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Upcoming Series: The EPO as ‘Public’ Service for Private Profits

Posted in Europe, Patents at 6:35 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

‘Public’ Office or European Private Office?

Sepp Blatterstelli

Summary: Our next multi-part series will touch a very sensitive subject at the EPO, focusing on (but not exclusive to) Jacques Michel

WE previously alluded to the fact that even prior to the recent EPO scandals the EPO was operating a bit like a private office, often at the expense of public money. Now that we are finished with the “Battistelli’s Furious Love Affair With French Power” series we intend to look back at the earlier days of the EPO and show a tradition of gross abuse. It’s not about Blatterstelli as Florian Müller calls him (he is already compared to famous criminals on television) but about Jacques Michel, whom we mentioned in passing during the weekend. Stay tuned as what we are going to show is supported by hard-to-find documents (we got them nonetheless) and this is likely to embarrass some very powerful people at the EPO.

Battistelli’s Furious Love Affair With French Power: Part V

Posted in Europe, Patents, Rumour at 6:10 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Allegations that Mr. Battistelli “traveled from Paris to Bordeaux to meet the party (Rothschild) to whom he granted this decision in order to help them to defend their case”

Benoît Battistelli’s EPO scandals are not necessarily his first. In the first, second, third and fourth part of this series (together with the teaser) we delved into Battistelli’s history in France, including his days in INPI and Ecole nationale d’administration. The early parts focused on Christine Lagarde and her close ties to Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, a large player in the French wine industry. The case of “Mouton Rothschild vs. Mouton” is therefore worth (re)visiting today. It’s not some obscure case as a lot has been written about it.

As background, we suggest the following readings.

Press reports – English

Press reports – French

There is of course a lot more, but that’s just a sample and a form of background.

“The comment on the French blog site was by a pseudonymous poster called “Mouton Noir” and it relates to an alleged intervention by Battistelli in a trademark dispute being conducted by the Rothschild Group.”We now return to the case of “Mouton Rothschild vs. Mouton” and its relevance to us. For the moment all we have is an allegation that Battistelli in his then role of Director-General of the French National Intellectual Property Office (INPI) made an inappropriate intervention on behalf of Baroness Philippine de Rothschild and Chateau Mouton Rothschild in order to advise them on how best to defend their business interests in the trademark dispute with “Domaine Mouton” (Laurent Mouton).

So far we don’t have any hard evidence to back this up. However, based on the available evidence of connections between Lagarde and Baroness Philippine de Rothschild (covered in previous parts) and the fact that Largarde was Battistelli’s political boss at the time, the allegation seems plausible. In other words, the hypothesis that Largarde could have instructed Battistelli to give advice to Mouton Rothschild to help them out in a trademark dispute doesn’t appear to be completely off-the-wall. But we would like to emphasise that so far we don’t have any ‘smoking gun’ to prove that this actually happened. What we do have are the following comments and some contact/connection details. For readers’ information we will leave some leads to facilitate further investigation, overlapping our own work/investigation.

“It would appear from this that, in his capacity as Director-General of the INPI, Battistelli may have improperly intervened to assist the Rothschild Group in defending its claims to certain disputed trademarks.”We are currently investigating an allegation that Mr. Battistelli may have committed serious misconduct in his capacity as Director-General of the French National Intellectual Property Office (INPI) in a matter concerning the above dispute about trademarks in the French wine industry.

The investigation was triggered by a comment that was posted on the IP Kat site back in October. The IP Kat comment refers back to a comment posted on a French blog site in 2010 in response to a blog entry where a patent applicant was complaining about his treatment by the INPI. The comment on the French blog site was by a pseudonymous poster called “Mouton Noir” and it relates to an alleged intervention by Battistelli in a trademark dispute being conducted by the Rothschild Group.

The original comment in French reads as follows:


je voulais apporter de l’eau à votre moulin.

Savez-vous que monsieur Benoît Battistelli est un élu UMP à St germain en laye ? Et qu’il est très apprécié de Christine Lagarde ?

Savez-vous aussi qu’étant impartial, quand il y a un recours contre sa décision, il fait le déplacement de Paris jusqu’à Bordeaux pour rencontrer la partie (les Rothschild) à qui il a donné raison et ce afin de l’aider à se défendre…

Toujours étant impartial, il renouvelle sans problème la marque Mouton Noir (des Rothschild) en 2000 et 2010 alors qu’il transmet parallèlement à la Cour la preuve que cette marque est annulée depuis… 1996. (confirmé en 2007 par la Cour de Cassation).

La Cour qui a confirmé en 1998 l’annulation de cette marque arrive pourtant aujourd’hui a reconnaître que cette marque est notoire et elle rejette l’argument selon lequel cette prétendue notoriété est illégale donc inopposable… Conclusion ????

Etonnant non ?

Si ça peut vous aider, vous pouvez toujours me contacter

Écrit par : MOUTON NOIR | 06/12/2010

Rough translation into English (with emphasis):


I wanted to add some grist to your mill.

Do you know that Mr. Benoît Battistelli is an elected member of the UMP political party in St Germain en Laye?

And he is very much appreciated by Christine Lagarde?

Do you also know that being impartial, when there was an appeal against his decision, he traveled from Paris to Bordeaux to meet the party (Rothschild) to whom he granted this decision in order to help them to defend their case …

Always being impartial, he renewed the trademark “Mouton Noir” (Rothschild) in 2000 and 2010 without any problem while at the same time passing to the Court evidence that that trademark had been revoked since … 1996 (confirmed by the Court of Cassation in 2007).

The Court which confirmed the revocation of that trademark in 1998 now however decides to recognise that this mark is notorious and it rejects the argument that the claimed notoriety is unlawful and therefore unenforceable. … Conclusion … ????

It’s amazing isn’t it?

If it helps you, you can contact me any time.

Written by: MOUTON NOIR | 06/12/2010

It would appear from this that, in his capacity as Director-General of the INPI, Battistelli may have improperly intervened to assist the Rothschild Group in defending its claims to certain disputed trademarks.

“They submitted a demand for €410,000 in damages plus interest and also requested him to desist from using the family name “Mouton” on his wines.”We researched a bit further and it is reasonable to think that this allegation may indeed relate to the famous “Mouton vs. Mouton” case which got a lot of press coverage in France and was also covered in the UK. (Note: List of press articles in English and French have been prepended above)

The Domain[e] Mouton is a family-run vineyard located in Burgundy and is currently managed by Laurent Mouton who took over from his father Gérard in 2002. In 2013, Laurent Mouton found himself confronted with legal action from the Philipe de Rothschild Group and Rothschild SA. They submitted a demand for €410,000 in damages plus interest and also requested him to desist from using the family name “Mouton” on his wines. According to press reports from 2014, Laurent was defiant and intended to fight his corner.

“Along our efforts to corroborate we did find additional comments about the alleged connection.”We don’t have any more information at the moment, but our investigations are continuing. We ask readers for help in the form of any leads or other information of interest. None of the press reports below mention the alleged Battistelli intervention on behalf of the Rothschild Group, but we are trying to find out if there is any substance to these allegations. We have attempted to find out if Benoît Battistelli ever publicly commented on this, but came out empty-handed. We could not show direct connections between the Philipe de Rothschild Group and Battistelli, either, but maybe other people out there can produce some evidence we’re not aware of.

Along our efforts to corroborate we did find additional comments about the alleged connection. To quote one of them:

“The Dutch judgment was against the European Patent ORGANISATION, not against the Office. As such, Battistelli has no authority to decide what to do about the judgment – the Administrative Council must do that.

Has he once more overstepped the mark, as he did with the DG 3 house ban?”

Well spotted!

And once again someone – this time a Dutch Minister – has moved quickly to cover for him.

The man has friends in high places.

To find out more, if you can read French, Google “INPI et les Faux et usage de Faux”.

Scroll down the page and study the comments by “MOUTON NOIR” to see how well-connected BB is.

Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 10:17:00 GMT

It would be useful to get more than Internet gossip about it. This sounds a lot like the case of Rikard Frgačić and Željko Topić [1, 2, 3, 4], with Lufthansa trademarks being reassigned under highly controversial circumstances (it was still not a closed case the last time we checked and spoke to Frgačić over the phone).

The Benoit Battistelli “Mouton” story, like the Frgačić-Topić-Lufthansa story, misses hard evidence of intervention between the head of the local IP office and the very affluent stakeholder. We look forward to hearing from readers or errant observers.


An Atmosphere of Revolt Inside the European Patent Office

Posted in Europe, Patents at 9:09 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Courage Is Contagious

Staff demo

Summary: Cartoons from within the EPO demonstrate the level of mockery and the general working atmosphere at the Office these days

EARLIER today we showed that the level of ridicule at the EPO has become rather standard. We too decided to join the fun with some humour. A source has just told us that “anonymous staff groups start to organise protest actions,” having shared with us several items that are being circulated. The above and below are just two among several more. It certainly looks like things are getting out of hand as the staff rejects the authority of superiors, for these superiors have proven that they do not deserve respect.

“It certainly looks like things are getting out of hand as the staff rejects the authority of superiors, for these superiors have proven that they do not deserve respect.”“The unfair attacks of the EPO administration on several staff representatives,” we are told, “created an anarchy-style of staff protest. Staff started to build private communication networks, and anonymous staff groups organised first spontaneous demos.

“On 15 December, about 120 persons participated in an “ad-hoc gathering” in the Dutch EPO branch. They protested against the suspensions of three Munich staff representatives and the ongoing disciplinary proceedings. Satiric cartoons express the level of fairness EPO staff expect from Mr Battistelli’s attitude to justice.”

See the cartoon below.

Fair trial

No organisation can survive like this. What are patent applicants supposed to think? The Administrative Council has a lot of work left to do if it wishes to salvage what’s left of the European Patent Organisation. Benoît Battistelli’s Office is demonstrably in shambles.

More Sunday Humour: Fictional Diary From the European Patent Office

Posted in Europe, Humour, Patents at 8:09 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Thursday (the 17th) was my birthday by the way…

Thursday the 17th

Summary: Some more jokes about the European Patent Office (EPO), whose management has become somewhat of a laughing stock, berated or scolded both from from within and from the outside

THIS afternoon we reverted back to humour (best medicine) regarding the EPO, even though we’re dealing with very serious matters here, such as people’s jobs/careers if not people’s lives and the fate of Europe’s economy/autonomy.

Over here we’re in a rather playful mood ahead of the long break. The other day we went to the German market in Town (very warm Christmas this year), bought a copy of the rather amusing Private Eye on the way (the EPO is mentioned in it), and today we received this funny E-mail which purports to be Battistelli’s diary. In a holiday kind of spirit we decided to share it here and aptly file it under “Humour”.

A day in the life … (a fictional diary)

Over the past years I have come to realize that, like all great statesmen, I shall one day have to write a full memoir of my life to satisfy my many admirers. Today, however, I have an office to be President of and no time for creating such a work, which would inevitably be a lengthy undertaking, so much have I to pass on to the younger generations. Let me offer solace, therefore, to my adoring followers in the form of this little taster, an amuse gueule so to speak, in which I describe a typical day “at the top”.

Today, for example, my chauffeur collected me at 9 o’clock from home. It’s very nice having a chauffeur, but you do have to be careful about who it is. The first guy they gave me, well, he simply didn’t understand his place. He seemed to think it was all right to ask me not to smoke in the car. “Je m’en fous,” I said, but that didn’t impress him and he whined all the way to the office about it being his place of work and his health that I was endangering. I soon got rid of him. The new chap knows when to keep his mouth shut.

It’s the same in the office. People really must understand when to accept that I am the President and that I do what I like. I had to get them to disable the smoke alarms on the tenth floor of the Isar building because they kept going off every time I needed to light up. If they had disabled the smoke alarms anywhere else, I’d have disciplined them, of course. It is quite fun, in fact, telling the whole staff that rules are there to be obeyed and that everyone has to respect them. Except me, but I don’t mention that. Je m’en fous.

So my first meeting of the day was with Lutz the Klutz. That’s a Jewish word, “Klutz”, it means a clumsy or stupid person. I learned it reading a book of Jewish jokes one time and thought to myself, “Isn’t that apt?” Don’t you just love the Jewish sense of humour? It’s so self­deprecating. Of course, I deprecate others, not myself. Anyhow, Klutzy came up to my office and we discussed a few finer points of appeals law over a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Klutzy explained to me that in an appeals procedure, two parties present their arguments, and then the board of appeal decides. I said I didn’t approve of that system and we needed to reform it. Surely, we don’t have to waste time listening to all those arguments. We can just decide which side we like and tell them they win. That would save a lot of time and bother, and we wouldn’t have to pay such high salaries for people to learn that complicated legal stuff.

Just before lunch, I had time for a quick meeting with Topic the Terrible. If we still lived in the middle ages, I’d appoint him my Chief Executioner. That sort of thing is not approved of these days. But hey, why not? Je m’en fous, I’m immune. I’ll get him to draft a document for the next Council meeting. They’ll love the idea.

Lunch was a quiet one today. I took it with those nice mothers and fathers in the Investigation Unit. I thought they’d be happy to spend time with someone who appreciated them instead of the criminals they normally have to deal with. Like I wrote to that scumbag Le Borgn’ the other day, they are mothers and fathers and we should have great respect for the sacrifices they make. We were discussing what to do about the Disciplinary Committee if they don’t agree with the Investigation Unit’s findings. I said that was easy – we just discipline them! Hahaha. Je m’en fous, we’ll have to introduce a Disciplinary Committee for the Disciplinary Committee. I shall accuse them of an inhuman attitude to mothers and fathers. In today’s society, with populations in Europe in decline (except the refugees), we should learn to show more deference to parents. And I intend to send a strong signal in that respect. What about the accused, people ask me, they are mothers and fathers too, aren’t they? I agree, but they are low creatures of no worth. How then can their offspring be of any concern to me? The “mothers and fathers” thing was a jolly good idea of mine in that letter to Le Borgn’, but you must understand that it only applies to mothers and fathers who are loyal servants to me.

But there’s me getting all philosophical again, just when I wanted to tell you about my day. In the afternoon, I asked to see the medical file of that malingerer Wimpy Wim. I mean, “van der Eijk” means “of the oak”, surely he must be as strong as an oak. I’m convinced he’s faking it. So I told the Office Medical Advisor to order him back to work. He said I didn’t have any medical justification for doing that. I said, “Je m’en fous” and he went off. Such an obedient chap.

In the afternoon, I had a chat with some guests from epi – now there we have a group of friendly helpful people. Occasionally, they think they’re entitled to an opinion, such as that Jim Boff guy from the UK who even put an opinion in writing and sent it to me. But I cleared that one up fast enough. I explained that opinions are my area of expertise, not theirs. I don’t think we’ll be hearing from Boffy Boy again.1

My final meeting today with with Meany Minnoye – I like him, he’s the only person I know who tries to out­nasty me. Elodie out­nasties me too, but not through trying. The poor girl, she doesn’t ever realize how nasty she’s being and how many people’s lives she’s destroying. It’s pitiful to watch, and quite fun really. There’s me digressing again. Meany and me decided that we need to cut the pensions for everyone below Vice­-President. It’s very important that we make sure there is enough money in the pension scheme to cover our every need in the years to come. When I say “our”, I mean Meany’s and my needs, not everyone’s. No, no, we have to cut everyone else’s pension. It’s the only option for us to be absolutely certain of a financially secure old age for us.

That was it for me for today. I quickly told my secretary to book some first class flights to South Africa for my wife and me. “Hide the price,” I said. One can overdo the “transparency” thing. Then it was back to limo, for the trip home and another cigarette.

C’est moi le Président. Je m’en fous …
1 Note after a bad day in the Administrative Council: “Hmmm, looks like I was over-optimistic when I wrote my diary. Those pesky people at epi have started having opinions again – see http://ipkitten.blogspot.se/2015/12/rumours-from-ac-and-four-remarkable.html?showComment=1450377145556. I’ll have to work out what to do to stop such misbehaviour. I guess I will suspend the whole of epi! Je m’en fous.”

Tomorrow we shall publish “Battistelli’s Furious Love Affair With French Power: Part V” and there will be nothing funny about it. Later in the week we shall have some more exclusive stories with new material.

Software Patents Are Being Defeated to the Detriment of Large Multinationals, Their Patent Lawyers, and Patent Trolls Who Piggyback Them

Posted in America, Asia, Patents at 7:47 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

SFLC India

Summary: Updates on the patent situation in India and in the United States, with special emphasis on software patents, or vague patents on abstract concepts which are, in effect, reducible to logic/mathematics

INDIA’S ‘branch’ of SFLC was recently given credit here for helping to crush software patents, which multinational software giants like IBM or Microsoft (monopolists in particular areas) are actively lobbying for. SFLC.in managed to halt or at least slow down some very incredible forces. According to this new article from them (accompanied by the #NoSoftwarePatents hashtag): “On 14th December 2015, the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Mr. Om Prakash Gupta, ordered that the recently released 2015 “Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions (CRIs)” shall be kept in abeyance till discussions with stakeholders are completed and contentious issues with respect to the 2015 Guidelines are resolved (order available here). SFLC.in highly appreciates the efforts made by the Indian Patent Office in considering the feedback given by civil society organisations and the Indian software product industry. . This is a very welcome, albeit first, step taken by the Government towards ensuring that the Indian software industry continues to enjoy the freedom to innovate and is not shackled by irregular patents granted in the area of software.”

“SFLC.in managed to halt or at least slow down some very incredible forces.”We wish to congratulate SFLC.in for its excellent work. Well done!

In the United States, ‘home’ of software patents, things are rapidly changing right now, as both software patents and patent trolls get somewhat of a smackdown, even without involvement by Congress*.

Chuck Soder, the technology reporter at Crain’s Cleveland Business, has just published this new article that says: “Judges across the country are striking down software patents in the name of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that is changing how some tech companies protect their ideas.”

“In the United States, ‘home’ of software patents, things are rapidly changing right now, as both software patents and patent trolls get somewhat of a smackdown, even without involvement by Congress.”Soder adds that “[j]udges are invalidating patents [...] and that’s “kind of scary,” according to Christopher Comiskey, a patent attorney at Thompson Hine, which is representing MacroPoint.”

Well, of course it’s scary to patent lawyers. They make money from patent wars and stockpiling.

“Though he [Comiskey] wouldn’t comment on that case,” Soder writes, “he noted that judges are making decisions on patent validity without citing outside evidence and expert testimony. That’s “disturbing,” given how much time and money companies put into getting those patents, Comiskey said.”

“Well, of course it’s scary to patent lawyers. They make money from patent wars and stockpiling.”Well, Comiskey is basically in the same category as patent parasites, much like trolls. Comiskey does not create anything, he is just trying to make living from litigation and sometimes by tricking examiners or judges (because many of these patents are not really patent-eligible as per the examiners’ guidelines)

Empirically speaking, software patents lead to patent trolling, which is an activity mostly centered around Texas [1, 2, 3, 4]. “In a first,” writes an expert in the area of patent trolls, “East Texas judge hits patent troll with attorneys’ fees” (referring to eDekka LLC, which we covered here before, e.g. in this recent or that older post). He says that “The most litigious “patent troll” of 2014 has been effectively shut down, and will have to pay attorneys’ fees to several defendants.

“Empirically speaking, software patents lead to patent trolling, which is an activity mostly centered around Texas.”“US District Judge Rodney Gilstrap, who hears more patent cases that any other federal judge, issued an order (PDF) on Thursday saying that the behavior of eDekka LLC qualified as “exceptional,” and that the company should pay the legal fees of various companies it sued.

“Gilstrap’s courtroom is, arguably, the most surprising spot in the nation from which a patent troll slap-down might originate. The judge has been criticized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for making life unnecessarily difficult for patent defendants. He’s also invalidated relatively few patents under Supreme Court precedent set in last year’s Alice Corp. case, even as other federal judges have been tossing out software patents at a steady clip.”

The legacy of Alice stands out again. Is Benoît Battistelli’s EPO taking note? Any note “as such”?
* Talks about patent reform are nowhere in sight anymore, definitely not in those must-pass bills — those which CISA gets lumped into at the 90th minute; see our daily links for more details about that scandalous act by Congress (Friday’s news).

Battistelli’s Furious Love Affair With French Power: Part IV

Posted in Europe, Patents at 6:47 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

ÉNASummary: A closer look at École nationale d’administration (ÉNA) and its loathsome role in French politics, in addition to some remarks about ÉNA alumnus Battistelli with his poor performance in a zero-competition sector (he has got a monopoly) and made up figures, which give only an illusion of success

IN ORDER for the story of Benoît Battistelli’s EPO to be understood it helps to understand Battistelli himself. In order to understand where Battistelli comes from (other than INPI) we decided to go further back in time and explore where Battistelli and many other arrogant politicians or administrators had come from (ÉNA).

There is a French letter to Battistelli which we hope to have translated into English (someone said s/he would work on it two weeks ago, but never got around to it) and this recent long post that someone is already working on translating into English. It says a lot about Battistelli and Napoleon.

“In order to understand where Battistelli comes from (other than INPI) we decided to go further back in time and explore where Battistelli and many other arrogant politicians or administrators had come from (ÉNA).”Having already published a teaser, part one, part two, and part three of this series (the next part will be the most important), several readers wrote to us with further information and some offered translations from French. One reader wrote to us about Lagarde and Battistelli. “According to her bio,” the reader wrote, “Lagarde was between 18/3/2008 to 13/11/2010 minister for the approximate French equivalent of the DTI, from which depends the French patent office [INPI], so CL and Battistelli would have had at least official reasons to mingle.”

Another reader told us, “here is a great document about the ENA and the “governance” of France. Just read the introduction and chapter I. It is amazing, isn’t it? I’ll try to provide you with English translations of pages 4 to 7 (introduction + chapter 1).”

Earlier today we finally got a full translation. The reader said, “here is the translation of part of the book I referred to yesterday: “Livre noir de l’ENA”. Translation might not be perfect.”

The translation with parts of it emphasised (in bold font) can be found below:


In 2007, for France to survive, we need to free us from the omnipotence of the ENA.

Since 1974, France is declining; since 1974, France is behind other nations and its international influence has continued to decrease.

“1974: this is the beginning of the rise in unemployment but also to the arrival at the pinnacle of power and to maturity of a postwar generation of ENA graduates (ENA, “Nation School of Administration”).”There are plenty of analyses and explanations, or rather excuses, abound, but the decline continues, inexorably.

Why? Because nobody dared to draw the obvious conclusion, and much less dared formulate what some will regard as sacrilege: if France is declining, it is because of its ruling class, one that we all used to put on a pedestal because it represents the power, because it takes most of the control levers, because it receives honours and decorations.

1974: this is the beginning of the rise in unemployment but also to the arrival at the pinnacle of power and to maturity of a postwar generation of ENA graduates (ENA, “Nation School of Administration”).

It is a class in which most members, if they were brilliant during exams, are incompetent once in the real world.

“Even worse, this is not even a class but a caste, i.e. a small group of men and women, who have seized power not to serve the Nation, which should be the first reason, but to serve themselves and increase their privileges.”When these little geniuses of this kind are confronted with the market, then they act without protection of the State that fed them, and then it ends in most of the cases in a disaster (see biographies for the “Titanic Promotion”).

Very few are those who survived inadequate training and mandarinism, system that destroyed medieval China and consisting in giving the leadership and the power for all their life to 25 years old young people, under the sole pretext that they have managed difficult exams.

Even worse, this is not even a class but a caste, i.e. a small group of men and women, who have seized power not to serve the Nation, which should be the first reason, but to serve themselves and increase their privileges.

While the vast majority of the énarques serve the State with skill and dedication, about hundred careerists who holds the key positions at the head of the State or companies are characterized by their incompetence, irresponsibility and serve their personal interests.

Within this caste, there are hardly statesmen, men for whom the interests of the country come before self-interest.

The most dramatic is that this caste, which paralyses France, is composed of a number very limited number of individuals. Former students of the ENA, because that’s essentially all it’s about, are just over 5000. But these are only a few hundred careerist énarques who have control over almost all key positions in the administration and high Executive, through which they actually control the legislature. Thus, almost 80% of the positions as Director of the Ministry of Finance, 75% of the positions as heads of departments in Ministries, as well as the Presidency of the Republic are in the hands of ENA graduates.

“Thus, almost 80% of the positions as Director of the Ministry of Finance, 75% of the positions as heads of departments in Ministries, as well as the Presidency of the Republic are in the hands of ENA graduates.”During the last 30 years, no minister can have any influence if it does not furnish his cabinet with énarques and especially finance inspectors.

The tragedy is that these inspectors of finance have not learned at the ENA how to create wealth and reduce unemployment. Creating wealth requires to take calculated risks into consideration, but it’s the opposite that it is taught at the ENA. A successful career in Public Service does not require a capacity of creation and inventiveness because, to produce visible effects, it would require to remain in the same position for a long time; on the contrary, it is imperative to avoid “waves” and one quickly learns that only those who do nothing will not deceive….

“In this depravity of power, ENA graduates find themselves having links with unions whose action range is so small that it only resides in defending the privileges accumulated by the civil servants in the public services.”The ENA has populated the top of the State with intellectually brilliant individuals selected by a succession of competitive exams, which proved difficult, but who are unable to take courageous decisions, unable to reform and unable to create.

What they know is to control, regulate, distribute.

In the last 30 years they have increased not only the taxes and levies, but also regulations that fragment our society and multiply obstacles to any development.

The “énarchia” monopolizes and sterilizes information, stifles Parliament, whose initiatives are blocked by the implementing decrees or delays at their release; she rules lonely in her technocratic ivory tower, surrounded by a bloated administration.

In this depravity of power, ENA graduates find themselves having links with unions whose action range is so small that it only resides in defending the privileges accumulated by the civil servants in the public services.

“There will be no French renaissance as long as this caste retain the monopoly of power.”This allows, in the name of a “social partnership” and of the protection of the French “social model”, to stop all evolution, avoiding in particular to apply solutions in France that have proven abroad and whose main philosophy is to build on individual initiatives and not on the choices made by some brilliant individuals. Acting differently would reduce the role of the “welfare” state, where this caste finds a justification for its existence.

The French “social model” remains one of mass unemployment.

There will be no French renaissance as long as this caste retain the monopoly of power.



Preamble: The French failure, failure of the énarchia

“We note an undeniable correlation between good corporate management and non-énarque management…”The list of failures of large companies managed by énarques is overwhelming.

In the banking system in particular, where from 1989 to 1999, the added value of the financial sector institutions fell by 27% in constant French francs while increasing in most other countries (+ 39% in Britain, + 50% in the US) and in the rest of French market services (+ 17%).

This is the case of the disaster of the Crédit Lyonnais, Crédit Foncier and of the French Agency for Development; the hole dug by the Bank of France, 900 billion Franch francs of losses, changes in the years 1997-1998 but remained unattended in the media. The French bank system collapses compared to its foreign competitors and many jewels are bought by more efficient European competitors.

“There is no reason that “these young men” as Pierre Mendes-France used to called them, are better in the management of public enterprises or administration but the lack of competition mask their inability.”In 2003, according to the ranking of the top 100 European banks conducted by the agency Ficht Rating, the first French bank in terms of profitability is only 22th.

In the sector of large non-financial companies, the disaster is exemplified by Michel Bon heading France Telecom, Jean-Marie Messier at Vivendi Universal, Pierre Bilger and Philippe Jaffré for Alstom, all of them énarques and finance inspectors.

Faced with these failures, the number of successes due to énarques is minimal: When citing Schweitzer for Renault, Spinetta at Air France, we have cited almost all international successes in businesses led by ENA graduates.

“The ENA graduates have indeed invaded all sectors not affected by competition…”We note an undeniable correlation between good corporate management and non-énarque management: in her book “The Untouchables” Ghislaine Ottenheimer quoting Antoine Bernheim and his lists of the greatest achievements and their qualifications: Bernard Arnault (Polytechnic), Vincent Bolloré (Law), Serge Kampf (Sciences-eco, flunked at ENA), Martin Bouygues (nothing). “There are not many inspectors of finance”.

There is no reason that “these young men” as Pierre Mendes-France used to called them, are better in the management of public enterprises or administration but the lack of competition mask their inability.

Therefore, it is not surprising that every time or almost every time one considers a public institution or a public company not subject to the competition, it is ill-managed.

The ENA graduates have indeed invaded all sectors not affected by competition, where losses are not visible because the government financially fills the holes or gives them the ability to levy forced contributions, actually quasi-taxes:

- SNCF (Louis Gallois Guillaume Pepy) [Franch railways]
- RATP (Anne-Marie Idrac, Jean-Marc Janaillac) [Parisian metro]
- EDF (François Roussely) [electricity utilities]
- Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Francis Mayer) [ French financial organization created in 1816, and part of the government institutions under the control of the Parliament to safeguard public funds]
- Part of the public television and radio
- Even in the healthcare sector where they have multiplied: Assistance Publique de Paris (puböic hospital) and the Regional Hospitalisation Agencies where they occupy more than half of leadership positions.

Why would they be better in these protected positions as they are in more exposed positions? And, generally, why would they best in governmental leadership positions?

Above all, as we shall see in the second part, there is no real control of the efficiency of public expenditure and the Ministry of Finance, where they occupy key position, crushes everything in its power.

The consequences are disasters as unemployment because they do not understand how to create jobs, waste of public money because they refuse that other than énarques go and stick their noses in their accounts, as the non-development of sponsorship because they fear that private sponsorship be a kind of competition and put in evidence the public inefficiency, especially in Culture, that has become an Enarques’ stronghold.

That part which we found interesting speaks of “sectors not affected by competition” because that’s just like EPO, which effectively enjoys a monopoly. Battistelli just needs to cook up some bogus numbers, e.g. by accelerating patent acceptance (hardly rejections). Earlier this month Battistelli used some truly misleading self-serving talking points and numbers, right after massive protests in Munich. This new comment makes a relevant point about Battistelli’s [BB] dubious yardsticks. To quote:

When reading the pathetic report of the 146th AC meeting prepared by the President’office, I ask you to observe the subtle strategy underlying the report:
In every point mentioned you’ll find a negative or threatening remark with a specific aim.
A) In relation to the unitary patent:
“landmark achievement” but “after decades of discussions and negotiations” (ie only BB, the greatest of all Presidents, could bring it to conclusion!);
B) In relation to the exceptional results:
“stakeholders were asked to reinforce their effort to improve the social dialogue” (ie message: trade union stop boycotting the enormous efforts by BB who’d love to recognise you!)
C) In relation to the injection of €200 million into the PRF,
“without any contribution from the staff” (ie yeah, just a generous cadeau! P.S. Mr BB please remember that the staff earned that money for the EPO with their hard work!)
D) In relation to the rejection of the absurd new scheme for national tax adjustments,
“with some delegations expressing their opposition against the principle of the reimbursement of national taxation” (implicit message: attention! the EPO might abolish it in the near future)
E) In relation to the comprehensive social study,
it “will be launched in 2016, in parallel with a financial study (implicit message: further reduction of alleged privileged and high salaries in sight!)

Do you see BB’s strategy? That’s how he fools the representatives in the AC and the press and remains on his post.

BB, please, get out of here. Go back home and leave the EPO in peace.

Tomorrow we are planning to release the final piece of this series. It’s by far the most important piece.

EPO Management Discovers Media is Against It

Posted in Europe, Humour, Patents at 8:22 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Downfall of the EPO’s management in the form of a video

THE EPO tackled with an epic “Downfall“. I made this in a rush, so there are some mistakes in the video, some of which corrected in the transcript beneath (in bold fonts). I could re-render with the corrections, but it would take nearly half an hour.


Journalists are stating to write about our illegitimate activities

It has spread from Dutch and German newspapers to French and English ones

We estimate that it’s just a matter of time before we’re widely viewed as the Pariah of Europe

And it won’t be long before officers come to raid our HQ in Munich

Tell FTI Consulting and Control Risks to get this under control


Sun King

They couldn’t find any legitimate dirt on Els Hardon

They even tried calling her “sniper” but the public isn’t buying it

I thought we had enough scapegoats in that judge, Hardon, Weaver, and Brumme

We’re losing to that “Mafia”

I thought you told the media there was an armed Nazi

Why did you not obey my order to force the board to sack that bloody judge?

Now my own job is at risk

They told me Control Risks has Stasi contacts in Desa

And that they could sniff out the sources to all these bloggers with the I.U.

My goons are just a bunch of incompetent people incapable of understanding the Streisand Effect

Signing that Control Risks contract was the I.U.‘s idea

Now look at all those articles about my horrible track record, I’d never get a job again

How do you think we feel about our own prospects?

Those Control Risks scum are a disgrace and a waste of money

Can’t even do an investigation right

I told them we have no dough on the accused, they need to make shit up

Might as well claim that SUEPO is a violent union with knives and forks

All I wanted was my precious Unitary Patent Court for major applicants

But the European public just keeps finding out I’m totally out of my mind

Now I know what Napoleon felt like when he invaded Russia

Instead of viewing me as an heroic President my staff now compares me to Stalin

I never even got a Ph.D. like they did

All I have is some French diploma of a wannabe

But I tried to offer them a corporate occupation of Europe


Nobody loves me and nobody ever respected me all along

The German people all along knew that I was up to no good

But I still have a plan B

I will cut their pay for each day they protest

I’ll drown in my own blood before they force me to obey German law

Elodie, it’ll be alright

I don’t even know if the Unitary Patent will ever happen

Given all these scandals, nobody will believe a word that I say

Might as well call off the FTI Consulting contract

Europe may keep its autonomy

But guys, don’t fool yourselves. I haven’t given up on sending boards as far as Berlin.

They’re going to pay for not obeying my orders

Let SUEPO vote in a replacement for me


Microsoft is Entrapping Android With Infamous (ex)FAT Patents and Turning Android Phones Into Microsoft Listening Devices (Bugs)

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 5:29 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Android and Microsoft

Image from Android Beat

Summary: Concerns expressed about adoption of Microsoft’s patented file systems and a preinstalled ‘app’ from Microsoft which turns phones into always-on listening devices

THE Microsoft-TomTom dispute showed us, as much as nearly 7 years ago, that Microsoft is firmly and openly engaged in a patent war against Linux. Microsoft would even take companies to court over it. Microsoft is still attacking Linux (mostly Android) companies using patents (5 such attacks were covered here earlier this year) and we therefore worry a great deal about whatever Microsoft is doing to make the ground more fertile for lawsuits, in the same way that Monsanto (less figuratively) plants the seeds for lawsuits against farmers whose fields have ‘patented’ seeds (this relates to Benoît Battistelli's EPO these days).

“File system patents, like those which Microsoft used against TomTom, are being imposed on Android.”The NSA’s PRISM pioneer and audio-visual informant (that’s Microsoft) has built a bug, with audio recording always on, into Android, using its Trojan horse, Cyanogen. We saw it coming and now we see it materialising. To quote this new article: “At the official announcement post for Cortana’s availability on iOS and Android, Microsoft also announced that future versions of Cyanogen OS will feature deep integration of Cortana. Along with this, it is now announced that Cortana will come along as part of the Cyanogen OS 12.1.1 OTA update for users of the OnePlus One in the USA, in December.”

This, however, does not worry us as much as the patents. Several hours were spent today in our IRC channels discussing these matters. File system patents, like those which Microsoft used against TomTom, are being imposed on Android. It’s an alternative ‘cash cow’ plot. Here are the relevant parts from IRC:

XFaCE schestowitz: also, (haven’t looked at TR in awhile) did you cover CyanogenOS’s inclusion of Cortana Dec 19 14:47
XFaCE schestowitz: also, CM13 nightly recently added an NTFS driver Dec 19 14:47
XFaCE http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/123061/ Dec 19 14:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-review.cyanogenmod.org | Gerrit Code Review [ http://ur1.ca/ocp4n ] Dec 19 14:49
XFaCE “sepolicy: Set the context for fsck.exfat/ntfs to fsck_exec” Dec 19 14:49
schestowitz didn’t see it Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz is it in C-Mode? Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/122995/ Dec 19 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-review.cyanogenmod.org | Gerrit Code Review [ http://ur1.ca/ocp4p ] Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz Or just Cyanogen Inc? Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE “Native NTFS kernel driver support” Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE this is CM13 Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz I mean, upstream Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz is it included in the core of CM? Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE yes Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz wow Dec 19 14:50
cubexyz schestowitz, I’m asking for permission to use it as it’s a private email Dec 19 14:50
schestowitz You said CyanogenOS Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE schestowitz: yeah, in realtion to cortana Dec 19 14:50
XFaCE *relation Dec 19 14:51
schestowitz what’s the link? Dec 19 14:51
schestowitz Because they claims CM is barebones and then vendors can do to it a bundle Dec 19 14:51
XFaCE http://www.xda-developers.com/xda-external-link/cortana-now-available-where-and-when-you-need-her-no-matter-what-smartphone-you-choose/ Dec 19 14:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.xda-developers.com | Cortana to Come Preloaded On Cyanogen OS 12.1.1 on OnePlus One [ http://ur1.ca/ocp4r ] Dec 19 14:51
schestowitz also, are there articles about it? Dec 19 14:51
XFaCE so to summarize Dec 19 14:51
schestowitz one PlusOne Dec 19 14:51
schestowitz but is it also upstream? Dec 19 14:51
XFaCE NTFS/exFat is added to CyanogenMod Dec 19 14:51
XFaCE Cortana on CyanogenOS Dec 19 14:51
XFaCE so CyanogenOS has become a transparent Microsoft marketing bed Dec 19 14:52
XFaCE and CM13 is slowly becoming one :P Dec 19 14:52
oiaohm XFaCE: sorry you don’t understand the problem. Dec 19 14:53
XFaCE “At the official announcement post for Cortana’s availability on iOS and Android, Microsoft also announced that future versions of Cyanogen OS will feature deep integration of Cortana. “ Dec 19 14:53
oiaohm NTFS and exFat in fact becomes stupidly forced by storage device makers. Dec 19 14:53
XFaCE I don’t even run either on my sdcard Dec 19 14:53
XFaCE I just use JFFS Dec 19 14:53
oiaohm You still don’t understand the problem. Dec 19 14:53
XFaCE that was an aside comment Dec 19 14:54
oiaohm Some sdcards if you put anything other than exfat or ntfs on them they will destory you data. Dec 19 14:54
oiaohm and I am not kidding. Dec 19 14:54
XFaCE well that’s fucked up Dec 19 14:54
XFaCE link? Dec 19 14:54
oiaohm Why they storage card system for working out what sectors it can recycle for wear leveling is working from the information it extracting from the file system. Dec 19 14:55
oiaohm It was covered in a 2010 australian Linux conference video. Dec 19 14:55
XFaCE “Nevertheless, in order to be fully compliant with the SDXC card specification, many SDXC-capable host devices are firmware-programmed to expect exFAT on cards larger than 32 GB. Consequently, they may not accept SDXC cards reformatted as FAT32, even if the device supports FAT32 on smaller cards (for SDHC compatibility). Therefore, even if a file system is supported in general, it is not always possible to use alternative file systems on SDXC cards a Dec 19 14:56
XFaCE t all depending on how strictly the SDXC card specification has been implemented in the device. This bears a risk of accidental loss of data, as a host device may treat a card with an unrecognized file system as blank or damaged and reformat the card.” Dec 19 14:56
XFaCE wow Dec 19 14:56
oiaohm XFaCE: Please note SDXC contains exfat as part of the standard. Dec 19 14:56
XFaCE after how much $$$ from MS? Dec 19 14:57
oiaohm So format SDXC with NTFS and its exfat only you data is screwed. Dec 19 14:57
oiaohm XFaCE: when you understand the problem what choice do OS vendors have when Hardware makers lock in the format. Dec 19 14:58
XFaCE thanks for this info, I didn’t know that Dec 19 14:58
schestowitz thanks Dec 19 14:58
schestowitz will do an article about i Dec 19 14:59
schestowitz it Dec 19 14:59
XFaCE two separate ones? Dec 19 14:59
oiaohm Please note when buying ssd harddrives this problem can apply as well. Dec 19 14:59
oiaohm Yes always look for Linux support on a ssd harddrive because that means generic file system support. Dec 19 14:59
oiaohm Windows or OS X only ssds could be nasty. Dec 19 14:59
XFaCE god damn Dec 19 14:59
XFaCE oiaohm: do you have an example of a Linux-ready SSD? Dec 19 15:03
XFaCE for future reference Dec 19 15:03
XFaCE schestowitz: looks like what oiaohm has said – the cm13 ntfs thing is an android-wide developement Dec 19 15:04
XFaCE cyanogenos however IS going microsoft Dec 19 15:04
oiaohm https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/mtl/technologylicensing.aspx?f0ebc726-7ebd-4545-a353-de9b1edbdbee=True   Yes Microsoft does demard patents over exfat. Dec 19 15:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.microsoft.com | Intellectual Property Technology Licensing Programs [ http://ur1.ca/ocp5c ] Dec 19 15:05
XFaCE oiaohm: this is the kind of shit that anti-trust agencies should be raving on Dec 19 15:06
XFaCE this is clear monopolistic bullshit Dec 19 15:07
cubexyz schestowitz, briefly it’s like this… customer says win10 KOed his computer to the point he can’t even install a new OS Dec 19 15:07
oiaohm XFaCE: ssd even Linux ready ones have major teeth at times.   https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/18363/Intel-Solid-State-Drive-Firmware-Update-Tool Dec 19 15:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-downloadcenter.intel.com | Download Intel® Solid-State Drive Firmware Update Tool [ http://ur1.ca/ocp5f ] Dec 19 15:07
cubexyz I’ve asked him for permision to quote him, as soon as he gives that I’ll post the text online Dec 19 15:08
XFaCE major teeth? Dec 19 15:08
oiaohm XFaCE: ssd drives have firmware updates read the notes about it. Dec 19 15:08
XFaCE yikes Dec 19 15:09
oiaohm XFaCE:  —If the Intel SSD firmware update process is interrupted, your Intel SSD may not function properly.—  found this bit. Dec 19 15:09
oiaohm In otherwords I can eat your data. Dec 19 15:09
oiaohm Now Microsoft is wanting to make firmware updating on stuff automatic. Dec 19 15:09
cubexyz the upside, if there is one… is the customer will be more receptive to non-microsoft operating systems Dec 19 15:10
oiaohm My main usage of ssd harddrives is as bcache where the majority of the data is kept on old school spinning media. Dec 19 15:11
XFaCE oiaohm: how are kingston ssds for linux compatibility? Dec 19 15:11
oiaohm XFaCE: From what I have seen of kingston ssds they all had Linux firmware update tools.    Now a problem you can run into with a kingston ssd they don’t have os x tools and older drives don’t have current version of Windows tools. Dec 19 15:14
oiaohm XFaCE: so kingston ssd is more Linux compadible than anything else. Dec 19 15:14
oiaohm Ie not compadible with mostly everything else. Dec 19 15:14
XFaCE lol Dec 19 15:15
XFaCE well that’s good to know Dec 19 15:15
XFaCE Kingston SSDs it is Dec 19 15:15
oiaohm XFaCE: I guess you starting to see this SSD stuff has major holes. Dec 19 15:15
XFaCE well I never even thought of it Dec 19 15:15
oiaohm So a SSD good for Linux can be horible for Windows and OS X. Dec 19 15:15
XFaCE thanks very much for bringing it to our attention Dec 19 15:15
XFaCE the sdxc thing is just… wow Dec 19 15:16
oiaohm And you can swap that around. Dec 19 15:16
oiaohm So when you buy a SSD it better match the OS’s you are wishing to use in spec. Dec 19 15:16
XFaCE oiaohm: in an ideal world SDXD would require JFFS or something open Dec 19 15:16
XFaCE or YAFFS Dec 19 15:17
oiaohm XFaCE: F2FS is from samsung. Dec 19 15:18
XFaCE ah right Dec 19 15:18
schestowitz https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/helloworld.html Dec 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.gnu.org | Hello World! – GNU Project – Free Software Foundation (FSF) [ http://ur1.ca/ocp69 ] Dec 19 15:22
oiaohm XFaCE:  JFFS and YAFFS don’t have the required size to meet SDXC spec sizes let alown what a new spec could put up.   But F2FS does. Dec 19 15:22
XFaCE yeah I think I was thinking of F2FS oiaohm Dec 19 15:23
XFaCE oiaohm: yep, my bad Dec 19 15:26
XFaCE the names can get confusing Dec 19 15:26
XFaCE but yeah I’m using F2FS on my phone Dec 19 15:26
oiaohm I know.   Its only that I watch the australian Linux conference videos that I got it right. Dec 19 15:26
oiaohm cubexyz: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/lifecycle   Read down notice Oct 2016 preinstallation of Windows 7 and windows 8.1 is no longer meant to be performed by Microsoft Profesionals. Dec 19 15:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-windows.microsoft.com | Windows lifecycle fact sheet – Windows Help [ http://ur1.ca/ocp6l ] Dec 19 15:28
oiaohm cubexyz: and “Retail software end of sales ” is the full boxed set editions. Dec 19 15:29
oiaohm cubexyz:  mostly the old OS stuff you find in stores is old stock. Dec 19 15:30
XFaCE oiaohm: writing on the wall Dec 19 15:30
XFaCE gentoo for me Dec 19 15:30
oiaohm Debian for me. Dec 19 15:30
XFaCE all the time Dec 19 15:30
oiaohm systemd does not bother me enough to move away from it. Dec 19 15:30
XFaCE the only windows installation will be in an internet-free KVM Dec 19 15:30
XFaCE like studying a virus or bacteria :) Dec 19 15:31
oiaohm From what I am hearing is the windows 10 upgrade is being deployed by the Windows 7 and 8.1 update system. Dec 19 15:32
oiaohm If that is the case Microsoft can declare it a critical update for Windows 7 and 8.1 so kill support to anything that is not 10. Dec 19 15:32
XFaCE yeah Dec 19 15:32
XFaCE I feel sorry for the Windows 7 users now – every windows update has to be examined Dec 19 15:33
XFaCE I have an ignore list for what it’s worth Dec 19 15:33
oiaohm Windows 10 no ignore list Dec 19 15:33
oiaohm For gernal users. Dec 19 15:33
XFaCE yeah Dec 19 15:33
XFaCE oiaohm: Windows 10 is not for general users :) Dec 19 15:34
XFaCE or any users Dec 19 15:34
XFaCE as schestowitz would say, it’s for the useds(sic) Dec 19 15:34
oiaohm Only way I can see that I can run Windows 10 is run it inside virtual machine some how. Dec 19 15:34
XFaCE KVM yeah Dec 19 15:34
XFaCE isolated from the rest of the system Dec 19 15:34
oiaohm So I can control its internet access so control its update system Dec 19 15:34
XFaCE oiaohm: there is WSUS Dec 19 15:34
oiaohm WSUS is only for enterprise editions. Dec 19 15:35
XFaCE that program enterprises use to control windows updates to machines Dec 19 15:35
oiaohm That is another change with Windows 10. Dec 19 15:35
oiaohm Windows 7 and 8.1 as long as it was pro you could connect it to WSUS. Dec 19 15:35
*schestowitz takes notes for later Dec 19 15:35
XFaCE oiaohm: well, there’s always just downloading updates and installing them via cmd script Dec 19 15:35
XFaCE aka the Windows 95 and below way :P Dec 19 15:36
oiaohm XFaCE: remember Windows 10 auto updates. Dec 19 15:36
oiaohm So internet connection it getting it themselves. Dec 19 15:36
XFaCE hence why the KVM (or equivalent) should have no or tightly regulated internet access Dec 19 15:36
cubexyz it sounds like utter crap Dec 19 15:37
XFaCE pretty much Dec 19 15:37
XFaCE at this point running MS-DOS 10 sounds preferable Dec 19 15:37
oiaohm http://www.wsusoffline.net/docs/  At least wsusoffline supports Windows 10 Dec 19 15:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.wsusoffline.net | WSUS Offline Update – Update Microsoft Windows and Office without an Internet connection Dec 19 15:38
oiaohm So you don’t need to give windows 10 internet access to get updates for it. Dec 19 15:38
XFaCE good thought Dec 19 15:38
XFaCE I forgot about WSUSoffline Dec 19 15:38
oiaohm I have worked out that I can perfectly contain Windows 10. Dec 19 15:39
oiaohm Problem is virtualisation stuff like sharing a video card between 2 OS’s is still crap. Dec 19 15:39
XFaCE true Dec 19 15:39
XFaCE I guess Wine would be needed to run those applications Dec 19 15:39
XFaCE graphics-intensive ones Dec 19 15:40
oiaohm Businesses use a lot of applications that don’t run in Wine. Dec 19 15:40
MinceR businesses can afford to have those applications rewritten by people who have a clue Dec 19 15:40
oiaohm MinceR: not exactly so.   I wish it could say that. Dec 19 15:40
cubexyz surely is this the total end of microsoft’s dominance though Dec 19 15:41
cubexyz it’s so bad… Dec 19 15:41
MinceR not unless uefi dies Dec 19 15:41
oiaohm MinceR: some applications are forced on companies by stupid governement departments. Dec 19 15:41
XFaCE cubexyz: end of *total* dominance perhaps Dec 19 15:41
XFaCE but not the total end of dominance Dec 19 15:41
MinceR oiaohm: governments can especially afford to have those applications rewritten by people who have a clue Dec 19 15:41
MinceR skip buying hypePads for every MP for one year and it’s funded Dec 19 15:41

As can be seen above, the discussion went on to a different topic, which is Vista 10. We have been sent the following message from someone who claims that an ‘update’ happened without even consent. To quote: “I am replying on an ASUS laptop computer using Windows 10. At one time it was a backup to my desktop until Windows 10 destroyed itself on my CyberpowerPC. Windows 10 does updates without asking. Having shut down to do a restart, after one update, it could not find itself. That section isthe part that tells Windows what the layout of the machine is. When this happens windows tries again. It is a never-ending loop. Booting to the BIOS and using backup on memory stick, the same error occurs. This turned this powerful gaming machine into a boat anchor.”

Welcome to the world of Microsoft — a world which Microsoft is trying to impose on everybody. And those who reject Windows get sued for patent infringement.

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