Tribute to Schroder and Unanswered Questions
Summary: Tribute to Linux Today editor
Carla Schroder has been openly critical of Microsoft, as one should rightly be. She is an excellent writer, too. Her departure from Linux Today led to much speculation. To quote:
“Save your sympathy because while it sucks to be given the boot, it’s all good. I can’t say a whole lot without incurring the wrath of lawyers, so use your imagination to fill in the gaps. You’ll probably be close to the truth,” she wrote.
“Linux Today gets tied up with Microsoft then sacks Schroder and others,” writes “twitter”, “but hey, they earned $6.2 million, a 27% increase over last year … who needs editors or readers when you have Microsoft ad revenue? [...] until they quit paying [...] is this just another example of Microsoft attacking the non-Microsoft controlled tech press? [...] the “Evangelism is War” reference is so obvious when things like this happen [...] FTC says that Google must report to an “independent third party” with a comprehensive privacy program every two years for the next twenty years. http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2011/03/google-settles-ftc-charges-agrees-to-boost-privacy-protections-.html [...] If the FTC were independent, I’d have some confidence they would select an appropriate panel. As things are, I expect a Microsoft stacked panel. [...] Vista 7 has encrypted communications back to Microsoft and the company has a terrible privacy record, where is their independent review? [...] Google just caught them spying on user’s search queries, so I consider Microsoft the greater threat. [...] No matter what web service you use, Bill Gates is looking over your shoulder if you use Windows or an ISP friendly to Microsoft, which is basically all ISPs. [...] Carla’s dismissal, if it is “it is impossible to be too cynical,” is obviously Microsoft’s doing. That she’s threatened by lawyers to keep silent is another injustice. [...] “use your imagination to fill in the gaps. You’ll probably be close to the truth.” I’m not half evil enough to fill in Microsoft gaps. [...] Techrights got honorable mention from Carla S. http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/149211/ [...] “LXer, Linux.com, Slashdot, Tuxmachines.org, Junauza.com (Tech Source), Techrights.org, LWN.net, Groklaw.net, Distrowatch.com, Linuxpromagazine.com, Linux-Mag.com, Linuxjournal.com, and all the many other Linux news, howtos, books, and blog sites are all part of a big mutually-supportive ecosystem, whether it’s intentional or not. Something for everyone, and everyone has something to contribute.” Very nice of her.”
We love you, Carla. Keep up what you do. █
BenderBendingRodriguez said,
March 31, 2011 at 7:20 pm
So that’s why i’ve seen all those M$/Windows ads on a linux website! Thankfully they don’t have whole earth’s money to buy everyone out…
Dr. Roy Schestowitz Reply:
March 31st, 2011 at 7:25 pm
That still does damage.