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“The Goal of Likewise Was to Go Into Mac/Linux Enterprises and Convert Their Directory Servers into MS ActiveDirectory”

Posted in Apple, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Samba at 2:38 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Likewise as Microsoft

Summary: An explanation of what Likewise is really doing (serving Microsoft)

A reader has left this comment which says:

I interviewed with likewise last March for a SysAdmin/Support position (and I have the emails to prove it), helping customers with Linux and Mac Likewise installs. During the interview with Jessie DeCarlos I started asking excited questions about deploying RedHat Directory Servers to replace ActiveDirectory which would push more Linux desktops into the enterprise, thinking this was Likewises goal. I was stopped cold by Jessie and told the hard facts of Likewise which were the opposite. According to Jessie, the goal of Likewise was to go into Mac/Linux enterprises and convert their directory servers into MS ActiveDirectory while allowing them to keep their Mac/Linux desktops. When I pressed further about Likewise being a open source company I was told that a.) its open core not open source b.) the goal is to push MS server software as the executive and sales team is all ex-MS and still very good friends with Redmond.

And to seal the deal of my disgust with these trolls, I was told the compensation package included lots of bonuses, for…….wait for it…….converting Mac/Linux directory servers over to MS ActiveDirectory. I feel violated just telling the story.

One last bit, I had installed Likewise before the interview (when I was naive and thought they were pushing open source not the opposite) on my Ubuntu test box and tried to get it working on a MS domain. Ehhhh, nope, didnt work. On top of that, I uninstalled and then found Likewise changes your local user password and wont let the local user change it by removing the permissions. Crap software being pimped as ‘open source’ and its a total shame.

See our Wiki page about Likewise because there is a lot more about this sham company which tries to ‘openwash’ its public image.

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  1. twitter said,

    February 3, 2011 at 8:20 am


    What Likewise representatives told this interview candidate directly confirms what anyone could guess from the company’s actions. The company is a Microsoft proxy working to replace gnu/linux at the server level to make trouble for everyone who’s deployed gnu/linux or mac on desktops. That could be guessed from what they did to Johns Hopkins but now we know that is the company’s mission and why.

    Many thanks to the person who shared this. People considering a Likewise deployment deserve to know the company’s motives and methods. Perhaps Johns Hopkins can be spared of the mess they are about to get into.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Using GNU/Linux 100% of the time is easy; it only gets harder when unnecessary Microsoft stuff enters a deployment (speaking from experiences at work).

    techwrongs Reply:

    Using Linux 100% of the time is easy, but it doesn’t solve 100% of the worlds problems. Sometimes Microsoft tools are better tools, and sometimes they arent.

    Likewise simplifies authentication in a heterogeneous network. You wouldn’t understand that because you don’t exist in the real world.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I do exist in the real world and I have a job where I don’t need to leave GNU/Linux (Fedora 14 and some Ubuntu variants), even though people around me mostly use Windows.

    twitter Reply:

    Likewise’s purpose is well explained by the interviewee. It’s not about technical excellence, it’s about selling Windows.

    I too exist in the real world and have about 20 years of small business network administration, retail sales, academic and commercial use to back up what Roy says. I’ve also worked in other capacities for a major US state university more than one Fortune 100 company. In every situation, Microsoft’s “solution” has been the worst available. I only use their software when another company has made the mistake of developing on Windows but have no problem getting my job done on a completely free gnu/linux system by putting boxes like Wine, Virtualbox and tsclient between me and them. The less Microsoft I have to deal with, the easier my job is but that is only because of how uncooperative and incompetent Microsoft is.

    Relevant to this discussion, I’ve seen Active Directory strip local network administrators of control at a University. Let’s just sa that it was demoralizing for those who had to put up with complete idiots pushing Microsoft “security” patches without testing them. The only thing worse than central control of the Windows botnet through AD would be central control of Windows and gnu/linux and Mac the way Likewise does it. This is the type of control Microsoft has aimed for all along. Please do not let this happen to you.

    How’s that for “real world”?

    techwrongs Reply:

    I’m sorry friend, but your name is “twitter”. You are just an anonymous person on the internet with have no experience other than posting replies on a site called “techrights”. If you wish to shed your anonymity, perhaps I will grant your comment some credibility. Until you do, you are simply making up stories to support of your friend.

    If you want to play in the “real world” you must join us in the “real world”.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You are just an anonymous person

    Hear, hear the hypocrite.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I have nothing to prove. I have nothing to gain or lose. That’s what troubles you so, and makes your crew so eager to pin a label on me.

    If “twitter” wants to play a game where he says he has done magical things, he should be willing to provide some proof of this.

    As for my anonymity, I have even used first names when applicable and have provided evidence in every example that required it.

    I don’t expect that you or twitter ever will, but that’s OK because it doesn’t harm *me*.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Herein you evaded my point.

    techwrongs Reply:

    No, I didn’t.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I insist that you did and I’ll explain why. You went on a tangent trying to distinguish yourself from another anonymous poster. You struggled to find a justification with which to get out of this mess and then used a red herring: “If “twitter” wants to play a game where he says he has done magical things, he should be willing to provide some proof of this.” Diversionary — besides the original point altogether.

    twitter Reply:

    This idiot is still at it? What a loser.

    I’ll point out another small difference between my anonymous publications and techwrong, history and reputation. “twitter” has a ten year publication history that is consistent and easily researched. All the world has from techwrong is a few hundred fact free posts made over a few days to nit pick Roy and call him a liar.

    It is obvious that techwrongs is here to harass, distract and disrupt, so the question is what to do about it. No one is going to take the nit picking seriously because it is all factless and petty sophistry. The only problem is disruption of real information exchange in comments. It might be time to make a way to hide disruption behind a link to troll comments. There are 113 comments here, all driven by this loser, so that the page is hard for people with mobile phones to load. You should promote your RSS feeds as a mobile phone solution at the very least.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Oh dear twitter, are you still struggling to feel important?

    Attacking me here won’t harm me, it only hurts you.

    twitter Reply:

    Your epic pettiness and trivial insults once again divert from the subject at hand. My goal is not to harm anyone, it’s to promote software freedom. You keep asking Roy to “leave that for your readers to decide,” so I’ve given him some direct opinion.

    Roy should find a nice place to keep your comments that won’t disrupt the place. It a denial of service attack that should be kept as evidence but mitigated.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Read: Oh, crap he is right; hide the evidence so no-one will notice!

    twitter Reply:

    Your reading comprehension is intentionally poor. My point is that there’s nothing of value in your comments.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I’ve never deleted any comments (except SPAM).

    twitter Reply:

    Only the troll suggests deleting and it was a deliberate misinterpretation of what I asked for. I thought it would be a good idea to make a troll/spam page that readers could click through to see if they were interested in what you think is garbage. This site is periodically harassed by trolls, some of which were Microsoft TEs. It is a good idea to keep evidence of their disruption but not allow it to actually disrupt the site.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Only the troll suggests deleting”

    I did not say anything about deleting anything. I said “hide”.

    My words: “Read: Oh, crap he is right; hide the evidence so no-one will notice!”

    Your words “Roy should find a nice place to keep your comments that won’t disrupt the place.” mean that your intent is to hide them from view. If you make readers look for them, it is easy for them to not exist in the public eye.

    I see your game, and I called you out on it.

    You can pretend that I said “delete”, but I neither stated, nor implied any such thing.

    “It is a good idea to keep evidence of their disruption but not allow it to actually disrupt the site.”

    You see, with this comment, your intent is to hide the evidence. I’m afraid you don’t seem very bright, twitter.

    twitter Reply:

    I’m unable to keep up with the hundreds of posts you have littered this site with, so I might make petty mistakes like that.

    You, however, specialize in calling people liars by twisting their intent. In this particular instance, you suggest that I want to remove your comments because there’s some sort of merit to them. Your comments have no merit whatsoever. They do have value as a record of abuse that I would like to make very available to those interested without bothering people who are more interested in Roy’s research than they are in your now three weeks long, and obscenity laceed abuse. A nice link at the end of each article titled, “abusive comments, harassment and spam,” would take care of you.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I think the poster is motivated by anger. The comments sound that way.

    twitter Reply:

    You have to remember that abusive behavior is part of the Microsoft Slog and “schmoozing” in general. When the TE does not get what they want, they are instructed to abuse the person being manipulated. They think this makes it more likely to “win” and it is why they behave like bullies. We should put it past Microsoft PR people to use abusive nyms as part of their strategy to harass and manipulate Techrights.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Readers can hopefully see that.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I insist that you did and I’ll explain why. You went on a tangent trying to distinguish yourself from another anonymous poster.”

    You are free to believe I am whomever you want to believe that I am. I have nothing to prove, nothing to gain, and nothing to lose.

    “You struggled to find a justification with which to get out of this mess and then used a red herring: “If “twitter” wants to play a game where he says he has done magical things, he should be willing to provide some proof of this.” Diversionary — besides the original point altogether.”

    I haven’t tried to get out of any “mess”. If “twitter” would like to prove me wrong, “twitter” is free to do so at any time by posting verifiable facts. “twitter’ cannot do that anonymously.

    It is not diversionary to call ones bluff.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    ‘twitter’ cannot do that anonymously.

    IOW, you want to keep the cake and eat it too. Mr. Wrongs.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “IOW, you want to keep the cake and eat it too. Mr. Wrongs.”

    Read: I’m right, and you are WRONG SO THERE!

    I’m not asking for cake, I’m asking for evidence to support a statement. Refusal to provide it is evidence of guilt.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    The evidence provided by the person whom you accuse is just as compelling as yours.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Hardly. The “evidence” provided is speculation. I named names, and I provided hard facts (the license information for Likewise Open for example).

    Your choice to ignore my facts, and accept speculation as a greater fact just proves you to be a moron.

    Is that what you want people to think? “Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Moron”

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I did not ignore the fact and you’re choosing just rudeness now.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I did not ignore the fact and you’re choosing just rudeness now.”

    It isn’t rude, Roy. It is fact. You are so focused on protecting your ego that you won’t allow yourself to see the forest for the trees.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You’ve shifted the debate to something that it’s not: licensing.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “You’ve shifted the debate to something that it’s not: licensing.”

    You shifted the conversation, Roy; not I. You called the product “proprietary”, and I showed you that it was not.

    You continued to pound your puny little chest and proclaim that it was evil, and I showed you that it was as open as Samba.

    You then attacked me calling, me a troll.

    It is quite alright though. You aren’t enough of a man to be capable of admitting when you are wrong, I understand that now.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Open Core is proprietary. To suggest otherwise is like calling someone “half pregnant”. But the issue with Likewise is not the licence — or rather — it’s not the main issue.

    techwrongs Reply:

    What is the real issue then, Roy? Is it not enough that a company actively provide a completely open product to the community and save a small portion to make enough of an income to fund their support of the open product?

    Samba has been around for a large number of years, and it has never worked properly. I have a great deal of respect for its authors, but Likewise seems to have taken Samba and made it actually work.

    the Samba team could merge the changes from Likewise Open back into the core Samba product.

    Where is the problem?

    Hint (there isn’t one, you are making it up).

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    What is the real issue then, Roy?

    Read the original post and see the Wiki page:


    techwrongs Reply:

    Roy, as I said. Step down from your ego. Show me evidence that is not contained within your little realm of control, please.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Samba cannot merge proprietary code and you know it.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    As I reread, it is you who goes around in circles. You also try to deflect.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Samba cannot merge proprietary code and you know it.”

    You have yet to prove that Likewise Open contains proprietary code, and you know it.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Show where I made such a claim (clue: I didn’t).

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Show where I made such a claim (clue: I didn’t).”

    You most certainly did, with this statement for example: “Samba cannot merge proprietary code and you know it.”

    You see, when you build a house of cards based on deception you lose track of your deceptive statements.

    When that happens, your house falls.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I was not referring only to the “core”. You know that.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I was not referring only to the “core”. You know that.”

    Yes, I do know that. The core of Likewise (Likewise Open) is a fully FOSS compliant product. It contains NO Microsoft technology.

    You argued that the core contains proprietary software, and I proved that to be false by showing the license for Likewise Open, the core product.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You argued that the core contains proprietary software…

    I did not argue such a thing.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I did not argue such a thing.”

    ““Samba cannot merge proprietary code and you know it.”

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    That’s correct. Doesn’t prove your point.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “That’s correct. Doesn’t prove your point.”

    Oh, but it does. Likewise Open is the core product that you called proprietary.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Merely repeating your statement won’t make it any more true.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I have already proven it to be true. What you have not done is proven it to be untrue.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    No, you’re running in circles, claiming that I said something that I did not.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Hardly. Lets let the readers decide, shall we?

    techwrongs Reply:

    You have a job as a Linux user. This is just one of the many things that separates you from the real world.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You have a job as a Linux user.

    No, I have a job as a researcher. GNU/Linux is just the right tool for the job. What OS do you use right now?

    techwrongs Reply:

    It really depends, I have responsibility for hundreds of various Linux flavored computers. Right now I am using Fedora. When I open ssh connections, I am logging into RedHat Enterprise. When I need to enter my sick time, I am forced to boot to a Windows VM. When I authenticate in any of the above, I authenticate to an MSAD that is controlled by someone other than myself.

    You have a job as a researcher, and your platform is Linux. The scope of your job requirement means you live in a small little world and you probably don’t interact with anyone else.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    False assumption from you. I sometimes need to use MATLAB to interact with colleagues but never Windows.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “The scope of your job requirement means you live in a small little world”

    I don’t have to be completely right to be right.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    What is this, prose? You’re losing the argument.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I’m not losing anything. I have nothing to lose, remember?

    With that said, I said ” The scope of your job requirement means you live in a small little world and you probably don’t interact with anyone else.”

    To which you replied “False assumption from you. I sometimes need to use MATLAB to interact with colleagues but never Windows.”

    You chose not to defend my assessment that you live in a small little world.

    I can accept that you interact with others, as you are interacting with me, now. So, to recap; you live in a small little world. Thank you for proving this true by choosing not to defend against the accusation, Roy.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    This is not a “small little world”; you try to belittle your opposition, vainly.

    techwrongs Reply:

    This is a very small little world, and you seem to be a very small little person that lives within it.

    The more your ego replies, the smaller you look.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your discussion became petty and contentless.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Your discussion became petty and contentless.”

    It is a lot like your little world, isn’t it?

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your weasel phrases like “little world” bear little or no meaning.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Roy, you poor poor man. Step down from your ego for a while, hmm?

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Look who’s talking…

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Look who’s talking…”

    Funny how you always try to take conversations in circles. None of my comments represent my ego, as I have plainly stated multiple times I am only here to dispel your lies.

    If I were to choose to be here for my “ego” the conversation would have gone in a much different direction long ego.

    When you choose to be honest in representing FOSS, I will leave.

    It is that simple.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    When you choose to be honest in representing FOSS, I will leave.

    I am not “representing FOSS”; I have neither the authority nor the desire. Maybe that’s where you are mistaken.

    techwrongs Reply:

    ‘I am not “representing FOSS”; I have neither the authority nor the desire. Maybe that’s where you are mistaken.’

    But you are a representative of FOSS, Roy. One that seems dead set on using deceptive practices to further the FOSS agenda.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    But you are a representative of FOSS, Roy.

    That’s where you are mistaken.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “That’s where you are mistaken.”

    Well then, if you don’t represent FOSS, yet you run an anti-Microsoft website that only promotes (some but not all) FOSS this gives credibility to my previous assertion that you are possibly funded by Microsoft to discredit the anti-microsoft movement.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your logic needs fixing, Sir.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Your logic needs fixing, Sir.”

    No, I don’t believe that it does.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I don’t represent FOSS. Nobody does. Peter and Richard from the FSF represent FS, but not FOSS.

  2. techwrongs said,

    February 3, 2011 at 8:34 am


    Since I’m friends with some of the Likewise employees, I can happily say that this is a complete fabrication.

    Anyone that uses Likewise, sits through a Likewise session at one of the many open source trade shows, or reads the Likewise documentation knows that the intent of the Likewise product is to ease the integration of Linux computers into an existing Windows centric environment.

    Of course it is not the goal of the company to convert to RedHat LDAP, the product is designed to integrate Linux into Microsoft AD.

    That doesn’t imply selling MSAD, it implies integration with existing AD deployments.

    NO-ONE is going to trash their existing authentication infrastructure so they can have a few Linux desktops.

    I want to see the email, it smells like the interviewee didn’t comprehend the statement made by Jessie, no surprise there. This kid is probably angry that he didn’t get hired and is now resorting to spreading lies.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Since I’m friends with some of the Likewise employees…

    It always fascinates that many of those who harass and stalk this Web site sooner or later admit to be .NET developers or somehow more directly related to Microsoft.

    The very fact that you defend Likewise — having spent a lot of time bashing this Web site — tells me that we’ve been right on target all along. I also see all the anti-Linux and anti-FOSS trolls cheering for Mono in USENET. What does that tell us about Mono?

    techwrongs Reply:

    “The very fact that you defend Likewise — having spent a lot of time bashing this Web site — tells me that we’ve been right on target all along.”

    It tells me that you are a paranoid schizophrenic that needs to put the computer away for a while and go outside. Perhaps you are Vitamin D deficient.

    “It always fascinates that many of those who harass and stalk this Web site sooner or later admit to be .NET developers or somehow more directly related to Microsoft.”

    Likewise is an OSS product using an FSF approved license. Just because their product is used to integrate Linux into a Windows environment, that doesn’t make them friends of Microsoft.

    Indicating that I have friends at Likewise doesn’t mean anything. I have friends at the GNOME foundation too, does that mean GNOME is funded by M$?

    I also have friends that work on the Linux kernel. OH NOES!

    What I don’t have, are any friends at Microsoft, but that doesn’t mean that I should be rabidly anti-Microsoft. Unlike you, I simply prefer logic over paranoia.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Likewise is not “an OSS product”, it’s a proprietary product pretending to be FOSS and ripping off Samba.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Ahh yes, more lies. I suppose using your logic, LibreOffice is ripping off OpenOffice too right?

    “Likewise Open is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL version 2) and the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL version 2.1). The additional components listed below are covered under separate license agreements:

    - Samba 3.0 Client libraries and tools – GPLv2
    - MIT Kerberos – MIT Kerberos 5 and other licenses
    - OpenLDAP – OpenLDAP Public License
    - Novell DCE-RPC – BSD
    - LibXML2 – BSD
    - libuuid from e2fsprogs – BSD
    - libiconv – LGPLv2
    - OpenSSL – BSD

    For more details and for the full text for each of these licenses, read the LICENSES and COPYING files included with this software.”

    - http://www.likewise.com/community/index.php/download/

    Likewise does not rip off Samba, just as Samba doesn’t rip off Microsoft.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    There are also proprietary bits, which you conveniently left out.

    Maybe you should ask Samba what they think of Likewise.

    techwrongs Reply:

    There is nothing wrong with taking a product and extending it with closed functionality. You are grasping at straws here. Anyone can deploy Likewise Open in an unlimited capacity, and extend or fork the source.

    It is by definition OSS, and you can’t say that it isn’t without being dishonest. What makes you think that I don’t already know what Jeremy thinks of Likewise?

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    There is nothing wrong with taking a product and extending it with closed functionality.

    That’s debatable. Nagios is a good example of it.

    What makes you think that I don’t already know what Jeremy thinks of Likewise?

    So you know.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “That’s debatable. Nagios is a good example of it.”


    “So you know.”

    Certainly. He may not like Likewise, but the nature of OSS allows it to exist and prosper regardless of his personal opinion.

    If forking software wasn’t OK by nature of the license, it shouldn’t have been allowed by the license. ;)

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    It’s the intent/ethics, not the legality.

    techwrongs Reply:

    You haven’t proven intent. You have made a libelous complaint against them with no basis in fact from an email sent by some bloke without enough brains to pass the basic sysadmin test.

    All you have done here is made yourself look silly.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    No, I’ve been writing about this subject for years. The latest message only helps validate it.

    twitter Reply:

    So, the troll knows People at Likewise, Gnome and people who make contributions to the Linux kernel. Perhaps you are being visited by an angry Novell employee if not a Microsoft TE. This is getting interesting. All along, I thought Techwrongs was just another Linsux wanker.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I have not ever worked for nor have I ever received received any money from Novell or any companies associated with Novell. I also have no interest in defending Novell (or Microsoft for that matter).

    I find it comical that you struggle so hard to force yourselves to believe that someone who would dare speak out against Dr. Roy Schestowitz could not possibly come from within the community itself.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    There is no one community; there are many.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Fair enough, I’ll agree with that.

  3. techwrongs said,

    February 3, 2011 at 12:13 pm


    “No, I’ve been writing about this subject for years. The latest message only helps validate it.”

    You really don’t see that it just damages your credibility to publish libelous statements that aren’t factual?

    Come on now.

    I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks, and 90% of it is paranoia. If there are any facts here they are buried so deep in the lies and spin that you can’t find them.

    It almost makes me think that you are being paid by Microsoft to spread anti-Microsoft drivel so thick that it can’t possibly be believable.

    To be honest, the more I read techrights the more obvious that it becomes that either you are a paranoid schizophrenic, or you are paid by Microsoft as an grassroots anti-Microsoft movement to discredit the anti-Microsoft movement.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    To be honest, the more I read your comments, the more obvious it becomes that either you are an Internet troll, or you are paid by Microsoft to serve as one of their infamous “Munchkins”, discrediting the Free software movement.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Calling me names is not how you regain your lost credibility.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I didn’t call you names. Internet troll is a popular term and Microsoft’s term for shills is “Munchkins”.


    twitter Reply:

    No, techwrongs, you are an abusive troll. Quit wasting Roy’s time.

    techwrongs Reply:

    When you know that you can’t win an argument; call the person a troll and hope the person goes away.

    I must have hit a nerve.

    twitter Reply:

    You did not hit a nerve, you bore me with fact free repetition and insults. Your associations are interesting but you probably bore them too.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I called you a troll in a separate thread where you made your trollish intentions a lot clearer. I’ve actually been exceedingly polite and patient with you.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I have no “trollish intentions”. What a silly statement. You have been polite, and as a result of that I have been much more polite also.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your username is impolite.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Seriously? It suites my intentions perfectly, exposing lies and deceit at Techrights.

    I will gladly change it though if you would be so kind as to take down all of your anti-whatever images.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I post these in my platform, not in other people’s platform. They are not so “anti” actually — in twisting names I try to be satirical because comedy helps address serious issues without upsetting anybody too much.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I post these in my platform, not in other people’s platform. They are not so “anti” actually — in twisting names I try to be satirical because comedy helps address serious issues without upsetting anybody too much.”

    So, your anti-Microsoft and anti-mono imagery is only for the purposes of satire? Does this mean that your site is also? Perhaps I have looked at it all in the wrong context.

    You aren’t addressing any serious issues. You don’t provide sufficient evidence to prove any of your statements as factual. In this example, you used an email of a conversation.

    If you submitted this as evidence in a court of law you would be laughed out of the court room, and rightfully so.

    People on the outside looking in see it as zealotry and don’t take you seriously. This leads back to my earlier implication that you are likely paid by Microsoft to act as a grassroots anti-Microsoft movement in an attempt to discredit the anti-Microsoft movement.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Off goes the lunacy meter again.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Off goes the lunacy meter again.”

    What silliness. You refuse to respond to even simple statements, constantly trying to deflect criticism rather than facing it head on.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    So, your anti-Microsoft and anti-mono imagery is only for the purposes of satire?

    Straw man argument. The answer is “no”, of course.

    You aren’t addressing any serious issues. You don’t provide sufficient evidence to prove any of your statements as factual. In this example, you used an email of a conversation.

    It’s not an E-mail. Recheck your reading comprehension.

    If you submitted this as evidence in a court of law you would be laughed out of the court room, and rightfully so.

    Nobody mentioned a court of law.

    The rest of your comment is baseless ad hominem.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Straw man argument. The answer is “no”, of course.”

    My user account name is no less offensive than your images. I don’t think I’ll change it.

    “It’s not an E-mail. Recheck your reading comprehension.”

    Oh, my mistake “comment”. That makes it much more legitimate. I still haven’t seen evidence, other than speculation made in a “comment”.

    “Nobody mentioned a court of law.”

    Welcome to the court of your peers.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    My user account name is no less offensive than your images.

    Poor comparison.

    Welcome to the court of your peers.

    The Interwebz have no courts.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Poor comparison.”

    Hardly. It doesn’t matter, it isn’t changing.

    “The Interwebz have no courts.”

    You can’t be this stupid.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    One again you choose to be rude because you lose the argument.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “One again you choose to be rude because you lose the argument.”

    Come now, Roy. What do I have to lose, really?

    I haven’t lost any argument, not here.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    That’s your opinion.

    techwrongs Reply:

    The very fact that you continue to reply implies that I have indeed struck a nerve, something that I don’t expect you to ever admit. However, by the very fact that absolutely no evidence has been provided to make the case against Likewise, it is proven to be a lie by default.

    Taking swings at me just makes you look pathetic.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    The very fact that you continue to reply implies that I have indeed struck a nerve

    Trolls are, by definition, trying to strike a nerve because it’s the best way to receive attention (which is exactly what they want). So don’t take pride in it.

    techwrongs Reply:

    It is not my intention to strike a nerve, however by exposing your libel I inadvertently have. That doesn’t make me a troll, it means that I have hit the mark.

    I take pride in exposing your dishonesty. This is not the same as trolling.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Where is the “libel”? Be specific please.

  4. techwrongs said,

    February 3, 2011 at 3:50 pm


    For starters, the title of “The Goal of Likewise Was to Go Into Mac/Linux Enterprises and Convert Their Directory Servers into MS ActiveDirectory” is libelous because it is not the stated intent of the company.

    Second, you called Likewise a “sham company”

    You would find if you looked up the definition of “sham” that your use is deceitful.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    For starters, the title of “The Goal of Likewise Was to Go Into Mac/Linux Enterprises and Convert Their Directory Servers into MS ActiveDirectory” is libelous because it is not the stated intent of the company.

    It is not libelous, it is not claimed to be the “stated intent of the company”, and it was a quote of an allegation, not my own assessment.

    Second, you called Likewise a “sham company”

    That is a statement of opinion which I stand by.

    People are better off using Samba — the real thing.

    techwrongs Reply:

    People are better off using Linux from Scratch — the real thing.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    For some people it is.

    techwrongs Reply:

    For some people using Likewise Open is a better option than Samba.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Maybe people who need to show an invoice to the boss.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Maybe people who need to show an invoice to the boss.”

    Ahh yes, more deception. Imply that downloading and using FOSS software comes with an invoice for the “boss”.

    “Likewise Open is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL version 2) and the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL version 2.1). The additional components listed below are covered under separate license agreements:

    - Samba 3.0 Client libraries and tools – GPLv2
    - MIT Kerberos – MIT Kerberos 5 and other licenses
    - OpenLDAP – OpenLDAP Public License
    - Novell DCE-RPC – BSD
    - LibXML2 – BSD
    - libuuid from e2fsprogs – BSD
    - libiconv – LGPLv2
    - OpenSSL – BSD”

    - http://www.likewise.com/community/index.php/download/

    I have now shown you this more than once. Let go of your lie, Roy.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You deliberately pretend the “core” if the whole thing. That’s what openwashers do.


    techwrongs Reply:

    “You deliberately pretend the “core” if the whole thing. That’s what openwashers do.”

    I haven’t pretended anything. The Likewise Open product does not require the proprietary enterprise component to be fully functional.

    If you were a little brighter, you would have tested it for yourself. Had you done that, you would have seen that what you have said here is nothing but a lie.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    No, it’s still “open core”, by the company’s own admission. And the original point was about advocacy of Microsoft patent traps and tax.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “And the original point was about advocacy of Microsoft patent traps and tax.”

    Advocating Samba by definition advocates an environment of Microsoft patent traps and tax. To be completely fair to your readers, you must support neither.

    You cannot choose one over the other when they both do the very same thing.

    Promoting Samba promotes use of Windows clients, which in turn promotes the padding of Microsofts pockets.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Samba is not paying Microsoft for the ‘privilege’ and it is used as a capability, not sold as proprietary software (openwashed).

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Samba is not paying Microsoft for the ‘privilege’ and it is used as a capability, not sold as proprietary software (openwashed).”

    Show me the lines of code in Likewise Open that contain these licensed proprietary bits, and I will concede the point.

    This is beside the point, as companies have a right to profit, just as you do. You are deeply confusing the Open and Enterprise products, I believe intentionally using deception to try to make your point.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Same product with different levels of limitation,

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Same product with different levels of limitation,”

    You seem to be the king of deceptive one liners. You choose to deflect because you cannot prove your libelous statement to be fact.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    There is no “libelous statement”.

    techwrongs Reply:

    There are many here in the comments for your readers to find.

    They will make these decisions for themselves. It is beyond your control now.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    People who read this site can see it for themselves. That’s why I don’t leave your rude heckling unchallenged.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “People who read this site can see it for themselves. That’s why I don’t leave your rude heckling unchallenged.”

    Focusing on what you call my “rude heckling” doesn’t make my analysis of your deception less true.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    It shows you’re motored by rage and not reason.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “It shows you’re motored by rage and not reason.”

    No, it doesn’t. It just shows you to be petty, and pathetic. I have no reason to rage, Roy.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You sure acted that way when you told me: “go fuck yourself you retarded little dweeb.”

    techwrongs Reply:

    ‘You sure acted that way when you told me: “go fuck yourself you retarded little dweeb.”’

    I see. Since that since you can’t win your argument, you are now focusing on unrelated things that I said. It just proves that my original statement you have linked too has merit.

    twitter Reply:

    Techwrongs, you blow hot and cold. On one hand you say that Likewise’s goal is not to push AD as a controller of gnu/linux and mac. On the other, you tell us what a wonderful service Likewise provides with their fauxpen source software which does just that. I’m more inclined to believe a single comment from a person who claims first hand experience and emails to back it up than I am to believe a persistent and insulting troll like you.

    Don’t you have something better to do with your day? If I were Roy, I’d have thrown your fanny over the fence the last time you were here and deleted all of your comments.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Hello “twitter”, my unimportant friend. I said it is not their intent to sell MSAD, I never said that their intent was not to help integrate with MSAD. There is a significant difference even if understanding the difference is beyond your mental capacity.

    Of course you are more inclined to believe a random comment, it says what you want to hear.

    I could make another account and write a fantastic story about a company that would give you a hard-on till next week. I however prefer honesty.

    Maybe when you grow up you can try it.

    twitter Reply:

    I see, you still nothing better to do with your time.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your disrespect for people only gives you “troll” status. You’re very unpleasant and pretentious.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Your disrespect for people only gives you “troll” status. You’re very unpleasant and pretentious.”

    It takes one to know one, Roy. Deflating your ego does not make me a troll, no matter how much you tell yourself that it does.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I’m not the one harassing others’ blogs.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Oh, are you the victim now, Roy? I am not harassing anyone. I am simply showing you to be a liar.

    If you would like for me to stop, simply choose to be honest in your reporting.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    You come to disrupt other blogs and then pretend to be a victim. You did not show any lies.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “You come to disrupt other blogs and then pretend to be a victim. You did not show any lies.”

    I leave that for your readers to decide, Roy. I know that you will never believe the truth, even when it comes with cold hard indisputable fact to back it.

    I don’t expect you to ever change, I do though expect your readers to sway when they see that your site is all about your ego and little to do with honesty in reporting.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    The site tackles issues of interest to relevant communities, which may not include you. You seem to defend Microsoft interests in other threads.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “The site tackles issues of interest to relevant communities, which may not include you. You seem to defend Microsoft interests in other threads.”

    Nice straw man. You have no evidence of my defense of Microsoft, I have only defended FOSS.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I can recall otherwise, but since you use pseudonyms I can’t recall for sure if it was another heckler.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I can recall otherwise, but since you use pseudonyms I can’t recall for sure if it was another heckler.”

    That is simply your insanity taking over. Evidence that you don’t care to fact check before deceiving readers.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    It was you who told me: “go fuck yourself you retarded little dweeb.”

    techwrongs Reply:

    You said “You seem to defend Microsoft interests in other threads.”

    I said “Nice straw man. You have no evidence of my defense of Microsoft, I have only defended FOSS.”

    You said “I can recall otherwise, but since you use pseudonyms I can’t recall for sure if it was another heckler.”

    I said “That is simply your insanity taking over. Evidence that you don’t care to fact check before deceiving readers.”

    Now you say ‘It was you who told me: “go fuck yourself you retarded little dweeb.”’

    This isn’t evidence of my defense of Microsoft.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I said that “[y]ou seem to defend Microsoft interests in other threads.” Even in this thread — one where you defend MSAD (previously you stepped in regarding a Mono thread) — you oppose my point of view, which is not favourable to Microsoft.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I said that “[y]ou seem to defend Microsoft interests in other threads.” Even in this thread — one where you defend MSAD (previously you stepped in regarding a Mono thread) — you oppose my point of view, which is not favourable to Microsoft.”

    This is not evidence in defense of Microsoft. This is evidence in defense of FOSS products that sometimes interact with Microsoft technologies.

    There is a difference. I have no love for, or interest in defending Microsoft. I do however have interest in defending FOSS, even FOSS that is used for compatibility with Microsoft products.

    You may continue to drool on your keyboard now, Roy.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I think you have a problem with projection, Sir.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “I think you have a problem with projection, Sir.”

    No. I don’t.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Your obligatory insults help your case not at all.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Your obligatory insults help your case not at all.”

    They don’t harm it either.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Some of them — like those with the “f” word that you use — are against our policy. We’ve pardoned you a lot.

    techwrongs Reply:

    I’m sure you have noticed that I stopped using that word, Roy. Out of kindness. You can’t not pardon me, and honestly state that this is a site that promotes freedom. I know you know that.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Not without manners.

  5. techwrongs said,

    February 3, 2011 at 4:06 pm


    Why, if they shouldn’t use Windows why would they need Samba?

    You should promote NFS over Samba, as the promotion of Samba indirectly promotes Windows. This is the very same thing that you just accused Likewise of doing, promoting sales of Microsoft AD.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Likewise pushes proprietary software to actively promote AD. It also pays Microsoft for patents based on evidence we are almost certain is good enough. Samba is to Likewise what Wine is to Mono.

    techwrongs Reply:

    The Likewise Enterprise product contains licensed Microsoft technology, it would have to for full AD integration. Likewise Open however is fully open source by the OSS definition.

    By promoting Samba, you are guilty of promoting the use of Windows just as Likewise would be.

    Samba has some capability to be a member server in an MSAD, so by your own words of “Likewise pushes proprietary software to actively promote AD”, Samba uses open source software to actively promote AD.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Samba is a service which is neither pushing nor selling.

    techwrongs Reply:

    The same is true of Likewise Open.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:


    techwrongs Reply:


    That is a bold faced lie, Roy. Likewise Open has the very same capability as Samba and is better integrated. It comes with full source code, and is supported by the community. Likewise Open is a service which is neither pushing nor selling, and is completely open source.

    I don’t know why you continue to lie, Roy. You just destroy your own credibility when you do it.

    “Securely authenticate Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X with Microsoft Active Directory.
    Join to Active Directory in a single step from the command line or from a GUI, enforce consistent password polices, and provide single sign-on for users with no changes to the Active Directory schema. Likewise Open is free to download and free to use.”

    - http://www.likewise.com/products/likewise_open/index.php

    “Likewise Open Features and Benefits
    With Likewise Open, non-Windows systems act as first-class citizens in the enterprise network. You can standardize on Microsoft Active Directory without losing the flexibility to choose other operating systems.

    Likewise Open is already offered through the Ubuntu Linux repositories, and Likewise offers native packages for other Linux distributions, Mac OS X, and many flavors of UNIX.

    New in Likewise Open 6.0

    Easy Upgrade: Already using Likewise Open? Likewise Open 6.0 is an easy upgrade, with a new registry mechanism that ensures existing settings are maintained while upgrading.

    Faster logon: Likewise Open significantly improves login times for users with many group associations – in particular, large and complex groups.

    Enhanced password change support: Likewise Open 6.0 lets non-Windows users in complex Active Directory topologies update passwords to comply with network policies.
    Existing Features

    Joins Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS systems to Active Directory in a single step via a GUI tool or from the command line.

    Authenticates users with a single username and password on
    Windows and non-Windows systems.

    Enforces password polices across Windows and non-Windows systems.

    Caches credentials so if you lose network access or the domain controller is down, you keep working.

    Provides Single Sign-On (SSO) for SSH and Putty.

    Authentication engine supports Kerberos, NT Lan Manager (NTLM), and SPNEGO protocols.

    No changes to Active Directory required to use Likewise Open.
    See More Likewise Open features

    Ready to integrate your non-Windows systems to Active Directory? Download Likewise Open today!”

    - http://www.likewise.com/products/likewise_open/index.php

    You should learn about a product before you spread lies, Roy. You only harm yourself.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I did not ask for an advertisement. The matter of fact is, “open core” is a proprietary business model that treats users to a ‘trial’ of the real thing. I wrote about this last year.

    techwrongs Reply:

    You either believe in software freedom, or you don’t. I don’t know why you continue to clutch on to your lies, perhaps they are your only link to reality.

    You cannot be pro software freedom and anti-software freedom at the same time.

    Likewise Open is an FOSS product, to imply otherwise tells a story to your readers. It tells them that you are dishonest.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    It’s not the full product.

    techwrongs Reply:

    That is a lie. It is no different than MySQL, or many other products that have closed source bolt-ons.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Where did I mention MySQL? I spoke to Mickos about it; we don’t agree.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Where did I mention MySQL? I spoke to Mickos about it; we don’t agree.”

    I didn’t say that you did. Read my words more carefully and try to understand them.

    Let me say it slower so you can understand it.

    It is no different than MySQL, or many other products that have closed source bolt-ons.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    MySQL is not relevant to this discussion. It’s a red herring really.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “MySQL is not relevant to this discussion. It’s a red herring really.”

    Ahh, but it isn’t. You choose to believe this because it completely deflates your argument.

    MySQL has an open and closed source product just as Likewise.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Yes, and…? MySQL is at least not promoting Microsoft protocols and paying Microsoft.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “Yes, and…? MySQL is at least not promoting Microsoft protocols and paying Microsoft.”

    Nope, just Oracle.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    No, SQL.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Oracle owns MySQL, Roy.


    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:


  6. Clanky said,

    February 4, 2011 at 9:29 am


    “MySQL has an open and closed source product just as Likewise.”

    “Yes, and…? MySQL is at least not promoting Microsoft protocols and paying Microsoft.”

    So wait a minute Roy, it is OK for Oracle to sell proprietary closed source software, but it is would not be OK for Likewise to do the same if Microsoft got money from it?

    This one statement, more than any of the other drivel you have ever posted on the internet proves beyond a shadow of doubt that you really don’t give a flying fuck about free software and that you are just on a personal crusade against Microsoft.

    What is it Roy, would they not give you a job?

    Or is it true Roy, are they paying you to go and discredit the FOSS movement by being as big a douche as you can possibly be?

    I disagree with much of what RMS says, but at least he has some integrity, you are just a butt hurt little child try to rage against the machine.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    If you are going to pretend that I am OK with Oracle, perhaps you should read this site more often.

  7. Clanky said,

    February 4, 2011 at 9:33 am


    Oh and Roy, the issue to be debated is why is it OK for a company to use closed source proprietary software as per your statement above so long as they don’t promote Microsoft in any way.

    No amount of calling me a troll or pointing out that I am from Linsux will deflect attention away from the fact that you obviously care more about bashing Microsoft than you do about free software.

    Man up and answer the question for a change rather than trying your usual smoke screen tactics.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    The issue with MSAD is more complex that just “closed source proprietary software” because it helps actively exclude some competition. If you want to read my views about Oracle, check out this site’s archives.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:


    twitter Reply:

    I agree, Clanky does not understand the issue but I’m sure that this is intentional. He and techwrongs are either nyms for the same person or part of a harassment tag team.

  8. Clanky said,

    February 4, 2011 at 1:21 pm


    “I agree, Clanky does not understand the issue but I’m sure that this is intentional. He and techwrongs are either nyms for the same person or part of a harassment tag team.”

    I am sure Roy can check IP addresses, if I am even in the same country as techwrongs I would be very surprised (and yes I know there are ways of masking IP’s, but do you really think I would bother?)

    Which part of the issue do I not understand exactly, Techrights publishes a story which consists of unsubstantiated allegations, he then rails against Likewise which is a tool for integrating Linux computers into a Windows environment, he tries to use the excuse that it contains some proprietary code to hide the fact that the argument and this whole site is just part of his personal crusade against Microsoft, when techwrongs called him out over the fact that he has become so blinded in his hatred of microsoft that he is now attacking FOSS products just because they ease interaction with microsoft products he made the blatantly hypocritical statement that it was OK for mySQL to have both an open and closed source product because it ” is at least not promoting Microsoft protocols and paying Microsoft”

    Anyone who visits this site will see nothing here but “WE HATE MICROSOFT”, which is a shame, because there are actually some very relevant and pertinent articles on here, they are just hidden amongst all the FUD.

    twitter Reply:

    You don’t understand Likewise’s mission as reflected by a board stuffed with Microsoft executives, a non free product line that promotes Microsoft and a first hand account of these things. You also intentionally misunderstand Microsoft’s patent aggression against free software, which is the larger background issue.

    Your style reminds me of previous site pests. I would not be surprised if they eventually tracked back to a bigpond IP, but suspect you are now hiding behind TOR or similar. There is no hiding the fact that you and techwrongs have tag teamed Roy on a few articles and the annoyance you cause readers.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Anyone who visits this site will see nothing here but “WE HATE MICROSOFT”, which is a shame, because there are actually some very relevant and pertinent articles on here, they are just hidden amongst all the FUD.

    If you checked what I wrote about Likewise (try the wiki for an index), you would know that I view the company as a mere tool for Microsoft to replace Samba with something that endorses software patents and obeys Microsoft. I view it as a workaround or a hack around the European Commission’s enforcement, which took about a decade of litigation to accomplish. The realisation that Likewise comes from Microsoft and is located nearby only came later.

  9. Clanky said,

    February 4, 2011 at 2:25 pm


    My IP will be traced back to nowhere but Vodafone ES (I am sad to say), I am sure Roy could confirm this for the sake of clarity???

    Any “tag teaming” is purely due to the fact that I look into threads that i have commented on to see if there are any replies, I am sure techwrongs does the same.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I don’t see IP addresses. Everything comes from our cache server at

  10. GrumpYoungNerd said,

    February 5, 2011 at 12:37 am


    wow, someone named techwrongs has a few hundred hours to waste arguing on a website that he clearly does not understand. i have no interest in rock climbing, which is probably why I dont spend hours and hours in the comment section of websites dedicated to discussing climbing rocks, just saying. if you dont agree with the fact that open source and open minds is the future then go read zdnet and I hope you installed that lastest zero day patch from MS today so Boris isnt making off with your bank account. enjoy your freedom to choose your computer OS and let me know when its secure and actually works for you.

    when it comes to Likewise, i was there, i interviewed, i was mislead about what they were all about and i dont work there. i didnt wear my secret vidcam glasses but feel free to interview there and see for yourself.

    when it comes to a constructive dialog or debate, he who calls names loses. so feel free to admit defeat while you spent another hour on a great website name techrights, that you clearly do not enjoy reading. Dr. Roy, keep up the great work! I have been reading your site for many years because I do get it and time is slowly showing that open is the way of the future.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    Freedom is also the way of the future. At Likewise, “open” is just a marketing strategy. They are openwashing.

    twitter Reply:

    The foul mouthed troll has been at it for weeks and promised to do it forever.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    I know.

    techwrongs Reply:

    “wow, someone named techwrongs has a few hundred hours to waste arguing on a website that he clearly does not understand.”

    I understand it just fine, thank you.

    ” if you dont agree with the fact that open source and open minds is the future then go read zdnet and I hope you installed that lastest zero day patch from MS today so Boris isnt making off with your bank account. enjoy your freedom to choose your computer OS and let me know when its secure and actually works for you.”

    I never stated or implied that I had any issue with open source. This site though, is not open minded not matter how you spin it.

    “when it comes to Likewise, i was there, i interviewed, i was mislead about what they were all about and i dont work there. i didnt wear my secret vidcam glasses but feel free to interview there and see for yourself.”

    You claimed to have evidence, now you claim that you don’t. Which is it? Either you can prove your story, or we can agree that it is speculation and most likely make believe or a misunderstanding on your part.

    “when it comes to a constructive dialog or debate, he who calls names loses. so feel free to admit defeat while you spent another hour on a great website name techrights, that you clearly do not enjoy reading.”

    He who can’t prove his statements to be true loses.

    Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:

    There’s a burden of proof also on the sceptic, who was not present. The absent party is you.

    techwrongs Reply:

    Though there is no burden of proof on a skeptic, I have provided sufficient evidence to prove reasonable doubt.

    The burden of proof is on GrumpYoungNerd, whether you admit it or not.

  11. Clanky said,

    February 7, 2011 at 2:15 pm


    GrumpYoungNerd said:

    ” i have no interest in rock climbing, which is probably why I dont spend hours and hours in the comment section of websites dedicated to discussing climbing rocks, just saying”

    You assume that because people disagree with what is posted on this site that they have no interest in software freedom? I can only speak for myself, but as someone who does believe in free software that is just not the case, my point is that vitriol and hate spewed against Microsoft et al is not the way to promote free software.

    This site has some genuinely good articles which highlight some of the great things about free software, and some of the genuine abuses which are carried out by the less scrupulous in the software world, but they are hidden amongst such a plethora of BAAWWWWWWWWWW, that anyone coming to the site for the first time will either not notice the worthwhile articles or will not give them credit because of “news stories” which are little short of unsubstantiated libel.

    It is not only this site, but certain sections of the FOSS community who continue to spam the entire internet with false stories of how evil Microsoft / Apple / Novell / etc are and how technically perfect free software is, which discredit the entire free software movement.

    By stooping to the level of tactics which were (are?) employed by Microsoft you lose the moral high ground and unfortunately this kind of behaviour reflects badly not only on this site, but on the entire FOSS community.

    The name change from Boycott Novell to Techrights was certainly a step in the right direction, but the content should change to reflect that.

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    Links for the day

  10. Watchtroll a Fake News Site in Lobbying Mode and Attack Mode Against Those Who Don't Agree (Even PTAB and Judges)

    A look at some of the latest spin and the latest shaming courtesy of the patent microcosm, which behaves so poorly that one has to wonder if its objective is to alienate everyone

  11. The Productivity Commission Warns Against Patent Maximalism, Which is Where China (SIPO) is Heading Along With EPO

    In defiance of common sense and everything that public officials or academics keep saying (European, Australian, American), China's SIPO and Europe's EPO want us to believe that when it comes to patents it's "the more, the merrier"

  12. Technical Failure of the European Patent Office (EPO) a Growing Cause for Concern

    The problem associated with Battistelli's strategy of increasing so-called 'production' by granting in haste everything on the shelf is quickly being grasped by patent professionals (outside EPO), not just patent examiners (inside EPO)

  13. Links 5/1/2017: Inkscape 0.92, GNU Sed 4.3

    Links for the day

  14. Links 4/1/2017: Cutelyst 1.2.0 and Lumina 1.2 Desktop Released

    Links for the day

  15. Financial Giants Will Attempt to Dominate or Control Bitcoin, Blockchain and Other Disruptive Free Software Using Software Patents

    Free/Open Source software in the currency and trading world promised to emancipate us from the yoke of banking conglomerates, but a gold rush for software patents threatens to jeopardise any meaningful change or progress

  16. New Article From Heise Explains Erosion of Patent Quality at the European Patent Office (EPO)

    To nobody's surprise, the past half a decade saw accelerating demise in quality of European Patents (EPs) and it is the fault of Battistelli's notorious policies

  17. Insensitivity at the EPO’s Management – Part V: Suspension of Salary and Unfair Trials

    One of the lesser-publicised cases of EPO witch-hunting, wherein a member of staff is denied a salary "without any notification"

  18. Links 3/1/2017: Microsoft Imposing TPM2 on Linux, ASUS Bringing Out Android Phones

    Links for the day

  19. Links 2/1/2017: Neptune 4.5.3 Release, Netrunner Desktop 17.01 Released

    Links for the day

  20. Teaser: Corruption Indictments Brought Against Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO)

    New trouble for Željko Topić in Strasbourg, making it yet another EPO Vice-President who is on shaky grounds and paving the way to managerial collapse/avalanche at the EPO

  21. 365 Days Later, German Justice Minister Heiko Maas Remains Silent and Thus Complicit in EPO Abuses on German Soil

    The utter lack of participation, involvement or even intervention by German authorities serve to confirm that the government of Germany is very much complicit in the EPO's abuses, by refusing to do anything to stop them

  22. Battistelli's Idea of 'Independent' 'External' 'Social' 'Study' is Something to BUY From Notorious Firm PwC

    The sham which is the so-called 'social' 'study' as explained by the Central Staff Committee last year, well before the results came out

  23. Europe Should Listen to SMEs Regarding the UPC, as Battistelli, Team UPC and the Select Committee Lie About It

    Another example of UPC promotion from within the EPO (a committee dedicated to UPC promotion), in spite of everything we know about opposition to the UPC from small businesses (not the imaginary ones which Team UPC claims to speak 'on behalf' of)

  24. Video: French State Secretary for Digital Economy Speaks Out Against Benoît Battistelli at Battistelli's PR Event

    Uploaded by SUEPO earlier today was the above video, which shows how last year's party (actually 2015) was spoiled for Battistelli by the French State Secretary for Digital Economy, Axelle Lemaire, echoing the French government's concern about union busting etc. at the EPO (only to be rudely censored by Battistelli's 'media partner')

  25. When EPO Vice-President, Who Will Resign Soon, Made a Mockery of the EPO

    Leaked letter from Willy Minnoye/management to the people who are supposed to oversee EPO management

  26. No Separation of Powers or Justice at the EPO: Reign of Terror by Battistelli Explained in Letter to the Administrative Council

    In violation of international labour laws, Team Battistelli marches on and engages in a union-busting race against the clock, relying on immunity to keep this gravy train rolling before an inevitable crash

  27. FFPE-EPO is a Zombie (if Not Dead) Yellow Union Whose Only de Facto Purpose Has Been Attacking the EPO's Staff Union

    A new year's reminder that the EPO has only one legitimate union, the Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO), whereas FFPE-EPO serves virtually no purpose other than to attack SUEPO, more so after signing a deal with the devil (Battistelli)

  28. EPO Select Committee is Wrong About the Unitary Patent (UPC)

    The UPC is neither desirable nor practical, especially now that the EPO lowers patent quality; but does the Select Committee understand that?

  29. Links 1/1/2017: KDE Plasma 5.9 Coming, PelicanHPC 4.1

    Links for the day

  30. 2016: The Year EPO Staff Went on Strike, Possibly “Biggest Ever Strike in the History of the EPO.”

    A look back at a key event inside the EPO, which marked somewhat of a breaking point for Team Battistelli


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