “intense media coverage,” the investment bank said.

      Goldman expects to raise $1.5 billion for Facebook, the wildly popular site used as a message board and for online social networking. The chance to buy a slice of Facebook ahead of any future public listing attracted widespread commentary and news coverage, which potentially could bring it under regulatory scrutiny.

      “In light of this intense media coverage, Goldman Sachs has decided to proceed only with the offer to investors outside the U.S.,” the company said in a statement provided to Reuters.

      Goldman began notifying clients of its decision on Sunday.

    • How accurate are property records?

      A Utah court case in which the owner of a Draper townhouse got clear title to the property, even though he still owed $132,000 on it, raises new legal and financial questions about a property-records database created by mortgage bankers.

    • Bankers are paid too much admits RBS chief

      The chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland has conceded that bankers get paid too much, mostly because of what he calls a “gangmaster” culture in investment banking.

    • Obama, entourage showered with Saudi gifts: report

      The Federal Register reported Tuesday that King Abdullah gave some 34,500 dollars worth of presents to Obama, some 146,200 dollars worth to First Lady Michelle Obama and 7,275 dollars worth to their children Malia and Sasha.

    • Switzerland freezes assets of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and Laurent Gbagbo

      Switzerland’s federal council today agreed to freeze any assets of Tunisia’s ousted president and the incumbent leader of Ivory Coast.

      The Swiss president, Micheline Calmy-Rey, told reporters the measures would take effect immediately and target Tunisia’s former president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and the Ivorian incumbent, Laurent Gbagbo.

    • Bank Overcharged Military Families On Mortgages

      The banking giant JPMorgan Chase is admitting it made some very big mistakes. As first reported by NBC News, the firm says it overcharged more than 4,000 active-duty military personnel on their home loans and foreclosed in error on 14 of them.

      Julia Rowles and her husband, Marine Capt. Jonathan Rowles, have been fighting with Chase ever since Rowles was commissioned as an officer in 2006.

    • Goldman Sachs bankers to receive $15.3bn in pay and bonuses

      Goldman Sachs has set aside $15.3bn (£9.5bn) to pay its staff in 2010 – an average of $430,000 each – in a move that re-ignites the controversy over City pay and bonuses at a time when youth unemployment is hitting record highs in the UK.

      The best known of all the Wall Street firms did not attempt to show the restraint of last year when it reduced the amount being paid into its bonus pool in the fourth quarter of 2009 to make a $500m public donation to a charitable foundation, Goldman Sachs Gives.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Hunt’s Local TV Plan Re-Invents The Wheel As A Square

      Nicholas Shott’s review for Hunt made clear there is little chance of such an enterprise making money. Yet Hunt has conceived a model which, first and foremost, invites commercial tenders, funded by national advertising. Far better might have been an effort that puts the citizen first – a grassroots one, run on a cost-neutral basis, whose product would likely have been more direct-access information and interpretation than TV talking heads. Why not involve community groups from that same Big Society which the UK government is trying to create, rather than just commercial broadcasters?

    • Key House Committee Hires Three More Former Lobbyists

      The House Energy & Commerce Committee has hired three more lobbyists after naming a top Washington lobbyist as Staff Director in December, 2010. The lobbyists have represented a range of companies and industries that all have business before the committee.

      Michael Bloomquist will join the committee as the deputy general counsel from his position at the lobbying firm Wiley Rein. Bloomquist was most recently registered as a lobbyist for America’s Natural Gas Alliance, a coalition of independent natural gas exploration and production companies, and Nucor Corp., a giant steel company. Bloomquist previously worked for Energy & Commerce Committee, the Science & Technology Committee, and the Department of Interior before becoming a lobbyist.

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

    • censorship and children

      But as a parent, there were things I knew would disturb him. Being in tune with my child, I was uniquely positioned to have a good idea what protection was necessary. For instance, in the early years, good guys could never die. As he grew and learned acquired the ability to protect himself, the terms of censorship changed. Before he was 18 he had acquired enough maturity that external parental censorship was no longer necessary.

      Of course I never did show him Old Yeller, a film that traumatized me as a child. Just seeing a commercial for it makes me burst into tears to this day.
      rewriting history is a bad idea

      Although there is a time to protect children, I thoroughly disagree with the practice of rewriting literature to “protect” children.

    • Berlusconi’s lackeys want to ban our books. They started from Venice. Let’s fight back!

      The Assessor for Culture of the province of Venice, a guy called Speranzon – a former activist of the MSI [the old neo-fascist party, active from 1946 to 1994] and now a member of Berlusconi’s party – approved a proposal from a party colleague and will order Venetian libraries to:
      1) Remove from shelves all the books written by any author who signed a 2004 petition asking for Cesare Battisti’s release from jail;
      2) Abstain from organizing events featuring such writers (they must be declared “undesirable persons”, he says).
      Any librarian who will not accept this diktat “will be held responsible” of his behavior. Is this a hint about fund freezing, withdrawal of patronage, mobbing, hostile media campaigning?
      The proposal was lauded by the COISP, a policemen union. The poor librarian will think twice, before opposing local authorities and the police.

    • DoD Blocking Access To Techdirt Because It’s About ‘Computers And Internet’?

      Sent in by an anonymous person in the Defense Department is the notice that they were unable to read our recent story about customs and border patrol harassing Wikileaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum as he flew into Seattle from a vacation in Iceland. What struck me, however, was the hilarious wording explaining the block:

      This Page Cannot Be Displayed


      Based on DOD access policies, access to this web site ( http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110112/16054412641/customs-hamfisted-attempts-to-intimidate-wikileaks-volunteers.shtml ) has been blocked because the web category “Computers and Internet” is not allowed, your IP address and username have been recorded and forwarded to your IA staff for review.

    • he Companies Who Support Censoring The Internet

      Anyway, here’s the full list of companies that support censoring the internet, because they’re too lazy to compete in the marketplace or innovate when that market changes:

      * Nike – Beaverton, OR
      * Achushnet – Fairhaven, MA
      * Curb Music Publishing – Nashville, TN
      * NBC Universal – New York, NY
      * Viacom – New York, NY
      * Callaway – Carlsbad, CA
      * Cleveland Golf – Huntington Beach, CA
      * Rosetta Stone – Arlington, VA
      * Activision – Santa Monica, CA
      * Adidas Group – Portland, OR
      * Xerox – Norwalk, CT
      * Hastings Entertainment, Inc. – Amarillo, TX
      * Fortune Brands – Deerfield, IL
      * Coty Inc. – New York, NY
      * EDGE Entertainment Distribution – Streetsboro, OH
      * Oakley, Inc. – Foothill Ranch, CA
      * PING – Phoenix, AZ
      * Louis Vuitton – New York, NY
      * D’Addario and Company – Farmingdale, NY
      * Monster Cable Products, Inc. – Brisbane, CA
      * Tiffany and Co. – New York, NY
      * Farouk Systems, Inc. – Houston, TX
      * Beam Global – Deerfield, IL
      * Chanel USA – New York, NY
      * True Religion Apparel, Inc. – Vernon, CA
      * Concord Music Group – Beverly Hills, CA
      * Village Roadshow Pictures – Beverly Hills, CA
      * National Basketball Association – New York, NY
      * National Football League – New York, NY
      * The Collegiate Licensing Company/IMG College – Atlanta, GA
      * Anderson Merchandisers – Amarillo, TX
      * Trans World Entertainment Corporation – Albany, NY
      * Timberland – Stratham, NH
      * Major League Baseball – New York, NY
      * Lightening Entertainment/Mainline Releasing – Santa Monica, CA
      * Sierra Pictures – Beverly Hills, CA
      * Voltage Pictures LLC – Los Angeles, CA
      * Worldwide Film Entertainment LLC – Westchester, CA
      * Nu Image, Inc. – Los Angeles, CA
      * Burberry Limited – New York, NY
      * Big Machine Records – Nashville, TN
      * The Little Film Company – Studio City, CA
      * Columbia Sportswear Company – Portland, OR

    • Dire Straits tune banned — after 25 years!

      Result? Just one — one — complaint, “but the self-regulating Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has upheld it, and no outlet in the nation can now play Money for Nothing the way Dire Straits intended it to be heard”.

    • Customs Boss Defends Internet Censorship; Says More Is On The Way

      Here he’s just being disingenuous. The law does not protect criminals. There are existing laws that allow the government or private parties to file a lawsuit against anyone accused of breaking the law, and allowing (as per our normal due process system) an adversarial hearing to be had in court so that both sides get their say. What Morton and his team did ignores all of that. It ignored due process. It seized sites that had substantial non-infringing content, it used serious technical and legal errors to get a judge to rubber stamp seizures of domain names that were widely used by the music industry to promote their own works. And he addresses none of that.

    • Fingerprints Go the Distance

      The device, called AIRprint, is being developed by Advanced Optical Systems (AOS). It detects fingerprints by shining polarized light onto a person’s hand and analyzing the reflection using two cameras configured to detect different polarizations.

    • Police DNA test plan to put off prostitutes’ punters

      West Yorkshire Police have sought to clarify a senior officer’s remarks after she called for a database of all men who use prostitutes, irrespective of whether or not a crime has been committed.

      Chief Superintendent Alison Rose from Bradford South said in a report by the BBC that she wanted to set up a DNA database of men who employ the services of sex workers.

    • Your Employer Can Read Your Work Emails, Even to Your Lawyer

      There are many, many reasons not to use your work email address for anything remotely personal. Here’s one more: a California appellate court has ruled that even attorney-client confidentiality doesn’t apply when the email is on company servers.

    • AT&T Case Asks High Court to Assign Privacy Rights to Companies

      A business privacy case that comes before the U.S. Supreme Court today may rekindle a debate among the justices over whether corporations are like people, even to the point of suffering embarrassment.

      The case, set to be argued in Washington, pits the Obama administration against AT&T Inc. over the release of documents stemming from a government investigation of the company. The question is whether corporations can invoke a Freedom of Information Act provision that protects against invasions of “personal privacy.”

    • Fuzzy Boundaries: The Potential Impact of Vague Secondary Liability Doctrines on Technology Innovation

      If a technology company induces its customers to use its product for infringing purposes, for instance, both the users and the company should be liable for such infringement—the users for direct infringement and the company for contributory infringement, which is a species of secondary liability.

      The doctrine is appealing as a practical solution to widespread infringement because it targets the entities that enable illegal behavior—e.g., the Napsters and Groksters of the world—and thus eradicates the distribution mechanism that enables infringement in the first place. Judge Kozinski and Mr Goldfoot (I’ll generally refer to them as “the authors” from here on), like the movie and music industries, certainly believe that the doctrine of secondary liability should be readily used as a handy and effective tool for weeding out copyright infringement. According to the authors, people “who provide powerful tools that can be used for good or evil have some responsibility to make sure that those tools are used responsibly.” Put more bluntly, however, if you outlaw the tool, you needn’t chase after the users, so in practice it’s less a question of ethics and more a question of convenience and efficiency.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality/DRM

    • Senator Al Franken: No joke, Comcast trying to whack Netflix

      Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has had it with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), who has just created “essentially two Internets” with weak net neutrality rules and who this week signed off on the mega-merger of Comcast and NBC Universal. A common thread unites the two decisions: both highlight the “growing threat of corporate control” over information.

      Franken’s remarks came yesterday during a speech to a Netroots Nation gathering in Minnesota. The former comedian and NBC employee (during his Saturday Night Live days) has made media consolidation and network neutrality two of his signature issues, and he hammered on both of them during his talk.

    • Sweden: miles ahead of Canada on the internet

      I was flipping through the latest issue of Wired the other day and I came across an article on Spotify, a music-streaming service based in Stockholm. I’d heard a little about the service before but, because it’s not available in North America, I hadn’t paid much attention to it.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Conservative tech policy goal: ramp up IP enforcement

      Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who has already introduced a bill to gut the FCC’s net neutrality rules, this morning issued a tech policy call to arms for her fellow conservatives. Atop her agenda: ramping up intellectual property rights and passing “Rogue Websites” legislation to “go after organized online criminals who steal from American creators and rights holders.”

      A keynote speaker at today’s “State of the Net” conference in Washington, DC, Blackburn laid out a conservative approach to Internet regulation that largely boiled down to the idea that we shouldn’t have any.

    • Zynga Becoming A Trademark Bully: Threatens Blingville For Daring To Use ‘ville’

      What I really don’t understand is why Zynga is acting this way. It has no reason to be a trademark bully, and doing so only makes the company look petty.

    • Copyrights

      • Las Vegas’s copyright crapshoot could maim social media

        “We are absolutely continuing to develop the law of copyright in the area in respect to fair use,” says Gibson. “There is very substantial guidance in the courts already that make it clear that the kinds of reproduction that Righthaven is addressing is not fair use. One hundred percent takings are seldom fair use, whether by a for-profit or a non-profit institute. The notion of fair use has been very stretched by advocates of reproductions.”

      • Oppose ISP copyright liability in free-trade agreement – NZ professor

        The University of Auckland’s Professor Jane Kelsey, a noted commentator on free trade, is apprehensive that US negotiators at the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement (TPP) talks, backed by powerful entertainment-industry lobbies, will want to return to the question of internet service provider liability for customers’ copyright breaches through downloading or uploading.

        Such liability was knocked back at the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) talks last year.

      • Jailed Pirate Party member becomes Tunisian government minister

        From imprisoned Pirate Party member to government leader, it’s been an eventful week for Tunisian blogger and software developer Slim Amamou. Arrested by security forces a week ago, Amamou emerged from jail a few days later only to watch as president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali fled the country and the new “unity” government asked Amamou to join.

      • Hotfile, 1000 Users and PayPal Named In Piracy Lawsuit

        Liberty Media, the company involved in achieving the largest headline settlement against a BitTorrent user last month, has widened its net to include cyberlocker-based infringement. The movie studio has now filed suit against file-hosting site Hotfile and 1000 of its users. PayPal is also named in the suit alongside calls for it to freeze Hotfile’s account. The court is asked to seize Hotfile’s domain name.

      • Exposed: file-sharing lawyers collect fines using ‘dormant’ company

        Controversial legal firm ACS Law is discreetly using another company to collect payments from alleged file-sharers.

        ACS Law has long acted on behalf of copyright holders, demanding hundreds of pounds from people accused of file-sharing or threatening them with the prospect of court action.

        The law firm is currently being investigated by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, following accusations by consumer watchdog Which? that it had “bullied” people into making payments for infringements that they didn’t commit.

        ACS Law was in court earlier this week, attempting to have 27 cases of alleged file-sharing dropped.

        However, the judge refused to drop all but one of the cases, giving the legal teams of the defendants the chance to fight for punitive damages from rights holder MediaCAT – which has accused the defendants of illegally downloading pornographic films.

      • US Official Speaks Untruths About Torrent-Finder Domain Seizure

        Two months ago the United States Government seized more than 80 domains that were allegedly involved in copyright related offenses. Among these sites was the relatively unknown BitTorrent meta-search engine Torrent-Finder. From the start there has been a lot of critique, but the director of ICE has now come out to defend their actions. Unfortunately, his ignorance and hugely misleading comments add yet more black marks to the track record of his office.

      • Italian regulator asks for copyright reform after Google settlement

        Italy’s competition regulator has asked the Italian parliament to reform copyright law after accepting Google’s settlement of a dispute with newspapers. It does not have the power to solve the problem of the exploitation of newspaper content, it said.

        The Italian Federation of Newspaper Editors had complained in 2009 that if newspapers refused to have their content appear in Google News it would also disappear from Google’s search engine, which could affect the amount of web traffic they received.

      • Adventures in copyright

        We had time, then, to look through what they planned on turning in. “Where did you get this information?” “Was this picture CC licensed?” If they didn’t know, hadn’t written it down, or the images were copyrighted, one of our class mantras came into play: don’t be lazy. There are no more thoughts of, “Oh well, just dock my grade.” We’re at the point where grades aren’t on anyone’s mind. We’re about the process. “Fire up a laptop and let’s find some CC pictures!” We have 3 computers in my room, but with so many students using them for the same reason–finding images–they were working 3 or 4 to a computer.

        While talking about CC images, one of my students just could not wrap her head around why someone would not want other people to be able to use their images. Most of the other students agreed with her. I’m right there, too. I guess I can see someone whose job it is to take pictures not wanting other people make money off their work, but that’s what the CC 3.0 license is for. I don’t know. I’m sure there are cases I’m just not seeing.

      • RIAA to ICANN: Music TLDs Better be Piracy Free

        Music coalition warns that it better change new requirement that an objector to a proposed gTLD must show “likelihood of material detriment” to the “broader Internet community”or else it will “escalate” the confrontation. Is worried that a person could “hijack a music themed gTLD to enable widescale copyright infringement” of its works.

        The music industry has never met a new form of technology it likes, and ICANN is the latest to feel its wrath over a new top-level domains program.

      • ACTA/Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

        • Will the EU Parliament Legal Affairs Committee tomorrow ask the legal service whether ACTA complies with the Treaties?

          Member of Parliament Jan Philipp Albrecht (Greens) wants to ask the “legal service of the Parliament if the final Version of ACTA and its foreseen legislative procedure is in line with the Treaties of the European Union and which legal possibilities there are for the European Parliament to challenge this in front of the European Court of Justice”.

        • “Release the Text” Campaign Demands End to Secrecy in Trade Talks

          The sign on letter echoes broader demands from the peak union bodies in almost all the TPPA countries that all working texts are published after each round of negotiations, along with government position papers, on a neutral electronic forum that allows for a frank exchange of information and views.

          “Three decades of free markets and free trade deals show that while big business tends to be the winner, workers and poor communities, who have no say in the process, pay the price. These secret deals have to stop.”

          “We call on the government to secure agreement to basic rules for transparency during the next TPPA talks in Chile in mid-February,” said Campbell.

Clip of the Day



Links 19/1/2011: Cybercom Enters Linux Foundation, Qt in Canonical

Posted in News Roundup at 9:19 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Foursquare Releases Two Open Source Development Tools

    Today Foursquare released the code for two applications on GitHub: Rogue, a MongoDB query domain-specific language written in Scala, and Full-Loaded, “a caching image loader for iOS.”

  • Of China, Piracy and Open Source

    As news stories prove every day, China is more than capable of creating technology that matches that of the West – think of maglev trains or stealth fighters. It could easily knock up its own operating system and applications to replace the proprietary ones that are pirated across the land. But in fact it doesn’t even need to go to all that trouble.

    For some years, the China government has been quietly supporting and promoting the use of free software within its borders – conscious, no doubt, that it forms a handy insurance policy against the day when it might not want to be so dependent on Western proprietary products.


    It’s sad to see a serious newspaper like the Corriere della Sera spouting the kind of unrealistic nonsense; it bolsters the erroneous view that software piracy is a serious problem around the world, and that vast sums of money are involved. When you look closely at the details, neither turns out to be true. The real sums involved in developing countries are relatively small, and in any case, as Gates himself admits, companies like Microsoft actually prefer piracy to the alternative: a world running on open source.

  • In defence of hackers and open source

    With open source code, you have various objective metrics – speed, size, portability etc. When it comes to designing interfaces, it’s very subjective – and hence hard to ensure that things always improve through iteration. But these problems are not about “openness” or the “collective” approach as such: top-down, centralised efforts have just as much difficulty determining what is “progress” for areas where judgement matters, and just as little problem when there are clear metrics.


    The fact that he trots out the old FUD about open source being unable to innovate – maybe he’s heard of this thing called the internet, which was created almost entirely using open protocols and open code – is perhaps an indication of the tiredness of his arguments.

    Similarly, the idea that the middle class have fewer opportunities to finance content creation overlooks the fact that people are now creating unprecedented quantities of content for *free*, purely for the love of creation – you know, that “l’art pour l’art” thing again. It’s true that not every one of them is a masterpiece, but guess what? That’s always been the case: the vast majority of creation has *always* been mediocre. The difference is that today we are more aware of how much rubbish there is because we have unparalleled access to it.


    In other words, hackers and open source are precisely the forces that Lanier should be praising, since they are closely aligned with his desire for an allegiance to people, not machines. It’s a pity that someone with his pedigree doesn’t recognise that.

  • If it sounds mad

    I’ve just been reading Glyn Moody’s article on the defence of hackers and open source. And no doubt I fully disagree with any notion that Free and Open Source is as relatable to some mass anarchistic insensible process.

    I thought to myself that there probably is a quick test to see if what someone is saying about open source makes sense. A quick and dirty litmus test for checking if the author understands open source in principle and in practice.

    If you replace “Open Source” with the word “Science” and set the date of the article or book back to 1650, does it sound like it’s totally mad?

  • Open-Source Projects Are Getting Ripped On Amazon

    It’s been brought to my attention today by a Phoronix reader that several major open-source projects are being ripped off and sold for-profit on Amazon by a small company out of the United Kingdom. FlightGear, InkScape, and Scribus are among the free software projects being affected right now and Amazon apparently has yet to catch onto this or act.

  • The Butterfly-Amazon Open-Source Saga Continues

    It’s also been discovered by Phoronix readers that this company is passing off GnuCash as “Small Business & Personnel Finance Manager”, the Ardour music application is called “Music/Audio Editing Tool-kit”, PDF Creator is resold as “Create Your Own PDF”, and DVD Flick is “DVD Studio.”

  • Being a Free/Open Source Software Catalyst : Part I

    This is no time for Holy War. If you have a chance to switch to Apache, switch! Your Boss may not know it’s Apache (I can’t believe it’s not butter!), or he may be fully aware. In either case, he’s coming to you with a golden opportunity.

  • 50 Open Source Replacements for Storage Software

    Here are 50 noteworthy open source replacements for commercial storage-related tools.

  • Open Source in GSM Could Breed Mobile Mayhem

    The open source code for GSM base station programming could allow malicious hackers to set up rogue base stations and grab control of peoples’ cellphones, according to security researcher Ralf-Philipp Weinmann. He’s raised particular concern about such activities near places like airports and embassies, but other researchers have questioned the seriousness of the threat.

  • Five open source network management projects to watch

    Open source software has a long history in lower-level network software so it’s not surprising there is a healthy range of free tools available for network and systems management.

  • Events

    • LPC 2011 Call for Track Ideas

      The organizers behind the Linux Plumbers’ Conference have put out a call for track ideas for this Linux conference taking place in Santa Rosa in early September. Jesse Barnes asks that anyone interested read the below message.

    • [LCA2011-Chat] lca2011 venue update

      The conference venue is now officially confirmed as being at the Qld. University of Technology – Kelvin Grove campus. Unfortunately due to the damage sustained by the recent floods in Brisbane, the original buildings located at QUT – Gardens Point campus will not be available for the week of the conference.

  • Web Browsers

    • Midori vs Epiphany Review

      In the last couple months I’ve been seeing a lot of articles concerning the Midori web browser. It’s a lightweight GTK-based browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine also used by browsers like Chromium and Safari. At version 0.2.9, it’s relatively new (it’s still a ways away from a 1.0 release), but it’s included as part of the Xfce “goodies” package. It’s also the browser of choice of the Elementary project. I’ve tried Midori before and like it because it isn’t too much of a system resource hog, and it faithfully displays the webpages I visit.

    • Mozilla

      • School of Webcraft Charter (draft)

        For about a year now, Mozilla has been working with Peer to Peer University to set up a School of Webcraft. The vision is simple enough: a free, community run school for web development. It’s going well, with almost 30 courses on offer for the January term.

      • Firefox Mobile – Managing Profiles

        Last week we were talking about the need for private browsing, or something like it, in Firefox Mobile. Even though you might not share your phone with other people, you might share a tablet – especially the “family tablet”, sitting there on the coffee table. Private browsing is an obtrusive system, at least as implemented in Mozilla, and it’s doubtful we could add it for Firefox Mobile in time for the upcoming release. Also, private browsing doesn’t really satisfy the sharing use case for tablets.

      • Threads and Workers for Add-ons in Firefox 4

        The upcoming Firefox 4 includes a ton of significant changes, many of which have a direct effect on add-ons. The majority of these changes are just new and different ways of doing things. Unfortunately, there are a couple of changes that offer no alternative and add-on authors will just need to cope with them. The stability changes that were introduced in the threading model for Firefox 4 are an example of this.

      • Firefox Mobile- The Good and the Ugly

        Firefox mobile is also the first mobile browser to support addons. There’s a handy collection of really cool ones already available. Then finally, it really does render pages just like they were designed.

  • Databases

    • Cassandra service company Riptano changes name to DataStax

      Founded last April, Riptano, a company that provides training, advice and support for the NoSQL database Apache Cassandra, has been re-named as DataStax. Riptano was founded by Jonathan Ellis, chief of the Cassandra Project and Matt Pfeil. Both were previously employed by the cloud provider Rackspace, and Rackspace supplied the seed capital for Riptano.

  • Oracle

    • More LibreOffice Mockups: Citrus UI

      Speaking of LibreOffice, WebUpd8 reader Nathan Moos mentioned some refreshing mockups called Citrus UI (please note that these are not official mockups!).

      Citrus tries to remain somewhat familiar while brining more logic by reorganizing things differently – such as the File menu which currently holds commands that are in no way related to the current file. Further more, the menus are contextual meaning you won’t get any grayed-out menus and instead, they are hidden by default.

    • OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice Release Candidates Duke It Out

      Oracle-owned OpenOffice.org and independent LibreOffice are both nearing their freely available 3.3.0 versions and show their wares with recent release candidates. Commercial OpenOffice.org 3.3 was released by Oracle last month at a licensing fee starting at $49.95 for the Standard Edition, but has yet to release the freely downloadable version for home and small business use. That version has reached RC9, which is said to probably be the last development release before final. On the other side of town, LibreOffice has been releasing development versions as well with the latest being RC3 on January 13, which is rumored to be its last before final as well. LibreOffice has gained popular support probably primarily due to breaking from Oracle control and ownership while offering largely equal functionality.

  • Business

    • Open source status report reveals good health and profits

      2010 marked the 25th year of the Free Software Foundation, founded by Richard Stallman to promote the universal freedom to create, distribute and modify computer software. In that time the use of free software has become pervasive. I thought it might be interesting to take a look at some open source software usage statistics today. It’s truly amazing the size of the open source software community and the levels of participation in them.

  • Funding

  • BSD

    • Backdoors in OpenBSD? Reply hazy, try again

      On Dec. 11, OpenBSD founder and lead developers Theo de Raadt received an email from Gregory Perry, CEO of GoVirtual Education, a Florida-based VMWare training firm, in which Perry told de Raadt he was “aware of the fact that the FBI implemented a number of backdoors and side channel key leaking mechanisms into the OCF, for the express purpose of monitoring the site to site VPN encryption system implemented by EOUSA [an acronym for the US Dept. of Justice], the parent organization to the FBI.”


      History may show otherwise, but right now this incident seems to be a story of missteps, and not maliciousness.

  • Government

  • Licensing

    • Gevent Joins the Software Freedom Conservancy

      Today, the Software Freedom Conservancy welcomes Gevent as its newest member. Gevent joins twenty-four other Conservancy members, who receive the benefit of aggregated non-profit status available to all Conservancy member projects.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Work is not the opposite of play!

      HR and legal are going to have to give up some reflexes biased against greater transparency on employee performance.

    • Can open source reinvent the music business?

      Under the traditional music model, bands create an album, sign their distribution rights to a record label, and the label distributes the music and benefits from the majority of sales. Recent economic problems and the advent of digital distribution and file sharing have squeezed labels for cash, which has limited distribution and marketing. Consequently, bands have suffered by losing their distribution rights to companies that no longer have the funds to effectively distribute their music.

      This poses a few unfortunate outcomes for bands. First, they lose control over their distribution, and if a label is not doing a good job, this can cripple a band’s ability to spread awareness of their material. Second, labels typically provide tour support if a band sells a certain number of units. However, low investment in distribution translates into limited sales, meaning bands won’t get to tour and raise that awareness. Finally, bands usually make money through tours and merchandise sales. With the labels not providing adequate marketing and distribution, bands are not sent on tour, so they don’t make much money. The net result is that the romantic dream of a record deal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    • Open Data

      • Launch of the Principles on Open Bibliographic Data

        The initial idea for something like the Principles on Open Bibliographic Data dates back to May 2010 and originated in the German OKFN chapter. Originally, they were directed at the library world. It was not before July 2010 that the OKFN Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data started work on the principles – taking ideas (and text) from the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science.

  • Web Standards

    • An HTML5 Logo

      W3C unveiled a logo for HTML5 today. HTML5 in the broad sense covers many different technologies at varying degrees of standardization and adoption. Commercial sites have begun to take advantage of some of the technology, and we are excited that this logo will help raise awareness about HTML5 and W3C. Please check out the logo home page for information about free stickers. We are also selling T-shirts and part of the proceeds will support the HTML5 test suite effort.

    • W3C Introduces an HTML5 Logo
    • W3C’s new logo promotes HTML5–and more

      Underscoring the confluence of technology, politics, and marketing, the World Wide Web Consortium today unveiled a new logo for HTML5.

      With the logo, the W3C wants to promote the new Web technology–and itself. The Web is growing far beyond its roots of housing static Web sites and is transforming into a vehicle for entertainment and a foundation for online applications.


  • Facebook’s 3rd Biggest Advertiser is (Allegedly) a Bing Affiliate Scam (With Updates)

    Matt Cutts is the head of Google’s anti-webspam team and tonight he came across what looks like a huge trove of scammy, spammy spam – on Facebook. And it involves Microsoft. Advertising publication AdAge reported tonight on findings from advertising analysts that Facebook sold an estimated $1.86 billion in worldwide advertising for 2010, an amazing sum. Who’s spending all that money on Facebook ads? A long, long tail of self-serve advertisers for sure – but near the head of the tail is someone that should have raised a whole lot of red flags.

    At the end of the AdAge article is a passing mention that the 3rd largest advertiser across all of Facebook, after AT&T and Match.com, is a mysterious company listed as Make-my-baby.com.

  • Legal Thuggery, or Law as Transaction Cost

    There are two great things about this. First, the BoingBoing post isn’t even about Academic Advantage: it contains those words, but is utterly unrelated. Second, the allegedly bad part (which L, A, & Y complains about) is the use of the term “scam.” But: the term “scam” was put up by a poster. That means that BoingBoing is immune from any tort action – like defamation – under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Any lawyer admitted to the bar should know that – this is Internet Law 101.

  • Audio slideshow: On the map

    Until recently, what is often billed as one of Africa’s largest slums – Kibera, in the Kenyan capital Nairobi – was a blank spot on official maps. But a group of volunteers have been training young people living there to create their own digital map of the area.

  • Security

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • Whitehall chief blocks release of Blair’s notes to Bush on Iraq

      Britain’s top civil servant, Sir Gus O’Donnell, is preventing the official inquiry into the Iraq invasion from publishing notes sent by Tony Blair to George W Bush – evidence described by the inquiry as of “central importance” in establishing the circumstances that led to war.

      O’Donnell, the cabinet secretary, consulted Blair before suppressing the documents, it emerged tonight. The Cabinet Office said: “There is an established convention covering papers of a previous administration whereby former ministers would normally be consulted before release of papers from their time in government.” The prime minister’s spokesman said David Cameron had not been consulted.

    • The Real Domestic Extremists

      Who threatens us most – peaceful campaigners or a private militia run by police chiefs?

    • Clean-up of covert policing ordered after Mark Kennedy revelations

      The government said today that a private company run by police chiefs should be stripped of its power to run undercover spies in the wake of a Guardian investigation into the police officer Mark Kennedy, who spent seven years posing as an environmental activist.

      The Home Office minister Nick Herbert and senior police officers acknowledged for the first time that “something had gone very wrong” in the Kennedy case, which led to the collapse last week of the trial of six people accused of planning to invade a Nottinghamshire power station.

    • FBI Issues Death Threat in U.S. Citizen Interrogation

      An FBI agent reportedly issued a death threat against a U.S. citizen traveling abroad, according to the January 13 New York Times. The American, 19-year-old Gulet Mohamed, also alleges beatings and sleep deprivation in his interrogations since his arrest by Kuwaiti authorities in late December.

      After he was detained by Kuwaiti authorities, “Mr. Mohamed said the agents began yelling the name ‘Anwar al-Awlaki’ at him,” the Times reported, “prompting Kuwaiti officials to intervene and request that the agents end the interrogation.” New Mexico-born Anwar al-Awlaki is an American citizen and Islamic cleric who has emigrated to Yemen and advocated jihad against America, and President Obama has reputedly put him on an assassination list of U.S. citizens for when he is found.

      Making a death threat against a defenseless prisoner is a crime of felony torture under the U.S. criminal code, and the jurisdiction of the crime for federal agents is anywhere in the world. The U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 2340 defines felony torture as follows: “torture means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control,” including “the threat of imminent death.”

  • Cablegate

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Sales of sustainable seafood soar in UK supermarkets

      Sales of “alternative” species of fish and seafood have soared after being championed in Channel 4′s newFish Fightcampaign, the UK’s leading supermarkets reported today.

      Consumers are favouring coley, dab, mussels, squid and sardines over the staple salmon, cod and tuna following the programmes last week, which highlighted the wasteful use of “discard” in fishing practices while encouraging shoppers to take the pressure off popular fish stocks by being more adventurous in what they eat.

  • Finance

    • Executive order: Gov. Haslam throws out income disclosure rules

      Republican Gov. Bill Haslam has signed an executive order that eliminates a requirement for the governor and top aides to disclose how much they earn.

      Under the order signed after Haslam took office on Saturday, the disclosure rules applying to himself and senior administration officials will be the same as those for members of the General Assembly. Those only requires them to list sources of income, but not how much they make.

    • Ex-Swiss banker says he’ll hand files on alleged tax evasion in offshore havens to WikiLeaks

      Elmer said he would not reveal what specifically was in the documents, and said that he personally would not disclose “individual companies or individual names” of the account holders.

    • Tax havens and the men who stole the world

      Shaxson has compiled a remarkable dossier: part analysis, historical and contemporary, part expository, part anecdote and gossip, wholly revealing, shocking and, yes – entertaining. His publisher’s proof copy for reviewers suggests that he has written a thriller, and certainly his often over-written narrative strains for that effect. For me it is possibly the most important political book that I have read since The Spirit Level.

      The scale of abuse is staggering. More than half of world trade passes, often just on paper, through tax havens. More than half of all banking assets and a third of all multinational corporations’ foreign direct investment is offshore where the assets and revenues escape not only tax, but also the rule of law and democratic regulation. UK Uncut’s estimates of lost tax revenue come to some £100 billion over four years. Shaxson quotes a National Audit Office finding in 2007 that a third of the UK’s biggest companies paid no tax at all in this country in the previous boom year. It is of course not only developed nations like the UK that lose out. Developing countries lose some $160 billion annually just through manipulative price fixing that drains tax revenue out of poor countries – as well as sustaining corrupt rulers in power.

    • Ex-Banker Gives Data on Taxes to WikiLeaks

      Rudolf M. Elmer, who ran the Caribbean operations of the Swiss bank Julius Baer for eight years until he was dismissed in 2002, refused to identify any of the individuals or companies, but he told reporters at a news conference that about 40 politicians and “pillars of society” were among them.

      He told The Observer newspaper over the weekend that those named in the documents come from “the U.S., Britain, Germany, Austria and Asia — from all over,” and include “business people, politicians, people who have made their living in the arts and multinational conglomerates — from both sides of the Atlantic.”

      Mr. Elmer handed two computer disks to Mr. Assange at the news conference, the first significant public event the WikiLeaks founder has held since he was arrested in London in early December after Swedish prosecutors sought to have him extradited on charges of sexual crimes there. He has denied the charges but was briefly jailed last year before bail was granted.

      Wearing the same dark blue suit he has worn through his legal battles, Mr. Assange said that WikiLeaks would verify and release the information, including the names, in as little as two weeks.

    • Would More Education Reduce Unemployment and Income Inequality?

      Some people argue that education is the answer to some of the big current problems the U.S. economy faces. Want to fix the unemployment problem? That’s easy: just provide additional educational opportunities for those having difficulty finding jobs. Want to lessen income inequality? That’s easy too: if more people have college degrees, they’ll qualify for higher wage work. While these arguments appear to make sense, looking at the data over the past several decades provides the opposite answer: more education would solve neither problem.

      Lawrence Mishel of the Economics Policy Institute makes this argument in a new paper. While he agrees that a better-educated workforce would ultimately help U.S. growth, he shows pretty convincingly that these two current economic problems can’t be solved with more education.

    • Conservatives Ruined the Economy and Now They’re Blaming Liberalism

      Really? Reagan and “vigilance about big government and balanced budgets” in the same sentence? Time for a reality check:

      Reagan made big government bigger; he never submitted a balanced budget; and his deficits piled up more government debt than in all the United States’ prior history, due precisely to low taxes and the bloated defense budgets underpinning “peace through strength.” Bottom line: conservatives’ combination of “low taxes” and “strong defense” during the Reagan and Bush II administrations produced huge fiscal deficits to be passed on to future generations. Wait until they find out all those Reaganomics tax cuts were, in fact, future tax increases on them. To add insult to injury, the revenue hole left by the Reagan tax cuts was filled by loans from Asia and OPEC, suddenly prosperous thanks to huge trade surpluses. During Reagan’s watch, therefore, the United States swung from being the world’s largest creditor to the world’s largest debtor nation, undermining America’s financial sovereignty. “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”

    • 85-Year-Old-Woman Arrested for Bank Protest — 6 Revolts the Tea Party-Obsessed Corporate Media Overlooked

      Some of the most undercovered stories of 2010 were actions taken by ordinary people standing up for a more just and equitable society. People are taking to the streets on a regular basis across the country, but unlike the corporate-sponsored Tea Party — whose spokespeople can’t answer basic questions about the deficit they claim to be so worried about — those who believe in health care, affordable housing, economic justice, education, a living wage, and a better life for all rarely, if ever, get the attention they deserve. Instead, the media, even the alternative media, spent the better part of last year obsessing over the Tea Party and manufactured personalities like Sarah Palin, while ignoring people like 85-year-old Julia Botello.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • FCC gives green light to Comcast’s merger with NBC Universal

      The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Tuesday gave the green light to Comcast’s proposed acquisition of a majority stake in NBC Universal by a vote of 4-1.

    • Indoctrinating Children To Hate Freedom Of The Press?

      I just listened to a recent podcast from This American Life with the theme of “Kid Politics.” As per usual, it’s an entertaining hour, but the First Act struck me as especially interesting, given the current debates about Wikileaks and free speech. In that story, reporter and TAL regular Starlee Kine visits the Ronald Reagan library, where a bunch of school children visit and run through an exercise in which they get to simulate the invasion of Grenada and get to make all the decisions just like Reagan did. They’re prepped for this with a bit of laughably propaganda-filled version of history (e.g. if we didn’t invade Grenada, then Grenada, Cuba and Nicaragua would have invaded the US and made us communist). Then, they go through this simulation — in which they’re told there are “no right or wrong answers.” However, it later turns out that if you answer differently than Ronald Reagan actually did, an angry buzzer buzzes and the students are told they’re wrong — if you answer the same as Reagan, a bell dings, and the students are told they made “the correct choice.” In most cases, of course, the students are lead to the “easy” answer being exactly what Reagan did.

      Then, suddenly, in the middle of the exercise, the evil press ruins everything, by revealing that two US carriers have been rerouted to Grenada, ruining the element of surprise. To be honest, if you look through historical reports of the invasion of Grenada, the press leaking this bit of information is pretty hard to find. Yet, in the Reagan Library, it’s the key to the whole story. The element of surprise has been blown, and now the faux-Reagan needs to decide whether to move forward with the invasion.

    • The Alexis de Tocqueville Institution

      However ADTI had first become publicly noticed a few years prior, when as part of the 1998 Tobacco Settlement Agreement, the Philip Morris corporation released millions of pages of documents concerning their operations. In them was evidence that Philip Morris had hired ADTI to campaign against tobacco regulations.

      It’s a rather curious that an institution dedicated to the ‘ideas and ideals’ of Alexis de Tocqueville, on the extension and perfection of democracy would be working as hired guns for the tobacco industry. And if they worked as hired guns for the tobacco industry, who else have they worked for? Microsoft was suggested immediately after the UPI article was published.

      In May of 2004 our questions were answered. ADTI put out a press release stating that Linux could suffer from patent issues. The original press release has vanished from the ADTI site, but a copy is here. The press release appeared to have only one reason for existence, to push users away from Free and Open Source Software, and towards using proprietary software.

      The final capstone was a week later, when ADTI put out another press release in which they questioned whether Linus Torvalds really wrote Linux, which Pamela Jones deconstructed at the time.

      Later Ken Brown, the staffer who supposedly was writing a book exposing Linux, was exposed as a liar. Ken made claims about what certain people, including Andrew S. Tanenbaum, the man who designed and programmed the Minix operating system, said, and curiously every single person that he quoted disagreed with his quotes. Such a total repudiation is unusual to say the least.

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • Righthaven extends copyright lawsuit campaign to individual Web posters

        Las Vegas copyright enforcement company Righthaven LLC is now suing individual message-board posters, not just website operators.

        Righthaven, which files copyright infringement lawsuits over unapproved online postings of material from the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Denver Post, filed seven infringement lawsuits Tuesday and Wednesday in U.S. District Court for Nevada, lifting its lawsuit total since March to at least 203.

      • Senior Judge ‘Astonished’ By Actions Of ACS:Law in File-Sharing Cases

        Following on from our article detailing ACS:Law’s no-show at the directions hearing for their 27 active file-sharing cases, today we take a closer look at yesterday’s proceedings. Judge Birss QC said that he found ACS:Law’s actions both “remarkable” and “unprecedented” and was “frankly astonished” by their behavior, while defense lawyers made serious allegations concerning ACS:Law’s conduct.

        Following a review of all outstanding active ACS:Law cases, last month Judge Birss QC found that a total of 27 had been filed, many of them displaying what he described as “unusual features”. In order to decide how to progress these cases he ordered a directions hearing to take place at the Patents Court in London yesterday.

      • No Ads, Domain Seized and No Anonymity For Pirate Site, Judge Rules

        A U.S. District Court judge has issued a preliminary injunction against two advertising networks and a Whois protection service of a site that offers pirated e-books. Advertising networks Clicksor and Chitika are now prohibited from serving advertisements to the site, while Enom’s Whois Privacy Protection Service was ordered to hand over all personal details of the site’s owner and make the site inaccesible.

        Just a few days ago we discussed several strategies that can be employed to take down or hurt sites that are associated with online piracy. One of those strategies is pursuing the ad-networks of these sites, in order to cut off their revenue streams. Another is to target domain registrars and push these services to disable access to the sites.

      • MPAA trumpets new filesharing ’study’

        “Expect to see this ’study’ quoted ad nauseum in ‘findings’ emanating from various entertainment cartel disinformation units”, said p2pnet in a post on a new ’study’ underlining the supposed horrors to the entertainment industry’s bottom line.

        Constructed for the US Chamber of Commerce, it’s “about counterfeiting and ‘piracy’ in general terms”, we said, going on, “But, big surprise, file sharing gets most of the attention.

Clip of the Day

How to Root and Install a Cyanogenmod ROM

Credit: TinyOgg


Links 18/1/2011: Xfce 4.8 is Released, Firefox 4.0 Anticipated

Posted in News Roundup at 1:37 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Desktop

    • System76 add 2 more laptops to their Ubuntu-based line-up

      Ubuntu-dedicated hardware company System 76 has today announced the launch of two new laptops.

    • Saying goodbye to my System76 notebooks
    • Lane Fox promises sub-£100 PCs

      Martha Lane Fox is promising £98 computers to tempt the last remaining digital refuseniks in UK to get online.

      The machines, refurbed by Remploy, will come complete with telephone support, monitor, mouse and Linux software.

      Lane Fox, David Cameron’s Digital Champion, told the Financial Times (subscription link): “Motivation and inspiration are still two of the biggest barriers [to using the internet], but clearly perception of price is another big deal for people. A good price point is certainly part of what helps people get online.”

    • Lane Fox To Champion £98 PC Scheme In UK

      The UK digital champion Martha Lane Fox is launching a new scheme under which Brits with no internet access will be able to purchase a refurbished Linux-based PC for £98.

      The PC will come with a Linux operating system, a flat-screen monitor and telephone support along with a warranty, The Financial Times reports. The scheme is part of Lane Fox’s Race Online 2012 campaign which aims to bring every Brit online by the end of 2012.

  • Kernel Space

    • Linux kernel ASLR Implementation
    • Broadcom Wireless Networking Adapters and Linux

      I expect things to get better, at least on the 4313, as the open source driver finishes the cleanup and integration that it is going through now, and is incorporated in more common distributions. I hope it will be in the upcoming Debian 6.0 release, as that will then get it into a lot of other derivative releases, as it is already in Mint Debian and SimplyMEPIS 11. It should also be a part of a standard kernel release (perhaps 2.6.38?), which will then get it into the distributions which track the latest kernels.

    • Graphics Stack

      • Nouveau Fermi Acceleration Merged Into X Driver

        The Nouveau (and PathScale) developers working on reverse-engineering the NVIDIA Linux binary driver in turn to write a free software driver with 2D/3D acceleration for all of NVIDIA’s graphics processors, have another accomplishment under their belt today. They’ve now merged the NVC0 (a.k.a. “Fermi”) acceleration support into the xf86-video-nouveau DDX driver.

        Landing into the Linux 2.6.37 kernel DRM was initial mode-setting support for GeForce 400/500 “Fermi” graphics cards, but it went without any actual acceleration support. With the Linux 2.6.38 kernel there is now initial open-source acceleration support for NVIDIA Fermi GPUs, so the DDX driver bits have now been merged into the mainline xf86-video-nouveau display driver.

      • Linux and hybrid graphics cards

        I recently bought a Dell laptop (Vostro 3300) and directly installed Fedora 14 on it. Everything worked out of the box, I just needed to install Broadcom wireless driver.

        But, I was wrong! The laptop come with a Nvidia card, and checking the output of lspci, I found an Intel VGA card too. So I start reading why I have a Nvidia and an Intel cards in my laptop to find the new cool technology : Optimus graphics from Nvidia…

      • Mesa Now Supports A Bit More Of OpenGL 3.0

        This work, plus improvements going into the various Gallium3D and classic Mesa drivers along with state trackers, etc will eventually be released as Mesa 7.11 in a few months time.

      • The VIA TTM/GEM Patch Appears Ready

        Just one month ago an independent developer began working on VIA TTM/GEM support for the VIA kernel DRM driver along with VIA kernel mode-setting support, even while VIA’s open-source Linux strategy is dead. Just a few weeks later, James Simmons’ VIA TTM/GEM memory management patches are now ready.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • KDE Commit-Digest for 12th December 2010
      • New features in Amarok 2.4

        Amarok 2.4 features support for the third generation iPod Touch, the option to have Amarok write statistics and album covers back to the files directly, as well as a completely re-written collection scanner that better detects compilations. A mass-tagging user interface using the MusicBrainz open content music database is now included that allows users to update their songs with accurate information, as is transcoding support – the developers note that transcoding will be expanded to media devices in a future release.

      • 5 Splash Screens to Spice up digiKam

        Every new version of digiKam features its own unique splash screen. But you don’t have to wait for the next digiKam release to get a new splash screen. Here are a few ready-to-go designs created by yours truly. To learn how to replace the default splash screen in digiKam, take a look at the Replace digiKam’s Default Splash Screen article.

    • GNOME Desktop

      • Announcing Foresight Linux 2.5.0 ALPHA 1 GNOME Edition

        After a very, very, very long time I can finally announce another Foresight Linux release! We have gone through a lot of changes and it took us a while to rebuild our developer/maintainer/user base, but here we are! The goal is to go back to having a rolling release schedule and keep bringing the latest and greatest mix of GNOME and applications!

      • Run Unity Qt Panel Or Launcher In A Classic GNOME Desktop

        WebuUpd8 reader Anurag sent us a very interesting tip: you can run any part of Unity 2D (Qt) under the classic GNOME desktop. To use the Unity panel or launcher without the whole Unity Qt, you firstly have to install Unity Qt (2D).


        In the same way you can run the “unity-qt-panel”, either as stand-alone or togheter with the “unity-qt-launcher”. To fix the double titlebar for maximized windows you can use Window Applets – select the option to remove the titlebar for maximized windows.

      • GNOME Commander – A nice file manager for the GNOME desktop

        GNOME Commander is file manager aimed at people who want a fast and efficient file manager. GNOME Commander can currently perform most common file operations, and will detect changes to files caused by other programs and update its views without the need for the user to manually reload. The program also supports Copy and Paste, DND and MIME.

    • Xfce

      • Xfce 4.8 Desktop Environment Released

        After a pre-releases came in November and then another in December, Xfce 4.8 has been officially released today.

      • Xfce 4.8 adds remote shares browsing, new desktop panel, more

        The latest version of lightweight desktop environment XFCE has been released, adding support for remote shares browsing, a rewritten desktop panel, and improved settings/file transfer dialogs.

      • Xfce 4.8 released

        Aside from the features implemented in Xfce, the 4.8 development cycle brought us a bunch of other goodies. For the first time we had a serious release strategy formed after the “Xfce Release and Development Model” developed at the Ubuntu Desktop Summit in May 2009. A new web application made release management a lot easier. We worked hard on improving the situation of Xfce translators which led us to setting up our own Transifex server. Something else you will hopefully notice is that our server and mirroring infrastructure has been improved so that our servers hopefully will not suddenly surrender shortly after this release announcement.

      • Loss of Installer Dampens Xfce 4.8 Release

        XfceXfce is a wonderful mid-sized desktop environment for those that want some customization without excessive system overhead. Xfce began life in 1996 as a simple clone of CDE, but has since progressed along side contemporaries such as KDE and GNOME. Some might even think of Xfce as a compromise between the highly customizable KDE and the higher performing GNOME. It was very popular in lighter Linux distributions for a time, and is still commonly included as an alternative choice. For a while an easy one- (or two-) click installer was available that downloaded the individual packages, compiled them, and installed Xfce for you. But no more. Today the developers released version 4.8 with some new goodies and a bit of an updated look, but with no convenient installer.

  • Distributions

    • Reviews

      • Introducing Zorin OS 4

        Zorin OS is, according to the project’s website, an easy-to-use, fast operating system which attempts to be useful straight out of the box. The distro appears to be targeting people who have, up to this point, been using Windows and the project makes much of its ability to ape the Windows GUI and run Windows applications through WINE. The project offers us the Core edition of their OS for free and charges a small fee for their premium editions. Zorin’s website includes a news section, a page for frequently asked questions, a support forum and on-line store. All of this is well laid out, navigation is easy and I found the design appealing. The Core edition of Zorin OS 4 is downloadable as a DVD image and weighs in at 1.17 GB.


        In conclusion, while the rough start makes me think Zorin isn’t a good choice for computer novices, it may be good for Linux novices who were formally Windows power users. The system is set up to appeal to that crowd and, for someone who wants a large collection of software available and doesn’t get scared off easily, I think Zorin is a good option.

      • Linux armageddon Linux Mint vs Slackware

        Winner is – Slackware! This is really more tongue in cheek. I’ve been using slackware as my primary machine for the last four months and like a clock, you set it and let it run.

      • MoonOS 4 Neake

        MoonOS is an interesting alternative to generic Ubuntu, and to other Ubuntu derivatives such as Linux Mint. This release has some positive things for existing MoonOS users. However, I don’t see anything here that’s likely to grab users from other distros. There is not real standout feature that might possibly attract people and get them to switch to MoonOS 4.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Innosoft Gulf offers seminar to public about new features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

        Following the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Innosoft Gulf, the leading Certified Red Hat Training Partner and Oracle Approved Education Center (OAEC) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), is pleased to offer a seminar to the public about the new features of Red Hat Enteprise Linux (RHEL 6).

      • RHEL 5.6 boasts new bug and security fixes

        Though Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 may have just been released in November, RHEL 5 still has a lot left in the tank: Red Hat just announced version 5.6 of the platform with a host of new bug and security fixes.

      • Red Hat Server Edition 6: Long Life Cycle With Lots to Like

        Red Hat Enterprise 6 (aka Santiago) was released Nov. 10, 2010 — 3.5 years after the first release of RHEL 5 and 7 months after RHEL 5.5. It will be supported to at least some extent for another 10 years (until Nov. 30, 2020), which is a pretty impressive life cycle, especially compared to the 5-year support of Ubuntu’s LTS releases. It’s just one confirmation of the intended market for RHEL6, which is clear throughout the release specs.

    • Debian Family

      • Linux Mint Debian Edition – a green goddess

        I hope I’ve inspired you to try this interesting new distribution – I’m certainly hoping to keep it on my netbook in the long term.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Qt apps on Ubuntu

          As part of our planning for Natty+1, we’ll need to find some space on the CD for Qt libraries, and we will evaluate applications developed with Qt for inclusion on the CD and default install of Ubuntu.

          Ease of use, and effective integration, are key values in our user experience. We care that the applications we choose are harmonious with one another and the system as a whole. Historically, that has meant that we’ve given very strong preference to applications written using Gtk, because a certain amount of harmony comes by default from the use of the same developer toolkit. That said, with OpenOffice and Firefox having been there from the start, Gtk is clearly not an absolute requirement. What I’m arguing now is that it’s the values which are important, and the toolkit is only a means to that end. We should evaluate apps on the basis of how well they meet the requirement, not prejudice them on the basis of technical choices made by the developer.

        • Displex: Fusion-Icon Alternative With Ubuntu AppIndicator Support

          Displex (indicator-displex) is an application that provides similar functionality as “fusion-icon”, but using an Ubuntu appindicator. It can be used to control Compiz, Emerald and the Gnome Display Manager.

        • 4 Beautiful Ubuntu Unity UI Mockups/Ideas

          When you look back at the history of Ubuntu through the years, you will see that, Ubuntu Unity is *the* most significant change ever happened to Ubuntu. Ubuntu Unity is a really interesting idea with limitless possibilities. Now, here are some innovative user created Ubuntu Unity UI mockups/ideas you might find interesting.

        • Ubuntu Unity Desktop Mockup
        • [UbuntuWomen] Diversity and Encouraging More Women To Attend UDS
        • Do you Ubuntu – or do you do ‘poo poo’ Ubuntu?

          The Ubuntu “server team” and Canonical are in inquisitive lot, they want to ask the community just exactly how it is using the Ubuntu Server Edition — and in what kinds of organisations, scenarios, environments and/or deployments — hence the Ubuntu Server Edition was born and is now in its third year.

        • Ubuntu Server Survey 2011 — How do You Ubuntu?
        • Ubuntu Server Edition Survey 2011 (v1.0.0)
        • 5 Great Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat Tips And Tricks

          Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat was released on October 10th, 2010, and it really is the best Ubuntu release to date. Everything was made to be super easy for regular users, and advanced Linux enthusiasts still can take advantage of all that it can offer. A lot of functions have been completely automated (the screen type and resolution settings, for example) and most of them also got graphical menus for easier configuration.

        • Ubuntu 10.10 and Citrix

          Many of us with the opportunity will have met up with logging via a Citrix server. With that in mind, I set to getting an ICA client going on my main Ubuntu box at home. There is information scattered about the web in the form of question on the Ubuntu forum and a step-by-step guide by Liberian Geek. To summarise the process that I followed here, you have to download a copy of the Citrix Receiver installer for Linux from the company’s website.

        • Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 219

          Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is Issue #219 for the week January 04- 17, 2011 and is available here.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Phones

      • Android

        • Google Nexus S

          Here is what I like:

          * Android 2.3 (first and currently the only phone to have this)
          * 16GB Internal Memory
          * 4″ Display
          * 1 GHZ Processor

    • Sub-notebooks

      • OLPC XO-1.75, ARM Powered OLPC XO Laptop is faster than x86!

        OLPC CTO Edward J. McNierney gives us an overview of the ARM Marvell Armada 610 version of OLPC XO Laptop, XO 1.75, to be released soon, being optimized now in Taiwan, it provides for a sub 2 Watt One Laptop Per Child XO Laptop. One Laptop Per Child created the Netbook market, now they will push the PC/Laptop industry towards ARM support for lower power consumption and lower prices through increased industry competition and optimized SoC designs. The $100 Laptop is nearer. Marvell’s 610 is now one of the ARM SoC platforms that is now powerful enough to power a full desktop/laptop system.

      • OLPC Arm version is faster than Intel’s

        While Intel says that it has nothing to fear from Arm chips, it seems that the One Laptop Top Per Child project might disagree. The OLPC group, which aims to bring cheap laptops to kids in developing countries has been experimenting with the RM Marvell Armada 610 chip.

        OLPC CTO Edward J. McNierney showed Arm devices how the chip went faster than the Intel equivalent. The chip provides for a sub 2 Watt One Laptop Per Child XO Laptop with much more back for its buck.

      • $10 Laptop? India’s Educational Laptop Is Here, But Not At $10

        Although both of these projects are far-fetched and unlikely to enter the market anytime soon, we have something up our sleeves — Yet another Indian laptop! The new laptop, eBerry, is the richer cousin of the $10 laptop.

    • Tablets

      • Linux Geeks and Tablet Temptation

        Blogger Robert Pogson — also an educator — has “spent years teaching students not to touch the screen of the monitor,” so “I am not sure I will ever be ready for a touchscreen,” he told Linux Girl.

        “I could hook monitor, keyboard and mouse up to one,” he pointed out. “I have a bunch of thin clients, a notebook and a terminal server in my home.”

        Still, “I doubt I will be buying any new device for a year or so,” Pogson concluded. “If I were to buy something with touch it might be a smartphone, just because I love ARM (Nasdaq: ARMHY) and GNU/Linux running on ARM.”

      • WebOS: The Other Smartphone/Tablet Linux

        Regardless of what I think, the rumor-mill is going full-speed ahead that, on February 9th, HP will be showing off new smartphones, tablets and maybe even netbooks running webOS. Some folks, like James Kendrick, think that this news would be the cat’s meow. “Of all the product categories HP is considering for webOS, the tablet has me excited as I believe the OS is so fitting for the tablet form that it can take the competition by storm.” Really? Much as I like the idea of Android on tablets, once Google clears up exactly what it’s doing for programmers with Android for different platforms, I can’t see anyone storming Apple’s iPad anytime soon.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Open Source: we are buying, but are we engaging?

    We recently completed our 2010 national survey of open source in the UK academic sector (the full report is currently being finalised). This post examines the extent to which suppliers to, and staff of, UK universities and colleges contribute to open source as a matter of course. This kind of engagement is important since it realises the maximum benefits of open source software.

  • Events

  • Web Browsers

    • Mozilla

      • No Hardware Acceleration Firefox for Linux Due to Buggy X Drivers

        Yesterday, the ninth Firefox 4.0 beta was released. One of the major new features in Firefox 4.0 is hardware acceleration for anything from canvas drawing to video rendering. Sadly, this feature won’t make its way to the Linux version of Firefox 4.0. The reason? X’ drivers are “disastrously buggy”. Update: Benoit Jacob informed my via email that there’s some important nuance: hardware acceleration (OpenGL only) on Linux has been implemented, but due to bugs and issues, only one driver so far has been whitelisted (the proprietary NVIDIA driver).

      • New Contributions features
      • Talking about HTML5 games development at MIT in Boston

        As part of our university outreach programme, a few Mozilla people and volunteers went to Boston last week to give a series of lectures on web technologies for games development.

        During the week we covered topics like WebGL for 3D development, basics of JavaScript, debugging and performance, canvas development, offline development and local storage and multimedia on the web. We’ll make these slides available in the comments to this blog post.

      • Attention Turns To Open-Source Drivers & Firefox

        Last week we reported on Mozilla Firefox developers having issues with Linux GPU drivers to the point that the Firefox 4.0 Linux build will not have GPU acceleration enabled by default, but it can be found for Mac OS X and Windows users. Fortunately, to fix the situation, there’s now some open-source Mesa/X developers looking into these problems of Firefox GPU acceleration.

        Mozilla’s Benoit Jacob wrote to the Mesa mailing list about the WebGL conformance tests to fix bugs in Mesa’s OpenGL implementation. “The goal of this email is to discuss steps towards whitelisting Xorg OpenGL drivers for WebGL rendering, and more generally for all OpenGL-based features, in Firefox. Although I’m only directly concerned with Firefox, this really applies equally well to all browsers implementing WebGL.”

      • How Fast Is Firefox 4?

        Mozilla has the finish line for Firefox 4 in sight: Beta 9 was just released and the first builds of Beta 10 have been posted to the company’s FTP server. There are just over 100 blocking bugs left and there isn’t much that will change until the final release will be available sometime in February or March. Time to check how fast this new browser is. The first article of this series focuses on JavaScript performance.

      • Firefox 4.0 beta release slights Linux

        The latest release has hardware acceleration, which is great news if you are a Windows user but pants if you prefer the penguin. It even works on Windows XP and Mac OS X

      • 5 reasons why I’m sticking with Firefox

        5. Mozilla: I like the fact that Mozilla is an non-profit organization with an aim to keep the net as open as possible in a time when net freedoms are under attack. Although I have nothing against them, I don’t like the idea of being locked into using Apple’s Safari or Google’s Chrome – I think both companies already have enough influence over my online time as it is!

      • New Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta: A “huge pile of awesome”

        Offering a developer tool overview of the Firefox 4 Beta, and noting that developers will benefit from support for HTML5, WebM and HD video, 3D graphic rendering with WebGL, hardware acceleration and the Mozilla Audio API for sound, Chris Blizzard – Mozilla’s director of product platform management – termed the latest beta as a “huge pile of awesome.”

      • Reduce the Firefox 4 menu button to an icon in Linux
      • First Look: Firefox 4 Beta 9
  • Oracle

  • Funding

    • OpenGamma secures $6 million Series B to power open source for financial markets

      To that end today OpenGamma is a new kind of financial startup, based in London, which has an open source analytics and risk management platform for the financial services industry. Today it’s completed a $6 million Series B round of equity financing led by FirstMark Capital, a New York-based VC. Accel Partners joins the round as a return investor. OpenGamma previously had a Series A round of $6m from Accel Partners.

    • EU funds open source language Scala

      As proudly reported in the developer blog for the programming language, Scala creator Martin Odersky will soon be able to double the size of his team. Over the next five years the group of developers working at Switzerland’s EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) will be receiving €2.3 million from the European Research Council. The goal is to overcome the challenges of parallel programming, which is becoming increasingly important as multi-core and multi-processor systems become more widespread.

  • BSD

    • Available: FreeBSD 8.2-RC2

      Ken Smith has announced the availability of FreeBSD 8.2-RC2. This is the second iteration of Release Candidates which will lead to 8.2-RELEASE.

  • Openness/Sharing

  • Programming

    • How to Identify a Good Perl Programmer

      The article Why You Can’t Hire Great Perl Programmers addressed the core Perl community. We need to encourage Perl dabblers to improve their skills and to join the community.

    • What *is* OOP?

      So I’ve played around with Python, and then with PHP, and now Perl. All three can be used for object-oriented programming.

      A while ago, when I was trying to learn more PHP, I started to feel the lack of knowledge about its OOP aspect. Having started out with K&R’s book on C, procedural logic has always made sense to me: What was this object thing?

    • Upstreaming your code – a primer

      The Linux kernel community has its own set of rules regarding various things, such as coding style, communication, and so on. Many of the leading developers in the Linux kernel community have little time, so it is best to follow these rules to make the whole process as smooth as possible.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • How to Encode to WebM

      With Google’s announcement that it’s dropping H.264 support in Chrome in favor of WebM, it’s time to start looking at the format. Here’s a look at how to get the best WebM quality.

    • Google’s WebM v H.264: who wins and loses in the video codec wars?

      Google announced last week that it is axing support for the H.264 video codec from its Chrome browser. (Only the one it distributes for desktops, at the moment; but it’s not clear whether the Android browser includes an H.264 codec. We’ll come to it.)

    • Google Clears Up Confusion in Web Video Brouhaha

      One way to look at the impact that Google’s open source Chrome browser is having is to consider the ripple effect that the company created with its recent blog post on web video standards and browsing. We covered the post and its implications here, and Microsoft–with its market share-leading Internet Explorer browser–served up a response dripping with sarcasm, here. Now, Google is delivering some specifics about its actual intent.

    • Some patent reflections on WebM

      So, one of the concerns cited about WebM is its possible vulnerability to patents from entities other than Google. Yes, we have rock solid patent grants from Google covering the WebM spec, but it’s possible other people have patents which cover functions you would need to implement in order to implement the WebM specification. So, the argument goes, you can’t rely on the royalty-free-ness of WebM.


  • Moving beyond “mountains of dead and mulched
    trees with interesting things inked on them”

    A Canadian-born lover of books and prominent science fiction author, Cory Doctorow is a champion of the cause of freedom of access to knowledge. When asked to do an interview with School Libraries Canada, he replied, “Generally, I’m not doing any interviews right now as I struggle with an imminent book deadline. However, given the nature of the publication, I feel duty-bound to do something with you, if we can make it happen….” He made it happen, and in the interview he reveals a few of the reasons for his commitment to positive social action, his deep-rooted attachment to school libraries, and his sense of common-cause with the library community in general.

  • 10 Websites With Fun Tests To Gauge Your IQ
  • Security

    • Security advisories for Monday
    • OECD study: an actual cyberwar is improbable

      Conducted on behalf of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a study has found that a cyberwar conducted solely via the internet between states is very improbable. The authors believe that most crucial systems are simply too well protected. While attacks on systems such as the one involving Stuxnet can be successful, they have to be carefully targeted and limited – and the effects have to be calculated exactly.

      The study finds that the term “cyberwar” is now “overhyped” as it is used for all kinds of things, including activities that used to fall under the category of espionage or sabotage. Indeed, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks related to WikiLeaks have also been called cyberwar even though they only constituted blockades.

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • Social Network Platforms and Subversive Politics

      Now the Tunisian government, however, most certainly viewed the Social Networking Platform as a threat. Here’s a post from last July by technically knowledgeable Tunisian citizen documenting how the Government was collecting social networking platform credentials of it’s citizens. At the time, this would be appear to have been some type of an official DNS cache poisoning/Phishing attack. The Tunisian Internet Agency(ATI) is the upstream provider for all Tunisian ISPs. Certainly, then, from a technical standpoint, it would have been feasible. However, the blogger notes that the attacks occurred only intermittently so as to not arouse too much suspicion.

    • Mission Creep: How the ACPO empire hyped eco-terrorism

      The collapse of the trial of the Ratcliffe coal protesters earlier this month has drawn new attention to police infiltration of protest movements.

      However, the controversy sparked by the exposure of undercover cop Mark Kennedy has been building for several years. While police have charged that environmental direct action represents a new and growing threat to public order, environmentalists have claimed the threat is being hyped to justify the growth of a labyrinthine and unaccountable intelligence structure under the control of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).

      It is illuminating to re-examine the chronology of those debates in the light of what we now know about the activities of Kennedy and other police agents, thanks to a long running investigation by Guardian journalists such as Paul Lewis and Rob Evans.

    • GoDaddy pulls Pakistani website over CIA ‘murder’ case

      US-based web hosting company GoDaddy demanded the removal of a controversial article concerning a top CIA operative in Pakistan, leading to the source of a story that went global being taken offline.

      At the start of the month, GoDaddy demanded that “PakNationalists” removed an article that discussed a potential court case against Jonathan Banks, the CIA’s former Islamabad station chief who was accused of being responsible for allegedly illegal drone attacks on parts of Pakistan.

      The article, which was removed but can be seen from the Google cache, was called “CIA Station Chief In Islamabad Sued For Murder And Terrorism.”

  • Cablegate

    • WikiLeaks turned the tables on governments, but the power relationship has not changed

      WikiLeaks “changes everything”. So says Christian Caryl in the latest New York Review of Books, as the media, technology and foreign policy worlds ponder the effect of the industrial dumping of US government cables. For several years American analysts in particular have been trying to make sense of the information free-for-all facilitated by the internet. Julian Assange’s perhaps inadvertent contribution is to have brought a previously arcane debate into the forefront of global politics.

  • Finance

    • WikiLeaks receives details of mass offshore tax evasion, could be released within weeks

      A Swiss whistleblower has handed documents, which he claims contain details of widescale tax evasion, to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a press conference in London this morning.

      The documents are said to contain details of wealthy individuals and organisations from the US, Europe and Asia who are using the secretive nature of the Swiss banking system’s offshore Cayman Islands accounts to avoid paying tax in their native countries.

    • WikiLeaks discloses offshore banking secrets

      “British and American individuals and companies are among the offshore clients whose details will be contained on CDs presented to WikiLeaks at the Frontline Club in London”, said the Observer yesterday, stating, “Those involved include, Elmer tells the Observer, ‘approximately 40 politicians’.”

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • The incredible shrinking sound bite

      If you’ve watched any political coverage since 1992, you know what happened: CBS’s experiment failed. This week, as Congress’s 112th session begins, the shrinking sound bite stands as a rare enemy of Republicans and Democrats alike. Whether running for president of the United States or for city council, politicians can count on seeing their words broken into ever smaller and more fragmentary bits. You might debate whom to blame — asked about nine-second sound bites, one TV executive replied, “the politicians started it” — but you can’t dispute the trend. In recent presidential elections, the average TV sound bite has dropped to a tick under eight seconds. A shorter, dumber, and shriller political discourse, it seems, has become another hazard of modern life.

    • Two cents on election financing..

      The question of whether political parties should receive roughly $2 for every vote they garner from the Canadian public is being raised again in the news and political discourse lately. The Conservatives are in favor of getting rid of the subsidy, while the opposition parties are in favor of keeping it.

    • New batch of Tory ads slated to start running soon.

      That said, the Conservatives have resorted to a smear campaign at the expense of Ignatieff (and to a lesser degree Layton) and it can only mean one thing: Remember what your mother told you in high school?

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

    • Why you should always encrypt your smartphone

      Last week, California’s Supreme Court reached a controversial 5-2 decision in People v. Diaz (PDF), holding that police officers may lawfully search mobile phones found on arrested individuals’ persons without first obtaining a search warrant. The court reasoned that mobile phones, like cigarette packs and wallets, fall under the search incident to arrest exception to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

    • Rogue Facebook apps can now access your home address and mobile phone number

      In a move that could herald a new level of danger for Facebook users, third party application developers are now able to access your home address and mobile phone number.

    • Man stole nude photos from women’s e-mail accounts

      He then posted many of these photos to his victims’ Facebook pages.

    • China: No more award and prize!

      It is clear that the Chinese government is not happy about the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. However, it is beyond normal people’s imagination that the propaganda machine would turn its resentment into the censorship of the terms “award” and “prize”.

      According to the latest general notice from the Central Propaganda Bureau regarding news and propaganda in 2011, all news and commercial websites should not initiate any kind of nation-wide selection (listings and awards) of news, people or events. The background of this notice is related to a series of events last year:

      Firstly, Chinese political dissident Liu Xiaobo won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.

    • MEPs briefed on web sanctions in Hungarian Media Law

      Confirmation that the Hungarian Internet is at risk comes has been submitted to the European Parliament, by a security organisation which monitors for breaches of free speech in the new East European democracies.

    • Tor is released (security patches)

      Tor continues our recent code security audit work. The main fix resolves a remote heap overflow vulnerability that can allow remote code execution. Other fixes address a variety of assert and crash bugs, most of which we think are hard to exploit remotely.

    • European court deals blow to no win, no fee deals in Naomi Campbell case

      Judgment provides boost for press freedom following marathon legal battle by Daily Mirror over privacy ruling

  • Internet/Net Neutrality/DRM

    • Nokia’s ‘Comes With Music’ Disappears In 27 Markets

      Nokia’s struggle to compete against Apple (NSDQ: AAPL), and drive more sales of its own smartphones, hit a new low today, as the Finnish company said it would be discontinuing its free, bundled music service, Comes With Music, in 27 of the 33 markets where it has operated since 2008, after low subscriber takeup in several markets.

    • Has Bell Upgraded Internet Infrastructure?

      When the Internet was first made available to the public, Canada quickly became a world leader. When Bell and Rogers entered the High Speed Internet market, they offered Canadians top speeds, and low prices for unlimited access. (They did such a good job that they killed off all the competition.)

      Cheap and fast access is why Canadians so whole heartedly became early Internet adopters. And that’s why Canadians are currently some of the most Internet savvy and Internet connected people in the world.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Stupid legal threat of the young century

      Boing Boing has been on the receiving end of one or two stupid legal threats in our day but this one from the firm of Lazar, Akiva & Yagoubzadeh takes the cake, the little cake topper, the frosting and all the candles, as well as the box and the cake-stand and the ornamental forks.

      Back in July, I posted about the research on the academic advantage some people with autism exhibit. In the comments, someone else used the word “scam” in a message board post.

      Here’s where it gets good. The legal eagles at Lazar, Akiva & Yagoubzadeh represent an (apparently extremely touchy) company called Academic Advantage and they apparently earn their keep by using alerts or searches for “Academic Advantage scam” to see who’s badmouthing good old AA, and then they fire off a legal threat and demand that the content be removed from the Internet posthaste.


      And to the lawyers at Lazar, Akiva & Yagoubzadeh (whose motto is “Experienced Attorneys. Proven Results.” and who boast of degrees from Harvard, NYU and UCLA): shame on you. What would your parents say if they could see you squandering your top legal educations with this kind of careless, sloppy inanity?

    • Copyrights

      • The cloud is the future – Google joins the EFF in MP3tunes’ battle against EMI

        Google have reportedly filed a paper with the New York District Court in support of MP3tunes.com in its ongoing legal battle with EMI, joining The Electronic Frontiers Foundation who had previously filed an Amici curiae brief in support of the company and its founder Michael Robertson. MP3tunes provides an online music “locker” service where users can store their music and access it from computers and mobile devices. MP3tunes also operates a music search engine called Sideload where users can find music tracks on other sites and then put them in their locker. EMI says the service makes mass copyright infringement easy by letting users upload music they didn’t buy and providing links to online songs that users can then “sideload” into their library and EMI claims that digital locker service such as MP3tunes infringes copyright unless licensed by rights holders . Robertson unsurprisingly argues that EMI’s position is an incorrect interpretation of copyright law saying that MP3tunes is shielded from liability by the “safe harbor” provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act – because it doesn’t encourage copyright infringement and promptly removes infringing content when notified but EMI.

      • Speak Out on Copyright: The Bill C-32 Edition

        Thousands of Canadians have spoken out many times on copyright reform, but it is important to do so once more. Bill C-32 is a better bill than its predecessors and with some tinkering would be a bill worth supporting.

      • Arrested Pirate Party Member Becomes Tunisian State Secretary

        After weeks of public protests on- and offline the Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali resigned and escaped the country last Friday. Today, the head of the transitional government, Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi, announced his new cabinet members which include a familiar name. Slim Amamou, the Pirate Party member and freedom of speech activist who was arrested just a few days ago, is now the (deputy minister) State Secretary of Youth and Sports.

Clip of the Day

From SiCKO: How Liberals Respond to Their “Enemies”

Credit: TinyOgg

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