Convert Your Routers and Hubs to Free Software in Order to Dodge Back Doors
Universally-accessible back door is said to be in many ‘free’ (gratis) devices with Linux
Summary: New allegations and additional evidence of back doors in widely used network equipment
NOW that we’re seeing ISPs like BT using hubs and routers as alleged back doors (into private networks) because Linux on its own is not enough for privacy (also see [1, 2, 3, 4]) we should be better aware of the need for Free software in routers. A new report [1] says that a “[b]ackdoor in wireless DSL routers lets attacker reset router, get admin” and another says that Linksys is back [2,3] under Belkin management, not Cisco management (which is backdoors-friendly). In my latest meeting with Richard Stallman he stressed the importance is building and adopting Free software-based routers; everything else simply cannot be trusted given what we now know. █
Related/contextual items from the news:
Backdoor in wireless DSL routers lets attacker reset router, get admin
Linksys resurrects classic blue router, with open source and $300 price
Linksys Reviving The WRT54G Router In 802.11AC Form
Many Phoronix readers likely recall the glory years of the open-source-friendly Linksys WRT54G router that for some is still a great device and there’s still the thriving OpenWRT community. Good news out of CES today is that Linksys is letting the WRT54G live-on in the form of the 802.11ac-based WRT1900AC.
Needs Sunlight said,
January 7, 2014 at 10:31 am
Low-end consumer grade routers can usually be flashed with OpenWRT or DD-WRT. Check the lists of supported hardware on the project web sites before buying to be sure.