Microsoft’s OOXML Gives Open Source Software a Bad Name
“Office Open” is not open at all
Earlier on we mentioned Google's protest against OOXML. What is wrong with the following article however?
Open Office XML Booed By Google
Google hates OpenOffice?!?!?!?!?!
“Most people still think of Microsoft as the brain behind window-based interfaces (mind the quote at the bottom).”Of course not, but Microsoft vainly chose to confuse people by nicking the OpenOffice brand and putting its proprietary garbage in the same semantic territories, having already pressured OpenOffice to become OpenOffice.org.
The mistake is even repeated in the body of this new post, so it’s not just a slip or a typo. It’s confusion, misunderstanding even. And it’s not an isolated incident.
Remember that Microsoft not only sees itself as the owner of the literal “windows” (it tried to bully “x windows”), but it also attacked Lindows. Most people still think of Microsoft as the brain behind window-based interfaces (mind the quote at the bottom). We mentioned this only yesterday.
From now on, always goes by MOOX or OOXML. Don’t let Microsoft arrogantly ruin the good reputation of OpenOffice, which it insisted should be OpenOffice.org. █
“Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox’s store before I did and took the TV doesn’t mean I can’t go in later and steal the stereo.”
–Bill Gates (Microsoft’s CEO at the time)
Pac Shady said,
February 28, 2008 at 2:24 am
Reminds me of the Palm PC vs Palm Pilot incident almost a decade ago (http://www.windowsitpro.com/article/articleid/17686/microsoft-sued-over-palm-pc.html). Seems Microsoft just likes confusing people and piggy-backing on the success of other companies.