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Fake ‘Studies’ for Vista 8 Grooming and Yet More IDC/IDG Pay-to-Say/Publication Collusion (Yes, Again)

Posted in Deception, Microsoft, Vista 8, Windows at 9:31 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

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… Microsoft or its proxy the Business Software Alliance (BSA). It’s part of the business model. IDC is part of IDG after all. Well, as our reader who showed this to us correctly points out, IDC ‘analysts’ (marketers) refrain from saying something negative about Vista 8 in the latest output they put forth. Here is IDG pushing its own lies (from IDC), essentially referring to itself as a third person by stating: “After the steep losses in the disastrous first quarter, IDC now …


IDC Still Turns Data Into Microsoft Propaganda in Servers

Posted in Deception, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Servers at 6:42 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary : IDC counts just money (benefiting expensive offerings), not actual share

T echrights wrote a great deal about IDC, which Microsoft routinely pays for propaganda. Here is a new rebuttal to the methods IDC adheres to so as to make Microsoft look like a leader (for being too expensive) while in fact it’s a follower:

On a base of $869 that other OS adds $1K to $4K to the price. Even …


Microsoft Partners IDC and Trustwave Spread GNU/Linux FUD

Posted in Deception, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft at 7:44 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary : IDC and Trustwave two of the latest spinmeisters whose ties to Microsoft are well documented

T HE DAYS of mobile FUD from the Gartner Group may be behind us, but IDG publishes something for its offspring entity, IDC, and it sounds like the familiar spin from Gartner, which denies that Android uses Linux.

More interesting, however, is this bit about Red Hat patches. It comes from …


BSA and IDC Systematically Lie to the Public, Distort Press Coverage

Posted in Deception at 4:28 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary : IDC and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) liaise once again in order to give ammunition to lobbyists of proprietary and copyright conglomerates

T HERE is some annual lie coming from partners or front groups of Microsoft. As one author put it: “Today the Business Software Alliance (Wikipedia) released their 2011 ‘Piracy Report’. What a doozy. Their methodology alone really speaks …


Cablegate: In Vietnam, BSA+IDC+Microsoft Assure Microsoft Lock-in in Exchange for Indoctrination

Posted in Asia, Deception, Microsoft at 4:28 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

… FOLLOWING Cablegate cable is similar to the previous one in the sense that we see the annual BSA/IDC lies (we debunked these many times before) being used by politicians to lobby for Microsoft’s agenda. Even though counterfeiting is beneficial/essential to Microsoft’s business, Microsoft is being portrayed as a victim and this ‘victimhood’ tactic is then being used to cause embarrassment/guilt and have a submissive deal signed — a deal under which a lot of taxpayers’ money gets …


What Can One Do When IDC Lies for Microsoft Money?

Posted in Deception, FUD, Microsoft at 7:49 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

… Yes, Microsoft is hardly used on Web servers. It is FUD from liars for hire such as IDC that leads some people to thinking that Microsoft does well on servers. It’s FUD with statistics, where basically the unit measured is price, not actual units used. The metric is discriminatory by design. Those who do go with Windows for servers often suffer the consequences and even for Microsoft it has proven to be a peril because its online services go offline quite routinely. No wonder …


Another Example of IDC Giving Bogus (Meaningless) Numbers and Mary Jo Foley Failing to Report the News

Posted in Deception, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Red Hat, Servers at 1:02 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

… why she gets interviews at Microsoft” and on about a dozen of occasions we’ve explained why IDC’s numbers regarding GNU/Linux are meaningless and deceiving by design ( IDC lies in many other areas, but just that’s how it makes money after all, by selling bias). IDG’s IDC is the Fox News of IT and even its own staff is admitting that they cheat or make claims up.

Our reader Wayne, whom we hope to have on our show ( TechBytes ) some time later this month, has just published a …


IDG’s (IDC) Research So Bad Even Its Own People Complain About Its Output (Updated)

Posted in Deception, Microsoft at 12:08 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary : Glyn Moody criticises the study from IDC, even though he writes for IDG (which owns IDC)

A few months ago when IDC and BSA issued their annual propaganda for the RIAA/MPAA/others we received a comment from an alleged IDC member of staff who admitted the figures were made up. Glyn Moody, who writes for IDG, has a new post where his headlines mainly puts blame on BSA (not a real company, just a front) rather than IDC which …

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