Video: Microsoft, Which Sues Linux, Infiltrates Another Linux Conference and Gets Heckled
“I’ve killed at least two Mac conferences. [...] by injecting Microsoft content into the conference, the conference got shut down. The guy who ran it said, why am I doing this?”
Summary: GCU SQUAD uses humour to expose Microsoft’s sheer nerve coming into Linux events to advertise itself
Earlier this month we wrote about LinuxTag being infiltrated by Microsoft again [1, 2, 3]. Some activists have decided to use a stunt (as usual) to expose the real face of Microsoft and have it captured in video. It is footage from Solutions Linux, where GCU SQUAD invaded the Microsoft booth just like last year. Here is another angle of this stunt in a low-quality video.
Here is the video from last year’s stunt (we could not find a high-quality embedded video of the latest stunt):
Parade GCU Squad @ Solution Linux 2010
Uploaded by Arth3mus. – Technology reviews and science news videos.
Here are some pictures from this year’s stunt. █