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Team Battistelli Has Brought Dirty Politics to the EPO, Pension Cuts May be “Blatantly Illegal”

Posted in Europe, Patents at 2:40 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Battistelli compared to El Chapo Guzmá on European television several months ago

Summary: Strong criticism of what Mr. Battistelli and his inner circle have turned the European Patent Office (EPO) into, leading to calls for action

BASED on the latest articles from corporate media, EPO management continued its ad hominem attacks on EPO staff, especially staff representatives and a judge who had complained about abuses from EPO management (essentially a kind of whistleblower). The EPO’s management showed its obscene hypocrisy by leaking details of ongoing 'investigations' to the media, ensuring a portrayal negative to the (falsely) accused. If the EPO’s management can so shamelessly attack whistleblowers (probably breaking its own rules in the process), why can’t we respond by talking about what EPO managers are doing or have been doing? Why need I receive legal threats when I merely make defensible claims (that I can support with hard evidence)? EPO staff and outside observers ought to have reached by now the simple observation/corollary that they work for very vile people. They’re barely even people; they’re monsters, they’re sociopaths. Those still lucky enough to not have invoked their wrath should not assume safety because, as we have seen in the case of some SUEPO representatives, allegations can be almost made up, sexed up, if not fraudulently fabricated. Putin’s Russia is a human rights-loving haven in comparison to Battistelli’s Eponia. Citizens of Eponia didn’t even elect him. He’s an autocrat, a tyrant. Cope with it or be severely punished. Stay quiet and obedient or face the grossly disproportionate consequences (including loss of decades’ worth of pension).

“Putin’s Russia is a human rights-loving haven in comparison to Battistelli’s Eponia.”A few months ago somebody sent us a detailed explanation of the political background of Battistelli, whose special relationship with billionaires or their guardians we mentioned here before [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Battistelli is on the same (political) side as Microsoft’s friend Nicolas Sarkozy, whom we wrote about often enough to justify a whole Wiki page/index (the only other such Frenchman was Michel Barnier, who lobbied for the UPC’s equivalent several years ago, following the footsteps of Irishman Charlie McCreevy). To repeat what we said last year, Battistelli is a member of Sarkozy’s party. Sarkozy has been renowned — or notorious — for his favouritism or inclination towards foreign corporations (mostly US). With quotes like the following (real quotes!), one quickly realises that Sarkozy’s attitude and composure are compatible with Battistelli’s. Sarkozy has said:

  • “See you tomorrow, pedophile friends”
  • “Sod off, you prick”
  • “You have lost a good opportunity to shut up.”
  • “For more than 20 years your minister for foreign affairs has been an American from elsewhere.” (about Condoleezza Rice)
  • “The United Kingdom has no industry anymore.”
  • “…Perhaps the fact that you come from an island, you can’t understand the subtleties of the European construction.”

Are these the sorts of politicians or officials that Europe needs? Why is a political figure like Battistelli — rather than a person with a scientific background for instance (Alain Pompidou being one such person, also from France) — even allowed to reign over scientists? It’s a catastrophe as a man so clueless about the Office gets laughed at (at least inside, with reasonable restraint) and his only response to that is akin to the response of a schoolyard bully with a small brain and a big ego (whose fists are the immediate tool or perceived solution to everything).

“Why is a political figure like Battistelli — rather than a person with a scientific background for instance (Alain Pompidou being one such person, also from France) — even allowed to reign over scientists?”Battistelli “retaliated against France when their representative in the AC started to voice concerns,” wrote this commenter today. Battistelli “serves only HIS interests,” said this person. “He is not at all appreciated in Paris where his folly is known by the current administration (remember that he was already nominated as Hollande won the Elysée).”

The retaliation noted above is probably this one or the outburst directed at Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’, who is merely trying to uphold European laws — an action that Battistelli clearly cannot tolerate. A few days ago we disseminated a letter from Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’ in English or in Spanish. It’s worth noting that this in the context in which sources alerted us about the political (partisan) aspect of this whole conflict. There’s a lot of politics here. Imagine that! EPO as a political platform, where Battistelli even exploits ISIS-led attacks in Paris to justify cracking down on his own staff (as if his accusers are terrorists, armed Nazis, snipers, "Mafia" and so on).

“Indeed,” one person replied to the above, “when Hollande came to The Netherlands on a state visit a couple of years ago (strong) rumour has it that the EPO was asked by the French to let its auditorium be used for an event but the request was turned down at the highest level. I’m sure there was a good reason such as being immune territory and thus problematic vis-a-vis security and access for the public. But…”

“They’re quickly becoming an international embarrassment to Europe, even greater an embarrassment than FIFA.”“Somebody above tells me that BB [Battistelli] is not appreciated by the present incumbent of the Elysee Palace in Paris,” another person added. “Well yes, of course. As I understand it, Hollande and BB are on opposite sides of the political playing field. As I understand it, BB is a Sarkosi-ite and gets his reward next time there is a change of occupant of the Palace.”

“The president’s decisions should be first validated by the AC before being implemented,” wrote another person, “this step is missing… a substantial flaw in the EPC!!!”

“As we noted many times before, what Battistelli did with his French buddies and their relatives is akin to a coup d’état (French term, appropriately enough).”As we noted many times before, what Battistelli did with his French buddies and their relatives is akin to a coup d’état (French term, appropriately enough).

One exceptionally interesting comment challenged the legality of Battistelli’s latest actions (the letter of dismissal with salary cut was sent from him personally):

From a legal point of view the punishment by cutting a percentage of the pension rights seems to me blatantly illegal. The pension is an acquired right and it is hard to find any case law supporting this. The closest cases I found involve reduction or withholding of state pension benefits for individuals convicted of crimes. Citing the respective bill (1): “These include embezzzlement, felonius theft from the state or a quasi-public agency, bribery, and felonies in which the person willfully and with intent to defraud obtains or attempts to obtain advantage for himself of others through use of his office.”

Other punishable offences under US law are “espionage, treason, or several other national security offenses against the United States.” (2)

A labour law attorney could probably find better cases in the EU legislation, although I doubt it is possible to find such a situation happening in the context of an EU organisation.

I guess ILOAT will find Batistelli´s decision illegal. Let´s hope it will happen before he leaves.

(1) https://www.cga.ct.gov/2004/rpt/2004-R-0150.htm
(2) https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/96-530.pdf

If you, dear reader, are concerned about this tyrant, then speak to his bosses — the only people who can lawfully fire him. Contact your national delegates as soon as possible and explain to them what Battistelli and his cliques have been doing. They’re quickly becoming an international embarrassment to Europe, even greater an embarrassment than FIFA.

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