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Consequences of Straining Staff: Patent Quality at the European Patent Office Has Gotten Rather Terrible

Posted in Europe, Patents at 2:33 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Squeezing not only staff but also the EPO’s (traditionally) good reputation for short-term gains


Summary: A look at some recent news and personal perspectives on the status quo of today’s European Patent Office, where examiners’ performance is measured using the wrong yardstick and patent quality is severely compromised, resulting in overpatenting that the public pays for dearly

THE EPO ‘results’ are being debunked already, but the EPO’s PR team keeps spreading that today, regardless of all the scrutiny [1, 2]. How much longer is this sustainable for?

Earlier today we spotted English language Chinese media citing the EPO’s ‘results’ which are basically embellished if not a half-truth/lie (or intentionally bad statistics).

“How much longer is this sustainable for?”Why is the EPO risking damage to its integrity and record on truth? Well, it already lies to journalists and to staff, so there’s probably not much reputation left to lose.

The other day we noticed EPO-friendly media citing the USPTO‘s Senior Counsel as follows:

USPTO Senior Counsel Mark Cohen notes that aggressive antitrust enforcement like that sought in the Hitachi Metals case could affect patenting activity in general, adding: “This can be of great concern in the non-SEP space, where a patentee may have a choice whether to disclose an invention or keep a proprietary method secret.”

Actually, this is what many in the software field do. They rely on hiding source code, copyright on Free software (that everyone can study, inspect and modify as long as copyleft is respected), and there’s hardly any room for antitrust enforcement in such a setting. There’s no rigid requirement imposed, nor are there patent lawsuits and shakedowns. India has been getting it right on software patents for many years and as WIPR put it a few days ago:

The revised guidelines on computer-related inventions by the Indian Patent Office imply a reversed position on whether software inventions should be patentable. Abhishek Pandurangi of Khurana & Khurana reports.

After the Indian Patent Office (IPO) published the first set of guidelines for examining patents for computer-related inventions in August, in February the office introduced an amended set of rules.

While the previous guidelines were kept in abeyance in response to strong protests by critics, a revision was expected, but surprisingly the IPO has replaced an excessively liberal set of guidelines indicating that any software is patentable with a contrary one which almost indicates that no software patents are allowed.

This article from Abhishek Pandurangi serves to remind us that much of the world (large populations) does not accept software patents, whereas the EPO increasingly does, unlike the US where Alice keeps marginalising them.

“The answers to the questions about patent leniency may actually be found in anonymous comments from insiders.”Simply put, under Battistelli there is a huge patent maximalism problem. Patent scope gets broadened in pursuit of additional profits, rendering any performance requirement invalid (comparing apples to oranges, if not actually patenting apples and oranges, which now seems possible at the EPO). Yesterday we saw this announcement titled “EPO Revokes a Patent of Biogen, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:BIIB) Top-Selling Tecfidera”. Why was this patent granted in the first place? Working under pressure or in rush? Inclination to lower the patent bar and issue/grant bogus patents? Whatever it is, as the article put it: “The European Patent Office (EPO) has revoked European Patent EP2137537, a method of use patent concerning Tecfidera, last week. If left unresolved, the move will take a big hit on Biogen’s balance sheets because sales of Tecfidera account for a third of its overall revenue in 2015.”

The answers to the questions about patent leniency may actually be found in anonymous comments from insiders. While many comments on the debunking of EPO ‘results’ have come from EPO apologists (if not worse) who are simply shooting the messenger, some of them come from insiders who acknowledge the problem (we have been hearing about these problems for a while). To quote:

I accept that life always involves compromises. But it is distressing to see EPO examiners slowly turning into the three wise monkeys (that is, if you don’t look too hard for problematic prior art, and don’t think too hard about strict compliance with all of the provisions of the EPC, then examination becomes a lot simpler… and faster).

I fully understand what is driving this process, as applicants, the EPO and national patent offices all stand to benefit. However, it does look like it could be the beginning of a process of erosion of the fundamental bargain with the public that underpins the whole patent system.

I am not saying that where we stand now is definitely unacceptable. Instead, I am merely pointing out that what appears to be a drive from the EPO for “examination light” represents a potentially dangerous trend that needs counterbalancing with strong input from voices representing the public interest.

I say this not as a “patent denier” but rather someone who believes in the patent system, and who wants to cherish it for many years to come.

Think about it. If the pendulum swings too far in terms of permissiveness, then there are certain to be cases where aggressive patent owners assert blatantly invalid patents against competitors with shallow pockets – potentially aided by the €11k fee at the UPC for filing a counterclaim for invalidity. It will not take many cases where a patent owner can be painted as a bad actor for there to be overreactions in the opposite direction. If you have any doubts about what can happen, then witness the effect that lobbying by anti-patent pressure groups has had on “gene” (or other “natural phenomenon”) patents in the US and Australia. Scary stuff!

I agree that some of the professed aims of the ECFS system are laudable. Indeed, there is no point prioritising cases where everyone is happy to let sleeping dogs lie. However, it is not hard to see that much of what is prioritised by ECFS are the “easy wins”, where examination is very straightforward.

The inevitable short term hike in productivity figures produced by ECFS is not to be welcomed for two reasons. Firstly, it will leave a rump of “clearly difficult” cases that no examiner wants to tackle – because the time taken to sort them out will be too detrimental to the examiner’s apparent productivity. Secondly, it is likely to provide a strong temptation to examiners to keep their productivity figures high by waiving through “borderline” cases – ie. treating them as if they are also “easy wins”.

Nobody expects the EPO’s search and examination to be exhaustive. However, they will be doing us all a favour if a way is found to reward examiners for doing their job properly – and not just speedily. In this respect, it is important to acknowledge that it is impossible to constantly drive down the time taken to search and examine applications without compromising on quality. The best that you can hope for is an acceptable balance between speed and quality. Thus, management initiatives that seek to constantly increase productivity look increasingly like a drive to reach the bottom of the barrel.

Here is another noteworthy and long comment:

Based on our own experience and talking to others in the profession, it seems that for some examiners getting examination reports issued quickly involves being totally unhelpful, simply not dealing with issues or throwing in a load of amendments and gambling on the applicant just accepting what is given to avoid remaining in examination.

I have recently seen a first examination report to issue on amendments filed in 2011 in response to the EESR. Unfortunately, an amendment shown on a manuscript amended copy of the claims filed with the response did not make it into the clean copy of the claims. The amendment was described at length in the covering letter and is shown clearly on the manuscript amended copy. Rather than examine the claims as including that amendment or call the representative to ask him to submit a clean copy of the claims that included the amendment, some four plus years after the filing of the response, the examiner examined the claims as those the amendment did not exist. Furthermore, despite the fact the representative’s letter explained various reasons why other features of claim 1 distinguished over the cited prior art, the examiner has just parroted the objections from the EESR without giving any clue as to why he/she disagrees with the representative’s analysis. So about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. However, somewhat craftily, an allowable dependent claim has been allowed.

In a case of my own, we submitted amended claims on entering the regional phase accompanied by a two-part letter explaining the basis for the amendments. Ahead of the search report we got a note from the examiner saying that no basis for the amendments had been supplied when the amendments were filed and if this was not supplied within a month or two, I don’t remember which now, the amended claims would not be searched. We were given no more information than that so wrote back pointing out that we had filed a two page letter explaining the basis for the amendments. The response from the examiner was to issue a partial search report with the comment that neither our first letter or our second letter explained the basis for amendments. As far as I can make out, since the **** has not been sufficiently helpful to provide any useful indication, he just did not consider the explanation of the amendments to a couple of claims sufficiently complete. Leaving aside whether he is entitled to ask for further detail at that stage, we might have been able to move things forward if he’d just said asked us to provide additional explanation of the amendments made to particular claims instead of sending out a communication which was misleading and, basically, factually incorrect.

These are just two examples I am aware of and I am guessing that neither I nor those I know in the profession are being singled out for special treatment.

Basically we are seeing cases that already suffer from long delays in examination making no meaningful progress because examiners are simply bloody-minded, unhelpful or do not take the trouble to explain the issue. How much this is down to the mindset of individual examiners and how much a response to management pressure, I really do not know; whatever , it is not doing the reputation of the EPO any favours.

As the above put it, “cases that already suffer from long delays in examination [are] not doing the reputation of the EPO any favours.” Discriminatory practices aren’t the solution to this.

Not only delays are the problem; patent quality too is a serious issues, including grants of software patents in spite of the EPC.

German High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office

Posted in Europe, Patents, Videos at 1:17 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: A high-quality version of the Kontrovers BR TV program about the EPO with subtitles for the deaf

LAST night we published the transcript of the following video. Today we make available the high-quality version of the recent video.

It looks as though the scandalous EPO management is desperate to bury this video, which means it needs to be secured.

English High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office

Posted in Europe, Patents, Videos at 1:16 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: A high-quality version of the Kontrovers BR TV program about the EPO with English subtitles

LAST night we published the transcript of the following video. Today we make available the high-quality version of the recent video.

It looks as though the scandalous EPO management is desperate to bury this video, which means it needs to be secured.

French High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office

Posted in Europe, Patents, Videos at 1:14 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: EPO Kontrovers BR TV video in a better (high-quality) format and with one little correction in the French transcript

LAST night we published the transcript of the following video. Today we make available the high-quality version of the recent video.

It looks as though the scandalous EPO management is desperate to bury this video, which means it needs to be secured.

EPO’s Central Staff Committee Asks Benoît Battistelli to Undo Union-Busting Activities and Obey the Dutch Court’s Judgment

Posted in Europe, Patents at 12:55 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Not that he’s likely to accept these offers (of concessions)…

An olive branch
The CSC extends an olive branch to Monsieur Battistelli

Summary: Amid strike preparations and a very difficult Administrative Council meeting (starting tomorrow) the EPO’s President is given a chance to acknowledge his errors and act to correct them

SEVERAL days ago the Chairman of the Administrative Council was contacted in an effort to de-escalate things by undoing Monsieur Battistelli's union-busting actions. Here’s the latest Communiqué from the Central Staff Committee (CSC) of the EPO. It suggests that they really are after a peaceful resolution, wherein staff representatives (SRs) get their jobs back and get re-integrated into the workforce.

Zentraler Personalausschuss
Central Staff Committee
Le Comité central du Personnel

sc16043cp – 0.2.1/0.3.2

Dear colleagues,

The Central Staff Committee has accepted the invitation to see the President in the afternoon of 15 March 2016 in Munich to discuss the last call for strike (link). This is the afternoon before the meeting of the Council. A previous meeting on 24 February 2016 with Ms Bergot on the same matter did not lead to any progress (link).

As your interlocutor in the recent call for strike (91% of staff voted in favour), we will ask the President concrete questions, including the ones below and will come back to you with his replies as quickly as possible.

  • Will you lift the disciplinary sanctions against Elizabeth Hardon, Ion Brumme and Malika Weaver?
  • Will you lift the disciplinary sanctions against the former members of the Internal Appeals Committee?
  • Will you stop the disciplinary threats, investigations and retaliations against further Staff Representatives?
  • Will you be ready to revise the Investigation Guidelines together with the Staff Representation based on a mandate that is agreed upon by both parties?
  • Will you be ready to re-establish an appropriate IAC system?
  • Will you be ready to adapt the strike regulations according to the judgment of the Dutch Court?
  • Will you be ready to revise the health, sick-leave and invalidity regulations together with the Staff Representation based on a mandate that is agreed upon by both parties?
  • Which further concessions are you willing to make?

Your Central Staff Committee

All the above bullet-points seem perfectly reasonable considering the bizarre nature of the allegations and Battistelli’s failure to carry out the judgments as they were handed over from the Disciplinary Committees — something which Board 28 became distraught over (it called for a suspension of these dismissals and an external re-evaluation of them).

Microsoft Acusado de “Trolling con Patentes” Mientras Que Los Estados Unidos se Mueve Cerca a Restringir a los Trolles de Patentes

Posted in America, Microsoft, Patents at 11:59 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en America, Microsoft, Patentes at 7:37 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“La Comisión no puede unilateralmente quitar un derecho fundamental de defensa.”

Horacio Gutierrez, hypocrita de Microsoft quien colecta ‘dinero de protección’ de compañías que usan/distribuyen Linux

Texas road

Sumario: Agresores de patentes como Microsoft y entidades no-prácticantes que llevan las patentes de software al Distrito Este de Texas para extraer dinero de compañíás productivas que han atraído hacia ellas atención (celos) de gente que puede ponerles freno

Los reciéntes artículos acerca de la agresión de patentes (4 artículos acerca de ello [1, 2, 3, 4] han atraído bastante tráfico (el cache de nuestro server obtuvo 22,986,674 hits en las últimas cuatro semanas) y ha traído un montón de artículos en toda suerte de medios, incluyendo medios en otros lenguajes. Este hilo titulado ¨Microsoft trolleando a Linux con patentes pueda que se este exténdiendo a la cadena Azure de microsoft¨, por instancia, links a este artículo que a su turno nos cita y dice:

Microsoft ha lanzado otra campaña anti-open source en las últimas semanas, apuntando prominentes compañíás de Linux y Software Libre. Ellos están atentando limitar el desarrollo de open-source con compras, trolling de patentes, así como cobrar ¨regalíás¨ por productos que usan Linux. Sus esfuerzos reciéntes los tienen AGARRANDO PATENTES DE TECNOLOGÍA DE OPEN SOURCE iNCLUYENDO SOFTWARE DESARROLLADO POR CANONICAL, desarrolladores de la más popular Linux distr, Ubuntu.


Esta no es la primera vez que Microsoft ha usado esta metodología para tratar de obstaculizar innovación en la comunidad de open source. Usaron tecnologías similares el 2006 al entrar en un ´arreglo´ de patentes con Novell acerca de su venta de Linux productos de empresa. Han hecho lo mismo al aplicar por patentes en ´su´ tecnología llamada Continuum, (a similar software, llamado Convergence, ha estado siendo desarrollado en Canonical en los años anterióres) y firmar otro ´arreglo´ de patentes con Rakuten Inc. que cubre aparatos Android y Linux. Microsoft usa estos ´acuerdos´ para perseguir al software de código libre que daña considerablemente sus margines, tulliendo innovación al ir alrededor de las protecciones proveidas por el licensing de open source. Usan estos casos como precedente para ESTABLECER QUE LINUX Y OTROS SOFTWARE DE CÓDIGO ABIERTO ES SU PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL. Estos casos típicamente son cubiertos por los medios corporativos con gran parcialismo, pintando al pobrecito Microsoft protegiendo ´su´ propiedad intelectual, cuando en realidad lo opuesto es la verdad.


En los ambientes actuales legales de desarrollo de software, el open source no es más suficiente para protejer contra compañíáß cuyo interés es poner zancadillas, como hemos discutido en un previos artículo. Microsoft ha hecho lo mismo en el pasado, así que no hay nada que los detenga de hacerlo de nuevo con el blockchain y cryptocurrencies? Nada al presente. Todo lo que toma es un ´arreglo´ de patentes con una compañíá pequeña que no puede financiar una batalla legal para empezar el proceso en cadena en el ecosistema para llevar la bola de Microsoft a rodar de nuevo.

Microsoft no es un clásico troll de patentes porque todavía tiene sus propios productos en el dominio mobil. ¿Pero por cuánto tiempo?

“Microsoft no es un clásico troll de patentes porque todavía tiene sus propios productos en el dominio mobil. ¿Pero por cuánto tiempo?”De acuerdo con este artículo de MIP ¨TC Heartland será escuchado hoy 11 de Marzo [eso fué hace días]. El caso busca voltear el caso de 1990 en el Circuito Federal VE Holdin versus Johnson Gas Appliance, que dió a los dueños de patentes más opciones de enjuiciar¨ (usualmente en el Distrito Este de Texas [1, 2, 3]).

“Hace unos pocos meses,” escribió otro autor,¨Yo estaba en el Distrito Este de Texas Banco y conferencias Bar, y empecé a hablar con un juez federal de distrito acerca de sus puntos de vista de la desaparición entonces inminente del Formulario 18, la forma que esencialmente hizo suficiente para una denuncia por infracción directa para incluir sólo acusaciones escuétas de los hechos. Su respuesta fue, “que va a ser la infernal Regla 12.¨

El mismo autor fue interrogado posteriormente (en el titular): ¨¿Qué Pasaría a Casos de Patentes si Ellos no Pueden Ser llenados en Texas?¨

“Wadhwa no es un troll de patentes pero más un académico y empresario. Contraste sus puntos de vista con aquellos de Neil Wilkof (IP Kat), quien tremprano hoy dijo que estaba suavizando la imagen de los trolles de patentes y minimzando los asuntos asociados con ellos.”“Así,” dijo, “¿A dónde nos lleva esto? Muchas veces tenemos que moverlos, no sólo casos llevados por NPEs [trolles]. Incluso así, un decente número de casos permanecen en la misma localidad. Que Delaware y Nor California serían las más populares no es sorprendente, dado que muchos acusados tienen sede en Delaware o Silicon Valley. Talvez más sorprendente es que el Distrito Este de Texas permanezca tercero en la lista, aunque con un menor número de casos. Esos caso probablemente sean llenados contra negocios vendiendo bienes patentados de tiendas localizadas en ese distrito, aunque haya algunos acusados en nuestra muestra que tenían sede allí.¨

Un nuevo artículo por Vivek Wadhwa, a quien habitualmente citamos aquí, desea poner un punto final a esta costosa y espurea/frívola litigacion. En AOL escribió el otro día: ¨Lo que es bueno para la innovación es un próspero ecosistema en el cual compañías construyan en ideas mutuas y constantemente se reinventen a sí mismas en vez de tratar de poner zancadillas una a otra en las cortes.

“Es suficiente malo cuando grandes compañíás con bolsillos profundos batallan una a otras, pero para compañías nuevas, juicios pueden ser faltales.¨

“Innovadores en ciernes tienen que vivir en constante temor de que un troll de patentes saque una pistola grande y los ponga en quiebra. Para compañíás nuevas, esto es de mayor preocupación que alguie robe sus ideas.”

Wadhwa no es un troll de patentes pero más un académico y empresario. Contraste sus puntos de vista con aquellos de Neil Wilkof (IP Kat), quien tremprano hoy dijo que estaba suavizando la imagen de los trolles de patentes y minimzando los asuntos asociados con ellos. El escribió: ¨En Noviembre 2013, como Kat reportó previamente, más de 60 profesores de propiedad intelectual enviaron una carta al Congreso de los Estados Unidos, estableciéndo su critica del sistema de patentes y sugerencias para una reforma. Entre otras cosas, la carta discute el efecto global negativo de los trolls de patentes sobre la innovación …”

Lo que todo el mundo parace estarse dando cuenta. Es difícil de negar.

“Curiosamente, ya que Kat lo ha sugerido en otro lugar, el emblema de riesgos (u oportunidades) en el potencial para ampliación del trolling de patentes, específicamente Intellectual Ventures, parece que su presencia pública ha bajado significativamente.”
      –Neil Wilkof
¨En una palabra,¨ Wilkof añadió, ¨parece simplemente haber un murmullo acerca de la materia. Curiosamente, ya que Kat lo ha sugerido en otro lugar, el emblema de riesgos (u oportunidades) en el potencial para ampliación del trolling de patentes, específicamente Intellectual Ventures, parece que su presencia pública ha bajado significativamente. Sea causa o efecto de la más general decadencia del troll de patentes es una pregunta intersante. Más aún, Kat se pregunta si la dificultad en definer lo que se entiende por un troll de patentes también ha contribuido a este descenso “.

Intellectual Ventures es un masivo troll de patentes conectado a Microsoft (uno de varios) y de verdad ha sufrido despidos. Sin embargo, hay miles de satélites alrededor de Intellectual Ventures, así que es difícil decir si esta disminuyendo, creciendo or simplemente metamorfoseando.

Entre la gente que defiende a los trolles de patentes (y consiguen ser financiados por ellos, e.g IAM ´magazine´) es común ver que ¨troll¨ es una palabra indefinida y raramente la mencionan (como vampiros que les ponen ajos en frente). Miren este comentario en este artículo de Wilkof, que dice: ¨el mar de cambio en las cortes, efectivamente revirtiéndo State Street y encontrándo (vez tras vez) la materia de reclamo ineligible que se haga valer la NPE. Despues de todo, muchos de los reclamos sostenidos por las NPEs son métodos de negocios con una contribución a artes útiles que podemos resumirlo como ¨hazlo en la red¨. Accionistas han retumbado que tales reclamos simplemente no cortan más la mostaza.¨

Lo que el/ella/ellos quisieron decir es, esto esta ¨en la red¨ patentes de software; esa es una de las más populares herramientas de los trolles de patentes.

“Se escribió mucho acerca de la LEY DE PATENTES así como la Ley de Innovación habiéndose explicado en varias ocasiones que estos están diseñados para ayudar a las grandes empresas y trolles de patents a expensas de la sociedad, en lugar de ayudar a la sociedad en su conjunto, a expensas de los trolls de patentes.”Ahora que los trolles de patentes están de regreso en la agenda en los Estados Unidos (primera vez desde el receso de Verano en el Congreso), algunos escritores pretenten que necesitamos trolles de patentes para la ¨innovación¨. Este ejemplo dice: ¨Nuestra futura economía está basada en la innovación, como las muchas compañías de ciencias de la vida y de la biotecnología que se están desarrollando en Kentucky. No sólo es nuestra industria ayudando a afrontar algunos de las amenazas para la salud más grandes del mundo, pero lo que están haciendo al crear la próxima generación de puestos de trabajo”.

¿Este tipo piensa que innovación no puede suceder sin patentes en cada dominio? O ¿qué combatir a los trolles de patentes es algo malo para los negocios pequeños? Pretender que impedir la ola de trolles de patentes actualmente puede dañar a los pequeños negocios (a los que usualmente los trolles de patentes EXTORSIÓNAN hasta que quiebren) es engañoso a lo mejor. Aquí esta otro nuevo ejemplo de las noticias “S 1137 (the PATENT Act) and HR 9 (the Innovation Act),” dice esta persona, ¨cambiaría la manera que los juicios de patentes son manejados. El nuevo proceso crearía un complejo y oneroso labor de retazos legal para pequeños y medianos negocios así como inventores defiendan sus patentes. Mientras que largas corporaciones y sus equipos de abogados de alto precio serían insignificantemente impactados por los cambios en esos proyectos de leyes, aquellos sin los recursos para defender sus patentes estarán [jodidos] devastados.¨

We wrote a great deal about both the PATENT Act and Innovation Act and explained repeatedly that these are designed to help big corporations at the expense of patent trolls, rather than help society as a whole at the expense of patent trolls. It does not, however, mean that these so-called ‘reforms’ are undesirable or detrimental to small businesses which actually produce things (i.e. not patent trolls).
Se escribió mucho acerca de la LEY DE PATENTES así como la Ley de Innovación habiéndose explicado en varias ocasiones que estos están diseñados para ayudar a las grandes empresas y trolles de patents a expensas de la sociedad, en lugar de ayudar a la sociedad en su conjunto, a expensas de los trolls de patentes. No significa, sin embargo que aquellas llamadas ¨reformas¨ son indeseables o detrimentales para los pequeños negocios que actualmente producen cosas (i.e no trolles de patentes).

Creciente Conciencia de La Campaña de Microsoft Contra Linux, Basada en Patentes de Software de Baja Calidad y Arreglos Secretos

Posted in Microsoft, Patents at 11:41 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en Microsoft, Patentes at 5:20 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Techrights at Reddit

Sumario: Artículos que publicamos la semana pasada acerca de los chantajes de Microsoft (contra Linux usando patentes de software) estan recibiendo niveles de tráfico sin precedente

TECHRIGHTS esta satisfecho de ver poco después de escribir 3 artículos acerca de los últimos arreglos de patentes contra Linux [1, 2, 3] hay un amplio debate en la red acerca de ello, y se ha extendido mucho más allá del mundo de GNU/Linux. Las mucha entradas acerca de ello se aproximan a 1,000 comentarios en toda clase de sitios (difícil de leerlos todos) y la gente expresa su justificada ira contra Microsoft.

“Los diversas entradas al respecto se acercan a 1.000 comentarios en todo tipo de sitios (es difícil mantenerse al día con todo) y las personas expresan su ira justificada en Microsoft.”Ayer notamos que este es un ángulo que tiene cubrimiento en la prensa Alemana. Para citar: “Microsoft hat zwei Patentabkommen geschlossen, die sich auf Technologien beziehen, die in Linux und Android verwendet werden. Darauf weist Roy Schestowitz vom Techrights-Blog in einem Beitrag hin. Zwar versuche Microsoft derzeit, sich als besonders Linux-freundlich zu inszenieren, so Schestowitz, an der Praxis der Geltendmachung von Patentrechten gegenüber Linux und Android habe sich aber nichts geändert.”

Un sitio de noticias en Inglés escribió ayer que ¨no todas las ramas de la comunidad de open source estan dando la bienvenida al supuesto aproximamiento de Microsoft al open source. Christine Hall en FOSS Force lleno un analisis esta semana en el que escribió que los movimientos de Microsoft ¨están basados únicamente en codicia¨ y representan una ¨calle de un sólo sentido¨ para empujar más negocios para Microsoft.

“Básicamente hacen un montón de dinero sin mover un dedo, con sólo el envío de un flujo de solicitudes de patentes, a costa de millones de personas, con el fin de ganar miles de millones de empresas que realmente hacen cosas.”“Similarmente, Roy Schestowitz, uno de los más firmes de la nueva generación de propenentes de open source, escribe que Microsoft ha “chantajeado a Linux.”

“A primera vist, criticismos como estes parecen meramente reflejar profundas dudas contra Microsoft por parte de proponetes del open source que representan la más ideológica parte de la comunidad de open source. Sería fácil condonarlos como puntos de vista radicales con poca presencia en la comunidad misma.”

Para aquellos que no saben lo suficiente acerca de la controversia, el meollo de lo que Microsoft desea:

  • Hacer Linux más caro
  • Sacar ventaja sobre el desarrollo y distribución de Linux, usando la AMENAZA de una litigación onerosa, en orden de hacer preinstalar el software de Microsoft (malware/spyware) e.g. en Android
  • ásicamente hacen un montón de dinero sin mover un dedo, con sólo el envío de un flujo de solicitudes de patentes, a costa de millones de personas, con el fin de ganar miles de millones de empresas que realmente hacen cosas.

“Es un escorpión o una serpiente en el sentido de la parábola.”Ayer mencionamos al artículo de Simon Phipps en IDG acerca de esto. Poco despues acompañando al mismo (talvez indicando lo que no es adecuado publicar allí) publicó esta pieza en su blog personal y dijo: ¨Fui a la pagina de las Publicaciones de Prensa de Microsoft buscando noticias de apoyo a Linux de SQL server y su unión a Eclipse. Para mi gran sorpresa, no hubo nada allí. Pero hubo algo más; una publicación de prensa celebrándo l firma de otro usuario de Linux de las Patentes de Microsoft Licensing así como otra ganancia de patentes contra Android. Nada acerca de SQL server, Eclipse o cualquier positivo compromiso con open source.

¨Pondré aparte los asuntos de validez de las patentes de software, or la aplicabilidad del portafolio de Microsoft a Linux, aunque ambas tienen asuntos reales y significativos. La sorpresa surge por mis propias experiencias en Sun.¨

Esto vino después que intercambié algunas palabras con Phipps, quién concluyo con: ¨Por eso he escrito en InfoWorld un llamado a Microsoft a unirse al Open Invention Network (OIN). Por favor unanse a mi respondiendo cada anuncio de Microsoft relacionado con Open Source con ¨¿Pero ya se han unido al OIN?¨ hasta que ellos lo hagan.¨

Ellos probablement nunca lo harán. No es su naturaleza. Es un escorpión o serpiente en el sentido de la parábola.

Temprano hoy, uniéndose a un sitio proponente de Microsoft, notamos este post de Reddit titulado ¨Lloviendo en el Desfile: Microsoft extorsióna a compañíá por su infringimiento de patentes de Linux¨ (muchísimos medios no prestaron atención a ello por que hubo suficiente distracción). Ahora hay casi una docena de posts de Reddit uniéndose a Techrights en relación a esta materia (este es sólo uno de ellos). Incluso Soylent News cubrió esto hoy al tomar parte del artículo de Phipps y el nuestro:

Los comentarios de Simon Phipps las últimas payasadas de Microsoft contra open source. Específicamente, mientras el público es distraído por el show, Microsoft esta extorsiónando a las comunidades de Android/Linux y GNU/Linux por licensias de patentes.

Roy Schestowitz tiene palabras duras en la misma materia, notando que los medios estan ignorando las acciones maliciosas de Microsfot a favor de prestar atención a su campaña de relaciones públicas.

Mientras que la OIN no pueda protejer contra NPEś (Entidades No Prácticantes) alias trolles de patentes, fue creada justamente por esta clase de situaciones y eligir no unirse a ella – envia un claro mensaje de sus intenciones en contra de la comunidad.

“Esperamos que nuestros pocos artículos sobre el tema de Microsoft y GNU/Linux seán suficiente para dejar a un montón de gente con el equilibrio aleccionador y una perspectiva más amplia de las cosas.”Hay muchos comentarios allí, incluyendo: ¨Simon ha escrito mucho en su blog personal. Solicita a la gente a unirsele en responder a cada anuncio de M$ relacionado con open source con: ¨¿Pero ya se unieron al OIN? [webmink.com]” hasta que lo hagan. M$ no puede esperar seguir extorsionando y al mismo tiempo ser respetado como un par en open source.

“Tal vez unirse a OIN funcionaría, pero yo preferiría ver al camp financiero de M$ y sus activos restantes apropiados. Nada de lo que tienen es necesario o incluso ventajoso con el código abierto o software libre. El mundo sería muchísimo mejor sin ellos. Ciertamente, la tecnología sería mucho más avanzada. Las décadas de daño que han hecho a la industria del software en general, no se pueden deshacer rápidamente o fácilmente, incluso si fueran a hacerlo en serio, no tienen esa intención. Pero dejando quejas a un lado, estoy de acuerdo con Simon. La única forma en que puede demostrar que ellos están allí para trabajar con el código abierto en lugar de atacarlo sería unirse a la OIN.¨

“Esto lleva a la gente cerca de la verdad.”Al presente hay cerca de 800 comentarios en Reddit acerca del último artículo de Techrights (no recuerdo si alguna vez alcanzamos tantos comentarios por un simple artículo). FOSS Force acaba de decir: ¨Aunque Microsoft principalmente exitósamente escondió sus atentados de joder a FOSS al esparcir noticias de amor a open source – en vez de esparcir FUD, creo que hubieron muchas noticas de FOSS sucendiéndo lejos del campo de Redmon. Incluso Microsoft con todos sus billones, parece que no es lo suficientemente largo para monopolizar (aunque lo quieran y traten) todas las noticias en el grade y maravillos mundo de FOSS.¨

Esperamos que nuestros pocos artículos sobre el tema de Microsoft y GNU/Linux seán suficiente para dejar a un montón de gente con el equilibrio aleccionador y una perspectiva más amplia de las cosas. Microsoft no es un amigo y estimamos que cerca de un millón de personas se han encontrado con nuestros posts acerca del último MATONEO de Microsoft. Esto lleva a la gente cerac de la verdad.

Links 15/3/2016: RapidDisk 4.0, Google Summer of Code 2016 Applications

Posted in News Roundup at 11:14 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Healthy Open Source

    A walkthrough of the Node.js Foundation’s base contribution policy.

    A lot has changed since io.js and Node.js merged under the Node.js Foundation. The most impressive change, and probably the change that is most relevant to the rest of the community and to open source in general, is the growth in contributors and committers to the project.

  • Open source reveals the value of social norms

    Now, what does this have to do with open source?

    Well, open source projects function on both social and market norms. On one hand, we see corporate sponsors or contributors who are being paid to write code; on the other, we see several highly skilled, intelligent people contributing not for monetary gain, but because they value the community and the goodwill purpose of the project. These people identify with the altruistic ideal of giving back to others and the recognition that comes with it.

  • A template for creating open source contributor guidelines

    One of the most important resources that an open source project can provide to potential contributors is contributor guidelines. When eager new contributors rush over to your project to make their first open source contribution, they rely on your contributor guidelines to be their guiding hand. That means that contributor guidelines should be easy to read, thorough, and friendly.

  • Watch Open Networking Summit This Week via Free Live Video Stream

    ONS has become a recognized forum for major industry announcements and the introduction of open source networking projects. AT&T, Google and The Linux Foundation, among others have announced major networking projects and initiatives at ONS over just the last few years.

  • WhereHows: An Open Source Lineage and Annotation Tool for Data Collections

    Managing the changes made to any given dataset becomes a challenge as the scope of the organization grows, especially at the level of enterprise.

    WhereHows was recently released as open source by its developer, LinkedIn, which manages vast amounts of data (about 50,ooo datasets, 14,000 comments, and 35 million job execution records). The name is a compound of two important attributes of data: “WHERE is the data, and HOW is it produced/consumed.”

  • Chef drills dependency policing into DevOps

    Among the purists is Chef, a firm which in fact describes itself as a player in automation for DevOps.

  • Open source encrypted app is key to security for Facebook

    Moxie Marlinspike, a co-developer of the Signal encrypted mobile messages app, is seeing his security technology used by Facebook’s messaging service, WhatsApp.

    Encryption is a key technology for social media websites such as Facebook, and the technology developed by Moxie Marlinspike (the name is a pseudonym) and now marketed by his company Open Whisper Systems in the Signal app, is playing a big part in online community moves to improve security of user data.

  • Faced with FCC regulations on wireless-router capabilities, TP-Link blocks open-source updates | ExtremeTech
  • TP-Link nixes use of open source firmware on Wi-Fi routers to comply with new FCC regulations
  • Live in the US and are looking for a new router? Don’t buy TP-Link
  • Web Browsers

    • Mozilla

      • Initial Servo+Browser.html Release Planned For June

        Paul Rouget of Mozilla has shared plans for making an initial alpha release of their next-generation Servo Engine and Servo-based Browser.html web browser release for this summer.

        The first version of Servo and Browser.html is planned for release in June. Browser.html is Mozilla’s experimental web browser built atop Servo where the UI itself is built in HTML. While a Servo Alpha release was originally expected in 2015, it’s great to see a release now planned in a few months.

      • Mozilla A-Frame Powers New Amnesty International Virtual Reality Website #360Syria

        Amnesty International today announced a new #360Syria “virtual tour” website showing the devastation brought by Syrian government barrel bombing of the besieged city of Aleppo. The website demonstration, called “Fear of the Sky” (www.360Syria.com), is built using Mozilla A-Frame technology.

        Websites like #360Syria, that allow viewers to take a virtual tour of the devastated city of Aleppo, are a significant new use case for WebVR. Technology gives people a voice where otherwise there is none. It brings a new level of visibility and greater levels of empathy to real-life situations.

  • SaaS/Big Data

  • Pseudo-/Semi-Open Source (Openwashing)

  • Funding

    • Google now accepting applications for open source Summer of Code 2016

      If you are a college student, you probably look forward to the summer as a relaxing time away from learning. Yeah, I get it — school can be very stressful, but sleeping late and vegetating won’t result in meaningful growth.

      Instead of wasting your summer, why not learn about open source? If that sounds boring, then maybe it isn’t for you. However, if you are excited by the possibility of working on an open source project like Fedora, KDE, LibreOffice or VLC, then you should sign up for Google’s Summer of Code 2016.

  • BSD

    • Sponsoring “PAM Mastery”

      While PAM has a potentially wider audience than FM:AZ, that interest isn’t as deep. I’m expecting nowhere near as many PAM sponsors. If you want to really stand out in a list of sponsors, this is your chance.

    • OpenBSD 5.9 Continues Being Readied With New Features

      OpenBSD 5.9 is gearing up for release at the start of May as the next feature release of this BSD operating system.

      Mike Belopuhov of OpenBSD presented at this weekend’s AsiaBSDCon in Tokyo about the state of OpenBSD 5.9. There are PDF slides available to those interested.


    • GNU want (another) free AI package release? Yes. But we should train this puppy

      The GNU free software project has launched version 0.0.1 of its Gneural Network package in response to the “outstanding and truly inspiring” results achieved of late in proprietary artificial intelligence.

      The Free Software Foundation (FSF) describes Gneural Network as a GNU package for a programmable neural network, which as of 0.0.1 is “a very simple feed-forward network which can learn very simple tasks such as curve fitting” – although more advanced features will hopefully be delivered soon.

    • GNU Health security mailing list and team

      GNU Health is growing quite fast, and we take very seriously the security of the implementations around the world that trust us.

  • Public Services/Government

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Open Data

      • Data mining the Votes of Members of the Polish Parliament

        If we take into consideration all the votings, we will notice that the greatest differences exist between the government and the opposition. It turns out that there are two Members of Parliament on the side of the government (Jarosław Gowin and Jacek Żalek) who usually voted as MPs from PO (the colour on the diagram corresponds to the club that a given Member of Parliament belonged to during most votings), yet their profiles differ considerably from the profiles of the remaining MPs. Besides, that pair migrated from one party to another, what may explain their incompatibility with the stance of PO. As far as PiS is concerned, the least compliant voters were Górski Artur and Tomaszewski Jan (who finally transferred to PO at the end of the year).

    • Open Access/Content

      • Should All Research Papers Be Free?

        DRAWING comparisons to Edward Snowden, a graduate student from Kazakhstan named Alexandra Elbakyan is believed to be hiding out in Russia after illegally leaking millions of documents. While she didn’t reveal state secrets, she took a stand for the public’s right to know by providing free online access to just about every scientific paper ever published, on topics ranging from acoustics to zymology.

        Her protest against scholarly journals’ paywalls has earned her rock-star status among advocates for open access, and has shined a light on how scientific findings that could inform personal and public policy decisions on matters as consequential as health care, economics and the environment are often prohibitively expensive to read and impossible to aggregate and datamine.

        “Realistically only scientists at really big, well-funded universities in the developed world have full access to published research,” said Michael Eisen, a professor of genetics, genomics and development at the University of California, Berkeley, and a longtime champion of open access. “The current system slows science by slowing communication of work, slows it by limiting the number of people who can access information and quashes the ability to do the kind of data analysis” that is possible when articles aren’t “sitting on various siloed databases.”

    • Open Hardware

      • Open-source your face and 3D print your own pirate invisaligns

        Amos Dudley, a broke undergrad, casted a mold of his teeth using “cheap alginate powder, Permastone, and a 3d printed impression tray,” then 3D printed and vacuformed a series of alingment trays for a fraction of what it would have cost to get name-brand invisaligns.

        Obviously, this only works if you have ready access to “knowledge of orthodontic movement, a 3D scanner, a mold of the teeth, CAD software, a hi-res 3D printer, retainer material, and a vacuum forming machine.”

        But if you do, it doesn’t look all that challenging to roll your own alignment trays.

  • Programming

    • Radeon’s HIP 0.82 Compiler Released

      Released a few days back was the newest version of AMD/RTG’s HIP compiler as part of their Boltzmann initiative in porting CUDA code to run on Radeon hardware with their new software stack.


  • Fire destroys roof of historic Wythenshawe Hall in Manchester

    Fire has badly damaged a 16th Century hall in Manchester destroying the roof and causing extensive damage to an upper floor.

    The blaze started in the roof of Wythenshawe Hall at about 03:30 GMT, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) said.

    More than 50 firefighters tackled the “serious blaze” at the Tudor hall.

    Five fire engines are still at the scene as an investigation is under way into the cause.

    The timber-framed hall was built in 1540 and was home to the Tatton family for about 400 years.

  • Science

    • Ida-NO: Gem State Lawmakers Consider Bill to Allow Bible in Science Classes

      Senate Bill 1342, which will be heard this week by the House Education Committee, would authorize the use of the Bible “for reference purposes” in any class where “an understanding of the Bible may be useful or relevant.” Of course, our courts have repeatedly made clear that instruction in the Bible and creationism is neither useful nor relevant nor constitutional in science class. But that didn’t stop the bill’s drafters from explicitly listing astronomy, biology, and geology among the courses into which teachers may incorporate the Bible.

    • The government’s lobbying ban will have a chilling impact on scientists

      One of the many frightening aspects of life under Joseph Stalin was the central direction of science by the Communist party. This led to egregious scientific data, disregarded in the west, but celebrated in the Soviet Union. One of the best examples was the nonsensical doctrine known as Lysenkoism, which rejected concepts such as genes and natural selection in favour of “natural cooperation” and the belief that physical changes imposed on one generation of organisms would pass down to the next – for example that plucking the leaves from a plant would encourage leaflessness in its descendants. Scientists who questioned the official view, such the geneticist Nikolai Vavilov, were denounced, exiled and in many cases sentenced to death.

    • Happy Pi Day!
  • Health/Nutrition

    • US Senators Release Public Comments On Sovaldi Report

      Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and senior committee member Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, today released comments from the health care and patient community in response to the policy questions raised in their report, “The Price of Sovaldi and Its Impact on the U.S. Health Care System,” released on December 1, 2015.

    • China’s Pharmaceutical Sector And The IP Puzzle

      While US funding for medical research declines, China steadily progresses as shown by a total $1,1 billion investment in new drug development between 2011 and 2015.Despite this growth, China remains, however, far behind countries (such as the US and in the EU) renowned as home to top drug industries simply because the majority of Chinese companies are not competitive with foreign big corporations. As a result, almost all Chinese firms are currently focused on the production of generic medicines (more than 95 percent of chemicals produced in the country are, in fact, generics).

    • Flint water e-mails written to stay secret

      The once quiet city of Flint, Michigan is facing a drinking water crisis that is drawing concern from around the nation. Here’s what you need to know about how the public health crisis has evolved.

  • Security

    • Monday’s security advisories
    • Building a Jenkins Security Realm

      Last week I spent a good while on writing a new security realm for KDE’s Jenkins setups. The result of my tireless java brewing is that the Jenkins installation of KDE neon now uses KDE’s Phabricator setup to authenticate users and manage permissions via OAuth.

    • The Great Linux Mint Heist: the Aftermath

      In a shocking move, cyber criminals recently hacked the Linux Mint Web server and used it to launch an attack against the popular distro’s user base.

    • These Are the Best System Rescue Tools After a Malware Attack

      System rescue tools provided by antivirus makers are often used to clean infected systems after the main antivirus software detects infections.

      Most antivirus makers bundle this functionality in their main products, but a few offer more specialized tools that also repair damaged files, attempting to restore the system to its earlier working point as much as possible.

      Only five of such tools are currently available on the market as free tools. They are AVG Rescue CD, Avira EU-Clean, Bitdefender Rescue CD, ESET SysRescue, and Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

    • Documents with malicious macros deliver fileless malware to financial-transaction systems

      Spammed Word documents with malicious macros have become a popular method of infecting computers over the past few months. Attackers are now taking it one step further by using such documents to deliver fileless malware that gets loaded directly in the computer’s memory.

      Security researchers from Palo Alto Networks analyzed a recent attack campaign that pushed spam emails with malicious Word documents to business email addresses from the U.S., Canada and Europe.

  • Defence/Police/Secrecy/Aggression

    • The Murder of Chávez. The CIA and DEA Cover Their Tracks

      The journalist Eva Golinger (US – Venezuela) has repeatedly questioned the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. The website aporrea.org quotes her statement: «Everything that Washington was trying to achieve during the administration of Hugo Chávez is today being realized in his absence. The cancerous illness from which Chávez suffered was unusually aggressive and suspicious, and every day turns up more evidence that it is possible Chávez was murdered».

    • Kerry Sought Missile Strikes To Force Syria’s Assad To Step Down

      Jeffrey Goldberg’s newly published book-length article on Barack Obama and the Middle East includes a major revelation that brings US Secretary of State John Kerry’s Syrian diplomacy into sharper focus: it reports that Kerry has sought on several occasions without success over the past several months to get Obama’s approval for cruise missile strikes against the Syrian government.

  • Transparency Reporting

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • February smashes monthly world temperature records by ‘shocking’ amount as ‘climate emergency’ declared

      ‘In short, we are now hurtling at a frightening pace toward the globally agreed maximum of 2.0°C warming over pre-industrial levels’

    • The Planet Just Obliterated Another Heat Record

      February smashed a century of global temperature records by “stunning” margin, according to data released by NASA.

      The unprecedented leap led scientists, usually wary of highlighting a single month’s temperature, to label the new record a “shocker” and warn of a “climate emergency.”

    • If We Can’t Save Pandas, We Can’t Save Anything

      Bill McShea broke into an infectious belly laugh when I ask him the question I’ve been posing to biologists, conservationists, and zookeepers for months: What is it about the panda?

      “Look at it,” he said, gesturing to snapshots of him jovially clutching baby pandas to his chest, which were tacked in his office at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia. “It’s cute as hell. You have to say, ‘Is that real? Does something really look like that?’”

      McShea, a rosy-cheeked, bespectacled research biologist, has spent the last two decades devoting part of his studies to pandas, including annual pilgrimages to China to study the species’s habitat and collaborate with local conservationists. If pressed, he’ll admit a deeper fascination with the lesser-known creatures that share the pandas’ habitat—the Asiatic black bear, the takin, the tufted deer—but McShea has no trouble identifying what it is about pandas that’s so appealing to everyone else. And you really only have to look at one photo, or video, or GIF of a panda to solve the mystery.

      With its round ears, fluffy fur, stub snout, tubby tummy, and those distinctive, big black polka dot eyes, it’s not hard to see why people around the world are enamoured. But there’s a growing group of dissenting voices who openly and actively hate pandas.

  • Finance

    • The Trouble With the TPP, Day 50: The Case Against Ratifying the Trans Pacific Partnership

      Nearly two-and-a-half months ago, I started a daily examination of the Trans Pacific Partnership focused on the intellectual property and digital policy issues raised by the agreement. My initial plan for the Trouble with the TPP series was to write for one month leading up to the planned signing in New Zealand on February 4th. However, the more I dug into the TPP, the more trouble I found. With this final post in the series, I wrap up the key IP and digital policy concerns with links to all the original posts.

      Canadians interested in the TPP now have an opportunity to have their voices heard. The Standing Committee on International Trade has been conducting hearings on the agreement for several weeks and has announced plans for cross-country consultations. Canadians can provide written submissions by April 30th. Alternatively, they can ask the committee to appear as a witness. Details on the committee opportunities can be found here. In addition, Canadians can send their comments directly to Global Affairs Canada, which is managing the government’s consultation. The email address is TPP-PTP.Consultations@international.gc.ca.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

    • TV heartthrob dubbed ’10 times tougher than Bear Grylls’ rejoins army as major in new elite force the 77 Brigade

      Unit uses psychology and social media to help ‘fight in the information age’

    • Alan Grayson: Why the Sanders Campaign Is Far from Over (VIDEO)

      Since hearing about Hillary and her superdelegate count, many Sanders supporters believed Bernie was automatically doomed. But actually, the superdelegates’ pledge to Clinton isn’t finalized, and each can still change his or her vote prior to the final vote following the last state primaries. Superdelegates generally vote in line with the popular vote when the time comes, but there is nothing requiring them to do so.


      So how would that affect Americans?

      “I think the inequality would heighten, I think that would pretty much cinch it,” Grayson told the Young Turks, adding “if you have a billionaire for the leader of the country, then it really is an oligarchy. Game over.”

    • Occupy Activists Return to Zuccotti to Phone Bank for Sanders, Sparking Debate over Political Role

      Ahead of Tuesday’s key primaries, supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders gathered in Zuccotti Park in New York City to call voters in Illinois, Florida and Ohio. Many of the phone bankers were former Occupy Wall Street activists who returned to the site of the 2011 encampment because they saw parallels between Occupy and Sanders’ message. “We were really inspired by the incredible amount of grassroots momentum and energy that’s been inspired by the Sanders campaign and its critique of Wall Street, of money in politics and a rigged economy,” said Beka Economopoulos, a former Occupy activist who helped organize the phone bank. But other Occupy activists disagreed with what they saw as the co-opting of the movement; they staged a “mic check,” using Occupy’s signature call-and-response to say the movement should remain independent of political candidates.

    • Anonymous has declared ‘total war’ on Donald Trump, threatening to ‘dismantle his campaign’

      Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivist collective have vowed to relaunch cyber-operations against US presidential candidate Donald Trump from 1 April. They threaten to ‘dismantle his campaign’ by taking his election websites offline in a large-scale and orchestrated distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

    • OpTrump: Donald Trump faces ‘total war’ from Anonymous cyberattacks on April Fools’ Day

      Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivist collective have vowed to relaunch cyber-operations against US presidential candidate Donald Trump from 1 April. They threaten to ‘dismantle his campaign’ by taking his election websites offline in a large-scale and orchestrated distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

      In December 2015, Anonymous officially ‘declared war’ on Trump after a radical speech in which he said Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. The operation at the time resulted in a number of websites being targeted by hackers, but failed to have lasting impact.

    • Trumping Trump

      Despite this news media have given him a free ride saving $millions in advertising expenses and he’s leading in the GOP primaries despite ⅔ or voters voting for anyone but Trump. I hope he gets kicked out at the convention or he’ll just cause an order of magnitude more trouble before being defeated in the general election. In the unlikely event he becomes president, the world, not just USA is in for a Hell of a lot of trouble. So, it may actually be a good thing Anonymous is going after his networks.

    • The Rise of Trump Shows the Danger and Sham of Compelled Journalistic “Neutrality”

      As Donald Trump’s campaign predictably moves from toxic rhetoric targeting the most marginalized minorities to threats and use of violence, there is a growing sense that American institutions have been too lax about resisting it. Political scientist Brendan Nyhan on Sunday posted a widely cited Twitter essay voicing this concern, arguing that “Trump’s rise represents a failure in American parties, media, and civic institutions — and they’re continuing to fail right now.” He added, “Someone could capture a major party [nomination] who endorses violence [and] few seem alarmed.”

  • Censorship

    • Why the TPP does not prevent Malaysia from censoring Achmed the Dead Terrorist

      EFF is basically right: While accurate in some cases, the White House’s assertion is an overly optimistic characterization of TPP’s probable effects. For example, EFF argued that TPP would not prevent potential signatory Malaysia from suppressing, within its own territory, Internet-based political speech relating to alleged governmental misappropriation of hundreds of millions of dollars of development funds. I think that EFF’s analysis is correct.

    • North Korean Censorship Blinds Not Just the People, But Also Their Rulers

      It is possible to argue that North Korea has the world’s strictest media censorship system. North Korean media outlets are, essentially, a branch of the government propaganda bureaucracy. Their goal is not to inform, but to indoctrinate and control common people, to explain to them what they should think about the world. In a sense, North Korean media exists to distort the picture of the world in accordance with the ever-changing demands of the ruling elite.

      North Korean leaders believe that this system is necessary to keep people obedient and controllable, to prevent the rise of criticism about the government. This might be the case, indeed: Being unaware of the alternatives to their lifestyles, people are less likely to dream about a change.

    • Irish Censorship Board Bans First Book in 18 Years

      The Censorship of Publications Board of Ireland has banned The Raped Little Runaway by Jean Martin.

    • Norwegian Police Seize Domain Name For Linking To Sites Offering Popcorn Time

      Over the last couple of years, the increasing popularity of the open source streaming software Popcorn Time has turned into one of the film industry’s biggest nightmares. Not just because it’s free, but also because it provides an extremely easy-to-use service. The fact that it is open source — and therefore essentially impossible to eradicate — just makes things worse. As part of the film industry’s attack on Popcorn Time, a UK judge was persuaded a year ago to order a group of web sites to be blocked purely on the grounds that they were distributing the Popcorn Time software. That was the first step down a slippery slope, and it seems that the second step has now been taken in Norway.

    • Kiss off: James Bond and the Spectre of censorship

      The Spectre of censorship has visited Hollywood’s secret service agent in India, where 007’s kissing scenes have been cut by half. But there’s more than meets the eye. Dennis Hanlon and Shorna Pal explain.

      On 19 November 2015, the day before it was due to be released in Indian theatres, the Times of India announced that the Central Board of Film Censorship (CBFC) had ordered the kissing scenes in the latest James Bond film, Spectre, to be reduced by half.

    • Does Malcolm Turnbull Support Censorship?

      A very active and lively discussion has been taking place on the Prime Minister’s Facebook page regarding the No Jab, No Pay law. I made several posts in response to Dr Patrick Stokes – a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy who supports censorship when it comes to vaccination as evidenced by his article on The Conversation entitled: No, You’re Not Entitled to Your Opinion.

      Dr Stokes is an Australian academic who readily admits that he is not an authority on the this issue. Furthermore, he openly states that he does not WANT to know about the science of vaccination, instead claiming that everyone should defer to doctors and health authorities because they are the only ones capable of understanding the subject.

    • Six facts about censorship in Cuba

      Graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado Machado, known as “El Sexto”, found this out when he was locked up for most of 2015 for painting the names of Raúl and Fidel – the names of the Castro brothers who have been in power since 1959 – on the backs of two live pigs. He had planned to release the animals as part of an artistic performance but, before he could, he was accused of desacato (contempt) and thrown in prison for ten months. He was never formally charged or brought before a judge.

    • The tyranny of censorship: Ireland’s war on ‘evil’ books

      As if it isn’t bad enough that Ireland still has a Censorship of Publications Board, at the weekend we discovered that this archaic outfit is still active. Given that it’s been 18 years since these book-burners in chief forbade publication of a book in Ireland – 1998’s The Base Guide to London, a book about seedy London hangouts – you could be forgiven for thinking they’d done the decent thing of realising it’s the 21st century and calling it a day on their censoring antics. But no – on Saturday it was revealed that the CPB has banned The Raped Little Runaway, a weird novel by Jean Martin, which means it’s an offence to distribute the book anywhere in the Republic of Ireland.

    • Former Xinhua Reporter Takes a Swipe at Chinese Censorship
    • Why China’s clampdown on Ren Zhiqiang matters
    • China’s Censors Denounced in Online Attack
    • Swastikas Removed from High School’s Performance of ‘The Producers’ Because They’re Offensive
    • Springtime for censorship: School targets ‘The Producers’
    • No Swastikas for You!
    • New York Superintendent Bans Swastikas From High School Production of THE PRODUCERS
    • Editorial: Censorship, or judgment?
  • Privacy

  • Civil Rights

    • America’s Gestapo: The FBI’s Reign of Terror

      As part of the government’s so-called ongoing war on terror, the nation’s de facto secret police force is now recruiting students and teachers to spy on each other and report anyone who appears to have the potential to be “anti-government” or “extremist.”

    • North Korea Has Doubled Its Hacking Attacks On South Korea

      If you’re thinking that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is busy drinking Cristal champagne and enjoying caviar, take a moment to notice South Korean spy agency’s report that tells that the number of cyberattacks on the South has doubled over the past month.

    • UN rights investigator urges prosecution of North Korean leader
    • North Korea probe calls for Kim Jong Un to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity
    • UN rights expert: North Korean leader should be prosecuted
    • Migrants scramble for way past EU’s closed Balkan door
    • Merkel Misery Deepens as Election Blows Deliver Refugee Rebuff

      German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been left politically damaged after her Christian Democrat (CDU) party suffered significant losses in regional elections, as the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party put on significant gains in regional elections.

    • On Disappearing People

      Yet again the US is simply disappearing people into secret prisons on foreign soil. Obama has in effect maintained the Bush doctrine that “enemy combatants” are neither alleged criminals nor soldiers. They do not get the rights of alleged criminals to decent treatment and a fair trial, nor do they get the Geneva Convention rights of soldiers captured during a war. They are non-persons who can simply be pitched into a black hole.

    • Politicizing Sports — Paul Craig Roberts

      One of the world’s best female tennis players, Maria Sharapova, has been suspended, because a medicine she has been taking legally under a doctor’s prescription for ten years was suddenly retroactively declared to be a prohibited substance that is a “metabolic modulator.”

      The medicine, known as mildronate and also as meldonium in its banned name, has been in medical use for thirty years. Its inventor declared that the prohibition of mildronate “is a crime” and will lead to deaths among athletes. He says that it has not been proven that the medicine enhances athlete performance, but it does protect their hearts from over-exertion.

    • The Lurking Menace of a Trump Rally

      It only took five minutes from the time he began. Donald Trump was in the middle of a riff about “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” when a protester stood up.

      “So early,” Trump said. “Get ’em out.”

      The Republican frontrunner made it through just four more sentences before the next one stood up. “Hello! Go home to mom.”

    • What Are Trump Fans Really ‘Afraid’ to Say?

      RHINESTONES twinkling around the perimeter of her shades, cornsilk curls undaunted by the Pensacola sun, Elizabeth Kemper, a supporter of Donald J. Trump, is all certainty. She is fed up. “You know, this country is so dang political correct,” she tells a CNN reporter. “I’m afraid to say what I really feel, you know?”

      On her shirt, a silhouette of Mr. Trump’s head nestles in the protective crook of the state of Florida, his face turned stalwartly eastward, away from Mexico, his Mordor.

      Ms. Kemper is blazing, passionate, incredulous. “I think this country better go back to some of those values. Some of the values my parents grew up with, my grandparents grew up with,” she says. “Whatever was wrong, they could point it out and tell you.”

    • Sikh Americans Fight for Civil Rights In Donald Trump’s America

      On the morning of December 26th, 2015, as Amrik Singh Bal was waiting near his home for a ride to work, two men in a pickup truck stopped nearby to yell racial slurs at him. Singh, a 68-year old Sikh American who worked at a nearby farm outside Fresno, California, attempted to cross the street to get away from his assailants. As he did so, the men struck Bal with their vehicle, knocking him to the ground before jumping out of the truck and assaulting him. By the time they were done, the elderly Bal was left bleeding in the street with a broken collarbone and cuts across his face. The attack was described by local police in Fresno as a hate crime.

      Unfortunately, assaults against Sikh Americans are nothing new. In the first month after the 9/11 attacks, the Sikh Coalition, an advocacy group, tallied more than 300 cases of violence and discrimination against Sikh Americans. Many additional incidents followed in subsequent years, the most high-profile being a 2012 terrorist attack in which a white supremacist shot and killed six congregants at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, wounding several others. Now, as U.S. politicians, led by Donald Trump, increasingly embrace xenophobia, and as fears of terrorism surge back, Sikh activists say their community is experiencing another spike in discrimination.

    • DEA’s Definition Of Evidence Control Apparently Doesn’t Include Recording Gross Weight Of Seized Substances

      The DEA seems very concerned about controlled substances. Internal control of these substances? Not so much. A recent Inspector General’s audit found multiple problems with the DEA’s handling of seized drugs, the most egregious of which appears to be this particular aspect.


      The OIG recommends the DEA start doing the thing it should have been doing 100% of the time already. The DEA concurs and will presumably correct it at the speed of bureaucracy. The problem is that this is obviously a systemic issue that has gone unaddressed for years. This lax handling of evidence should call into question the amounts cited during prosecution, not to mention any statements in court regarding the integrity of the evidence it supplies.

    • CSPD officers face possible lawsuit for beating Alzheimer’s patient

      Just after 5 p.m. on July 29, 2015, two Colorado Springs cops raced with lights and sirens to a burglary in progress. They’d been told 72-year-old Albert Schmeiler, who has Alzheimer’s disease, could be “very violent.”

      But on their arrival, Officers David Isue and Nicholas Ryland found Schmeiler calmly standing in the driveway with his mother-in-law, Margo Alvarez, according to a police report.

    • Hillary Clinton tells man wrongly convicted of murder that she favours death penalty

      Hillary Clinton told a man who was wrongly convicted of murder and spent almost four decades on death row that she was still in favour of the death penalty.

      In the run-up to primaries in five states on 15 March, Ms Clinton said she was “struggling” with the concept of the death penalty but that it should still be applied for “horrific mass killings” under the federal, not the state, system.

      The Democrat was asked a question on the subject by exonerated man Ricky Jackson, who “came perilously close to [his] own execution.” Mr Jackson was convicted at 18 years old for killing a salesman in Cleveland, Ohio in 1975. The key witness was 12 years old at the time and later recanted in court, as reported by CNN.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality

    • From Dingo To Net Neutrality Hero: FCC Boss On Why Everybody Had Him Wrong

      When FCC boss Tom Wheeler was first appointed to head the agency, few expected much. After all, here was yet another FCC revolving door regulator with a history of lobbying for both the cable and wireless industries — now tasked with heading an agency that oversees both. Yet the one-time “dingo” surprised everybody by fighting for tougher net neutrality rules, raising the standard definition of broadband, standing up for municipal broadband and improved broadband competition, and now fighting to unlock the cable industry’s stranglehold over the cable set top box.

    • The Cord Cutting The Pay TV Sector Keeps Saying Isn’t Happening — Keeps Happening

      Several cable operators managed to eek out some modest subscriber gains in the fourth quarter of last year, prompting some renewed claims by the industry that cord cutting was “on the ropes” or was otherwise an unfair hallucination of the media. After all, Comcast saw a net gain of 89,000 pay TV users during the fourth quarter. Time Warner Cable similarly saw its best year since 2006 with a net gain of 54,000 TV subscribers. Charter also saw a net gain in the fourth quarter of 29,000 video subscribers. For some of these companies, this was the best performance they’ve seen since 2006.

    • Quietly, symbolically, US control of the internet was just ended

      It’s early March in Marrakech, and a gleaming conurbation of hotels run in the kind of rare equilibrium of slick organisation and genuine friendliness that Tyler Brûlé might dream about.

      Inside, the people who run the internet’s naming and numbering systems have been meeting with some of the governments who would rather be doing the job themselves. Eventually they cut a deal, and then negotiators from countries mostly in the northern hemisphere staggered blinking into the sunlight and splayed like lizards around the azure swimming pools, almost too tired to drink. Almost.

  • DRM

    • Conspiracy Theories Over Steam Game Suddenly Crashing Wrong; Just More Broken Anti-Piracy Code

      And so another conspiracy theory falls, this times at the hands of faulty DRM. I’ll put this here so nobody has to in the comments: never blame malice when incompetence is just as likely. Or maybe just blame DRM always and for everything. You’re going to be right a decent amount of the time.

    • Demonstration for a Web without restrictions

      We’ll rally in front of the global office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to oppose a disastrous proposal by Hollywood and proprietary tech companies: adding Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) to the HTML standard that undergirds the Web. We’ll hear experts and activists speak on the topic, and distribute flyers, right outside an ongoing W3C event.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • UK Supreme Court finds against Trunki in design case

      The UK IPO will provide updated guidance for design applicants after the Supreme Court upheld the Court of Appeal’s decision that PMS International’s Kiddee Case does not infringe Magmatic’s registered community design (RCD) for the Trunki suitcase

    • Federal Circuit: Canada Not Best Forum for Enforcing US Intellectual Property Rights

      Halo (a Hong Kong based company) sued Comptoir (a Canadian company) in N.D. Illinois Federal Court for infringing its intellectual property rights associated with its furniture designs. The IP rights here include design patents, copyrights (pending registration) and non-registered trademark rights.

    • Copyrights

      • BREIN Threatens Pirates With High ‘Fines’, Warns VPN Users

        Hollywood-funded anti-piracy group BREIN has announced that it will begin pursuing legal action against individual BitTorrent users who share copyright infringing content. These pirates can look forward to settlement demands of several thousands of euros and the group plans to punish VPN users even harder, if they are exposed.

      • Can’t Make This Up: Paramount Says Star Trek Fan Flick Violates Copyright On Klingon And ‘Uniform With Gold Stars’

        Let’s go back just a few months to remind you about two stories that seem fairly unrelated.

      • Harper Lee’s Estate’s First Order Of Business: Kill Off The Cheap Version Of To Kill A Mockingbird

        To Kill a Mockingbird is obviously one of the most well-known and widely read books in American literature. And, of course, there’s been some controversy of late around its author, Harper Lee, who passed away last month. Much of the controversy focused on the decision last year to publish Go Set a Watchman, which was initially described as something of a long lost “sequel” to TKAM, but which it was later admitted was actually an early draft of TKAM. Many argued that Lee didn’t actually intend for the book to be published, and that she may have been taken advantage of by those around her. Either way, the controversy is now growing, following Lee’s death, as what appears to be the first and second orders of business for Lee’s estate was to (1) have the details of her will sealed and (2) stop publishing the mass market paperback version of To Kill a Mockingbird, making sure that the only new versions of the book that will be available will be the noticeably more expensive trade paperbacks.

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