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Windows Server Lost the Internet and So Will Windows (on the Desktop/Mobile)

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Servers, Windows at 1:05 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Acid 3 for Internet Explorer 8.0
Acid3 results for Internet Explorer 8.0

Summary: Why Microsoft’s erosion in the server side (usage-wise, not revenue-wise) is likely to further motivate erosion on the desktop

HE WHO controls the back room will also dominate the client side, be it cellphones and desktops or whatever. It’s a well known fact and one that must really worry Microsoft.

Major Microsoft outages may lead to ASA intervention for false advertising. There is this new article about the Hotmail outage, sent to us yesterday by a reader. This whole downtime mess helps demonstrate what happens when one relies on Windows and other Microsoft products. Just watch how Microsoft fails to tackle ARM compatibility issues, even in the mythical Vista 8 which lacks support for browser plugins and is likely to suffer a backlash similar to Vista’s when it’s out in 2 or more years. It has been advertised since April 2009, 4+ years in advance (a time period throughout which a GNU/Linux distribution might have 8+ new versions released).

Going back to Web services, this is where GNU/Linux is clearly winning as we noted some days ago. The Inquirer has this to add:

Microsoft’s IIS webserver is the second most widely used webserver daemon after Apache. While it never occupied the top spot, at one point in 2007 it was starting to get close to Apache’s hugely popular webserver software. However since 2008, its market share plummeted and while it still manages to hold onto second place, there’s the best part of 50 percentage points difference between Apache and Microsoft’s IIS and the Vole’s IIS apparently is back to the level of market share that it saw in 1997.

Apache’s HTTPD webserver is popular for two reasons. It runs on just about every operating system out there, and it can be implemented in other products such as Oracle’s own application server products. Microsoft’s IIS, on the other hand, is closed source and runs only on Windows, so it’s no surprise that it lags behind Apache’s more robust and flexible sofware offering.

Microsoft failed so badly that it decided to just hijack Yahoo and eventually iinstalled a henchwoman there. Microsoft might be preparing to formally scoop up Yahoo! and maybe Nokia too, at least at a later stage (when it becomes cheap). Check out the news following Microsoft's passage of Nokia's patents to patent trolls (an antitrust issue):

Finnish mobile phone company Nokia has been deleted from the Stoxx Europe 50 index, a benchmark index owned by Deutsche Börse and the SIX Swiss Exchange Group that tallies the top 50 largest European corporations.

Late in August, Stoxx announced that Nokia would be delisted from the Stoxx 50 index, along with three banks: Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit from Italy, and GRP Societe Generale from France. Meaning the former powerhouse mobile phone maker is no longer big enough to be considered one of Europe’s biggest corporations.

Steve Ballmer keeps talking about Windows phones that don’t exist yet (see articles in the the previous post) and Microsoft is trying to make people think of about mythical versions of Windows rather than today’s version of Windows. What does that tell us?

“In the face of strong competition, Evangelism’s focus may shift immediately to the next version of the same technology, however. Indeed, Phase 1 (Evangelism Starts) for version x+1 may start as soon as this Final Release of version X.”

Microsoft, internal document [PDF]

Techrights and Microsoft

Posted in Microsoft, Novell, Patents at 12:24 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Techrights on grid

Summary: Why Microsoft matters less and why we must still keep track of Microsoft nonetheless (mainly due to patent lawsuits)

BACK when this site led a push against Novell, it was evident that Novell was a fairly strong company. In 2006 it had one of the best GNU/Linux distributions for the desktop, namely SLED 10 with XGL. Microsoft then stepped in and ruined it for Novell, harming the momentum and also ensuring that any of Novell’s momentum would become Microsoft’s (Mono, Linux tax, and so on). Microsoft’s parasitic nature capitalised on patents that year. It devoured whatever parts of Novell it found valuable and in 2009 Novell was already out of breath. So we started concentrating on Novell’s masters at Microsoft, spending the next year or two going through many of Microsoft’s behavioural patterns that recur in the news. We also documented selected Comes vs. Microsoft exhibits, which offer a look back in time. There came a time in late 2010 when almost any story we covered was deja vu-filled and even a case of repetition with new examples. So we started focusing on the mechanism which Microsoft was exploiting (by that stage, Apple had already joined Microsoft’s cartel-like efforts). Yes, we are talking about patents. I spent an hour talking to a friend today about how the Western system depends on so-called ‘IPR’ to ensure it gets paid without producing. Our recent Cablegate posts show the political process — including back-room deals and secret treaties — that are necessary to impose this system on producing nations which oughtn’t have interest in IPR. We hope that going deep into the core of the issue, even if this done by using secret communications/leaks, will help advance the Free software ideology. We never hid this ‘agenda’, which is mostly ethical as it promotes equality and freedom.

So getting to the main point, this site was never about Microsoft even though it covered a lot of Microsoft after Novell had become insignificant. Some detractors of this site did try to portray it as a case of “zealotry” against Microsoft, even though we criticise a wide range of companies large and small, from small FUD shops to giants like IBM and GE (we also praise many companies, including those that we criticise when they do something positive). They are far, far bigger than Microsoft. Based on this new report that a reader sent us yesterday, Microsoft has become the company that can’t grow (while Apple and IBM both pass it in terms of market cap). Quoting the opening part:

A rising tide of investor agitation over Microsoft Corp’s static share price and bulging cash hoard made no mark at the software company’s annual meeting with Wall Street analysts and fund managers on Wednesday.

Linux is a major part of Microsoft’s problems, but it is not being called “Linux”. As Pogson points out, Android has doubled while Ballmer is forced to admit failure:

Two major players are increasingly dominating the smartphone OS market: Apple with its iOS-based iPhones and Google’s army of Android devices. Microsoft wants a piece of the smartphone pie as well with Windows Phone 7 (WP7), but so far its efforts have fallen way short.

According to AllThingsD, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has stated at the Microsoft financial analyst meeting that, “We haven’t sold quite as many as I would have liked in the first year.” Ballmer did insist that the company is working hard to make the WP7 platform more appealing – the upcoming “Mango” release will help quite a bit on this front.

Microsoft is also trying to make a lot of money out of Android. It is regularly being reported that Microsoft makes more money from Android (through patent extortion) than from its own platform. This is why, despite the decline of Microsoft, Techrights simply cannot ignore this company. Keeping track of Microsoft is common sense, not an obsession. We will diversify a bit as time permits while priorities change; the goal is still to protect the freedom of software and thus empower software developers. It’s not about Microsoft.

Links 20/9/2011: GeeXboX 2.0, Birthday for Mageia

Posted in News Roundup at 5:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Linux Turns Twenty Years Old As It Continues To Take Over The World
  • Linux at 20, some personal memories
  • Softpedia Linux Weekly, Issue 165
  • Linux Counter Project
  • Desktop

    • Hands on with the first Chromebook

      We get hands on with Samsung’s Series 5 3G, the first Chromebook on the market and the international role model for Google’s ambitious new PC landscape.

      After a pilot program in December in which Google shipped out the first prototype Cr48 Chromebooks to beta testers in the United States, the first commercial Chromebooks started shipping in June to the United States and a handful of European countries.

  • Server

    • CMS Tool MemHT Names A2 Hosting Preferred Hosting Partner

      A2 Hosting says its MemHT hosting accounts include cPanel, free CloudFlare CDN service, free Server Rewind backups, the CloudLinux OS and Attracta tools to improve Google listing and rank.

    • Looking For i In All The Wrong Places

      Once again IBM has done a fine job of making Power Systems all about Unix and Linux. It’s as interesting that this presentation is listed on the IBM i home page as it is that a presentation like this gets made with essentially no recognition that IBM i is part of the Power Systems equation. You can find it under the heading of “Special Offers,” where none of the four offers have anything to do with i.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Podcast: Pete Savage
    • Podcast Season 3 Episode 18

      In this episode: Ubuntu should move to a monthly release, according to Scott Remnant. Bruce Perens has come up with a new scheme for copyright ownership and Linux Format turns 150. Hear how successful we are at discovering things, building mesh networks and thinking up excuses.

  • Kernel Space

    • Kernel Log: Coming in 3.1 (Part 3) – Architecture, infrastructure, virtualisation

      Linux 3.1 contains all the necessary components for passing through PCI devices to Xen guests; KVM offers rudimentary nested virtualisation support for Intel CPUs. Supported CPU platforms now include the OpenRISC open source processor architecture.

    • Graphics Stack

      • The Most Comprehensive AMD Radeon Linux Graphics Comparison

        Last month I alluded to a 40-way graphics card comparison being worked on at Phoronix. This comparison is to extensively compare the performance of the open and closed-source drivers for each graphics card and to comprehensively comment on other areas of the Linux graphics driver support. Not only is the OpenGL performance being evaluated, but the thermal performance, CPU utilization, and power consumption is being looked at too. Being published today to mark the beginning of the Oktoberfest 2011 articles are the ATI/AMD Radeon results. This includes 28 of the 40 graphics cards, with GPUs as old as the Radeon X800XL and as new as the AMD Radeon HD 6950.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • The many faces of Linux.

      Human beans of the two legged kind love variety. That is why we always are changing the drapes, moving the furniture and continuously buying new clothes. We like to show our individuality in the way we present our personal surroundings to other people.

      Yet when it comes to compooters there is no such choice for many people. Because they use proprietary operating systems they are very limited in choice for what they can do to customise their “computer room” and have it look and work in a manner to suit their individuality.

    • All Change?

      Two developments in the Linux world have spawned a hell of an amount of comment: Canonical’s decision to develop Unity for Ubuntu and the arrival of GNOME 3. While there have been many complaints about the changes made in both, there must be a fair few folk who are just getting on with using them without complaint. Maybe there are many who even quietly like the new interfaces. While I am not so sure about Unity, I surprised myself by taking to GNOME Shell so much that I installed it on Linux Mint. It remains a work in progress as does Unity but it’ll be very interesting to see it mature. Perhaps a good number of the growing collection of GNOME Shell plugins could make it into the main codebase. If that were to happen, I could see it being welcomed by a good few folk.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • plasma active workshop: day 0

        The last couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy. Or, if you prefer (and I do): ridicubusy. On the personal side of life, I managed to squeeze in a two day paddle-and-camping trip the other weekend, played dinner host to Lawrence Krauss (made some of my favourite dishes, and one new one (for me, anyways): egg yolk ravioli), co-hosted a “Ready, Steady, Cook!” evening at the house along with S. All of that was enjoyable, and great breaks between the long hours of working on Plasma and general KDE “stuff”.

  • Distributions

    • NetbootCD Installs and Updates Multiple Linux Distros on One Disc

      Linux fans, do you burn CDs for multiple distros and have to update those CDs when a new version comes out? As long as you have access to a wired internet connection you can download the latest versions of 7 distros directly from the disc.

      A CD-ROM burned with NetbootCD allows you to download and install the latest versions of CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSUSE, Slackware, or Ubuntu.

    • NetbootCD installs multiple Linux distros on one disc
    • Taking a long look at Salix OS 13.37

      From the beginning the Salix OS developers made clear that they had no intention of competing with Ubuntu or Mandriva and they were not trying to create a newcomer-friendly distribution that would be easy for Windows or MacOS users. Rather, they described the target audience as “lazy Slackers.” I’ve always understood that to mean Linux users who want the reliability, stability and performance that Slackware consistently delivers but who also want modern conveniences and features like automated dependency resolution, automated notification when patches are available and a first class set of tools to administer their systems. If those are truly the goals then Salix OS meets them admirably.

    • Is Salix XFCE 13.37 better than 13.1.2?

      Nobody can argue there are 2 major Desktop Environments now in Linux world: GNOME and KDE take lion part in installed Linux desktop systems. Most Linux distributions are released with at least one of them available.
      But since system requirements for resources of KDE and GNOME are rather high and growing, there is more and more space for lighter desktop environments like LXDE and XFCE.

    • Curse of the semi power user

      I am beginning to feel this curse with the choice of distributions available today. Let me start with a little background information. I have been a regular Linux user on desktops and servers since about 2006. In that time I have mostly worked with Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS. I have had the pleasure of building a desktop from the ground up using a Debian net install CD. I have setup other users with Ubuntu and Fedora on desktops and netbooks. I have installed new servers and re-purposed retired ones. In short, I can be considered a semi power user, still not among the experts but a bit better than an average user. And this is where the curse strikes most often.

    • Building an OS: The workflow!

      The project I’ve been working on does require a bit of thought around enterprise Linux versions run by a community. There is the ever amazing CentOS, Scientific Linux and a few others who have been around the block a time or two. The work that they have done has been immense and very helpful to many, including me.

      For my project, the work was about building a fully binary compatible, enterprise-ready, community version of Linux, very similar to what CentOS and others have done. The question always comes ‘why?’ which will be addressed later on in future posts. Suffice it to say, the work we’ve been doing has paid off in both a individual and community sense.

    • New Releases

      • IPFire 2.9 – Core Update 52 released
      • pfSense 2.0
      • Macpup 528

        Macpup is a small,light OS. The .Iso is only 164 MB.It runs in ram and is very fast. It is not a striped down,bare bones,basic core OS. Macpup is a full featured systemright out of the box with apps for office,graphics,multimedia,internetand much more.And it looks really cool.

      • GeeXboX 2.0 has landed

        After countless years of development, the 2.0 release of GeeXboX (codename “Love It or Shove It”) finally has landed. The GeeXboX project was created in December 2002, 9 years ago, to become the major HTPC / MediaCenter dedicated Linux distribution. From a ridiculous 3 MB ISO image, using an ultra-simple customized version of MPlayer OSD, GeeXboX now has evolved into a much more mature system. Our objective always has been to provide you with a Linux distribution, so easy to use, that anyone, regardless of any computer skill, would be able to make use of it.

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • Happy Birthday Mageia!

        Yesterday, September 18, was Mageia’s first birthday. It was one year ago that a fork of Mandrake Linux was announced. From the start Mageia decided to take a new tack in distribution development. They synthesized the community and professional models of development in way no other had quite done before and it’s paying off. Mageia recently unleashed their inaugural release and received overwhelmingly positive reviews.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Earnings Preview: Red Hat Reports Results Wednesday

        Red Hat, Inc. provides open source software solutions to enterprises worldwide. It also offers enterprise-ready open source operating system platforms. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina.

        * 52 Week High: $49.00
        * 52 Week Low: $31.77
        * Book Value: $6.88
        * Float Short: 2.06%

      • Fedora Community

    • Debian Family

      • Linux Mint (Debian) 201109 Gnome and Xfce Final Release

        The bottom line: I have been recommending Linux Mint for quite some time now – I happen to have gotten back an ASUS netbook from a friend over the weekend which was loaded with Linux Mint 8, and had been in daily use without a hiccup for a couple of years. The only change now is that I will be recommending the Mint Debian editions first, rather then the Mint Ubuntu editions. If you haven’t tried Linux Mint yet, this would be a very good time to do so.

      • Debian Project News – September 19th, 2011
      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Installing Software On Ubuntu Systems

          The stunningly fast ability to install applications at a moments notice is one of the primary reasons Linux is so popular. Ubuntu systems by default comes with the Synaptic package manager or the Ubuntu software center, whichever you prefer. You can also install packages from the internet or from the command line. New items are downloaded through software repositories which store collections of applications that are bundled into packages. When you choose an item to install from the package manager all relevant packages required by an application will also be installed. When you install Ubuntu only the official application repositories are accessed but more can be added without too much trouble.

        • Update Software in Ubuntu
        • Backups and Distro Upgrading

          I don’t recommend using Déjà Dup to hold your data when you upgrade distros (e.g. from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10) without understanding the risks.

        • Series: Introduction to Ubuntu Development – Part 5
        • Recent Unity Updates Bring Changes to Workspaces Overview, Alt+Tab & Unity Launcher
        • Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 233
        • Flavours and Variants

          • Trisquel 5.0 Released

            In what we can now call it a tradition, we celebrate the Software Freedom Day by publishing our latest release: Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0 STS, codename Dagda.

          • Bodhi Linux Service Pack 2 Ready

            Ten days ago the Bodhi Team and I released our second update to Bodhi Linux 1.0.0 Today I am happy to let all of our users that have limited or no-internet access machines know that our service pack 2 is ready for download. For those that do not know our service packs allow for a single download upgrade of your Bodhi system from the previous stable release to the current (those still on Bodhi 1.0.0 will need to install service pack 1 followed by service pack 2).

          • Kubuntu 11.10 Beta Test Drive

            Canonical recently released its Beta version of Kubuntu 11.10, Oneiric Ocelot, with all eyes toward the final release scheduled for October 13. We take a look at this release and the new KDE 4.7 Desktop and Netbook Plasma Workspaces.

          • Trying out Pinguy 11.04

            Regular readers might remember my review of Pinguy OS 10.10.1 this past April.

          • Linux Mint 11 Saves the Day

            A friend of mine brought me his computer for fixing, a Compaq Presario with XP Home. It was in a reboot loop. I told him about Linux, and all its advantages, and he agreed to try it. I grabbed my PCLinuxOS CD and installed it in a matter minutes. Everything was working, but something about that particular hardware was not sitting well with it. It kept freezing. This is the first time I see this, as all other machines I have installed it on have been very stable. My guess is that it has to do with the graphics. The machine has and old built-in Intel graphics adapter. I did not have a proper graphics card laying around to give him, so I figured I wouldn’t fight it.

          • Installing Linux Mint LXDE – Why Linux Mint LXDE?

            I decided to install Linux Mint LXDE for one reason really – I use a Dell Vostro with 2gb RAM and a Core2Duo running at 2.2ghz. I simply wanted the fasted machine possible given the spec of the hardware.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Low-vision eyewear runs Linux-compatible Unison 5.2 RTOS

      RoweBots announced that its minimalist, Linux- and POSIX-compatible “Unison” real-time operating system (RTOS) powers eSight’s Alivios Intelligent Eyewear. Currently in clinical trials, Alivios helps to improve vision in people with eye diseases such as macular degeneration, combining Unison OS 5.2, a Texas Instruments (TI) DaVinci processor, an HD video camera, and “near-to-eye” displays, says the company.

    • Phones

      • Android

        • What’s Android?

          With 500,000 activations a day, Android is becoming the dominant player in the mobile eco-system…

        • MyGreatFest – The iDroidProject Takes To The Stage

          Back in 2008, the project initially began under the name of the “iPhone Linux Project.” This project aimed to boot a Linux kernel, and by the end of 2008, this aim had been achieved. The year after, the hacker behind the iPhone Linux Project surprised everybody by presenting a working first-generation iPhone running Android OS: The iDroid Project was born.

        • Android market share doubles while Apple IOS falls eight per cent

          According to data from Kantar Worldpanel Comtech, in the 12 weeks ended 7 August, Android had 47.1 per cent share of the UK smartphone market, compared with 22.9 per cent during the same period a year earlier.

          Apple’s IOS however, has fallen by eight per cent to 20.8 per cent share from 28 per cent a year earlier, as Android surged in popularity.

          RIM’s Blackberry OS was the second most popular with 21.5 per cent of the market, up four per cent from 17.4 per cent a year earlier.

        • Prepaid Android 2.3 phone features 1GHz processor, QWERTY keyboard

          Prepaid phone provider Boost Mobile announced a mid-range Samsung smartphone with a QWERTY keyboard and a $230 no-contract price tag. The Samsung Transform Ultra runs Android 2.3 on a 1GHz processor, and offers 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS, a three-megapixel camera, a front-facing VGA webcam, and Android Market support, the mobile provider says.

        • Epic 4G Touch powers up nicely with 4G, dual-core, and a ‘Super’ display

          Samsung’s Galaxy S II, Epic 4G Touch is a mouthful to say and a handful to hold, but the 1.2GHz dual-core processor and Sprint’s 4G WiMAX network make it worth the $200 on contract, says this review. Battery life suffers on 4G, but from the 4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus display to the responsive cameras, there’s a lot to like.

        • Android’s last obstacle overcome – Rocket Launcher

Free Software/Open Source

  • FLOSS, A Better Way To DO IT

    If there ever was evidence that FLOSS is a better way to do IT, the smart phone is it:

    * lots of choices for the consumer
    * Android/Linux (FLOSS OS from Google) shipments at 47.1% of the market, up 105% over last year

  • Packt announce Finalists for 2011 Open Source Awards
  • Does open source exclude high context cultures?

    High context cultures value personal relationships over process. You have to know someone before you can trust them and work with them. They also tend to be less explicit and rely more on tone of voice, gestures and even status to communicate. Typically Asian countries are more high context than Western countries. Think Korea and Japan.

    Low context cultures are process driven. They rely on facts and processes. Their communication style is much more direct and action-orientated. They are orientated towards the individual rather than the group. Western cultures like the US and Germany are considered low context.

  • Z: The open source generation

    Generation Z is beginning to join the workforce. This age group–born between the early 1990s and early 2000s–has never really existed in a world without the web or lacking the widespread use of cell phones, laptops, and freely available wireless networks and digital media.

  • Web Browsers

  • Databases

    • To SQL or NoSQL – that’s not the question

      If you haven’t heard about NoSQL by now, we contend that you’ve been in hiding for the past three years. The term NoSQL itself refers to a broad class of data management that is not based on the traditional relational tables in typical RDBMS. Examples include document-based data storage such as MongoDB, key-value pair such as Riak, or column-based storage such as HBase.

      While assessing usage of NoSQL, we are often presented with the CAP model which is great from the theoretical perspective, but grasping its implications on real world enterprise systems is difficult.

      In this post, we’ll explain some of the design factors and the associated implications of using NoSQL in the context of three data-centric enterprise applications: Portal, Reporting and Analytics. Enterprise transactional systems are not included for obvious reasons.

    • Oracle adding close source extensions to MySQL
  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

  • Business

  • Funding

  • Openness/Sharing


  • Sony v World: Counter-attack

    The latest salvo in Sony v World is that Sony wants users of its Playstation Network to agree not to sue. Imagine going into a “mom and pop” shop on the street and telling the clerk, “I’d like to buy that can of unhomogenized peanut butter.” only to be told, “Sorry, we don’t do business with people who might sue us…”. That should not be part of any model of business no matter the size. Businesses should compete on price/performance and let their quality of service fend off attacks. If people don’t hate you, they are unlikely to sue. That works for me. I have never been sued.

  • Trolling

  • Finance

    • Goldman to close Global Alpha fund
    • HOT: Goldman, Sachs Acted as Exclusive Financial Advisor to Solyndra…

      When it comes to government money, it’s always about insiders running circles around the government money and pocketing a piece. Don’t ever forget that. And usually, there is a crony investment banker as part of the program.

    • Goldman Sachs CEO hires criminal defense lawyer

      Lloyd Blankfein retains Reid Weingarten amid the governments inquiry into the financial crisis. The move hints there could be new push to investigate the firm and its executives on criminal grounds.

    • There Are Two Big Reasons Why Goldman Sachs Just Got Sued For Fraud Again

      The FHFA’s massive bank lawsuit extravaganza is a reminder of the horrific behavior that took place inside the subprime mortgage machine: fraud.

      In it’s lawsuit against Goldman Sachs, the FHFA claims that Goldman directly committed common law fraud, and particularly claims that Goldman “aided and abetted fraud.”

    • Even the smart money is flummoxed by this economy

      Small investors, take note: The smart money isn’t sure what to make of the economy, either.

      Some market strategists say the recent drop in stock prices means the market is expecting a recession. Banks like Goldman Sachs and others have lowered their year-end forecasts for the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. And Mark Zandi, the much-followed economist from Moody’s, says the chance that the economy will fall into another recession is 40 percent.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • Hurt Locker File Sharing Lawsuits Put the Hurt on Everyone

        File sharing lawsuits involving the movie the Hurt Locker have been big news in the United States for months as tens of thousands of lawsuits have been filed against individuals alleged to have illegally downloaded the movie. The lawsuits have now made their way into Canada as the Federal Court of Canada has ordered the identification of subscribers at Bell Canada, Cogeco, and Videotron who face similar copyright infringement claims.

IRC Proceedings: September 19th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 3:28 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz



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The Re-imposition of Smart Networks.

Posted in Site News at 9:31 pm by Guest Editorial Team

Six years after CERN invented the World Wide Web, an AT&T engineer noticed that that his company was obsolete and wrote an essay called, “Rise of the Stupid Network.” There is a disturbing reassertion of Smart networks by telco companies built on non free software, spectrum ownership and lawsuits to prevent the build out of municipal networks. In 1997, David Isenberg noted:

The astute reader might by now suspect that the main beneficiaries of the Intelligent Network are the telephone companies themselves. Nevertheless, telephone companies propound a “philosophy” that the Intelligent Network makes it easy to introduce new services and new technologies, and to meet new customer needs. … Internet Telephony, because the Internet Protocol works at the level that user software manages the session, takes the telephone company out of the value equation. The Internet breaks the telephone company model by passing control to the end user.

He went on to vent some frustrations had while trying to improve services on AT&T’s voice quality. His team spent two years figuring out how to add a little more bass to voice without blowing up every piece of voice equipment but the wires. He concluded, “Want a different voice quality? With a Stupid Network, you’d get a different program, install it in your intelligent end user device and run it.”

These observations are common sense and very old news today. After more than a decade of relative network freedom, no one would go crawling back to Ma Bell would they? No one willingly.

With no sense apparent irony and perhaps great foresight, Isenberg credited Bill Gates with understanding the “new value proposition” of stupid networks. Gates is widely derided for having missed the world wide web in the early 90′s, especially in his writing and toy computer software, Windows 95, which did not have a web browser. Gates understood the proposition as an extortionist. The value would no longer come from owning networks and charging users for each and every particle of service, it would come from owning computers through non free software and charging for every particle of service. It is likely that telcos understood this lesson too, though they practiced it with less success after being broken up.

So it was with great surprise and alarm that I learned that there are now almost as many subscribers to “broadband” cell networks as cable modem and dsl subscribers in the US. Persistent networks are being used as bait to get people to surrender their software and network freedom. AT&T got to this position by suing to stop municipal networks, through rampant corruption in spectrum auctions, and a series of mergers and acquisitions that have combined most of their once mighty empire. They have also embraced free, to them, software. Android, the most “open” of smart phones, is not free software. As Richard Stallman put it,

we can tolerate non-free phone network firmware provided new versions of it won’t be loaded, it can’t take control of the main computer, and it can only communicate when and as the free operating system chooses to let it communicate. In other words, it has to be equivalent to circuitry, and that circuitry must not be malicious. There is no obstacle to building an Android phone which has these characteristics, but we don’t know of any.

“The Cloud” through AT&T is a dystopian throwback to dumb terminals and computers owned by others that should not exist in a world that’s overflowing with cheap computers, radio devices and networks.

Alternatives exist to falling back into the wiretapped world of 1960′s telco. The most obvious alternative is to demand software freedom for smart phones and network freedom for cell phone networks. As Isenberg demanded fifteen years ago, “just deliver the bits, stupid.” Open Spectrum is the technically and ethically proper replacement to spectrum auctions that is ready, fast and finally in production testing but threatened. Another good solution is to cooperate and build out municipal networks. There are several of these running in the US in cities like Tacoma which provide excellent and fair service. We should be so lucky to have any but we should demand all of these alternatives.

Identi.ca 1.0.0 and Site Changes

Posted in Site News at 8:36 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Goodbye to old Identi.ca (shown below)


Summary: Identi.ca returned to full operation late on Monday and it generally looks good. The upgrade took longer than expected and soon after this site’s return, the front end went down again for a couple of hours. We look at how this affects Techrights now that it’s all back to “live” mode with some bugs.

Identi.ca is a fast communication medium that many of us at Techrights use (personally I’ve used it for 2.5 years, longer than I was on Twitter). It has transformed into something more like Google+ or Diaspora rather than microblogging (like Twitter).

Identi.ca upgraded to a new version over the weekend and this affects how some of us communicate and how our IRC channels are run. Since yesterday, the rightmost sidebar column (along with ladder-shaped Twitter feed) contains more information of interest. it is based entirely on some Identi.ca feeds that bring information from somewhere out there quicker than blog posts can. The new Identi.ca seems to have not lost backward compatibility as Chokoq, for example, still works fine (without software updates on the client side) and so does the IRC bot (dependent on the new page layouts and APIs). One can see new features on the server/service side, but there are not so many of them. It’s mostly about improved usability and simpler conversation facilities. Experimental new features include data export (which seems not to work based on my tests). During the migration some metadata was lost, but it could be recovered manually (salvaged even) from cache. The timelines got a little too verbose and Identi.ca accounts are therefore getting a little too much input.

“It has transformed into something more like Google+ or Diaspora rather than microblogging (like Twitter).”We are not sure whether it’s strictly just one background picture for all users (standardised like Digg or Facebook, as opposed to older versions) and Twitter is not as well connected as before (there was a bridge to allow Identi.ca users to maintain a mirror in Twitter, but it is not available now, perhaps temporarily).

There are clearly some new bugs, e.g. in “Tags”, which won’t show up in anyone’s case and the upgrade did not migrate these data fields, either. But that’s fair enough, it’s a limitation of Web-based software and it requires ironing out.

The bottom line is, things are significantly improved following the upgrade and it was worth the wait (scheduled downtime). Because of the licence, it is the only such service we ever endorsed.

Links 19/9/2011: Linux Mint Debian 201109, Knoppix 6.7.1

Posted in News Roundup at 5:45 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Rugged Linux field computer acts as mission-critical video server

    The MCP runs Linux on a 1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, with the help of 4GB of DDR3 RAM, says Harris. An optional H.264 video encoder is said to be available for video-intensive applications, supporting video capture, storage, and real-time playback capabilities. A removable 160GB, SATA 2 solid state drive (SSD) “provides ample storage for long duration video recording,” says the company.

  • More Linux Site Hacks, ReactOS Ready to Go, Obama Signs ‘America Invents Act’
  • Happy 20th Birthday, Linux: 10 Cool Devices That Embrace You

    The Linux operating system is not just for nerds. Even though you may not realize it, chances are you probably have a version of Linux running right under your nose. It’s found its way into a multitude of devices, both large and small.

    Today, Sept. 17, 2011, is the 20th anniversary of the date when the first Linux kernel (version 0.01) was released and uploaded to an FTP server by Linus Torvalds in Helsinki. Although Torvalds had been working on the code since April, 1991 (recognized by some as the birthday of Linux), it wasn’t until September of that year that he released the first Linux kernel to the world. That early iteration consisted of a mere 10,239 lines of code.

  • Desktop

    • Why Ultrabooks Should Run Ubuntu 11.10

      When Steve Jobs unveiled the slim but powerful Macbook Air, it was as if a magician had pulled a flailing rabbit out of a hat. Everyone was amazed at how laptop technology had moved forward, and instantly the latest Macbook Air became a massive success.

      The Macbook Air might be an awesome product, but there are currently no alternatives for folks who don’t want to get converted to the Apple religion. But don’t get disappointed just yet; come Q4 2011, Intel will be bringing us the new revolution in computing called Ultrabooks.

      Touted as the direct competitor to Macbook Air, Intel’s ambitious project will leave no stone unturned to prove itself in the not-so-dead laptop market. While it is not confirmed as to which operating system manufacturers will be using, there is a high chance that Windows 7 will be the one.

      However, we here at TechSource believe that running Ubuntu 11.10 (or higher) on Ultrabooks might actually be more profitable.

    • LinuxCon: The world’s largest Linux desktop deployment

      Userful deploys Linux in very large-scale “digital inclusion” projects — such as schools in second- and third-world environments — including the world’s largest, a 500,000 seat deployment in Brazil.

  • Server

    • The Little Woman Now Uses a GNU/Linux Terminal Server

      Her former terminal has an aluminium case that sings and must be positioned and burdened just so to minimize the noise. In the hot days of this summer it also put out too much heat so it is banished to the basement in a dark closet. In its place she will be using a tiny thin client about the size of a box of chocolates.

    • Will Ubuntu make to Mainframes?

      A recent development between IBM and Canonical, predicts that soon IBM’s p mini-computers and blades; System Z mainframes will be certified for use with Ubuntu. It is most likely that minicomputers should be running on Ubuntu in the next month or so, while mainframes could well receive full support by end of the month.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • Testing EXT4 & Btrfs On A Serial ATA 3.0 SSD

      Last month I wrote a review on the OCZ Vertex 3 240GB solid-state drive, which was a very impressive Serial ATA 3.0 SSD. The performance of this solid-state drive was terrific and a huge improvement over previous-generation SATA 2.0 SSDs and over SATA 3.0 hard drives. All of that testing was done when the drives were formatted to the common EXT4 file-system type, but in this article are more benchmarks from the OCZ Vertex 3 as it’s tested with Btrfs and various mount options.

    • Understanding the File System and Structure in Linux

      The file system in Linux can be intimidating coming from other operating systems like Microsoft Windows. At first glance it may seem that there is no organisation to the files, but there is a method to this madness. After spending some more time with the file system in Linux, it will seem a lot more secure and organised.

    • TI Proposes A Low-Level Linux Display Framework

      An OMAP driver developer at Texas Instruments wrote a rather lengthy post about a new low-level display framework.

    • Graphics Stack

      • The Proposal For Nouveau GPU Command Scheduling
      • This Is What Started AMD’s Open-Source Strategy

        While AMD’s open-source strategy was announced on Phoronix on 7 September 2007, it was on 17 September of the same year that the Novell/SUSE developers did their first public release of their xf86-video-radeonhd driver. This was the X.Org driver created by the Novell Linux engineers in months prior for R500 and R600 GPUs. Here is some special reading — a letter that was volleyed from Novell to AMD that kicked off this entire process — to celebrate what would have been the fourth birthday of this open-source Linux driver.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Are Mobile-Style Interfaces Leaving Desktop Power Users Behind?

      Both Unity and Metro borrow heavily from the mobile world, and for that reason seem likely to appeal to an increasingly mobile-minded world of consumers. As I’ve said before about Unity, this is a good way to attract mainstream users, particularly when you’re trying to help them get used to something new.

    • A Native Enlightenment EFL Port To PlayStation 3

      From the announcement, “This port comes as great news for the ps3 homebrew community which has been strugling with a complete lack of tools for easily developing application. With PSL1GHT (The unofficial PS3 SDK) and a port of the SDL as pretty much the only available libraries for the PS3, not much could be done without a huge waste of time in order to reimplement all the basic things. The initial port of the EFL was done in just a couple of days, where eina, eet, evas, ecore, embryo and edje were made available and a port of expedite and eskiss were successfully running on the PS3.The port was made using the SDL engine for evas, and while it worked, the performance wasn’t great.”

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • Nepomuk – What Comes Next

        After a very generous start to my fundraiser (thank you so much for your support) it is time I get into more detail about what you are actually supporting. Originally I wanted to do that by updating nepomuk.kde.org. I will still do that but it will take a little more time than anticipated. Thus, I will simply start with another blog post.

      • KDE e.V. Report for Second Quarter 2011
      • KDE Commit-Digest for 11th September 2011
      • Kubuntu and KDE love story continued

        Over the last couple of weeks the better part of the Kubuntu team has been working on bringing KDE SC 4.7.1 to Kubuntu.

        Especially the last week we started to backport it to Kubuntu 11.04. We’ll need some more time since 4.7.1 need a lot being backported to natty.

    • GNOME Desktop

      • Top 10 GNOME Shell Themes

        GNOME Shell is at the very beginning of its long treacherous journey. As we saw in our earlier post, it is now possible to easily install GNOME Shell in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot, whose final release is scheduled to happen next month itself. Meanwhile, I have been using GNOME Shell in Ubuntu Oneric beta for sometime now and one thing I am really unhappy about is its default theme. But third party GNOME Shell themes are already pouring in. Here is a collection of top 10 GNOME Shell themes(installation instructions towards bottom of this post).

      • Ten Gnome 3 features that won me over

        I like uncluttered desktops, and Gnome 3 offers about as clean a desktop as you’ll find without running E16. The only object on the desktop is the panel — until you reveal the launcher. But Gnome 3′s minimalist approach does not make it difficult to use. On the contrary, once you’re familiar with it, Gnome 3 is one of the most user-friendly desktops available.

  • Distributions

    • Arch linux: my perspective

      Arch is really simple in the sense at the system level. I was able to create init scripts for Arch far more easily than on Gentoo for the same package. Arch however is not as configurable as Gentoo is. No distribution can match or even come close to Gentoo in this regard. It uses a unique system for this called USE flags. With Arch I can not have a custom KDE; but with Gentoo I have a large number of options as to what I want to have and what not. This flexibility of configuration in Gentoo comes at a price: every package is compiled on your system.

    • Chakra GNU/Linux: A Review With Screenshots

      According to Distrowatch, Chakra GNU/Linux is a Live CD distribution aimed at ease of use and originally forked from Arch Linux. Some of its features include a graphical installer, automatic hardware detection and configuration, the latest KDE desktop, and a variety of tools and “extras”.

    • Gentoo Family

      • The state of Gentoo

        It’s been three years since LWN last covered Gentoo Linux, so checking in on Gentoo’s activities since then seems appropriate. Let’s start with a re-introduction to Gentoo. Gentoo is a source-based distribution that is unlike the more common binary distributions because packages are compiled on your machines rather than remotely on the distribution’s infrastructure. Source-based distributions allow for far more customization than is possible with binary distributions because you can not only control which packages are installed, but also which features of a given package are enabled (and consequently how many dependencies get pulled in).

    • Red Hat Family

    • Debian Family

      • Francois Marier, Debian Developer
      • Linux Mint Debian Edition 201109 Is Ready to Roll

        Good day, everybody! What better way to start my morning other than announcing a new release of Linux Mint Debian! Last time I tried it, there was only a GNOME version available, but now Xfce is here to party as well.

      • Derivatives

        • The Tails Project’s The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails)

          The live distro, which runs on any PC powerful enough to run Windows XP, is based on Debian Live and runs directly from CD and/or USB Flash memory. No trace is left after using Tails, thanks to many features, such as independent operation of all software and all hardware drivers from the PC’s operating system, no permanent data storage and all the channeling of all Internet connections through the Tor anonymization network. “With Tails”, say the distro developers, “we provide a tongue and a pen protected by state-of-the-art cryptography to guarantee…basic human rights and allow journalists worldwide to work and communicate freely and without fear of reprisal.” The journalists of these pages humbly salute the valiant effort.

        • Linux Mint Debian 201109 Released

          Linux Mint can be a bit difficult to keep up with these days. One is based on Ubuntu, another on Debian. The newest Debian-based version comes with GNOME or Xfce while the Ubuntu-based counterpart is available in GNOME or LXDE. 32- and 64-bit versions are available for both. Today brought a new release: Linux Mint 201109 Debian (GNOME & Xfce).

        • Knoppix 6.7.1 with Firefox 6.0.2, LibreOffice 3.4.3 and Linux 3.0.4 Kernel Is Here

          Knoppix 6.7.1 has been released. The latest version of the popular live CD/DVD Linux distro that started it all, comes with a lot of bleeding-edge software, along with all of the things you’ve grown accustomed to.

          The latest release comes with updated packages from its Debian upstream, picked from the testing and unstable repositories. It brings the latest Linux kernel, modern browser options and the latest LibreOffice 3.4.3.

        • KNOPPIX 6.7 and ADRIANE Audio Desktop Review

          Once upon a time the daddy of this distribution, Klaus Knopper, started a trend with his pioneering Knoppix live CD as rescue and repair tool. It was known for incorporating extensive hardware detection that required minimal to no configuration at boot to arrive at a fully working desktop.
          Nowadays nearly every Linux based project also has a live CD or hybrid live and install image to offer, and Knoppix has been out of the limelight for a while. It’s still around though and has some unique points to offer, as I’m about to find out in this review of Knoppix 6.7, which was recently released to the world on 3rd August 2011 with the kernel.

          As a heavily KDE leaning distribution Knoppix was also one of the first to ship with KDE 4 when it debuted, where it allowed for an early view of things to come. The DVD came with a variety of desktops including GNOME, Fluxbox and IceWM which could be enabled through entering cheat codes at the boot prompt. These days, ever since 6.0 was released, LXDE has become the default on the CD, with more environments and window managers available on the DVD.
          Besides, Klaus Knopper also issues special versions to coincide with the annual CeBIT and LinuxTag expos and conventions, so there are usually three releases a year to keep the system up to date with the ever changing requirements of hardware detection.

        • The Perfect Desktop – Mepis 11

          This tutorial shows how you can set up a Mepis 11 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Mepis is a Linux distribution based on Debian Stable.

        • Canonical/Ubuntu

          • New Games, Books and Magazines in Ubuntu Software Center

            Canonical announced that lots of new games, books and magazines will be available in the Ubuntu Software Center
            for all Ubuntu users.

            While Canonical is preparing the final version of the upcoming Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) operating system, many developers submit their interesting apps in the Ubuntu Software Center.

          • Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Beta Released with Revamped User Interface

            Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 beta has been released with new user interface and all new plugin system.

            The entire interface is divided into four categories – Overview, Tweaks, Admins and Janitor. Plugins can be installed for all of these categories, though in this release they are available for Overview category only.

          • Flavours and Variants

            • PinguyOS 11.04 Review

              PinguyOS is the distribution made for everyone, the out-of-the-box functionality of PinguyOS makes this distribution a perfect choice for Linux newcomers. The massive list of hand-selected applications ensures that users get the best possible experience no matter what they plan to do. Though if you prefer a minimalistic interface, or if you are picky about your applications, PinguyOS may not be the right choice for you. The polished interface is highly functional and easy to navigate. And I feel that the Conky system monitor is a tool that is missing on most distributions. So if you want a full featured distribution that holds nothing back try PinguyOS 11.04 today.

            • Trisquel 5.0 Release announcement

              In what we can now call it a tradition, we celebrate the Software Freedom Day by publishing our latest release: Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0 STS, codename Dagda.

              Today we publish both the standard GNOME based, and the lightweight, LXDE based Trisquel Mini editions. Current Trisquel 4.5 users can upgrade using the update-manager application, without the need for reinstallation. Advanced installations -server, RAID/LVM, encrypted, etc- can be done using the netinstall images. Two more editions, one based on KDE and other using the educational environment Sugar are on the way.

            • Joli OS 1.2 review

              1.1, and now 1.2 are based on the perennial Ubuntu 10.04 LTS edition

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Phones

      • Android

        • Jellybean to Follow Ice Cream Sandwich

          As each alphabet progresses, it comes with a delectable treat to water your mouth. I don’t know if tasty names are the reason why Android is getting popular, but they certainly make it more interesting.

    • Sub-notebooks/Tablets

Free Software/Open Source

  • Openindiana- The revolution continue | Screenshots Tour

    OpenIndiana is a continuation of the OpenSolaris operating system. It was conceived during the period of uncertainty following the Oracle takeover of Sun Microsystems, after several months passed with no binary updates made available to the public. The formation proved timely, as Oracle discontinued OpenSolaris soon after in favour of Solaris 11 Express, a binary distribution with a more closed development model to début later this year. OpenIndiana is part of the Illumos Foundation, and provides a true open-source community alternative to Solaris 11 and Solaris 11 Express, with an open development model and full community participation.

  • Open source tool enables security tests for chip cards

    At this year’s Black Hat Conference, crypto expert Karsten Nohl of SRLabs demonstrated the degate tool that can be used to take a closer look at applications stored on smartcards, such as credit cards and SIM cards.

  • New Award: Community Member of the Month!
  • Seven Ways to Celebrate Software Freedom Day

    Today is Software Freedom Day, and that means fans of free and open source software around the globe are celebrating all the ways it improves our lives.

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

      • Google Releases Chrome 14 Stable for Linux

        The Google Chrome developers at Google proudly announced a few minutes ago, September 16th, the stable release and immediate availability for download of the Google Chrome 14 web browser for Linux, Windows, Macintosh and Chrome Frame platforms.

    • Mozilla

      • Password Protect Firefox Bookmarks

        Firefox bookmarks are accessible for all users of a computer system if one user account is used instead of individual user accounts. This can be a issue if you want to protect data from being seen or accessed by other users. But even if there are multiple user accounts, chance is that some may have access to your Firefox profile folder. A system administrator for instance would have that access.

  • Databases

    • Oracle Further Commercializes MySQL Database

      Oracle has added additional commercial extensions to the enterprise edition of its open-source MySQL database, further differentiating it from the community version available to anyone at no charge.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Open Source Drug Discovery for Malaria

      We’re starting a new project – open source drug discovery for malaria. Initially the participants are my group at the University of Sydney and the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), but naturally as an open project we need to expand beyond this. If you’re reading this, you can join us. Check here for what’s needed at the moment.

  • Programming

    • A Look at the Future of Perl 5.16 and Beyond

      Despite many assertions that “Perl is dead,” it’s very much alive – particularly Perl 5, which is and will be in widespread use for quite some time. It may not be getting as much attention as JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, and whatever the language du jour is that Google wants to put out – but it’s not going anywhere.


  • A Beginners’ Guide to Internet Trolling

    Nowadays, the phenomenon of trolling other people online is considered a bad thing. But it has not always been so. Trolling was a noble cause once, perpetrated by Usenet veterans, who would pull simple and innocent general ignorance type of jokes on unsuspecting newbies. There was much rejoicing and a handful of tears, but in the end, people learned through whimsical, violent allegories.

  • Finance

    • Rudolf Elmer – the man who exposed the dark side of global finance

      Blowing the whistle on government or corporate malpractice takes great courage and involves a high sense of civic duty, as whistleblowers often put their lives on the line in order to inform society on behaviour that is against its citizens’ interest as well as the basic principles of democracy and human rights. Because of the possible consequences of such an act, it is important to have the feed-back of prominent whistleblowers who share their experience, thoughts and advice with potential whistleblowers and society as a whole, as anyone can find themselves in the uncomfortable seat of government or corporate crime witness from inside. Also, because they are often the victims of smear campaigns, at Liberté-info we like to give whistleblowers the opportunity to be heard without the bias and censorship that can surround economically motivated media outfits. Plus this is #OccupyWallStreet day, a good occasion to talk about global financial crime.

  • Civil Rights

    • Tesco threatens journalist with arrest for writing down prices

      A Guardian journalist who was researching prices at a Tesco supermarket was threatened with arrest for writing down prices as he walked around. The security guard who questioned him claimed that it was illegal to write down prices at Tesco’s. The manager later allowed as how it wasn’t illegal, merely against store policy.

  • DRM

    • FSF speaks against patent and DRM provisions at Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators’ meeting

      The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a free trade agreement currently under negotiation that could require member countries to enact strict copyright and patent legislation that hurts free software users and developers. Our license compliance engineer Brett Smith talked about the FSF’s opposition to these terms with negotiators last weekend; in this blog post, he shares his perspective on the event.

USPTO’s Violation of the First Amendment, Competition Laws, and Spirit of Creation

Posted in America, Intellectual Monopoly, Patents at 4:04 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Job cremation

USPTO building

Summary: The USPTO (shown above) comes under more fire as a so-called ‘reform’ fails to make it harmonious with science, technology, and human rights

THE USPTO IS happily granting software patents/monopolies and processing some patent-pending ones on green energy, demonstrating that it is still dissociated from the betterment of society and instead dedicated to protectionism.

The First Amendment is said to be violated by some particular types of patents, according to TechDirt which argues:

Do Patents On Medical Diagnostics Violate The First Amendment?

We’ve been following the extremely worrisome Prometheus Laboratories v. Mayo Collaborative Services case for a while now. This is the case in which Prometheus patented some basic medical diagnostics tests, and then sued the Mayo Clinic for daring to do similar diagnostics without paying up. Tragically, CAFC, the court of appeals for the Federal Circuit, has ruled that it’s just fine and dandy to patent a diagnostic test. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal on this in the upcoming term, and folks at the Cato Institute have filed a very interesting amicus brief, arguing that such a diagnostic test should not be patentable on two key points. I don’t know that it’ll convince the court, but they try out the argument that doing so would actually be a First Amendment violation, and even cite the famous Eldred case to make their argument (emphasis mine in the quote here):

As we explained yesterday, antitrust concerns too help shed doubt on the legitimacy of the patent system. Google may have bought some more patents from IBM (mentioned in the context of software patents in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]), but deterrence does not work when Microsoft uses patent trolls to wage anti-competitive legal wars. This whole systems looks more and more like s sham. Even NPR did a show about it about 3 days ago. To quote a part of it:

BLOCK: What is the broader goal in terms of job creation here?

SYDELL: Well, this is what they say. What they say is if we speed things up and we get that backlog cleared up, then there are all these startups that are just waiting to move to the next phase of financing and get their products to market. And they’ll be able to do that and they’ll hire people in the process. So that’s what they’re saying.

BLOCK: And what about those businesses, Laura, or inventors, entrepreneurs – do they think that the law will, in fact, encourage hiring, make them hire more people?

SYDELL: No, I’m not hearing that largely at all. I’m hearing a lot of skepticism about the bill. I think one of the problems that entrepreneurs and startups face is that there are a lot of bad patents that are out there, particularly in the realm of software and business method. And the bill doesn’t really do anything to address that.

So one of the problems that you have is you have a lot of these, they call them patent trolls. They’re companies that buy up patents, particularly broad patents. They buy them up and they go out and they sue startups and they demand licensing fees. And this has put a lot of startups out of business. And this bill doesn’t really do anything to address that problem.

The Patent Office has granted, for example, in 2000, they granted a patent for a method of making toast. Really, seriously.

BLOCK: Laura, what other solutions would there be to this problem of bad patents that you’re talking about that wouldn’t involve Congress?

SYDELL: The courts could step in. And, in fact, it is the courts who initially pushed to have, for example, software patents and business method patents granted. So they could pull back and there is some evidence they are. But I think it could be a long time before they address it directly. And people are concerned about that.

I think a lot of people wish Congress would revisit this soon. And they’re worried that because they just granted and created this new act it’ll be a long time before Congress steps in again, which really would be the fastest and most efficient way to address the problem.

BLOCK: NPR’s Laura Sydell. We were talking about the new U.S. patent bill that was signed into law by President Obama today.

There are more news articles about it, e.g. [1, 2], but only few mention software patents. The government which signed this ridiculous bill ignores the real issues, spews out a load of nonsense which contradicts research, and one GNU/Linux advocate had this to say on Saturday:

Patent "reform"? Not really.
From: Homer 
Date: Saturday 17 Sep 2011 14:38:53
Groups: comp.os.linux.advocacy

Apparently "patent reform" happened already, and nobody noticed. But what exactly happened, and what effect will it have on patent trolls like Myhrvold, Apple, Microsoft and Oracle, perhaps the biggest threats to Linux, Free Software and innovation in general? [quote] Late last night the Senate voted 89-9 to pass the America Invents Act that would radically reshape patent laws, and President Obama is expected to sign it without delay. It's the first such significant bill in 60 years, and it has one key component: It moves the onus from merely "inventing" a patentable idea first to becoming the person who actually files for an innovation first. ... But "first to invent" has some big pitfalls, including the ability of an inventor to totally gut the hopes of someone else with a similar or identical idea, and who then files for a patent--because the original inventor, without necessarily having to make any move toward realizing the innovation, can claim they invented it. A complex legal battle may then ensue, and perhaps the second filer may choose to settle privately, license the idea, or fight the situation in an expensive court case. This trolling completely destroys the idea that a successful new thing is built on 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration--a troll, perhaps even a rich troll who's made money from previous innovations they've dreamed up (or, more materialistically, bought from someone), can simply keep the legal upper hand by saying they're the real innovator without actually building anything. [/quote] http://www.fastcompany.com/1779071/first-to-file-a-patently-obvious-reform Sorry (and excuse the pun) but this is patently wrong. Invention is invention, not manufacturing; it's the idea (strictly - the method) not the implementation. If you're not the first to have a particular idea, then you're not its inventor. Period. This "reform" simply transforms "invention" into a brawl, where being the first to find or create something doesn't necessarily secure ownership - you can be mugged for it by someone more powerful. Is this really all the "America Invents Act" has to offer? Is this the best "reform" congress could come up with? Pathetic. /Real reform/ would have been a re-examination and redefinition of what exactly is patentable, a more rigorous patent examination process (or, let's be honest, /any/ patent examination process), and stricter (or again - /any/) remedies against those who persistently file trivial claims. /Real reform/ would have made patents non-transferable, thus completely solving the problem of patent harvesting by non-practising entities. /Real reform/ would have made it impossible to patent something as trivial and non-inventive as a "rounded rectangle" or a "record button". But no, that's not what the "America Invents Act" has done at all. All it's done is make innovation impossible for anyone who lacks the financial means to bribe the USPTO, and allows the wealthy to steal others' ideas. The US patent system was already an abomination, but now, incredibly, it's actually an order of magnitude /worse/. Apart from anything else, it seems to completely undermine the premise of "prior art", since apparently the only thing that counts now is being the "first to file", regardless of who actually came up with, or even implemented, the idea first. Consider the case of IP Innovation LLC and the Technology Licensing Company (ex-Microsoft employees, and likely just two of Myhrvold's many shell companies) vs.  Red Hat & Novell, where the litigants claimed they'd "invented" multiple workspaces. Of course, their definition of "invented" was "harvested patents from Xerox". Unfortunately for the patent trolls, those patents were granted in 1991, some 6 years /after/ multiple workspaces ("screens") had already been implemented on the Amiga, and so they lost the case. Indeed Commodore implemented the concept as a commercial product in 1985, a full year before it was even first implemented internally by Xerox PARC, and the Amiga implementation was based on ideas devised by Jay Miner (of the original "Amiga Corporation") as far back as 1982, some two years before it was even first imagined at Xerox PARC. But that prior art would apparently mean nothing in the new patent regime, since neither Jay Miner nor Commodore thought to patent the concept of multiple workspaces, despite clearly being the inventors and first implementers of the concept. Xerox PARC was the "first to file", and that's all that matters in a gun-slinger economy. Anyone with enough money can now file patents against other people's prior art, use them as weapons to extort money, from anyone - including the /actual/ inventors, then pass those weapons on to other gun-slingers to do likewise. Meanwhile those same gun-slingers remain free to claim "invention" of every trivial speck of dust in the world, completely unchallenged until they turn up in the "great" troll-friendly State of Texas, and either win on the basis of the corrupt court's pro-patent bias, or bleed their victims dry in the process. So much for "patent reform".

It’s all about inflating the elevating the amount of patents (under the assumption that patents have real value, as legal types wish us to believe), but if the assumption is that this bill will give more jobs to patent lawyers, maybe they have a point. Just creating more and more monopolies is like overprinting money, which devalues the currency but works well for the mint. Watch McKool Smith in the news last week, pulling $391,000,000 from an actual practicing company based on this press release:

Attorneys from McKool Smith have secured a $391 million court judgment in favor of firm client Versata Software Inc., a pioneer in front-office enterprise software, following a successful patent infringement lawsuit against global software giant SAP America Inc. and its German-based parent company SAP AG (NYSE: SAP).

That is some really expensive “patent infringement”. Notice that SAP America Inc. is the target. The USPTO really needs to get its act together or go away.

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