OpenSUSE is Having Problems With Systemd
Summary: News from OpenSUSE about systemd being too much for them to handle
THERE IS very little to say about SUSE and generally very little OpenSUSE news, but this one which we came across yesterday has a nice spin to it. OpenSUSE’s Web site says:
Respecting users is a priority to the openSUSE Project so when something does not work the way it should be, taking a step back is more preferable than delivering something that is not ready yet. For that reason yesterday afternoon Greg K.H. announced to the openSUSE-factory mailing list that systemd is being removed from Tumbleweed so that users won’t have a problem with it. That way it will allow developers to spend more time on working on it in order to have systemd ready for the upcoming 12.1 instead of chasing problems that are specific to Tumbleweed.
Another way to put it is, we tried working with this piece of software which is not being developed by us, but we failed too badly, causing irritation. So now we move away from it. Other distributions do not seem to have this problem. █