Reuters: ‘Dell [...] Estimated the Percentage of Commercial PC Users Who Have Updated to Microsoft’s Windows 7 as Still Being in “Single Digits.”’
Summary: The lack of impact of Vista 7 on businesses, as told by one of the world’s largest OEMs
THE reality behind Vista 7 is not what Microsoft’s marketing department keeps talking about (for the press to echo). On many occasions in the past we’ve explained why Microsoft claims of ‘sales’ of Vista 7 are lies. We won’t repeat the arguments today but instead refer to this article and the following commentary:
“Dell estimated the percentage of commercial PC users who have updated to Microsoft’s Windows 7 as still in single digits.”
That says it all. The most successful version of that other OS ever, is not being adopted by business who have no need of feature bloat and eye-candy that consumers lap up having few choices in retail.
So much for unprecedented success, eh? The marketing people always find ways to ‘massage’ the numbers, even if Windows profit declines. █
“Windows 98 should have been released for free on Jan. 1, 1996 and titled Windows 95.1. If this were Hollywood, then Windows 98 would be the equivalent of ‘Heaven’s Gate’, ‘Waterworld’ and ‘Godzilla’ rolled into one. A huge, overhyped, bloated, embarrassment.”
–Jesse Berst, ZDNet editor & columnist IEzilla