BBC Spreads More Microsoft Propaganda, Calls Proprietary ‘Open’
“As in this case the Silverlight shuffle,” as one reader told us, sending this screenshot
Summary: Microsoft’s deception campaign has various news sites including the BBC falsely call Kinect “open source”
With projects like Moonlight and Mono, Microsoft has been openwashing C# and Silverlight, but what about using Kinect openwashing (as noted the other day) to also portray C# as ‘open’? With nonsensical headlines calling Kinect code “open source” we are left wondering if journalism is dead. This bad journalism includes the MSBBC. Well, a site which is typically pro-Microsoft challenged the nonsense from the BBC:
The need for this news item arises because the BBC has a story with the headline “Microsoft shares source code for Kinect gadget”. This isn’t the case – Microsoft has open sourced some samples that use the Kinect.
The BBC is often taken to be the source of all truth and so it is important to correct it when it gets it wrong.
Do not let Microsoft engage in mass deceit, blurring the difference between close and open and thus devaluing Open Source as a brand. █