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Microsoft Stacks the Danish Panel Too

Posted in Deception, ECMA, Europe, IBM, Microsoft at 9:03 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

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“Consultants: These guys are your best bets as moderators. Get a well-known consultant on your side early, but don’t let him publish anything blatantly pro-Microsoft. Then, get him to propose himself to the conference organizers as a moderator, whenever a panel opportunity comes up.

Analysts: Analysts sell out – that’s their business model But they are very concerned that they …


Software Patents and Colombia

Posted in America, FSF, GPL, Patents at 2:53 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

S everal months ago we mentioned Microsoft's apparent misconduct in Colombia . In short, the company made itself a majority voter on the issue of OOXML. It ‘hijacked’ the elections. Here is another curious new bit which comes from Colombia :

The first morning saw heated debate between the panel and the audience, specially after the Communications Minister defended software …


How Microsoft ‘Bought’ Nicolas Sarkozy, France, and Parts of Europe

Posted in America, Deals, Europe, Fraud, Microsoft, Patents, Videos at 12:12 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

F urther to this previous and recent post about Microsoft using Universities for marketing, we’ve received more information that will be handy in the future.

Last week we cited a French publication that spoke about Microsoft. Much more of the same sort of stuff was seen before. We became aware that, like Le Temps, Le Monde has a very limited article retention policy. Beyond that, old …


Rebuttal to: “Eight Years Later, Is Microsoft Still a Monopoly?“ (PCWorld)

Posted in America, Antitrust, Bill Gates, Courtroom, Dell, Europe, GNU/Linux, Law, Microsoft at 12:05 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

A misinformed article from PCWorld seems to insinuate that Microsoft may no longer be a monopoly that requires government oversight. In other words, it’s an indication that Microsoft has changed its way, which it clearly has not . It only hides its anti-competitive actions slightly more effectively. From the article:

But whether because of the antitrust suits or because of …


Disinformation on the Rise, Shameless Linux FUD Makes a Comeback

Posted in Apple, Deception, Dell, Europe, FUD, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Open XML, OpenDocument, Servers, Vista at 11:05 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The number of targeted attacks on Linux definitely seem to be rising. The usual suspects, so-called ‘analysts’ who have hidden ties with Microsoft, are constantly taking a hit at Linux. They take turns, so to speak.

“In general, IDC, where Al Gillen takes the lead, does a lot of business with Microsoft.” Days ago, a headline appeared which simply says that Linux is losing to Windows. …


Losing Your Job for Opposing a Monopoly Abuser? (Lassi Nirhamo)

Posted in Europe, Microsoft, Open XML, OSI, Standard at 11:19 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Occasionally, comments can be more informative than articles in the press or even press releases. One example would be last night’s comment from a Finnish reader of our Web site. He or she (anonymous by choice) pointed to a news article from Finland talked about a suspicious layoff in Finland, which may indicate that the Microsoft Money Machine(R) is once again pulling strings and getting …


Today is the Day — The Day the World Will Learn That Crime Pays

Posted in Africa, America, Apple, ECMA, Europe, Formats, IBM, ISO, Microsoft, Office Suites, Open XML, Standard at 1:11 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

It’s September 2 nd today. That’s quite a big day. It holds some great promise and it’s also very important to a monopoly, not only its opposers.

“The damage done by OOXML may never be erased” The stories about how the monopoly got here is more interesting than the decision we are bound to see. Never before have I witnessed such an endless and tiresome flow of reports, pretty much …


Microsoft Fuels OpenDocument Disinformation with Funded Analyst Propaganda

Posted in Deception, Formats, Microsoft, Open XML, OpenDocument at 12:16 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

As the vote on OOXML approaches, Microsoft takes the curtains off some more controversial weapons. Behind everyone’s backs, Microsoft has been paying and conducting so-called ‘independent’ studies, commissioned (i.e. bought) by Microsoft itself. The other weapon Microsoft uses right now is cunning deception. More about this in the next post.

A Little History First

This technique has …

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