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ODF Alliance Rectifies Things: Triumph of ODF in Kerala Attributed to Free Software Supporters

Posted in Asia, Free/Libre Software, OpenDocument at 6:37 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

A LITTLE INCIDENT which was mentioned at the end of March has ended more peacefully. Anivar explains why.:

On 27th March 2009, On 27th March 2009, a section of the press carried a news which said Mr. Anvar Sadath, Executive Director, IT@School has received an international award from ODF alliance for his contribution to the ODF. It was surprising for many of us who wondered what his contribution to ODF was. Two days later, some of us received a press release issued by ODF alliance which made it clear that recognition was given to Mr. Anvar for the ODF adoption in schools of Kerala. The press release also had quotes from Mr. Anvar Sadath and Mr. Marino Marcich of ODF alliance.


However, recent reports in the local media and online forums tried to put this incident in bad light. We want to clarify that the recent reports on the issue in a section of the press attempting to link our opposition to the award as having political connotations is completely misplaced. Our intention, as activists of the Free software movement, is to correct a mistake on the side of the ODF Alliance . We are happy that the Alliance has been open to our criticism and have admitted the flaws in their selection process.

From the discussions attached with this press release, it can be seen that the entire discussion was to correct a mistake. We request not to inappropriately link this incident to other political issues.

We wish to apologise to Mr. Anvar Sadath if unnecessarily negative publicity cropped up; the good news which everyone ought to share is that, regardless of credit, Kerala is the biggest winner and it’s all that matters. ODF facilitates choice, long-term retention, and freedom.

Spread ODF

Links 06/04/2009: More Schools Move to GNU/Linux, Debian Gains Architectures

Posted in News Roundup at 6:14 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • All Tatarstan Schools Moving to Free Software

    According to the Deputy Minister, in each of the school-level workshops are planned to open courses on the work of «Linux» students. But before that is still to prepare professionals who will lead these clubs.

  • Debian unleashes inner devil

    The Debian project has announced that it is adding two new FreeBSD kernels to the unstable and experimental archive under the name of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.

  • New architectures


    we just added two new architectures to the Debian archive. Everybody please welcome

    kfreebsd-i386 AKA GNU/kFreeBSD i386
    kfreebsd-amd64 AKA GNU/kFreeBSD amd64

    Note that this enables porter NMUs for those two. In case you have a bug with a patch waiting for your package that has to do with one of them, please either fix it soon or expect a porter NMU to be done soon.

  • From OSX to Ubuntu

    So far I’m not really missing that much – clearly OSX has a certain feel of slickness to it but in the last couple of years Ubuntu has become much more refined and easier to use. More an more works without intervention – I’d long held an opinion that using linux was like owning a vintage beetle — It’s great but you have to spend all weekend tinkering with it to keep it on the road. For me using windows was like that, as I found more and more time was sucked into keeping my PC running. When I switched to OSX I found my productivity went up. So far with Linux it’s too early to tell whether I’m as productive though I’m fairly confident that I’m finding enough software that performs well and is intuitive to use that I should be every bit as “at home” on Linux as I was on the mac. Plus with the added bonus that I’ve got a much better set of linux tools (rather than bsd) under the hood and not to mention that running an open source operating system is a much better prospect long term.

  • Morgan Stanley Growing Its Use of Linux

    Anthony Golia, executive director of enterprise computing at Morgan Stanley, told attendees at the High Performance Linux on Wall Street show this morning that his firm has been using Linux in a big way since 2001.

    “We use it because it performs well on inexpensive, commodity hardware,” Golia said. “That continues to be true and that continues to be a reason we use it.”

  • MIDs to bring Linux to Asia-Pacific

    MIDs (mobile Internet devices) may be the channel for Linux to reach mainstream consumers in Asia, according to an analyst.

    Ian Lao, senior analyst, mobile technologies at In-Stat told ZDNet Asia in an interview, MIDs are expected to do better in the region than in others, and that Linux will likely grow alongside as a result.

  • Linux Runs on Text: Understanding & Handling Text

    This month, as another part of the series about using text on Linux systems, we’ll introduce “plain text” and how you can restructure it. We’ll see how to identify text from different systems (Unix, DOS, Mac) and to convert text between systems. The article ends with some examples, and there’ll be lots more next month.

    If you’re used to clicking on files to view and edit them, you’ll probably find some new tools and concepts here. Gurus, please have a look at the main example and be sure it’s familiar.

  • Seven against the world

    Thanks in part to Vista, open source software has entered into the OS discussion, often for the first time for many CIOs and IT managers.

    “When we moved from XP to Vista we thought about this. If Vista is not going to help us then let’s look at open source technologies like Linux and Redhat, but to move from one technology to another is a huge resource requirement on time and getting all the applications certified,” explained Katyal.

  • Applications

    • 8 Image Viewers for Ubuntu


      Gwenview is by far the most popular image viewer for KDE, and it comes with all the features a well-thought image viewing application should have: it provides a file browser, previews, resizeable thumbnails, and a wealth of plug-ins for basic image manipulation. The sidebar will display image information, together with shortcuts to several useful file operations, like left/right rotation, resize or red eye reduction. You can also insert ratings for your images, up to five stars (handled the same way Amarok 2.0.2 handles ratings for audio files).

    • Moneydance–A cross-platform personal finance manager

      There is one other thing that I found to be a bit different from most other personal finance programs I have used and that is the way Moneydance treats accounts and categories the same. I am no accountant, but that is evidently the way most actual accounting software It’s called the double entry method and while I don’t understand it completely, it basically links the different accounts to each other. In KMyMoney and other personal finance managers, you can set up a transfer from one account to another by calling it a transfer. In Moneydance, I had to chooe the account in the category section of the transaction in order to get the changes to register in both accounts. Once I got past the difference, it’s a piece of cake.

  • Desktop Environments

    • plasma on netbooks

      At last year’s Akademy, we did some work on a layout for a Plasma interface for netbooks on the whiteboard and started putting together some code for it. It then went quiet and pretty much died: we focused 4.2 development on the idea of “traditional desktop usage parity”, there were no SoC projects around the concept to help push it forward and nobody else in KDE really seemed to care enough about the concept of “things that aren’t large screened, mouse driven devices” to give the effort any support.

    • Eight Reasons Why Fluxbox Is My Favorite Desktop

      What other annoyances doesn’t Fluxbox have? It doesn’t take extra time to start up with a splashy opening. It doesn’t declare 1000 dumb sounds for every trivial event (KDE, 1000 confirmed dialogs to disable, waterboarding, dominatrix), it doesn’t require a whole suite of programs to go with its environment… it does exactly what so many interface pundits out there say they want: it’s happy to be invisible. Two days into your first Fluxbox trial, and you will forget it’s there!

  • Distributions

    • Review: Parted Magic 4.0

      As far as actually using Parted Magic 4.0 to partition a drive, it works great. I went in, threw everything at it I could and it worked flawlessly. In fact, the newer version of Gparted works a lot better than the previous versions used. It was more or less *click, click, click, done* when repartitioning a drive. Yes, it was fast!

      And I haven’t seen any failings in all the tests I’ve run, including stability issues. It’s been rock solid. So overall I have no complaints with this version of Parted Magic. I think it’s some of the best work I’ve seen from this developer group since it got started. Well done guys!

    • Review of Parted Magic 4.0

      Hot off the press, Parted Magic 4.0 has been released. In short, it’s a lightweight Linux live CD with a firm focus on partitioning drives. From its web site, “The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs (e.g. Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, and ddrescue) and an excellent set of documentation to benefit the user. An extensive collection of file system tools are also included.”

    • Hacker and slasher or stable and steady. There is a Linux for you.

      The first class of Linux distributions which live on the bleeding edge are generally those which are updated frequently. They have a very active community and are often the new kids on the distribution block. Some of the oldest distributions also fall in this class too. These types of distributions are for those who have a good knowledge of the Linux system and are not afraid of the command line. Some examples of these are Gentoo, the unstable branches of Debian and the Fedora project.

    • Arch

      • Another new Arch user

        I had the idea of using Arch for some time now and with the pain of first configuring it gone thanks to the Chakra project I went for it.
        So far I’ve had some minor issues which I’ve been able to tackle. And besides that I have to customize it to use the packages I use I’m a very happy new user. It’s fast and it’s nearly vanilla KDE, so what else can you ask for? =D.

      • Chakra: my new distro of choice.

        And then, two days ago I suddenly came across Chakra. It’s basically Arch linux + kdemod, but then with a live cd and quick and easy installer. And it’s amazing. It absolutely FLIES. On avage it consumes about 150-250 MB less memory then my kubuntu installation (?!). Everything works very well out of the box. The kde packaging is very well done. The live cd environment is one of the most response i’ve ever encountered (and uses only 256 MB RAM). It has rolling releases, so it’s easy to always run the bleeding edge. And it’s package manager pacman is really fast and easy to use.

    • Ubuntu

      • Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 136

        Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #136 for the week March 29th – April 4th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 Beta released, Newly Approved LoCo Teams, Package Training Sessions, Hug Day: April 9th, Ubuntu Brainstorm: Call for Idea Reviewers, New MOTU, The Fourth Horseman, New Ubuntu Mirror: Colombia, Ubuntu Florida and Pennsylvania Jaunty Release Parties, Launchpad 2.2.3 released, Launchpad: Official Bug Tags, Checkbox 0.7.1 released, Ubuntu Podcast: Qimo, Ubuntu Podcast #24: Mark Shuttleworth Interview, Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Return, Ubuntu Server Team Minutes: March 31st, and much, much more!

  • Devices/Embedded

    • NetGear offers new four-bay network storage appliance

      NetGear has announced the ReadyNAS NVX, a new network attached storage (NAS) device aimed at the Small to Medium Business (SMB) market. It’s priced starting at $1,500.

    • Linux Console Rears Head Again

      This one costs $380 and comes with Athlon 64×2 5600 CPU (clocked to 2.4GHz), an ATI HD 3200 graphics chipset, 2GB of DDR2 RAM, and a 120GB hard drive. It will use a version of Fedora called Mirrors, which says Engadget “can be upgraded to a beefier build named Mirrors Evolution X.”

  • Sub-notebooks

    • Dell Netbook Roadmap Surfaces

      If the roadmap proves to be accurate, it shows that the Mini 10 will get some new options on April 17 including a 250GB HDD, Ubuntu, an internal TV tuner, 6-cell battery, a 1.86GHz CPU and something called Picasso covers. On April 20, new options will include 2GB of RAM and a Red variety along with a standard 1024 x 600 LCD.

    • Dell Mini Roadmap Points To 11-inch Model

      Dell looks set to break the 10″ barrier with their upcoming Inspiron Mini lineup if this leaked product roadmap is to be believed.

Free Software/Open Source

  • First look: Mozilla Firefox FX 3.6 alpha 1

    Although Firefox 3.5 (formerly Firefox 3.1) is still in beta, Mozilla is already developing Firefox 3.6 code-named Namoroka (a Madagascar national park.)

  • Opening the Door to Open Source

    Open source software, which is written with source code that is widely available with little or no proprietary copyrights, is now entering contact centers and for several good reasons. These chief ones include lower (up to 40 percent) pricepoints, ease of customization, many new solutions, and the coming of age of these applications to endure demanding communications environments.

    Open source delivers these benefits because there are no licensing costs as there is with proprietary software and it has spawned a large and growing community of developers who believe in the concept. Open, though, does not necessarily mean ‘free’. While there is open-source-written freeware available directly via the Web, most applications that can meet the demanding needs of contact centers are packaged, hosted/delivered and supported by suppliers for fees. Those vendors typically offer a mix of core paid and free features.

  • InfoWorld using Drupal

    InfoWorld relaunched on Drupal 6 yesterday! Check out their new site at http://infoworld.com. InfoWorld has been around since 1978 and is a well-known resource for IT professionals. I hope they write up a use case because it is a great testament to Drupal 6.

  • Free Online Book Has Blueprint for Successful FOSS Projects

    Fogel’s book is an 887K PDF file consisting of 9 chapters and several appendices:

    * Chapter 1. Introduction
    * Chapter 2. Getting Started
    * Chapter 3. Technical Infrastructure
    * Chapter 4. Social and Political Infrastructure
    * Chapter 5. Money
    * Chapter 6. Communications
    * Chapter 7. Packaging, Releasing, and Daily Development
    * Chapter 8. Managing Volunteers
    * Chapter 9. Licenses, Copyrights, and Patents

  • Free Open Source License Insight Conference, 16 April 2009, Seoul

    On the 16th of April the Korea Software Copyright Committee (SOCOP) – a non-profit organization under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism having the mandate to promote the protection of software-related intellectual property rights – will host the Free Open Source License Insight Conference, at the COEX Intercontinental Hotel (Seoul).

  • Open Source Podcasts 5-04-2009: Mifos Microfinance Platform, MuleSource, Mark Shuttleworth

    Mifos on FLOSS Weekly Open Source Podcast – George Conard and Adam Monsen of the Mifos Initiative interviewed on FLOSS Weekly provide a look into the Mifos Initative.

  • Business

    • Jitterbit Open Source Integration Now Available on Intel® Business Exchange

      Jitterbit, the leading provider of open source integration software, today announced its award-winning integration suite is available on the Intel Business Exchange. Intel BX offers the best-in-class software and solutions/services from Certified Intel® Software Partners.

      The Intel® Business Exchange gives companies convenient and easy access to cutting-edge software built to take advantage of Intel’s latest platforms and technologies. Featuring a global network of software vendors, manufacturers and publishers, the Business Exchange includes new technologies and applications from Intel and premiere software brands.

    • Life Without Legacy Systems

      We’ve leveraged a lot of open source. There is sufficient open-source infrastructure so that you don’t need to buy enterprise software. You can hire the right people who are capable of managing that infrastructure.

  • Sun

    • Ten minutes with Jonathan Schwartz

      The good news about developing markets is that for the most part, open source appeals to those that are driving change and are investing in infrastructure. In a way, open source in developing markets is a far simpler message to send than in more mature markets.

  • Licensing

    • NiceMac’s Open Source Apps Help Sirius Focus on Core

      On the StarPlayr.com website NiceMac says, “Our redesigned satellite radio desktop and web applications will be open source. Our company plans to challenge proprietary radio systems and lead the forefront for Open Access by creating building blocks under the GPL. Our StarPlayr software will still require a Sirius or XM Radio subscription, but will give customers choice in how they access these services.”

  • Open (But No Source Code)

    • The Future of Our Cities: Open, Crowdsourced, and Participatory

      This is the future that is coming to our cities, one way or another, whether city councils and agencies accept it right now or not. Either it will come in a trickle, as interested developers find ways to build these services without the city’s consent, or it will come in a flood as cities get on board and help push things along.


  • Call the Obama administration and ask for your copy of ACTA now!

    The Obama administration wants to be called about the status of negotiations of ACTA. Call the Obama administration and ask for your copy of ACTA now!

  • The Latest Act in the ACTA Farce

    The rest, unfortunately, is the usual mixture of half-truths and outright fibs. But this constant trickle of such documents shows that they are taking notice of us, and that we must up the pressure for full disclosure of what exactly is being negotiated in our name.

  • Copyrights

    • US District Court: Restoration of Copyright in Public Domain Foreign Works Is Unconstitutional

      The US District Court for the District of Colorado has just granted a motion for summary judgment in Golan v. Holder you will want to know about. It is a very big deal. Anthony Falzone, Executive Director of the Fair Use Project at Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society, who led this effort, says, “It is the first time a court has held any part of the Copyright Act violates the First Amendment and the first time any court has placed specific constitutional limits on the government’s ability to erode the public domain.” I read it as saying that nothing, not any treaty, not even the Berne Convention, can trump the US Constitution.

    • Court Rules Part Of Copyright Act Unconstitutional
    • Amazon takes heat over Kindle DRM

      A literacy group is planning to protest against the organisation that pushed for restrictions on Amazon and its Kindle 2 e-book reader.

      The Reading Rights Coalition is to hold a protest in New York on 7 April outside the headquarters of The Authors Guild. The group said that it primarily represents individuals who cannot read print, such as the blind and those with learning disabilities.

    • Stand Up for Your Right To Read

      Last month, a group called The Author’s Guild raised loud objections to the text-to-speech feature in Amazon’s new Kindle 2. They claimed that reading a book out-loud is a violation of US copyright law.

    • Radiohead to Testify Against the RIAA

      Radiohead, the band that made millions of dollars by giving away their music for free, has very little to complain about when it comes to piracy. On the contrary, in a landmark file-sharing case, Radiohead has responded positively to a request to testify against the RIAA.

    • “Limited and Temporary?”

      Thanks to the magic of the class action mechanism, the settlement will confer on Google a kind of legal immunity that cannot be obtained at any price through a purely private negotiation. It confers on Google immunity not only against suits brought by the actual members of the organizations that sued Google, but also against suits brought by anyone who doesn’t explicitly opt out. That means that Google will be free to mine the vast body of orphan works without fear of liability.

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

Nat Friedman 14

Ogg Theora

Digital Tipping Point is a Free software-like project where the raw videos are code. You can assist by participating.

My Response to the Enlarged Board of Appeal

Posted in Europe, Law, Patents at 1:25 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

FURTHER TO this previous post, I have just submitted my answers to the Enlarged Board of Appeal [PDF] regarding software patents. Here it is as text and as LATEX.

Enlarged Board of Appeal
European Patent Office
Erhardtstrasse 27
80331 Munich, Germany

To whom it may concern in the Enlarged Board of Appeal,

I hereby submit my answers to the questions about case G3/08. As a computer scientist in Europe, the subject matters to me personally; in particular, the effect of this matter reaches Free/Open Source software. It is increasingly used and developed in Europe, whose legislation in the area affects progress.

The questions are phrased in such a way that they almost entrap the answerer, so replies address entire blocks of questions. I shall address the questions raised by the EPO, in turn.


I fear that permitting such loopholes to exist leads to the actual permission of software patents. To quote Marshall Phelps from Microsoft, “[The EPO] can’t distinguish between hardware and software so the patents get issued anyway.” By allowing ambiguity, the EPO essentially leaves the door open to software patents, in which case the policy becomes moot.


This suggests that a separation between hardware and software is possible despite the fact that one requires another in order to operate. There is no program which is separable from hardware because without execution it exists only in the minds of people, much like poetry. Any software patent is able to characterise itself with the combination of hardware that it interacts with, so it is irrelevant whether or not hardware is mentioned in a patent application. If the inventor was to construct a novel physical entity, its physical attributes — not mere zeroes and ones that pass through it — may merit a patent.


Hardware responds to signals that it is capable of interpreting and reacts in a predefined physical fashion. For example, a hard drive uses a physical process to produce output upon receiving a known signal. As such, any process described in algorithms may effect a physical device in one form or another, but its role in the process is as abstract as one’s thoughts. To suggest that software changes the form of something physical is to suggest that one’s mere thoughts can lead to muscular motion and thus be considered an invention. Once the ownership of one’s ideas — as expressed in broad terms — becomes possible, copyrights can be rendered moot and instead block any expression of ideas — be it an algorithm, a musical note, or the assembly of pertinent facts/parts — which is what every invention really is about. There needs to be a physical device which is new and unique. Without innovation in physical terms, patentability becomes not only absurd but dangerous too. In Re Bilski is an example of broadening the scope of patents too far.


If specialised knowledge is required to write a particular program, i.e. series of commands, then it is likely to involve computer-independent knowledge such as mathematics or physics. To acquire a monopoly on areas of science where nature’s rules cannot be refuted should require the inventor to seek a patent in his/her particular field, not the field of software engineering. The question begs to insinuate that scientists deserve protection for their hard work, but rarely does this work have anything to do with computers; software is just where these ideas happen to be applied, although they could equally well be applied using pen and paper.

On a separate note, in order for Europe to preserve and promote autonomy, the rejection of software patents is encouraged. This gives tremendous advantage to those are are ably programming without the burden of lawsuits, filing of papers, and studying of too many papers. It gives European programmers the upper hand. The field of software is highly complex and there are many intersections in implementations of different ideas. It is not practically possible to ensure that one program does not `collide’ with another at a binary level and since composers of software are able to program without anything but a computer (and distribution likewise, thanks to the Internet), to impose unnecessary limits is virtually to forbid many the art of programming, turning it into a scarcely-explored field possessed and controlled by a small number of privileged classes with portfolios that represent monopolies on mathematics. This imperils both the economy and the value of innovation; history teaches that most brilliant software technologies are conceived by a small group of enthusiasts, and not with a patent application.

Yours sincerely,
Roy Schestowitz
Manchester, England

If you reside in Europe, please send your answers as well before the deadline is due. The address to mail answers to is Dg3registry_eba@epo.org.

Logo - stop software patents

The Question of Software Patents without Democracy

Posted in Europe, Patents at 5:06 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

European Union

The question of software patents without democracy and the FFII response

IN October 2008, the President of the European Patent Office (EPO) issued a Referral to its Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA) concerning the questions as to the examination and granting of software patents in Europe. In the absence of European legislative initiatives, the EBoA’s conclusion on this matter is likely to have the same effect as a software patent directive.

“In the absence of European legislative initiatives, the EBoA’s conclusion on this matter is likely to have the same effect as a software patent directive.”However, since this decision will be based on a purely legal interpretation of the European Patent Convention (EPC) by the EBoA, it will not be accompanied by more extensive political and economic debate.

As stated by the EPO, third parties may wish to use the opportunity to file written statements before the end of April.

The FFII would like to ask you to consider writing a statement in the name of your company, organisation or as private person, and if possible also to support the action plan of the FFII (see below).

You can see statements already submitted by others.

The FFII offers a dedicated mailing list for discussions on the referral and a petition page against software patents.

With an action plan, the FFII are funding two experts to work full-time on the issue and also produce detailed documentation about software patents in Europe, to be published in the near future. They need your contribution in order to do this. Please consider making a donation, marking it as ‘EBoA Referral’.

International bank data:

IBAN: DE78701500000031112097
Country: Germany
Name: FFII e.V.
Address: Blutenburgstr 17, DE 80636 Muenchen

Germany bank data:

Name: FFII e.V.
Account: 31112097
Sort code (BLZ): 70150000

For using Paypal, see

Background information

At present there is no central jurisdiction for European or community patents. National court decisions are still not fully aligned with the European Patent Office’s (EPO) granting policy concerning software patents that has been developed by decisions of the EPO Boards of Appeal. The disparity between national patent enforcement courts and the EPO’s granting practice was one of the reasons why a directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions was proposed. This directive, as well as the 2000 attempt to change the European Patent Convention, was rejected not least because of the larger FFII network’s activities.

“The disparity between national patent enforcement courts and the EPO’s granting practice was one of the reasons why a directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions was proposed.”Despite the fact that several attempts to formally legalise software patents in Europe proved unsuccessful, the EPO still has not adapted to the developments in the political arena. The EPO still grants software patents under the application of loopholes created by its Boards of Appeal decisions.

The EPO’s granting practice gradually gains more acceptance in national courts thanks to a trickle down effect, while the legal certainty of national software patents remains to be determined. Validity rulings and opposition mostly reject questionable software patents out of novelty and inventive step considerations, but not on grounds of the substantive scope of patent law.

On October 22, 2008 the Enlarged Board of Appeal was asked by the President of the European Patent Office, Alison Brimelow (UK), for an opinion concerning the exclusion of computer programs as such according to Article 112(1)b EPC. She highlights that this matter is of fundamental importance as it defines the limits of patentability in the field of computing. The Referral is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes the background to the Referral, the second chapter concerns definitions of auxiliary terms such as software, while part three includes four questions about substantive law interpretation. Part four describes the legal framework and options for its development. The President also added background information and an overview of BoA decisions related to this specific matter.

The FFII has a wiki page where comments on the questions can be added.

The EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal decided to allow third parties to make statements concerning the points of law (November 11, 2008). The FFII will provide legal considerations which challenge the controversial Boards of Appeal decisions and thus influence the decision-making process. In the absence of legislative clarifications, some courts in the UK recently accepted EPO ‘case law’. The opinion of the Extended Boards of Appeal will create the precedent for all future legislative developments. As there is no legislative scenario in sight which might overrule the EBoA in case it permits software patents, this particular Referral needs the FFII’s attention. Other parties interested in software patents are going to submit comments in favour of software patents. Philips, in fact, has already done so.

FFII’s action plan

The FFII will submit entries to the Enlarged Board of Appeal in order to bring about a more balanced assessment, and to help the EBoA arrive at legal solutions that are closer to their expectations. The communication targets are patent technocrats with a different belief system to which others need to adapt. So far, FFII members have concluded that several different strategies can be applied. They have discussed these extensively with patent experts. For strategic reasons they cannot make them public, suffice it to say that they are currently in the process of finding collaborators in the FFII’s attempt to stop software patents.


  • Recent EPO legal patent literature has done little to challenge or even criticise the teachings of the EPO. Patent scholars from other professions such as political science, economics, etc. are hardly discussed in the legal literature. Patent professionals’ task is not normative legislature, but winning cases and applications. While there has been sustained disagreement with software patents in the field of business, legal literature still hardly reflects this shift.
  • Inside the EPO there is no open debate and employees are bound by strict staff obligations (cmp. Communique 22). The EPO aggressively intervenes in political and scientific debates, while the patent community’s belief system is still largely determined by an unchallenged endorsement of software patents.
  • The EBoA’s members are not necessarily eligible for judicial office, and some of them are merely technically qualified. The EBoA’s lack of independence is a known issue and an EPO reform is underway to make these bodies more independent. Some patent scholars altogether question the legal quality of EBoA reasoning.
  • The political debate over patent law is largely blocked. The fact that no corresponding parliament report was issued in response to an official communication from the Commission about the future of Industrial Property policy testifies to this.
  • Members of the EBoA will probably only accept legal considerations and solutions.
  • The EPO’s dogmatic language is shielded against public criticism and, even for legally trained people, like a net in which one easily gets caught. Its reasoning is often based on logical fallacies and hidden value judgments.
  • Patent law interpretation practice is expansive. In an allegedly unclear situation, the patent community will always argue against exclusion from patentability. It lacks a negative definition of “invention” and a sound basis in legal teaching which could be used to explain why a field is not to be covered by patent law. Patent professionals generally do not understand the economic rationale behind incentive system application, while economists often assume for their model that the patent system has the claimed effects.
  • The EPO and its staff have a strong commercial bias in favour of granting patents and are hardly ever subjected to public scrutiny and control. Patent opposition is less than ideal due to free riding effects and associated risks and transparency gaps (cmp. Guellec07)
  • Complicated institutional conflicts between German and UK patent traditions loom in the background of the Referral. De facto European patent policy and litigation is strongly dominated by UK and Germany stakeholders and traditions.


The following conferences – among others which are not public – will be or have already been attended by some FFII members.

Current Policy Issues in the Governance of the European Patent System
Venue: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Room Anna Lindt, P1A002,
Brussels B-1047, BELGIUM
17 March 2009
Alison Brimelow : Closing remarks

Geneva, March 23 to 27, 2009

The future of intellectual property
Creativity and innovation in the digital era
April 23rd -24th, 2009, Committee of the Regions, Brussels

Making IPR work for SMEs
27th of April 2009, Brussels

April 28th-30th, Prague
Alison Brimelow opening it.
Workshop on patents and software

Measuring the value of IPR: theory, business practice and public policy
September 24-25, 2009, Bologna
Sponsored by the EPO. Alison Brimelow has been invited.

How to support the FFII

The FFII is divided in working groups and it welcomes new active people in these working groups which are listed at

If you consider the FFII’s work important but you are not able to help actively, you can become a passive sustaining member of the FFII, starting at 15 EUR per year.

How to contact the FFII

Blutenburgstr. 17
80636 Munich



Tel. +49 30 417 22 597
Fax: +49 30 417 22 597
IRC: #ffii @ irc.freenode.net
Blogs: http://planet.ffii.org/

Tax number: 143 / 843 / 17600 at the German tax office in Munich.
IBAN: DE78701500000031112097, SWIFT/BIC: SSKMDEMM
Registered organisation in Munich, Amtsgericht Munchen VR 16460
Board: Benjamin Henrion, Rene Mages, Ivan Villanueva, Andre Rebentisch, Alex Macfie

Links 06/04/2009: IBM Withdraws Sun Offer, Linux Gets FS-Cache

Posted in News Roundup at 3:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Enquiring minds want to know – why no Linux for NSW high school laptops?

    It doesn’t surprise me that Microsoft would have pursued this tender with aggressive pricing and negotiating. However, unless the software is being given away at no cost whatsoever it involves a necessary sacrifice on hardware to cover the Windows bar tab.

    Even if Microsoft is giving its goodies away (which I doubt) the decision to use a Microsoft platform still hampers students. They will by necessity require resource-stealing anti-virus software. They will be confronted with expenses if they wish to upgrade to newer versions of Microsoft’s products.

  • Linux Format wallpapers

    We’ve had a number of reader requests to make available some of the imagery we use on the covers of Linux Format magazine. Naturally we’re happy to share with you all, so we’ve put this page online where we’ll upload cover artwork as it’s requested, starting with three of the most recent for now.

  • Top 5 Ways to Help Linux Virgins Make the Switch

    Hey guys, this is a weekly series we are trying out. Niki was kind enough to let us publish one of her old video here and she will make more videos in the coming weeks for LH.

  • The Unique Feature Of My Linux Box

    What unique thing does my Linux box do that makes other OS jealous? The biggest feature that my Linux box offers is choice, and that helps me grab many more. This choice is not limited to desktop applications like editors or browsers or media players or email clients, it also works for desktop environments, window managers, sound daemons, firewalls, right down to a specific kernel version, even my own.

  • “The Cloud” is coming. Is your house next?

    Is it even worth looking at the notion that people might connect Linux to people using their netbooks to connect to street view and eyeball someones house for pillaging purposes?

    I personally think it would be ludicrous to suggest that, yet, look at what proprietary proponents have tried to drum up about Linux and it’s users in the press up to this point.

    Netbooks are poised to facilitate the oncoming rush of web based or ‘cloud’ services. They, for the first real time, has MS getting the sweats about it’s installed market.

  • QOTD: Do You Use Linux/BSD With a GUI?

    Free, powerful, highly customizable, fast, diverse, and constantly developing–what more can you want in an operating system? Linux is definitely the operating of choice for power users and administrators alike.

    The biggest factors that affect Linux’s adoption rate is hardware support, and user experience. Granted, many distributions now ship with incredibly good GUIs, the core of the operating system still remains very much like it has always been. Although more and more devices ship with Linux as the OS of choice, Linux’s market share remains tiny compared to that of Windows and even OS X (based on BSD).

  • 20 of the Best Free Linux Books

    Individuals wanting to learn about the Linux operating system have a large selection of books to choose from. There are many thousands of informative Linux books which are in-print and available to download or buy at reasonable cost. However, as many users are attracted to Linux for the very reason that it is available under a freely distributable license, some will also want this to extend to the documentation they read.

  • Google uncloaks once-secret server

    Google has an obsessive focus on energy efficiency and now is sharing more of its experience with the world. With the recession pressuring operations budgets, environmental concerns waxing, and energy prices and constraints increasing, the time is ripe for Google to do more efficiency evangelism, said Urs Hoelzle, Google’s vice president of operations.

  • 10 Uses For Your Old Linux Box

    I have three old Socket 7 computers in my closet, and one old laptop under my bed, so I have come up with ten things I can use them for. I still haven’t decided, but I really want to play some NES games.
    Classic Video Game Console Emulation

    Install as many old console emulators as you can find, get some ROMs, buy some Linux-compatible game controllers, connect the computer to your TV, and then play your favorite games from the past.

    Home Automation

  • FLOSS Weekly 63: Wubi

    Wubi, the easy and completely safe way to install Linux to dual boot on your Windows machine.

  • IBM/Sun

  • Kernel Space

    • FS-Cache merged in Kernel 2.6.30

      FS-Cache has been merged into the upcoming kernel 2.6.30. This allows for a generic caching interface in the kernel for other file systems. For example, you can use local hard disks to cache data accessed via NFS, AFS, or CD-Rom. Since these tend to be high-latency while the disks are low latency, it should provide for a nice speedup.

  • Applications

    • 7 Interesting Apps for Command-Line

      aaxine – watch movies in the shell
      aaxine is included in the xine-console package and can be used to watch video files in a shell, without the need of the X Window System, with the help of ASCII characters.

    • 5 Essential Add-ons for Firefox 3

      1. Video DownloadHelper – download media files (including YouTube Flash videos)

      Video DownloadHelper is maybe the most popular and powerful Firefox add-on for downloading Flash videos from various websites. Along with that, Video DownloadHelper also supports a wide range of video and audio files, including RAM, WMV, ASF, AVI and MP3, and you can add custom extensions too.

    • 8 Power Docks For Your Linux Machine

      To have or not to have a dock in Linux is really dependent on individual preferences. While popular Linux distros such as Ubuntu and Fedora do not come with a dock by default, there are plenty of dock applications around that one can easily install and create a dock for their desktop.

    • 8 Image Viewers for Ubuntu


      Gwenview is by far the most popular image viewer for KDE, and it comes with all the features a well-thought image viewing application should have: it provides a file browser, previews, resizeable thumbnails, and a wealth of plug-ins for basic image manipulation. The sidebar will display image information, together with shortcuts to several useful file operations, like left/right rotation, resize or red eye reduction. You can also insert ratings for your images, up to five stars (handled the same way Amarok 2.0.2 handles ratings for audio files).

    • ManiaDrive – an arcade car game for Ubuntu

      Today I will show you a nice game for Ubuntu, it’s called ManiaDrive and it’s based on the great game of Nadeo Studio. Let me tell you in a few words what the game is about…

    • Handy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop

      GIMP is the favorite graphics editing program of many designers and graphic artists. It is free and compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux (the two big reasons for its popularity). It has a wide array of features, as well as plug-ins, filters and brushes. Documentation is primarily available in online communities, as well as through extensive add-ons.

  • KDE

    • Fun with Krita: Spray

      I coded some funny stuff for a paintop called spray. The idea behind it was that I wanted to add a “killer” feature to krita — spray that behaves like MS Paint spray. But then I added support for anti-aliased pixels, then I added support for shapes and it started to be fun, so I added more features.

    • Kalzium – Video play feature

      This is a cool feature that I have added to Kalzium. It will be really attractive in schools. I call it the play feature. You can basically play the periodic table like a video where you can see the temperature increase from 0 K to 6000 K gradually and see all the elements melt and eventually boil.

    • WebKit + D-Bus -] Instant Chrome-like browser [continued]

      The next step will be to implement more advanced, but still standard browsing features. The smart address bar will be one of the first. It could probably end up in Konqueror and Rekonq eventually.

    • Two KDE SVN Branches and Git
    • Amarok 2.1: Mini Update

      I don’t like to tease too much — so to save you asking, Amarok 2.1 beta 1 should be available for widespread testing within a fortnight. Lap it up when it arrives!

    • Mini overview: Rekonq

      KDE 4.x default web browser is Konqueror, I’m not sure, but I think it used to be the only web browser for KDE (if there were others, I apologize with you for the omission), until now. Rekonq is based on Arora (which is a pure Qt application), Arora itself is quite good and fast, Rekonq is as good, as fast but more integrated.

  • Distributions

    • Parted Magic 4.0 Has Exciting New Features

      Patrick Verner announced today the immediate availability of Parted Magic 4.0, a Slackware-based
      Linux distribution designed to help users with hard disk partitioning and recovery tasks.

    • PCLinuxOS

      • Computing on Gnome Desktop was never so easy before PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Gnome

        PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Gnome is the only Gnome Desktop that has such handy system tools such as PCLinuxOS Control Center. In addition to these, it seems me to be a pure Gnome Desktop, i.e., it does not have much stuff such as libraries and stuff of other desktop environments like KDE, Xfce. With the main KDE PCLinuxOS you have got some gnome stuff alongwith a customized and fine-tuned KDE desktop, but this gnome remaster has a somewhat pure gnome appeal.

      • A great new theme for PCLinuxOS 2009.1

        For those who wish a new theme for their PCLinuxOS 2009.1 desktops, a nice one just showed up in repositories. It features a much softer look than the shipped theme and I’ll show you the steps to install it.

    • Fedora

      • Supplying the horns.

        Anyone who’s seen or heard me talk about the many magnificent teams in Fedora has heard me specifically mention the Fedora Infrastructure team, which runs everything that keeps our project running. From a worldwide mirror system to our account system, to our wiki, to our package database, to our builders, and so on… Whew! That’s a lot of stuff.

      • Hero Factory: The Fedora!
    • Ubuntu

      • My First Impression Of Ubuntu Jaunty

        I just couldn’t wait for the 24th of April and decided to upgrade Intrepid to the present Alpha version of Jaunty yesterday. After downloading some 1300 mb’s and then taking up another hour to complete all the modifications, my computer restarted.

      • Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Release Schedule

        Ubuntu team is already planning for 9.10, which will see the light of day in October 2009. The desktop side will focus on beautification and an improved boot-up experience; the server side will target cloud computing.

      • UBUNTU article ‘El Pais’ Newspaper
      • Switch to linux

        I’ve got to tell you, I’m never going back to Windows, and it looks like Microsoft has more than just me and the Ubuntu developers to worry about now.


        I am quite astounded at how poorly Windows is coming out against ubuntu. I am also amazed that Windows remains the world standard, a position it can’t keep for much longer as more people like me make the break.

      • Will Your Next Wireless Router Run Ubuntu?

        Granted, only experienced Linux geeks are likely to be able to enjoy master mode for the time being, since putting it into action requires intimate familiarity with the ‘iwconfig’ command, the ‘hostap’ utility and most likely dhcp servers, not to mention bridging network interfaces together.

        Nonetheless, the day has at least become conceivable when setting up an Ubuntu computer as a wireless router is as easy to clicking a button in NetworkManager, allowing even the most technologically inept Linux users to create local wireless networks effortlessly–and not just ad-hoc networks like those supported by ‘Internet Connection Sharing’ in Windows, but true access point-based networks.

      • Evaluating Ubuntu Backup Solutions — the FOSS Way

        Within 20 minutes of starting my search I had a complete backup solution installed and configured and all thanks to the power of having thousands of packages available from the Ubuntu software repositories. I was able to quickly and easily test out different solutions until I found one that worked with me.

        This is the FOSS way. I urge you to try it and find your own solutions that work with you

  • Devices/Embedded

    • New Overo Computer On Module!

      Gumstix has come out with the Overo Fire COM – Gumstix now is calling them “Computer on Module” to differentiate what is the motherboard and what is the daughterboard – must have been some confusion between the computer board and expansion boards.

    • Phones

      • Palm Pre to kill the iPhone?

        The Palm Pre (slideshow), unveiled during the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year, has been widely discussed as a possible iPhone killer. While it’s received a wealth of attention, is it truly a phone packing as much punch as the claims? Could it really give the iPhone a run for its money, affording Palm the chance to mount a comeback? Palm Pre, Palm Pre, oh what does the future see?

      • Samsung Plans Three Android Phones This Year

        The company said its first Android device would be released this summer in the European markets, and two handsets would come to the U.S. market later this year on two carriers. While it did not say which carriers would pick up Samsung’s Android handset, it will likely be T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel because the mobile operators are both part of the Open Handset Alliance.

      • T-Mobile to Use Google Software in Devices for Home

        T-Mobile is planning an aggressive push deep into the home with a variety of communications devices that will use Google’s new Android operating software that already runs one of its cellphones.

Free Software/Open Source

  • OpenOffice.org 3.1 Release Candidate 1 available

    OpenOffice.org 3.1 Release Candidate 1 is available from our extended mirrors at http://distribution.openoffice.org/mirrors/#extmirrors

  • Openness

    • Top 10 Measurements for Transparency

      Here’s a quick outline of the 10 measurements:

      1. Open data: The federal government should make all data searchable, findable and accessible.
      2. Disclose spending data: The government should disclose how it is spending taxpayer dollars, who is spending it and how it’s being spent.
      3. Procurement data: How does the government decide where the money is getting spent, who gets it, how they are spending it and how can we measure success.

    • Who Can Put the “Open” in Open Science?

      However, it’s easy to think of circumstances where *new* code is being written to run on proprietary engines where it is simply not possible to check the logic hidden in the black boxes. In these circumstances, it is critical that open source be used at all levels so that others can see what was done and how.


  • The Scariest Monster of All Sues for Trademark Infringement

    The couple then launched an Internet-based guerrilla campaign to generate public support. “We blogged nonstop, around the clock, for weeks, and enlisted much of our staff to do the same,” she says. The couple offered to sell symbolic slices of “Justice” for $1 on eBay and raised about $4,400 for their legal defense. Two days before Christmas, she sent Mr. Lee a DVD of the film, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

    Monster Cable’s Mr. Lee says the company also received at least 200 angry consumer complaints. After speaking with the Vitaglianos, he decided to drop the lawsuit, withdraw his company’s opposition to Monster Mini Golf’s trademark applications and pay up to $200,000 of their legal expenses.

  • A note about the word “founder”

    I have largely bit my tongue in the four or five years since Jimmy Wales stopped credited me as co-founder of Wikipedia. There are many things I have not said, or that I could say more pointedly, but which I did not. This is partly because I don’t like a scandal, but mostly it’s because I was raised to be modest, and to press my advantage always seemed in bad taste to me (even if it’s de rigeur for so many). But I will no longer mince words when Jimmy Wales continues to lie and misrepresent to the media — as he has done in a recent Hot Press interview the contents of which I’ve seen — about my role. It is deeply disappointing that Wales continues on shamelessly as he has been doing, after this long, and in spite of the shockingly poor match between his claims and the living record available online. The interview I mentioned, along with the recent rediscovery of a comment in which Wales called himself “co-founder” of Wikipedia in 2002, are really the straw that broke this camel’s back.

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

Nat Friedman 13

Ogg Theora

Digital Tipping Point is a Free software-like project where the raw videos are code. You can assist by participating.

Patents Roundup: Microsoft Likes Patent Deform, OIN to Strike Back, EU Still Besieged for Software Patents

Posted in Europe, Free/Libre Software, Law, Microsoft, OIN, Patents, TomTom at 1:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


FOR the benefit of Free software supporters and activists, we are keeping a close eye on software patent issues. Here is the latest summary, which would not have been possible without Digital Majority.

Microsoft Loves Patent Deform

The USPTO is in a very bad shape. Just how bad? Well, over at USENET, Richard Rasker showed this patent on a stick. Here is the abstract:

An apparatus for use as a toy by an animal, for example a dog, to either fetch carry or chew includes a main section with at least one protrusion extending therefrom that resembles a branch in appearance. The toy is formed of any of a number of materials including rubber, plastic, or wood including wood composites and is solid. It is either rigid or flexible. A flavoring (scent) is added, if desired. The toy is adapted to float by including a material therein that is lighter than water or it is adapted to glow in the dark, as desired, by the addition of a fluorescent material that is either included in the material from which the toy is made or the flourescent material is applied thereto as a coating. The toy may be segmented (i.e., notched) so as to break off into smaller segments, as is useful for smaller animals or, alternatively, to extend the life of the toy. Various textured surfaces including camouflage colorings are anticipated as are straight or curved main sections. The toy may be formed of any desired material, as described, so as to be edible by the animal.

With silly patents like this one, no wonder companies are constantly being injured, despite making no attempts to imitate. The only ones to gain here are lawyers.

The largest IT company in the world, Hewlett-Packard, has been humbled by Australia’s national science agency CSIRO and agreed to settle for an undisclosed sum over a long running Wi-Fi patent infringement suit. The win against the Silicon Valley colossus has given CSIRO ammunition to continue pursuing 13 other technology giants for millions of dollars in licensing fees.

Forth comes a so-called ‘change’. Welcome the patent deform[sic], which is a farce. IP Watch Dog, who has always been hostile towards Free software*, still keeps track of it.

Although the agreements were discussed, the specific language has not been announced as yet, but will be forthcoming. Senator Leahy explained that the Senators and their staff are still working over the exact language that will be put in place prior to the next meeting, which will take place on Thursday, April 2, 2009. The language is apparently going to be circulated prior to the next Executive Meeting on Thursday, April 2, 2009, so that the stakeholders can have an opportunity to be heard regarding the changes.

Guess who else likes this deform? Microsoft goes on the record applauding it publicly.

Even though it suggested that there was additional room for improvement, Microsoft applauded action taken by the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Patent Reform Act of 2009. The US Senate Judiciary members managed to reach an agreement at the start of April 2009 on U.S. patent legislation, and the markup will now move to the next stage in the Senate.

More information about this bill, which a Senate panel approved, can be found in CNET.

A Senate panel on Thursday approved a patent reform bill that brings opposing parties from the technology, pharmaceutical, and other industries closer to a compromise on the contentious issue.

This bill does nothing to eliminate software patents. As such, OIN intends to use its patent portfolio to clear FAT.

OIN: TomTom settlement is no win for Microsoft, expect challenge


Open Invention Network CEO Keith Bergelt said the settlement announced yesterday was anticipated and expected and he is “nonplussed” with the result. He said Microsoft’s effort to build a series of tiny “totem” patent cases to create fear, uncertainty and doubt about using Linux is futile.

Information about the TomTom settlement can be found here. Microsoft has resorted to intimidation tactics and as Patently-O puts it, this raises antitrust concerns.

Patents Blocking Antitrust Action: Carrier suggests that the existence of IP rights should not grant a company a free-pass to take otherwise anticompetitive actions. In his post, Prof. Phil Weiser (Colorado) agrees “IPRs should not displace antitrust oversight.” Weiser argues that this is especially true in the area of software patents: “Given that software patents are controversial to begin with, awarding the recipient of a patent on an application programming interface or communications protocol a get-out-jail free card is hard to justify.”

A Linux discussion about software patents took place in lwn.net and it’s concluded as follows.

There was a brief discussion of the practice of not researching patents at all with the hope of avoiding triple damages for “willful infringement.” The participants agreed that this was a dangerous approach which could backfire on its practitioners; convincing a judge of one’s ignorance can be a challenge. But it was also acknowledged that there is no way to do a full search for patents which might be infringed by a given program in any case.

All told, it was a more interesting afternoon than one might expect. The discussion of software patents in the free software community tends to follow familiar lines; the people at this event see the issue differently. For better or worse, their view likely has a lot of relevance to how things will go. There will be some tweaking of the system to try to avoid the worst abuses – at least as seen by some parts of the industry – but wholesale patent reform is not on the agenda. Software patents will be with us (in the US) for the foreseeable future, and they will continue to loom over the rest of the world. We would be well advised to have our defenses in place.

Europe and Software Patents

To Microsoft, it is not enough for just one country to honour its software patents. It still yearns for the day when software patents are universally accepted and it hires lobbying guns for the job. On the face of it, the EPO is selling out and here is the explanation provided by one person a fortnight ago:

Sadly, the questions posed to the EBA are mined with typical EPO philosophy including their definitions of “technical effect”, “further technical effect”, “technical character”, “technical considerations” and other terminology they have used over the years. In that way they justified black being white, or more specifically the applicability of software patents (but, naturally, not “as such”).

Seeing how the specific questions to the EBA are phrased (quite some traps in there), and what is not asked, it seems clear to me that any set of answers with just “yes” or “no” is unable to speak against software patents in any meaningful way. Furthermore, if only one was to accept the premises of the questions, I submit that seemingly innocent arguments could be twisted in a number of ways to justify software patents. Nice job!

This is not the first such criticism and Microsoft’s pressure groups [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] are raving about EPO incompetence in their blogs right now. They are trying to force software patents on Europe through the latest back door which is unification. On April Fool’s Day, IP Watch published a joke about it (some people easily fell for it) and also a British workshop on software patents was announced on April 1st, but it’s no joke.

On the bright side of things, the German juridical system has just canned a controversial software patent which was never supposed to be granted in the first place.

The German Federal Patent Court ruled to rescind Vistaprint’s controversial software patent, subject to paragraphs 99(1) PatG [Patent Act] and 709 ZPO [Code of Civil Procedure]. The verdict is now official and the judgment in question was published by the Court on March 25, 2009.

The spokesperson from unitedprint.com SE, Andrea Fleischer stated: “The software sector can now breathe a sigh
of relief.

If — and only if — there is truth in the statement from Microsoft’s Marshall Phelps that The EPO “can’t distinguish between hardware and software so the patents get issued anyway,” then this court ruling means that their back doors won’t impress the courts (presuming defendants would take it there). The German court has already rejected Microsoft's FAT patent.
*Gene Quinn is a proponent of software patents and he seemingly trolls FOSS even at this very moment by suggesting that FOSS ruins the software industry.

IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 5th, 2009 – Part 2

Posted in IRC Logs at 12:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 5th, 2009 – Part 1

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