Posted in Europe, Patents at 9:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: Croatian media gives Battistelli some puff pieces and UPC advertisements without mentioning anything at all about Željko Topić or the dire situation at the EPO
THE EPO has a lot of skeletons in its wardrobe (or closet) in Croatia, but nobody inside the EPO is brave enough to bring up the subject, having witnessed what happens to those who do. We have been writing about this since 2014.
“He is definitely promoting the UPC based on the headline and based on what we were told by Croatians over the weekend.”Earlier this week and over the weekend we wrote about the surprise visit of Battistelli who suddenly showed up in Croatia — a move that the EPO neither advertised nor even mentioned. Even DZIV didn’t mention it.
Well, quite belatedly, as sources told us we should expect (inevitably!), DZIV had this event mentioned and an EPO insider informed us of “Battistelli lobbying (again) this time in Croatia: I hope that Croatia would accept a single EU patent” (“Battistelli: Nadam se da će i Hrvatska prihvatiti jedinstveni EU patent“).
He is definitely promoting the UPC based on the headline and based on what we were told by Croatians over the weekend. We got some translations that helped confirm this.
Regarding this almost-secretive Battistelli trip to Zagreb, one reader decided to send us some photos from HINA. It looks like they had this prepared for a while (paying over a million Euros to FTI Consulting, which sometimes pays journalists/publishers, can probably help). Here are the pictures; they had a photoshoot, not just the traditional photo op.
In that second picture, albeit blurred, it looks like it might be Battistelli’s bulldog in the background, but it’s hard to be sure.
Battistelli looks so happy… like he’s about to explode or go on fire that even his daughter can’t put out. He could certainly used some smiling lessons.
Anyway, nitpicking aside for now.
Here is some more information and translations that have been made available to us.
“In that second picture, albeit blurred, it looks like it might be Battistelli’s bulldog in the background, but it’s hard to be sure.”It seems that during his trip to Zagreb Battistelli gave an interview to HINA which is the national government-owned news agency of Croatia. A press release is available on the HINA Web site, but the full text is only accessible to registered users.
Croatian: https://www.hina.hr/vijest/9375579
English: https://www.hina.hr/vijest/9375585
However, an English article based on the HINA press release can be found on the Web site of European Balkan Latest News (eblnews.com
). “Battistelli calls on Croatia to join European Unitary Patent project” is the title and it reveals the real/covert/side motivation for Battistelli’s visit. To quote: “Croatia and Spain are the only two EU member states that have not yet joined the European Unitary Patent project, Benoit Battistelli, president of the European Patent Office (EPO), told Hina Friday. Battistelli, who was in Zagreb on Friday to attend the ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the State Institute for Intellectual Property, said that that although it has a relatively low number of patent registrations, Croatia had met condition for the development of a quality patent system. The first step was made when Croatia joined the EPO in 2008, he added. The European Patent Organisation is a public international organisation created in 1977 by its contracting states to grant patents in Europe under the European Patent Convention of 1973. The European Patent Organisation has its seat at Munich, Germany, and has administrative and financial autonomy.”
This is citing HINA, which perhaps didn’t realise the track record of the person whom it gave a platform. In the meantime, another article about the SIPO event was published by the news portal Objektivno.hr
: “Državni zavod za intelekutalno vlasništvo obilježava 25. godina postojanja”
An English translation can be found below. It was provided to us for publication:
The State Intellectual Property Office celebrates 25 years of existence
The challenges of modern society such as globalization, computerization and development of high technology increase the importance of intellectual property protection, said Ljiljana Kuterovac, director of the State Intellectual Property Office on Friday at the ceremony to mark the 25th anniversary of this institute.
As she explained, during these 25 years the Office has passed through long path of development in close co-operation with international and European institutions which provide the financial and technical assistance to developing countries. “The development of the Office coincided with the development and dynamics at a European and international level,” she said.
Deputy Minister of Science and Education Kreso Zadro, stressed the importance of intellectual property for economic development and competitiveness as well as the need for inter-agency cooperation for the development and protection of intellectual property.
He pointed out that the University of Zagreb launched a postgraduate interdisciplinary specialist study called simply “intellectual property” and enrolled 26 students during the first year.
The audience was also addressed by colleagues from European and international organizations including Benoit Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office.
The SIPO then awarded prizes – in the category of seminar and final papers at undergraduate and graduate levels special recognition was earned by Relja Rajković and Luka Kušpilić for the work “Copyright protection fictional characters or: when the superhero and need protection”.
The winner in the category of professional and scientific papers was Romana Matanovac Vučković for the work “The implementation of Directive 2014726/EU on collective management and multi-territorial licensing of music rights in regulating the system of tariffs in Central and Eastern Europe”.
In the beginning the SIPO was called the National Institute of Industrial Property and the State Patent Office, and from 7 November 1996, when field of protection of copyright and related rights came under its jurisdiction, it assumed its present name.
From the emergences of the modern system of intellectual property protection in the late 19th century up to the present day, a legal and institutional framework for the protection of intellectual property has been continuously present in the territory of today’s Republic of Croatia.
Upon entry to the European Union, Croatia became part of the common system of uniform law for trademark and industrial property rights for the entire territory of the European Union, and since 2008 it has been a full member of the European Patent Convention and the European Patent Organisation.
As a member in the vast majority of international agreements and intellectual property protection system under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Croatian national system is fully integrated into the global system of protection.
As of 2 December 2016, there were 133,480 industrial property rights in the register for the territory of the Republic of Croatia, of which 121,929 were trademarks, 6728 patents and 4,813 registered industrial design and of which 88 percent are also registered for foreign rights.
The article by Objektivno.hr
reveals that during the 25th anniversary event the SIPO awarded a prize to Romana Matanovac Vučković, who was closely associated with Željko Topić and his previous “protector”, the former Croatian President Ivo Josipovic. But what is really interesting here is that neither the HINA press releases nor any of the published articles mention Topić’s presence in Zagreb alongside Battistelli! A source of ours insists “he can be seen in the background and out of focus in of one of the photos published on the HINA Web site.” (see the photo second from the top). We actually spotted the same thing independently. We have seen enough photos of Topić to suspect that it’s him with glasses on.
Our source says “it’s pretty clear that Topić was with Battistelli in Zagreb, but for some reason the Croatian media has decided not to mention it.”
“These projects are Battistelli’s main source of “carrots” for keeping the smaller member states on his side.”If that’s true, then what probably causes greater concern here is that nothing about Topić’s legal status was covered. Omission of convenience? Conditions imposed before interview? Hard to tell….
We remind readers that the last time Battistelli was scheduled to go to Zagreb with Topić in July 2015 he cancelled his trip at short notice and sent along Francois-Régis Hannart instead. Hannart is a member of Battistelli’s “inner circle” of former INPI employees. He used to be the Director of IT systems at the INPI and he is now the EPO’s Principal Director of European and International Co-operation. This means that he is responsible for overseeing the “cooperation projects” between the EPO and national IPOs. These projects are Battistelli’s main source of "carrots" for keeping the smaller member states on his side. █
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 8:39 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Battistelli loves to carry out his abuses through London, where Team Battistelli now has an extensive operation more sophisticated than the Mafia’s

Reference: An article published earlier this week
Summary: The culture of bullying inside the EPO has expanded even to the UK with lobbying, threats, lies, and surveillance by peripheral agents such as PwC, FTI Consulting, Fieldfisher, Wellkom and Control Risks
TRUTH is treason at today’s EPO. That’s especially alarming because the EPO is supposed to be an institution of science occupied by scientists and serving scientists, to whom truth is paramount, not just justice.
Earlier this year, just in time for the previous Administrative Council’s meeting, Team Battistelli had PwC paid generously in order to disseminate a lot of lies. We wrote about these in the following posts:
Considering the business that PwC is in, an attack on truth itself is a serious violation of trust if not violation of law. It would be interesting to see if some PwC executives even get arrested for their sheer dishonesty. A few months ago some of the offending IP addresses hammering on our servers (a growing problem this year [1, 2, 3]) actually came from PwC's network and today we see this report titled “PwC sends ‘cease and desist’ letters to researchers who found critical flaw,” which is rather ironic after what PwC did to our servers. To quote:
A security research firm has released details of a “critical” flaw in a security tool, despite being threatened with legal threats.
Munich-based ESNC published a security advisory last week detailing how a remotely exploitable bug in a security tool, developed by auditing and tax giant PwC, could allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to an affected SAP system.
So PwC turns out to be managed by bullies, just like the EPO, which also sent us numerous legal threats. Whatever they have in common, it probably ought to include megalomania and lack of ethics. As we noted here before, the legal firm that the EPO asked to send threatening letters is also deeply involved in the UPC, where lying has become so routine that it’s just sickening. Sociopaths apparently attract other sociopaths and let’s not forget the EPO’s PR agency, which lies on behalf of fracking companies and also the EPO’s spying agency, which is connected to the Stasi (through Desa) and helped make the false allegations against a BoA judge.
What a gang of thugs!
The Boards of Appeal at the EPO are probably the most crucial part of this whole institution. The EBoA, for example, rules on these key issues and other issues pertaining to patent scope (quality of service). EBoA can actually safely criticise the Office. That’s the original ideas anyway. Guess what Battistelli has done to EBoA… it’s barely even functioning and staff is terrified, despite enjoying independence from Battistelli (at least in principle).
A few days ago people wondered aloud about the fate of the above judge and one person said that Battistelli “being head of an organistion, whose sole role it is to apply law” does the very opposite. To quote:
The way I interpret the EPC, the AC must renew the contract of the BoA member, just to make a decision.
It would be unlawful to not renew while suspended, or they’d still need to pay all his withheld remuneration, as there was no decision of disciplinary measures. And taking a decision of disciplinary measures while not an employee seems even weirder.
But then, what kind of “Rule of Law” does the head of administration uphold, while being head of an organistion, whose sole role it is to apply law?
“For a BoA member to be renewed,” another person said. “he has to be proposed to the AC. By the president. BB will simply not propose the suspended member to the AC for renewal, as he has done (or rather not done) with quite a number of newly appointed or to-be-prolonged members before. So the AC will not be in a position to decide anything.”
In response to this one person wrote:
Not true. Under Article 11(3) EPC (first sentence) appointment of Board members requires a proposal from the President. Reappointment (Art. 11 EPC, second sentence) is the prerogative of the Council which is only required to “consult” with the President.
The President has no veto over reappointment of Board members although he could conceivably attempt to manipulate the Council to block a reappointment.
Article 11(3) EPC:
The members, including the Chairmen, of the Boards of Appeal and of the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be appointed by the Administrative Council on a proposal from the President of the European Patent Office. They may be re-appointed by the Administrative Council after the President of the European Patent Office has been consulted.
“It would only be fair,” one person responded, “if the BoA is reinstated, that he/she is allowed to additionally serve the 2 years during which he/she was suspended before his/her 5 years term is considered to expire.”
We covered this aspect of the punishment before. The salary in the mean time has already been cut (halved a couple of months ago) and “the responsibility to propose that the BoA member be reappointed,” said another person, “is now to be delegated from BB to the new President of the Boards of Appeal. Whether that will make a difference I don’t know.”
Well, don’t forget Battistelli’s chinchilla in the Boards of Appeal Committee (BoAC) and the role played in selecting the President of the Boards of Appeal. Remember the connections between Patricia García-Escudero Márquez and Battistelli, as we covered these before. There may be more connections; we just haven’t gotten around to exposing these.
Look what a mess the EPO has become. And people daring to say so publicly (even bloggers outside of continental Europe) are being threatened by the long arm of Battistelli and his despicable goons, backed by liars for hire such as PwC, FTI Consulting, Fieldfisher, Wellkom and Control Risks in the UK.
“Surprise , surprise,” a person wrote in another comment today, “change of HR tactics , SR’s [Staff Representatives] getting suddenly salary increases and promotions. Will the sacrificed SR’s be forgotten soon or…”
Staff Representatives are not necessarily SUEPO representatives, many of whom have been threatened, fired, demoted, etc. while the yellow union, FFPE-EPO, has been artificially propped up by Team Battistelli, even in the PwC event (for pretense of staff involvement/endorsement).
The EPO is a sick, sick institution, but sick leave is not allowed under Battistelli. █
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Posted in Europe, Finance, Patents at 7:44 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Turning a blind eye, still
Summary: Yet another large institution can be listed as appalled by the management of Battistelli, who repels talent and turns the EPO into Europe’s source of shame
THE EPO has already driven away many of its talented staff (examiners and judges) and is currently seeking to recruit interns because the EPO is no longer an attractive employer. More institutions across Europe, recently CERN for example, blast the EPO for this utter failure. Abuse against staff led to all this and Battistelli’s horrific leadership made it the official policy.
Joining the growing number of bodies that besiege Battistelli now we have staff of the European Central Bank (ECB). In SUEPO’s words: “IPSO is a staff union, founded by staff of the European Central Bank (ECB) to represent the professional interests of persons working for the ECB and other international institutions and agencies in Germany.”
The “ECB Union,” told us one reader about IPSO, “issues a support message to SUEPO and EPO staff [...] In Frankfurt ECB Union – IPSO – issues a support message to SUEPO and EPO staff [...] IPSO expresses support for colleagues at the European Patent Office Office, with Heardquarter in Munich…”
Here is the original that says:
IPSO expresses support for colleagues at the European Patent Office Office, with Heardquarter in Munich
Like many international organisations, the European Patent Office (EPO) has been given full autonomy to determine the legislative framework applicable to its staff. This creates a situation of high concentration of power, leading to risks of abuses.
Since the arrival of Mr. Battistelli at the helm of the organisation, the level of tensions within the EPO has met unprecedented levels. The matter has been widely reported in the media (SZ, FAZ, die Welt, Le Monde, Médiapart, Libération, De Volkskrant, NRC, El Mundo etc, see also a reportage broadcast by BR on 21 March 2016).
A good overview of the toxic atmosphere has been published by Politico in August 2015.
Unfortunately, since then the situation has deteriorated further. IPSO is deeply saddened to learn that Mr Battistelli dismissed two union officials and elected staff representatives based in Munich, In January 2016. A third one was dismissed on 4th November, in The Hague without a fair trial. Two more union officials and staff representatives are currently being targeted.
To try and de-escalate, the Administrative Council of the EPO adopted resolution CA/26/16 in March 2016, requesting Mr Battistelli to revise the applicable rules to ensure that justice be done and seen to be done. The Council required that, in the meantime, no further investigations or disciplinary proceedings be carried out against staff representatives and union officials. We are informed that Mr Battistelli unfortunatley ignored the resolution, thereby reinforcing the impression that the President of the EPO can act with full impunity.
As representatives of the trade union of ECB Staff, we would like to express our solidarity and support to our colleagues dismissed by Mr. Batistelli. We are not willing to accept the situation as it stands, and are currently considering further action to support our dismissed colleagues with the objective to reinstate them in their function at the EPO.
How much more of a PR disaster can the already-embattled Battistelli endure? He brought this upon himself and he keeps making things worse. It’s going to take down the European economy with it (if this persists). █
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 7:20 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
The media too realises that there’s a (pitch)fork in it…
Summary: Brexit and UPC are inherently incompatible and people in the legal profession know that nothing is going to change that, definitely not some words on a Web page (from Lucy Neville-Rolfe)
THE President of the EPO believes that for the sake of the UPC he can do pretty much whatever he wants (carte blanche) any time it pleases him. In a later article we are going to show what he did last week in Croatia. At the end of last month, after Battistelli had lobbied Lucy, a bizarre (impossible) nod was given to the UPC, leaving patent professionals confused and befuddled. It only increases uncertainty both for them and for their clients. A new WIPR survey, just published with the results, says that its “Readers don’t like UK decision on UPC Agreement”. Bear in mind this is a London-based publication whose readers are mostly law firms in that area. To quote:
WIPR readers have not welcomed the UK’s recent decision to ratify the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement.
On November 28, WIPR reported that UK Minister of State for Intellectual Property Baroness Neville-Rolfe announced that the UK will implement the unitary patent and UPC.
She said: “As the prime minister has said, for as long as we are members of the EU, the UK will continue to play a full and active role.”
Neville-Rolfe added that the new system will “provide an option for businesses that need to protect their inventions across Europe”.
However, she warned that the decision to proceed with ratification “should not be seen as pre-empting the UK’s objectives or position in the forthcoming negotiations with the EU”.
Answering our latest survey, on whether readers welcomed the decision, 63% did not, while 37% felt positive about the news.
When asked whether the UPC would be ratified, on various occasions including a UPC-centric event in the UK, most participants if not all of them said “no”. We wrote about this at the time. One must remember that this is in fact the echo chamber admitting it. The UPC won’t happen here. It’s common sense. Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP was acting as though it’s actually likely to happen and said this on December 7th in a site for law firms. To quote:
Brexit will not affect granted, pending, or to-be-filed patent applications in the United Kingdom, whether they are filed directly in the United Kingdom or filed through the EPO and validated in the United Kingdom. Because the EPO is an international organization established by a multilateral treaty—the European Patent Convention—the EPO will still be able (notwithstanding the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union) to obtain a patent in the United Kingdom through current procedures at the UK Intellectual Property Office by way of the EPO, directly or through the Patent Cooperation Treaty. In effect, the United Kingdom may have a status similar to that of Switzerland, Norway, and Turkey (which are not members of the European Union but are members of the European Patent Convention; validation of granted EPO patents in the United Kingdom would remain available to patent applicants).
Well, actually entertaining the possibility is most likely a waste of time. Nothing it going to change, especially now that the EPO is in a crisis and not many people will pursue this system, opting instead for national patent offices (NPOs). The UPC will fail because it’s still/already dying, no matter all that lying from Battistelli and other chronic liars like Margot Fröhlinger. As IP Kat put it yesterday (not Bristows taking over the platform): “The Unified Patent Court (UPC) has been grabbing the headlines in recent weeks and it is easy to forget that the last six or so years have brought many major reforms to IP litigation in England and Wales.”
Well, those latter issues, including those brought up in the article (corruption), are much more important. As for the UPC, see this 7-parts series below along with followups:
The UPC isn’t coming to the UK and probably not to Europe (or EPO member states), either. The campaign of deception from Unitary Patent cronies, notably Team UPC, took a massive blow when the UK voted to leave the EU, separating London from that envisioned system they have been drooling over for about a decade.
Dr. Luke McDonagh, one of the critics of the latest move from Lucy (quoted a lot in the 7-parts series above), has said: “Law of #patents headline news in Law Society Gazette due to #Brexit…” (we have added the picture to the top)
McDonagh is a realist, unlike Team UPC, and separately he wrote that he has this new book on the subject. “Download free the first chapter of my new book on European #patent law & the #UPC #Brexit consequences,” he wrote. There is also a book on the subject from Dr. Ingve Björn Stjerna. █
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 6:44 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: The patent quality of EPs — patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) — is declining and so will certainty surrounding EPs and value associated with them
OUR interest in the EPO goes back over a decade ago, back when software patents in Europe were debated and ruled out by Parliament (not that the EPO cared much about what Parliament had decided). With loopholes “as such”, the EPO granted a lot of software patents. EPO insiders even admit this to us.
Now that more and more EPs (European patents) are found to be invalid there is risk that applicants will no longer find the EPO all that attractive. Battistelli’s accelerated race to the bottom (of patent quality) yielded results like yesterday’s press release that speaks of EPs getting repeatedly revoked:
Akebia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKBA), a biopharmaceutical company focused on delivering innovative therapies to patients with kidney disease through the biology of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), today announced that the Opposition Division (OD) of the European Patent Office (EPO) has revoked another of FibroGen, Inc.’s HIF-related patents. The patent, EP 1 633 333 (the ’333 patent), claimed various compounds that were purported to stabilize HIFα for treating or preventing various conditions, including iron deficiency and specific forms of anemia. This ruling follows Akebia’s challenge to FibroGen’s earlier European patent, EP 1 463 823, which was revoked in its entirety by the OD earlier this year.
What is the EPO going to do about this obvious failure to guarantee patent quality? Tomorrow the Administrative Council is supposed to bring up this subject, as per intent expressed previously.
Belatedly (years late), and perhaps opportunistically after a lot of pressure (and ahead of the Administrative Council’s meeting), the EPO finally claims to obey some laws (for a change) by stating that it will no longer treat the EU Biopatent Directive (98/44/EC) like something to be spat at or ignored. There was a whole “news” item (actually hogwash) about it at epo.org
yesterday and it said:
The European Patent Office has decided to stay all proceedings in examination and opposition cases in which the invention is a plant or animal obtained by an essentially biological process.
The decision was taken following the discussion by EPO member states in the Patent Law Committee of the Administrative Council on the recent Notice of the European Commission related to certain articles in the EU Biopatent Directive (98/44/EC).
When will the EPO obey the directive about software patents and stop granting patents on software? When will the Office admit that it messed up and granted many patents in error and/or against the rules? Who will take responsibility/accountability? █
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Posted in News Roundup at 6:03 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

For many of us, when we look around at the state of computing in 2016, we nod and think, “Yes, today is what I expected when I thought about what The Future would be like.” Sure, we haven’t got flying cars yet, but today’s technology is flashy. We swipe fingers across screens instead of pressing buttons, and I’m told we are all very excited about all of the latest virtual reality headsets and augmented reality gadgets.
So now seems as good a time as any to look back at how people of the past used to compute, and back to the days when a “desktop” computer was so called because it took up 80 percent of your desktop. The days when the term “computer” actually meant “a machine for computation.”
Why bother looking back 30-year-old computing? After all, the computers back then were clunky, slow, and awkward, weren’t they? Sure, they were, but the great thing about living in The Future is that we have the power to look back at the Old Ways and cherry pick information from them for modern technology. The truth is, there’s power in simplicity, and old computing was simple out of necessity.
A team of developers from University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has created a Unix-like operating system for your web browser. It uses a JavaScript-based kernel and extends the JS runtimes for C, C++, Go, and Node.js programs. It also comes with a POSIX-like shell.
Serverless computing is an architecture where code execution is fully managed by a cloud provider, instead of the traditional method of developing applications and deploying them on servers.
It means developers don’t have to worry about managing, provisioning and maintaining servers when deploying code. Previously a developer would have to define how much storage and database capacity would be needed pre-deployment, slowing the whole process down.
CoreOS has renamed its Linux distribution from CoreOS to Container Linux. That name change accompanies its Tectonic Summit in New York, but the big news is around self-driving Kubernetes, something the company’s CEO said will help smooth security woes for users.
The name change was designed to help draw a clearer line between the company’s name and the container-hosting Linux distribution and open-source project at the heart of the company’s platform.
At Tectonic Summit this week, CoreOS, a leader in the open Kubernetes and container communities, introduced the next generation of CoreOS Tectonic that delivers what is billed as “self-driving Kubernetes to the enterprise.” The auto-updating feature comes with the new version of Tectonic, a combination of CoreOS’s Linux (or Container Linux) and Kubernetes.
“With self-driving infrastructure, organizations can ensure their containerized application clusters are secure and up to date with the critical security patches and the most recent features available from the open source community,” the company noted.
On December 12, 2016, CoreOS developer Alex Polvi was thrilled to announce that the security-oriented GNU/Linux distribution changes its name from CoreOS to Container Linux by CoreOS.
The decision to rename the OS was taken earlier during the Tectonic Summit 2016 event presented by CoreOS, where the team also unveiled the next-gen CoreOS Tectonic enterprise Kubernetes solution for deploying and managing containers at scale, which is now based the upstream Kubernetes 1.5 release to deliver self-driving capabilities.
In the new Tectonic, CoreOS will make it possible to automatically update Kubernetes, the popular cloud container management program.
Selecting DevOps tools to support cloud applications requires planning and expertise around the app architecture and the deployment model — one provider, hybrid or multicloud — supporting it.
Kernel Space
Jens Axboe has been quick to submit the block changes for the Linux 4.10 kernel and there is a wide range of improvements.
The F2FS file-system, the Flash-Friendly File-System, has some notable feature improvements to mention with the published pull request targeting Linux 4.10.
New F2FS work for Linux 4.10 includes some performance tuning around the I/O submission flow, ZBC-base drive support, and multiple device support. We previously covered the F2FS multi-device support so check out that article if you missed it from early November.
Based on the above, the libinput thresholds will be reduced to 100ms and 1.3mm. Let’s see how we go with this and then we can increase it in the future if misdetection is higher than expected. Patches will on the wayland-devel list shortly.
For users that don’t have tapping enabled, this will not change anything. All users who have tapping enabled will see a more responsive cursor on small movements as the time and distance thresholds have been significantly reduced. Some users may see a drop in tap detection rate. This is hopefully a subconscious enough effect that those users learn to tap faster or with less movement. If not, we have to look at it separately and see how we can deal with that.
It’s been two weeks since the last point release of the Calibre 2.7 open-source, free, and cross-platform ebook library management software, and developer Kovid Goyal is back with a new version that adds a couple of new features and fixes many issues.
Calibre 2.74 is here to implement support for downloading Amazon metadata from the Amazon China (amazon.cn) website, a functionality that can be enabled from the Metadata download setting in the Preferences dialog of the application. There, users can customize the Amazon plugin to download metadata from https://www.amazon.cn.
I’ve released man-pages-4.09. The release tarball is available on kernel.org. The browsable online pages can be found on man7.org. The Git repository for man-pages is available on kernel.org.
This release resulted from patches, bug reports, reviews, and comments from 44 contributors. This is one of the more substantial releases in recent times, with more than 500 commits changing around 190 pages. The changes include the addition of eight new pages and significant enhancements or rewrites to many existing pages.
Today Gammu 1.38.0 has been released. Changes in last two testing releases have been stabilized and this is the outcome. You can expect changes in API or SMSD tables as well as some additional features.
The free, cross-platform, and open-source HomeBank personal finance software and money management suite received a new maintenance update a few days ago, versioned 5.1.2.
HomeBank 5 is a powerful tool designed from the ground up to be easy to use and let users analyze their personal finance and budget in detail thanks to the included filtering tools and beautiful charts. It’s the go-to app for managing your personal accounting, budget, and finance across Linux and Windows platforms.
Today, December 12, 2016, Jens Georg, the developer of the Shotwell open-source image viewer, editor, and organizer software, published the second development version towards the major Shotwell 0.26 release.
The new Linux VDA 7.12 is released with XenApp and XenDesktop 7.12. This release adds support for Ubuntu 16.04, IPv6, NIS integration, SSSD and LDAPS. In addition, there are new interesting experimental capabilities like seamless apps and enhanced Linux VDA metrics in HDX insight. Lets learn more about them below.
DiskInternals Linux Reader is a freeware Windows application for browsing drives using Linux, Apple and other file systems. The program enables reading (but not writing) drives using Ext2/3/4, ReiserFS, Reiser4, HFS, HFS+, FAT, exFAT, NTFS, ReFS and UFS2.
It’s also possible to mount and read raw disk images (*.dsk, *.img) and assorted virtual disk formats (*.vmdk, *.vhd, *.vhdx, *.vdi, *.vds).
Not only do Linux gamers have a huge Dota 2 update to look forward to today, but Croteam has also released an update to The Talos Principle that includes improvements to its Vulkan renderer that was previously available as beta.
Putty Squad [Official Site], a platformer from 1994 which had a revamped version in 2013 looks like it’s coming to Linux from Virtual Programming. The game is actually a sequel to Putty, a another platformer which was released in 1992.
Not the most exciting of releases, but I’ve never played (played the original) it so I will give it the usual look-over.
The developers of Helium Rain [Official Site] sent word that their realistic space simulation game will fully support Linux at launch. The main developer is also using Linux to make the game.
They have put up the source code on github, so anyone can go take a look. I think that’s pretty awesome to do (on top of reaching out to us directly).
After watching the trailer, I have to say I’m pretty hyped to give this one a go myself. The lighting and the ship graphics are quite stunning! The main thing that needs work is what looks like the in-ship cockpit view, as it looks so bland compared to the rest of it, where’s all my shiny futuristic buttons and consoles?
Today, December 12, 2016, Valve announced the availability of a new, major stable update for the Steam client across all supported platforms, including GNU/Linux, Windows, and macOS.
As one might expect, today’s Steam client stable update includes all the goodies that those who are using the Beta channel were able to test drive for the past couple of months, but it looks like it also updates the Privacy Policy to comply with the Privacy Shield Framework as agreed to by the US Department of Commerce and the European Commission.
Besides Valve pushing out Dota 2 7.00 today, also coming out of Valve as an early Christmas present is a big update to the Steam client.
When Dota 2 7.00 changes were revealed on Sunday, the in-game/game-play changes were what was talked about with no real references to any “under the hood” changes for this Valve Source 2 Engine game. Thus when the 7.00 update came down the pipe today, I ran some before/after benchmarks.
Last week I posted some fresh AMDGPU-PRO 16.50 vs. Mesa 13.1-dev + Linux 4.9 Radeon OpenGL driver benchmarks including all of our usual benchmarking suspects. With some fresh requests of some of the other newer Linux games that are interesting but unfortunately don’t meet our standards for test automation, here are those tests in that article of Tomb Raider, Shadow of Mordor, and Total War: WARHAMMER when using the Linux 4.9 AMDGPU driver and Mesa 13.1-dev.
Welcome to the year 198X– America is in turmoil following a Soviet invasion, there’s Lava People in Mount Saint Helen, a robot protect us from communist robots, and Reagen still won the presidency.
For fans of Valve’s Dota 2 online battle arena game, a huge update to the game is slated to ship in a matter of hours.
Note: This is an overview, and I will be linking to previous articles for reference. So much has happened in 2016 that I’ve probably not even covered half of it. There’s too much to cover in one single place it’s insane.
The classic strategy game Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries [Official Site] was updated this year to include a few nifty features.
This game has a special place in my heart, as I remember buying it as a young lad and being absolutely in love with it. In 2009, the original developer released the source code and it is still updated.
Wine has long been working on its Direct3D 11 support, but it’s not quite ready for major Windows games with the upcoming Wine 2.0 release. With some work that didn’t make the cut for Wine 2.0, Blizzard’s Overwatch game appears to be running well.
Recently Wine 2.0-rc1 has been released as the next step towards another major stable release of Wine. Additionally, the Wine developers have talked about ongoing Direct3D 11 development and getting Overwatch to work.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
With a two-day delay, the KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 made its entrance on the last minutes of December 12, 2016, as the most advanced collection of add-on libraries for Qt 5, used for the development of apps for the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment.
KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 is the monthly maintenance update that brings lots of improvements across all components, including Breeze icons, which received icons for the Claws Mail e-mail client and GDrive Google Drive command-line client, KWayland for better Wayland support, as well as Plasma Framework.
However, from time to time, the development team behind KDE Frameworks also introduces some new features, and this time they’re announcing the general availability of Prison, a new framework that can be used for the generation of barcodes, including QR codes, and support for FreeBSD systems to metainfo.yaml.
Last month GNOME had a Bug Squash Month. Thanks to everyone who participated!
For this initiative I had prototyped a way to gamify things up a bit. I created a high score table and badges for the local open source groups joining in on the bug squashing. I had my own group Open Source Aalborg participating on November the 30th and we had lots of fun!
GNOME developers continue work on the GTK4 tool-kit while GTK3 is still set to receive some improvements.
This week’s weekly GTK.org blog post points out that there’s a code branch for letting GTK’s GDK back-end support EGL on X11 as an alternative to its existing GLX support. GTK does support EGL on Wayland, but currently not under X11/X.Org. Hopefully that branch will end up in good shape: GLX still dominates on the Linux desktop and it’s been a while since any major efforts for killing GLX with EGL. It was with Plasma 5.8 on the KDE side where they had actually dropped their EGL on X11 support, preferring to stick to GLX. KDE dropped the EGL X11 option over bug reports and rendering issues.
While working hard on the upcoming third pre-release version of the GNOME 3.24 desktop environment, the GNOME development team announced a new maintenance update for the GTK+ 3.22 GUI toolkit for GNOME 3.22 desktops.
With what amounts to literally hundreds of Linux distributions out there, Refracta version 8.0 and its suitability for the so-called “average user” might just be what makes it an above average contender.
Originally, this review was going to be of Bodhi Linux, based on a suggestion from a comment in a recent review. However, when I tried it, while it was able to connect to the Internet, it could not connect to its package repositories for me to install any packages, and I figured that there wouldn’t be much point in writing a review given that. Then, I thought of trying the latest version openSUSE on the recommendation of a friend of mine, especially given that I haven’t tried openSUSE in quite a while; that turned out to only be available in the form of an installation DVD, as no live image is available yet (though I hope to try it when that does become available). After that, I saw some reviews of MX Linux, and thought it might be interesting to try. (Spoiler alert: this review exists because there’s enough material for me to write about it.)
Arch Family
Following openSUSE/SUSE spinning 64-bit Linux for the Raspberry Pi 3, Arch Linux fans now have a mainline AArch64 kernel for the Raspberry Pi 3.
The openSUSE Project has two seats for this year’s openSUSE board elections.
Phase 0 has begun and candidates who have an interest in running for the board will need to notify their intent to run by Jan. 1.
Red Hat Family
I am pleased to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7
(1611) for 64 bit x86 compatible machines.
Effectively immediately, this is the current release for CentOS Linux
7 and is tagged as 1611, derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3
As always, read through the Release Notes at :
http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 – these notes
contain important information about the release and details about some
of the content inside the release from the CentOS QA team. These notes
are updated constantly to include issues and incorporate feedback from
the users.
Red Hat recently announced general availability of OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud Platform. The offering integrates with Google Cloud services, including Google Cloud PubSub, Google Big Query, and Google Cloud Big Table.
The new offering brings Red Hat’s container platform as a managed service offering to enterprise customers who want to build, launch, and manage applications on OpenShift Dedicated with Google Cloud Platform as their underlying cloud infrastructure.
Today, December 12, 2016, CentOS maintainer Karanbir Singh was proud to announce the release of the long-anticipated Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based CentOS Linux 7 (1611) operating system.
As Red Hat announced last month the release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 operating system, it was clear that a new CentOS Linux 7 release is being prepared by Karanbir Singh and the rest of the awesome developers behind this Open Source initiative built on top of the freely distributed sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Fedora 25 Workstation makes it incredibly easy to type emoji using just your keyboard.
And I’m very jealous.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog then you’ll you know how much hassle it can be to see emoji on Linux, much less insert them!
I am happy to announce the release of the updated F24-20161210 updated.live.isos with the 4.8.12 kernel. I would also like to announce that from this point on we will only be issuing updated isos on even releases (example 4.8.12 1.8.14) Thisis because of the speed that the updated kernels have been coming out that we can not keep up the place.
I have presented FEDORA and GNOME, some students expressed that they have used Ubuntu and Unity before, but never FEDORA neither GNOME. I started with history of GNU/Linux and then the Red Hat history to land into the FEDORA overview, how I got involved and ways of contributions.
As blogged about already by Christian for Fedora 25 we’ve been working on improving hybrid gfx support, as well as on making it easier for users who want to, to install the NVidia binary driver.
The improved hybrid gfx support using the default opensource drivers was ready in time for and is part of the Fedora 25 release. Unfortunately the NVidia driver work was not ready in time. This has lead to some confusion.
RPM of latest versions of ImageMagick library are available in remi repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux.
Debian Family
The Parsix GNU/Linux development team informed users of the Debian-based operating system about the availability of new security updates, as well as a new kernel version and the latest Firefox release for the GNU/Linux distribution.
First off, we’d like to remind the reader that the team unleashed last week the second preview release of the upcoming Parsix GNU/Linux 8.15 “Nev” operating system, and you are invited to take it for a test drive and report bugs if you encounter any. As usual, both Parsix GNU/Linux 8.15 “Nev” and 8.10 “Erik” get the same security updates.
The developers behind the Debian-based Robolinux computer operating system have announced the release and general availability of Robolinux 3D 8.7 “Raptor” Xfce Edition.
Based on the Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie” operating system and powered by its rock-solid and long-term supported Linux 3.16 kernel, Robolinux 3D 8.7 “Raptor” Xfce Edition uses the latest lightweight Xfce 4.12 desktop environment, and it’s bundled with over 120 custom built printer, Wi-Fi, and video drivers.
“This stunning new 3D Robolinux Operating System delivers unprecedented productivity gains along with making the 3D UI fun and exciting for our User’s. Yes! The Robolinux Xfce 3D Live version comes with a FREE OS Installer and can be downloaded for free on SourceForge,” reads the announcement.
You know I love a good tease, and the Ubuntu Budgie team have done just that.
Ubuntu Budgie tweets that it is testing an “ultra minimal version” of the spin which ‘uses 220MB or less of RAM’.
The minimal spin is being pitched at users “who love customising their distro” and is unlikely to ship with much of anything pre-installed.
The team has shared precious little else about this nimble version but, assuming their claim is true, it could find itself pitched as a contender to other “lightweight” Linux distributions. The Budgie desktop the distro is based around is already fairly light compared to other modern desktop environments.
It might surprise some of you that with a little effort, you can make Ubuntu work like ChromeOS. Best of all, you can do so and still keep Ubuntu’s advantages. In this article, I’ll share some tips and thoughts on how you can run Ubuntu with similar features to those found in ChromeOS.
Canonical’s Michael Vogt announced the release and general availability of the Snapd 2.19 Snappy daemon for Ubuntu Core 16, Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating systems.
Snapd 2.19 is here almost three weeks after the release of Snapd 2.18 and only one week after its first maintenance update, version 2.18.1. According to the release notes, which we’ve attached at the end of the article for your reading pleasure, Snapd 2.19 is a major update implementing numerous improvements and new features.
This is going to be a super brief post — briefer than a British summer, in fact.
Most us are familiar with weather indicators for the Linux desktop. Heck, i’d be surprised if you weren’t considering the amount of pixel inches we devote to them on this site!
Flavours and Variants
Linux Mint is one of the best Linux Desktop distribution among others. It’s going to get first update later this December for Linux Mint 18 (sarah) released back in June 30, 2016. As you may aware of few things about Linux Mint ? even i’m listing here.
Mintbox Technologies announced a $24, open source “Winkel Board” Arduino compatible with ATmega128 and ESP8266 chips, OTA programming, and WiFi, BT, and RF.
Pune, India based Mintbox Technologies, which previously released a “Mintbox Home” home automation system, has launched a Crowd Supply campaign for an open source Arduino/ESP8266 compatible called the Winkel Board. Mintbox Technologies appears to have no relation with the Linux Mint/CompuLab Mintbox mini-PC collaboration, and we’re fairly confident the Winkel Board has no connection with the Winklevoss twins.
For the past number of years there’s been good Linux support for Roccat devices, mostly various mice/keyboard gaming peripherals. This has done by developer Stefan Achatz working with Roccat and he’s done a great job supporting their hardware but now he’s stepping back from the project.
Linux offers a gamut of open source small utilities that perform functions ranging from the mundane to the wonderful. In my eyes, it’s the breadth of these tools that help to make Linux a compelling operating system.
For beginners to Linux the range of distributions can be daunting. Should I investigate Ubuntu, Arch Linux, openSUSE, elementaryOS, or even try Solus, the best newcomer to the scene? A good way to experiment with Linux distributions and find the one that best fits your needs is to create a bootable SD card or USB drive flashed with the Linux distros. The tools featured in this article make this process simple and safe. Our highest recommendation goes to Etcher. It’s incredibly easy to use with a simple interface, and hard drive friendly.
Against my better judgment, I’ve tried a couple of times to snag one of those adorable little $60 mini NES Classic Editions—once when Amazon put some of its limited stock online and crashed its own site, and once when Walmart was shipping out small quantities every day a couple of weeks ago. In both cases, I failed.
But the dumb itch of nostalgia can’t always be scratched by logical thoughts like “do you really need to pay money for Super Mario Bros. 3 again,” and “Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest is probably the weakest of the three NES Castlevania games.” Since it’s not entirely clear if or when those little mini NESes will become readily available, I decided to funnel that small wad of expendable cash and the desire for some nostalgia-fueled gaming into a DIY project.
It turns out that the NES Classic Edition is just a little Linux-powered board inside a cute case, and it’s totally possible to build your own tiny Linux-powered computer inside a cute case without spending much more than $60. And by using the Raspberry Pi and freely available software, you can build something capable of doing a whole heck of a lot more than playing the same 30 NES games over and over again.
Aaeon’s “UP-GWS01” fanless gateway is built around its quad-core Cherry Trail based UP board, with four USB ports, GbE and HDMI, and optional wireless.
Aaeon’s UP-GWS01 gateway is an extension of Aaeon’s community-backed, but not fully open source UP board. No pricing was available for the UP-GWS01, but the UP single board computer itself ranges from $99 with 2GB RAM and 16GB eMMC to $149 with 4GB RAM and 64GB eMMC. No memory specs were listed for the UP-GWS01, so all these options are likely available.
Aaeon’s Linux-ready “EMB-APL1” is a fanless, thin Mini-ITX SBC with Intel Celeron N3350 and N3450 SoCs, plus dual M.2 slots, SATA, PCIe, and more.
Now you can get a chance to practice traffic control as Games2Win India Ltd have added their new game ‘Traffic Frenzy’ to Tizen Store. Arcade car game lovers will feel right at home with this one.
Steve Kondik didn’t mince words in what is now viewed as his parting statement from Cyanogen Inc. earlier this month. In that statement, though, he alluded to the potential intellectual property issues CyanogenMod might face if it was reorganized under a new non-profit corporate entity, and so the possibility of a new name was raised. It seems that name has, at least provisionally, been decided upon: LineageOS. Or Lineage Android Distribution – it could apparently be either.
There are new smartphones hitting the market constantly, but which is the best to pick up when you’re trying to save a buck or two? We’ve seen some great launches this summer and we’re only expecting more over the coming months, but for now, let’s go over the best affordable Android smartphones you can go pick up today…
Despite the fact that tablets are, overall, a bit of a dying form factor, many users are still interested in them. And now, during the holidays, tablets can make great gifts for kids as well.
The iPad remains one of the great tablets of all times. However, for those customers looking for something less expensive, there are some good Android tablet options out there.
The weeks of December are flying by, and the new year is fast approaching. While it seems that sales begin earlier and earlier every year, some people (like me) put off gift buying until the last minute. Even if you’re a more responsible gift-giver, it can be hard to pinpoint what someone might like for Christmas or Hanukkah.
If you’re shopping for an open-source geek in your life, but don’t have a ton of money to spend on hardware, there are a few stocking-stuffers and small gifts that can be had for under $50. Here are five affordable options to consider before shipping deadlines pass.
Data can be highly valuable, and no company knows that more than Google. It is constantly collecting a massive amount of it — it is pretty much how the company butters its bread. Data only has value when it can be used, however, meaning it must ultimately tell a story. In other words, collecting it is only the beginning.
One of the best way to digest and present data is with visualizations and dashboards. Not everyone is a data scientist, so how you tell a story matters. Today, Google is making a rather nifty data visualization tool an open source project. Called “Embedding Projector”, it can show what the search giant calls “high-dimensional data”.
New release of open-source Kubernetes container orchestration system adds initial support for Microsoft Windows Server and previews beta stateful application capabilities.
The open-source Kubernetes container management system is moving forward with the release of Kubernetes 1.5 on December 15, bringing the platform to Microsoft Windows Server for the first time. The Kubernetes 1.5 milestone is the last major release of Kubernetes in 2016 and follows the 1.4 release that debuted on September 26.
The Open Smart Grid Platform is an open, generic, scalable, and independent Internet of Things platform that enables municipalities and power distribution companies to easily control and monitor various public service objects with any application and with any communication infrastructure. It acts as a connecting link between web applications and smart devices, and it was built with utility requirements in mind (a strong security focus, reliability, use of international standards, etc). The platform was also built to fit with multiple use-cases from the ground up; it contains generic functions that are needed for managing and controlling a large number of devices, like authorizations, time synchronization, and configuration management.
At a meeting back in July in Stuttgart, KDE and Nextcloud developers discussed deeper integration between the respective communities. We’d like to share some of those ideas and, as always, invite anyone interested in participating to help make it happen!
On wednesday is our Nextcloud meetup and – Nextcloud 11 will be released, so let’s make it a release party! Bring some snacks if you like, let’s drink a beer or two, get our servers upgraded perhaps.
I am honored to join The Linux Foundation this month as General Manager of Open Source Networking & Orchestration. As I look at the last three decades, we (networking geeks) have always stepped up to stay ahead of major technology disruptions. Now we are at the next big revolution: open networking, fueled by open source communities.
SaaS/Back End
Databricks, the company founded by the team that created the Apache Spark project, has announced new capabilities to its platform that further simplify the production deployment of Spark in the cloud. The production enhancements complement the existing Databricks environment for data science, which enable users to collaboratively analyze data in real-time with data science notebooks and immediately deploy them as production Spark jobs and workflows.
Content management systems are wide and varied. There are tons of them on the market, some are proprietary but a very large amount are created under an open source license. The reason for this is simple; it allows a small team of developers to become a bigger team by opening up their code to a wider community of users who may wish to contribute or provide enhancements.
This is one of the greatest strengths that open source products have; the often large pools of available developers. Of course, like anything, there can be downsides as well but lately, we’ve seen more and more open source products become viable options for companies in search of stable, regularly updated platforms on which to run their businesses. Today, I’m going to share with you my thoughts on how open source CMS’ are taking over the world.
A platform that originally started as a home for blogging with 76.5 million blogs created since 2004, WordPress has advanced a great deal over the last decade and now powers over 25 per cent of websites across the world. There are a whole host of reasons why this platform is so popular with business owners and designers alike.
It’s easy to set up and use for just about anyone who owns a computer. There’s no need to have much knowledge about coding as you can build a simple website from scratch using the thousands of templates and plug-ins available at your fingertips. It’s also cost-effective. It’s free to sign up and although some of the best templates and plug-ins come at cost, if you want to create a website for free you can.
For designers, it’s an ideal CMS as bespoke websites can be built fast due to the ease of amending code. This means that they can be launched in a short period of time for clients, and any changes as the business evolves can be done quickly.
Being able to remotely connect to my home network over VPN has always been on my ‘nice to have’ list. It allows easier access to resources and direct ssh (rather then hoping through the gateway). I have recently updated the OpenBSD server I used for VPN to 6.0 and thought I would share the configuration and settings.
Public Services/Government
Many think technology can improve democracy and good governance. Open data and online platforms allow the public to participate more directly and gain greater transparency and accountability.
This whole area of technology for improved governance could be worth $2bn over the next decade, according to Pablo Sarrias, CEO and founder of OpenSeneca.
His company was set up by Telefónica Open Future and Barcelona-based electronic voting company Scytl, which has provided proprietory election technology for the 2016 US elections, among others.
Italy is opening up its FatturaPA payments services. Starting in January, the system can also be used for free by companies to send invoices to other companies and citizens, who in turn can use the system to pay them.
Frank Morton has been breeding lettuce since the 1980s. His company offers 114 varieties, among them Outredgeous, which last year became the first plant that NASA astronauts grew and ate in space. For nearly 20 years, Morton’s work was limited only by his imagination and by how many different kinds of lettuce he could get his hands on. But in the early 2000s, he started noticing more and more lettuces were patented, meaning he would not be able to use them for breeding. The patents weren’t just for different types of lettuce, but specific traits such as resistance to a disease, a particular shade of red or green, or curliness of the leaf. Such patents have increased in the years since, and are encroaching on a growing range of crops, from corn to carrots — a trend that has plant breeders, environmentalists and food security experts concerned about the future of the food production.
VR headset manufacturers including Google, HTC VIVE, Facebook’s Oculus, Samsung, Acer Starbreeze and Sony Interactive Entertainment have come together to establish the Global Virtual Reality Association (GVRA).
The association is a non-profit organisation for international VR headset manufacturers to promote the growth of the VR industry.
According to the companies, the association will help develop best practices for the industry, as well as share them and foster dialogue between several stakeholders around the world.
Universal Health Services (UHS) is the largest chain of psychiatric facilities in the USA, with 2.5x more beds than its closest competitor, and dozens of whistleblowers from inside the company told a Buzzfeed reporter that they were pressured to find pretenses to lock up people who voluntarily presented for assessments, holding them against their will until their insurance ran out, with massive bonuses for executives who increased profits (and much smaller bonuses for execs who improved health outcomes for patients).
UHS hospitals are incredibly profitable, running at 30-50% margins, and whistleblowers say these margins are attained by dropping staffing to unsafe levels and preferentially hiring underqualified and inexperienced people; while simultaneously packing in patients by bedding them in closets, in isolation cells, and on mattresses on the floors of day-rooms.
Meanwhile, the whistleblowers say that patients in desperate need of care are refused admission, or are kicked out early, if they don’t have insurance. A large plurality of UHS’s patents are covered by tax-funded Medicare, and 10% of the company’s hospitals are currently under investigation for Medicare fraud. Patients say that their confinement has eaten into the days of mental health care they are entitled to under Medicare, meaning that if they end up in distress later that they will not be able to get care.
When I first received my medical marijuana card, my visits to the local dispensary were generally long, drawn out affairs. The bud tenders on staff would meticulously walk me through each strain on display, describing in detail their psychoactive and somatic effects. As someone prone to cannabis-induced anxiety I eventually learned that strains with low THC and high CBD counts were what I needed, but it took a lot of trial and error to find the right strain of medicine. Although the bud tenders spoke with authority about the effects of their medicine, I would often find that the effects of the bud recommended for me didn’t at all match what the bud tender had told me.
Today I released man-db 2.7.6 (announcement, NEWS, git log), and uploaded it to Debian unstable. The major change in this release was a set of fixes for two security vulnerabilities, one of which affected all man-db installations since 2.3.12 (or 2.3.10-66 in Debian), and the other of which was specific to Debian and its derivatives.
It’s probably obvious from the dates here that this has not been my finest hour in terms of responding to security issues in a timely fashion, and I apologise for that. Some of this is just the usual life reasons, which I shan’t bore you by reciting, but some of it has been that fixing this properly in man-db was genuinely rather complicated and delicate. Since I’ve previously advocated man-db over some of its competitors on the basis of a better security posture, I think it behooves me to write up a longer description.
This is my write up from Nesta’s recent digital democracy day — I wasn’t planning to blog but it inspired me, so here you go.
The day included two sessions; one focussed on local government and one in parliament focussed on, well, parliament. At the heart of each session were four fantastic presentations showcasing digital democracy projects from Iceland (Citizen’s Foundation —Gunnar Grímsson), Taiwan (Digital Minister — Audrey Tang), France (Cap Collectif — Nicolas Patte) and Brazil (Chamber of Deputies Hacker Lab — Cristiano Falia). Big thanks to Theo and the rest of the gang at Nesta for arranging
My main thought following the day (there was so much — it’s been hard to boil it down…) is that there needs to be more capacity in our democracy to hack. Government can no longer rely on off the shelf solutions to meet democratic challenges but needs to experiment and adapt – something brilliantly illustrated by each of the four projects.
The tools are not much use if the institutions of democracy are unwilling or unable to respond to them. Nicholas Patte explained how it took a long time to convince the elected representatives in France about their crowd sourced legislation project but, with perseverance, they got there in the end.
I loved that Taiwan has a ‘Minister of Hacking’ who can get things done at the highest level of government — her sage advice is that politicians can be asked to accept ‘those things they can live with’; compromise clearly plays a role.
About this time I’m wondering if I’d even purchase a Netgear router.
You’d think that with all of the fuss recently about the insecure Internet of things, especially when it comes to routers, that any router maker would be on top of it and patching vulnerabilities as soon as they’re discovered.
Evidently not, as far as Netgear is concerned.
Folks using Windows 10 and 8 on BT and Plusnet networks in the UK are being kicked offline by a mysterious software bug.
Computers running the Microsoft operating systems are losing network connectivity due to what appears to be a problem with DHCP. Specifically, it seems some Windows 10 and 8 boxes can no longer reliably obtain LAN-side IP addresses and DNS server settings from their BT and Plusnet broadband routers, preventing them from reaching the internet and other devices on their networks.
(The link between BT and Plusnet is that, while the latter bills itself as a friendly independent ISP, it’s really a subsidiary of the former.)
BT and Plusnet told The Register Microsoft is investigating the blunder. Redmond also confirmed on Thursday in its support forum that it’s looking into the problem.
Over the last week we have had the opportunity to work with an interesting set of data collected by Anchore (full disclosure: Anchore is a RedMonk client). Anchore collected this data by means of a user survey ran in conjunction with DevOps.com. While the number of respondents is relatively small, at 338, there are some interesting questions asked, and a number of data points which support wider trends we are seeing around container usage. With any data set of this nature, it is important to state that survey results strictly reflect the members of the DevOps.com community.
Those with long memories might remember that in 1996, Microsoft added support in the Internet Explorer browser for ActiveX controls. While this greatly expanded the functionality of the Internet, it also made the web a much less safe place, especially for the average user. The trouble was, ActiveX made it simple to download and install software with little or no input from users. Even those not old enough to remember have probably already figured out that this didn’t work out well.
A long time ago, it wouldn’t be uncommon to have the same job at the same company for ten or twenty years. People loved their seniority, they loved their company, they loved everything staying the same. Stability was the name of the game. Why learn something new when you can retire in a few years?
Well, a long time ago, was a long time ago. Things are quite a bit different now. If you’ve been doing the same thing at the same company for more than five years, there’s probably something wrong. Of course there are always exceptions to every rule, but I bet more than 80% of the people in their jobs for more than five years aren’t exceptions. It’s easy to get too comfortable, it’s also dangerous.
More than a year after a drowned Syrian toddler washed up on a beach in Turkey, the tiny refugee’s body, captured in a photograph that shocked the world, reappeared on computer screens across Saudi Arabia — this time as a prelude to a cyberattack.
The strike last month disabled thousands of computers across multiple government ministries in Saudi Arabia, a rare use of offensive cyberweapons aimed at destroying computers and erasing data. The attackers, who haven’t claimed responsibility, used the same malware that was employed in a 2012 assault against Saudi Arabian Oil Co., known as Saudi Aramco, and which destroyed 35,000 computers within hours.
ALMOST 70 PER CENT of London councils are running unsupported server software, leaving them vulnerable to exploits for which there are no patches available.
That’s according to backup firm Databarracks, which through a Freedom of Information (FoI) request revealed that 69 per cent of London councils are running out-of-date server software.
The firm contacted all 32 London boroughs as well as the City of London and received responses from all.
The data revealed that 63 per cent of London councils are still running Windows Server 2003, 51 per cent run SQL Server 2005 and 10 per cent still use Windows Server 2000 – none of which are still supported by Microsoft.
A security research firm has released details of a “critical” flaw in a security tool, despite being threatened with legal threats.
Munich-based ESNC published a security advisory last week detailing how a remotely exploitable bug in a security tool, developed by auditing and tax giant PwC, could allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to an affected SAP system.
A Houston man was sentenced Friday to four years in prison after pleading guilty to starting a fire at a mosque on Christmas Day.
Gary Nathaniel Moore, 38 of Houston, was arrested last year in connection with a fire at 2 p.m. on Dec. 25 at a storefront mosque in the 1200 block of Wilcrest.
Moore told investigators at the scene that he had attended the mosque for five years, coming five times per day to pray seven days per week, according to court records.
An extremist has been jailed for two years for posting an Islamic State propaganda video on Facebook, despite claims he would find prison “a living nightmare”.
Abdul Hamid, 31, who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, admitted posting the unedited four-minute video entitled No Respite, glorifying the terror group and its fighters.
The Old Bailey heard that he had seen a short clip of the video in an online news report and believed it was not illegal to share it on social media at the time.
But he later accepted that he had been “reckless” when he posted it in its entirety on Facebook, leading to it being viewed 465 times, “liked” 20 times and “shared” 34 times.
Donald Trump has questioned whether the US should continue its support for the “One China” policy unless Beijing makes concessions on trade and other issues.
“I don’t want China dictating to me”, he said while defending his recent phone call with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen.
In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, he said: “I don’t know why we have to be bound by a ‘One China’ policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade.”
The President-elect was responding to a question about his phone conversation with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, which represented a break with decades of US diplomatic tradition that recognises Beijing as the sole representative of China.
The president-elect was interviewed on Fox News Sunday
Donald Trump said he doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s a “smart person.”
Trump, who currently receives the presidential daily brief just once a week, said in an interview with Fox News Sunday that he only requires the information if something has changed.
Noura Alissa says she’s very grateful for the warm welcome she’s received in Canada, but admits the year since she arrived in Montreal from Syria has been more difficult than she expected.
“Trying to find a job while learning French has been difficult, but I am trying,” the 25-year-old Syrian refugee said in English in an interview Sunday. She said the warm welcome she’s received from Canadians has helped ease the transition.
It has been a year since Canada welcomed the first group of Syrians that the government flew out of refugee camps, and both political leaders and refugees marked the occasion over the weekend with a mixture of pride and an acknowledgment of the challenges that remain.
Immigration Minister John McCallum said he would never forget joining Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other cabinet ministers at Toronto’s Pearson airport on Dec. 10, 2015 to greet the first plane load of refugees.
Shares in Lockheed Martin have fallen after President-elect Donald Trump said he would cut the cost of its F-35 Joint Strike Fighter after taking office.
He tweeted: “F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20.”
The F-35 is the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons programme, costing about $400bn (£316bn).
Lockheed shares were down 4.2% at $248.51 in morning trading.
Palantir Technologies, the data mining company co-founded by billionaire and Trump transition advisor Peter Thiel, will likely assist the Trump Administration in its efforts to track and collect intelligence on immigrants, according to a review of public records by The Intercept. Since 2011, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) has paid Palantir tens of millions of dollars to help construct and operate a complex intelligence system called FALCON, which allows ICE to store, search, and analyze troves of data that include family relationships, employment information, immigration history, criminal records, and home and work addresses.
In a separate multi-million-dollar contract signed in 2014, Thiel’s $20 billion company is building a complex case management system for ICE’s HSI, which processes tens of thousands of civil and criminal cases each year.
Saudi Arabia is certainly fighting proxy wars in the Middle East (Allies rally to Johnson over Saudi gaffe, 9 December), as well as promoting its form of Islam in many countries around the world. But it is not just for their oil and for their lucrative custom, for as long as they can pay, that we court Saudi Arabia. We were friendly with the Shah of Persia and selling him aircraft only weeks before he fled his country. The west found itself needing the stability the Saudi regime provides in the region.
But it can now be predicted that all of this will end – perhaps soon – and that things will become catastrophically worse in the region. Saudi Arabia is running out of money and, despite protestations and efforts to prevent it, the momentum towards bankruptcy seems unstoppable. Saudi’s cash flow is depleted by low oil prices and by steadily decreasing demand for oil from that area. If the House of Saud suddenly falls, as did the Shah, religious revolutionaries of many shades will clash for power and seize the country’s massive stock of armaments. Client states will be left penniless and exposed.
Escaped Isis sex slave Nadia Murad has called on the EU to recognise the Jihadi group’s ongoing genocide against the Yazidi people.
Ms Murad said the EU must work to prosecute members of Isis and establish a safe zone to protect vulnerable minorities.
She has been awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought along with Lamya Haji Bashar, another Yazidi woman who was also captured by Isis when the group launched a major assault across northern Iraq in 2014.
They escaped after several months of enslavement and now campaign for Yazidi women.
Scientists say they are concerned at the rate at which methane in the atmosphere is now rising.
After a period of relative stagnation in the 2000s, the concentration of the gas has surged.
Methane (CH4) is a smaller component than carbon dioxide (CO2) but drives a more potent greenhouse effect.
Researchers warn that efforts to tackle climate change will be undermined unless CH4 is also brought under tighter control.
“CO2 is still the dominant target for mitigation, for good reason. But we run the risk if we lose sight of methane of offsetting the gains we might make in bringing down levels of carbon dioxide,” said Robert Jackson from Stanford University, US.
Prof Jackson was speaking ahead of this week’s American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in San Francisco where methane trends will be a major point of discussion.
In an interview with Jorge Ramos, Dr. Jill Stein weighed in on the recent Standing Rock decision, Trump voters, and her recount efforts.
President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday that “nobody really knows” whether climate change is real and that he is “studying” whether the United States should withdraw from the global warming agreement struck in Paris a year ago.
In an interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, Trump said he’s “very open-minded” on whether climate change is underway but has serious concerns about how President Obama’s efforts to cut carbon emissions have undercut America’s global competitiveness.
“I’m still open-minded. Nobody really knows,” Trump said. “Look, I’m somebody that gets it, and nobody really knows. It’s not something that’s so hard and fast. I do know this: Other countries are eating our lunch.”
With President-elect Donald Trump expected to nominate ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, we look back at the investigative series by the Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization InsideClimate News, which revealed Exxon knew that fossil fuels cause global warming as early as the 1970s but hid that information from the public. We speak to Neela Banerjee of InsideClimate News and former Exxon scientist Ed Garvey.
A pipeline leak has spilled tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil into a North Dakota creek roughly two and a half hours from Cannon Ball, where protesters are camped out in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.
Members of the Standing Rock Sioux and other tribes, as well as environmentalists from around the country, have fought the pipeline project on the grounds that it crosses beneath a lake that provides drinking water to native Americans. They say the route beneath Lake Oahe puts the water source in jeopardy and would destroy sacred land.
The heads of Donald Trump’s transition teams for Nasa, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Energy, as well as his nominees to lead the EPA and the Department of the Interior, all question the science of human-caused climate change, in a signal of the president-elect’s determination to embark upon an aggressively pro-fossil fuels agenda.
Trump has assembled a transition team in which at least nine senior members deny basic scientific understanding that the planet is warming due to the burning of carbon and other human activity. These include the transition heads of all the key agencies responsible for either monitoring or dealing with climate change. None of these transition heads have any background in climate science.
Donald Trump is on course to violate the US Constitution on day one of his presidency after insisting he will not relinquish ownership of his businesses while in office.
The US President-elect confirmed during a Fox News Sunday interview that he will hand the management of his companies to his children but will not give up ownership of the businesses.
Mr Trump said: “When I ran, everybody knew that I was a very big owner of real estate all over the world.”
President-elect Donald Trump is expected to pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) to lead the Interior Department, according to The New York Times. If confirmed by the Senate, she’s expected to open up federal land and waters to oil, gas, and coal extraction, as well as undo environmental policies approved under the Obama administration.
Rodgers is the highest-ranking Republican woman in the House of Representatives. She was also appointed to serve as vice chair of Trump’s transition team. Since she was first elected to Congress in 2004, Rodgers supported legislation to open up the Atlantic Ocean to oil and natural-gas drilling and to prevent the Department of the Interior from regulating fracking, according to The Wall Street Journal. In the state of Washington, Rodgers has promoted the use of hydropower, a renewable energy source.
The Venezuelan government is to withdraw its largest banknote from circulation in its latest attempt to tackle the world’s worst inflation crisis.
President Nicolás Maduro said on Sunday that the 100-bolivar note, which is currently worth only two US cents (1.6p) on the black market, will be withdrawn on Wednesday. Venezuelans will then have 10 days to exchange the notes at the central bank.
Amazon has been accused of creating “intolerable working conditions” after allegations that workers have been penalised for sick days and that some are camping near one of its warehouses to save money commuting to work.
Willie Rennie, the Liberal Democrat leader in Scotland, said Amazon should be “ashamed” that workers at its warehouse in Dunfermline have chosen to camp outside in the winter.
He made the comments after the the Courier newspaper published photographs of tents near the site that it said were being lived in by Amazon workers. It said at least three tents were pitched close to the warehouse by the M90 in Dunfermline and that a man living in one of them had said he was an employee who usually lives in Perth.
A Sunday Times investigation found that temporary workers at the warehouse were being penalised for taking time off sick and put under pressure to hit targets for picking orders. It also claimed that although workers could walk up to 10 miles a day doing their jobs, water dispensers were regularly empty.
There is a “war on cash” going on from the central banks, trying to reduce the usage (and personal storage) of cash. This is something that makes sense as a power move against the common people in a time of forced negative interest rates, but it is a shocking reduction of liberty and privacy (of finance), not to mention that the official justifications don’t hold a shred of water. What’s really behind this trend?
Would you like your government to have more insight into your personal finances than you have yourself? That’s where we’re heading with the ongoing “war on cash” – into a world where every transaction is not just loggable by the government (or a government-coerced agent), but where you can also be held responsible for anything and everything you buy and sell.
There’s both a carrot and a stick in this scheme of making everything traceable and trackable. The stick consists of outright bans on cash transactions – several European countries have banned cash transactions exceeding 1,000 euros. Uruguay has banned cash transactions over $5,000. Even Switzerland has proposed banning cash transactions over 100,000 Swiss francs (admittedly a high number, but once a government declares a right to ban cash transactions, the number is a matter of degree and not principle).
In a move that seemed all-too predictable, Yik Yak has fired more than half of its staff. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the local startup laid off 30 of its 50 employees on Thursday.
Since it began in 2013, the company behind the purportedly anonymous messaging app has never had, and still doesn’t have, any obvious source of meaningful revenue. Yet somehow, Yik Yak was valued by venture capitalists at $400 million in December 2014 after Sequoia Capital invested $62 million.
Japan on Friday ratified the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free-trade pact aimed at linking a dozen Pacific Rim nations, hoping it will one day take effect despite President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge that the United States will withdraw from it.
The TPP, which aims to cut trade barriers in some of Asia’s fastest-growing economies but does not include China, can not take effect without the United States.
The deal, which has been five years in the making, requires ratification by at least six countries accounting for 85 percent of the combined gross domestic product of the member nations.
Given the sheer size of the American economy, the deal cannot go ahead without U.S. participation.
I am glad to have this opportunity to make some remarks about Report 165: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreementof the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. I am a member of that committee and I am a new member of this place. I begin by observing that the committee process was both instructive and constructive.
I thank the Chair, the member for Fadden, for the way he guided us through the process and, of course, my fellow Labor members of the committee for the way they approached the evidence and the submissions that we received in hearings.
The report enables ratification of the TPP to occur, and that report was tabled yesterday. The timing is little bit strange, considering the circumstances that confront us. Since 8 November and the success of President-elect Trump, it has become clear that the United States has no present intention of ratifying the TPP, and without the United States in the TPP it will not come into force. On that basis, Labor members of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties thought it would be prudent to move the reporting date to the new year so that those developments in the United States could unfold. They were also mindful that there is an inquiry afoot in the other place that does not report until the first week of the new parliamentary year. That was not the mood of the majority of the committee. Obviously the report has been tabled and presumably ratification will ensue.
Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are listed among the top 15 global corporate tax havens, according to a new report from aid agency Oxfam.
The report out on Monday (12 December) claims that the member states contribute to helping big businesses dodge tax on a massive scale, despite EU and other efforts to crack down on the practice.
Bermuda tops the list of the 15 followed by the Cayman Islands and the Netherlands. Ireland ranks 6, followed by Luxembourg (7) and Cyprus (10). The British Virgin islands, Jersey and the Bahamas are also listed.
President-elect Donald Trump has picked fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder to become the next secretary of labor. Puzder is a longtime Republican donor who has been a vocal critic of raising the minimum wage, the Fight for 15 movement, expansion of overtime pay, paid sick leave and the Affordable Care Act. Puzder is also an anti-choice activist who has been accused of domestic violence. We get response from labor leader Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, which represents over 2 million workers.
President-elect Donald Trump has selected Gary Cohn, the president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs, to serve as assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the national economic council.
“As my top economic advisor, Gary Cohn is going to put his talents as a highly successful businessman to work for the American people,” Trump said in a statement. “He will help craft economic policies that will grow wages for our workers, stop the exodus of jobs overseas and create many great new opportunities for Americans who have been struggling. He fully understands the economy and will use all of his vast knowledge and experience to make sure the American people start winning again.”
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multi-stakeholder community that discusses a broad range of Internet issues, and seeks to identify possible shared solutions to current challenges. This year was the first year in which the spotlight fell on the use of trade agreements to make rules for the Internet behind closed doors, and a broad consensus emerged that this needs to change.
In an unprecedented focus on this issue, there were three separate workshops held on the topic—an EFF-organized workshop on the disconnect between trade agreements and the Internet’s multi-stakeholder governance model, two more specific workshops on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and on the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), and finally a high-profile plenary session that was translated into the six United Nations languages and included on its panel two former trade negotiators, a Member of the European Parliament, and two private sector representatives, as well as speakers from EFF and Public Citizen.
Apple CEO Tim Cook may have a busy travel schedule over the next several weeks. He’s apparently attending a “tech summit” at Trump Tower this week. And an Oireachtas committee has expressed confidence that Cook will accept an invitation to respond to the European Commission tax ruling which has cost his company €13 billion, according to the Irish Times.
An Oireachtas committee has expressed confidence that Apple’s Tim Cook will accept an invitation to respond to the European Commission tax ruling which has cost his company €13 billion.
John McGuinness, chairman of the Oireachtas all-party Finance Committee has written to the global technology company’s chief executive in California inviting him to attend a hearing next month, along with other senior executives.
An Irish legislative committee is reportedly optimistic that Apple CEO Tim Cook will accept an invitation to attend a late January hearing, which will examine the European Commission’s ruling that Ireland must collect $14.5 billion in back taxes from the iPhone maker.
President-elect Donald Trump issued a single tweet blasting defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. at 8:30 a.m. on Monday. By lunchtime, he had wiped $4 billion off the company’s market value.
Wall Street traders began dumping the company’s stock after Trump criticized its fighter jet program: “The F-35 program and cost is out of control,” he tweeted. “Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.”
The European Central Bank’s (ECB) quantitative easing programme is systematically investing billions of euros in the oil, gas and auto industries, according to a new analysis.
The ECB has already purchased €46bn (£39bn) of corporate bonds since last June in a bid to boost flagging eurozone growth rates, a figure that some analysts expect to rise to €125bn by next September. On Thursday the bank said it would extend the scheme until 2018.
But an EU pledge to cut its carbon emissions by at least 80% by mid-century could be undermined by the asset purchasing scheme, according to investments revealed in an analysis of the bank’s international security identification numbers (ISINs) by campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory.
He blocked a bipartisan statement on Russian hacking before the election, but now belatedly joins senators asking for a probe.
“CrowdStrike’s Falcon endpoint technology did catch the adversaries in the act,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, chief technology officer of Crowdstrike. “When the DNC brought us in to conduct an investigation in May 2016, we deployed this technology on every system within DNC’s corporate network and were able to watch everything that the adversaries were doing while we were working on a full remediation plan to remove them from the network.”
Page, chief executive officer of the Google parent company, and Schmidt, the chairman, plan to be at the meeting, a person familiar with the decision said late Friday. The person asked not to be identified because the decisions were not public. An Alphabet spokeswoman did not return a request for comment.
On Friday evening, The Washington Post reported that the CIA has “concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the US electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.”
In case you missed it: President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is convening a tech summit at Trump Tower next week, and top execs from Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and more are attending.
As one person familiar with the summit plans told my boss, Recode’s Kara Swisher, “Look, this is obviously a circus.” So, let’s do some social media-searching acrobatics and see what Trump has said about these companies.
Remember the good old days when the media were certain that after Donald Trump lost the election he’d launch his own television channel? Son-in-law Jared Kushner met with media dealmakers to lay the groundwork, and a small alt-shop called Right Side Broadcasting Network earned the nickname “Trump TV” by producing post-debate analysis on Donald’s Facebook page. There was even excited speculation that Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity would bail on Fox News to join their old boss Roger Ailes at an all-Trump-all-the-time, sexual-harassment-friendly workplace.
This new, Breitbart-flavored media empire would, many of us feared, make Trump’s birther campaign to delegitimize President Obama look like a dress rehearsal and Fox look like a poodle. Trump TV would not only hound President Hillary Clinton 24/7, with pitchfork demands for her head, it would operate as a government in exile, in your living room and on your handheld device—menacing, unaccountable, and, most frighteningly, more entertaining than anything the official administration could muster.
Jill Stein, her supporters and a group of experts struggled mightily to get proper recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. They were accused of paranoia and of simply wasting time.
Why is it so difficult, and so controversial, to get the results of a U.S. presidential election inspected and verified? Audits should be mandatory in all states; in fact, they’re part of the foundation of a healthy democracy.
Recounts not only are important for finding proof that voting machines were misconfigured or hacked. In a meaningful recount, evidence representing the voter’s intent is compared against the published vote totals. Even if a recount proves that everything went as intended, it’s a way to reassure the public — especially the losing side — that the announced winner of the election is legitimate.
Ten members of the electoral college have requested more information from intelligence officials on the relationship between President-elect Donald Trump and Russia.
The electoral college addressed an open letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper prior to their 19 December vote that would finalise the election results.
The results of the Wisconsin recount were finalized Monday, reaffirming Donald Trump’s victory in the traditionally blue state.
The Associated Press reported Monday afternoon that Trump actually picked up 162 additional votes, keeping his margin of victory around 22,000 over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
The final results, certified by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, changed by fewer than 1,800 votes.
President-elect Donald Trump was certified the winner of the Wisconsin presidential race on Monday after a statewide recount failed to produce evidence of widespread irregularities or miscounted ballots.
Donald Trump is promising to refrain from launching any new business deals during his time in the White House, and the president-elect also said late Monday night he plans to hand over operations of his sprawling company to his two adult sons but not his oldest daughter, Ivanka.
The businessman offered details on the future of his financial empire via Twitter through a series of late night posts. The tweets came just hours after his aides confirmed a delay to his planned Thursday “major news conference” that was being billed as a chance for Trump to explain how he’d disentangle himself from his business arrangements.
When a local union chief pointed out the errors in Donald Trump’s claims about saving jobs at the Carrier air conditioning plant in Indiana, it didn’t take long for the President-elect to attack him on Twitter, where he has 17 million followers.
“Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!” Next Jones received a flood of angry anonymous calls, including death threats.
Censorship/Free Speech
On Monday, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube announced a new partnership to create a “shared industry database” that identifies “content that promotes terrorism.” Each company will use the database to find “violent terrorist imagery or terrorist recruitment videos or images” on their platforms, and remove the content according to their own policies.
The exact technology involved isn’t new. The newly announced partnership is likely modeled after what companies already do with child pornography. But the application of this technology to “terrorist content” raises many questions. Who is going to decide whether something promotes terrorism or not? Is a technology that fights child porn appropriate for addressing this particular problem? And most troubling of all—is there even a problem to be solved? Four tech companies may have just signed onto developing a more robust censorship and surveillance system based on a narrative of online radicalization that isn’t well-supported by empirical evidence.
Pressured by governments around the world, four companies operating some of the world’s most popular internet sites and services — Facebook, Twitter, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft — announced last week a joint effort to censor “violent terrorist imagery or terrorist recruitment videos or images.”
Mark Zuckerberg started 2016 with a cookie cutter message of hope. “As the world faces new challenges and opportunities, may we all find the courage to keep making progress and making all our days count,” he wrote on his Facebook wall on 1 January. He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had just had their daughter, Max, and had been sharing warm and fuzzy photos of gingerbread houses and their dreadlocked dog Beast over the holiday season.
Then 2016 happened. As the year unfurled, Facebook had to deal with a string of controversies and blunders, not limited to: being accused of imperialism in India, censorship of historical photos, and livestreaming footage of human rights violations. Not to mention misreported advertising metrics and the increasingly desperate cloning of rival Snapchat’s core features. Things came to a head in November, when the social network was accused of influencing the US presidential election through politically polarized filter bubbles and a failure to tackle the spread of misinformation. The icing on the already unpalatable cake was Pope Francis last week declaring that fake news is a sin.
The company faced sharp criticism for its role in spreading fake news stories during the U.S. presidential election
Facebook wants to develop closer ties with the media industry.
A recently posted “Head of News Partnerships” job listing seeks someone with more than 20 years of experience in news to be the “public-facing voice of Facebook and its role in the news ecosystem.”
New secret dossiers of the German government published by WikiLeaks last week revealed that the Federal Government under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder was informed – “very early and in detail” – about espionage operations of the US and Great Britain on German soil.
President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly considering his former campaign rival Carly Fiorina to serve as director of national intelligence, according to the New York Times. Like Trump, Fiorina’s career has primarily been in business, but she also spent two years as chair of the Central Intelligence Agency’s External Advisory Board. During her presidential bid, Fiorina revealed her close relationship with the NSA and CIA while she was still CEO of Hewlett-Packard. If Trump does indeed hire Fiorina for his cabinet, we can expect her to continue aiding the NSA’s spying activities.
Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina share a penchant for a loose association with the truth that just might make Fiorina the perfect person to head the National Security Agency under Trump. The two met Monday to discuss the matter and decided that China is a huge threat to the U.S. Russia, not so much.
In an exclusive interview with Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric in Russia, Edward Snowden, the fugitive former NSA contractor who leaked information about U.S. surveillance activities, talks about Putin, life in Russia with his longtime girlfriend and the possibility of returning to the U.S. to face justice in a Trump administration.
The non-profit organization behind TOR – the largest online anonymity network that allows people to hide their real identity online – has launched an early alpha version of Sandboxed Tor Browser 0.0.2.
Yes, the Tor Project is working on a sandboxed version of the Tor Browser that would isolate the Tor Browser from other processes of the operating system and limit its ability to interact or query low-level APIs that can lead to the exposure of real IP addresses, MAC addresses, computer name, and more.
Finnish law enforcement officials say they want police to be able to acquire and use facial recognition technologies which would help them identify people more easily from the vast amount of images that its network of surveillance cameras provide. A working group at Finland’s National Police Board is examining the constitutionality of implementing facial recognition tech – as well as what setting up such a system would cost.
Civil Rights/Policing
Edward Snowden wrote a letter to Annie Alfred, a 10-year-old child living with albinism in Malawi.
Alfred is one of 7,000-10,000 people in Malawi who have albinism, an inherited skin condition that leads to the absence of pigment in the skin and color. In Malawi, and in some other countries in Africa, albinos live in fear of being targeted for their body parts because of a belief they contain magical powers that bring wealth, good luck and cure HIV.
A group of Montreal lawyers is urging the Canadian government to help impoverished asylum-seekers in Hong Kong who say they have faced harassment for having housed whistleblower and American fugitive Edward Snowden.
The lawyers have launched a Canadian organization named For the Refugees to raise money for the families and to lobby Ottawa to give them sanctuary as they come under pressure in Hong Kong – a jurisdiction known for being tough on asylum-seekers.
Since the refugees’ involvement with Mr. Snowden rose to global prominence this fall – including in scenes in a recent Oliver Stone film on the fugitive – they say they’ve been questioned on Mr. Snowden by welfare authorities, seen welfare benefits cut and had visits from police.
Non-Muslims interfering with state Islamic laws are a threat to the Muslims who make up the majority of the country’s population, says PAS leader Khairuddin Aman Razali.
On Wednesday a Syrian teenager reported she had been kicked off Berlin public transport for wearing a headscarf. It now appears that was a misunderstanding.
The 14-year-old had told authorities that the bus driver had refused to leave the tram stop, instead announcing over the loudspeaker that he would not drive anyone wearing a headscarf.
She added that she left the tram confused after receiving no support from other passengers.
I am writing on behalf of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) regarding your visit to Saudi Arabia. We have serious concerns about the press freedom situation in the country, in particular the case of jailed blogger Raif Badawi. We ask that you take the opportunity to raise Badawi’s case, the cases of other jailed journalists and citizen journalists, and the broader dire press freedom climate in the country, at the highest possible levels during your visit.
Saudi Arabia is currently ranked of 165th out of 180 countries in RSF’s World Press Freedom Index, and has consistently ranked among the world’s worst regimes for press freedom since the Index was established in 2002. The King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdelaziz Al Saud, has been on RSF’s list of ‘predators of press freedom’ since he succeeded his brother Abdullah as king in 2015. Salman has embodied the heritage of a dynasty that has always been hostile to media freedom
Saudi police detained a young woman for violating modesty rules after she removed her abaya, the loose-fitting, full-length robes women are required to wear, on a main street in the capital Riyadh, local media reported on Monday.
The conservative Muslim country enforces a strict dress code for women in public, bans them from driving and prohibits the mixing of sexes.
The Arabic-language al-Sharq newspaper reported that the woman was detained after a complaint was filed by the religious police.
This is the moment a documentary maker says he was punched, kicked and choked by five migrants after entering a ‘no-go’ zone in Stockholm.
US producer Ami Horowitz travelled to the Swedish capital to examine the effects of immigration in the country.
But after entering the Husby area of the city, he claims he was immediately set upon by a gang of men who took objection to him filming.
A sound recording captures the moment he says he was set upon in an ‘unprovoked attack’ before being dragged off to a nearby building.
Girls are being taken to female genital mutilation (FGM) “parties” in cities across England, a charity has warned.
The Black Health Initiative in Leeds says midwives from Africa are being flown into the country to carry out the illegal practice.
West Yorkshire Police said they were aware girls were being subjected to FGM locally.
Latest NHS figures show more than 8,000 women across England have recently been identified as being victims of FGM.
Rogue archivist Carl Malamud writes, “In keeping with best practices for major Internet providers to issue periodic transparency reports, Public Resource would like to issue two reports.
“First, our National Security Letter canary is still alive. If we receive such a letter in the future, we will kill the canary and you will not see this report next year.
“Second, due to ongoing litigation in the case of American Society for Testing and Materials et al v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. currently pending in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, we have issued 4,063,455 HTTP 451 error messages for attempting to access standards from ASTM, NFPA, and ASHRAE. These documents are all incorporated into federal and state law and include such vital public safety documents as the National Electrical Code, which is the law in all 50 states. The HTTP 451 error message is issued when a document is Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
“During the term of the ongoing litigation over our right to post public safety standards that are part of the law, the Court has asked us to remove these documents from public view, so any attempts to access these documents will throw an HTTP 451 error and you are redirected to our access denied page. For example, if you try to read ASTM D3559: Standard Test Methods for Lead in Water — which is mandated by the authorities in the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 136) and is applicable to the testing of water in communities such as Flint, Michigan—we will not allow you to view this document, neither as a scan of the original paper document, nor as an HTML document with SVG graphics which is accessible to people with visual impairements.
Last month, a California judge tentatively ruled that he would dismiss charges lodged by California’s attorney general against Backpage.com’s chief executive and two of its former owners. The tables seemed to turn after a November 16 hearing in which Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman decided against following his tentative ruling. But on Friday, the judge issued a final order that virtually mirrored the earlier one: charges dismissed.
While labor faces a shaky ground under the Trump administration, a landmark union win has widened the horizons for worker organizing on college campuses nationwide. The graduate student workers at Columbia have voted to unionize. The 1,602-623-margin victory means that the 3,500-strong union became the first private-university graduate-student union established through a formal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election, following a breakthrough ruling by the board recognizing their employee rights. As the official Graduate Workers of Columbia–United Auto Workers Union, teaching and research assistants can push forward a nationwide wave of unionization efforts at both public and private higher-education institutions.
Internet Policy/Net Neutrality
The first edition of the renewed Internet Governance Forum (IGF) last week tried its all not to become just another internet governance conference, with new formats and the taking on of one big topic that so far had evaded the “multi-stakeholder” approach: trade negotiations. But it also angered some by making its big dinner an invitation-only event, for governments and friends.
On 5 December, Europe’s telecom ministers approved the European Commission’s plans to offer WiFi in towns, cities and villages across Europe. The EC proposed the WiFi4EU project in September.
Wifi4EU was announced by President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying: “Everyone benefiting from connectivity means that it should not matter where you live or how much you earn. So we propose today to equip every European village and every city with free wireless internet access around the main centres of public life by 2020.”
Malta’s Information Technology Agency (MITA) has opened 80 public wireless Internet access points at government buildings. On 5 December, the Wifi hotspots were officially unveiled in a ceremony at the Education Department. The Wifi hotspots are one of the components of Malta’s National Digital Strategy – Digital Malta.
Users that want to access the Internet at these government buildings simply connect to the Wifi hotpots, MITA announced last week, and accept the public access service’s terms and conditions.
Intellectual Monopolies
The discussion on intellectual property-related barriers to access to medicines was one of the most contentious points of the 39th meeting of the UNAIDS governing board last week. After hours of negotiations, the board agreed that the organisation will keep working on the issue. But developing countries and civil society would have preferred a stronger mandate, according to representatives.
In the latest case, a Hamburg court ruled that the operator of a website violated on copyright by publishing a link to material that was infringing, even though the site operator was unaware of this fact. As Ars reported in September, an earlier judgment from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that posting hyperlinks to pirated copies of material isn’t illegal provided it is done without knowledge that they are unauthorised versions, and it is not carried out for financial gain.
The CJEU had said that “when the posting of hyperlinks is carried out for profit, it can be expected that the person who posted such a link carries out the necessary checks to ensure that the work concerned is not illegally published on the website to which those hyperlinks lead.” But it did not specify what constituted “carried out for profit.”
Reda explained to Ars how, in her view, the German ruling had gone beyond the CJEU, and why it’s a problem: “The Hamburg court took a very drastic interpretation of this already problematic ruling and decided that even if a link does not serve a commercial purpose in itself, but is posted on a commercial website, the linking party is liable for a copyright infringement on the website it links to.”
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Posted in Europe, Patents at 3:34 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: The tough situation that Battistelli is in right now demonstrated using a picture (with omission of lesser prominent attack vectors)
A satirical graphic illustrating the current situation at the EPO is shown above.
Due to being under attack on so many different fronts the EPO‘s President has been given the nickname of “Embattled-stelli”.
The graphic refers to the following developments:
- NL: Criticism in the Dutch Parliament and request for a full parliamentary debate
- FR: Criticism in the French Parliament
- ILOAT: Recent Judgments from the ILOAT exposing flaws in the EPO’s internal legal system for dealing with staff grievances
- EBA: Decision from the Enlarged Board of Appeal protesting against interference by the President
- DE: Criticism from legal and political circles in Germany including prominent patent lawyers and members of the Bavarian Landtag, the German Bundestag and the European Parliament
- HR: Unresolved problems on the Croatian front █
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Posted in Europe, Humour, Patents at 3:04 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: The reality of justice with jurors under Team Battistelli’s furor
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