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Vista 8 Will Fail, Expect Bribed-for ‘Reviews’

Posted in Vista 8, Windows at 11:24 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Can rigged ‘reviews’ save the name of Vista 8?

House gift

Summary: Early signs that the newest incarnation of Vista is not desired by the target market

Gartner, the crooked firm, has been trying to hide the truth told by its staff, but those who pay attention to what the market says are laughing at Vista 8 and even a rather Microsoft-friendly site is having a go:

This was the week when Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 8 got what can only be described as a bashing from the folks over at Gartner.

Reviewer and research director Gunnar Berger didn’t seem to think that the OS was all that good. In fact, when it’s not on a touch device, he reckons the software is:

In a word: Bad.*

And he’s not the only one to think so. Having surveyed the enterprise masses, Gartner discovered that they weren’t exactly frothing at the bit to get their hands on Windows 8:

We recently did a large field research study and specifically asked all of our interviewees if they were looking at Windows 8, most laughed. The fact is most enterprises are still trying to get to Windows 7 and few enterprises are ready for Windows 8.

Expect Vista 8 to never take off so well, just like Vista and Vista 7. Microsoft lied about their “success”. Soon enough Microsoft will bribe many bloggers and reporters for fake/manufactured ‘reviews’; Microsoft does this every time and we already saw it doing this for Vista 8 already.

New Zealand (NZ) Shows That People and Local Businesses Overwhelmingly Oppose Software Patents

Posted in Patents at 11:13 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

New Zealand flag

Summary: With the exception of heads of multinational corporations (and their lawyers who impose or enforce monopoly), everyone seems to understand that software patents haven’t a place in society

SOFTWARE patents have had in New Zealand a similar status to what we see in Europe. Loopholes like “device” have been used to camouflage them. According to the national press in the country, the local people continue to oppose what only foreign multinationals and patent lawyers whom these corporations employ seem to be pushing forth. To quote:

As a quick recap, the US government has spent recent times applying significant and sustained pressure on countries like New Zealand to adopt US-style IP laws and penalties.

If they get their way? Think internet disconnections because your kid listened to music online, tech companies succeeding based on the strength of their lawyers rather than their innovations and Dotcom-style raids being the norm for what have always been considered civil matters here.

However, what bothers many in the IT community more is the pressure the US is applying around software patents. Our government has spent the last few years reviewing the Patents Act of 1953.

With the support of what certainly appears to be the vast majority of IT professionals and the country’s largest software houses such as Orion Health and Jade Corporation, the Commerce Select Committee – made up of both sides of the House – unanimously agreed to remove patentability of software.

Many in the IT community see software patents as a bad thing, stifling innovation rather than supporting it and protecting mature technology markets (such as that of the US) at the expense of rapidly developing technology export markets such as New Zealand.

In New Zealand, the people still have a lot of power compared to those in the West. There are all sorts of possible explanations for that, but the matter of fact is, their opinion is not different from that of people in other countries; it’s just that in other countries the mega-corporations often write the law by proxy, irrespective of the people’s will. In fact, superorganisms are assumed to have rights of humans, such as privacy.

The ongoing argumentation in New Zealand has helped us who live in the West present the case that people, as opposed to imperialists, do not want software patents to be legal. Keep up the good fight, dear islanders. It helps people abroad, too.

Source Code Media Group an Orwellian Name for Patent Troll

Posted in Patents at 11:03 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Flagging of what appears to be a borderline troll in preparation for patent lawsuits

A few days ago we found this press release from the mysterious-named and rather obscure “Source Code Media Group”. The words are either comical or annoying, depending on one’s mood. It’s an LLC, just like many patent trolls, and the preceding abstract says: “Source Code Media Group LLC has announced its appointment of Zies, Widerman and Malek to represent the company in pursuing patent protection for its novel photo-sharing software app and system invention, Pikigram.” The company appears to be nothing but a press releases at this stage (the only search result).

“If one has an innovative idea, then one can implement it and make it grow popular.”They are then quoting controversial pro-software patents voices who monetise the bad policies [1, 2]. They say “Mr. Quinn, a recognized authority in the field of software patents and founder of industry website IPWatchdog, went on to say: “What makes Mr. Eldin’s invention particularly interesting is that it is not just an improvement on what already exists, but rather it represents a paradigm shift. Every once in a while a logjam of innovation is broken when someone takes a large step forward. That is what Mr. Eldin has done and I can easily see his innovation being incorporated into a variety of established platforms, such as Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest and others.””

Forcing one’s own ideas by litigation is not innovation. It’s just trolling. If one has an innovative idea, then one can implement it and make it grow popular. Litigation is not a business model on its own.

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