Links 26/8/2011: Official 20th Anniversary of Linux, Blankfein (Goldman Sachs CEO) Allegedly Might Face Prison
More Windows 7 corruption and repair woes
In comparison, GNU/Linux has similar repair software that is used by booting the repair DVD for the distribution. It scans the installed packages and repairs as necessary. Since the Linux boot sequence is far less complex than Windows, the kernel can at least boot and get the user to a command prompt (in case X11 can’t start), allowing for further troubleshooting of log files. Fortunately, I haven’t needed to run a repair like this for GNU/Linux in a long long time. Corruption and repairs just aren’t needed like they are in Windows. But, I’m guessing the latest GNU/Linux repair DVDs are very efficient at fixing issues, if any do come up.
Kernel Space
Feature: Finding Success Through Open Source Game Development
In a new Gamasutra feature, contributor Michael Thomsen looks at the sometimes surprising direction game development can take once its opened up to a group of excited enthusiasts and modders.
New Releases
Red Hat Family
Finnish City of Kankaanpaa Cuts Project Hardware Costs by 50 Percent with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
In 2008, the city’s information and communications technology (ICT) department faced several IT-related challenges. The management and configuration of individual desktops at several locations in and around the city, including diverse places such as public libraries and schools became very difficult to manage. In addition, there were numerous mission-critical solutions running on physical servers in its datacenter that presented a constant risk of downtime, which could directly impact business continuity. Lastly, the effect of running IT services on a limited number of physical servers increased complexity when deploying new applications, services or during hardware migration projects, which the city found to be both time consuming and expensive.
Telstra cloud certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux ready
elstra has received Red Hat Enterprise Linux certification providing certainty to Australian organisations moving into Telstra’s cloud computing environment.
SilverStone DC01: An Entry Into The Linux NAS Market
$25 PC alpha board successfully runs Linux
Late last month we reported that the $25 PC had gone into alpha production. That meant the spec of the board had been finalized by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and they wanted hardware to start testing. Now they have an alpha board to play with.
The alpha board is significantly larger than the final product will be, but as testament to just how small this thing is even scaled up, the alpha version is about the size of 3 credit cards. The final version will be credit-card sized.
Bringing an Unloaded Knife to a Gunfight
The court in the Netherlands has thrown out Apple’s charges of infringement of a design patent againts Samsung only asking Samsung to change a swipe-scroll feature to clear them for importation. Apple lost huge points for fudging pictures and claiming the shape of a tablet was their idea.
Samsung v Apple in NL: Happy selling, Samsung!
HTC Bliss Handled in The Wild
Millennial Media: Android Leads All Mobile Platforms with 61% Share
The latest Millennial Media ‘Mobile Mix’ has landed today and it shows Android continuing its dominance over all other mobile platforms. According to their ad network metrics, Android has grown 15% month-over-month and now has a 61% share of overall smartphone impressions. Apple comes in at a distant second place with 21% of the market, down six points from the month before. For whatever reason, the dip was considerably bigger than the previous few months which only saw slight 1% declines. Coming in third, RIM and their BlackBerry platform also dipped a point to 14% of the pie.
Free Software/Open Source
Infoblox and Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) Team to Help Optimize Development of Critical Open Source Internet Infrastructure Software
Taiwan should not overlook Korea moving to develop open-source smartphones
Web Browsers
How To Make Firefox Look And Feel More Like Chrome
Mozilla WebAPI wants to replace native apps with HTML5
Mozilla has launched an ambitious new project aimed at breaking down the proprietary app systems on today’s mobile devices. The project, dubbed WebAPI, is Mozilla’s effort to provide a consistent, cross-platform, web-based API for mobile app developers. Using WebAPI, developers would write HTML5 applications rather than native apps for iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms.
Oracle v. Google – Damages Report – Try Again, Oracle
The court heard the oral arguments on the Daubert motion last Thursday and rendered its decision [PDF] on the same – back to the drawing boards, Oracle. But we shouldn’t be too quick to draw a blanket conclusion in favor of Google from Judge Alsup’s order. Rather, we need to parse it and consider what the order says.
Fellowship interview with Richard Shipman
Richard Shipman, Teaching Fellow at the Computer Science department of Aberystwyth University, has extensive experience of working with Free Software and discussing its strengths and weaknesses with others.
Why the GPL sky isn’t falling
With all of the talk about the license for the Linux kernel being violated by Google and downstream vendors of the Android operation system, I wanted to find out what would happen in a worst-case scenario.
Specifically, if someone wanted to sue a vendor for GPL non-compliance on behalf of the Linux kernel, who could do it, and what might happen next?
To understand this, let’s back up and talk about how “ownership” of the Linux kernel works. Throughout this discussion, I will be talking about the Linux kernel proper, not any form of the broader Linux operating system (aka GNU/Linux, if you’re so inclined). Ownership of the operating system is a little easier: Red Hat owns Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE owns SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and so on.
Bart Hanssens:
next #odfplugfest interop event will be in Gouda, The Netherlands, November 17/18 #fedict #noiv #odf
General Electric’s Jim Cramer Heads to Midwest to Cheerlead for Fracking
Today, CNBC’s Mad Money with Jim Cramer’s “Invest in America” series will take the show to a seemingly unlikely locale. The crew will head to a place many would consider the middle of nowhere — the state of North Dakota.
Plain Talk: Gore deplores BS skewing climate debate
It has been nearly two years now since Wendell Potter, the former public relations expert for two of the nation’s largest health insurers, wrote the book “Deadly Spin,” exposing the misleading advertising campaigns and dirty tricks that insurance companies have used to try to scuttle meaningful health care reform.
In the book Potter, who is now a senior fellow at the Madison-based Center for Media and Democracy, revealed that the health insurance industry has been using many of the same tactics and, indeed, some of the same people who successfully fought off tobacco regulation for decades. Tobacco interests used doctors and other medical “experts” to discredit the research that found tobacco causes cancer and numerous other diseases in not just smokers, but people around them.
Cameron and Osborne did the Swiss tax deal to support tax evasion – there’s no other explanation
The UK – Swiss tax deal does not meet with my approval, as some will have noticed. The deal is outlined here. My objections are littered through the blogs preceding this one.
But let’s stand back for a moment and consider why the UK have done this deal – uniquely (because it seems unlikely that the supposedly similar German one will get parliamentary approval and so will not happen). -
Under Fire, Goldman Sachs CEO Hires Top-Notch Attorney
Goldman Sachs’ shares nosedived nearly 5% after it confirmed that its chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein, has hired Reid Weingarten, a high-profile Washington, D.C., defense attorney to defend the embattled executive in connection with the Department of Justice’s inquiry into Blankfein and other firm officials.
The Justice probe is looking into findings in a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations which alleges Goldman Sachs (GS) executives misled Congress and investors about its mortgage-backed securities deals.
Could Blankfein Face Prison?
The Goldman Sachs CEO didn’t get a big-time criminal-defense lawyer because he’s worried about an SEC wrist slap—there’s a real possibility of doing time, says former Goldman managing director Nomi Prins.
Job Creation and America’s Future
Right at the beginning the report hits us in the face with a few statistics highlighted in big text that succinctly capture the job picture in 2011: US jobs have declined by 7 million since December 2007; 20% of men are not working today, up from 7% in 1970; there has been a 23% drop in new business creation since 2007; the jobless recovery is projected to last 60 months; 10% of Americans move annually, down from 20% in 1985.
Revealed: Former Goldman Sachs VP Turned Issa Staffer Supervised Scheduling Of Elizabeth Warren Incident (Think Progress)
Last week, ThinkProgress revealed that Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) hired Peter Haller, a former Goldman Sachs vice president, as one of his top aides. Haller, who adopted his mother’s maiden name in 2008 and had escaped public scrutiny until now, coordinated an Oversight Committee letter to regulators demanding that they justify new Dodd-Frank rules impacting investment banks like his old employer, Goldman Sachs. After publication of our story, the Project on Government Oversight discovered more of Haller’s Oversight Committee letters, again on issues directly related to Goldman Sachs.
Plastic Bag Manufacturers Edit California Textbooks
The American Chemistry Council (ACC), a lobbying group representing plastic bag manufacturers, successfully convinced the California Department of Education to rewrite its environmental textbooks and teachers’ guides to include positive statements about plastic grocery bags.
Profit Motive Underlies Outbreak of Immigration Bills
July 29 marked the one-year anniversary of Arizona’s controversial immigration law, a year that has seen similar anti-immigrant bills emerge across the country. Thanks to the release of over 800 pieces of “model legislation” by the Center for Media and Democracy, we can now pinpoint the source of the outbreak to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a bill factory for legislation that benefits the bottom line of its corporate members. While it has been reported that more immigrants behind bars means more income for ALEC member Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), less discussed has been how immigrant detention benefits commercial bail-bond agencies, an industry represented in ALEC through the American Bail Coalition.
Steve’s Duopoly Against Linux
“We’ve always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”
Original photo by Matthew Yohe, modified by Boycott Novell
Summary: The patent assault on GNU/Linux and Android carries on, although one of the chief players, Steve Jobs, is calling it quits amid struggles to block the competition (e.g. tablets with Linux)
“Apple plus Microsoft equals 100% of the desktop computer market. And so, whatever Apple and Microsoft agree to do, it’s a standard,” said Steve Jobs over a decade ago (see the video). Those two companies, Apple and Microsoft, are now collaborating (colluding) in their attacks on Linux. Might the Cook-led Apple be any different? We doubt it, but we can only hope. The MSBBC and pro-Microsoft lobbyists are pushing a distorted version of the story about Apple versus Samsung. For Apple, the decision was somewhat of a defeat, coming to light on the very same day that Steve Jobs decided to step down from his embargo company. If anyone needs proof that Apple is merely a marketing/branding company, it’s the reaction from investors to this man’s departure. Incidentally, since Samsung is on the receiving end of Apple’s thuggish behaviour, it is worth noting that in last night’s phone conversation that I had with OIN’s CEO (we spoke for almost an hour and a half, touching various issues) it turned out that Samsung (and possibly LG) is not paying Microsoft for Linux per se, so a small correction (error caused by Microsoft disinformation) ought to be made. While LG and Samsung are, according to Microsoft, paying Microsoft for Linux, it turns out that Microsoft just grossly exaggerated this for FUD purposes. The patent deals from 2007 were just for FAT patents. We wonder how many more of those “Linux” deals (e.g. Brother) are just phony extortions over some unwanted and arcane file system. In any case, Samsung and LG are not the sellouts Microsoft would have us believe they are. The interesting thing is, Android was beating iPhone around the time of iPhone 3. It seems likely that Android will beat iPad around the release of iPad 3, as well. No wonder Apple is so frantic and aggressive. The antitrust folks should really pay more attention to Apple’s reaction, possibly constituting a cartel.
Looking more closely at Samsung’s case, the prior art argument was being used properly [1, 2]. “Watch them wind around when confronted with truth,” writes Jan Wildeboer separately, regarding this response to Stallman's piece about the "unitary patent". Wildeboer, whose origin country helps a quick interpretation of the Apple-Samsung ruling, has also been trying to counter the FUD which came from pro-Microsoft lobbyist Florian Müller. This lobbyist pushed his FUD into some news sites. Some pro-patents sites are always looking for damning material that helps validate software patents too [1, 2, 3] while a Microsoft apologist continues to daemonise the Google-Motorola deal (this time using China), even a week after it all happened. Apple’s and Microsoft’s crusade for “Linux tax” is intended to make those new open source-based platforms that are so disruptive to them “uneconomic”, to use the word OIN’s CEO repeated a lot. Over in China, where intellectual monopolies are hardly respected, Microsoft is already infiltrating Linux to put Microsoft tax on it, as we explained twice this week. Quoting Sam Dean:
Microsoft will be involved with the deployment of NeoKylin Linux…
Yes, it’s just like another Novell, i.e. the ‘Microsoft Linux’ which Microsoft makes money from at the expense of Debian, Red Hat, and others. This is a point that OIN’s CEO and I seemed to have no disagreements on. Moreover, as he pointed out, there is clearly an attempt by what he labelled “duopolists” and “monopolists” to just remove competitors from the market. Android is their current target, but GNU/Linux on the server is another. We really must fight back on both fronts. One way is to challenge Android FUD and another is to antagonise Novell-like deals. █
In Russia, Microsoft Polices the Police
Summary: Microsoft turns state police into a section of its own workforce
LAST YEAR we saw Russian dissidents arrested after Microsoft software has been used as an excuse [1, 2]. Microsoft did a lot of PR to distance itself from the truth, but Cablegate’s latest disclosure may return to haunt the abusive monopolist. As one interpreter put it, “Microsoft conducts regional training programs & has trained over 1200 Russian police officers” and the diplomatic cable says:
¶9. (SBU) Representatives from Microsoft and the Baltic Law firm (representing the Business Software Alliance) provided case studies of best practices for working with Russian law enforcement on IPR. With 30 IP lawyers in 27 regions across Russia, Microsoft works closely with both federal and regional law enforcement on IPR protection. In 2007, Microsoft brought over 1500 cases to the MVD for investigation. Microsoft also conducts regional training programs and has trained over 1200 Russian police officers and investigators. Baltic Law also backed-up the MVD’s argument that enforcement of IPR only works when rights holders take initiative, by citing an example of a case in which Baltic Law reported to the local MVD in Novosibirisk that a Russian company was using illegal software. The investigation led to a court decision in Baltic Law’s favor and damages paid to the BSA member.
Here is a wiki page for those who are not yet familiar with the BSA. █
Links 25/8/2011: Gentoo Installer, Android Car Receiver
Excellent Ways of Watching TV on Your Linux Desktop
Television, the little box that sits in the living room is something many people can’t do without. If you have hooked up your TV to your computer then you might want to check out the list of free and open-source television software we published earlier. However, if you want to watch your favorite programs according to your own schedule, you won’t have to rely on the idiot box anymore.
Thanks to the Internet, a lot of native as well as web applications have come up that make sure that you watch your favorite shows at the time and place you want. Here’s a list of ways in which you could get the best television experience on your very own Linux desktop:
Linux Hardware Support Better Than Windows 7
The concept of better is a subjective idea. What is better to me is possibly, even probably, not better to someone else. In my case, and in the case of some of my clients, Linux hardware support is “better”. I do not buy cutting edge hardware and tend to keep systems and peripherals until they stop working and can no longer be repaired at a reasonable cost. When a new release of my favorite Linux distribution comes out I can be 100% certain that my hardware that works with my current release will still work with the new release. That is something I just take for granted. This is not so in the Microsoft camp.
Zorin PC
After waiting like Job for the pre-installed Linux machines we deserved, we’ve arrived at a literal Garden of Eden full of worthy choices. A compelling new offering is the Zorin PC, a new mini-laptop that runs its own Linux distro, Zorin OS.
Kernel Space
Linux is 20 years old today
ONE MIDSUMMER’S NIGHT, a student at the University of Helsinki posted a query to the newsgroup comp.os.minix asking, “What would you like to see most in minix?” The student’s name was Linus Torvalds, and that Usenet post was the beginning of the Linux operating system (OS). The date was 25 August 1991, exactly 20 years ago today.
It was twenty years ago today…
Linus Torvalds didn’t use words half as lyrical as those of the immortal Beatles when he first announced the arrival of Linux 20 years ago (for those who don’t know, the headline for this article is taken from the famous album, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, released by the band in 1967).
Graphics Stack
X.Org Server 1.11 Set For Release On Friday
X.Org Server 1.11 was originally planned for release on the 19th of August, but following a one-week delay, it should be officially released this Friday. This is another significant update to the X.Org Server.
X.Org Server 1.11 was originally planned for release last Friday, but last week was met by the unexpected passing of Keith Packard’s mother. With Keith serving as the release manager and being out of the game last week, the xorg-server release was obviously postponed.
Legacy Mesa Drivers Receive Their Death Sentence
Last year at XDS 2010 Toulouse there was a discussion about killing old X.Org / Mesa drivers with fire. In particular, dropping all the old drivers that go un-maintained and have little in the way of users and modern functionality. Last year they decided to not really do much about it since these drivers cause little maintenance burden, but the topic has been brought up again and it sounds like these crusty old Linux drivers will finally receive their death sentence.
Buy ‘Illumination Software Creator’ for Whatever You Want
Pybackup Makes Saving and Restoring Easy as Pie
Zero Install- Run software without the need to install it in your system
Udev Discover – Tool for udev testers, coders, hackers and consumers
Some console Utilities for Linux
Shotwell 0.11.0 Released
Shotwell photo manager 0.11.0 has been released bringing in new features and improvements.
Installing and configuring vsftpd for local unix users
Using ls
HOWTO : Pure-ftpd and atftpd on Back|Track 5
Enable automatic security update in Debian/Ubuntu
An Introduction to Find
Linux: Vim Freezing
Enable automatic security update in Debian/Ubuntu
Manage notification settings in KDE 4.x
KMail for both, those who want and those who dont want to view/reply to/forward HTML mails.
How to enable gzip compression in Apache 2.x
Sed Explained—Part 2: Data Structures and Operators
Installing / Using Classic GNOME Desktop In Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
Broadcom wireless on Arch linux
How To Sync Subtitles, Audio and Video In VLC Player
Keep your disk clean with BleachBit
Becoming a real Wine developer
Today’s Wine consists of two equally important parts: a series of implementations pretending to be parts of Windows, and an ever-growing suite of unit tests. The implementations are straightforward once you know the right thing to do: if the waiter function in Windows’ restaurant.dll asks for a tip, then ours needs to as well. Similarly, the tests prove what the right thing actually is, on both Wine and Windows. They help us answer weird questions, like if the Windows waiter still demands a tip with a negative bill. Somewhere out there, there’s a Windows program that depends on this behavior, and it will be broken in Wine if we make the mistake of assuming Windows acts reasonably.
‘In The Dark’ Kickstarter Drive Update, Plus Gameplay Footage
Building With Someone Else’s Blocks: Going Open Source With Games
[While commercial products are rarely open source, many different projects have explored the possibilities of opening up the code to the community -- and in this feature, Gamasutra looks at some examples and speaks to the minds behind them.]
The relationship between creator and audience in video games is more complicated than any other creative form. Developers can be artists, teachers, entertainers, scientists, or collaborators — and often they must fill several of those roles simultaneously.
Marball Odyssey Needs GNU/Linux Testers
Ozzy from “Sunday Coders” told LGN that they are porting their game Marball Odyssey to GNU/Linux and need testers to make sure it would work on as many distros as possible.
BZFlag Tournament hosted by Ohava Open Computers
Desktop Environments
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)
Current Status of Plasma Media Center
Happy to tell that Plasma Media Center has been improved a lot and have basic functionalities which is required in a mediacenter i.e Picture, Music and Video.
First of all when user open MediaCenter then welcome screen gets opened in full-screen (required) modes i.e picture, Music and Video. User can enter into any of these mode by clicking on the icons.
Self Reproducing Machines at the Berlin Desktop Summit
I look forward to software conferences because you can never tell which ideas will excite you most. In 2011 I would expect to be wowed by the latest in tablets or 3D rendering stuff, but actually it turned out that 3D printers and a bad attempt to build a toaster from first principles were what left me with the deepest impression at the Summit. Michael Meeks gave a Lightning Talk on his 3D printer RepRap project. It was really funny, about how he built five iterations of his printer, with each generation printing the next printer. Sadly it seemed his wife’s nylons suffered in the cause of science, but holy crap I’d personally happily donate my socks to further such an awsome project. I don’t know how Michael does it, I am a big fan of his blogs where he describes his thoughts on software such as Libre Office, massive child rearing efforts, attempts to fix his plumbling, lots of stuff on learning Christianity and of course those 3D printers. I couldn’t actually write a blog like that because I personally manage to do bugger all apart from mainly writing software, listening to music and drinking a lot of beer, and if I wrote about my life, by comparison sadly it would be a bit of a dull read. Oh well. I can only think about one thing for years on end it seems, and I wish I was more of a generalist like Michael. But if I wanted to think about one thing, there couldn’t be many better topics than self replicating machines.
KDE in France – the View from RMLL
Geoffray found quite a few differences in attitudes towards the free desktop options on Linux compared to the previous year. The situation with Gnome 3 and Unity in Ubuntu has affected the view that people have of KDE. Some traditional free software users have given Unity a bad reception and are considering other options. The response to GNOME 3 seems to be more mixed. Some traditional Gnome users appreciate the new look and feel, while others do not really like it. Some think that the new desktop is not finished, likening it to the KDE 4.0 release. This creates some new interest in KDE, although of course some KDE people are excited to try out alternatives such as GNOME 3 and Unity.
GNOME Desktop
GNOME 3.0 Live image release 1.5.0 available
I just push a new GNOME 3.0 live image labelled as 1.5.0 (yes, I forgot to push 1.4.0 after I built it, so we are at 1.5.0 now
SalixOS: older brother of SLAX
My first acquittance with Salix OS left very good impression on me.
Use parted for large partitions
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family
Mandriva 2011 almost ready for total freeze!
Some beautiful news from Mandriva team
In latest ISO We fixed bug, that prevented loading drivers for USB webcams. Now you can use such programs like Skype without any problems. Try it!
Gentoo Family
Gentoo Gets an Installer
Almost as though they heard my suggestions, Gentoo now has an installer. It’s not included on an official Live DVD just yet, but it just might next release.
Wiktor W Brodlo has ported the Red Hat Anaconda installer from Sabayon to work with Gentoo. You can either install it in the live Gentoo environment or you can roll it up in a new Gentoo ISO.
Red Hat Family
RHEL 6 uses Upstart!
With the advent of RHEL 6 — the newest release of RedHats Enterprise operating system — RedHat have chosen to replace the old SystemV init system with… Upstart!
Fedora 16 KDE and GNOME 3 Alpha screenshots
From the test installations I carried out, I observed that GPT is the default if Fedora is installed in standalone mode. If, however, there is an existing distribution or another operating system on the drive, and you attempt to dual-boot, it defaults to the MBR partition table.
Trying out Fedora 16 Alpha.
Sadly, I don’t have quite as much time to do deep testing of Fedora as I used to. So the above is basically a minimal report from about 3 minutes of usage I was able to fit in a couple nights ago. But I can say I’m looking forward to doing more! Remember that if you’re testing and finding problems, we need bugs! Without them it’s really hard to make a better product. So do your part for free software, and report them.
Debian Family
Top 10 Ubuntu 11.10 Features
Beta of the Ubuntu 11.10 operating system is knocking on our doors, as it will be released next Thursday, and we though this will be a good moment to list some of the most important features that will be added in the upcoming Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release.
Ubuntu Oneiric gets makeover
Ubuntu 11.04 Installer Fail
So I decided to take a go at Ubuntu 11.04 in a virtual machine before taking the leap and installing it for real. As I understand it, the new Unity desktop is a pretty major departure from the Gnome 2.x desktop that I’m used to, and I want to see if it’s as bad as it looks in the screenshots.
Interview with Ubudog
Full Circle Podcast 24: OGGCamp Part Two
The New Ubuntu Friendly Program Needs User Feedback
Is your computer Ubuntu Friendly? How do you find out? Do you know about the System Testing Application/Client on Ubuntu? Let’s talk, shall we?
A Photobomb Sale!
Flavours and Variants
Linux Mint 11 Gnome Review
Well not much was left unmentioned, apart from the vast amount of application and package upgrades. The sleek and stylish Mint 11 Gnome interface is an almost flawless working environment, while remaining quite minimalistic and uncluttered. I encountered no problems at all when running this distribution, thus I highly recommend it for everyone.
Galaxy line gains four new Android 2.3 phones, new naming scheme
Samsung announced four new Android 2.3 Galaxy smartphones, as well as a new naming scheme for the Galaxy product line. The new phones include the Galaxy W (3.7-inch, 1.4GHz), the QWERTY-enabled Galaxy M Pro (2.66-inch, 1GHz), the Galaxy Y (three-inch, 832MHz), and the keyboard-ready Galaxy Y Pro, according to the company.
Android car receiver offers hands-free telephony, web access
Parrot is readying what it claims is the world’s first Android-based car receiver for an October release. The Parrot Asteroid offers a 3.2-inch display, GPS-based location services, Bluetooth, optional 3G access to web services, a 4 x 55 Watt MOSFET amplifier, plus support for music sources including Internet radio and a built-in FM/AM tuner.
35% of Tablet Owners Use Them in the Bathroom [STUDY]
First NFC-ready Android tablets debut
NFC is coming to Android tablets this fall, in two seven-inch, Android 2.3 models announced by Sharp and TazTag respectively. The Sharp RW-T107 is an enterprise-focused tablet that supports the Sony Felica flavor of NFC in Japan, while TazTag’s TazTab combines NFC with a biometric fingerprint scanner, plus ZigBee, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, and optional 3G.
Free Software/Open Source
Three Worthwhile Open Source Project Management Apps
Alfresco- An opensource alternative to Microsoft sharepoint
Korea to Develop Own Web-Based OS
The government has decided to develop an operating system capable of rivaling Google’s Chrome OS in collaboration with Korean companies such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, a move to gain ground in the emerging cloud computing service industry.
Interesting Talks For Linux Plumbers Conference 2011
Besides XDC Chicago 2011 for Linux graphics developers, coming up in just two weeks in Santa Rosa, California is the Linux Plumbers Conference. Here’s some of the interesting talks expected at this event that’s largely targeted for Linux kernel developers.
Here’s the talks I find to be most interesting based upon the LPC2011 schedule. (My list is in no particular order.)
Coreboot – The Coreboot software project will be talked about and their efforts to replace proprietary BIOS/UEFI/firmware with this fast open-source code that’s designed to initialize the hardware and boot the system in a lightning fast manner. The talk abstract mentions that Coreboot currently supports around 230 kinds of motherboards and can get to booting the kernel in as little as a half second. The Coreboot project has been around for a while known — previously it was called LinuxBIOS — and is supported well by AMD, especially with the promise of supporting Coreboot on all future hardware.
Web Browsers
Mozilla Says Firefox Mobile Memory Usage Is “Pretty Bad”
Mozilla’s JavaScript engine man-in-charge David Mandelin believes that there is plenty of room for the Firefox Mobile team to improve the browser’s performances on ARM/Android devices. He highlighted Firefox Mobile’s memory usage as a key problem area and suggests that the mobile browser might have to revert back from a multi-process to a single-process architecture.
5 awesome Mozilla Firefox secrets
Gluster Goes After Hadoop Big Data
Big data requires big file systems. That’s where the open source GlusterFS file system is aiming to fit in with the upcoming GlusterFS 3.3 release.
The Gluster project is out this week with the second beta release of GlusterFS 3.3, the final release is expected before the end of the year. The new release provides an integration point for Apache Hadoop enabling Hadoop users to use Gluster for storage. According to Gluster, their filesystem is also comptable with Hadoop’s own HDFS (Hadoop File System), though Gluster provides some additional benefits including scalability and performance improvements.
Thoughts From Eucalyptus System’s CTO As it Rolls Out its Version 3.0
Extension-Repository is growing
I had a short look at the new Extension repository, that I created for LibreOffice, and I saw the number of projects is growing. There are currently fourteen projects on the site and I expect more of them in the next weeks, because we had not going into the wider public with this new sub-project.
LibreOffice Draw and Impress Guides Published
Election Announcement for The Document Foundation Board of Directors
Having been asked by the Steering Committee and Membership Committee to act as the Elections Officer for The Document Foundation, it is my pleasure to announce that we will now conduct the election of a Board of Directors. This election is following the Bylaws [1] of our Foundation. The term is one year commencing from the date the Foundation is legally established.
Project Releases
NetworkManager 0.9 Release Brings Networking Fun
NetworkManager 0.8 was released at the beginning of the year and then NetworkManager 0.9 was planned for release in March, but its release didn’t finally take place until yesterday. NetworkManager 0.9 is a huge release that breaks both the API and ABI compared to the previous NetworkManager release.
No Policy Can Save Wrong Code
Git – Revision Control Perfected
In 2005, after just two weeks, Linus Torvalds completed the first version of Git, an open-source version control system. Unlike typical centralized systems, Git is based on a distributed model. It is extremely flexible and guarantees data integrity while being powerful, fast and efficient. With widespread and growing rates of adoption, and the increasing popularity of services like GitHub, many consider Git to be the best version control tool ever created.
Serving a Local Directory with Plack
Tweaks To Extend The Battery Life Of Intel Linux Notebooks
WikiLeaks Hit With DOS Attack as It Releases Tens of Thousands of Cable
Hours after announcing it would be releasing tens of thousands of cables from various countries including Libya, China, Israel and Afghanistan, WikiLeaks announced that it was sustaining denial of service (DOS) attacks and had “regressed” to its backup servers.
Not surprisingly, WikiLeaks suggested on Twitter that the attacks were from a state-sponsored entity. The organization asked, “Are state directed Denial of Service attacks, legally, a war crime against civilian infrastructure?” And, “Should we, legally, declare war on state aggressors that commit infrastructure war crimes against us?”
These messages came early in the morning on August 24. Releases had already been posted. Followers were helping WikiLeaks “crowd source” the cables by tweeting out their findings with the hashtag #wlfind.
WikiHistory: Did the Leaks Inspire the Arab Spring?
Almost two weeks before the desperate young fruit-seller Mohammed Bouazizi set himself on fire on a street in Tunis and a full month before the uprising that ensued, touching off the “Arab Spring” that is still unfolding, the rationale for revolution appeared on the Internet, where it was devoured by millions of Tunisians. It was a WikiLeaks document pertaining to the unexampled greed and massive corruption of Tunisian president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and all his money-hungry family.
Backlash Against the US Patent System Grows Amid Google’s Defensive Moves
Time is running out for the USPTO
Summary: More mainstream coverage of the problem with the patent system and another report suggesting that Microsoft’s mole, Elop, might be going after patents that Google is after
In light of some of the recent developments (e.g. the success of Linux being hinged on the failure of patents), it is clear that patent wars are a present reality. “A rational observer would now predict that a further outbreak of patent wars, and portfolio-bolstering acquisitions, now are likely,” says one report. “Some observers also are starting to say that the software patent process is broken, costing jobs and threatening innovation as well, and there also is some growing talk that reforms are necessary. Patent system is broken, read the book and complaints that the patent system is broken,while criticism is growing.” These are the words of one of the latest articles on the subject.
Another new article makes a similar point. The author writes about the possibility that many more software patents will become toothless soon. “Court rules ‘do it with a computer’ doesn’t make an idea patentable” says the headline, highlighting last week’s milestone that we covered several times. The article adds: “This week seems to be bigger than most for software patent news. Earlier in the week we had Google’s announcement they are buying Motorola Mobility to acquire defensive patents. Now we have what could be a landmark ruling against the validity of a software patent on the basis that it describes a mental process. ”
Some of the subscribers-only sites which target patent lawyers typically have an opposite interpretation, where basically nothing can stop software patents and those patents are just so wonderful. Watch this claim that software patents are “under attack”. Poor them…
In other relevant news, Google is still trying to get more patents on the face of it. It is claimed that InterDigital’s patents heap is up for sale and Microsoft’s mole that we suspect will use patents against Android is among those bidding for the heap. This further shows that the USPTO is a nightmare which promotes nothing that it promises. As this one site puts it this week:
The Economist blog ‘Democracy in America’ covers the lamentable state of IP. The problem is particularly bad with software patents because they are both so unnecessary to encourage innovation and also because there are potentially so many software patents – software is such an easy medium in which to embody productive ideas. The recent purchase of Motorola Mobile by Google apparently to get itself a stash of patents is truly alarming, because, having spent $12 odd billion on getting the patents and with only a few parties able to marshall sufficient defensive patents to protect themselves against Dark Lord’s like Nathan Myhrvold, Google is then obliged to its shareholders to maximise the value of those patents and to maximise its profit from any mobile phones it makes. And, because of the IP nightmare only a handful of firms will be able to make such products – though only by warding off marauders with threats of counter claims for breaching their own patents.
Here is the update about Google seeking to have patents that are being used offensively reexamined:
Since our last update on the reexaminations of the Oracle (Sun) patents being asserted against Google, two additional first actions on the merits have issued, one [PDF] on patent 6,125,447 and one [PDF] on patent 6,910,205. In each case the examiner has rejected all of the claims for which Google has requested reexamination.
With respect to the ’447 patent, the examiner cites to two principal items of prior art as each anticipating all of the claims of the ’447 patent. In other words, the examiner has found two separate patents that establish that none of the claims of the ’447 patent were novel.
With respect to the ’205 patent the examiner found a single item of non-patent literature that anticipates all of the challenged claims of the patent. That is, the non-patent literature establishes that none of those five challenged claims were novel.
Here is an update on Apple’s failed attack on Android:
Apple Loses Court Battle In Europe, Samsung Free To Sell Galaxy Tabs
Justice will prevail. The European Courts have once again reinstated the faith in justice. Apple today lost its monopolistic battle against Samsung and Android.
Jan Wilderboer, a FOSS evangelist, writes on his blog, “Apple has LOST all claims wrt the European patent 2098948. The court thinks that the European patent 1964022 is worthless and will be thrown out in reexamination anyway. The only thing that remains is the european patent 2059868. And the claims of that patent can be circumvented in trivial ways.”
The Guardian still offers some coverage on this subject this week, mostly critical of software patents (for a change). One Twitter user, Kevin B Unhammer, writes/quotes: “there is one resource patent trolls need: lawyers» (Never do business with firms working for patent trolls)”
Katherine Noyes, writing for PCWorld (IDG) continues her criticism of software patents and so does TechDirt, which writes about something we saw last week:
We recently wrote about a surprising Federal Circuit (CAFC) ruling that might open the door to invalidating a lot of software patents. We received an an interesting comment on the post a few days later from John Pettitt:
So I was thinking – great they invalidated software patents, lets see what crappy patent written by an idiot they picked to do it – then I realized the idiot in question was me
Not sure how I feel about this.
John – inventor of the patent in question.
Pettitt is now running an interesting operation called Free Range Content, which helps companies syndicate content easily. However, a while back, he was the named inventor on patent 6,029,154, describing a “Method and system for detecting fraud in a credit card transaction over the internet.” We reached out to Pettitt to ask him a few questions about his views on the patent system and he kindly agreed.
What’s notable in all those reports is that there is strong consensus on the need to abolish software patents. If anything, Google validated his inclination after it had complained about anti-competitive aspects of patents, especially ones pertaining to software (although not explicitly so). █
BBC’s Reversal of Android Stories Makes Them ‘Publishable’
Summary: The BBC continues to deceive the public with Android-hostile stories that are actually a reversal of the important truth
EARLIER this year we demonstrated and stated that the BBC only ever covers Android when there is bad news. Even then, the BBC prefers to distort the truth, for example by characterising malware (that the user has to actually install and cannot spread) as a “virus”. BBC reports do a disservice to the public not just in the UK as the site is accessible to all countries. They are being paid by the public to do the job of accurate reporting; instead they pay wages to former Microsoft managers and take additional money from BIll Gates to do PR for him, disguised as 'news'. They only ever mention Android when there is something venomous to push under the "BBC" brand name. For shame really.
Here is the latest example of the BBC’s distortion of the truth. Who benefits from this? As Muktware puts it:
Wrong. The court has given Samsung seven weeks time to fix the issues related to one of the patents. The court has rejected all other patents. The patent in question is related to the way photos are shown on these phones. Additionally, the patent is related only to Android 2.3 and doesn’t affect Android 3.0. The issues is minor and can be easily circumvented. Seven weeks time is more than enough for Samsung to fix the software related issue.
‘NOTE: Samsung is *allowed* to sell the phones. The ban will be imposed *only* after seven weeks that too if Samsung fails to circumvent the minor patent.
What BBC did not highlight was that the court has rejected all of Apple’s claims related to the iPad. BBC also did not highlight that Samsung is free to sell its Galaxy Tab in Europe.
Meanwhile, over at another anti-FUD Web site, advice about patent defence is being given. “This likely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea,” states Professor Webbink, “but there is an interesting academic paper by Professor Colleen Chien of Santa Clara University School of Law entitled “Predicting Patent Litigation.” You can download a free copy of the paper here [PDF] on the Social Science Research Network.
“The paper is interesting because Prof. Chien identifies a number of objective markers that identify a patent as being more likely of being asserted in litigation than the general population of patents. The really useful aspect of her analysis is that many of these markers can be discerned prior to the patent actually being asserted.”
It is nice to see academia getting involved in such research because academics — unlike patent lawyers — do not speak for their patents-dependent wallet. They just work with the data they have and almost every time they just find that software patents are bad for the economy, competition, etc. There is a recent study on this.
The BBC was supposed to be different. Since it is funded by the public, it is supposed to be agenda-agnostic, but it is not. If it hires senior staff from Microsoft UK, it is only a matter of time before it become some anti-Linux propaganda machine at worst and one that totally ignores GNU/Linux at best (in reality it’s a mixture of both). █
Shunning SUSE in FOSS and Linux Events
Collaboration Summit/ELC Joint Reception. Markus Rex is on the right.
Summary: The problem with SUSE promotion which transcends its own turf and how it might be worth dealing with this
According to some new posts, the Microsoft-sponsored SUSE is not just making events of its own but also has its representatives visit others. Basically, the SUSE bias is dangerous because its end goal is to promote SLE* (whether intentional or not), which is taxed by Microsoft and promotes the use of proprietary software from Microsoft, as we last showed this afternoon. Over the years (since 2006) we have covered many examples where SUSE took actions which directly harmed GNU/Linux but promoted SUSE, often at the expense of other distributions and not UNIX, Windows, or Mac OS. Who does that really help? And who is actually making money from SUSE? That would be Microsoft. The only suggestible thing that can counter this trend is the discouragement of SUSE promotion in any of the FOSS and Linux events. SUSE promotion is partly funded by Microsoft (there was recently another cash infusion). It is Microsoft that gains from all that. Avoid SUSE sponsorships (Microsoft money) and do not give it much room or positive exposure. That is all we can advise one does when setting up a conference. █
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