Posted in News Roundup at 5:41 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Just because you had what it takes for a good Linux-related job a decade ago, it doesn’t mean that you have what it takes today. The Linux landscape has changed a lot, and the only thing that’s really stayed constant is that a love of learning is a requirement.
What employers want from Linux job seekers is a topic I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, but this post by Dustin Kirkland got me to thinking about just how drastically things have changed in a very short time. The skills that were adequate for a good Linux gig in 2002 may not be enough to scrape by today.
Google is working with Adobe to keep its proprietary Flash player alive on Linux. The two companies have been working closely to develop a single modern API for hosting plugins within the browser (one which could replace the current Netscape plugin API being used by the Flash Player).
Adobe today said that it would stop offering direct downloads of Flash Player for Linux, telling users to move to Google’s Chrome browser, which bundles Flash with its updates.
Today’s demotion of Flash Player on Linux to Chrome-only was the second time in the last three months that Adobe has withdrawn some or all support from a version of the popular media software: In November, Adobe announced it was abandoning development of Flash for mobile browsers, including the new Chrome for Android.
Adobe has issued a statement this morning that they will effectively be abandoning Flash Player support on Linux. After Flash Player 11.2 they will no longer be providing updates for Linux users but just maintaining the 11.2 release. Google is expected to take over with a Flash Player implementation based upon a new API, but only for Google Chrome-based web-browsers.
Hitting my inbox this morning was Adobe and Google Partnering for Flash Player on Linux. The statement is brief but basically it says Google and Adobe have been working to develop a modern API for web-browser plug-ins. The result of this collaboration is PPAPI (codenamed “Pepper”) and is designed to be work for different web-browsers and operating systems. The Pepper Plug-In API is something that Google has been working on for at least the past three years to replace NPAPI (the Netscape Plug-In API).
Linux is dead on the desktop…and it died long ago. Who hasn’t heard that?
Apparently, the 1,500 school children whose happy faces could not hide the illusion of using a laptop for the first time didn’t. They just received their own Linux-powered computers…wow! That’s a lot of dead computers!
True…1,500 dead PCs is far too modest to worry about…but the total number of Linux computers that the government will give to students for educational purposes is 25,000! Whoa! Now, that is more than enough to call it a zombie apocalypse!
A set of open source designs for the RECS Compute Box, a high density server developed by German start-up Christmann Informationstechnik, will also be created. It is hoped that these designs will allow other projects or commercial data centre operators to build on the research conducted by the CoolEmAll project.
Kernel Space
The Btrfs and MD code offers new ways to change RAIDs while keeping data intact. Ext4 filesystems can now be expanded more quickly. The kernel also gained a driver for an upcoming storage device interface.
Graphics Stack
When running some tests on the latest Mesa 8.1-devel Gallium3D code-base for the “R600″ Radeon Gallium3D driver, I was surprised by some of the results.
Coming up in the next few days will be benchmarks of Radeon Gallium3D using Mesa 8.1-devel compared to the recently-released Mesa 8.0.1 and the previous releases of Mesa going back for as long as the R600 Gallium3D driver has functioned. While Mesa 8.1 has just been in development for about one month, there’s already some interesting improvements for at least Radeon Gallium3D.
About 10 years ago I decided I didn’t feel comfortable running a proprietary operating system on my computer anymore and made the leap to Linux, and like many converts, I had to give up PC gaming. I moved over to the next best thing, joining the legion of console gamers, but once and awhile there would be that one big PC game that I would miss out on.
The OnLive MicroConsole promises to change all that. With this device, it’s now possible to play some of the hottest titles on the PC…without the PC. For those of us running free and open source operating systems, this little device can get you back in the game (literally), and it even runs Linux!
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
Plasma Active looks so nice in so many of the details, but there is one place that sticks out like sore thumb an which we really haven’t been able to get replacement artwork for: those icons in the upper right corner.
The Home icon is nice enough and looks like it belongs. It won’t be there on all Plasma Active devices either: on Spark we have a Home hardware key and so will probably be using that exclusively instead of an icon in the panel.
In the middle of cold January, the team behind DigiKam met in Genoa, the sunny old port city in northern Italy. DigiKam is the award-winning KDE photo management application. Participants started gathering in the evening on Thursday 12 January, getting together over dinner to form new friendships and to find out how people’s lives were going. The next day, real work started.
New Releases
François Dupoux proudly announced last night, February 21st, a major release of his popular SystemRescueCd Linux-based operating system for rescue and recovery tasks.
I am announcing the release of ConnochaetOS 0.9.1. This is a maintenance release. The ConnochaetOS 0.9.0 ISO was downloaded 20,000 times. The Free Software Foundation examined every package very closely and said, that we meet the FSF’ criteria at this point. So we consider that the ConnochaetOS project is a success.
The DragonFly 3.0 release is here! This release was delayed from our regular schedule for tracking down what appears to be a AMD CPU bug. As a pleasant side effect, the giant kernel lock has been removed from much of the system and this release performs significantly better on multi-core systems than previous DragonFly versions.
DragonFly 3.0.1 is now available! This release has superior multiprocessor support compared to previous versions. Speed has improved significantly. Binary packages from the 2011Q4 release of pkgsrc are available. Check the release notes for details.
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
The Mageia development team has announced the arrival of the first beta of version 2 of its Mandriva Linux community fork. This beta 1 release is aimed at developers and testers, and is based on the current stable 3.2.6 Linux kernel, which will be upgraded to Linux 3.3 before the final release.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that the Cornell University Institute for Biotechnology and Life Science Technologies is using Red Hat Storage, formally Gluster, technology to manage data-intensive research projects. With Red Hat Storage Software Appliance, the department is experiencing cost-effective, highly available and scalable storage, and using it for such projects as DNA sequencing. It has delivered flexibility and reliability that has allowed the Institute to achieve the growth needed to continue its research programs, while increasing researcher productivity due to the high availability of the data.
Debian Family
A representative told Linux User & Developer that there are currently no plans to release Ubuntu for Android on the Android Marketplace, but that they are in talks with phone manufacturers to include it with specific devices.
LINUX VENDOR Canonical will show off a Motorola Atrix 2 running its Ubuntu for Android Linux operating system to mobile phone vendors at Mobile World Congress (MWC).
Canonical’s Ubuntu Linux distribution is arguably one of the most popular consumer friendly versions of Linux available, and the firm will tip up at MWC with a Motorola Atrix 2 smartphone that when placed in a dock can run a full-blown desktop Ubuntu Linux installation. According to the firm, smartphones will be able to ship with Ubuntu for Android this year.
Canonical announced last evening, February 21st, the Ubuntu for Android product, allowing users to connect a multi-core Android phone to an Ubuntu desktop.
As part of the on going work to improve the Gnome Control Center, there has been an update today which brings some new features.
People in FOSS circles don’t like to talk about that kind of thing openly; making money is fine if it is done quietly, but pointing out that developing free or open source software can also be as crassly commercial an activity as, say, the activities of Microsoft, is considered to be, well, not kosher.
This week a new Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix has been launched providing a complete software environment for the new $35 Raspberry Pi computer which will soon be launched.
Samsung is using Wind River’s Android testing software and expertise to speed its smartphone development and test for Android software quality, performance and compliance.
Wind River Framework for Automated Software Testing (FAST) for Android and Wind River User Experience Test Development Kit are currently in use to rapidly and efficiently test Android software for Samsung smartphones. A global leader in high-tech electronics and digital media, Samsung Electronics is a top smartphone manufacturer worldwide.
Even though Amazon’s Appstore has far fewer wares on its shelves than Google’s Android Market, many developers of top apps have found Amazon’s platform to be more lucrative, according to a recent study. The hot-selling Kindle Fire seems to have played a part in driving Appstore sales. The curated nature of Amazon’s Appstore may also appeal more to users willing to pay a buck or two for their software.
Huawei‘s 10-inch MediaPad 10 tablet wasn’t expected to show itself until MWC 2102 next week, but that hasn’t stopped the Android 4.0 slate from sneaking out for a quick pre-show flaunt. The tablet – which reminds us of HTC’s Flyer with its combination of brushed metal and white plastic inserts – has been previewed by Hi-Tech Mail, who confirm the 8-megapixel camera and solid build quality.
Ford (and other automakers) envision future cars with high tech infotainment systems galore where car dashboards could have downloadable app’s just like todays smart phones and tablets. With the OpenXC platform Ford is creating a channel for open collaboration with 3rd party application developers, allowing them to use cars like the Ford Focus to prototype their gizmos.
I have been using OpenOffice.org and lately LibreOffice for years with no ill effects and plenty of benefits like working well with PDF and using proper open standard file-formats. The only problem the VA will have if it switches over is what to do with the bulk of archived documents in M$’s various formats. My recommendation is to convert as many of them as possible to PDFs and leave them as archives. They rarely have to modify old documents. They should be able to do that using their present software and some “print” function. The cost of the migration would largely be the cost of processing those archives. That cost should be chalked up as a mistake of the past because it will not be an on-going cost.
Inspired by the success of the open source development model, criminals are creating similar community models and, in doing so, opening up a new avenue for malicious software and malware incubation, industry insiders warn.
COSCUP is the largest Free software event in Taiwan and based on my experience from attending last year I can certainly say that it is one of the most well organized and vibrant F/OSS events in the world. It’s in the same category level as FISL in Brazil or Linux Conf Australia in my mind.
Web Browsers
Enterprises are finding business-changing ways to put the power of Hadoop, an open source Apache project for storing and processing large amounts of data, to good use. They are using Hadoop and Big Data to reduce risks, better serve customers and even change the Internet.
Joomla is one of the most widely used open source content management systems available today. Though it’s not as popular as the MIGHTY WordPress, we are yet to discover the hidden treasures that lurk beneath. I am going to discuss the Pros and Cons of using Joomla in this article, so the next time you’re planning to invest on your online presence, you should have an idea where to spend and why!
In this entry I will briefly talk about how GNU Health can help the professional in making the best decision, and how to minimize mistakes.
I will focus in prescription writing and how we’re incorporating DS (Decision Support) to GNU Health.
GNU Health uses the WHO (World Health Organization) essential list of medicines by default, so you already have a very nice and updated set for your daily practice.
Public Services/Government
NASA has released an RFI (Request For Information) asking for help reimplementing the nasa.gov web site using open source software and open standards. With 600,000 unique visitors and over 1.29 TB of traffic a day, 140 different web sites and applications and over 700,000 web pages, the task is large. As the first stage of an acquisition process, NASA has therefore published the RFI looking for companies that, according to Nick Skytland, Open Government Program Manager at Johnson Space Center, are “visionary, that get open source, cloud computing, and citizen engagement using the latest online technology”.
Obviously security, supportability, and interoperability are among the factors the VA must take into consideration, so the department is only soliciting white papers right now. “The white papers should merely be focused on the per seat cost for services/tools provided, current state of the technology in terms of Office productivity suite benefits, supportability, security, ease of use, and interoperability with Microsoft based products,” the announcement says.
How confident are you in your knowledge of open source geospatial software? How about a quick introduction or refresher? Executive Editor Adena Schutzberg offers 10 points that are important to understand about open source software.
From the beginning, Civic Commons has been a dynamic community initiative. What began in January 2010 as a simple wiki of open government policies and practices (originally called “OpenMuni”, domains for which were simultaneously and independently obtained by Code for America and OpenPlans), grew into a partnership between the two organizations to support the growing open government technology movement, and is now an open community of civic hackers, government technologists, entrepreneurs and many others.
Regular Hypebot readers know how excited I get about Cash Music. It’s hard to imagine anything closer to what this blog is about than a non-profit group building free tools that help musicians to market and sell music online. That’s exactly what Cash Music is; and for one of the first time’s ever, they’re asking for help via a Kickstarter campaign.
Sonatype Nexus Professional 2.0 for “component intelligence” in repository management
Kotlin, the JVM-targeted programming language introduced last summer by development toolmaker JetBrains, is now open source. The Prague-based maker of the venerable code-centric Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA has been developing Kotlin since 2010, and will continue to be a major contributor.
You have to hand it to Microsoft. Their latest attacks on Google Apps are at least an attempt at comedy, but when you peel back the humor, what you have is just good old-fashioned Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD), YouTube style.
I won’t discuss the irony of Microsoft going off on Google services using Google’s own YouTube channel. That’s fairly rich in itself, but as we shall see, Google has opened itself up to these attacks with its own behavior.
Late last week, the Washington Post reported that The Smithsonian had acquired “tapes, documentation, copyrights, and over 50,000 lines of code from V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, who both the Smithsonian and the Washington Post insisted was the “inventor of e-mail.” There’s just one problem with this: It’s not actually true. Lots of internet old-timers quickly started to speak out against this, especially on Dave Farber’s Interesting People email list, where they highlighted how it’s just not true. As is nicely summarized on Wikipedia’s talk page about Ayyadurai, he was responsible for “merely inventing an email management system that he named EMAIL,” which came long after email itself.
Isabel Salas reported to the non-profit Cornucopia Institute (Cornucopia) the difficulties she faced when her infant daughter reacted badly to a set of additives present in most baby formulas: DHA and ARA oils. Containers of formula containing these additives say things like, “Our formula is proven in clinical studies to enhance mental development” and “as close as ever to breast milk.”
CDS are a form of derivative taken out by investors as insurance against default. According to the Comptroller of the Currency, nearly 95 percent of the banking industry’s total exposure to derivatives contracts is held by the nation’s five largest banks: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, HSBC, and Goldman Sachs. The CDS market is unregulated, and there is no requirement that the “insurer” actually have the funds to pay up. CDS are more like bets, and a massive loss at the casino could bring the house down.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald are pushing for radical changes in Wisconsin’s current mining law to benefit a single out-of-state company.
Gogebic Taconite, based out of Florida, has proposed a massive twenty-one mile long iron-ore strip mine in some of the most beautiful and pristine land in the northern part of the state. Walker and the GOP are promoting the mining bill as the most important “jobs bill” of the session. Since Governor Walker’s austerity budget kicked in on July 1, Wisconsin has lost jobs for six straight months, the worst record in the country.
Hanno alerts us to the news that Techdirt has apparently been deemed harmful to minors in Germany. The German Media Control Authority has apparently been pushing internet “youth filters” to protect kids from dangerous things online. So far, it has officially approved two internet filters. Hanno got his hands on one and discovered that Techdirt was one of many blocked sites (Google translation from the original German) — as the filter declares that Techdirt has pornographic images and depictions of violence. We do?
One of the things I’ve never liked about copyright is its potential to be the functional equivalent of censorship. Sometimes this censorship comes about because an author didn’t get permission to create his work in the first place (see: Richard Prince, JD California). While this unfortunately turns judges into cultural gatekeepers, it’s been deemed a necessary balance between copyright law and the First Amendment, and harm to the public is arguably lessened by the fact that we don’t know what we’re missing; because the censored work is never able to reach and impact us, we’ve only lost the potential of its cultural contribution.
Internet/Net Neutrality
Hockey may be Canada’s national pastime, but criticizing the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) surely ranks as a close second. From the substitution of Canadian commercials during the Super Bowl broadcast to Canada’s middling performance on broadband Internet services, the CRTC is seemingly always viewed as the target for blame.
Intellectual Monopolies
Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland sent a letter to his fellow leaders in the EU Friday urging them to reject ACTA, reversing Poland’s course with the controversial intellectual-property treaty, and possibly taking Europe with them.
“I was wrong,” Tusk explained to a news conference, confessing his government had acted recklessly with a legal regime that wasn’t right for the 21st century. The reversal came after Tusk’s own strong statements in support of ACTA and condemnation of Anonymous attacks on Polish government sites, and weeks of street protest in Poland and across Europe.
The European Commission just announced its intent to ask the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for an opinion on the conformity of ACTA with fundamental freedoms. Beyond the obvious intent to defuse the heated debate currently taking place, this move aims to make the ACTA discussion a mere legal issue, when the main concerns are political by nature.
So the European Commission thinks that tens of thousands of people on the streets somehow don’t reflect the wider community — presumably unlike the small band of negotiators and lobbyists behind closed doors that drew up ACTA in secrecy for years, who do represent the European Union’s 500 million people.
And the Commissioners are just shocked that the opponents of ACTA, who have been denied any meaningful transparency about what was being agreed to in their name during those now-concluded negotiations, are desperately trying to make their voices heard by the only institutions left that can listen: the EU nations that haven’t signed ACTA, and the European Parliament that must still ratify it.
Of course, other parts of De Gucht’s statement are pretty questionable. He talks about how the EU Council “adopted ACTA unanimously” leaving out that they did so by hiding it in an agriculture and fisheries meeting. He talks about how ACTA “will not change anything in the European Union” but is merely about “getting other countries to adopt” stricter laws. However, some EU countries have already noted that they would have to change their laws to comply with ACTA.
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Posted in News Roundup at 4:56 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Kernel Space
With my recent job change, I’m starting to run into a bunch of people asking “What exactly are you going to be doing now?”
I’ve tried responding by describing the kernel related stuff I’ve been doing for the past years, and it turns out that a lot of people didn’t even realize I was doing that.
So, here’s a short list of some of the things that I’m going to be doing at my new job, and most importantly, how you can track what I do yourself, so that I never have to write a status report again…
Graphics Stack
Last week I posted an image quality comparison of the Radeon Gallium3D driver versus AMD’s Catalyst Linux driver to highlight some visual differences between the open and closed-source Radeon graphics drivers. Now here’s a look between the Nouveau Gallium3D driver and NVIDIA’s proprietary Linux graphics driver.
Gnome‘s Power Statistics application is a very easy-to-use way of getting hard numbers about your power usage. As far as out-of-the-box experiences go for power statistics, Gnome’s is probably the best. While it doesn’t have as many power options as Windows and Mac OS X, I don’t know of either having a way to see power statistics as detailed as Gnome’s from the get go.
Text LCD’s are handy for any occasion, a printer port on your PC is also darn handy as well. Mix together and add in a splash of linux and you get a very handy Linux device driver for a 16×2 LCD connected to the parallel port.
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
The response to the Spark pre-order registration program has been phenomenal. Thousands have registered and we’ve exchanged hundreds emails with various interested parties answering questions and receiving great feedback and input.
Still, I’ll be around and available for meetings and hallway discussions about Spark and Make·Play·Live.
Martin Gräßlin, lead developer of the compositing window manager KWin, has been considering the future of OpenGL 1.x support in KWin in a blog entry titled “The costs of supporting legacy hardware”. He is considering removing the code because almost all modern graphic chips and drivers support the more recent OpenGL 2.0.
Red Hat Family
As well as bug fixes and improved hardware support, the eighth minor revision of Linux distribution RHEL 5, which was first released in 2007, also includes new virtualisation and power management features.
Debian Family
Ubuntu is taking small steps to get into the mobile game – at the same time, RIM’s big efforts have been underwhelming to the say the least. Is this reversible or can the veteran learn a thing or two from the open-source platform’s more restrained pace?
There have been some recent accusation that the Ubuntu community isn’t taking criticism well. However, those making the accusations seem to have a misunderstanding about what exactly criticism is. In an effort to improve the quality of that feedback, I’ve put together a short, simple list of things you can check to make sure your criticism is in fact criticism.
Flavours and Variants
This tutorial is supposed to guide the reader through the features of the Cinnamon desktop, Mint’s new desktop environment to be used in Linux Mint 13. Cinnamon concentrates on holding on to classic design and functionality in times where Gnome 3 and Unity come up with different innovations to the user interface.
The questions for which I would like accurate stats include: how many GNU/Linux users are there? Has Linux Mint really overtaken Ubuntu as the most popular distribution? Has GNOME gained or lost users with the start of its third release series? All these questions and more would benefit from reliable figures, yet we don’t have any. Instead, we have a series of indicators that are approximate at best, and completely unreliable at worst.
Intel Corp. is expected to provide more details next week on its plans to become a key supplier for the smartphone market when wireless industry experts gather for the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, Spain.
Intel is the kingpin of personal computer technology but a late arrival in a smartphone market crowded with such providers as Apple Inc., Nvidia Corp. and Qualcomm Inc.
Intel has been trying to push into the mobile products market for years without much success. Analysts say a few of its recent attempts — chips called Menlo and Moorestown — fell short of the mark.
Panasonic, looking to toss their name into various smartphone conversations, has unveiled an ultra-thin, high-end Android handset ahead of Mobile World Congress. Dubbed the Eluga, the hardware puts the device right in the mix with some of today’s elite Android combatants.
Thinner than most smartphones, the Panasonic runs Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread and offers a 4.3-inch (540×960) qHD display, a 1GHz TI OMAP dual-core chip,1GB RAM, and 8GB internal storage. There’s a rear-facing 8-megapixel camera on the backside however there’s no front-facing shooter.
The newer version has more features but is still priced at around $US35.
Suneet Singh Tuli, Datawind’s chief executive officer, said: ‘We have already received over three million individual hand users pre-booking on this.’
New Zealand open source digital media company SilverStripe is ramping up its presence in Australia, selecting Victoria as its Australian headquarters and hiring 50 new staff.
Open source software has managed to find its way into the minds and hearts of users on all three popular desktop platforms. I know of countless Windows users who enjoy free access to applications such as Firefox, LibreOffice, GIMP, Filezilla, among others. Users of these popular software titles know all to well the benefits of using open source software.
Yet, there’s still the question of using open source software in place of proprietary software. Specifically: can open source software provide an adequate replacement for legacy software?
This is the question I’ll answer in this article. I’ll look at the open source applications I use, and how they differ from their proprietary alternatives.
Open source software has been maligned and celebrated over the years. Proponents of the open source concept claim that collaboration and openness will lead to better technological results for the consumer at a fraction of the price. Opponents of the concept claim that without a profit motive, technological progression will grind to a halt. Both sides may be right, but with many technology companies finding ways to turn a profit outside of software sales over the past decade, open source software has gotten a significant boost in popularity.
Cloud computing encompasses many things, but a major part of it is the ability for multiple people in disparate places to collaborate on a single project at the same time. Since the information and processing are done in the cloud, each user only needs a way to log in to the cloud and all users can view updates in real time. This spirit of collaboration makes for an ideal pairing with open source software. Having the source code of a cloud service available to everyone makes it that much easier to spot bugs and improve performance.
Web Browsers
The Riak distributed database has been updated to version 1.1, and has a new administration console and diagnostic console. Riak creator Basho believes the changes in 1.1 make Riak the most scalable and stable NoSQL database available.
It raised $30,000 in 72 hours on Kickstarter with its plan to disrupt the music industry using open source, but what is the CASH Music project about? The H talked with co-executive director Maggie Vail to find out.
Open Access/Content
The Utah Office of Education (USOE) announced a new program late last month. Starting in the next couple months, Utah is going to develop and release open source digital textbooks for science, and mathematics, and English.
You may recall that Canadian Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews announced Canada’s “lawful access” (read: government monitoring of the internet) bill by saying that if you weren’t in favor of the bill, you supported child porn. Over the weekend, he also seemed to admit that he didn’t even understand the bill he was supporting.
While we here are committed to exposing the actions of Goldman Sachs – many of which helped, if not directly, created our economic problems – we often over look and under report on those who have and had the power to prevent the actions of Goldman Sachs and their band of merry banksters (including The Fed). Charlie Reese says it in plain and simple language. A report that he began in the 1980′s and modified several times. The version below was the one from 1995, long before anyone could have ever imagined the mess we would be in at the beginning of the 21st century.
I would have hoped that, by now, most people could understand basic secondary liability issues, such as the difference between a service provider who provides the tools/service for communications and a content creator and/or publisher who actually creates or chooses the content. Unfortunately, when large sums of money are involved, people often have difficultly distinguishing the two. The latest situation involves a guy in Australia, named Joshua Meggitt, who appeared to have a legitimate defamation claim by Australian writer/TV personality Marieke Hardy. On her blog, she accused Meggitt of writing “ranting, hateful” articles about her. She then posted a link to her blog on Twitter, where it got a lot of attention. Hardy and Meggitt have already “settled” the dispute between each other, with a rumored $15,000 changing hands, but Meggitt has now sued Twitter directly claiming that it “published” the tweet by putting it on its front page.
On Feb. 27, a diplomatic process will begin in Geneva that could result in a new treaty giving the United Nations unprecedented powers over the Internet. Dozens of countries, including Russia and China, are pushing hard to reach this goal by year’s end. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said last June, his goal and that of his allies is to establish “international control over the Internet” through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under U.N. auspices.
Intellectual Monopolies
The universities of Western Ontario and Toronto have signed a deal with Access. Copyright that allows for surveillance of faculty correspondence, unjustified restriction to copyrighted works and two million dollars in fees that will be passed along to students.
The Belgian anti-piracy group, SABAM, has been one of the most aggressive anti-piracy groups out there. The group recently lost two huge court cases in which it tried to get courts to force ISPs and hosting firms to put in place filters to stop infringement. Perhaps more controversially, the organization has tried to require social networks to pay a flat fee for all the infringement happening on their networks. A year ago, there was a story of SABAM taking cash for a band they didn’t represent after a TV show played a “joke” on the group.
Multiple studies have shown that piracy is almost never an educational issue. It’s not about people needing to “understand that artists should get paid for their work.”
If you’ve been paying attention lately, you’ve probably heard SOPA/PIPA/ACTA supporters insisting that anyone against those bills is involved in a misinformation campaign. This seems pretty ridiculous, considering the level of misinformation that has been spewed for decades in support of these kinds of laws. But it’s reaching a new level of crazy over in the Netherlands, where the Dutch Econimics Minister Maxime Verhagen has apparently announced that “ordinary” people have nothing to worry about concerning ACTA because its focus is to take down child porn sites. Talk about misinformation. ACTA is about intellectual property infringement and has nothing to do with child porn.
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Posted in News Roundup at 5:30 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

These 200,000 laptops will be running on both Linux and Micrsosoft’s proprietary Windows OS. ELCOT will be working on offering some educational applications with these laptops.
Amelia Andersdotter, 24, is the youngest member of the current European Parliament. She’s a member of the Swedish Pirate Party, a political party centered around copyright and patent reform. Given her political interests, it’s probably not a surprise that Amelia is a Linux user.
Kernel Space
The x32 effort, an undertaking to provide a native 32-bit ABI for x86_64 on Linux, is finally moving closer to fruition. Peter Anvin has published the set of x32 patches for the Linux kernel that are now up for review and comments.
Peter Anvin and others have long been working towards Linux x32: a native 32-bit ABI for Intel/AMD 64-bit systems so that applications not needing 64-bit pointers can benefit from 64-bit performance while using the memory foot-print of a 32-bit ABI. The Linux x32 ABI support necessitates changes to GNU binutils, the Linux kernel, Glibc, and the compiler (GCC). On Sunday the set of 30 patches touching around 1,000 lines of code was sent off to the kernel mailing list by Anvin.
After writing about Btrfs LZ4 compression support and that the Btrfs FSCK tool wasn’t available, it turns out that there is the new Btrfs repair tool, but it’s not widely known and it’s not recommended to ever use it — at least at this stage.
As pointed out by Phoronix readers, from the btrfs-progs Git tree on Kernel.org is a new branch that was pushed a little more than one week ago. This new branch is called “dangerdonteveruse” (expanded: don’t ever use [it]) and contains the ability to fix Btrfs file-systems.
Graphics Stack
There’s a new KMS/DRM driver to introduce to the world: UDL. UDL is a DRM kernel mode-setting driver for the USB-based DisplayLink graphics adapters.
It was back in 2009 that DisplayLink decided to provide Linux GPU support and be open-source friendly for their interesting USB-based graphics adapters and since then the support has only become more compelling. At first DisplayLink provided a simple Linux library, documentation, and then a frame-buffer and X.Org driver for the hardware.
A new solution now is available. Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software is a powerful application for writing screenplays, and it includes tools for organizing and navigating the script, as well as tools for managing revisions and rewrites.
Last year, I decided I would start solely using Ubuntu as the primary OS on my laptop. But the lack of printer support, and hiccups here and there in Ubuntu unfortunately catapulted me back to Windows 7. As my classes right now are requiring students to SSH into university servers to submit homework, I thought I might as well start getting used to bash and Linux again.
For those where this is the first time hearing about this new Kot In Action title, the developers describe the game as “a first-person action-RPG dungeon crawler. With its fast-paced fluid combat, a multitude of medieval and magical weapons, an in-depth custom spell system, and randomly generated persistent worlds, ToM is a pinnacle of the genre.”
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
The KWin compositing window manager for KDE may drop its older OpenGL renderer, which would remove support for vintage GPUs/drivers, but this would also include eliminating — at least temporarily — support for the AMD Catalyst graphics driver.
On Saturday, we held the first Frameworks 5 community day on IRC. It was organized by Kevin Ottens and he did a great job of making it happen. David Faure, myself and others showed up to help people get up to speed with Frameworks 5 hacking.
Among the many tools out there for cloning drives and performing full-system backups, one came to my attention for being both free (and open source) and powerful: Clonezilla, a product of the Free Software Labs of the National Center for High-Performance Computing in Taiwan.
Clonezilla’s power, however, is matched by complexity. You can get a lot out of it, but at the cost of paying close attention to what you’re doing. Here’s a guide to getting just what you need from Clonezilla — without wreaking havoc on your system or being swallowed by the monster.
New Releases
The Core Project’s “Team Tiny Core” has released version 4.3 of Tiny Core Linux, the lightweight modular Linux system. The new version introduces a “Self Contained Mountable applications” (SCM) package format for adding additional applications. Mountable applications take the file extension .scm and can be dynamically mounted and unmounted at runtime. They are managed using scmbrowser, a new graphical application.
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
This FOSDEM thing could turn into a habit! Mageia was at FOSDEM 2012 in Brussels – and this year, we had quite a noticeable presence.
Gentoo Family
Following a recent request I downloaded the Gentoo 12.0 Live DVD for a test drive. I tried Gentoo many years ago but gave up after a few hours due to the time involved, and my knowledge back then was a lot more rudimentary than today. Gentoo is a source distribution that is supposed to be configured and compiled from stage 2 or stage 3 tarballs, although some base images are available that allow you to cheat and skip the early part of kernel compilation etc. with minimal install images.
Debian Family
Canonical is designing a new heads-up display interface for the next version of Ubuntu. Its last interface tweak, Unity, was somewhat controversial. Now it looks like Ubuntu will double down on that departure and bring users even further from the typical desktop OS experience. Is this something that will make the OS easier for users to operate, or will it scare away users who think it’s too difficult to learn?
For years, tech pundits have speculated about the merging of phones and desktop computers, with Motorola’s line of Webtop accessories only the latest in a series of products. Now Canonical has stepped in with what could be the most comprehensive attempt yet: Ubuntu for Android, which the company says launches a full desktop OS experience whenever you connect your phone to a computer screen and keyboard.
In this mode, Ubuntu works exactly as it does on a regular PC, with the same Unity UI and access to certified applications including Chrome and Firefox—except that your phone is now standing in for a bulky CPU tower. Otherwise, Ubuntu for Android stays invisible; when you’re out and about, your phone works just like a normal Android phone. Canonical says that all data and services stay consistent between the Ubuntu and Android environments, including contacts, SMS, and voice calls.
But Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Linux distro Ubuntu, isn’t cutting Nokia’s man any slack. Shuttleworth reckons Elop is “short sighted” – and Canonical is today due to unveil Ubuntu for Android, a version of Shuttleworth’s Ubuntu juiced by multi-core on smartphones.
Flavours and Variants
Linux User sits down with Mint creator Clement Lefebvre to get a measure of the past, present and future of one of the biggest success stories in Linux distro history…
The mystery around Android 5.0 aka Jelly Beans is deepening. The rumors are rife which indicate that Android may pose threat to Microsoft’s Windows 8, also expected to hit the market later this year.
A Russian blogger Eldar Murtazin is claiming that Google may introduce a new mode with Android 5.0 which will enable users to run Android on their desktops which will automatically optimize to the desktop.
Web Browsers
Semi-Open Source
Project Releases
A key focus in the 2.4 release is improved performance which is delivered by way of multiple innovations.
“What we have done is checked 2.4 against itself and other web-servers; in general, we find 2.4 to be the fastest version of Apache by far,” Jim Jagielski, ASF President and Apache HTTP Server Project Management Committee, told InternetNews.com.
The Apache Software Foundation has just announced the release version 2.4 of its award-winning Apache HTTP Server. This is the first major release of the Apache Web server in more than six years. Long before the release of Apache 2.2 in December 1st, 2005 though, Apache was already the most popular Web server in the world. Today Apache powers almost 400 million Web sites.
Public Services/Government
The UK cabinet office is seeking advice on the definition of open standards in the context of government IT. It posted its consultation documents online last week Wednesday. The consultation follows the withdrawing in November of a IT procurement policy in effect since in January 2011.
The consultation should also help to make clear what effects compulsory standards may have on government departments, on delivery partners and on supply chains. A third aim is to gain knowledge on international alignment and cross-border interoperability.
In a statement, Minister for Cabinet Office Francis Maude said: “We are committed to implementing open standards and want to create a level playing field for open source and proprietary software. Open standards for software and systems will reduce costs and enable us to provide better public services. We want to get this right; so we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to have their say on this matter.”
On February 10, 2012, CASH Music launched a Kickstarter campaign and raised more than 70% of their $30,000 goal in about 24 hours. What is CASH Music? And why does it already have vocal support from musicians, Firefox, and even Neil Gaiman? Jesse von Doom, Co-Executive Director of CASH Music, explains the inspiration behind the project and the big role Linux plays in it.
If you’ve ever tried to collaborate with other authors and editors and the many other people who work to make a book successful, you know it’s not easy. Even if your experience stops at trying to incorporate three comments with changes tracked in word processing software, you get the idea. Last week at the O’Reilly Tools of Change conference, a new platform called Booktype was announced. It was created to help you collaborate on editing content and getting it ready for publishing.
Open Hardware
“Open source” is a term most often applied to software, and it’s become increasingly common in both the business and consumer worlds.
What some may not realize, however, is that hardware can be open source too, with design specifications, schematics, source code, and other data about the device’s inner workings available for inspection and customization by the user.
I’ve already written a few times about the new, Linux-based Spark tablet that’s on the way with unlocked hardware, but recently I came across two other open devices launched in the last few weeks that can be freely hacked and modified. Both the Openmoko GTA04 phone and the Auraslate Lifepad tablet promise a veritable playground for tinkerers and anyone who values complete openness and customizability.
The increasingly heated debates about the traditionally dull area of computer standards is testimony to the rise of open source. For the latter absolutely requires standards to be truly open – that is, freely implementable, without any restrictions – whereas in the past standards were pretty much anything that enough powerful companies agreed upon, regardless of how restrictive they were.
One year ago this week, blogger Ian Murphy of the Buffalo Beast pranked Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by posing as billionaire David Koch on a phone call. As the crowds at the Capitol protesting Walker’s bill to end collective bargaining were increasing in size and volume, the fake Koch inquired how Walker’s efforts to “crush that union” were going. Walker’s fawning response helped rocket the Wisconsin protests into the national media limelight.
Civil Rights
As the Arab Spring hits its first anniversary, tech activists around the globe are continuing their efforts to enable secure communications—especially in areas of the world that are in conflict or transition. After all, it’s become an open secret that governments ranging from Assad’s Syria to local American law enforcement to the newly created government of South Sudan are actively trying to find out what is being said and transmitted over their airwaves and networks.
Intellectual Monopolies
While copyright owners claim that they need anti-circumvention laws to address copyright infringement, twelve years’ experience with the U.S. DMCA provisions demonstrates that overbroad digital locks laws can wreak havoc on lawful, non copyright-infringing activities, stifle free speech and scientific research, and harm innovation and competition. The issue is that overbroad anti-circumvention bans can override exceptions and limitations in national copyright laws, restricting or eliminating perfectly lawful non-copyright infringing uses of copyrighted works.
Now that the US bills SOPA and PIPA have been put on ice, attention has returned to their parent, an international treaty called ACTA. I’ve written extensively about ACTA before, but in summary it is an international treaty that has been secretly negotiated to ensure as little input as possible from the citizens of any country.
While superficially about stemming the flow of counterfeit physical goods (ACTA stands for “Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement“), the copyright and patent industries (music, movies, software, pharmaceuticals and more) have successfully infested it and the result is a trade agreement that substantially reduces the scope for discretion over new approaches to business on the internet.
Members of the European Parliament could submit as many written parliament questions to the Council and the Commission as they like and force these institutions to make official statements. If you have a technical question about specific ACTA provisions or procedural oddities feel free to suggest your Member of Parliament to table them. Most MEPs are not as industrious in tabling parliament questions as Phil Prendergast (S&D, Labour Party Ireland) recently, and they limit their tabling to the “priority questions”/”oral questions”, where they have limitations but the institutions have to answer in a faster pace. In the past most of the numerous questions on ACTA were posed to the Commission, not the Council. However, only the Council is competent to answer the procedural specifics of the strange criminal sanctions parts.
The Economy Minister Daniels Pavluts has decided to block the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which has caused wide protests in the society.
On Wednesday, February 8, the Minister announced that he made the decision taking into account the mood of various groups of the society, as well as worries of several experts about the possibility of ACTA implementation in Latvia.
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Posted in News Roundup at 8:21 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

I have interviewed hundreds of candidates and had the delight of hiring dozens of Linux and open source developers, engineers, and interns over the last 10 years — at IBM, Canonical, and now Gazzang. The most recent one signed his contract this morning, in fact! It’s quite a rush to bring new talent into a small team.
Talking about Secure Boot again, I’m afraid. One of the things that’s made discussion of this difficult is that, while the specification isn’t overly complicated, some of the outcomes aren’t obvious at all until you spend a long time thinking about it. So here’s some clarification on a few points.
While Canonical has a well established business desktop scenario with Ubuntu, finding laptops with preinstalled laptops is sometimes a challenge. Laptops are usually available in two formats. First is the ODM (Original Design Manufacturers) who make the laptops. Second, is OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) who purchase from ODM but install their own brand of CPU, hard drive as well as the software. Some of these OEM
Kernel Space
Graphics Stack
The Nouveau 2D driver performance used to be very good against the proprietary/binary NVIDIA Linux driver. After running the new Intel SNA benchmarks earlier this month, I ran some quick 2D benchmarks of the latest Nouveau driver and NVIDIA binary driver.
Over the last six months a lot of feature work has happened in Mesa, and the load has been carried by a lot of different people / organization. In the process, we discovered a number of development process issues that made things more difficult than they needed to be.
David Airlie officially released the first version of the xf86-video-modesetting DDX driver this week. The xf86-video-modesetting driver is a generic KMS X.Org driver that will work with any kernel mode-setting DRM driver in Linux, but only provides shadow frame-buffer support.
There’s some resurrected hope for the kernel symbols of the DMA-BUF buffer sharing mechanism to be not restricted to only GPL drivers, which started off as a request by NVIDIA. This could lead to better NVIDIA Optimus support under Linux, among other benefits.
Bricsys NV, the developer of Bricscad for design professionals, today announced the release of Bricscad V12 for the Linux operating system. All three editions – Classic, Pro, and Platinum – bring to the Linux world powerful 3D modeling and CAD API programming equal to the Bricsys product line running on Windows.
Installing Puppet can be a nightmare at times especially if you are doing it for the first time. Error messages are not always obvious and would require some experience to understand. So this is my attempt to explain the errors and suggest the solutions.
The latest Humble Indie Bundle ended earlier this week without much fanfare and less than $1M USD in sales, but there’s a new special weekend bundle that’s a bit different from the rest… This new bundle lasts for only the weekend (28 hours left) as three teams compete to each make a brand new game in the span of this weekend.
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
GNOME Desktop
About once a year I try a new Asturix release and every time it’s something very different from the previous trial. The developers appear to be casting around, experimenting with this or that, and it always makes for an interesting ride. This time around I found the distribution to be a mixed bag and not in the way I had expected. When I heard they’d put out a release based on Ubuntu with a new, custom desktop I expected a solid base with functioning applications under a buggy interface. For the most part my experience was the opposite. The On interface is pretty good, mixing the mobile-like interfaces we’re seeing cropping up everywhere with enough traditional pieces to make it usable on a full-sized desktop screen. The developers surpassed my expectation there and I found only a few issues with the new interface. On the other hand I found some bugs which shouldn’t have made it through QA testing. For instance, the update manager that pops up and the Software Centre don’t launch with administrator’s privileges and don’t prompt for it. On the live CD there is a log out button in the corner of the screen where I would expect it, but the log out button doesn’t appear post-install, requiring the user to hunt for the proper icon. When trying to launch the backup utility it appears the software wasn’t actually installed, there’s just a useless icon in its place.
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
PCLinuxOS Phoenix Edition 2012-02 is now available for download, featuring the following updates.
Red Hat Family
When open source started gaining in popularity, a lot of vendors started trying to co-opt the open source label without actually being open source. You don’t see quite as much of that today, but now we’re seeing vendors trying to affix the “open” label to cloud solutions that really aren’t. Scott Crenshaw, vice president of Red Hat’s cloud business unit, says the idea is “to lure customers in with open and then lock them in.” Bad move, says Crenshaw, because the decisions companies make today about cloud will last into the next decade.
For those wanting to see another polarized discussion taking place within the Fedora camp, similar to the Fedora rolling-release discussion, drop by the mailing list.
It will be great to know if llvm is ready to do same for several important linux package.
Debian Family
* Goodbye Lenny!
* Debian GNU/Hurd on the rails
* DPL and legal work
* Multiarch-ready dpkg
* GPL in Debian: a study
* Interviews
* Other news
* Upcoming events
* New Debian Contributors
* Release-Critical bugs statistics for the upcoming release
* Important Debian Security Advisories
* New and noteworthy packages
* Work-needing packages
* Want to continue reading DPN?
Once upon a time I knew exactly what Ubuntu was. Built on top of Debian Linux, it was the most popular Linux desktop around. Today, Ubuntu is in the clouds, on servers, tablets and smartphones, and, oh yes, it’s still on the desktop. By spreading its energy in so many directions it’s hard to see what Canonical, Ubuntu’s parent company, really wants from Ubuntu. So what exactly is Ubuntu today? Well, here’s my overview of Ubuntu 2012.
Ubuntu 12.04 is all about pixel perfecting everything and focusing on the quality of the overall release. This is important since it is a LTS release which would be used by companies and users all over the world for a long time. From the view point of a user and sys-admins, it is important to have all the customizable options in one place. Gnome Control Center is meant for just that. There have been quite some updates on the gnome control center which are worth mentioning.
Ubuntu One team announced today, February 20th, that the Vodafone company has recently added the Ubuntu One Files app on their Vodafone AppSelect app store for the Android platform.
Vodafone offers the Ubuntu One Files app in the following countries: United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Russia, Portugal, and Greece.
In recent weeks I have shown how Ubuntu 12.04 is ARM-ing up for better performance on the ARMv7 architecture by enabling hard-float builds and how the TI OMAP4 support has come together resulting in significant performance gains. Nevertheless, how is modern ARM hardware now comparing to the low-end Intel x86 competition? In this article are some results from Ubuntu 12.04 comparing the ARM performance to some Intel Core, Pentium, and Atom hardware.
Flavours and Variants
Over the years, I’ve tried every shade of desktop — from the ridiculously complex to the overly simple, from the barely usable to the extremely useful. Recently, the push seems towards touchscreen technology, with little success. Nevertheless, some operating systems — such as Ubuntu Unity, GNOME 3 and Windows 8 — are persisting with touchscreen-friendly features. The problem is these desktops aren’t particularly user friendly.
Then along comes Linux Mint 12. In terms of user friendliness, it offers something special. Here are the reasons why I think it’s the best desktop operating system available.
Cedar Trail represents the latest-generation 32nm Intel Atom processors. Unfortunately its graphics though aren’t developed in-house, but at least that’s changing to avoid such situations in the future.
Chinese smartphone manufacturer ZTE today announced that it will be brining a pair of new Android smartphones to Mobile World Congress next week, both of them running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
The ZTE PF200 sports a 4.3-inch display at qHD (540×960) resolution, with an 8-megapixel rear camera and a front-facing camera for video calling. It’ll have LTE, UMTS and GSM radios, as well as NFC, and DLNA and MHL high-def outputs.
Exciting news if you’re a fan of Sony’s Xperia designs, but not the huge displays that seem to permeate the mobile world these days: the Sony Xperia U (also known as the Kumquat/st25i) has been spotted in its first set of leaked photos. It’s getting comfy with Sony’s new international flagship, the Xperia S, in a series of shots found by Android HD Blog (Italian). Both phones share a lot of design DNA, but it looks like the Xperia U is much smaller, with a screen somewhere in the ballpark of 3.2 inches. Like the S, the Xperia U is still running Gingerbread.
We’ve known that Huawei had something special planned for Mobile World Congress, and this would appear to be it. The first entry in Huawei’s Diamond line is the Ascend D1 Q, and TechOrz.com got their hands on some leaked press shots prior to Huawei’s conference. The renders show a typical high-end Android phone that’s clearly of the large screen variety – probably with a 4.3-inch or larger display. The device’s red-on-black color scheme is reminiscent of the HTC Rezound, though the shape looks more like a Galaxy-class smartphone.
Like it or not, it would appear that the tablet-ification of our desktop operating systems is inevitable. Setting aside the new Metro interface that will take the main focus of Windows 8, Apple are slowly creeping more tablet features into OS X and even Canonical are getting in on the act with their Unity interface for Ubuntu and their removal of drop-down menus. So is tablet-creep a bad thing, and need we accept it?
A question about Spark that we’re hearing fairly often is how the economics behind it will work. This question has come in a few different forms such as requests to explain the price point we settled on or how much of the proceeds will go where. I thought since it has come up a few times instead of answering it in blog comments repeatedly I’d answer it here in a proper blog entry.
The economics around Spark have, as you might expect, been a focus point for us from the very start of project planning. To state the obvious: if the economics weren’t workable then the project wouldn’t be viable. So that was where we started.
If you’re sick of firmware lockdowns and failed reflashings on your other Android tablets, the Auraslate may be for you. It’s basically an Ice Cream Sandwich-compatible tablet built from the ground up for hax0rz and programmers alike.
Glyn Moody looks at calls to open up the source code of medical implants and finds they logically lead to recreating, in the image of open source, how we create new digitally controlled devices.
Open source web server developer, NGINX, has partnered with Parallels, a hosting and cloud services provider to enhance Parallels’ web hosting products with NGINX web server capabilities. Recently ranked as the second most popular web server for active sites, NGINX has just passed the 60,000,000 mark of enabled Internet domains.
The company said it would “maintain the original source code and … update the base code on SourceForge as developers make modifications”.
Companies are increasingly turning to open-source software at the expense of proprietary software as they move to cut costs, according to a recent report.
Open-source software is software whose source code is available to the public and is often developed in a public manner.
On the other hand, private entities develop and hold sole legal rights over proprietary software.
Extending its range of open-source projects to cloud computing, the Apache Software Foundation has approved the Deltacloud as a top-level project, the organization announced Thursday.
The Apache Software Foundation’s Deltacloud cloud interoperability toolkit has emerged from incubator status to become a top-level project.
The Apache Software Foundation’s (ASF) Deltacloud interoperability toolkit has graduated from the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Project (TLP).
Open source is almost always viewed as a positive force for the onward development of software code, even if the community contribution model still garners criticism relating to quality, compliance and support from time to time.
A computer Trojan that targets online banking users is evolving and spreading rapidly because its creators have adopted an ‘open-source’ development model, according to researchers from cyberthreat management firm Seculert.
Web Browsers
Mozilla today patched eight vulnerabilities in Firefox as it shipped the latest iteration in its rapid release schedule.
Firefox 10, sixth in the line of updates that have been rolling off the development line every six weeks since mid-2011, fixed half a dozen flaws rated “critical,” Mozilla’s highest threat ranking, and another two labeled “high.”
Open-source software development initiative Mozilla is poised to announce partners for its forthcoming web-based mobile operating system, dubbed Boot to Gecko. “B2G is partnering up,” Mozilla CTO Brendan Eich revealed via Twitter. “More at [Mobile World Congress],” the annual industry event kicking off Feb. 27 in Barcelona. Additional details are unknown.
OPEN SOURCE software outfit Mozilla has outlined its Firefox roadmap for 2012 by saying in effect that it wants to catch up with Google’s Chrome.
The challenge to open source software for handling big data is that it is difficult to use.
You can either hire a Stanford PhD. . .or, get some knowledge from companies like Cloudera.
Florian Effenberger today posted the news that The Document Foundation has officially been incorporated in Germany. He said, “With this legal act, the entity officially came to life and is legally recognized.”
The legal process of incorporating The Document Foundation as a German Stiftung (foundation) has been completed in Berlin, Germany. The creation of a legally based foundation was part of the founding plan of the organisation when it forked from OpenOffice in September 2010. The foundation, which will be the legal entity managing the development of LibreOffice, now has a set of legally binding statutesPDFGerman language link that define the foundation’s objectives, the use of its assets and its management structure.
THE exciting news last week was the release of LibreOffice 3.5, the latest version of the free and open source office productivity suite.
Like the OpenOffice project from which it sprang, LibreOffice is a completely free suite of applications for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. Versions are available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X and Linux. On Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora and openSUSE, LibreOffice is automatically installed.
Compatible with MS Office, LibreOffice enables users to read and write Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. Unlike the commercial suite from Microsoft, LibreOffice comes with no licensing fees, so you can download and use it free of charge from The Document Foundation Web site (http://www.libreoffice.org). If you’re a LibreOffice user, you’re in good company. Since its launch in January 2011, the program has been downloaded about 7.5 million times.
Semi-Open Source
At Mediology, we thrive on Open Source platforms and the corresponding stacks. We leverage LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) for a lot of the platforms and web based applications we develop.
Project Releases
Today, Sonatype released Nexus 2.0, a significant upgrade to their namesake repository software and the engine behind the Central.
New in 2.0 is the ability to store .NET packages so that builds from different languages can use the same repository store, health and reporting to provide real-time feedback of the state of the repository’s assets, and blocks in place to restrict access to undesirable assets. In addition, the proxy support has been greatly improved for performance, so that large repository clouds can be provided with a single master for the source.
OTRS Inc. has released version 3.1 of OTRS (Open source Ticket Request System), the company’s open source help desk system, and its ITIL-compliant IT Service Management (ITSM) solution. The first stable 3.1.x release of the help desk software includes a “Generic Interface” framework for connecting OTRS to third-party applications via SOAP and HTTP. With the bundled OTRS Ticket connector, users can create, update and search for tickets in other applications such as the SAP Solution Manager.
Public Services/Government
NASA’s CIO announced that the space agency has powered down its last mainframe as it moves into a new distributed environment with systems serving new needs, including mobile apps and open source.
The modern zeitgeist is obsessed with zombies. In the past decade, 439 zombie-themed films were made, as compared to only 65 in the previous decade. In 2010, The Walking Dead TV show, based on a successful comic book series by the same name, premiered to 5.3 million people. Its second season premiered to 7 million. Some of our most beloved comic book heroes fell in to the 2005 Marvel Zombies series and its sequels. And even our classic literature isn’t safe. As if Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy hadn’t been through enough, in 2009, along came Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
In his State of the Union Speech President Obama called for support for ‘the same kind of research that led to the computer chip and the Internet.’ He rightfully implies that for several decades now the innovation story has been primarily focused on computers, software and communication. As the power of science, technology, and free flow information have pushed modernism to new heights we are witnessing a new wave of innovation in other sectors, especially biotechnology and drug discovery. Yet in order to truly achieve critical mass, the innovation model must evolve from its current form.
Open Access/Content
Open Hardware
Ninja Blocks are small, open source hardware devices backed by a web service called Ninja Cloud that allows each Ninja Block to talk to the user’s favorite web apps. Without having to write any code, users can configure a Ninja Block to take a picture of their front yard and save it to Dropbox when movement is detected, for example, or to turn on a lamp in the hallway when the baby cries.
Many of the big IT players today have student developer competitions and events. Microsoft has its Imagine Cup, Yahoo! holds its Open Hack Days (not strictly “student-level” but often attended by many) and Google hosts its Summer of Code.
Google’s annual “get ‘em while they’re young” initiative is now in its eighth year.
Actually, that’s a very cheap jibe, Google and the other vendors alike are mostly quite open about the way they give help and advice to student developers and these events mainly represent free tuition — Google’s is an open source project after all.
Security watchers are expressing reservations about whitelisting security that Apple plans to integrate with OS X Mountain Lion this summer.
The security feature, dubbed Gatekeeper, restricts the installation of downloaded applications based on their source. Users can choose to accept apps from anywhere (as now) but by default Gatekeeper only lets users install programs downloaded from the Mac App Store or those digitally signed by a registered developer. More cautious users can decide to accept only applications downloaded from the Mac App Store.
Some of the same investors who made big profits betting against mortgage bonds before the 2007 housing bust have started snapping up the toxic assets. Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass, who made $500 million when subprime debt cratered, is raising a fund to buy them. He’s joining John Paulson, who made $15 billion in 2007 thanks to the housing bust. Goldman Sachs Group has bought the bonds this year. Remarkably, so has American International Group —the insurer that had to be rescued by the U.S. government in 2008 after its wagers on risky mortgages went bad.
The candidacy of Mitt Romney for President of the United States has drawn scrutiny to the practices of the “private equity” industry. Tired of being bashed as greedy “vulture capitalists,” the industry has launched an effort to polish its image.
The Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC), a trade group representing many of the most powerful firms in the venture capital and private equity industry, recently announced its intention to begin a new media initiative called “Private Equity At Work” to correct what it views as “a real lack of understanding about private equity.”
Private equity firms use the funds of their investors to buy up struggling companies. These companies are then retooled to enhance their perceived potential for profitability and are subsequently resold for a profit. Critics argue that private equity firms often force their corporate clients to cut jobs, increase their debt load or shut down solely to benefit the private equity firm’s bottom line.
We don’t know at this stage exactly who asked for these four accounts to be removed, only that according to Twitter’s rules it must have been done “by Sarkozy, or someone acting on his authority”. We asked Twitter about this and it refused to provide specifics on why the accounts were closed or the timing, other than to say that just because the accounts were suspended in the same general time frame, it wasn’t necessarily for the same reason.
Be that as it may, the near-simultaneous closure of four accounts all critical of a powerful national politician inevitably reminds us that for many countries, “civilizing” the Internet often comes down to censoring it. It’s worrying to see France apparently starting to go down that route — and for Twitter to be helping it.
On Saturday, January 14th the White House issued a policy statement in response to an online petition against pending anti-piracy legislation signed by more than 100,000 individuals. While supporting efforts to curb infringement of U.S. intellectual property by foreign websites, it outlined that to be acceptable to the Obama Administration any such legislation must guard against online censorship, be narrowly targeted at websites currently beyond the reach of U.S. law, have strong due process protections, be targeted at criminal activity, and not inhibit innovation. The statement was interpreted as indicating that current versions of the Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) were not acceptable to the President — although no explicit veto threat was made.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, is hosting a conference about The Media World after Wikileaks and News of the World. Sounds like it could be an interesting event, but one organization not happy about it… is Wikileaks. Seeing as it was a conference that touched on Wikileaks’ interests directly, Wikileaks asked to take part, and was instead denied a chance to speak at the event. When asked about this, UNESCO actually claimed that choosing to not allow Wikileaks attendees was an exercise in “freedom of expression,” which seems like a poor choice of words.
India made headlines last week when Minister of State for Communications & IT, Sachin Pilot, said that online companies like Facebook and Google must comply with the country’s laws. His statement came one day after Google and Facebook revealed that they had in fact already removed content at an Indian court’s request.
Intellectual Monopolies
Perhaps you’ve been following the “Linsanity” story over the last week or so. Even if you’re not a sports fan, it’s a pretty incredible story. The short summary for the six or seven of you who are sharing a rock to live under is that Jeremy Lin, who excelled at basketball as a high schooler in Palo Alto, was all but written off as having a real future in basketball. No college would give him a scholarship, and many thought that he should sign with a lower ranked college where he could play for fun, but not have any future. Even Stanford, which has a great basketball program and is literally across the street from where Lin played in high school, had little interest in getting Lin to play for them. He ended up going to Harvard (who did want him, but doesn’t do academic scholarships and isn’t known for its basketball program) and then wasn’t drafted by any NBA team. He did eventually sign with the Golden State Warriors (making him the first Taiwanese American NBA player) who played him sparingly last year and then cut him. He was with the Rockets in the pre-season, but they cut him before the season started. Then he signed on with the Knicks who had sent him down to the D-League and were rumored to be getting ready to cut him… before “Linsanity” began about 10 days ago.
Steve Green, who was the absolute best reporter covering the Righthaven saga, recently wrote about the fact that 97 Las Vegas karaoke providers were recently sued by a company called Slep-Tone Entertainment Corp., which apparently mainly does business as “Sound Choice,” selling various karaoke content — music and videos. Green notes that someone familiar with Slep-Tone has called it the “Righthaven of trademark
After several delays YMCM artist Tyga is set to finally release his album, Careless World, on Feb. 21st. Well he was supposed to – apparently retailers like Best Buy have thrown a wrench into the plan by yanking the album and returning it to the label. It also appears to have been removed from Itunes Pre-Order. According to reports the title track “Careless World” contains portions of a Martin Luther King speech and it’s use on the project is unauthorized. Kings estate has apparently sent notices to retailers asking them to halt the sale of the album and return the copies to Universal Music Group.
It’s that time again when the Librarian of Congress is considering special exemptions to the DMCA’s anti-cicrumvention provisions. One of the key proposals, which we discussed earlier, was Public Knowledge’s request to allow people to rip DVDs for personal use — just as we are all currently able to rip CDs for personal use (such as for moving music to a portable device). The MPAA (along with the RIAA and others) have responded to the exemption requests (pdf) with all sorts of crazy claims, but let’s focus in on the DVD ripping question, because it’s there that the insanity of Hollywood logic becomes clear.
You may remember last fall’s numbers concerning how many first, second and third strikes Hadopi, the French agency in charge of kicking people off the internet for possible copyright infringement, was sending out. Now come reports that France is finally moving beyond just the strikes, and has passed along info on those accused (not convicted) of infringement to “prosecutors” for the next stage, which could result in them losing internet access.
Two of these aren’t huge surprises. The Pastarnack hire hit the news a few months ago, when people noticed that she jumped from being a point person on PIPA to working directly for the MPAA. Swartsel’s name may also be familiar. We tangled with her last summer, when she bizarrely took to the MPAA’s blog to attack reporter Janko Roettger for accurately predicting that bad economic news might lead people to seek out unauthorized sources of movies, rather than paying through the nose for authorized versions. Now, the MPAA’s former boss had said the exact same thing, but according to Swartsel it’s somehow “intellectually dishonest” to point out what might happen. Swartsel also was the one who flat out mocked the concerns of tech entrepreneurs concerning SOPA and PIPA. Turns out she did all this as a “consultant” to the MPAA — and they thought she did such a bang up job that they’ve hired her full time as “director of global policy.”
A lobbying letter, attributed to the IFPI, the international arm of of the recorded music industry, and circulated by a coalition of rights-holders, attempts to wear the mantle of the moral high-ground in Europe’s political battle over ACTA. This wolf in sheep’s clothing also appears to have access to documents which have been denied to civil society.
This week, Members of the EU Parliament will be back in their home districts to meet with their constituency. This is an important opportunity for EU citizens to get in touch with their elected representatives, and make sure that they understand how dangerous and illegitimate ACTA is. Next week in Brussels, many decisive meetings will take place in the committees of the EU Parliament regarding ACTA.
ACTA (“Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement”) is a proposed new international law establishing international enforcement standards against counterfeit goods and pirated intellectual property items. ACTA was negotiated as a “trade agreement” which means that it was negotiated in private without open involvement of all the stakeholders. There has been no formal opportunity for input from people other than those who were lucky enough to be invited into the private discussions.
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Posted in News Roundup at 12:14 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

It’s Friday. That’s the perfect day to have uncovered this weird gem: This week, Rebecca Black got her own version of Linux, RebeccaBlackOS.
She’s not the first teenybopper to get her own open source operating system either. RebeccaBlackOS follows Hannah Montana Linux and Justin Bieber Linux.
According to Reuters, Li said Baidu was looking to work with more smartphone vendors to expand the reach of its Linux-based Yi mobile platform.
They don’t seem to have alphabetical order in mind but they certainly do give space to GNU/Linux. So much for the FUD that GNU/Linux is somehow not ready for consumers. Look at all computers sorted by “Best Sellers”…
My thoughts on why businesses and individuals need to start thinking about switching away from proprietary (and high maintenance) software like Windows, and look at open source and free software inste… Read more »ad like GNU/Linux. All articles are based on real world and everyday experiences with Windows and GNU/Linux, for both business and personal use.
Recently I’ve had the pleasure of replacing yet another Windows XP computer with Fedora Linux (version 16). The user is a relative of mine, and finally became tired of dealing with malware every month or so by simply browsing the web. So at his request I put Fedora Linux on the PC and wiped XP away from it for good. He had already used GNU/Linux on other PCs.
As stated in a previous post, I came across some issues with Fedora 16 and Gnome 3 with a previous deployment, but this time I knew what to expect. After installing Fedora 16 which took about 25 minutes or so from start to finish, I immediately changed Gnome to Fallback Mode to keep the desktop environment familiar to Gnome 2. My personal thought is that the Gnome 2 look and feel is much better suited for a desktop PC.
CSC reports that the new contract authorizes a transition from the current mainframe environment to a new z Linux platform, which the vendor claims will: lower costs through enhanced operational and energy efficiency; improve service through a simplified, integrated environment; and augment risk management via strengthened resiliency and security features.
The SGI ICE 8400 platform with AMD processors is a completely open platform optimized for HPC workloads and runs an off-the-shelf Linux operating system for application compatibility. Although the ICE platform is able to comfortably support multi-petaflop sized installations, design considerations allow cost effective solutions down to a half rack. Single- or dual-plane integrated InfiniBand can be cabled into four different topologies, including hypercube, enhanced hypercube, all to all, and fat-tree, allowing flexible network customization for a variety of workloads.
Kernel Space
The proper fsck utility for the Btrfs file-system remains M.I.A. while a contribution from an independent developer introduces LZ4 compression support to this next-generation Linux file-system.
Last month at SCALE 10x the lead developer of Btrfs, Chris Mason, told the crowd that an error-fixing Btrfs.fsck tool was imminent since the file-system is going production-ready in Oracle Linux (Mason is an Oracle engineer) and had a deadline of 14 February.
Here, I’m going to introduce an alternative load distribution algorithm for Linux kernel scheduler. This technique is named as “The Barbershop Load Distribution Algorigthm” or BLD for short and will be refered as BLD from here on. As it’s name implies, it only tries to distribute the load properly by tracking lowest and
highest loaded rq of the system. This technique never tries to balance the system load at idle context, which is done by the current scheduler. The motivation behind this technique is to distribute load properly amonst the CPUs in a way as if load balancer isn’t needed and to make load distribution easier.
This was the conclusion of the 2012 Linux Jobs Report released yesterday, which surveyed more than 2,000 hiring managers. The survey was conducted by IT job specialist Dice together with The Linux Foundation. The latter is a non-profit foundation set up to promote, protect and advance Linux.
CUPS 1.6, which is currently in development, will no longer include some features used in many Linux distributions. An Intel developer has presented patches that may allow the kernel to use an efficient power management feature by default.
Graphics Stack
The initial code push has taken place for the Lima Project, which is the open-source ARM Mali graphics driver that’s under development.
The Lima stack development is sponsored by Codethink and its lead developer is veteran X.Org developer Luc Verhaegen. Phoronix was the first to break the news on the project last month.
The xf86-video-openchrome driver has seen its first proper release in quite a while. The xf86-video-openchrome 0.2.905 release has support for new hardware and features.
The OpenChrome driver is rarely worked on today by the small open-source VIA community, but the new 0.2.905 release that’s now available introduces VX900 support, VX855 X-Video support, X.Org Server 1.12 compatibility, and assorted bug-fixes/tweaks.
After several attempts that ultimately failed, this weekend Eugeni Dodonov published a patch-set as “Another chapter in RC6 saga…” where he hopes the Sandy Bridge RC6 power-savings (and performance boosting) support is finally reliable to enable by default.
For those that aren’t familiar with Intel RC6 at this stage, you must read more Phoronix articles as it’s been routinely covered in past months. To get up to speed, read SNB RC6 On Linux 3.1 Is Both Good & Bad where it outlines the power-savings abilities of this hardware feature, which allows the Intel graphics processor to be dropped into a lower-power state. At the same time as conserving precious energy, RC6 can also boost graphics performance as Phoronix benchmarks have shown in other articles.
After laying out plans earlier this month at FOSDEM for releasing Wayland 1.0 this year, Kristian Høgsberg has now written a more detailed message to the Wayland developers that outlines some of the TODO list and other plans for making Wayland 1.0.
One of the less talked about features of Mesa 8.0 is its ability to handle MLAA, which is short for Morphological Anti-Aliasing. But how does MLAA on the open-source graphics drivers affect the OpenGL performance and is it worth it for boosting the image quality through this anti-aliasing technique? In this article are some benchmarks of MLAA under Mesa 8.0.
Morphological Anti-Aliasing support for Mesa was worked on last summer as part of the 2011 Google Summer of Code with X.Org. Lauri Kasanen was the student developer responsible for bringing MLAA to Mesa. Unlike many GSoC projects, he was successful in his summer project. In fact, he had MLAA Mesa code ready for testing in July well before the August deadline. In August the support was ready for merging, which also included the Gallium3D post-processing support and ROUND support for the various drivers.
VLC Media Player 2.0 is a major upgrade to the extremely popular video player, which comes with the ability to open more formats, experimental Blu-Ray support, faster decoding on multi-core CPUs and mobile hardware, and professional High-Definition and 10-bits codecs.
At Broadcast Video Expo (BVE) 2012 Facilis Technology , a leader in advanced shared storage solutions for post-production and content creation, will debut version 5.5 of its TerraBlock Shared Storage System featuring the Facilis Shared File System for Linux. Delivering improved compatibility, value, scalability and performance, the new software release also includes integrated server spanning and mirroring, Adobe Premiere Pro project sharing and a new capacity expansion product called TX16.
Linux has a few solid RSS readers, but there is one app that stands out from the pack: the feature-filled, customizable RSSOwl.
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
The KDE 4.0, the latest version of KDE desktop environment, was released recently. On this occasion, we reached out to the founder of KDE project, Matthias Ettrich who started the KDE project back in 1996. Almost 12 years down the line, he’s now working at Trolltech, hacking Qt. Here is what the KDE-Man had to say…[The interview was conducted in 2008. KDE is gaining popularity so we wanted to refresh the memories.]
I have switched Linux Mint 12 KDE to the Netbook desktop, and as always it looks nice and is a pleasure to use
After trying the openSUSE beer at FOSDEM, which is specially brewed at a small Bavarian brewery near the Nürnberg SUSE office and where many of their developers reside, I began wondering if other Linux distributions were represented by beer, what beers would they be? Continue on for this enjoyable weekend article where the leading Linux distributions are described in terms of beer.
Sabayon 8 XFCE is a Gentoo based distribution that comes with XFCE desktop version 4.8 and makes Gentoo a whole lot easier. Gentoo Linux is a more advanced based distribution that has been around a long time which is focused more on advanced users with compiling your own packages (programs) in order to run.
Sabayon, takes a different approach and takes the hard part out of Gentoo and makes it easy with the latest version in Sabayon 8.Sabayon comes as an installable LiveDVD and is available in 32 bit and 64 bit flavours. Installation did not take that long and was not complicated. The configuration was pretty easy and had you setup your keyboard, select your timezone and so forth.
Like a lot of stories, there is more to it than meets the eye. And while on the surface, this is a story about a Linux distribution, there are some life lessons that can be found in it.
As with many other people, my life saw a lot of dramatic changes in the year 2001. For me, it started in January 2001. I should have been keeping in mind the words of wisdom from the world champion athlete Dan Millman. He wrote The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and other books. One of his statements is all accidents can be attributed to one of three reasons:
New Releases
· Announced Distro: Finnix 104
· Announced Distro: Scientific Linux 6.2
· Announced Distro: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
There are not so many distributions in the Linux galaxy which have names directly showing the purpose of the distribution’s creation. I honestly do not think that Bodhi is going to enlighten anybody or Fedora can stay on your head. As opposed to these, PCLinuxOS directly says that it is a Linux operating system intended to be used on PCs.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat has announced key steps towards more open and interoperable cloud computing with the promotion of its Deltacloud API to a top-level Apache project and an extension of its partnership with Amazon Web Services that enables hybrid cloud operation of Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid.
The moves were announced as part of a Red Hat webcast where the company hammered home the need for an open approach to cloud computing that allows customers to expand easily, enables portability between clouds, and avoids a lock-in to proprietary architectures.
Debian Family
It is always exciting when new versions of Unity are released since they bring along bug fixes and new features. Well Unity 5.4 was released on Friday. Let’s go through some the features and bug fixes it comes with.
“Open source” is a term most often applied to software, and it’s become increasingly common in both the business and consumer worlds.
Energy Micro and Pengutronix will be demonstrating µClinux for Cortex-M3, embedded Linux running on the energy friendly EFM32 Gecko range of microcontrollers at this year’s Embedded World Show. This new port of µClinux features the latest version 3.2 Linux kernel, and gives embedded designers all of the cost and time-to-market benefits of using an open source embedded operating system, while maintaining low current consumption of just 1.6mA when in idle mode. Energy Micro, the energy friendly microcontroller and radio company, assisted and supported Pengutronix to complete the port to the Giant Gecko MCU range, the industry’s leading family of low-energy microcontrollers.
Google’s Latest release of Android version 4.0 typically referred to as Ice Cream Sandwich has definitely changed the way in which people visualize smartphone. Essentially the most spectacular thing concerning the Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich is it provides almost as good consumer experience in smartphones as in tablets.
The recently announced KDE Spark Tablet has an ARM Mali 400 as its graphics processor, which right now is backed by a closed-source user-space driver but that’s changing thanks to the Lima driver that’s providing a reverse-engineered open-source ARM Mali driver. Here’s a demo of the Lima driver’s Limare stack running on the KDE Spark Tablet hardware.
Conclusion: The Nook Color hardware makes a nice tablet with a really sharp screen at a reasonable price. There seems to be a catch about the version of the Nook Color that you get. Apparently some will NOT boot from the SD card. Research this before tryin it. My Nook Color has Model# BNRV200 and Software 1.2.0. More here. Apparently, you want a Nook Color with a ROM (Software) version prior to 1.4.
I just want to show how you could join the 2012 International Mother Language Day by celebrations by contributing to a FOSS project with your friends and relatives.
In this century ICT plays manor role in various fields including education sector. There are many tools have been localized but most of them not let you in to the project to contribute as a localizer. So where you could contrinute to a softwrae on behalf of your own language or community?
Web Browsers
Google has released an experimental version of the Chromium web browser with support for the company’s new Dart programming language. Dart, which is Google’s attempt to improve on JavaScript, has thus far not enjoyed much support outside of Google, but the company continues to push forward with its own efforts.
The new development preview version of the Chromium browser, the open source version of Google’s Chrome browser, contains the Dart Virtual Machine. This release, which Google is calling “Dartium,” can be downloaded from the Dart language website. At the moment it’s available only for Mac OS X and Linux. Google says a Windows version is “coming soon.” Keep in mind that this is a preview release and intended for developer testing, not everyday use.
Mozilla, the folks behind the Firefox web browser, launched a project last year to create a totally open mobile operating system, and now that dream is nearly a reality. Boot to Gecko (B2G) is built entirely with standards-compliant web technologies like HTML and JavaScript. It gets its name from the Gecko rendering engine in Firefox, which is also the platform that will run B2G. Android has a number of things in common with B2G, for instance it is open source, and uses some of the same underlying technology. Designing the entirety of a mobile operating system on web standards is a risky proposition, but B2G does have some advantages over Android.
Project Releases
The VLC team has announced the release of VLC 2.0, code named, Twoflower. VLC 2.0 is a major upgrade for VLC. The latest version of VLC offers faster decoding on multi-core, GPU, and mobile hardware and the ability to open more formats, notably professional, HD and 10bits codecs.
Just weeks after the first release candidate, the VideoLAN developers have officially released version 2.0 of the VLC media player for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. VLC media player 2.0, code-named “Twoflower”, is a major reworking of the VLC application, bringing playback improvements and experimental support for playing Blu-ray discs, albeit without menus.
The lead developer of Linux Mint, Clement Lefebvre, has released version 1.3 of the Cinnamon desktop environment. This is the first major update of the user interface based on code from the GNOME shell and which was first considered “stable” with version 1.2. In Cinnamon 1.3, all panel components are applets which means, for example, that users can remove a menu or window list and replace it with alternative third-party applets. All applets can also be moved using drag & drop so that users have even more control over where to position them.
Public Services/Government
The European parliament is currently consulting on a wide-ranging draft European Commission regulation on European standardisation. Voting in the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, which is spearheading the legislation, is set to take place in March. The initiative is intended to create a comprehensive, effective, broadly applicable standardisation system. The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) has criticised the proposal as paving the way for standards which are poorly compatible with open source software.
A reform of the existing piecemeal European standardisation framework is, according to an FFII paper on the Commission’s proposal, long overdue. Their analysis claims that current regulations are not designed for specifications for software interfaces or data formats. According to the FFII, the proposal would mean accepting standards from international consortia licensed under FRAND (Fair Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory) terms and conditions.
There’s a big stink going on right now. Someone found out that Google was setting “third party cookies” (for their advertising servers) in Apple’s Safari browser, which defaults to not loading third party cookies (which I’ll get to in a moment).
Now it appears that someone using Safari on a Mac that expected privacy somehow, is suing Google. (The PC World article on the first link has a more accurate technical description of what’s going on)
In short, someone found a bug in Safari, and now Google is being sued and is under investigation by Congress. We know how much Congress can be expected to know about the internet based on their hilarious to horrifying attempts to regulate it as many of them uttered things like “I don’t know how this here internet thing works, but they tell me….” or the late Senator Ted Steven’s infamous “series of tubes” comment. To say nothing of the fact that Congress flip flops between mandatory tracking for all and bullshit “consumer privacy concerns” such as this one. (For those concerned with the former, the bill is called HR 1981, but a more fitting name would be HR 1984)
If this was a bug in Firefox, it would be fixed. If it was a bug in Chrome, it would be fixed.
Somehow, Microsoft and Apple users seem to think they can use proprietary secret software when they’re not allowed to know how it works. Software, which has a history of many bugs, with vendors that typically take weeks/months/years to patch them once they’re made public. These companies also slip back doors into the software for various government agencies.
Apple was recently caught with a back door that they put into iTunes, it remained there for 3 years, undetected, which facilitated man in the middle attacks. (A government could use this to run a counterfeit iTunes server and load malicious software onto the victim’s computer. The article calls it a flaw, but we know what was really going on, and that it was likely just moved.).
A smiling former Goldman Sachs computer programmer was freed from prison Friday after a surprise ruling from a federal appeals court reversed his conviction on charges he stole computer code.
“Justice occasionally works,” declared the beaming programmer, Sergey Aleynikov.
He said he “just jumped all over the place” at 6 a.m., the moment he read and repeatedly reread an email from his lawyer informing him that the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan had reversed his conviction. The words were, he said, “‘We won!’”
According to an article in the Arab News, Shariah-committed imams declined to issue its religious approval (fatwa) for the Goldman Bond derivative because the “use of proceeds” to fund Goldman’s non-Islamic business is forbidden, according to Shariah finance laws.
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Posted in News Roundup at 5:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Earlier this week, the Linux Foundation, in conjunction with job board Dice.com, published its 2012 Linux Jobs Report–a collection of survey results that gave an interesting picture of the state of the jobs market for Linux.
Overall, the news was positive, and much reported on in the media: job demand for Linux professionals is high, with employers adding more Linux job openings, and paying more to acquire and keep good Linux talent.
Design, ideology and primary audience are the main distributions where Linux and Windows 8 differ greatly. However, they all have been developed on the basic principles of OS design and it is quite obvious that there will be some overlap, in-fact they are bound. According to some Linux fans, Microsoft has been stealing from the open source community for a long time. And now Microsoft is nearing the point where the company simply appropriates good Linux features.
When it comes to webcams these days, most people are using their laptops over desktops. The cameras are centered, integrated, and require no configuring. They’re a cinch and usually have great resolution. So, then what do we do with all of those old wired desktop webcams that we’ve accrued over the years? Even if you still use an external USB one, chances are you’re not using it daily, so why not come up with a better use for it?
Paul Rausch started his career at 14, tinkering with open source programs like Linux and building computer servers in his garage.
The Linux supercomputer is a multiprocessor cluster, consisting of 14 compute nodes, each with several high-speed multi-core processors, as well as 448 gigabytes of available memory. A high-speed local area network connects nodes on the supercomputer, which is designed to solve computationally large problems such as complex antenna engineering and analysis.
Greek insurer Interamerican Insurance will use the UniKix Mainframe Rehosting software from Chicago-based Clerity and vCOBOL Enterprise from Westchester, Ill.-based Veryant to transition its environment from COBOL to Linux.
Kernel Space
Here’s another reason to celebrate today besides the release of Wayland 0.85: Mesa 8.0 has been officially released! Mesa 8.0 is what brings OpenGL 3.0 compliance to several open-source graphics drivers, advances the Gallium3D architecture, brings many new features, and a heck of a lot of other changes that materialized over the past six months.
The release announcement can be found here, but it really doesn’t say anything. “Mesa 8.0 has been released. Mesa 8.0 is a new development release. People who are concerned with stability and reliability should stick with a previous release or wait for Mesa 8.0.1.”
A patch has been sent over to the Btrfs developers that can result in the next-generation Linux file-system being 5~10% faster in writes by introducing an extent buffer cache for each i-node.
Miao Xie sent over a patch to linux-btrfs asking for comments about this patch that provides an extent buffer cache for each i-node. “This patch introduce extent buffer cache for every i-node. By this way, we needn’t search the item from the root of b+ tree, and can save the search time. Besides that we can also reduce the lock contention of the root.”
Graphics Stack
Besides Kristian Høgsberg’s keynote at FOSDEM 2012, where he talked of Wayland 1.0, and his more interesting technical discussion, there was also a talk in Brussels about Wayland compositors. Tizen’s Dawati was shown on Wayland using a hybrid X-Wayland compositor, talk of the GNOME Shell on Wayland with Mutter, and much more.
The talk itself, which happened in the X.Org development room, was about “how-to write a Wayland compositor” and the speakers were Robert Bragg and Neil Roberts. Robert and Neil work for Intel’s Open-Source Technology Center out of London and as of late have been tasked with Wayland work.
Keith expects that there will be no performance penalty of running X applications on Wayland versus running them as you have already for decades on bare metal. In fact, he says it’s one of his goals to see there aren’t any performance drops, but the performance of X applications on Wayland may actually yield a performance boost. The performance boost would come as a result of handling swap requests with Wayland being much simpler.
Among the X/Wayland items still to be solved is how to synchronize keyboard mapping changes, the acceleration architecture for X on Wayland, and how to handle RandR-like display configuration changes. In terms of the acceleration architecture discussion it came down to how to best accelerate X apps on Wayland and whether some DDX driver code from the various hardware drivers should be pulled out or what would be the best approach.
Red Hat’s SPICE project that’s used in KVM/QEMU virtualization environments is working towards better graphics support, which also includes work on a DRM driver and Gallium3D component for offering 3D acceleration support within guest virtual machines.
Alon Levy of Red Hat presented at FOSDEM last weekend about “Xspice: Integrating spice-server into Xorg”, during which he talked a lot about their graphics driver plans. Right now QEMU/KVM really doesn’t have any guest 3D support in the manner that VirtualBox or VMware graphics exposes OpenGL/DirectX support to guest systems and in turn passes the graphics calls onto the host system so it can be executed on bare metal.
Codeweavers offers downloads of its Crossover Games for $39.95 and Crossover Professional for $69.95 but if you apply coupon code “CrossOverNow” this will drop CrossOver Games to $27.96 And Crossover Professional to $48.96 That’s 30% off the normal retail selling price.
The latest Humble Indie Bundle ended earlier this week without much fanfare and less than $1M USD in sales, but there’s a new special weekend bundle that’s a bit different from the rest… This new bundle lasts for only the weekend (28 hours left) as three teams compete to each make a brand new game in the span of this weekend.
The name of this new bundle is “The Humble Bundle Mojam” where “Mojang and friends create games from scratch in the span of a weekend! Pay what you want to get the games, and all proceeds go to your choice of four excellent charities!”
Indie game fans can now blind pre-order Gamasutra sister site Indie Royale’s Valentine’s Bundle at a recommended €/£/$10 or €/£/$5 USD contribution, and a minimum of $3.99 USD.
The games offered this time include a fantastical first-person action-adventure game (Steam for PC), an IGF-nominated puzzle adventure title (Steam for PC and Mac, Desura for PC and Linux, DRM-free PC, Mac and Linux download), a ‘scorching’ single and multiplayer arcade-strategy game (Steam for PC and Mac), and a world premiere on PC for a pair of retro RPG-defense games (Desura for PC, DRM-free PC download).
Desktop Environments
GNOME3, KDE4, and Unity were all Vista-like in their failures. GNOME3 and KDE4 completely abandoned everything that people had come to expect from the respective projects. KDE4 has regained some ground as it has become more stable and feature-rich, but it is still no where near as popular as it once was. People fled to GNOME2 to avoid KDE4, and GNOME3 has caused such a problem that GNOME lost ground. GNOME3 is bad enough that two projects have come about to make something that sucks less. MATE is one of them. It’s a fork that aims to continue GNOME2, much the way Trinity is meant to continue KDE3. Cinnamon is the other, and it aims to provide some GNOME2-like features to GNOME3. Unity is the interface of Ubuntu, and is the most polarizing software project I have ever seen. The debate about Unity can get as heated as debates about Vi or Emacs.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
The 10th KDE PIM Meeting in Osnabrück finished on 12 February. Starting with pizza Friday afternoon running until Sunday around 17:00, the meeting attracted more than 20 hackers working on the various parts of KDE PIM. There was talk, code, beer, a group picture and even an anti-ACTA demonstration. Read on for a report on the meeting.
GNOME Desktop
Window Applets is a pack of two GNOME panel applets that lets you put the window title and buttons on the top panel. Since GNOME 3, Window Applets stopped working but today, a new version has been released with support for the GNOME 3 classic / fallback panel.
Gnome 3 has failed to win users over. Unity was so unpopular it wiped out Ubuntu’s lead on Distrowatch and made Linux Mint number one. With the dominant desktop (Gnome) and the dominant distribution (Ubuntu) both failing to set users’ hearts racing we’re reminded once again why we love using Linux – there’s so much choice.
I have wanted to review Salix OS for a while now. It does seem to be the one derivative of Slackware that really synchronizes itself with Slackware development, to the point where even the version numbering system is the same. I have already tried out a few other derivatives, like Zenwalk, Kongoni, VectorLinux, and Porteus; on the whole, all of those worked relatively well, but there were a few things here and there that bothered me about each of them. I would like to see if Salix OS can overcome that.
Chakra is a desktop-centric, Linux distribution that was derived from Arch Linux, but is now a fork of that distribution. Unlike Arch Linux, which supports several desktop environments, Chakra is a KDE-only distribution.
The latest edition, Chakra 2012.02, code-named Archimedes, was released on February 12. Since there is very little difference, other than changes in software and kernel versions, between this latest release and Edn, the previous release, this article offers a summary review only. You may read the previous review here.
New Releases
Red Hat Family
On the morning of 9/11, Whitehurst thought he would be a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group forever. He met his wife there. He loved the work. He was happy, he told Business Insider.
But as the towers were falling down, he got a call from Leo Mullin, the CEO of one of his biggest clients, Delta Airlines. “Jim I need you now. I need you to be my treasurer,” Mullin said.
One thing you don’t quite get accustomed to in reporting developments in cloud technology is how even the virtual things become virtualized. Last December, Red Hat released a software storage appliance based on the GlusterFS software-based NAS system that Red Hat acquired in October. That product is a way to apply the same methodology that GlusterFS customers used to build network-attached storage pools completely from existing storage.
Less than four months after its acquisition by Red Hat, Gluster, now known as the Red Hat storage unit, is announcing new storage products. The Red Hat Virtual Storage Appliance for Amazon Web Services (AWS), announced this week, is essentially a rebranding of the Gluster product, or what the company refers to as “baselined.” This means that it now uses the Red Hat Linux open-source operating system rather than the CentOS operating system it had used previously, and it has also been retested and re-certified. In addition, it now supports a new file system option, the Extensible File System (XFS).
Debian Family
Who uses Ubuntu, where and why? That’s a question a lot of parties in the open source channel likely ask themselves. It’s also one that’s hard to answer, since public data on Ubuntu deployment is scarce. But it became a little less so recently with the publication of the results of Canonical’s latest survey of Ubuntu server users. Read on for the highlights.
Linux Mint 12 KDE has been released. This is the Ubuntu-derived line from Mint, but it is not from Kubuntu. They have taken their own Linux Mint 12 distribution and integrated KDE with it. The result is very nice – if you are one of the many who want to avoid the current desktop wars going on with Gnome, this could be an excellent alternative.
Canonical, through Kate Stewart, announced a few hours ago that the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system is now in Feature Freeze state.
“Hello Ubuntu Developers, 2100 UTC has now passed and we are in Feature Freeze for Precise. Many thank yous to those developers who got their tested work in on time!”
Not content with having thrown out the “traditional” computer desktop in favour of the radically new Unity desktop, Mark Shuttleworth now hopes to transform the desktop even further. And this even before most Ubuntu users have got used to the last changes.
Shuttleworth’s latest plan is to introduce a new “heads-up” interface, one that will completely remove the need for traditional menus along the top of the screen. In their place will be a heads-up display which will remain hidden most of the time and only appear when needed.
Being in Feature Freeze, the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system received numerous updates today, including the Privacy Settings mentioned in an article earlier.
Among other noticeable features, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS now has an Unity Video Lens, allowing users to easily track their video files stored locally, or search for videos online, via popular websites like YouTube or Vimeo.
With today’s updates, the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system received many new features and improvements, including the Privacy Settings, Video Lens for Unity and the HUD (Head-Up Display) system described in this article.
Originally introduced by Mark Shuttleworth last month, the Head-Up Display, or HUD for short, is some sort of add-on for the Unity interface allowing users to interact with application’s menus by pressing the ALT key.
Flavours and Variants
With Unity getting most of the attention lately in Ubuntu and the feature-freeze coming in tomorrow, I decided to take the latest Kubuntu alpha for a spin and see how KDE 4.8 for netbooks looks and behaves. But first, a little about 12.04 as a whole.
Raspberry Pi Foundation has released first SD card image for $25 computers that will go on sale on February 20.
Based on Debian Squeeze (6.0), the image includes LXDE interface, Midori web browser, development tools and example source code for multimedia functions.
Android 5.0 is big news, and in the coming months as we learn more about it, I’m sure there will be quite a few things to get excited about. I have a feeling that some things might be missing, no matter how hard I dream about them, but here they are; the 5 things I want to see from Android 5.0, Jelly Bean
New research from Localytics claims that Android fragmentation might be becoming less of a issue.
If correct, this could start bringing more popular apps to Android phones faster — or maybe even first. But the catch is, the Android ecosystem is far more variable than the iPhone landscape. That makes it a bigger long-term risk for app developers.
Many popular consumer apps are still are rolled out first for the iPhone. (Hello, Instagram?) That’s because many Android phones are running substantially older versions of Android, which limits which apps they can support. Plus, Android phones come in a dizzying array of sizes, configurations, and capabilities — compared to a fairly small selection of iPhone models. Also phone manufacturers and wireless carriers tend to customize the Android interface (in “flavors” such as HTC Sense and Motorola Blur).
Localytics provides analytics tools that app developers use to monitor how people use apps. Data gathered from Localytics users during two weeks in January indicate that most Android phones now have “remarkably similar specifications.” Localytics notes that this significantly simplifies the job of deploying mass market Android apps.
Official branding for HTC‘s Mobile World Congress smartphone line-up has emerged, suggesting that the quadcore device codenamed Edge/Endeavor will launch as the HTC One X, while the dualcore Ville will be the HTC One S. Insiders confirmed the impending One X branding to Pocketnow for HTC’s flagship, fitting with information SlashGear has heard independently about the mid-tier Ville’s launch name.
Viewing that the adoption of Android 4.0 has fallen short of original expectations and Microsoft will launch Windows 8 in the third quarter of 2012, Google is likely to launch Android 5.0 (Jelly Bean) in the second quarter and appeal for adopting Android 5.0 and Windows 8 in the same tablet PC, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers.
Perhaps Nvidia’s most exciting disclosure, though, was that the Icera acquisition will also bear fruit relatively soon: the company’s new integrated 3G / 4G LTE system-on-chip, codename Grey, will be headed towards devices this year. “We will have shipping modems this year, hopefully sooner than later,” Jen-Hsun said, suggesting that the move will help Nvidia compete against Qualcomm, which is tracking towards Snapdragon chips with integrated LTE as well. Presently, LTE phones and tablets have radio chips that are separate from the processor, a setup that’s not terribly good for long battery life, among other concerns.
We’re getting down to the wire here as Mobile World Congress approaches so it makes sense to get a few final leaks for various smartphones. Such is the case here as we learn a few finer details for the HTC One X. Formerly known as the Edge and/or Endeavor, this model is said to be designed with a Super LCD display as opposed to Super AMOLED. While it could look as nice as the HTC Rezound’s display, the larger 4.7-inch screen is not going to be quite as dense.
Additionally we have learned that the One X will come with 32GB internal storage and forgo a microSD expansion port. If so, this would be one of the only HTC Android smartphones to not offer expandable memory.
At the end of last month we told you about a very interesting $260 tablet powered by the Mer mobile-optimized OS and KDE Plasma Active. The so-called Spark tablet has now gone up for pre-order on the Make Play Live website.
Typically, a pre-order requires a credit card in order to secure your device, but not in this case. All Make Play Live require is your name, email address, what region you live in, and how many Sparks you want. Then, when stock is available you will be emailed a priority product code, which guarantees you get a Spark as soon as your number comes up. As a bonus for pre-ordering, Make Play Live are offering 500 free points for the add-on store that should go live at launch.
Linpus is rolling out a new version of its Android-based operating system designed to run on tablets, netbooks, and notebooks with x86 processors. It’s based on Google Android 4.0, and the notebook version adds support for hardware that you wouldn’t normally find on an Android tablet.
The device you will soon be looking at is a $256 7-inch tablet running on a basic mobile version of Linux, and its name is Spark. The software user interface goes by the name Plasma Active and has been in the works for some months, ramping up to this point at which this tablet can bring the lovely functionality to the market with what we hope is a beta version of the Spark tablet. You’ll find that the software experience looks familiar if you’re used to using a Linux environment on your computer now, but that the tablet itself isn’t all that impressive when it comes to hardware.
XBMC, the open source media center, has steadily grown from its humble origins as an X-Box only replacement environment into the cross-platform, de facto playback front-end for multimedia content. It merges the file-centric approach taken by traditional video players with an add-on scripting environment that handles remote web content. The project is currently finalizing its next major release, version 11.0 (codenamed Eden), which includes updates to the networking and video acceleration subsystems, broader hardware support, and numerous changes to the APIs available to add-on developers.
I did a bit of fixing knowledge by exposing students and staff of K-12 schools to GNU/Linux. We sure freed up resources by bringing “dead” machines back to life and getting better and more reliable service from our PCs. Only a few schools have an official policy against FLOSS. Many just don’t know.
Web Browsers
Long after its competitors replaced blank New Tab pages with personalized content drawn from your browsing habits, Mozilla reveals the beginning of its own New Tab revamp.
Apache Hadoop has been the driving force behind the growth of the big data industry. You’ll hear it mentioned often, along with associated technologies such as Hive and Pig. But what does it do, and why do you need all its strangely-named friends, such as Oozie, Zookeeper and Flume?
Dr. Richard. M. Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, addressed a mammoth gathering at IIT-Madras on Monday, February 6, 2012. Speaking on the topic ‘Free Software, Freedom and Education’ in front of a crowd of at least 3,000 students, teachers and activists, Dr. Stallman elaborated on a variety of topics including the history of the free software movement, the difference between free software and open source software and the dangers of proprietary software.
Project Releases
Blender 2.62 was released on Thursday with notable improvements to the Cycles Render Engine, motion tracking, the Blender Game Engine, and much more.
Blender 2.62 is the project’s February release to succeed Blender 2.61 from December. The 2.62 release builds upon the Cycles Render Engine from the previous release along with incorporating new UV tools and other work. The new Cycles Render Engine improvements include support for render layers and passes, multi-GPU rendering, border rendering, BVH caching, and much more. The new UV editing tools include an advanced interactive stitch tool, a tool to compute seams for islands, sculpting tools, and much more.
Public Services/Government
The Consumer Committee (IMCO) within the European Parliament is considering an overhaul of the current standardisation system in Europe. The FFII presents a paper on the proposed recognition of ICT specifications from consortia.
“They propose minimum rules against trade and antitrust abuses. It’s hard to imagine up an awkward specification which would fail the test”, explains FFII standards analyst André Rebentisch.
I just read an article about the software business littered with “zealot” and “restrictive” in relation to licensing of FLOSS and how ASFL is the only way to do business with FLOSS etc. It’s pretty sickening to read these parasites of FLOSS denying the reality that the GPL works and works well. It allows startups to have a head start. It allows startups to innovate and not to have to compete against their own code used against them by competitors in closed source software.
Instead these “pro-business” parasites would have us believe that working for free for M$ and the like is just great for the world of IT. It would be laughable if they weren’t so seriously trying to undermine FLOSS at every turn. These traitors actually promote non-free software as some kind of virtue and perpetuate the myth that using the GPL “infects” software and harms business.
The researchers designed the structure of the nanorobots using open-source software, called Cadnano, developed by one of the authors — Shawn Douglas, a biophysicist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. They then built the bots using DNA origami. The barrel-shaped devices, each about 35 nanometres in diameter, contain 12 sites on the inside for attaching payload molecules and two positions on the outside for attaching aptamers, short nucleotide strands with special sequences for recognizing molecules on the target cell. The aptamers act as clasps: once both have found their target, they spring open the device to release the payload.
Continuous integration is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance as continuous delivery (and its sidekick, DevOps) begin to find adoption in many enterprises. Simultaneously, the number of viable CI packages is shrinking quickly.
For those who don’t know, WebKit is today’s predominant layout engine, used by the major web browsers on almost all platforms. Examples are Safari on OS X, Windows and iOS, or Google Chrome on OS X, Windows, Linux, Android, to name only a few (1).
The reactivation of the litigation between IBM and SCO is largely a procedural matter aimed at resolving the pending claims and counterclaims that the companies have brought against each other. Due to the court’s previous conclusion that Novell is the rightful owner of UNIX, the reactivated litigation between SCO and IBM isn’t going to be an opportunity for SCO to turn the tide in its favor.
My enemies are the purveyors of non-free software who try to lock the world into doing things their way and paying for each iteration. M$ is chief among them but many of their “partners” are cut from the same cloth. Apple does charge less for software but it’s still lock-in one way or another. That lock-in and emphasis on keeping the cost of IT high is a terrible waste of resources especially when the enemy is restricting what I can do with hardware that I own.
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Posted in News Roundup at 6:15 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Knowledge of Linux probably helped me indirectly to get my job — even if I don’t actually need to do any hacking as part of my job. People geekier than me can do the heavyweight php scripting much more efficiently than I can. In addition, I decided to use OS X as main main desktop system at work.
Do you remember the game “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” We’re going to play a game of “Where in the world is Tux?” As it turns out, the lovable Linux penguin mascot has been to the far corners of the world and back again.
As you will see, Tux has gathered with lots of his friends in Argentina, played with a robot in Brazil, frozen his tail off in Estonia, enjoyed the beaches in Jamaica, visited a castle in Scotland, and much, much more.
New Linux Jobs Report says 81% of tech recruiters are looking for Linux talent and 63% expect an increase in Linux-related employment…
Chances are you have an older computer sitting in a closet somewhere just gathering dust. Why not breathe new life into it by replacing its old, clunky Windows installation with a fast and shiny new Linux installation?
It pays to be a Linux expert, and if you have any needs that are not being met by your employer and you have Linux skills, now might be a good time to start making some demands.
The Linux Foundation, the non-profit consortium that fosters the expansion of Linux and which gives Linus Torvalds his paycheck, tag-teamed with Dice Holdings, the jobs posting site, to get a handle on what’s going on out there in the Linux workforce in terms of salaries, benefits, and working conditions.
Accessibility to computers for people with vision, hearing, or physical impairments needs to be a part of fundamental design, and not an afterthought. Progress in the proprietary world is slow, and even slower in the Linux/FOSS world. But thanks to some dedicated people some significant work has been accomplished, and the groundwork laid for a common platform for all Linux distributions to build on.
From its meager beginnings as a hobby project to its extreme success among geeks, Linux has survived lawsuits, boycotts and onslaughts from every corner of the UNIX, Windows and Mac computing markets. Linux has, in spite of its critics, made its way into the world’s data centers. Linux enjoyed early success as a host platform for the Apache web server but now has blossomed into a formidable contender for rack space. For an operating system, Linux has the best mixture of vendor neutrality, open source code base, stability, reliability, scalability and affordability. It also provides the user or administrator the choice of graphical user interfaces or none at all.
Kernel Space
Graphics Stack
AMD today launched the Radeon HD 7570/7770 graphics cards as the latest GPUs built on the GCN architecture. Unfortunately there still is not any open-source support for the Radeon HD 7000 series hardware nor has AMD sent out any review samples to Phoronix. But there is some other Catalyst Linux news to share.
Your Android device is a versatile tool which can be put to a variety of practical uses, including reading ebooks. But for that you need a decent ebook reading app. While there are several ebook readers available on the Android Market, the Cool Reader and FBReader open source apps are probably the best of the bunch.
Real-time Sunlight Wallpaper 0.4.2 has been released, this is a bug fix release that comes to fix this critical reported bug , in addition to the bug fix, this release added the option to move the earth instead of the sunlight (beta), added the option the center maps position, Moon image option now changes only once a day, added dependencies: curl and graphics magick-image magick-compat, change to using dconf instead of gconf, minor code and display text improvement
Facilis Technology, a leader in advanced shared storage solutions for post-production and content creation, will debut version 5.5 of its TerraBlock Shared Storage System featuring the Facilis Shared File System for Linux. Delivering improved compatibility, value, scalability and performance, the new software release also includes integrated server spanning and mirroring, Adobe® Premiere® Pro project sharing and a new capacity expansion product called TX16.
A new 3D science fiction adventure game Cradle will be released this spring. Based on Unigine game engine, Cradle will feature beautiful surroundings and rich 3D graphics.
I’m used to making a review for each of the new major Wesnoth release, and so it is no exception with the latest version. It’s been almost two years since the last stable release, which was Wesnoth 1.8 released on April 1st, 2010, and 1.10 brings a whole bunch of new features, new graphics and tons of improvements regarding every aspect of the game over the previous versions.
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
All right everyone, there is a good news. Pre-orders for KDE Plasma Active/Mer based tablet Spark has just started.
Having recently switched to KDE, I found one major annoyance. That is not to say that KDE is perfect save for this one thing, but it was pretty glaring to me none the less. Favorites.
I started “pinning” applications to my “favorites” section in the KDE launcher and it didn’t take long to fill it up. In Windows 7, this is not a big deal because the launcher will just get longer to accommodate the content. Not the case with KDE. I set out to find a way to make the KDE launcher longer, to fit my most commonly used applications, but came up short and instead devised this clever way to launch apps without the aid of any 3rd party widgets.
GNOME Desktop
Stuart Jarvis from the KDE project agrees that there needs to be more communication and collaboration between the projects: “I’d love to see better collaboration between ourselves, GNOME and the other free software players. It’s daft to have different standards for desktop notifications, password storage, etc. There’s been some great work on this recently, such as the work around telepathy, but there’s plenty more to do.”
As many of you know, I’m partial to distributions with the Slackware pedigree. Salix is one that I had not tried before. My favorites up to now have been Zenwalk, Absolute Linux, and Vector Linux. However, I haven’t had any of those on any of my systems for quite some time. I’m patiently waiting for the 64 bit versions.
Now with Salix OS, I find a nice 64 bit version all ready to go. I installed it with the Xfce desktop. Installation was fast and easy using their familiar installer. No surprises here, folks. It just works. I had to do a couple custom tweaks here and there to get the system up and running, though.
Preconfigured Linux environments provide powerful tools to aid in pen testing, mobile security testing, malware analysis, and forensics
There are a lot of Linux distributions based on Debian. The most famous of them are Ubuntu, some flavours of Linux Mint and Aptosid. There are many more less known, for example, Kademar. Another Debian derivative which I have already written about is DreamLinux.
Can an operating system consisting of just a web browser, designed for public kiosk use, offer anything of use to the masses? Gareth Halfacree investigates…
Webconverger is an interesting project, but one that is clearly targeting a small niche of the overall Linux market. Founded in 2007 as a business entity, the project aims to create a fast and efficient locked-down distribution aimed at public-facing computers that only need access to web apps.
New Releases
Red Hat Family
John Mark Walker, Red Hat’s Gluster Community Manager, stopped by to discuss Gluster, an open source project and the foundation of Red Hat Storage. Gluster is storage virtualization technology that supports scalable, high performance storage to support organizations’ move towards “Storage as a Service.” The technology is available as a software appliance that can execute on both physical and virtual systems.
The upcoming Fedora 17 Beefy Miracle release is likely to be one of the most feature packed Fedora Linux releases in years.
One feature that I’d like to see in it, is the Cinnamon desktop.
Cinnamon was started by Linux Mint and has since found its’ way to multiple distro’s repositories. As far as I can tell, it hasn’t quite yet landed in anything official for Fedora (and yes I know, it’s all open source so users can just go and build on their own – great tutorials are out for that too). Cinnamon is a response to user demands for something other than Unity or GNOME Shell on top of a GNOME 3 base.
Debian Family
A recent study by a free software advocate has found that the use of the GNU General Public Licence family in the Debian GNU/Linux Project has been growing over the last seven years.
The Debian Project has announced the launch of a new artwork contest for version 7.0 of its Linux distribution, code-named “Wheezy”. The project’s developers are seeking proposals from contributors for a variety of graphics and other artwork that will make up the look and feel of the next Debian operating system release.
Canonical and the Ubuntu developers have announced the release Ubuntu 10.04.4, the fourth maintenance release of updated installation media for the long-term supported release of the Linux distribution. This is the last planned update to the installation media and updates the desktop, server and alternate installation CDs and DVDs for i386 and amd64 architectures. In future, security updates will be individually downloadable from the Ubuntu archives.
The Indicator Applet port to GTK3 has finally landed in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin. This, along with some changes to the GNOME Panel default settings, finally “fix” the Classic (fallback) GNOME session in Ubuntu 12.04:
Flavours and Variants
For a number of years now Ubuntu Linux has been the poster penguin for easy-to-use Linux. But it’s not the only one.
Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux, set out to make a ‘Linux for human beings’ and succeeded — it is, currently, the most popular Linux desktop distribution and the first port of call for Windows users looking to make the switch.
Oh, dear Open Source Lord, how time has passed. As I was reading the release announcement of the new Linux Mint KDE, I didn’t even consider creating a distro hoppin` episode, thinking I just recently did one on it. I went looking through the archives and, there it was, Linux Mint 7 KDE, written on… August 5th 200…9! And it’s now 2012! Wowey.
So here I am, in front of a new Kate document (I like writing my articles in the OS I am testing – though I would prefer, in the future, to have a completely separate hoppin` machine), ready to share some geeky thoughts with you people! Before I begin, let me give a shout-out to my great neighbor on the 4th floor, who likes listening to horrible, horrible music, at max volume, every weekday MORNING until early afternoon.
Linux Mint is a brave and feisty distro. First, it managed to remain unchanged in the last three years, which can’t be said of many of its siblings, which seemed to have jumped on the moronity wagon and traded the 10-finger dexterity we developed through million of years of evolution for the single-finger slide-like motion called touchcrap. Second, the developers most courageously chose to abandon Gnome 3 as the flagship platform for their future releases, and are working on a brand new design called Cinnamon, which should offer the latest technology sans the cretinism. Third, it topped the DistroWatch daily pagerank hit list, which tells us something.
All in all, Mint’s popularity seems to be growing. The distro is doing well, even though it was set back by Gnome 3 in its latest autumn release, forcing it down a whole four places in the best distro contest I ran in December. Still, it consistently provides a simple and rich environment for users, with everything configured out of the box. There’s a bright future ahead for Mint. But all of what I told you so far does not mention KDE in any way. So what happens when you take Mint and twine it to KDE? What happens?
The distribution now goes by a slightly different name – Pear Linux Comice OS, and the latest version is Pear Linux Comice OS 4. Pear, we all know, is a fruit, and Comice is a variety of pear, a European pear. The interesting thing about Comice OS 4 is that it was announced (via email) on February 9. Then on February 10, an update was hurriedly pushed out after several bugs were discovered in the first release. That update was called Pear Linux Comice OS 4-b. The next day, February 11, it was announced on Distrowatch as Pear Linux Comice OS 4 Beta 1. That is the brief account of how Comice OS 4 became Comice OS 4 Beta 1. It is like walking backwards, but you have to give the developer credit for an error and going back to the drawing table.
The list of changes is smaller than I expected after finally experimenting with Xubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot. In fact very little has changed, but things are running better than ever. Some of the default applications have been replaced, but nothing major. That being said, I certainly have high hopes for 12.04.
This all has to do with a project called SEAndroid. SEAndroid is born out of SELinux, which has been around for many years.
The oddest thing about HP CEO’s assertion that a Google-Motorola deal will eventually lead the the closing of Android’s source code is not that she made the assertion, but that Whitman and her staff are actually trotting out this old chestnut again.
Seriously, what was that? Because while many people have made the claim that Google is one evil step away from closing Android, there is no evidence to suggest that they are planning to do that, nor ever will.
My wife got me a Kindle Fire for the holidays and I thought I should check in and report on how it’s been going with it. I wanted to provide the perspective of someone who’s been seriously using the device for a few weeks, rather than someone who played with it for a few days.
I’m not a huge tablet fan, in general. I’m a very fast typist and I find it infuriating working with text on an on-screen keyboard. Even a simple search often drives me nuts on my phone.
That’s impacted how I’m using the Fire. I’m really using it to consume content and avoiding creating content on it, including emails and tweets.
In fact, I’m really just using it for games, feed reading, and reading PDFs, and for those purposes, it’s perfect.
Huawei rocked the CES 2012 show by launching the world’s thinnest smartphone at only 6.68 mm thin. It’s known as Ascend P1, of course it’s an amazing looking device and hopefully it will hit US sometime soon. We also informed you that Huawei will reveal their “Diamond” series at the Mobile World Congress later this month, and now the word on the street is the first Diamond series device will be known as Ascend D1 Q. The “Q” means it will be the first ever Huawei device to come with a quad-core processor. It will also run Android v4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
Open source is almost always viewed as a positive force for the onward development of software code, even if the community contribution model still garners criticism relating to quality, compliance and support from time to time.
With this general trend in mind, the open sourcing of the Zeus banking Trojan last year may have left many industry watchers wondering whether an army of malicious code hackers would pick up the opportunity to further its destructive powers.
Web Browsers
Oracle has released version 7.2.4 which they claim is greatly improved in throughput with redundancy. The thing is huge with a .deb package of 300 MB.
Liferay Portal is the leading open source enterprise portal, available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Including a built in web content management system as well as multiple social collaboration services, it is used in diverse situations often to power corporate intranets and extranets and external websites. Liferay Portal is Java based but supports multiple scripting languages, and runs on multiple computing platforms, web containers, operating systems and databases. Liferay has a very large community with roughly four million downloads and 350,000-500,000 worldwide deployments.
Public Services/Government
Open source and open standards are the direction for UK government IT, the civil servant leading the government’s technology change agenda has said, reports The Register.
Liam Maxwell, Cabinet Office director of ICT futures, said that open source has grown up and it’s time to dispel lingering misconceptions about this technology and development process.
Maxwell told the Intellect 2012 conference in London: “Open source software is not three guys in a shed anymore. There are a lot of misconceptions about open source but open source is the future model for delivering IT.”
The New Hampshire state legislature recently passed a bill that makes open data and open source software included by default in the state’s procurement process.
The bill, HB 418, requires government officials to consider open-source products when making new technology acquisitions and only purchase products that comply with open data standards. Last year, Nick Judd covered how the New Hampshire legislature changed with the addition of several “geeks” to the House of Representatives and the passage of this new legislation shows a growing culture of friendliness to the tech concept of “open” in the statehouse. It is currently on its way to the governor’s desk for signing.
Open source advocates say the New Hampshire bill represents an evolution for open software in government.
Every other year there is a fresh commitment that open source solutions will be preferred for government funded projects, and that open standards will be adopted ‘wherever possible’. The logic for these decisions is well understood, but is soon forgotten when the monopoly comes calling, says Richard Hillesley…
Proponents of open source push their licences as superior; the folk who support free software licences, such as the GPL, do likewise. And those who are selling commercial software under proprietary licences throw mud at both free and open source licences, hoping some will stick.
When the average company wants to find out details of these licences – in order to use free and, often, much better crafted code – it is unlikely to approach either the open source or free software advocates. Nor would such an entity go to the Open Source Initiative or the Free Software Foundation.
No other platform today is gaining so many new and sophisticated languages as the JVM. Wasn’t that the original promise behind .NET?
What? You thought I was going to say that the Linux and/or Mac desktops were going to rise up from their combined less than 10% of the desktop marketplace and smite Windows 8? Please. Contrary to Windows fanatics’ view of me, I’m not a Linux fanboy. I just like what works.
Specifically, I think the Linux desktop is the best for power users and I think the Mac desktop is best for people who just want an easy to use desktop. Thanks though to Microsoft’s illegal desktop monopoly in the 90s, its rivals never had a chance to flourish and to this day they’ve never been able to catch up. Windows 8 won’t increase Windows’ PC market-share, but it will only cause a slight decrease on the desktop, not a catastrophic decline. Unfortunately for Microsoft, Windows 8 has far more bigger rivals to worry about.
The chart above divides total Full Time jobs by Total Part Time jobs, in the United States. Coming into the financial crisis of 2008, the US maintained nearly 5 Full Time jobs for every Part Time job. The failure of the economy to add back those Full Time jobs, along with flat to falling wage growth in real terms, accounts for much of the country’s dissatisfaction with the “recovery.” Replacing higher paying full time jobs with lower paying part time jobs simply won’t do. As food prices continue to climb, and as oil stubbornly holds to $100 a barrel (kicking 12% of US oil consumption offline), Americans are discovering what it’s like to live without progress.
Intellectual Monopolies
This domain closure stuff is seriously bad news. If the report is to believed a site that provides online forms to hundreds of thousands of users was cut off by their internet provider (Go Daddy – well they were idiots for using Go Daddy for DNS services) at the request of the Secret Service who were investigating something or other – and investigating so hard that they promised they’d look into the site closure in a few days.
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Posted in News Roundup at 6:36 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The Replay Lounge in Lawrence, Kansas, ranked number 64 on Esquire’s Best Bars in America 2011 list and landed spot number 31 on Complex Magazine’s 2010 list of the 50 best college bars in America. Since opening back in 1993, this popular local bar has been best known for its pinball machines, ice cold PBR, mix of colorful characters, and some of the best live music you’ll find anywhere. Few people know that inside this dark little bar, Linux servers and some open source-based scripts are keeping an eye on liquor and its link to the bottom line.
A new study set to be released by career website Dice.com and the Linux Foundation paints a very rosy picture of the Linux job market.
Now the fact that the Linux Foundation is involved in this study means that it could potentially be seen as self-serving (but hey what PR isn’t), but the trends are unmistakable. The survey found that the vast majority (81%) of companies were going to making hiring Linux people a priority for 2012.
I have been an observer of developments in information technology for decades and I enjoyed what ACER has done with the netbook and devices using ARM processors. These are areas of IT that fit well with ACER’s sustainability initiatives. Clearly, the world loves small cheap computers so this area also meets ACER’s business model.
When smartphones and tablets using ARM processors and Android software cut deeply into the netbook market, ACER suffered a difficult year financially. Unfortunately, the management of ACER has responded by developing small expensive computers like the ultrabooks.
I recommend that ACER increase consideration of the effects of products in the hands of the end user. It is good to consider ACER’s corporate impact but the products in use have a much larger impact. Clearly, x86/amd64 processors use more silicon and power per unit of productivity. By increasing emphasis on ARM processors, ASUS can greatly cut the cost of making products and the cost of energy and the environmental impact of that energy in the hands of end users.
Kernel Space
Greg Kroah-Hartman has released long-term kernel 3.0.20 and stable kernel 3.2.5. Both contain just a single bug fix that allows PCIe power-saving technology ASPM (Active State Power Management) to be used on systems with a BIOS that activates ASPM on some components, but states in the FADT (Fixed ACPI Description Table) consulted by Linux that ASPM is not supported.
Airtime is free open source radio automation software developed by Sourcefabric. It enables you to take the complete control of your radio station via the web. Airtime offers a number of very useful tools like intelligent archive management, powerful search, easy to use playlist builder, simple scheduling
calendar and robust automated playout. Airtime also offers highly advanced features for those who want to take the make the best of it and these include managing staff, recording and rebroadcasting the live show etc.
Task management tools are a branch of computer software which enable users to create a list of tasks to be completed. This list is sometimes known as a to-do list or things-to-do. For the purposes of this article, the term ‘task manager’ should not be confused with monitoring software which provides information about programs and processes running on a computer.
The list of activities that may form a to-do list include chores, grocery lists, reminders for important events (such as purchasing wedding presents or birthday gifts), self management, software development, project / business management, and so on. Task managers help to organise your day, ensuring that you know in an instant what you need to do.
Cooperative Linux (coLinux) is a very interesting project i stumbled upon a few days ago. The idea of this project is to allow a Linux Kernel to run at the same time (cooperation) with the Windows system instead of doing virtualization or emulation. The result is an amazing speed if compared to VirtualBox or other virtualization solutions expecially in I/O and network operations.
Desktop Environments
Compiz was first released to SUSE users in January of 2006. The product of Novell engineer David Reveman and the result of investment in Xgl, Compiz provided a hardware-composited windowing environment with software-rendered OpenGL. Shortly thereafter, AIGLX was released by Red Hat and Compiz was quickly ported to it by a team led by Kristian Høgsberg in March of the same year. AIGLX allowed hardware-accelerated OpenGL applications to be run underneath an OpenGL compositor, and thus Compiz could run fully-accelerated OpenGL applications. It would take a few years for all the quirks of AIGLX to be worked out and for Xgl to eventually be abandoned.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
1. The worst bug: sometimes while editing a file, Kate will start typing right-to-left instead of left-to-right. There’s no switch for this on any menu. The only fix is to close the file and reopen it. This is a known bug.
2. Sometimes it won’t scroll to the bottom of a text file. Neither the scroll bar, nor the mouse wheel, nor the Page Down key, nor down-arrow in the text, will take it to the last lines of the file. The only thing I’ve found which works is to search for text which appears at the end of the file.
GNOME Desktop
Yeah, yeah….we’ve been over this a billion times but I don’t think it’s been so eloquently detailed as it has been here. Gnome gets, what I consider to be, a deserved bi*ch slap for their utter stupidity and lack of vision and foresight. Heaven knows they’ve been run through the wringer but just for the sake of clarity, this author puts them through another spin cycle just to make sure they hear the message.
One of the things that the GNOME design crew have been focusing on recently is creating a new approach to application design for GNOME 3. We want GNOME applications to be thoroughly modern, and we want them to be attractive and a delight to use. That means that we have to do application design differently to how we’ve done it in the past.
It is “a Good Thing(TM) that Gnome is open source; projects like Cinnamon can ‘route around’ the damage,” said Slashdot blogger Barbara Hudson. At the same time, “the existence of Cinnamon is also a symptom of the churn that is becoming the norm. There’s nothing wrong with trying something new … but at some point, all these warring implementations start inducing a sense of battle fatigue.”
Miklós Vajna proudly announced on February 12th, the immediate availability for download of the Frugalware 1.6 (Fermus) Linux operating system.
The first release of the KDE 4.8 series of Chakra has been released , codename Archimedes, Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux 3.2 and KDE 4.8. With this release KDE is updated to 4.8.0, kernel to Linux 3.2.2. A new theme, Ronak is introduced. Updated Qt, boost, subversion, phonon packages, libxcb stack to name a few of the newer base packages included. A switch to GRUB2 has been decided on, to be more compatible with any other Operating System.
With the help of open source tools, penetration testing can now be conducted easier (although it can also be hard sometimes :p ) and cheaper. Linux has gained popularity in the area of penetration testing and information security. Not just because of its security but because of its efficiency because most Pentesting Linux distros that can just be booted using your flash drive or a live CD which makes wherein you don’t need to install it on your HDD. These live penetration testing distros contains a package of tools for hacking or cracking a system. Each pentesting distro has its own pros, cons and specialty which includes web application vulnerability research, forensics, WiFi cracking, reverse engineering, malware analysis, and many more.
Now forked from Fedora, Fuduntu has a new release strategy, a subtle facelift and thousands of new packages to choose from…
Alan Baghumian announced last night, February 11th, the immediate availability for download of the Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7r2 operating system.
Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7r2 is the second and most probably the last update for the Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7 (Raul) distribution.
New Releases
Accompanying the release of Netrunner 64bit version,
we released the 4.1 version for 32bit with the following changes compared to 4.0:
- switched to Hybrid ISO
- Kernel
- KDE 4.7.4 (latest stable)
- Muon 1.2.95
- kde-gtk-config module for easy gtk2+gtk3 configuration under KDE
- several bugfixes, including system freezes during automatic update
Gentoo Family
Sabayon 8 has been released on 8th Feb, 2011 which originally based on Gentoo Linux operating system. Sabayon believes in outof box experience so they try to give most of basic packages in-built. Its tagline is “Open your source, Open your mind”. Apart from that it has dashing look and available in many flavors like GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, Openbox.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) is continuing to push forward its new storage vision this week with the release of Red Hat Virtual Storage Appliance for Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The cloud computing market is caught between its head and its heart.
The head is closed. The head buys VMWare’s (VMW) vSphere hypervisor, which is proprietary. The head buys Amazon (AMZN) Web Services’ (AWS) public cloud, also proprietary (but with an open API).
Red Hat’s new Fedora Project Leader, Robyn Bergeron has a lot of work ahead of her as she helps to grow one of the world’s largest Linux distribution communities. Bergeron was appointed the new FPL last week, succeeding outgoing FPL Jared Smith who had held the position since June of 2010.
One of Bergeron’s goals as FPL will be get a better handle on all the statistics that surround Fedora.
“People will ask where is Fedora going and I’ve always been a big fan of knowing where you are first,” Bergeron told InternetNews.com. “It’s always good to have a good handle on where you are as it makes it far easier to measure your milestones and know that you’re actually going someplace.”
Debian Family
The developer version of Debian GNU/Linux (“wheezy”) contains 17,141 packages of software, or 419,776,604 lines of code. With that figure, James Bromberger estimates that Debian would cost about $19.1 billion to produce. Bromberger also looks at the cost of individual projects like PHP, Apache and MySQL. Even at more than $19 billion, the figure is likely far short of what it would actually cost to produce.
Once upon a time, there was a processor architecture that was everywhere. Consider the ubiquity of ARM in mobile phones and tablets. In the 80′s and 90′s there was a parallel to this. The 68k series from Motorola. This guy was everywhere! In your Amiga or your Atari ST. Your Sega Genesis and your NEO-GEO. Your Mac.
One of the great advantages of Linux is it has great support for older systems and legacy hardware. This week, we take a look at how Ubuntu 12.04 ‘Precise Pangolin’ runs on an older system running older hardware. I found such a system in my very own office. In fact, the system that I am writing
Flavours and Variants
Kubuntu was promoted to the LTS (long term support) version recently, which means Kubuntu 12.04 will be supported for 5 year. This special status makes it important for the team to pick right tools when features are frozen.
Softpedia is proud to introduce today, February 7th, a new Linux distribution, called Comice OS, which is actually a redesigned version of the Pear OS Linux.
Remember Pear OS? It’s that Mac OS looking (see screenshots below) Ubuntu-based operating system introduced last year on our Linux section.
Softpedia was proud to introduce yesterday, February 7th, the brand-new Comice OS 4 Linux operating system, built on top of the GNOME 3 desktop environment and customized to look like Mac OS.
Comice OS 4 is based on both Ubuntu 11.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS distributions, containing Linux kernel 3.2, GNOME 3.2.2, Mozilla Firefox 11.0 Beta, Mozilla Thunderbird 11.0 Beta, LibreOffice 3.5 Beta 2, Clementine, Shotwell, Totem Movie Player, BleachBit, Adobe Flash Player plug-in and Synaptic Package Manager.
Both of the latest releases of these particular distributions came out this week. Also, Linux Mint now has a partnership with Netrunner for Linux Mint with KDE; hence, this comparison test may be the last meaningful one between the distributions while they remain as separate as possible, because I think they will converge in the coming months. Finally, Kubuntu just lost its funding at Canonical, so like Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Edubuntu, after (but not including) version 12.04 LTS “Precise Pangolin” it will be recognized by Canonical as an official derivative but will only be supported by the community. This means that there will need to be a new top dog for Ubuntu-based KDE distributions, and these two distributions seem like the most likely candidates. That is why I am comparing these two distributions now.
When Linux Mint fans trumpeted that it was the most downloaded Linux distro in recent years, the distro was throwing itself open to debate on the ways and mechanisms by which it became the most downloaded or most viewed distro on opensource platform watchdog-Distrowatch.
Linux Mint 11 and now Linux Mint 12 are great versions that have grown in usage, thanks to the continuity, its founder developer Clement Lefebvre offers for Gnome users. While Ubuntu, backed by Canonical’s steady but firm vision of moving towards a ‘touch-based user experience’ for Ubuntu, continued with Unity desktop as default, Linux Mint proved to be a ‘fresh Mint of Gnome’ as it offered what Ubuntu users yearned for- the ultimate, satisfying experience of Gnome platform.
In a recent interview with Linux User & Developer, Raspberry Pi developer Eben Upton got a chance to talk about the performance of the upcoming SoC that is due out later this month.
“Raspberry Pi, in terms of multimedia, outperforms any other dev board in existence – which is nice,” explained Eben, “In terms of general purpose computing, it’s got this 700MHz ARM11, and our benchmark shows it’s about 20 per cent slower than a Beagleboard for general purpose computing. But, you know, it’s a quarter of the price.”
Since the early days of the PC, the software industry has operated according to a pattern described in Michael Cusumano’s classic The Business of Software: The successful software companies are the ones which gathered the largest number of users. The best practitioners were Microsoft and, later, Google. Both followed similar strategies: lower costs, add distribution partners, add users, and branch into related products.
Google Inc. is developing a home-entertainment system that streams music wirelessly throughout the home and would be marketed under the company’s own brand, according to people briefed on the company’s plans.
Amazon is reportedly preparing to launch an updated 7-inch Kindle Fire alongside a brand new 9-inch tablet this summer. Pacific Crest analyst Chad Bartley on Thursday raised his full-year Kindle Fire shipment forecast to 14.9 million units, up from his earlier estimate of 12.7 million.
A leaked RUU file for the upcoming HTC Endeavor has confirmed all the pretty little details that we’ve come to expect out of HTC’s upcoming handset. Landing online this past weekend and promptly getting broken apart, the RUU file tells us that we’re in for quite a tasty device come Mobile World Congress.
Samsung has introduced its first line-up of tablets for 2012 with the launch of the GALAXY Tab 2. The 7 inch tablet is available in 3G and WiFi versions. The tablets will be running Google Android 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich. The tablet will also feature an upgraded Android Market which enables access to more than 400,000 applications.
Research In Motion (RIM) has announced that its BlackBerry 10 Native Software Development Kit (SDK) will be bound to open source.
Hewlett-Packard announced plans to release the code behind webOS this September under the Apache License 2.0.
The license allows developers to mix open-source code with their own inventions and sell products using the code.
OpenOffice.org is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers.
Much of the early development of Sugar took place in the MIT Media Lab. We began in the spring of 2006, in parallel with the work of the teams responsible for developing other aspects of the XO laptop’s software, including device drivers, power management, and security. One might ask how OLPC was able to create an entirely new learning platform from whole cloth, and do so with almost no investment in software engineering. The short answer is that they didn’t. OLPC solved the problem of how to develop the Sugar software with limited resources by attracting external resources—not creating them from scratch—while articulating clearly defined objectives. OLPC built upon decades of research into how to engineer software to promote learning and amplified OLPC’s staff resources by leveraging key partnerships within the Free Software movement.
Web Browsers
Adobe’s Flash Player plugin is among the most attacked pieces of software on the Internet today. While Adobe rapidly moves to fix urgent flaws as they emerge, they have also been moving towards a sandboxing approach that mitigates the risk of any potential flaws in Flash. After first appearing in Google’s Chrome browser, the Flash sandbox is now on its way to Mozilla’s Firefox.
The new Flash Player sandbox for Firefox is currently in a public beta and it aims to go beyond the process protections that Mozilla already affords to plugins.
Wiebke Lips, Senior Manager of Corporate Communications at Adobe, explained to InternetNews.com that Firefox today runs Flash Player and several other plugins in a separate process called plugin-container.exe.
Mozilla launched a new project last year called Boot2Gecko (B2G) with the aim of developing a mobile operating system. The platform’s user interface and application stack will be built entirely with standards-based Web technologies and will run on top of Gecko, the HTML rendering engine used in the Firefox Web browser. The B2G project has advanced at a rapid pace this year and the platform is beginning to take shape.
Oracle adds enterprise support for the R statistical programming language to Oracle Database 11g.
Public Services/Government
Open Hardware
Do you remember HeathKit? The company that sold circuit board and resistor kits you could assemble to make your own electronics?
Building a HeathKit was no great feat of engineering—it came with a fixed list of parts and the schematic—but it helped you understand how electronics work by letting you assemble your own electronic products. And back in the day, a well-built HeathKit radio was every bit as good as the store-bought ones.
Coherent is a full fledged Unix that runs on a simple 386 with a few megabytes of memory – incredible, but true. The kernel is just a few hundred KB, so it boots in an instant. It lived happy together with MS-DOS in its own 40 MB partition. But the best thing was its price: only $100. Needless to say I spend a lot of hours with that little beast, porting my C programs and UUCPing with that “monster” machine back at work.
A Goldman Sachs stock analyst has been drawn into the government’s sweeping investigation into insider trading at hedge funds.
Federal investigators are examining whether Henry King, a senior technology industry analyst for Goldman based in Asia, provided confidential information to the bank’s hedge fund clients, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it publicly.
Paris, February 16th, 2012 – The European Court of Justice rendered another decision in defence of freedoms online. In the SABAM vs. Netlog case, it declares that forcing a hosting service to monitor and filter online content violates EU law. This is a crucial and timely ruling, just when initiatives such as ACTA and the revision of the IPRED directive aim to generalise private and automatic online censorship to enforce an outdated copyright regime.
From the earliest days of Usenet to the huge leaps of the last decade, online socialization has come a long way, bringing with it interesting redefinitions of words that are part of everyday speech. If you hate an organization, you still have to hit ‘Like’ to get updates in your Facebook newsfeed to know what they’re up to. Someone “befriending” you can mean different things, often pretty much removed from reality.
Internet/Net Neutrality
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, following a recent anti-piracy legislative debacle with SOPA and PIPA, will lead his second effort of 2012 to push Internet-regulating legislation, this time in the form of a new cybersecurity bill. The expected bill is the latest attempt by the Democrats to broadly expand the authority of executive branch agencies over the Internet.
Details about the bill remain shrouded in secrecy. Clues available to the public suggest that the bill might be stronger than President Barack Obama’s cybersecurity proposal, which was released in May 2011. Reid said that he would bring the bill — expected to come out of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, chaired by Connecticut independent Sen. Joe Lieberman — to the floor during the first Senate work period of 2012.
Intellectual Monopolies
All I wanted to do was share a funny “Downton Abbey Meets Spike TV” skit that was on Saturday Night Live this week. Unfortunately, there’s no authorized version of the sketch online from NBCUniversal. That made me hesitate, but apparently it wasn’t a problem for iVillage, an NBCUniversal-owned site. Nor was it an issue for Time, owned by internet piracy hating Time Warner. Come along. This is a sad tour of failure all around.
The battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act in the United States may have concluded with millions of Internet users successfully protesting against the bill, but many Canadians are buzzing about the possibility that some of its provisions could make their way into a copyright bill currently before the House of Commons.
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