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Guest Post on Bill Gates and Donald Trump

Posted in Bill Gates, Finance, Microsoft at 7:07 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“Bill Gates praises Donald Trump, another multibillionaire,” Yuval Levental writes. “How shocking.”

Background: Donald Trump Thinks He Can Call Bill Gates To Shut Down The Internet

Tax evasion
Reference: Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Summary: How Bill Gates shifts sides when it suits his financial agenda, this time with President-elect Trump

According to CNBC, Gates recently spoke with Trump, supposedly talking about innovation. Gates then claimed that Trump is a big supporter of innovation, saying that Trump would revolutionize America and get rid of regulatory barriers. He claimed that Trump likes to point out weaknesses in the American system and that he wants to improve on them.

Maybe he will even start an opportunistic partnership with Trump. Interesting Gates should claim this, when in June 2016 he said “Donald hasn’t been known for his philanthropy. He’s been known for other things.” Furthermore, Gates also implied that Trump was behind the other candidates.

He even portrayed Trump as unscientific, stating “Science in general, whether it’s GMOs or vaccines, there’s a lot of people out there who don’t give science the benefit of the doubt”. “In terms of experience, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have more experience on global health.”

Bill Gates has been innovative like many billionaires: he has created a charitable foundation and still manages to profit in the billions every year, and Microsoft as a whole profits from monopolizing software.


Corporate Media in India Misrepresents Startups to Push for Software Patents

Posted in Asia, Bill Gates, IBM, Microsoft, Patents at 12:03 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

New Delhi

Summary: A parade of misinformation as seen in Indian (but English-speaking) press this week as questions about patentability of software resurface

FOREIGN giants which operate in India (companies like IBM and Microsoft) just can’t help trying to repeatedly introduce software patents in India, aided by front groups and lawyers of theirs. Why on Earth is NASSCOM, which is connected to Bill Gates [1, 2, 3], participating in a debate in India regarding software patents or even just software? “NEW rules designed to boost India’s software industry will open for public consultation in a matter of days, say sources close to the matter,” said one new article among several this week (e.g. [1, 2). These mentioned software patents as well and some correctly noted that “this opens them [software companies] to patent trolls. Dealing with patent trolls here as India doesn’t have software patents.” The English here is problematic and then it says this: “So the conundrum for startups is whether to stay in India or not.”

“India is constantly being lobbied by big businesses that are not even Indian.”No, startups would be wasting their time pursuing patents on software. In practice, heavy-pocketed corporations from abroad want software patents. Indian startups do not. But don’t count on corporate media like the above to accurately represent the desires and needs of ordinary Indians. Neither should anyone trust NASSCOM, one among several Indian agencies that act like outposts and brought India nothing but EDGI.

India is constantly being lobbied by big businesses that are not even Indian. Watch what Microsoft has done to the Modi government earlier this year and last year. It shot down a Free/Open Source software policy.


[ES] El Troll de Patentes y Taxman de Microsoft Intellectual Ventures Se Acerca Indirectamente a Google (Android/ChromeOS Supervisor) y a Linux

Posted in America, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Patents at 4:13 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Article as ODF

Publicado en America, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Patents at 3:57 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Nathan MyhrvoldSumario: El más grande troll de patentes, compuesto literalmente de miles de conchas habiéndo sido creadas por Microsoft con ayuda significante de Bill Gates, está ampliando su alcanze hacia el apoyados por Google Yieldify y TiVo (a través de Rovi)

Nadie niega la realidad de que Intellectual Ventures (IV) es un troll de patentes, por definción del término, así como el más grande del mundo. Cercanamente conectada a Microsoft y Bill Gates (a nivel personal/capacidad), así que prestamos atención de cerca a ello. Reciéntemente criticámos a IAM por acicalar a IV y ahora, basado en una rara actualización de fin de semana, IV habla a IAM (de amo a sirviénte). Como el editor lo puso: “Subsequentemente a la publicación del artículo, el co-fundador de IV Peter Detkin se comunicó conmigo y Kent Richardson para comentar en algo de lo que dije; Kent entonces respondió. Ambos me diéron permiso para publicar su correspondencia (noten que esto ha sido editado al puro estilo de IAM – así que, por ejemplo, originales deletreos de los EE.UU han sido traducidos al British English – pero no otros cambios substanciales se hicieron).”

Entendemos el por qué IAM entretiene comercialización de los trolles de patentes ‘. IAM esta, después de todo, financiado en parte por ellos, para los que organiza eventos de lavado de reputación. Por lo tanto, no es difícil ver por qué IV mire a IAM como un aliado en lugar de un enemigo sospechoso o crítico. Hay una especie de respaldo frotando allí. IAM nunca va a enojar al que le da la mamadera.
Google fue atacado hace unos días porque una empresa que ha respaldado se conectó con IV. El Register, especialista en trolles, que habitualmente comenta en IP Kat desde hace semanas, dijo que esto (bajo las palabras “¿Um, Google … pensé que odiabas los trolls de patentes?”):

Yieldify, la compañía startup apoyada por Google acusada de robar código de la compañíá Británica Bounce Exchange, ha estado haciendo amigos raros.

Yieldify ha adquirido una antigua patente de la web de III Holdings que fue primeor llenada el 2007. III Holdings es más conocida dentro de Intellectual Ventures, co-fundada por el nefasto Nathan Myhrvold. Apodada “la compañíá más odiada en tecnologíá” y “el más grande troll de patentes del mundo.”

IV es una “NPE” (entidad no practicante), que apila patentes y busca incrementar su valor a traves de venta on licensiamienteo de IP. Apoyado por litigación, como contra Samsung, un recipiente de los ataques de III.

En una presentación ante la corte realizado la semana pasada, Yieldify hizo una petición de sentencia declarativa en su caso en curso contra la despedida de Exchange, citando la patente IIV. Esta es una solicitud para que el caso sea expulsado. La queja también utiliza la patente en cuestión de presentar una demanda por infracción contra Bounce Exchange.

Aquí hay otro reporte acerca de esto, que correctamente nota:

La patente no era originalmente de Yieldify, sin embargo. Yieldify ha comprado la patente de Intellectual Ventures con el fin de abrir un nuevo frente en su batalla contra Bounce Exchange. Se presentó por primera vez a la aprobación de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de los Estados Unidos en 2005 por Intellectual Ventures (IV), una organización que CNET vez describió como “la compañía más odiado de tecnología.”

Hay un poco más de IV en la mezcla y directamente impacta a Linux porque el propónente de DRM y problemático Linux Kernel (TiVo) se enlista con un amigo de los trolles de patentes como Intellectual Ventures. Como un sitio maximalista de patentes lo puso el otro díá: “Si Rovi utiliza ese fondo de guerra para atacar a la competencia (que se convierte en más difícil o más fácil a medida que el péndulo patente anti-software sigue oscilando), o para refinar aún más las propias guías de medios de pernos y de Rovi o ambos – la adquisición seríá positiva para ambas compañías y sus grupos de interés.”
Debemos recordar que alguna proximidad/vínculo entre IV y Linux puede ayudar a Microsoft a atacar a Linux a través de impuestos patentes de miles de direcciones diferentes (IV tiene literalmente miles de conchas o satélites). Una gran cantidad de trolls de patentes atacan a empresas legítimas en Texas y es difícil decir para quién trabajan.
Vice tiene esta nueva suerte de ‘expose’ acerca Rodney Gilstrap, quién fué mencionado aquí antes, e.g. en [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Es el mejor amigo de los trolles de patente en la Corte y citamos porciónes de este condenable reportaje:

El juez de una pequeña ciudad que ve a un cuarto de los casos de patentes de la Nación


La primera cosa que le informe sobre el juez Rodney Gilstrap es que él no es de Marshall. En la pequeña ciudad de Texas (población 24.000) al este de Dallas, donde él preside como juez de distrito de Estados Unidos, de donde eres materia, y la de 59 años de edad Gilstrap en realidad nació en Pensacola, Florida. Pero debido a que obtuvo tanto su licenciatura y su título de abogado en la Universidad de Baylor (tres horas de distancia en Waco, Texas), ha practicado la ley en Marshall desde los años 80, y se casó con una chica local, cuya familia es propietaria de la funeraria local, la mayoría de la gente perdona Gilstrap esta plaga.


Desde que asumió la posta el 2011 se mueve literalmente al otro lado de la calle de su oficina de abogado en el distrito juzgado-Gilstrap se ha convertido en uno de los jueces de litigios de patentes más influyentes en el país. En 2015, hubo 5.819 nuevos casos de patentes presentadas en los EE.UU.; 1.686 de los que terminaron por delante del juez Gilstrap. Eso es más de un cuarto de todos los casos en el país; el doble que el siguiente juez de patentes más activos.

Los trolles de patentes son realmente una epidemia, se basan en las patentes de software y tribunales corruptos (o estados que albergan los trolls de patentes con fines de lucro, al igual que los paraísos fiscales que dan la bienvenida a los evasores de impuestos). Lo que también es fundamental para todo el mundo recuerde es que muchos trolls de patentes trabajan, a instancias de una corporación que acecha en la sombra, obligando a la competencia elevar sus precios o sacar a la competencia fuera del mercado. Intellectual Ventures ya ataca a Linux en diversas formas (desde muchas direcciones), como hemos demostrado aquí antes.


Microsoft’s Patent Troll and Taxman Intellectual Ventures Gets Indirectly Closer to Google (Android/ChromeOS Steward) and to Linux

Posted in America, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Patents at 3:57 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Nathan MyhrvoldSummary: The world’s largest patent troll, composed of literally thousands of shells having been created by Microsoft with significant help from Bill Gates, is widening its reach to to the Google-backed Yieldify and TiVo (through Rovi)

NOBODY denies the fact that Intellectual Ventures (IV) is a patent troll, as per the definition of the term, and also the world’s largest one. It’s closely connected both to Microsoft and to Bill Gates (at a personal level/capacity), so we pay careful attention to it. We recently criticised IAM for grooming IV and now, based on a rare weekend update, IV speaks to IAM. As the editor put it: “Subsequent to the article’s publication, IV co-founder Peter Detkin got in touch with myself and Kent Richardson to comment on some of what it said; Kent then responded. Both have given me permission to publish their correspondence (note that this has been edited into IAM house style – so, for example, original US spellings have been turned into British English – but there no substantive changes were made).”

We understand why IAM entertains patent trolls’ marketing. IAM is, after all, partly funded by patent trolls, for whom it organises reputation-laundering events. It’s thus not hard to see why IV might view IAM as an ally rather than a suspicious or critical foe. There’s a sort of back-rubbing there.

Google came under fire some days ago because a company it backed has hooked up with IV. The Register‘s most trollish pundit, who habitually comments in IP Kat since weeks ago, said this (under the words “Um, Google… I thought you hated patent trolls?”):

Yieldify, the Google-backed startup accused of stealing code from British adtech company Bounce Exchange, has been making some unusual friends.

Yieldify has acquired an ancient web patent from III Holdings which was first filed in 2007. III Holdings is better known as Inside Intellectual Ventures, co-founded by Nathan Myhrvold. It has been dubbed “the most hated company in tech” and “the world’s biggest patent troll.”

IIV is a “NPE” (non-practicising entity), which gathers up patents and seeks to unlock their value through selling on or licensing the IP. This has been backed up by litigation, such as Samsung, a recipient of one of III’s sueballs.

In a court filing made last week, Yieldify made a request for declaratory judgement in its ongoing case versus Bounce Exchange, citing the IIV patent. This is a request for the case to be thrown out. The complaint also uses the patent in question to lodge an infringement claim against Bounce Exchange.

Here is another report about this, which correctly notes:

The patent wasn’t originally Yieldify’s, though. Yieldify has purchased the patent from Intellectual Ventures in order to open up a new front in its battle with Bounce Exchange. It was first submitted for approval to the US Patent and Trademark Office back in 2005 by Intellectual Ventures (IV), an organisation that CNET once described as “the most hated company in tech.”

There is a little more IV in the mix and it directly impacts Linux because DRM proponent and Linux kernel troublemaker (TiVo) reportedly gets together with a friend of patent trolls like Intellectual Ventures. As a patent maximalist’s site put it the other day: “Whether Rovi uses that war chest to attack competition (which becomes harder or easier as the anti-software patent pendulum continues to swing), or to further refine the Bolt and Rovi’s own media guides or both – the acquisition does spell positive for both companies and their stakeholders.”

One must remember that any proximity/link between IV and Linux can help Microsoft tax Linux using patents from thousands of different directions (IV has literally thousands of shells or satellites). A lot of patent trolls attack legitimate companies down in Texas and it’s hard to tell who they work on behalf of.

Vice has this new sort of ‘expose’ about Rodney Gilstrap, who was mentioned here before, e.g. in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. He is the patent trolls’ best friend at the court and to quote portions of this rather damning report:

The Small Town Judge Who Sees a Quarter of the Nation’s Patent Cases


The first thing people tell you about Judge Rodney Gilstrap is that he’s not from Marshall. In the small Texas city (population 24,000) east of Dallas where he presides as a US district court judge, where you’re from matters, and the 59-year-old Gilstrap was actually born in Pensacola, Florida. But because he earned both his BA and his law degree at Baylor University (three hours away in Waco, Texas), has practiced law in Marshall since the 80s, and married a local girl whose family owns the town funeral home, most folks forgive Gilstrap this blight.


Since taking the bench in 2011—moving literally across the street from his law office into the district courthouse—Gilstrap has become one of the most influential patent litigation judges in the country. In 2015, there were 5,819 new patent cases filed in the US; 1,686 of those ended up in front of Judge Gilstrap. That’s more than a quarter of all cases in the country; twice as many as the next most active patent judge.

Patent trolls are truly an epidemic, but they rely on software patents and corrupt courts (or states that harbour patent trolls for profit, much like tax havens that welcome tax evaders). What’s also crucial for everyone to remember is that many patent trolls work at the behest of some corporation lurking in the shadow, targeting its competition to drive prices higher or drive the competition out of the market. Intellectual Ventures already attacks Linux in various ways (from many directions), as we showed here before.


No, Biggest Patent Troll of 2014 is Not eDekka But a Microsoft-Connected and Bill Gates-Funded Patent Troll (or Extensive Network Thereof)

Posted in Bill Gates, Microsoft, Patents at 8:17 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Bill and Nathan
Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Nathan Myhrvold. Credit: Reuters

Summary: A timely and imperative remark, reactionary in the sense that it responds to a new article, about the misconception that patent trolls are lone wolves and often small entities rather than conglomerates in disguise

A FEW days ago we stumbled upon an article by Joe Mullin, wherein he calls eDekka “Biggest patent troll of 2014,” even though Intellectual Ventures (a Microsoft proxy in some sense) is far bigger and still very active (it has a few thousands of satellites). “Biggest patent troll” by what criterion? Number of lawsuits by one single entity (not a proxy)?

“”Biggest patent troll” by what criterion?”The article from Mullin (otherwise a fantastic journalist by the way) says:

In 2014, no company filed more patent lawsuits than eDekka LLC, a Texas-based company with just one asset—US Patent No. 6,266,674. Fully 168 patent lawsuits came to a sudden halt in October, when US District Judge Rodney Gilstrap stopped the litigation campaign in its tracks.

eDekka’s patent, which had been used to sue a wide array of online retailers, described nothing more than “the abstract idea of storing and labeling information,” Gilstrap found. Those were “routine tasks that could be performed by a human” and didn’t meet the standard for getting a patent. Gilstrap ruled the patent invalid.

eDekka was covered here many times before, even as recently as 2.5 months ago.

“Look at the patent syndicates of billionaires who now even pay the media to paint themselves as “charitable” individuals — something that better known trolls cannot afford to do (to Gates, for instance, spendings on the media cost approximately $300,000,000 per year).”IAM, which is literally receiving money from patent trolls (we wrote about this before), recently — in fact as recently as last week — wrote about the world’s biggest patent troll (also Microsoft-connected troll) and said that: “Fifth-ranked Searete LLC – well-documented as an Intellectual Ventures affiliate – made most of its assignments to the patent firm’s Innovation Science Fund.”

Searete is a part of it. Searete (see our Wiki) and Intellectual Ventures are both are connected to Bill Gates (even financially). Bill Gates, a pseudo philanthropist who uses his foundation for tax-exempt investment in patents, has created an ever-growing large network of patent trolls whose activity increases his personal wealth (this network also attacks Microsoft’s rivals). Don’t get distracted by eDekka and other massively smaller patent trolls. Focus on the big issue. Look at the patent syndicates of billionaires who now even pay the media to paint themselves as “charitable” individuals — something that better known trolls cannot afford to do (to Gates, for instance, spendings on the media alone cost approximately $300,000,000 per year).

“Intellectual property is the next software.”

Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft patent troll


La Universidad de Harvard se Vuelve un Vasallo de Microsoft y Maquilla a Famosos Criminales

Posted in Bill Gates, Microsoft at 11:04 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en Bill Gates, Microsoft at 7:06 am por Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Parte de un ampli esquema implicado a Microsoft en CORRUPCIÓN SISTEMÁTICA, transformando escuelas y universidades en puestos de Microsoft a cuesta de los contribuyentes

Harvard Wreath

Sumario: La universidad de elección de Gates sobre la cuál todavía saca ventaja, se vuelve una agencia personal de Microsoft para INDOCTRINAR, convirtiéndose parte de su asistida por el gobierno conquista de la educación de Ciencias de la Computacion en los Estados Unidos.

BILL GATES nunca se graduó de Harvard (grados honorarios en realidad no cuentán para nada, virtualmente están a la venta). Abandonó su educación. Sin embargo Gates tomó control de Harvard así como otras universidades en los Estados Unidos (y en un menor grado en el extranjero también). Al ´donar´ dinero bajo falsas pretensiones SECUESTRÓ la agenda/curricula de su Ciencias de la Computación (echándola a su favor) e incluso nombró instalaciones como a sí mismo. Algo realmente anti-academico de hacer. Es lo anti-ético a la noción de educación.

Después de sobornar oficiales para asegurarse contratos SOBREVALORADOS (como cubrimos anoche)) Microsoft ahora se apodera de universidades, no sólo escuelas. Como lo puso Slashdot ayer:

¨¿Supo usted que Microsoft ha apoyado a Harvard en crear una nueva versión (de su muy popular CS50 curso) llamado CS50 AP, designado especialmente para educadores de secundaria?¨ preguntó una publicación Aprenda a Blogear Microsoft. Si le gustaría enseñar CS50 AP (y en turno Principios de AP CS) en su salón de clases este año,¨ Harvard informa a posibles profesores, ¨estan cordialmente invitados a unirse a nosotros en uno de nuestros entrenamientos para profesores workshops a llevarse a cabo en varias partes alrededor del país y el mundo!¨ Pero antes de matricularse están requeridos a responder a lo siguiente y Harvard no aceptará un NO como respuesta: ¨Nuestros AMIGOS en Microsoft nos están ayudando a distribuir materiales de apoyo para los profesores para esta versión de CS50 para profesores y estudiantes de educación secundaria. Al chequear la cajita de abajo, ustedes están de acuerdo que podamos ´compartir´ los datos que usted sometió a traves de esta forma como parte del proceso de planificación.¨ Microsoft esta DIRIGIENDO a la educación secundaria estos días – carajo, la Casa Blanca incluso deja al presidente de Microsoft Brad Smith reunir a periodistas y relatarles sus planes de gastar $4 B de impuestos en una nueva CS para toda iniciativa secundaria antes de que el Presidente lo anuncie a los contribuyentes. A propósito, la CS50 AP Wiki contiene una forma de autorización y deslindación por la cual, entre otras cosas, requiere a estudiantes tímidos estar sentados en una zona de ¨no cámaras/film¨ sin protestar si no quieren sus fotos o videos usados por Harvard para promover un curso promovido por Microsoft.¨

Cubrimos la nata acerca de Brad Smith a principios de mes.

Para citar las palabras nauseabundas: ¨Nuestros amigos de Microsoft nos están ´ayudando´ a distribuir los materiales para apoyo del maestro de esta versiond de CS50 para profesores y estudiantes de secundaria. Al chequear la cajita de abajo, ustedes están de acuerdo que podamos ´compartir´ los datos que usted sometió a traves de esta forma como parte del proceso de planificación. [...] Esto es requerido, por favor entre un valor.¨

“Harvard ahora es MIERDA,” nos dijo un lector que solía trabajar para una univesidad grande estadounidense. “Que VERGUENZA para ellos y para los Estados Unidos en general.”

“Esto parece sembrar un montón de preguntas,” una persona me dijo esta mañana en Twitter, “ética, legalmente, y acerca de integridad – en los Estados Unidos, Microsoft, UE, Romania etc.”

Microsoft es todavía un cáncer en la educación. Sobre todo es acerca de convertir a la gente joven DEPENDIENTE (encerrádo dentro) de código secreto con puertas traseras. Harvard debería avergonzarse de sí misma. Ocasionalmente invitaba a un famoso CRIMINAL, Bill Gates, a dar discursos allí, como si esto fuese un ejemplo a seguir por los estudiantes. UCLA también hace lo mismo con el más grande TROLL DE PATENTES [1, 2], quien es amigo personal de la rata Bill Gates. Todo se resume a corrupcción y política podrida.


Harvard University Becomes a Vassal of Microsoft and Grooms Famous Criminals

Posted in Bill Gates, Microsoft at 7:06 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Part of a broader scheme implicating Microsoft in systemic corruption, transforming schools and universities into Microsoft outposts, at taxpayers’ expense

Harvard Wreath

Summary: Gates’ university of choice, which he still preys on, becomes a carrier of Microsoft indoctrination and has become a part of Microsoft’s government-assisted takeover of Computer Science education in the US

BILL GATES never graduated from Harvard (honorary degrees don’t really count for anything, they’re virtually for sale). He was a dropout. Nevertheless, Gates took control of Harvard, as well as many other universities in the US (and to a lesser degree abroad too). By passing them some money under false pretenses he hijacked their Computer Science agenda/curriculum (tilted in Microsoft’s favour) and even named facilities after himself. It’s a very un-academic thing to do. It’s antithetical to the notion of education.

After bribing officials to secure overpriced school contracts (as we covered here last night) Microsoft now takes over universities, not just schools. As Slashdot put it yesterday:

Did you know that Microsoft has supported Harvard in creating a new version [of its wildly-popular CS50 course] called CS50 AP, designed specifically for secondary school educators?” asks a Microsoft Born to Learn Blog post. “If you might like to teach CS50 AP (and, in turn, AP CS Principles) in your own classroom this year,” Harvard informs prospective teachers, “you are cordially invited to join us at one of our teacher training workshops to be held in various locations around the country and the world!” But before applications can be successfully submitted, teachers are required to respond to the following statement, and Harvard won’t take ‘No’ for an answer: “Our friends at Microsoft are helping us distribute the teacher support materials for this version of CS50 for secondary school teachers and students. By checking the box below, you acknowledge that we may share the data you submitted through this form with them as part of this planning process.” Microsoft is certainly calling the K-12 CS education shots these days — heck, the White House even let Microsoft President Brad Smith brief reporters about plans to spend $4B in tax dollars on a new CS for All K-12 initiative before the President told taxpayers about it. By the way, the CS50 AP Wiki contains a CS50x/CS50 AP Authorization and Release form which, among other things, requires camera-shy CS50 AP students to agree to “sit in a ‘no-film’ zone” if they do not want photos or videos of themselves used by Harvard to promote the Microsoft-supported course.”

We covered that latter bit about Brad Smith earlier this month.

To quote the nausea-inducing words: “Our friends at Microsoft are helping us distribute the teacher support materials for this version of CS50 for secondary school teachers and students. By checking the box below, you acknowledge that we may share the data you submitted through this form with them as part of this planning process. [...] This field is required. Please enter a value.”

“Harvard is now shit,” told us a reader who used to work for a large US university. “How embarrassing for them and for the US in general.”

“This seems to raise a lot of questions,” one person told me this morning in Twitter, “ethical, legal, integrity – on US, Microsoft, EU, Romania etc.”

Microsoft is still a cancer in education. It’s all about making young people dependent (locked into) secret code with back doors. Harvard should be absolutely ashamed of itself. It occasionally invited a famous criminal, Bill Gates, to give speeches there, as if this is the example they wish to give to students. UCLA also does the same with the world’s largest patent troll [1, 2], who is a close friend of Bill Gates. It all boils down to corruption and rotten politics.


The Gates Foundation Subjected to Criticism, But Over a Decade Too Late

Posted in Bill Gates at 8:21 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Reckoning and accepting the fact that even some in the media now openly speak about Bill Gates’ corrupting influence in everything, including politics

THE Gates Foundation was one subject we focused on a great deal several years ago. It got a little repetitive after a while because the issues were mostly the same but were illuminated by more examples and new incidents. Several years down the line we generally find that the media [1] and various groups [2] speak about these issues more openly. It now seems to be more widely accepted (by the press and some of the public) that there’s more under the surface when it comes to the Gates Foundation and other such foundations, including Zuckerberg’s (also a tax haven in “charity” clothing). Why are some politicians still entrusting elections to Gates' highly abusive company? Watch how close Microsoft has gotten to the US government.

Related/contextual items from the news:

  1. Fighting “corporate control of education”: A millennial education wonk goes to war against neoliberal reform

    When it comes to the world of elite education reform — the land dominated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation; your Arne Duncans and Michelle Rhees — there is no shortage of young and optimistic millennials, eager to explain why the brave new future of standardized testing, pay-for-performance, “grit” and Common Core will help public (and pseudo-public) education fix many of our society and economy’s ills. They’re often called thinkfluencers, or something equivalently silly; and the scene is lousy with ’em.

  2. Gated Development – is the Gates Foundation always a force for good?

    Perhaps what is most striking about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is that despite its aggressive corporate strategy and extraordinary influence across governments, academics and the media, there is an absence of critical voices. Global Justice Now is concerned that the foundation’s influence is so pervasive that many actors in international development, which would otherwise critique the policy and practice of the foundation, are unable to speak out independently as a result of its funding and patronage.

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