Novell Layoffs in Europe, Starting in Denmark
Following rumours about layoffs at Novell (this includes the United States), something more concrete gets published in the Danish press. A Groklaw member translates the article at hand:
Novell fires people in Denmark Acording to Version2′s sources, the company has started heavy restructuring of activities, both in Denmark and Europe. The first layoffs have already begun in Denmark.
Doubts about our speculations, including Bruce Lowry’s denial, can no longer do the trick and fool us. Unless, of course, Novell is gradually offshoring.
We are very sorry to hear about the loss of jobs (and especiaily sorry for those who lost them). Some of us are only critical because of Novell’s lack of transparency and disappointing strategy, which scrutinises what could have been their true friends and allies.
Francis Giannaros said,
May 14, 2007 at 3:01 am
What are you talking about now? You have absolutely no evidence that Novell is on the whole losing Linux engineers (particularly when they have stated the opposite). Like I said, if you really care that much we can probably find out actual specifics (by asking the right people, not sitting and thinking really hard).
k said,
May 14, 2007 at 11:41 pm
In Hungary Novell expand its Linux team again this year. I know this is not a headline news but at least this is true. The Hungarian consulting team counts about 50 person this time…