Video: PBS on USPTO Reform
Investors, bankrupt companies, patent trolls, and drugs
This video reached YouTube just 3 days ago. It’s not too clear if Nightly Business Report is copyrights-bound in this case, but enjoy it while it lasts (we’re just linking)…
SubSonica said,
November 29, 2007 at 2:52 am
Here you have a very,very good and clarifying speech
on software patents that explains very clearly why is
so important to avoid patent-encumbered format. The
speech explains LZW (patented by Unisys) and how it
was almost impossilble to avoid breaching the patent
since it was implemented in GIF.
I would call it “the software patents for dummies
One of the examples the speech gives is the case of
LZW (patented by Unisys) and how it was almost
impossilble to avoid breaching the patent since it was
implemented in GIF.
But this can be applied to any format. I am sure that
MSOOXML and Silverlight are full of patents.
OK, now keep this in mind because it is important that
the engineers and developers ingenuously (or
disingenuously) implementing MSOOXML or Silverlight or
.mono in FOSS projects to know why this is a terribly
bad idea:
One of the things the speech warns about, is that
patents that are in the pipeline waiting for approval
are secret for at least 18 months, so I am sure that
even if no patent covers MSOOXML yet, they have
something prepared in case the format gets approved by
ISO and gains adoption. Once the patents are
disclosed, people would already be locked-in, so
Microsoft can sue around users and companies alike and
cause much disruption.
Roy Schestowitz said,
November 29, 2007 at 5:46 am
I found it on FSDaily last night and I was going to mention it today. Thanks for the tip.
I know there is a pledge, but I’ve received E-mails that suggest OOXML-related stuff keeps entering WIPO (site search brings that up). Combine that with Bill Hilf’s “No lawsuits — for now.” Smart people don’t throw rocks in a house made of glass.
Keep warning IBM.