Posted in Europe, Patents at 8:00 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
So much managerial abuse that courts are simply overwhelmed

Full report here
Summary: How the torrent of EPO complaints at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) basically clogs up the Tribunal and ensures that no EPO staff can expect justice, at least not for many years to come
WHEN the EPO‘s monarch in chief, Mr. Battistelli, sacks staff representatives (because he feels like it) he pretends they have an appeal process (juridical) to fall back on, even if the ILO takes many years to take on cases (people must seek alternative employment in the interim) and the outcome is often disappointingly biased.
In part one we looked at some of the mechanisms which Battistelli himself created to let him dismiss anyone using all sorts of vague criteria (like being perceived as disloyal or not sufficiently polite to every member of staff). Recent text that reached us explains why ILO is incapable of making up for Battistelli’s out-of-control monarchy:
Will ILO-AT dismiss the EPO?
The current developments at the ILO-AT are another threat to the immunity of the EPO. The vast majority of the complaints brought by staff against its employer are lost. Maybe this should not come as a surprise, given that the Tribunal’s judges are paid on a case-by-case basis by the defendant organisation. It would seem that the ILO-AT and the EPO are a marriage made in heaven. Curiously, however, the Tribunal does not seem to be happy with the EPO. It recently issued a document in which the Tribunal blames the EPO for its increasing backlogs. It is clear that the EPO’s internal conflict resolution mechanisms have become ever more dysfunctional, see e.g. CA/21/15 which points 13-15 and 59-64 that show a vanishingly small success rate. However, in doing so the Tribunal passes in silence over changes in its jurisprudence that strongly contribute to its backlog like demanding that each staff member who is negatively affected by a general decision file his or her own individual complaint rather than accepting one complaint for all. A lack of consistency and a tendency to dismiss cases on procedural issues rather than to decide on the substance further create further legal uncertainty and contribute to an increase in the number of appeals. In a proposal to amend its Statutes, to be submitted to the ILO Governing Body in June, the Tribunal now plans to withdraw its acceptance for organisations when it finds that their
internal conflict resolution mechanisms are insufficient. Not only that: it also plans to give itself the authority to expel existing “client” organisations that do not fulfil its conditions. It seems clear that the EPO is first in line. If so then the EPO would be the first organisation ever to be ejected from the Tribunal. This would be a major embarrassment. The Organisation would be obliged to provide an alternative fast, unless it wants to see its immunity lifted by national courts for which it would be very clear that staff in the EPO no longer have access to justice. Because access to the ILO-AT is fixed in the EPC (Article 13 EPC), such a change would require a diplomatic conference..
In short, the above suggests that there are financial strings between ILO and the EPO and there’s no real commitment to justice, just the perception thereof. And it gets worse:
Summary injustice
The EPO made headlines by refusing to accept the ruling of a Dutch court of second instance and announcing – through a Vice-President – that it would even ignore the ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court, should that ruling not be in its favour. A similar disdain is shown by ILO-AT in its Judgment 3563, concerning an application for review of the earlier Judgment 3297 (dismissal on accusation of fraud). The Tribunal upheld the dismissal. After the earlier judgment the complainant was acquitted of the same accusations by a Dutch criminal court. He requested the ILO-AT (an administrative tribunal that limits itself to written procedures, without an investigation and without hearings) to reconsider its judgment in the light of the findings of the Dutch specialised (criminal) court that is much more thorough in its workings. The Tribunal considered that the findings of the Dutch court were irrelevant and refused reconsider its position. The application for review was summarily (sic) dismissed.
How is this justice and how can the Administrative Council hope for the perception of justice? The core issue is, the EPO’s management gets people thrown out of the Office in an unjustifiable fashion, then pretends they can find justice at ILO — something which they clearly cannot have (SUEPO lawyers recently made constructive suggestions to Guy Ryder, the Director General of ILO), increasingly so because of the high volume of complaints. The more abusive Team Battistelli becomes, the more over-encumbered ILO becomes and the less likely a disenfranchised member of staff is to find justice there. Some would not even bother anymore. Hopelessness and helplessness thus become a tool of domination and oppression. The atmosphere of fear has a paralyzing effect when there’s no recourse to the principles of natural justice. █
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Posted in America, Europe, Patents at 7:27 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: Patents on trivial and/or abstract ideas implemented in code still a major barrier to Free/libre software (FOSS) adoption and we look at who’s promoting them, alongside the UPC in the case of Europe
VARIOUS patent offices, the EPO and USPTO for example, try hard to grant software patents even when the courts oppose. What do they care as long as they get their money and let the defendants deal with all the chaos and foot the legal bills (an externality to the patent offices)? The EPO’s President is totally clueless about it and the former Director of the USPTO is now a lobbyist for software patents, which are verboten in Europe. What a rotten state of affairs. The main problem is, Free/libre software developers (more so than proprietary software developers) have their projects literally killed (shut down) by software patents. We gave many examples of this over the years. This often happens quietly, either because the prospective plaintiff demands silence or because there’s fear of retaliation from the plaintiff (sometimes a patent troll and sometimes a real company like Shazam [1, 2, 3]).
“The main problem is, Free/libre software developers (more so than proprietary software developers) have their projects literally killed (shut down) by software patents.”FOSS Force has this interesting new article which we need more of. Not many FOSS sites even bother discussing software patents anymore (Groklaw has been inactive for years) and we still deem it the #1 subject when it comes to FOSS domination (not everyone agrees with us), hence we cover it so frequently.
“Ninety-one percent of the votes cast so far indicate our readers think software patents remain a serious issue, even if the situation has somewhat improved over the last several years.”
– FOSS Force“There is no doubt,” FOSS Force wrote, “that there have been many developments on the patent front that have been beneficial from a free tech standpoint. There was the 2014 Supreme Court ruling in Alice Corp. vs. CLS Bank, which immediately made a slew of patents unenforceable. This decision invalidated so-called “abstract” software patents, which basically sought patent protection for merely moving established but previously non-computer procedures to a computer (i.e., bookkeeping “on a computer”). Other developments include online retailer Newegg’s decision several years back to take all disputed patent infringement claims against it to court instead of settling. Although the results of this decision have led to a mixed bag of results, with notable wins and losses, it’s undoubtedly caused the trolls to think twice before threatening the company.”
Here are some figures that are based on a new poll: “We quietly put the poll up on our front page on Thursday morning. Ninety-one percent of the votes cast so far indicate our readers think software patents remain a serious issue, even if the situation has somewhat improved over the last several years.”
There is some perception that things are improving, but where? Maybe in the US, owing to Alice. But what about Europe? Bristows LLP is nowadays promoting UPC (and hence, by extension, software patents) and one of its employees, who habitually defends software patents, has just published an article about the US bill which advocates going after patent trolls (or patent lawsuit venue) instead of patent scope, hence somewhat of a distraction from the core problem. To quote a portion:
Currently, a patentee can commence a patent infringement action in any district where the defendant resides or does business (i.e. where its products or services are available) (see Federal Circuit’s 1994 decision in Beverly Hills Fan Company v Royal Sovereign ) and VE Holding v Johnson Gas (Fed Cir 1990). The rules have made it possible for the Eastern District of Texas, for example, to become so popular (for an entertaining 11 minutes, see John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight on Patents). The goal of the VENUE Act is to limit the ability for patentees to abusively forum shop (which can be interpreted as stopping patent trolls from targeting patentee friendly courts). Similar legislation was introduced in the Innovation Act (H.R. 9 – see also here), but that has stalled (as has the companion PATENT Act (S.1137) before the Senate). Some commentators consider that the VENUE Act is an attempt to get some form of patent reform through the 114th Congress before everyone loses interest to the election. By dedicating itself to only one issue, instead of several, this may increase its prospects of success.
This might help impede trolls (not altogether stop them or squash their extortion/rackets), but it does nothing whatsoever to tackle issues pertaining to patent scope. Meanwhile, earlier today IAM said “NPE” instead of patent troll (yes, again!) in relation to the far east. To quote: “In Taiwan, companies are watching the US environment as closely as ever – some of the biggest names among them have been frequent targets of NPE litigation. Now, there’s a cautious belief that this threat has already peaked and that aggressive NPE assertion will continue to decline. There’s evidence that some Taiwan companies perceive some of the risk shifting to Europe, with entities from the island upping their applications for European patents by about 12% in the past year. Many others, however, are taking more of a wait-and-see approach, not least because of the considerable cost involved in European filings. With the UPC agreement currently hanging in the balance, that caution may well be warranted.”
As a reminder, here's why they can't say "troll" and instead say NPE (editor in chief denies the issue and trolls are a funding source). It sure looks like Asian companies too are worried about US patent trolls. Notice the part at the end there about the UPC, which would open Europe to a lot of litigation by patent trolls (even from abroad). It doesn’t seem to be a cause for alarm among patent lawyers, who simply stand to gain from it. Steve Lundberg, a loud proponent of software patents for many years now, is happy to be blessed by IAM (another loud of proponent of software patents, see the right column in this new post) and he now grooms Schecter from IBM (now an aggressor with software patents, as several recent lawsuits show), who is evidently pleased with that. All those lobbyists, think tanks, patent pundits etc. who effortlessly show their strong bias on the topic oughn’t be ignored because they profit from it and they try to change the public perception/consensus. IAM is paid by the aggressors and the trolls (even the big and notorious ones like MOSAID); it still promotes software patents in this month's magazine/issue. So does the EPO (see for example the UPC propaganda in page 4 of this newly-advertised EPO publication); when will EPO stop acting like a UPC lobbyist, having already done so for many years?
Shaming of those who are promoting software patents without having written a single line of code in their whole life isn’t confrontational or rude. It’s necessary because there’s a coup going on and unless software developers (not necessarily just FOSS) stand up and fight back they’ll pay the price in the long run. Their money will flow to patent lawyers, patent trolls, and software monopolists. █
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Posted in GNU/Linux, Microsoft at 6:06 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicadoen GNU/Linux, Microsoft at 4:25 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz
GNU detras de barrass and gates?

Fuente: unknown (Twitter)
Sumario: El porque del esfuerzo de Microsoft de “embrace” (o encárcelar) GNU y Linux dentro de Vista 10 no debería en manera alguna tentar a la gente dentro de este software de vigilancia másiva (engañósamente mercadeada como sistema operativo)
El SR. TORVALDS, quien escribió una buena kernel y luego la licensió bajo la GPL de Stallman, todavía está ansioso de conquistar el desktop, como un montón de cubrimiénto se hizo esta semana [1,2,3]. Dado este desínteres en Linux Foundation (la que recibe dinero Microsoft en muchisímas maneras), esto es importante. No dejes que Microsoft simplemente rélege GNU/Linux, haciéndolo simplemente una ‘app’ de Windows [4]. Hay amplio grabado de técladoy peóres cosas allí. Necésitamos luchar por la liberta[5] y Stallman acaba de publiar un artículo acerca del enigma de lo que es un ambiente (libre) atrapado/encarcelado en uno proprietario (con puertas tráseras como es en el caso de Microsoft).
“No dejes que Microsoft simplemente rélege GNU/Linux, haciéndolo simplemente una ‘app’ de Windows.”
Microsoft está ahora usando los métodos de Trump de asociar GNU/Linux con Vista 10. Esto fue una ástuta e inteligente idea que dominó los medios la semana pasada, cortesía de (por su mayor parte) de los promotores de Microsoft con sus piezas de hojaldre, borrando las fronteras entre libertad y vigilancia másiva.
Durante de la semana pasada he leido en Reddit y otros forums acerca de personas que hán escapado de Windows por la falta de libertad. Se mudan a GNU/Linux por ideólogicas y prácticas razones tales como privacidad y control. Una suerte de ‘testimonio’ vino a mi personalmente y dijo:
Estoy a punto de derrochar y comprarme un nuevo ordenador portátil. Quiero ir un modelo un poco mayor que no venga con Windows 10 preinstalado. Ahora me doy cuenta de que yo podría ser capaz de dar el salto a Linux como sistema operativo nativo. El interruptor sería más por razones prácticas que las ideológicas. Ahora comprendo que debo supervisar las actualizaciones de software tan de cerca como si fueran archivos adjuntos maliciosos de spam, como MS ahora trata de enyucarme a través de una “actualización” Win10 al menos una vez al mes. ¿Cuántas veces tengo que decir no para ellos entiéndan?
Mis pocos elementos de software de MS-específicos seguirían corriendo en la casa “unidad central” (un ordenador portátil más viejo que está demasiado estropeado para tomar en el camino, pero que es una gran mejora sobre el viejo desktop ~ 2003 que reemplazó). Afortunadamente, no hay demasiados de ellos, y ninguno es absolutamente esencial para el uso móvil, aunque sería muy bueno tener alguno de ellos. Ahora estoy lo suficientemente lejos de la curva de aprendizaje y puedo ser capaz de trabajar de arreglármelas solo.
Es muy probable que oyamos muchas de estas historias porque mucha gente se queja abiértamente de Vista 10 y repetidamente dice que no están de acuerdo en acepart sus términos. Algunos ya migraron [6] y Microsoft trata de forzar a la gente a aceptarlo.
Contenido relacionado/contextualmente de las noticias:
La frase “año del escritorio de Linux” ha existido desde hace más de una década, pero se ha convertido en más de un meme en lugar de una declaración de hecho. Sin lugar a dudas, Linux ha tenido mucho éxito en los dispositivos móviles, como teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas, así como servidores, dispositivos de red y la emergente “Internet de las cosas” categoría de dispositivo. Sin embargo, a pesar de tropezar con Microsoft Windows Vista y 8.x Windows, Linux no pudo capitalizar en estos momentos de debilidad.
2. Linux todavía puede destronar a Windows en la guerra de desktops, y Linus Torvalds está ‘trabajando en ello’
Mientras que Linux ha perdido muchas batallas a Microsoft en el escritorio, la guerra no ha terminado. Torvalds se compromete a dedicar los próximos 25 años de su vida a la usurpación de Windows. Será el núcleo de código abierto con la victoria en el escritorio? Es totalmente posible. Después de todo, el tiempo no es finito, y hasta la caída del Imperio Romano. Si usted sigue la historia, nada dura para siempre y que debe sonar verdad para el dominio de Microsoft en el escritorio.
3. GNU/kWindows
Ha habido mucho que hablar últimamente sobre una combinación más singular: GNU-sistema-operativo y totalmente libre / libre del Windows, sistema de vigilancia de Microsoft libertad que niega, de control de usuario. También ha habido una gran cantidad de información errónea. Me gustaría compartir mis pensamientos.
El software libre es absolutamente esencial, porque garantiza que los usuarios, que son los más vulnerables, están en control de sus computación no desarrolladores de software o corporaciones. Cualquier programa que niega los usuarios de cualquiera de sus cuatro libertades no es libre (o de propiedad), es decir, el software de la libertad que niega. Esto significa que cualquier software que no es libre, sin importar sus características o de las prestaciones, siempre será inferior al software libre que realiza una tarea similar.
No todo el mundo le gusta hablar de la libertad o de la filosofía del software libre. Este desacuerdo se tradujo en la metodología de desarrollo de “código abierto”, que existe para vender los beneficios del software libre para empresas sin discutir las consideraciones ideológicas esenciales. Bajo la filosofía de “código abierto”, si un programa no libre proporciona mejores funciones y prestaciones, entonces seguramente debe ser “mejor”, porque han superado la metodología de desarrollo de “fuente abierta”; software no libre no siempre se considera que es una mala cosa.
En segundo lugar, cuando ves a alguien usando un sistema GNU / kWindows, cortésmente pregunte por qué. Diles que hay un sistema operativo mejor por ahí-GNU / Linux del sistema operativo que no sólo proporciona las características técnicas, sino que también proporciona la característica de la libertad! Diles lo que el software libre es, y tratar de relacionarlo con ellos para que entiendan por qué es importante, e incluso práctico.
Es bueno ver a más personas que se benefician de GNU; pero no podemos ser felices cuando se está vendiendo como un medio para atraer a los usuarios en un sistema de vigilancia de otro modo exclusivo, sin ni siquiera una mención de nuestro nombre, o qué es lo que estamos a favor.
4. Adios “open source”; hola “free software”
Todo el mundo tiene al menos una buena razón para preferir la libertad del software frente a los productos de software no libre.
5. Ecuador hospital trabaja con Linux Mint (Pequeño Pais con los Huevos más Grandes de LatinoAmérica) VIVA ECUADOR!
Este es el tipo de implementaciones de escritorio Linux que todos queremos ver más. No hay drama, los usuarios sólo utilizan Linux regulares durante todo el día para conseguir hacer su trabajo.
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 5:59 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicadoen Europa, Patentes at 3:51 pm Por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Sumario: Una nueva serie que en retrospectiva mira como Battistelli apiló la cubierta no sólo al aplastar la vigilancia pero también al amasar instrumentos de coerción contra los empleados, con varios pretextos para despedirlos
Al final de la semana pasada compátimos una página de la CoC de la EPO. Hay mucho más que decir al respecto y este largo post dará ayudará a la EPO con transparencia, la que Battistelli ama tanto que presume de ello (sin hacer nada por el estilo).
Aquí es la página/hoja en su totalidad:
Como recordatorio, en palabras de un lector, un montón de esto se relaciona con las actividades antisindicales que hemos estado viendo desde finales de 2015 (que realmente se intensificaron en ese momento pero no empezaron allí). Esto es lo que Battistelli y col empujado a través de personal:
Lo de arriba fué una culminación de algo que él había estado cocinándo hace rato. Consideren el pleno CoC:
Europaisches Patentamt
European Patent Office
Office européen des brevets
Valores del servicio público de EPO
-El respeto por el individuo
-La integridad y la rendición de cuentas
-La imparcialidad y la objetividad
-El cumplimiento de las normas de derecho
-Calidad y profesionalismo
Los valores del servicio público de la Oficina Europea de Patentes son una guía para el comportamiento que debe promover el desarrollo de una cultura de respeto. Los valores son: el respeto por el individuo; integridad y rendición de cuentas; imparcialidad y objetividad; el cumplimiento de las normas de derecho; calidad y profesionalismo.
Estos valores, que son todos de igual rango, guían nuestras acciones, ya que apoyan la misión de la EPO, que es apoyar la innovación, la competitividad y el crecimiento económico en toda Europa a través de un compromiso de alta calidad y un servicio eficiente entregado en virtud del Convenio sobre la Patente Europea (EPC)
Estos valores se aplican a todas las personas que trabajan en y para la Oficina. Se espera que el personal con responsabilidades de gestión para promover estos valores por el liderazgo y el ejemplo.
Este documento no crear otro marco legal y se refiere a las regulaciones existentes de EPO que establecen las obligaciones formales de su personal. En el caso de cualquier conflicto entre el contenido de este código de conducta y obligaciones formales en virtud del Reglamento EPC o servicio, entonces esas obligaciones tienen prioridad.
Enfrentado a la infracción individual o colectiva de estos valores, todo el personal debe poder ejercer libremente y de buena fe su derecho a llamar la atención sobre ella sin temor a represalias. En particular, podrán pedir a su supervisor o compañero de Recursos Humanos, o la unidad responsable de Auditoría Interna y Control para el consejo. Me comprometo a respetar nuestros valores y asegurarse de que se respeten.
Benoît Battistelli
Respeto Por El Individuo
Los servicios prestados por la Oficina son el resultado del trabajo realizado por los miembros del personal cualificado y motivado. Por consiguiente, la Oficina reconoce el valor individual de cada empleado. El respeto mutuo, la dignidad, el respeto de los derechos humanos, no discriminación y la promoción de la diversidad son nuestros principios rectores.
Nuestras Palabras Clave
Nuestro Enfoque
Compartimos el compromiso de la comunidad internacional de respetar los derechos humanos.
Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente de trabajo marcado por el respeto mutuo.
El respeto mutuo, la confianza y la capacidad de escuchar son elementos indispensables en nuestras relaciones profesionales. habilidades y talentos de cada individuo merece ser reconocido.
Tomamos las medidas necesarias para proporcionar un entorno de trabajo seguro y saludable.
Buscamos promover la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades entre los empleados.
Nos hemos comprometido a no permitir que se den situaciones que podría ser perjudicial para la dignidad de nuestros colegas. Hacemos todo lo posible para evitar cualquier tipo de discriminación o acoso.
La integridad es un criterio irrenunciable para nuestra conducta profesional. Implica actuar con responsabilidad, rendición de cuentas, la lealtad, discreción y sentido común. Nos resistimos a todas las formas de corrupción.
Nuestras Palabras Clave
Nuestro enfoque
Actuamos con honestidad, responsabilidad y discreción.
Actuamos con lealtad y exclusivamente en interés de la Oficina. Llevamos a cabo nuestras tareas bajo la autoridad del Presidente de la Oficina, a excepción de las responsabilidades o funciones específicas expresamente establecidas en el Reglamento EPC o servicio.
Respetamos el ámbito de nuestras responsabilidades y de las tareas que se nos confían. Cuando la delegación de tareas, seguimos siendo responsables de su ejecución y resultados, y por lo tanto los administradores de ejercer la supervisión y el control adecuado.
Respetamos la confidencialidad de la información: no revelamos la información confidencial recibida en el curso de nuestro trabajo a personas no autorizadas, ni la usamos para nuestro propio beneficio o en detrimento de la Oficina.
Nuestro deber hacer nuestro trabajo a la mejor de nuestras capacidades también implica la obligación de compartir con nuestros colegas de la información necesaria para llevar a cabo sus propias funciones.
Estamos comprometidos con la lucha contra todo tipo de fraude.
Somos cuidadosos en nuestras comunicaciones externas y respetamos a nuestros deberes de tacto y discreción de la Oficina. En particular, nos abstendremos de hacer una declaración que podría ser perjudicial para él.
Imparcialidad y objetividad
La Oficina y su personal deben permanecer independiente de todos los gobiernos, las autoridades, organizaciones o personas ajenas a la organización. Nuestra conducta debe ser imparcial y reflejan que la independencia. Abordamos situaciones que pudieran afectar nuestra objetividad.
Nuestras Palabras Clave
Nuestro enfoque
Buscamos asegurar que nada de lo que ocurre bajo nuestra responsabilidad es o podría parecer un acto directo o indirecto de apoyo preferente de un grupo político, económico, ideológico o religioso.
Nos abstendremos de hacer o decir cualquier cosa que pueda llamar a nuestra imparcialidad y objetividad en tela de juicio.
Nuestras acciones cuando se toman decisiones o se razonada proyectos principales.
Tenemos que ser imparcial y objetivo. Somos conscientes del riesgo de posibles conflictos de intereses, ya sea real o aparente. Siempre que sea posible, los evitamos; donde no, damos a conocer y administrarlas.
Regalos u otros favores podrían comprometer nuestra imparcialidad profesional. Por lo tanto no solicitamos ninguna. Y, sin el permiso del Presidente, no aceptamos ninguno?
La Oficina tiene su propio sistema legal, que deben ser respetados.
La Oficina y su personal deben respetar las leyes nacionales aplicables del país en el que están y deben cumplir con sus obligaciones legales y financieras.
Nuestras palabras clave
Nuestro enfoque
Respetamos la letra y el espíritu de las normas y reglamentos de la Oficina.
Aplicamos estas reglas y regulaciones justa y de buena fe.
Actuamos con profesionalidad y sentido de la responsabilidad social en la observación de las leyes aplicables, y respetando las costumbres y tradiciones de los países en los que trabajamos, lo que contribuye de forma responsable para el bienestar de la sociedad.
Nuestros privilegios e inmunidades no nos impedirá el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones bajo las leyes nacionales aplicables.
Calidad y profesionalismo
La forma en que cada uno de nosotros hace nuestro trabajo se refleja en el rendimiento general de la Oficina. Nuestro compromiso con la alta calidad y el servicio público eficiente es una contribución a la innovación, la competitividad y el crecimiento económico en Europa.
Nuestras palabras clave
Nuestro enfoque
Le damos de nuestro mejor esfuerzo para lograr nuestros objetivos profesionales y para ofrecer un servicio público eficiente.
Trabajamos con colegas en un espíritu de trabajo en equipo y la cooperación.
Gestionamos recursos de la Oficina de manera adecuada y eficiente, en línea con los principios de economía y buena gestión financiera.
Nos esforzamos para mantener, adaptar y desarrollar habilidades en la Oficina. Con el objetivo de garantizar la sostenibilidad, actuamos de una perspectiva estratégica y de largo plazo, no en nuestros propios intereses inmediatos.
Hacemos todo lo posible para alcanzar altos estándares internacionales y las mejores prácticas
Lo de arriba se hizo available ampliamente lo que debería haberse publicado previamente. Ayuda por acountabilidad (para la gerencia, no sólo aquellos dirigidos por una gerencia abusiba).
Más adelante en la semana mostraremos como Battistelli esencialmente se las arregló para despedir aquellas personas a quienes vió como un obstáculo para su agenda (y la de sus jefes corpórativos). Sintonicenos para más.
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 5:47 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicado en Apple, Microsoft, Patentes at 11:21 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Todavía metiéndo sus sucios dedos en muchos pasteles de patentes
Este artículo es un sumario de las reciéntes noticias de la USPTO. Es tan comprehensible como es posible and se enfoca, como es usual en patentes de software. Ellas son de mayor relevancia para nosotros.
“Cualquiera puede ver que la codicia de la USPTO (por ambos poder y dinero) esta yéndo muy, muy lejos.”
El Control de Cálidad Tirado por la Ventana
Patently-O, una fuente decente de información acerca de patentes (aunque un poco subjetiva a veces, lo que es entendible dado la audiencia a la que se dirige), miró reciéntes cambios al infringimiento e e invalidez de patentes. Este último artículo dice que “el tribunal de distrito rechazó la petición de vacatur – encontrando que la decisión la PTO no” desplaza a un juicio tribunal de distrito “y que sería” contrario al interés público permitir que un titular de patente para superar un juicio de nulidad simplemente por “la modificación de sus reivindicaciones no válidos.” [...] lo que está claro es que aquí el nivel de la reivindicación y preclusión que se aplicará en el futuro cuando Cardpool afirma la patente contra un tercero.”
“De lo que tratámos aqui es de un troll de patentes que dice ‘ser dueño’ de las actividades de scanning.”
Miren a lo que la USPTO está haciéndo. Básicamente como es usual, habiéndo visto que las Cortes invalidan muchas se sus falsas patentes (el mínimo control de cálidad tiene la culpa aquí), Ahora parece reforzar / mejorar su negocio haciendo una burla de la acción de la justicia. ¿Qué es esto, un país del tercer mundo? Cualquier persona puede ver que, probablemente, la codicia de USPTO (por ambos poder y dinero) va demasiado lejos. La USPTO es amigable a los demandante de usar porque ellos son sus “clientes” (solicitantes). La USPTO debe ser mantenida fuera del proceso legal completamente. Lo mismo va para la EPO (cada vez más abusiva al respecto bajo el régimen del Emperador Battistelli). Algunas personas están bombardeando el sistema de patentes con herramientas / los robots más automatizados (como las solicitudes de DMCA que son falsas y servidos por algoritmos, o la actividad comercial en los mercados de valores, también el uso de algoritmos). Ver este nuevo comunicado de prensa acerca de una “solicitud de patente de software patentado”. Estos tontas ayudas, inducir al error a los examinadores. Incluso dicen “proprietario” como un término de marketing. “Cada unidad sangrienta va a utilizar componentes de software propiedad celosamente guardados por las patentes”, dijo este artículo de hace 2 dias..
“Patently-O notó que en algunos casos particulares incluso se cuélan leyes antimonopolio.”
En otros nuevos posts de blogs Patently-O el troll de patentes MPHJ es revisado (que puede traído a Europa con ganchos por la UPC tal vez, para demandar a todo aquel que utiliza un escáner si todo sale Battistelli tiene planeado). “HP desafió la reivindicación 13, tanto en el terreno obviedad y anticipación”, señaló Patentemente-O, después de MPHJ ya había demandado a tantas personas que habitualmente utilizan un escáner en una empresa (y, a menudo extorsiónado “dinero de protección” sin reparos) . Lo que nos ocupamos aquí es un troll de patentes que afirma que “posee” actividad de análisisDe lo que tratámos aqui es de un troll de patentes que dice ‘ser dueño’ de las actividades de scanning.. Es realmente tan malo como suena. No se necesita ninguna exageración, por lo que resultó en un montón de cobertura de la prensa en los últimos años.
Corrupción Institucional en el Sistema de Patentes de los EE.UU.
Otro nuevo artículo de Patently-O trata de un“caso de patentes en que ambos acusado y acusador presentarón falsos testminio de expertos.”
“Cuando el sistema de patentes de una nación sirve principalmente para proteger a un gigante (y, a menudo un monopolio financiado por los contribuyentes-) la percepción de la corrupción aumentará inevitablemente.”
Sí, es agradable tener la “justicia” … el que tiene los bolsillos más (o menos que perder) tiende a ganar. Quién se beneficia de todo este caos? Patently-O señala que en algunos casos particulares, incluso se infiltran las leyes antimonopolio. Para citar este nuevo post acerca de GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): “La pregunta en el caso, ahora pendiente en la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. Es si esa estructura licenciadora puede levantar un plausible reclamo anti-monopolio bajo F.T.C. v. Actavis, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 2223 (2013).”
Cuando el sistema de patentes de una nación sirve principalmente para proteger a un gigante (y, a menudo un monopolio financiado por los contribuyentes-) la percepción de la corrupción aumentará inevitablemente. Quién está siendo servido aquí? ¿El público que en consecuencia será excesivamente sobrecargado y tendrá pocas (o ninguna) alternativas? Volviendo al falso testimonio, Patently-O escribió: “En el interrogatorio, de Rembrand el perito técnico Dr. Thomas Beebe” drásticamente “cambió su testimonio en cuanto a su metodología para comprobar si las lentes de contacto acusados eran “suaves”Después de ser llamado por el perito de la defensa el Dr. Christopher Bielawski, el jurado no encontró alguna infracción. Después del juicio, el tribunal de distrito se dobló para abajo concediendo también a J & Js propuesta de JMOL de no infracción. El testimonio de Bielawski puede haber sido particularmente dañina – con su declaración: “Usted no debe confiar en el doctor Beebe, y usted debe tirar su testimonio, no en parte, pero en su conjunto. Ustedes no deben confiar en el doctor Beebe.”
“Un sistema de patentes secretivo derrota el propósito verdadero (objetivo original) de el sitema de patentes.”
A juzgar cualquier caso en absoluto basado en testimonio oral/escrito es peligroso y equivocado. Es como usar las palabras de policías o algunos transeúntes errántes como prueba en los juicios penales. Cualquier “prueba” es la forma más débil de la evidencia porque no hay manera de determinar/verificar las afirmaciones. Por otra parte, las personas a menudo son corruptibles y cuando hay mucho en juego en un ensayo (no sólo la prisión, pero una gran cantidad de dinero) hay un montón de espacio para el abuso, como el soborno. Recuerda esos casos infames de Apple con el jefe de jurado Hogan? Probablemente mala conducta en el juicio. No olviden el caso de corruption en la Corte de Apelaciones por el Circuíto Federal (CAFC) tampoco.
Apresurándo el FEP celebra los avances en un caso de patentes en el que intervino en hace un año. Se dice que “ha puesto mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en conseguir este documento en un caso sin sellar. Por desgracia, es sólo uno de los innumerables documentos que se selló de forma rutinaria sin una buena razón en casos de patentes de todo el país. Apenas la semana pasada le preguntamos al tribunal en un caso de patentes diferentes para quitar el sello de documentos que es casi seguro que no debería haber sido ocultados por completo de la vista pública.”
“Vale la pena añadir que, si bien el número de demandas no disminuyerón demostrablemente eso no cuenta la historia completa por más de una razón única y hay que tener en general, con gran grado de precaución conclusiones que acompañan a esta, por ejemplo, que las cosas mejoran por sí mismos, por lo tanto, no es necesaria ninguna intervención.”
Con vistas a los trolls de patentes en Post-Alice Época
Un sistema de patentes secretivo derrota el propósito verdadero (objetivo original) de el sitema de patentes. Este tipo de secreto dA lugar a operaciones secretas clándestinas, tales como los hábituales de Intellectual Ventures, que cuenta con miles de empresas fantasmas. Este tipo de sistema (inexplicable y no reglamentado) está madura para el abuso de parte de los trolls.
“Los casos de patentes que se presentaron en los tribunales de los distritos de los EE.UU.se redujo en el primer trimestre”, escribió MIP, “una disminución del 39% en el cuarto trimestre y un 34% en el primer trimestre del año pasado, de acuerdo con las patentes unificadas. Un análisis del Distrito Este de Texas presentación revela un descenso desproporcionadamente grande en el distrito “(que es el resumen de un artículo del paywalled MIP).
Esto se hace eco en varios otros sitios web que hacen referencia a los mismos datos y concluyen que se trata de trolls y el Distrito Este de Texas. Esta es una visión un tanto simplista, porque en realidad, como hemos señalado el día antes de ayer, también hay asentamientos fuera de los tribunales y podría ser digno de mirar cuál es la proporción entre estas demandas de patentes implicase una especie de patentes de software, por lo tanto, la identificación de una correlación entre la escala y el alcance de los litigios de patentes en lugar de sede demanda, el modelo de negocio de un demandante y así sucesivamente. En realidad, algunas de estas encuestas son política o comercialmente motivados, o los han creado los académicos (o grupos de presión) para adaptarse a una narrativa particular y luego presionar por una especie particular de la reforma (por ejemplo, una “reforma” de aumentar la seguridad en torno a las patentes de software en los EE.UU. – cosa que Kappos hace cabildeándo con el dinero de los agresores de patentes, en este caso La Sagrada Familia: IBM, Microsoft y Apple entre otros).
Vale la pena añadir que, si bien el número de demandas no disminuyerón demostrablemente eso no cuenta la historia completa por más de una razón única y hay que tener en general, con gran grado de precaución conclusiones que acompañan a esta, por ejemplo, que las cosas mejoran por sí mismos, por lo tanto, no es necesaria ninguna intervención.
Como encontramos a principios de año, un veredicto a favor de un troll de patentes como VirnetX puede costar una gran cantidad de dinero. VirnetX, de acuerdo a Matt Levy de CCIA, ahora niega que es un troll de patentes, lo que por supuesto es algo rísible. “Un troll de patentes es,” Levy explica, “esenciálmente una compañíá que reclama que otra esta usando patentes que ella ha adquirido. (Por comparación el FTC dijo eso “El modelo de negocios [de esa compañías de aserción de patentes -leáse TROLLS] se enfoca en comprar y asertar esas patentes contra fabricantes usando esa tecnologíá, en ves de desarrollar y transferir esa tecnologíá.” Brian Kahin describe a los trolles de patentes como compañías cuyos negocios son infringidos y cuyo producto es la litigación.)”
Si uno pregunat al ‘magazine’ IAM, tal cosa no existe y difícil sorprende que grandes trolles de patentes están pagando a IAM.
Hablando de pagos, Oracle había pagado Florian Müller, así que no es demasiado sorprendente que se puso a favor de Oracle en su último artículo sobre la guerra de Oracle contra Android. Müller pasó gran parte de su vida haciendo campaña contra las patentes de software y esperamos que esto precederá el deseo de hacer dinero con el llamado contrato de ‘consulta’.
“El 22 de marzo de 2016,” dijo que este nuevo artículo, el Tribunal de Distrito para el Distrito de Delaware emitió un dictamen en un caso Memorando subtitulado caso Tree House Avatar LLC v. Válvula Corp., en la que las reivindicaciones de patentes de software sobrevivieron un reto la patentabilidad. ”
Alice no siempre mata a las patentes de software, pero lo hace la mayoría de las veces. Otro nuevo artículo habla del dictámen Mayo/Alice (ambas decisiónes de SCOTUS). Ahora que Scalia no está en SCOTUS alguna gente se pregunta que pasará con los casos de patentes. ¿La palabra “T” (trolles) saldrá también ent trascripciónes o incluso en dictámenes/determinaciones fomales? Aquellos que discuten en contra de la reforma contra los trolles de patentes están citados en este nuevo artículo que dice: “Jessica Sebeok, VP Asociado en la Association of American Universities, cree que las Universidades sufrirán las consecuencias si el Presidente Barack Obama tiene éxito en hacer difícil por dueños de patentes defender su propiedad intelectual.”
“Y alguna gente continúa diciéndo al mundo que Microsoft ha cambiado o que hay un‘nuevo’, más gentil Microsoft…”
Pues bien, las universidades que se comportan esencialmente como secuestradores de patentes o trolles de alimentación con sus patentes (nos dieron muchos ejemplos de ello anteriórmente) podrían sufrir. Y si es así, eso es una buena cosa. El artículo posterior dice: “coalición de negocios Unidas para la reforma de patentes – cuyos miembros incluyen aliados influyentes de la administración de Obama como Google, Amazon y General Motors – y otros partidarios de la HR 9 aspirar a impedir la pesca de arrastre de patente por lo que es más riesgoso para presentar demandas por infracción de patentes e imponiendo costos adicionales de los demandantes, pero AAU argumenta que esta medida represente una presión indebida sobre los legíimos titulares de patentes .”
Microsoft Licensing Sigue siendo un Activo TROLL de Patentes
En lo anterior, ninguno de los dos habla sobre el alcance de la patente. Para ellos es sólo una llamada “Turf War ‘entre entidades productoras y no productoras (por ejemplo, universidades). Una empresa como Microsoft es a la vez ambos porque mientras que una compañía produce cosas otra, llamada “Microsoft Licensing”, efectivamente es un troll de patentes y en base a esta nueva página, Microsoft no sólo financia a los grupos de fachada para las patentes de software y conferencias que promueven las patentes de software, ahora también pone su dedo en el pastel La “2016 Asociación Nacional de Abogados hispanos / Microsoft Instituto de Derecho IP”, donde Microsoft es el único financiador del programa.
Y alguna gente continúa diciéndo al mundo que Microsoft ha cambiado o que hay un‘nuevo’, más gentil Microsoft.
“Aparte de Bill Gates, no se de otro CEO de alta tecnología que se siente a revisar cartera de propiedad intelectual de la compañía”
-Marshall Phelps
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Posted in News Roundup at 5:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The phrase “year of the Linux desktop” has been around for well over a decade but has become more of a meme rather than a statement of fact. Without a doubt, Linux has seen much success on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, as well as servers, network appliances and the emerging “internet of things” device category. However, despite Microsoft stumbling with Windows Vista and Windows 8.x, Linux failed to capitalize on these moments of weakness.
While Linux has lost many battles to Microsoft on the desktop, the war is not over. Torvalds pledges to dedicate the next 25 years of his life to usurping Windows. Will the open source kernel prove victorious on the desktop? It is totally possible. After all, time is not finite, and even the Roman Empire fell. If you follow history, nothing lasts forever and that should ring true for Microsoft’s stranglehold on the desktop.
While Linux and other open source technologies continue to rule the server and mobile markets, the desktop arena is still dominated by Windows operating systems. Linux creator Linus Torvalds knows this fact very well and expresses his commitment to work hard to make Linux a bigger force in the desktop war.
Thanks to adoption from Google and Rackspace, IBM’s Power9 CPU could begin making a dent into the server chip market currently dominated by Intel. The partnership with Nvidia should also help IBM’s Power9 become popular in servers, as well as supercomputers.
Rethinking data center design is happening out in the open here at Google. Today we’re announcing that we’re working with Rackspace to co-develop an open server architecture design specification based on IBM’s new POWER9 CPU.
Rackspace has been in the OpenStack cloud business since day one, being one of the original creators of the open source cloud effort along with NASA. Much of the emphasis in the past for Rackspace was on both private and public cloud offerings, operated from within Rackspace’s own data center, but that is now changing. This week, Rackspace announced a new service that brings hardware, software, support and management for OpenStack cloud operations onto a customer’s own location.
In this episode, Nadia describes the origins of open-source in the Free software movement, its rise to popularity, and today’s golden era where mainstream and popular technologies like React, Spark and Docker are all open source projects.
Kernel Space
Today we are launching the new, redesigned Linux.com. It’s been a long journey since we first surveyed our loyal readers about possible new features. You enthusiastically and generously responded with all of the ways you love – and don’t love – the site. We’ve since taken that feedback and redesigned the site with numerous improvements.
It’s Sunday evening in the US, so we probably don’t even have to tell our dedicated Linux readers what we’re about to announce in this article because they’re probably already testing Linux 4.6-rc3.
Yes, that’s right, Linus Torvalds has made available his regular Sunday release for the next RC build of the upcoming Linux 4.6 kernel, which early adopters can download and compile as we speak (see download options at the end of the article).
At the moment of writing this article, Linus Torvalds still hasn’t prepared an official announcement, but most certainly, Linux kernel 4.6 Release Candidate 3 comes with the regular improvements and bug fixes for filesystems, architectures, networking stack, sound stack, as well as driver updates.
Linux 4.6-rc3 is the third weekly test release of the in-development Linux 4.6 kernel. Being well past the merge window, this week was about landing more bug and regression fixes throughout the 21+ million lines in the Linux Git tree.
Graphics Stack
Mice have an optical sensor that tells them how far they moved in “mickeys”. Depending on the sensor, a mickey is anywhere between 1/100 to 1/8200 of an inch or less. The current “standard” resolution is 1000 DPI, but older mice will have 800 DPI, 400 DPI etc. Resolutions above 1200 DPI are generally reserved for gaming mice with (usually) switchable resolution and it’s an arms race between manufacturers in who can advertise higher numbers.
What games perform better on Linux/SteamOS for you than they do on Windows?
Basically I am testing speed results of basic operations between four interpreters:
Bash 4.3.42
Python 2.7.11
Python 3.4.3
The idea behind this tool is to reinforce Linux command-line knowledge through repeated and guided practice in a safe (Docker) environment.
Finally, graphical user interface for Steel is available. For more see downloads.
Libsteel is updated to version 2.0 including major refactoring of the library. Several small bug fixes where also made.
Command line version of Steel is also updated to version 1.4. It includes mostly minor changes to make it compatible with libsteel 2.0.
Rhythmbox is a free, open source audio player developed by GNOME team to organize digital music in Gnome and other desktop environments using the GStreamer media framework.
Qmmp is a popular open-source, cross-platform multimedia player, similar to Winamp and written in Qt. It has support for popular multimedia file formats, including MPEG1 layer 2/3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, Native FLAC/Ogg FLAC, Musepack, WavePack, WMA, Midi.
WeeChat is an open-source, multi-platform lightweight and extensible chat client, having a text user interface only. Having support for scripts and plugins that can be loaded either at startup or dynamically, the app has support for IRC.
WebTorrent Desktop (beta) is a simple, open source BitTorrent client that lets you stream torrents, available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
A text editor is software used for editing plain text files. It has many different uses such as modifying system configuration files, writing programming language source code, jotting down thoughts, or even making a grocery list.
Whatever the level of sophistication of the editor, they typically have a common set of functionality, such as searching/replacing text, formatting text, undo/redo, importing files, as well as moving text within the file. However, many of the editors included in this article are feature-rich, and can be further extended using plugins and libraries.
We previously published an article on the best open source editors in 2008. Given the length of time that has elapsed, and the new projects that have come forward, it’s prudent to update the article. Here’s our updated list of the finest open source editors available for Linux. Naturally, it’s largely a matter of preference, but it’s extremely likely you’ll find your ideal editor below.
WikiToLearn 0.7 was relased with the new WikiToLearnHome env.
The process was not easy as i hoped but at the end of the day we got the new system up and running.
Last week I wrote about some improvements made to Open-Source Stress Testing + Torturing Your Linux Software/Hardware while this weekend some more improvements have landed.
Vivaldi is fairly new web browser compare to other famous browsers, the initial release of Vivaldi was in January, 2015. It has improved a lot and evolved since the first release. Basically it is based on the open-source frameworks of Chromium, Blink and Google’s V8 JavaScript engine and has a lot of great feature which I will table later.
Kick Ass Commandos has been in Early Access for a while now, and it already supports Linux since five months ago.
The developer behind Banished, a city builder/survival game coming to Linux has written up their thoughts on Linux. It does make for an interesting read.
The popular first-person mystery and adventure game Firewatch is now available DRM free on GOG, and it has Linux support of course.
I still see a surprising amount of confusion from people on what Steam games work on Linux. Hopefully this will help clear it all up.
I’m personally sad about this, as I have been following Enemy Starfighter for years. It reminded me of Freespace 2 which is my favourite space sim of all time. The developer confirmed to me it’s no longer coming to Linux officially, but he may team up with a porter in future.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Digia, which acquired Qt from Nokia, is demerging their Qt interest so it will be a completely separate company.
The GNOME developers are working overtime these days to push the packages for the first point release of the GNOME 3.20 desktop environment on the official channels.
It’s a little more than two weeks since GNOME made yet another release. Having a release video to go alongside with it is almost a tradition by now. I’m slightly frightened and super excited about it at the same time. (-:
Most sources advise using gnome-tweak-tool to set “Window Scaling” to 2 (or whatever). This alone doesn’t work adequately for me; when I make my external 4K monitor primary, gnome-settings-daemon decides to set Xft.dpi to 96 because it thinks my monitor DPI is too low for scaling, even though I have set window scaling to 2. Arguably this is a gnome-settings-daemon bug. The result is that most apps look fine but some, including gnome-shell, care about Xft.dpi and don’t scale. I fixed the problem by manually setting
As you may know, Xfdashboard is a dash for XFCE (similar to the Unity 7 Dash) that displays an overview of open applications enabling the users to switch between apps easily, a workspace selector, an app launcher and a search tool. Also, shortcuts can be easily created.
The GNOME developers are working overtime these days to push the packages for the first point release of the GNOME 3.20 desktop environment on the official channels.
GNOME 3.20.1 is currently scheduled for an April 13 release, so we can’t help but notice that many of the desktop’s core components and applications have been updated lately to the 3.20.1 version.
Everything is still sort of a work-in-progress, but soon I expect to have patches for all the right people in all the right places. There is a lot of slight-of-hand going on here, so it’s worth taking some time to get the details documented.
Welcome to This Week in Solus, installation #25. If you haven’t already read our big announcement on Budgie 10.2.5, stop reading this post and catch up.
In the advent of Linux’s grand entrance into the PC space back in 1993, has been an insurgency of operating systems and that time also happened to be the wake of a technological-oriented generation adopting computers at a much faster pace than ever before.
In the light of this fact, Debian took off grandly (two years after Linux was born) and through it, a staggering 200 independent distributions have poured out – thanks to Ian Murdock.
We can likewise say thanks to Canonical/Ubuntu for driving the concept of user-friendliness and usability for the “normal human” which other distros like Linux Mint et ‘al have perfected over the years to the extent at which it is more than reliable in this day and age.
New Releases
We’ve been informed today, April 9, 2016, by the developers of the Q4OS project, a Debian-based GNU/Linux operating system, about the release and immediate availability for download of Q4OS 1.4.9.
Q4OS 1.4.9 is not a major release of the Debian-based OS, but a maintenance one that brings various improvements and bug fixes, along with a few new features, such as the implementation of a new Applications Menu (a.k.a. Start Menu) called “Bourbon.”
Arch Family
The Manjaro community was happy to announce the release and immediate availability of download of the Manjaro Linux Enlightenment 16.04 Community Edition operating system.
Chakra GNU/Linux maintainer Neofytos Kolokotronis has just announced a few minutes ago the availability of the latest KDE technologies in the main repositories of the Arch Linux-based operating system.
Just like Arch Linux, Chakra GNU/Linux is a rolling release distribution, which means that users install it once and get free updates for the rest of their lives, or at least until they decide to move to another Linux kernel-based operating system.
The latest updates for KDE’s Plasma and Frameworks series are now available to all Chakra users.
Slackware Family
Ah yes… my promise to build LO 5.0.5 packages for Slackware 14.1 has still not been fulfilled. Sorry folks, will see what I can do about that. But there is still some stuff which is ranking higher on my TODO list.
Red Hat Family
Debian Family
As we have previously written, Debian 8.4 Jessie has been released in all the traditional flavors: Cinnamon, MATE, KDE, LXDE and Gnome.
After that, the installation-only ISO images were created and after one more day, the Debian Project has managed to generate all the Debian GNU/Linux 8.4 Live flavors.
As you may know, Debian Jessie is the current stable release, while Debian Wheezy has reached the oldstable status.
Yesterday, the Debian Project has announced that both Debian 8.4 Jessie and Debian 7.10 Wheezy have been released, bringing package updates and security enhancements.
During this weekends bug squashing party and developer gathering, we decided to do our part to make sure there are good books about Debian available in Norwegian Bokmål, and got in touch with the people behind the Debian Administrator’s Handbook project to get started. If you want to help out, please start contributing using the hosted weblate project page, and get in touch using the translators mailing list. Please also check out the instructions for contributors.
As you might have heard by now, Ana (Guerrero) and I are organising a small Debian event this spring: the Debian SunCamp 2016.
March was the eleventh month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella.
ubuntuBSD developer Jon Boden has just announced a few minutes ago on Twitter that the fifth Beta build of the upcoming ubuntuBSD 15.10 operating system is ready for public testing.
This makes me so incredibly happy!
Making notes is an essential part of life of a responsible person, if you are a student, teacher, or professional and you use Linux then you may not find applications that are famous among other OS users but it doesn’t mean unpopular applications can’t compete. Today we are going to showcase some good note taking applications which are going to help you and are available for Linux as well. So you can write notes and increase your productivity, well there are online services who offer taking notes but you may don’t want to use them. And no we are not going to talk about sticky note here. Lets Start making list what we have! Shall we?
Do you stay too late to work on your computer or use your computer in the dark? It is probably hurting your eyesight, the blue light has more effects but you can handle this issue easily. F.lux a software designed for those you use computer in the night/dark room, it reduces blue light and give a warm color and make it comfortable for your eyes. It is free, easy to use, and cross-platform available for Linux, Windows, and Mac. It has panel indicator which is quite handy and there are bunch of options which can be configured from preferences.
Canonical shares some impressive stats in a new infographic (which you can see below). helps to offer further insight into just how widely used Ubuntu is.
Since April 2015, we have been silently launched a series of monthly publications of our blog called UbuntuBuzz Magazine. This magazine is a simple collection of all of UbuntuBuzz posts in every month. Until now, we have already published nine issues of UbuntuBuzz Magazine. We provide these magazine issues so our readers have something important they can save or share with another. You are free to download these publications. We want to introduce them here.
The OTA-10 update was, however, delayed further due to an issue which cropped up in the PulseAudio sound server blocking the access of Camera and Messaging apps to the microphone when in the video mode.
Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system and distribution for personal computers, smartphones and network servers. It uses Unity as its default user interface. It is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu (literally, “human-ness”), which often is translated as “humanity towards others” or “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity”.
Ubuntu release manager Steve Langasek informs the community about some changes happening to build-dependency handling in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) and upcoming versions of the widely used operating system.
According to Mr. Langasek, the Ubuntu development team admits that the process of separating Ubuntu packages between the “main” and “universe” software repositories caused the Ubuntu development to be dragged down because the “main” repo also covered build-dependencies in addition to dependencies.
In the run-up to the release later this month of version 16.04 of the Ubuntu GNU/Linux operating system, the company behind it is promoting its product with the slogan “Ubuntu is everywhere”.
Canonical, the company in question, has now been releasing Ubuntu every six months since October 2004. And to be sure, it has been instrumental in spreading the use of Linux in many spheres.
But, there is still red ink on its balance sheet.
Many institutions use Ubuntu, including Netflix, Snapchat, Dropbox, Uber, Tesla, and the International Space Station.
This is according to Canonical, which is celebrating the upcoming Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release.
Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, which is used in personal computers, smartphones, and network servers.
Flavours and Variants
Linux Mint has suffered a reputation damage, which has led to doubts and questions being raised in the community. Valid questions, because you don’t want any private, confidential data to be transmitted to a third party without your knowledge and consent. So you may want to check if Mint is clean, and whether it can be used safely. This article outlines the technical methods.
However, you should also not forget that this is not the first, nor the last hack of a website related to a distro project. All the big names have had similar issues in the past. Moreover, obscurity does not guarantee security. If you’ve never thought about this topic before Feb 20, then you really should not be focusing too much energy on it now. Because all the other times you downloaded packages and updates your system, there could have been a breach somewhere, but since you were not aware of it, you did not do anything about it. Now you are aware, but it does not change the reality, only your perception. You may want to double-check everything now, it’s a natural reaction, but it’s not really grounded in any hard, solid facts. If anything, the hack only helps put more security highlight on the distros and their management, so they should now be more secure than ever before.
This is the type of Linux desktop deployments we all want to see more of. No drama, just regular users using Linux all day to get their job done.
The Linux Mint project is alive and kicking, despite the unfortunate “hacking” issues that happened at the end of February 2016, and team leader Clement Lefebvre talks today about the upcoming features in Linux Mint 18.
As you might very well be aware, the major Linux Mint 18 release is coming this year a free upgrade to existing Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” users, bringing a ton of new features, improvements to the in-house built apps, as well as the latest versions of the Cinnamon and MATE desktop environments.
The Linux Mint project is alive and kicking, despite the unfortunate “hacking” issues that happened at the end of February 2016, and team leader Clement Lefebvre talks today about the upcoming features in Linux Mint 18.
As you might very well be aware, the major Linux Mint 18 release is coming this year as a free upgrade to existing Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” users, bringing a ton of new features, improvements to the in-house built apps, as well as the latest versions of the Cinnamon and MATE desktop environments.
We’ll talk a bit about development this month. It’s still too early to talk about some of the big things we’re working on (vertical panels and multiple backgrounds in Cinnamon, new icon and GTK themes) but some cool changes landed already so I’ll try to give you a little overview.
Before we get to that though, I’d like to thank all the people who fund us. We’re able to be where we are and to do what we do thanks to our partners, sponsors and the many people who send us donations. Our user base grew again since the release of Linux Mint 17.3 and we received more donations than usual in February and March, probably as a solidarity response to the attacks led against our project. Despite the important downtime in February and the fact that people couldn’t donate during the attacks, we recorded more than 600 donations and more than $14,000 at the end of the month. That’s really amazing.
Another piece of good news is that we’ll soon announce a new partnership with our friends at Sucuri, who are about to become our third biggest sponsor.
Aaeon announced the NanoCOM-SKU, a Linux-ready, 84 x 55mm COM Express Type 10 Mini module with 6th Gen Intel Core CPUs and three PCIe interfaces.
According to Aaeon, the NanoCOM-SKU is the industry’s first COM Express Type 10 Mini computer-on-module equipped with 6th Gen Intel Core “Skylake” processors. This certainly appears to be true, although there’s no word on a ship date, and the datasheet is still stamped as preliminary. Applications for the module are said to include graphics-intensive medical equipment or digital signage, as well as high-loading robotics and automation controllers used in industrial automation.
The Tizen Operating System (OS) on smartphones has been evolving quite nicely since it was first launched on the Samsung Z1, back in January 2015, with version 2.3 of the OS. Since then we have had the release of the Samsung Z3, which came preloaded with Tizen 2.4, and then the Z1 recently received a huge Over the Air (OTA) update that also took it to version 2.4.
BlackBerry’s CEO has used an interview with United Arab Emirates outlet The National to announce plans to move the troubled mobe-maker’s Android efforts downscale.
Last year, the company launched into the Android market with the high-end Priv, which garnered good reviews.
Sales, however, were another matter, and the Priv only landed in about 600,000 customers’ pockets in the final quarter of financial year 2016.
A common criticism of free-software projects built for Android is that they all too often rely not just on the frameworks and libraries that are part of the official Android Open Source Project (AOSP), but on the proprietary APIs implemented in various add-ons from Google—such as the Google Maps API or the Google Cloud Messaging message-broker service. Working around these Google-supplied components is not trivial, but there is at least one effort underway to provide a drop-in free-software replacement: microG.
While we prefer Android mainly because of its ability to mold to our liking, we cannot discount the value in the simplicity of iOS. Admitting that there is still a learning curve, and that the average Android user may be frustrated with the lack of features and options, many users out there appreciate the familiarity and thoughtlessness of using iOS.
There has been a lot of talk lately about a most unique combination: GNU—the fully free/libre operating system—and Microsoft Windows—the freedom-denying, user-controlling, surveillance system. There has also been a great deal of misinformation. I’d like to share my thoughts.
Free software is absolutely essential: it ensures that users, who are the most vulnerable, are in control of their computing—not software developers or corporations. Any program that denies users any one of their four freedoms is non-free (or proprietary)—that is, freedom-denying software. This means that any non-free software, no matter its features or performance, will always be inferior to free software that performs a similar task.
Not everyone likes talking about freedom or the free software philosophy. This disagreement resulted in the “open source” development methodology, which exists to sell the benefits of free software to businesses without discussing the essential ideological considerations. Under the “open source” philosophy, if a non-free program provides better features or performance, then surely it must be “better”, because they have outperformed the “open source” development methodology; non-free software isn’t always considered to be a bad thing.
Secondly, when you see someone using a GNU/kWindows system, politely ask them why. Tell them that there is a better operating system out there—the GNU/Linux operating system—that not only provides those technical features, but also provides the feature of freedom! Tell them what free software is, and try to relate it to them so that they understand why it is important, and even practical.
It’s good to see more people benefiting from GNU; but we can’t be happy when it is being sold as a means to draw users into an otherwise proprietary surveillance system, without so much as a mention of our name, or what it is that we stand for.
Everyone has at least a good reason to prefer software freedom over non-free software products.
Rancher Labs have released version 1.0 of their open source Rancher container management platform, which allows the deployment of Docker containers via Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or Rancher Labs’ Cattle across a range of underlying infrastructure. Rancher manages the underlying compute fabric, exposing control via a web-based UI that can be secured via RBAC/ACL, and can be deployed across a combination of multiple public cloud vendors, private virtualised clouds and bare metal. The platform also includes integrated load balancing and persistent storage services.
OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) is the major international tech conference in Albania organized by Open Labs Hackerspace, the open source and free software community in Albania. The conference promotes software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge, global movements which originally started more than 30 years ago.
The third edition of the the annual OSCAL conference will take place once again in Tirana on 14 & 15th of May and will gather more than 400 free libre open source technology enthusiasts, developers, students, academics, governmental agencies and people who share the idea that software should be free and open for the local community and governments to develop and customize to its needs; that knowledge is a communal property and free and open to everyone.
Document Freedom Day is a day where we celebrate and raise awareness of Open Standards. It is held annually, on the last Wednesday of March. However, this year, the Ambassadors in Singapore decided to celebrate it on 24 March, 2016.
In the “State of The Union”, David Aronchik, Kubenetes Project Manager for Google, brought folks up to date with what’s happened in the Kubernetes community and what’s ahead for version 1.3 and beyond.
Web Browsers
Josh Matthews is a platform developer at Mozilla. He’s a programmer who writes Rust code and is active in the development of Firefox. His development experience has led him to enjoy mentoring new contributors in open source projects.
SaaS/Back End
Cloud milestones—Amazon announcing AWS hitting a $10B annual run rate and OpenStack’s 13th release—lead some to wonder who is winning. Both are.
A decade ago, the cloud was not a computing term and Amazon was best known as an online retailer of consumer goods like books. Now the company is on track to generate $10 billion in annual revenue from its Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud business.
This year at the Percona Live Data Performance Conference I’ll be talking about MySQL. MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database, enabling the cost-effective delivery of reliable, high-performance and scalable web-based and embedded database applications, including all five of the top five websites.
My interest in databases grew while working in banking in the late nineties. Back then I implemented back-end ATM servers using HP-UX and Sybase as the development platform. I remember we had an allowed maintenance window from 2am-5am, and struggled with finishing a blocking create index operation on our main table with 30 million rows. I remember thinking “Why can’t this be done while the database is online?”
Students are not taught word processing, they are taught Microsoft Word. They are not taught presentation skills, they are taught Microsoft Powerpoint. They are required to present their work, be it essay, slideshow, or graph, in Microsoft-owned proprietary formats, recorded onto thumb-drives formatted with a Microsoft-patented file systems. Nothing else will do.
Pseudo-Open Source (Openwashing)
Public Services/Government
An open source telehealth kit built using a Raspberry Pi will be piloted with heart patients at a southern NHS trust this financial year.
Richard Robinson, a technical integration specialist at HSCIC, developed the telehealth prototype called MediPi to prove that “telehealth is affordable at scale”.
He said eight months ago his wife, who works for a charity helping socially isolated older people, was asked to find volunteers for a telehealth pilot.
“She came home with the kit and it was all high-end tablets, 3G and Bluetooth enabled devices and I was really shocked by what I thought would cost,” explained Robinson.
Open Hardware/Modding
Free and open source software advocates have courageously blazed a trail that is now being followed by those interested in open source for physical objects. It’s called free and open source hardware (FOSH), and we’re seeing an exponential rise in the number of free designs for hardware released under opensource licenses, Creative Commons licenses,or placed in the public domain.
I’ve been building software professionally for over 10 years now. I love what I do and I hope to be an old programmer someday. But along the way, I’ve encountered many terrible things that have made me hate my job. I wish that someone had given me a roadmap of what to expect earlier in my career, so when some new and unfortunate awfulness occurred that I wouldn’t have felt so alone and frustrated.
This post is meant to be such a guide. I have three goals.
We still have nightmares about GeoCities too, and yes, JavaScript has historically been used for things like that. It originated at Netscape in the mid 90s as a lightweight scripting language to add interactive properties to web pages, but it has come a long way since then. Sure, many programmers look down on JavaScript, and it’s massively overused on some websites, but it also has plenty of fans.
The web-development community was briefly thrown into chaos in late March when a lone Node.js developer suddenly unpublished a short but widely used package from the Node Package Manager (npm) repository. The events leading up to that developer’s withdrawal are controversial in their own right, but the chaotic effects raise even more serious questions for the Node.js and npm user communities.
npm itself is a module repository for Node.js code, akin to the Python Package Index or similar repositories for other languages and frameworks. Users can install a package with a simple npm install foo, but the service is also widely used by Node.js developers to automatically fetch and install dependencies: projects list their dependencies in the package.json file, and they are recursively fetched from npm and installed when the package is built. Using npm in this manner is standard operating procedure, allowing complex JavaScript applications to be written on top of multiple third-party frameworks in minimal lines of code. The service, however, is run by a private company called npm, Inc., rather than by the Node.js project.
The next president of the United States will need to be an extremely effective negotiator. Armed conflict, political deadlock, and diplomatic crises abound. The president will be called upon to resolve the war in Syria, manage complex relationships with Russia and Iran, handle hot spots such as North Korea, Libya, and Ukraine, navigate competitive tensions with China, and revive a modicum of bipartisanship in Congress. Ironically, the only presidential candidate who has been asserting his prowess as a great negotiator is someone who has precisely the wrong instincts and experience for the types of conflicts the president will face. The Donald Trump approach to negotiation would be not only ineffective but also disastrous — and there are clearly identifiable reasons for this.
A recent study showed that 1 in every 4 children in preschool is taking medication for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The majority of kids that age have a tough time paying attention to extended periods of time because their brain and body is nowhere close to being fully developed. Medication shouldn’t be the first option when it comes to treating kids who have ADHD or who we think have ADHD.
This flaw is easily patchable and needs a firmware update from Arris. Since the cable modems are not consumer-upgradable, this patch can be only applied if the ISPs push the update to the consumers.
More than 135 million modems are said to be vulnerable to a flaw that can leave users cut off from the internet — just by someone clicking on a trick link.
Jason Hoffman started his career as an internal auditor, but after 7 years he was ready to leave the job he was “really good at” and try something different. The transition to security more than 18 years ago “was probably the best decision I made in my career,” says Hoffman, who is now CSO at marketing automation software vendor Marketo. “I don’t think anyone in 1998 could have predicted how important security would be today.”
We launched Safe Browsing Alerts for Network Administrators over 5 years ago. Just as Safe Browsing warns users about dangerous sites, this service sends notifications to network administrators when our systems detect harmful URLs on their networks.
There was a news story published last week about the almost total lack of cybersecurity attention in undergraduate education. Most people in the security industry won’t be surprised by this. In the majority of cases when the security folks have to talk to developers, there is a clear lack of understanding about security.
On EFI systems you can handle this by sticking the secret in an EFI variable (there’s some special-casing in the code to deal with the additional metadata on the front of things you read out of efivarfs). But that’s not terribly useful if you’re not on an EFI system. Thankfully, there’s a way around this. TPMs have a small quantity of nvram built into them, so we can stick the secret there. If you pass the -n argument to sealdata, that’ll happen. The unseal apps will attempt to pull the secret out of nvram before falling back to looking for a file, so things should just magically work.
British law enforcement and intelligence services have helped draw up an extra-judicial ‘kill list’ to assassinate the world’s most wanted terrorists and drug smugglers in foreign countries.
The sensational claims, which raise disturbing questions about Britain’s involvement in the targeting of aircraft and drone strikes, will be revealed in a 50-page report by the Reprieve human rights charity to be published tomorrow.
It will state that the UK has been a key, long-standing partner in America’s ‘shoot to kill’ policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, targeting not only alleged terrorists, but also supposed drug traffickers, and earmarking them for drone and missile strikes – often on the basis of unsubstantiated ‘intelligence’ which has never been tested in court.
Although the top secret ‘kill list’ has been in existence for years and is continually revised, Britain’s contribution has never been sanctioned by Parliament.
The startling evidence, drawn from leaked official documents, reveals the two agencies involved are the electronic eavesdropping organisation GCHQ, and the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), now rebranded as the National Crime Agency (NCA).
Current and former members of Congress, U.S. officials, 9/11 Commissioners and the families of the attack’s victims want 28 top-secret pages of a congressional report released. Bob Graham, the former Florida governor, Democratic U.S. Senator and onetime chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, says the key section of a top secret report he helped author should be declassified to shed light on possible Saudi support for some of the 9/11 hijackers. Graham was co-chair of Congress’ bipartisan “Joint Inquiry” into intelligence failures surrounding the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, that issued the report in 2003. Graham speaks to Steve Kroft for 60 Minutes report to be broadcast Sunday, April 10 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
ONE OF THE deadliest airstrikes in Yemen since a Saudi Arabia-led coalition began bombing the country used munitions supplied by the United States, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.
The March 15 attack targeted a crowded market in the village of Mastaba in northwestern Yemen, killing at least 97 civilians, including 25 children. HRW said it found remnants of a “GBU-31 satellite-guided bomb, which consists of a U.S.-supplied MK-84 2,000-pound bomb mated with a JDAM satellite guidance kit, also U.S.-supplied.” The group said it also reviewed evidence provided by British news channel ITV, which found remnants of an “MK-84 bomb paired with a Paveway laser guidance kit.”
The report provides yet more evidence of U.S. complicity in the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Yemen. The Obama administration has been a key military backer of Saudi Arabia in its yearlong campaign against a rebel movement in Yemen known as the Houthis. In addition to billions of dollars in arms sales, the Pentagon has provided the Saudi-led coalition with logistical and intelligence support. Human Rights Watch said the U.S. role may make it “jointly responsible” for war crimes.
According to the article in the paper, one Afghan family were killed by a missile strike after they were mistaken for a member of the Taliban.
Despite Libya’s bloodshed and chaos, ex-Secretary of State Clinton still defends her key role in the 2011 “regime change,” but her reasons don’t withstand scrutiny, as Jonathan Marshall explains.
From spending $150 million on private villas for a handful of personnel in Afghanistan to blowing $2.7 billion on an air surveillance balloon that doesn’t work, the latest revelations of waste at the Pentagon are just the most recent howlers in a long line of similar stories stretching back at least five decades. Other hot-off-the-presses examples would include the Army’s purchase of helicopter gears worth $500 each for $8,000 each and the accumulation of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons components that will never be used. And then there’s the one that would have to be everyone’s favorite Pentagon waste story: the spending of $50,000 to investigate the bomb-detecting capabilities of African elephants. (And here’s a shock: they didn’t turn out to be that great!) The elephant research, of course, represents chump change in the Pentagon’s wastage sweepstakes and in the context of its $600-billion-plus budget, but think of it as indicative of the absurd lengths the Department of Defense will go to when what’s at stake is throwing away taxpayer dollars.
Transparency/Investigative Reporting
The schemed Directive on “Trade Secrets Protection” is meant to repress industrial espionage, but applies to the whole of society legal remedies that should only apply to businesses, writes a broad coalition of journalists, lawyers, scientists, unions and associations.
Lobbying companies working at the heart of Whitehall are exploiting loopholes in transparency legislation that allows them to avoid declaring clients who pay them thousands of pounds to help influence Government policy, The Independent can reveal.
Climate change could cut the value of the world’s financial assets by $2.5tn (£1.7tn), according to the first estimate from economic modelling.
In the worst case scenarios, often used by regulators to check the financial health of companies and economies, the losses could soar to $24tn, or 17% of the world’s assets, and wreck the global economy.
The research also showed the financial sense in taking action to keep climate change under the 2C danger limit agreed by the world’s nations. In this scenario, the value of financial assets would fall by $315bn less, even when the costs of cutting emissions are included.
In late 2015, the Food and Drug Administration gave the greenlight to AquaBounty, Inc., a company poised to create, produce and market an entirely new type of salmon. By combining the genes from three different types of fish, AquaBounty has made a salmon that grows unnaturally fast, reaching adult size twice as fast as its wild relative.
Unfortunately, outside of Alaska, our poor management of an enormous fishing industry and important habitat has depleted fish stocks all along our coasts. Salmon species, in particular, are sensitive to environmental changes. The development and industrialization of our coast has polluted and dammed the rivers they depend on to breed. Although salmon used to be abundant on both the east and west coasts, large, healthy populations of salmon now exist mostly in Alaska.
David Cameron’s troubles deepened on Saturday night as a Tory donor named in the Panama Papers was revealed as a trusted middleman for a company raided by the Serious Fraud Office, which is investigating what has been described as the world’s biggest bribery scandal.
Unaoil is at the centre of allegations that the business “systematically corrupted the global oil industry” by delivering millions in bribes on behalf of well-known multinationals to secure contracts.
A week ago, authorities in Monaco raided the headquarters of the company, as well as the homes of some of its bosses, as part of a British-led investigation into a corruption scandal implicating businesses all over the world.
Negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) have been concluded. Citizens now have access to the 30-chapter agreement that is several thousand pages long. The TPP has been opposed by four major presidential candidates, and faces criticism in Congress. Nevertheless, it is likely that the trade deal will get a vote sometime this year.
As Hillary Clinton questions rival Bernie Sanders over the depth of his financial reform ideas this week, a group of former government officials – once tasked with regulating Wall Street and now working in the financial industry or as Wall Street lobbyists — are participating in a fundraiser for her in the nation’s capital.
The invitation for the April 6 fundraiser, obtained by Sunlight Foundation’s Political Party Time, describes a “conversation” with Hillary finance chair Gary Gensler and Senators Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Carl Levin, D-Mich.
“You know, you can start off at McDonald’s at $13-$14 an hour in some cases, you could certainly find easier jobs for more money and that’s a real problem when you’re trying to keep good people in your facilities,” said Scott Kibbe with the Texas Health Care Association.
The Bitcoin network has been supporting the Open Execution principle for quite some time now, as services owners can’t run away with people’s bitcoins, and no one else can use your coins and send them to somebody else. Moreover, no additional money can be created out of thin air.
While speaking to a crowd in Philadelphia on Thursday, former president Bill Clinton was interrupted by protesters affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement carrying signs criticizing the crime bill and welfare reform bill that he signed into law in the 1990s.
In response, Clinton gave a misleading defense of welfare reform. “They say the welfare reform bill increased poverty,” he said of the protesters. “Then why did we have the largest drop in African-American poverty when I was president?”
For as long as people have yearned for more stuff, intellectuals have chastised them for that desire. Even Plato’s “Republic” followed the “decline of a virtuous, frugal city as it was corrupted by the lust for luxurious living,” Trentmann reminds readers. But his true nemesis is more recent: John Kenneth Galbraith, author of “The Affluent Society” (1958), in which the late economist argued that modern society seeks not only to fulfill our needs but also to create new ones, propelling us to live beyond our means, go into debt and thus strengthen the power of business. Though Trentmann acknowledges that the book has been enormously influential in cementing popular notions of consumerism, he dismisses it as “not a sober empirical study but a piece of advocacy to justify greater public spending.”
America’s great public research universities, which produce path-breaking discoveries and train some of the country’s most talented young students, are under siege. The result may be a significant weakening of the nation’s preeminence in higher education. Dramatic cuts in public spending for state flagship universities seem to be at odds with widespread public sentiment. Americans say they strongly believe in exceptional educational systems; they want their kids to attend excellent and selective colleges and to get good, well-paying, prestigious jobs. They also support university research. After 15 years of surveys, Research! America found in 2015 that 70 percent of American adults supported government-sponsored basic scientific research like that produced by public universities, while a significant plurality (44 percent) supported paying higher taxes for medical research designed to cure diseases like cancer or Alzheimer’s. Nonetheless, many state legislators seem to be ignoring public opinion as they essentially starve some of the best universities—those that educate about two-thirds of American college students.
In case there was any doubt, the presidential election fight has confirmed that blasting Wall Street, even eight years after the financial crisis, is still a vote-getter.
Hillary Clinton has said she’d like to jail more bankers. Donald Trump has skewered the hedge fund managers who are “getting away with murder.” And Bernie Sanders has made Wall Street accountability a centerpiece of his campaign.
Of course, financial industry lobbyists aren’t about to take this lying down. In recent weeks, they’ve turned up the heat on lawmakers to block one particular measure that Sanders has mentioned in nearly every stump speech: taxing Wall Street speculation.
Americans are used to paying sales taxes on basic goods and services, like a spring jacket, a gallon of gas, or a restaurant meal. But when a Wall Street trader buys millions of dollars’ worth of stocks or derivatives, there’s no tax at all.
Sanders has introduced a bill called the Inclusive Prosperity Act, which would correct that imbalance by placing a small tax of just a fraction of a percent on all financial trades. It wouldn’t apply to ordinary consumer transactions such as ATM withdrawals or wire transfers.
[The following is an imagined 1932 New York Daily News editorial board interview with Franklin Roosevelt during his presidential campaign. The Daily News comments below derive from the editorial board’s interview with Bernie Sanders on April 1, 2016. The Roosevelt statements are taken primarily from his 1933 inaugural address and his 1936 campaign speech at Madison Square Garden.]
A poll released Friday shows that Bernie Sanders has significantly narrowed the lead Hillary Clinton once claimed in New York.
The new Emerson College poll (pdf) shows Clinton leading Sanders among Democratic primary voters in the state by 18 points—56 percent to 38 percent. That marks a significant drop in support for the former secretary of state since the same poll was taken less than one month ago.
BACK IN 2014, in an interview with the magazine Chief Executive, General Electric Co. CEO Jeffrey Immelt explained that starting in the 1980s, “most of us” — i.e. GE executives — “saw it as our task to outsource manufacturing, to move it to low-cost countries. This continued through the 1990s and into the very early 2000s.”
Immelt’s statement of the obvious is relevant because Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said essentially the same thing about GE this week, which triggered an angry response from Immelt.
In a meeting on Monday with the New York Daily News editorial board, Sanders was asked to name a corporation that he believed was “destroying the fabric of our nation.” Sanders said that GE was a “good example” because it had shut down “many major plants in this country. Sending jobs to low-wage countries. … That is saying that I don’t care that the workers, here have worked for decades. … The only thing that matters is that I can make a little bit more money. That the dollar is all that is almighty.”
“The corporate media and establishment keep counting us out, but we keep winning by large margins,” the Bernie Sanders campaign tweeted triumphantly, after the Vermont senator won the Wisconsin primary by a large margin this week.
Journalists and activists in New York — the site of what may be the most important primary in the election — have noticed. And they are organizing in response.
Enter Operation Battle of New York.
It is the name of a new campaign launched by the editorial groups of The Indypendent and The Occupied Wall Street Journal, left-wing citizen journalist publications that have served as important voices for American social movements for more than a decade.
“We can expect corporate media to do everything it can to prop up Clinton and ignore or mischaracterize Sanders and the increasingly broad and diverse movement that supports him,” Operation Battle of New York writes in the description accompanying its Indiegogo campaign.
Before dropping out of the presidential race last month, Marco Rubio repeatedly declared that the 2016 presidential election is “the most important in a generation.” Such language is, of course, not uncommon to hear during election seasons. Politicians have been assuring the public for decades that the “next election” will be more significant than ever before, and that if the opposition party wins, the consequences will be catastrophic. As Rubio once stated in overtly apocalyptic language, “if we don’t get this election right, there may be no turning back for America.”
Establishment politicians running for high office live and breathe elaborate focus group-tested lines. In time, they become those lines. But every now and then, extreme political pressures can force a few unscripted words to slip through. And when that happens, we gain a rare glimpse of the candidate’s deeper understanding of their world and our world, and the gap between the two.
Hillary Clinton suffered such a moment on Tuesday afternoon while speaking at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn. Before taking the podium she already knew from internal polling that Sanders was going to win handily in Wisconsin. That meant she would be a loser in six of the last seven states, and by landslides, no less. Her staff is telling her not to worry; all the math on her side. Her delegate lead is so large Sanders can’t possibly overtake her.
But Hillary is not stupid. She saw Sanders draw 18,000 people in the Bronx, virtually all people of color, and that was before his latest Wisconsin victory. She knows that nothing is set in stone if your opponent is clobbering you in primary after primary. Political momentum is something to fear and could infect the big states like New York and California.
On top of that, young people are giving Bernie more than 80% of their votes. Even large majorities of young black and Latino voters are flocking to Sanders. How can that be?
Sanders had the support of 47 percent of Democratic or Democratic-leaning voters while Clinton had 46 percent—a narrow gap that fell within the poll’s 2.5 percent margin of error. The national survey was conducted in the days before the Vermont senator handily defeated the former secretary of state in the Wisconsin primary, and it tracks other polls in the last week that found Sanders erasing Clinton’s edge across the country. In a poll that PRRI conducted in January, Clinton had a 20-point lead.
On Wednesday, the international whistleblowing organization said on Twitter that the Panama Papers data leak was produced by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), “which targets Russia and [the] former USSR.” The “Putin attack” was funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and American hedge fund billionaire George Soros, WikiLeaks added, saying that the US government’s funding of such an attack is a serious blow to its integrity.
If three is officially a trend, chalking is now a trendy — and highly controversial — way for Donald Trump fans to show their love.
This week, two schools — the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga — jumped into the chalking fray, joining the headlines made in March at Emory University with pro-Trump messages scrawled on campus grounds.
Following a now-familiar timeline, the chalked messages appeared and the storms followed. At UTC, it hit the student government.
Krugman being Krugman, that means he’s been flooding the zone with anti-Bernie columns and blog posts.
Censorship/Free Speech
The Panama Papers will have political and social fallout for months and years to come, much like the Libor scandal or the Edward Snowden leaks. A vote of no confidence for Iceland’s prime minister and Internet censorship in China are likely but the beginning.
Is the government considering to relax the process of film certification? Also will filmmakers be able to get certification online instead of going through a long and winding process as is the case now?
Can media affect behavior? Can a violent movie or video game provoke violence? Can visiting obscene, racist or misogynistic websites breed anti-social behavior? Should government step in to stop or regulate them?
While the Internet now provides easy access to the darkest corners of the imagination, these concerns are not new. Even when the first films unspooled a century ago, authorities worried that the cinema would corrupt our communities. Pennsylvania became the first state to pass a law regulating motion pictures.
Fan Binxing, architect of the China’s infamous Great Firewall, was put in the embarrassing position of having to use a VPN in front of a live audience when trying to access a blocked web page.
On April 3 Fang Binxing was giving a speech on internet safety at his alma mater, the Harbin Institute Technology. During the speech, he presented a defense for internet sovereignty and used North Korea’s own version of the system as a talking point.
Harare West legislator Jessie Majome says the censorship board is concerned with controlling political space, leaving information considered immoral and misappropriate finding its way into national radio and television.
Censorship was a key instrument for controlling the masses during Soviet times. These days Uzbekistan’s ageing President Islam Karimov — who served as the First Secretary of Soviet Uzbekistan’s Communist Party before independence — regularly rages against anything and everything connected to the old Union.
Nevertheless, the system he has fashioned in the Central Asian country of 30 million remains remarkably similar to the one it emerged from in 1991.
Last month, in the early hours, an act of traumatising racist violence occurred on the campus of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Students woke up to find that someone had written, in chalk, the words “Trump 2016” on various pavements and walls around campus. “I think it was an act of violence,” said one student. “I legitimately feared for my life,” said another; “I thought we were having a KKK rally on campus”. Dozens of students met the university president that day to demand that he take action to repudiate Trump and to find and punish the perpetrators. Writing political statements in chalk is a common practice on American college campuses and, judging from the public reaction to the Emory event, most Americans consider the writing to be an act of normal free speech during the national collective ritual of a presidential election. So how did it come to pass that many Emory students felt victimised and traumatised by innocuous and erasable graffiti?
Hitler was a Shakespeare fan; Stalin feared Hamlet; Othello broke ground in apartheid-era South Africa; and Brazil’s current political crisis can be reflected by Julius Caesar. Across the world different Shakespearean plays have different significance and power. The latest issue of Index on Censorship magazine, a Shakespeare special to mark the 400th anniversary of his death, takes a global look at the playwright’s influence, explores how censors have dealt with his works and also how performances have been used to tackle subjects that might otherwise have been off limits. Below some of our writers talk about some of the most controversial performances and their consequences.
China’s online censorship system protects national security and does not discriminate against foreign companies, the country’s Internet regulator said, after the United States labelled the blocking of websites by Beijing a trade barrier.
The US Trade Representative (USTR) wrote in an annual report that over the past year China’s web censorship has worsened, presenting a significant burden to foreign firms and Internet users.
Last week attorneys representing Blizzard Entertainment sent a cease-and-desist letter to the administrators of Nostalrius Begins, a private “legacy” server that had been running a version of World of Warcraft as it existed between 2004 and 2005 since February 28 of 2015. As of last night a Change.org petition to Blizzard CEO and co-founder Michael Morhaime had garnered more than 55,000 signatures in protest, but the plea for survival went unanswered, and the server shuts down forever effective today.
Blizzard, of course, is acting within its rights. Nostalrius’ existence essentially amounts to piracy (particularly since the game proper is still going strong), and such things are expressly forbidden by Blizzard’s own terms of use. In a sense, this was inevitable, and it’s frankly surprising that Blizzard let it thrive for so long without taking action.
“This bill makes effective cybersecurity illegal.”
In a short span of time, Edward Snowden has built an impeccable reputation on Twitter.
ALVARO BEDOYA HAS been working on surveillance, privacy, and technology in Washington for years now. Before founding Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy & Technology, he served as chief counsel to Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., and the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law.
But as surveillance became a major national issue thanks to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Bedoya saw something disturbing amid the Washington wonkery: a huge gulf between the discussions of government spying, on the one hand, and aggressive policing tactics in minority communities on the other.
A year ago when the Internet of Shit account was spawned, it started as a personal joke: I was hearing a lot about internet-connected smart devices, but they all sounded like terrible ideas.
In recent times, however, we’ve seen a new slew of devices pouring onto the market with no real specific purpose, as far as anyone can tell. At first I was just making jokes about these things, but the situation is worse than I initially thought.
The opportunities are delicious for bloated internet companies: now a software company could know how warm your home is, what times of day are noisy, whether you have a pet, when you turn on your lights or if you listen to music while having sex.
Smart devices are sold as a way to improve your life — and in many ways, they do to an extent — but it also means those gadgets are incredible troves of data that could eventually turn into Software-as-a-Service money makers, just like Nespresso did to coffee.
The Atlantic had the excellent idea of commissioning Sarah Jeong, one of the most astute technology commentators on the Internet (previously), to write a series of articles about the social implications of technological change: first up is an excellent, thoughtful, thorough story on the ways that the “cashless society” is being designed to force all transactions through a small number of bottlenecks that states can use to control behavior and censor unpopular political views.
Even if you like the idea of racists and jihadis and human traffickers being limited in their crowdfunding and financial ambitions, the power to control commerce at a fine-grained level, combined with the scale at which transactions flow, means that these restrictions end up being a dragnet, not a speargun. When you fish with a dragnet, you always catch some dolphins along with your tuna.
If you want an indication as to how the surveillance state is growing, take a look at college recruitment by the National Security Agency (NSA). The agency routinely recruits students with internships and scholarships around the United States but now the NSA is looking for employees in the backyard of its controversial Utah Data Center.
A long-awaited Senate Intelligence Committee encryption bill would force companies to provide “technical assistance” to government investigators seeking locked data, according to a discussion draft obtained by The Hill.
The measure, from Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), is a response to concerns that criminals are increasingly using encrypted devices to hide from authorities.
While law enforcement has long pressed Congress for such legislation, the tech community and privacy advocates warn that it would undermine security and endanger online privacy.
There is a rather interesting legal battle concerning data retention going on in Sweden. Parties are the ISP Bahnhof and the government oversight authority Post- & Telestyrelsen (PTS).
Two years ago, to the day, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) invalidated the EU data retention directive — stating that it is in violation of human rights, especially the right to privacy.
That’s because Facebook has changed its rules around sponsored content. On Friday, the social network announced that it will now let publishers, celebrities, and brands post sponsored or branded content on their Facebook pages as long as they follow a couple of rules, including getting a verified by Facebook and using a special tag for each of these posts.
If you haven’t posted anything personal on Facebook FB in awhile, you’re not alone. A damning report published by The Information on Thursday revealed that Facebook has been struggling to reverse a 21% decline in “original sharing,” or personal updates, from its 1.6 billion monthly active users.
Civil Rights/Policing
A man who spent more than three decades serving time for crimes he did not commit was finally released from a Virginia correctional facility.
60-year-old Keith Allen Harward got his first taste of freedom Friday afternoon, thanking his lawyers, whom he called “heroes,” and lamented the fact that his parents could not see him walk free.
“That’s the worst part about this, is my parents,” said Mr Harward, holding back tears as he addressed media outside the prison. “It killed them. It devastated them.” He added that he was not allowed to attend their funeral because of the sentence.
A new-old idea is rattling around the Middle East five years after the Arab Spring stirred democratic ambition: that restoring stability, especially if accompanied by some economic and political improvements, should be reform enough for the moment.
This discourse appears to be taking front and center these days, most obviously in Egypt — the region’s most populous country and the one that raised the highest hopes for democracy advocates when the military in 2011 removed longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak as millions rallied against him and his Western support collapsed.
Last week students at L’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) disrupted a board meeting after learning administrators planned to sign a $50 million, seven-year, contract with security giant GardaWorld. Protesters are angry the administration has sought to expel student leaders and ramp up security at the politically active campus as they cut programs.
THE 1992 PROSECUTION of Fran and Dan Keller was based on a trifecta of credulousness, hysteria, and bad evidence.
The middle-aged couple was living quietly in Austin, Texas, where they ran a small drop-in day care out of their home, when the unimaginable happened: A little girl occasionally left in the Kellers’ care made a claim of abuse at the hands of the couple. At first, the allegation was simple: Dan Keller had spanked her, the 3-year-old told her mother in the summer of 1991. But rather quickly — in part due to repeated questioning by her mother and a therapist who had treated the girl for behavioral problems before she’d ever visited the Kellers — the allegation morphed into accusations far more lurid.
Today the Supreme Court passed up an opportunity to impose limits on a disturbing exception to the Fourth Amendment that allows random detention of motorists within 100 miles of a border—a zone that includes two-thirds of the U.S. population. Since the rationale for these stops is immigration enforcement, they are supposed to be very brief. Yet in 2010 Richard Rynearson, an Air Force officer who brought the case that the Court today declined to hear, was detained at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint in Uvalde County, Texas, for a total of 34 minutes, even though there was no reason to believe he was an illegal alien or a criminal.
Intellectual Monopolies
Moonshine packs a punch in this corner of Appalachia, where making hooch is steeped in local lore. But when Colin Fultz, the grandson of a bootlegger, opened a gourmet distillery here last fall, he ran afoul of a spirit even more potent than white lightning: University of Kentucky basketball.
With his outlaw grandfather — who spent 18 years behind bars for smuggling — very much on his mind, Mr. Fultz, a businessman and onetime coal miner, set out to carry on his family’s tradition in a legal, and thoroughly modern, way.
He tinkered with recipes, blending peaches and blackberries into mash brewed in his garage. He hired a lawyer — “My wife got on me, said I was going to get into trouble,” he said — and renovated an old car dealership, where he now distills and sells fruit-infused whiskey, serving it in thimble-size cups from an exposed-brick tasting bar.
Less than two years ago the MPAA launched its search engine WhereToWatch, offering viewers a database of alternatives to piracy. However, those who try the search engine today will notice that results for Netflix, the largest entertainment platform in the United States, are no longer listed. Is there a feud going on behind the scenes?
THE UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published information on what people should do if they receive one of those scary shakedown letters from firms accusing them of breaching piracy laws and owing money.
Take them with a pinch of salt is the very short version of this, but the IPO has a bit more information.
The organisation is alerting people to the sort of missives sent by companies like Goldeneye that have a very fishy smell and a bad reputation. The messages are sometimes described as speculative invoices.
Internet pirates are a swarthy bunch that have been known to hijack anti-piracy projects to further their own aims. The BPI is aware of these kinds of efforts and has registered a whole heap of ‘pirate’ domains to avoid a similar fate befalling the UK’s Get it Right From a Genuine Site campaign.
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