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Links 30/08/2009: Dell’s GNU/Linux in Europe

Posted in News Roundup at 6:46 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Linux doesn’t suffer from the economic downturn

    Currently Microsoft is feeling the full impact of the global economic slowdown. Reduced demand for its Windows OS & other software products has had a negative impact on Microsoft. Both sales & profit are down. Meanwhile, Linux isn’t feeling any impact at all.

  • Race Ubuntu Karmic Alpha 2 vs Windows 7 RC
  • Applications

    • Skype 2.1 Beta Brings New Features To Linux

      For anyone that extensively uses Skype on Linux, you will probably want to head on over to the Linux Skype Developer page to fetch the latest beta. Skype has just rolled out the first 2.1 beta ( Beta) of the Linux Skype client, which adds several new features and also brings a number of fixes and other improvements.

    • Warsow Update Delivers New Maps & More

      While most open-source games still lack the graphics quality and features that the latest proprietary game engines support within retail games that are backed by the large studios, their quality has been improving as with their artwork and other characteristics. As an example of this, Warsow 0.5 made it out this week with a horde of new features and improvements.

    • Four More Cool Word Processors

      If you’ve seen one online word processor–or even a handful of them–you haven’t seen them all, not by a longshot. In addition to Google Docs, Zoho Writer, and emerging competitors such as EtherPad, other online offerings you might want to try include AjaxWrite, Writeboard, picoWrite and MonkeyTeX, to name a few.

    • Set up a Personal Microblog with Bilboblog

      There are many reasons why you would want to run your own private microblog, but how do you actually do that? The easiest way is to install Bilboblog, a tiny, no-frills PHP/MySQL-based microblogging engine.

  • Dell

Free Software/Open Source

  • NHIN code-a-thon may change government attitude toward open source

    About 80 programmers, led by Apache developer (and Collabnet employee) Brian Behlendorf, will spend about four hours trying to stamp out bugs in the open source software gateway, which is based on National Health Information Network (NHIN) conventions.

  • EuroBSDCon 2009

    The eighth European BSD conference is a great opportunity to present new ideas to the community and to meet some of the developers behind the different BSDs.

  • FLOSS Weekly 84: FoxyProxy

    FoxyProxy, the Firefox extension that automatically switches an Internet connection across one or more proxy servers.

  • Wall Street companies now trying Open Source technologies

    Bangalore: Economic slowdown had a huge impact on the financial institutions around the world. Recession has forced these financial institutions to take a look at their budget as well as the technology that they are using. In times like this open source technology is growing in the capital markets because of increased cost pressures. Many Wall Street companies are now adopting open source even though there are many who still believe that any software that they develop is proprietary and has a competitive edge.

  • Using open source for IT

    The Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC) is a State Financial Corporation engaged in industrializing the state of Tamil Nadu through various financial schemes, including term lending. We commenced computerization in 1987 and have completed the IT enablement of our core operations such as loan disbursement, financial accounting and MIS, HRM, etc. However, these areas are not integrated with other business functions. Therefore, during 2008-09, the corporation took up integration of these functions on a centralized database concept similar to core-banking solution on an open source platform. The project is expected to be completed in 2010-11.

  • Benefits from Web 2.0: Open Source

    Though Linux started about 15 years ago, the open source movement has only started to gain momentum.


    There are a few developments needed in the open source world. We need more open source system integrators that specialize in the implementation of open source solutions and deliver support. We need more big organizations that lead the way and share their open source success stories. Once these two develop, open source will become a normal way of ‘doing software’.

  • OpenXava 3.1.4: Open Source Framework to Develop WebSphere Portal Applications

    OpenXava 3.1.4 is an open source framework to rapid development of Portlet Enterprise applications deployable in WebSphere Portal 6.1.


    • Gnutiken – International GNU Cooperative Sweden

      Since I ended my internship with the FSFE in May, my main priority has been the establishing of a Free Software cooperative in Göteborg. The result is about to unfold itself, and it’s name is Gnutiken, or “the Gnutique” if you want to be English about it. Together with two of my favourite hackers, Jeremiah Foster and Patrik Willard, I have been able to establish a for-profit NGO (ekonomisk förening), and spent a lot of time wading through all the bureaucratic windings needed to start a business. I am now happy to say that we are about to launch. We have found a nice shop in central Göteborg and are awaiting the last formal answers to some of our applications.

  • Government

    • The issues making IT a political hot potato

      For the first time, it looks as if IT will become a significant political battleground at the next election, says Mark Taylor.

      With an election on the horizon, Labour and the Conservatives are increasingly homing in on issues they believe will win them votes. Nothing unusual in that, but what is remarkable this time is that IT is heading for centre stage.

    • NZOSS brings open source into the public sector

      The Public Sector Remix project will aim to reduce the cost of desktop computing for the public sector by demonstrating the viability of free open source software.

      A number of central, regional and local government agencies are working to run trials using free software for common desktop tasks. The Remix project will deploy open source software to nominated staff to use and then evaluate the results.

  • Open Access

    • Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format

      Over the years, we’ve heard a lot from people who’ve unearthed hidden treasures in Google Books: a crafter who uncovered a forgotten knitting technique, a family historian who discovered her ancestor once traveled the country with a dancing, roller-skating bear. The books they found were out of copyright and in the public domain, which meant they could read the full text and even download a PDF version of the book.

    • Sony Sides With Google in ‘Library of Future’ Settlement

      In the battle to win readers for the books of the future, Sony has sided with Google over a controversial, proposed copyright lawsuit settlement that lets Google build out the library and bookstore of the future.

      That pits Sony and Google against Yahoo, Microsoft and Amazon, all of which have allied in opposition to the settlement. (See Wired.com’s Google Book Search FAQ to learn more.)

    • Clive Thompson on the New Literacy

      It’s almost hard to remember how big a paradigm shift this is. Before the Internet came along, most Americans never wrote anything, ever, that wasn’t a school assignment. Unless they got a job that required producing text (like in law, advertising, or media), they’d leave school and virtually never construct a paragraph again.

    • A few notes about openness (and a request)

      For example, the “open” in open source is not nuanced at all and has been artificially binary-ized. The open source definition tells us very clearly what a license must and must not do in order to be permitted to describe itself with the trademarked term “open source.” In the eyes of the defenders of the “open source” brand, if you’re not open enough you’re not open at all.

    • “Shrinking the Commons”: Today, Linux is open-source. Tomorrow, …?

      In the paper, I take a couple of stabs at creatively reinterpreting existing copyright law to fix the problem, before ultimately throwing up my hands and kicking it over to Congress. I’ll post the abstract of the paper after the jump.

    • Another Reason for Open Access

      Why not, indeed? For as Neylon points out:

      If an author feels strongly enough that a paper will get to a wider audience in a new journal, if they feel strongly enough that it will benefit from that journal’s peer review process, and they are prepared to pay a fee for that publication, why should they be prevented from doing so? If that publication does bring that science to a wider audience, is not a public service publisher discharging their mission through that publication?

      Which is only possible, of course, in open access journals adopting a funder pays approach, since traditional publishers need to be able to point to the uniqueness of their content if they are trying to sell it – after all, why would you want to buy it twice? Open access journals have no such imperative, since they are giving it away, so readers have no expectations that the stuff is unique and never seen before.

    • Draft Open Access and Licensing Framework released

      Today the State Services Commission is releasing the draft New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework (NZGOAL) (HTML with comments [*]). This document provides guidance for State Services agencies on:

      * open access to non-copyright information; and
      * open licensing of copyright works,

      in both cases with a view to allowing their re-use by others. (It does not apply to information or works containing personal or other sensitive information).

    • Defending the Digitised Public Domain

      This is a crucially important issue. At the moment, some publishers are trying to create a new copyright in public domain materials just because they have been digitised. This is not only absurd, but threatens to nullify much of the huge potential of turning analogue knowledge into digital form.

    • Europe Seeks to Ease Rules for Putting Books Online

      The European Commission on Friday will propose drafting rules that would make it easier to put many books and manuscripts online. The move is a part of the commission’s effort to bolster access to information and to encourage online businesses.

    • Steve Schultze to Join CITP as Associate Director

      I’m thrilled to announce that Steve Schultze will be joining the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton, as our new Associate Director, starting September 15. We know Steve well, having followed his work as a fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard, not to mention his collaboration with us on RECAP.

    • Online tool sheds sunlight on court records

      “User fees are not on their face an absurd proposition,” said RECAP co-developer Stephen Schultze, who is also a fellow at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. “On the other hand, there may be enough benefits to open access . . . and justice that it would be worth funding it out of general taxpayer dollars.”

  • Standards/Consortia

    • Google’s EPUB Embrace Challenges Kindle

      “Google’s support of this format lends even more credibility to EPUB as the industry standard for e-books. Book publishers are going to celebrate the emergence of one industry standard, because it means that they don’t need to incur the cost of converting their content to multiple proprietary formats in order to work with partners like Sony and Google,” Epps told InternetNews.com.


  • McAfee seeks gag on exec ousted over options

    Former McAfee President Kevin Weiss, exonerated of wrongdoing in a stock option-backdating scandal, plans to ask a judge on Monday to unseal the arbitration award that cleared him of wrongdoing and ordered McAfee to pay damages for firing him without proper cause.

  • Home Office data loss included drug records

    The Home Office has confirmed that the volume of data on a lost memory stick was much larger than originally reported.

  • Stealing 130 Million Credit Card Numbers

    Years ago, when giving advice on how to avoid identity theft, I would tell people to shred their trash. Today, that advice is completely obsolete. No one steals credit card numbers one by one out of the trash when they can be stolen by the millions from merchant databases.

  • Zoho Launches Sign-In Integration With Google Apps

    Last summer, Zoho, a web-based software suite that includes document, project and invoicing management tools, integrated Google and Yahoo sign-ins, allowing users to sign into Zoho using a Google or Yahoo account. Today, Zoho is launching sign-in integration with Google Apps, letting users login to Zoho using their Google Apps credentials.

  • Google Uses Crowdsourcing for Traffic Data

    Google is talking up its maps application and the apps ability to use the location and speed data from a users phone to make a crowdsourced traffic map for an entire city.

  • Censorship/Web Abuse

    • UK “Three Strikes”: Please Write to Your MP

      Yesterday I wrote a quick analysis of the insane U-turn effected by the UK government over “three strikes and you’re out”. Below I’ve posted the corresponding letter that I’ve sent to my MP on the subject.

    • Lord Mandelson pays off his £750,000 mortgage within a year

      The mystery of how Lord Mandelson managed to afford a £2.4 million town house in Regent’s Park took a new twist this week with his claim in a newspaper interview that he did not possess a mortgage on the property.

    • 38 Degrees backs campaign against ‘Digital Dictator’ Mandelson

      Online campaigners 38 Degrees have launched an attack on Mandelson’s plans to give himself the power to order internet cut-offs without trial. Other campaigners from a range of NGOs are getting in touch with us about this: there is a growing sense of outrage among people who know that the internet is the most important political tool we have.

    • Taking something for nothing is wrong . . .

      [by] Peter Mandelson

    • Fon and Games with “Three Strikes”

      Suppose, now, that people use some of those million hotspots to download copyright material: how easy is it going to be (a) establishing exactly who downloaded it and (b) cutting off that person?

      Gives a new meaning to the term “hotspot”…

    • UK Wants to Zap File-Sharers

      It seems the British government is going loony for anti-piracy rhetoric from the likes of U2 and David Geffen.

    • China’s internet: the wild, wild East

      The government frequently cites pornography as the most important reason for China’s controls on the Internet, but right now, the censors are particularly nervous for political reasons including the recent riots in Xinjiang, and the possibility of something going wrong on October 1, when the People’s Republic celebrates the 60th anniversary of its founding.

    • China: Are Tibetan Bloggers Being Silenced?

      Quite alarming to report that all of the most popular Tibetan language blog hosting sites (except one) have been inaccessible for almost three weeks now.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • The Pirate Party UK and a new frontier for filesharing

      As the government rethinks penalties for illegal downloaders, a new political party is campaigning for laws to keep pace with technology, Kevin Anderson talks to its leader

    • Independent Film Company Responds To BERR Consultation

      This week the latest news in the Digital Britain debate caused a wave of protests as it was revealed the government is considering disconnecting Internet users on allegations of copyright infringement. TorrentFreak caught up with a British independent film company to gauge their response to the news.

    • James Murdoch is Confused

      Two quotations from James Murdoch’s speech at the Edinburgh International Television Festival…

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

Kevin Foreman, General Manager at RealNetworks 04 (2004)

Digital Tipping Point is a Free software-like project where the raw videos are code. You can assist by participating.

In-built Linux Multi-touch (New Video)

Posted in GNU/Linux, KDE, Kernel, Videos at 4:00 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: GNU/Linux can do it too, and better so

According to the source, “This demo made by Mohamed-Ikbel Boulabiar, Stephane Chatty and Sebastien Hamdani from the Interactive Computing Lab at ENAC shows how one can use the multi-touch capabilities that Henrik Rydberg added to the Linux input system.

Richard Stallman on “Open Source” (as Ogg)

Posted in Free/Libre Software, FSF, Interview at 8:43 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: An Ogg version of an informative video

Direct link

Patents Roundup: Samsung/LiMo and Microsoft Tax, Microsoft Found Infringing Again

Posted in Hardware, Microsoft, Patents, Samsung at 6:29 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Samsung mobile

Summary: What Samsung may mean to LiMo; Microsoft ad infringes on a patent

Samsung is one of the companies that sold out to Microsoft and LiMo still brags about having a patent portfolio/pool, so it is not against the idea of intellectual monopolies.

According to the following report, Samsung’s next phone will be LiMo-compliant (for the first time) and since Samsung pays Microsoft for using Linux, it does raise some questions. What might be the impact on LiMo now that it makes room for companies that have a patent deal with Microsoft?

A Samsung executive has confirmed the company is preparing its own version of Linux for a new smartphone, says an industry report. Meanwhile, another story has leaked a sketch of a Linux-based “Samsung i8320″ phone said to be near completion, and this device may be Samsung’s first LiMo-compliant model.

Grey Samsung phone

In other news, Microsoft is again in the midst of allegation of patent infringement.

Not a bad idea right? Well, that depends on who you ask, because Microsoft’s ad agency JWT and its parent WPP are being sued over the ad. According to AdAge, a Delaware firm called Denizen claims to have patented this, and alleges that the agency has infriged upon it.

There is some more information about this patent out there and this is just the latest amongst other debacles.

A Delaware firm has filed a lawsuit against JWT and parent WPP, claiming the ad agency stole its patented product-placement concept to use in a campaign for Bing, the new search engine from Microsoft.

In the i4i case [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], where Microsoft’s infringement was provably deliberate, we have already seen its two pets Dell and HP competing for love and attention by filing an amicus brief each [1, 2]. It is a bit like Intel and AMD sucking up to Microsoft for preferential treatment and Groklaw has the full text now. Sadly, it’s too secret to be shown in full.

However, the brief has been so heavily redacted, even reading the PDF doesn’t give you much of an idea why Dell thinks the injunction would be disruptive. It asks in the alternative that the time to make necessary changes be extended to 120 days, if the court affirms the injunction, which seems a reasonable request depending on the harm i4i presents and is able to establish. The court tries to balance the equities. Somebody is going to be hurt in this picture, obviously.

Here is some more coverage of this, along with many comments. There is also this update about the recent Cordance vs Amazon case:

Amazon.com Inc., the world’s largest online retailer, defeated a lawsuit brought by software maker Cordance Corp., with a jury deciding Amazon didn’t infringe two online-shopping patents and that a third is invalid.

What goes around comes around. Amazon wanted ownership of one-click shopping and it got stung.

Samsung cellphone

The Group from Boston That Makes Microsoft Scared (Not Novell)

Posted in Deception, FSF, Microsoft, Novell, Vista 7, Windows at 5:25 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Preface: Novell’s Waltham headquarters may be located near the FSF’s, but their goals are polar opposites

AS WE HAVE shown before, the FSF’s latest campaign has been a smashing success [1, 2, 3] because it led to positive exposure. Ignoring the Microsoft crowd which tries to portray opposition to it as "terroristic", there is plenty of educational coverage out there. Here, for instance, is the Boston press covering the issues raised by the FSF:

Holmes Wilson, Campaigns Manager for the FSF, expounded on the chilling effect of proprietary software on education. “The fundamental role of schools is to encourage a level of curiosity and inquisitiveness and exploration in students that cultivates an engagement with the world, and with ideas. When you’re using computers in the classroom that are running proprietary software, there’s this barrier there that prevents students from understanding the machine they’re using. It is a real, in some ways, an affront, to the natural inquisitiveness of any student. If somebody gets into computers, but then they can’t dig into the computer that they’re actually using there in the classroom, that’s stifling a level of… That’s stifling a desire to learn, that really, schools should be encouraging.”

Regarding OLPC, which Microsoft sabotaged, Sam Varghese had this to say:

The Free Software Foundation has described the One Laptop per Child Project as one that will only help to “turn millions of children into Microsoft dependents.”


It said, due to this dramatic change of policy, many FOSS volunteers quit in disgust.

“But Negroponte, desiring the financial support of Bill Gates and Microsoft, ignored them and proceeded with his decision. As a result, it is expected that the main effect of the OLPC project – if it succeeds – will be to turn millions of children into Microsoft dependents.

“That is a negative effect, to the point where the world would be better off if the OLPC project had never existed. The project tragically became yet another example of Microsoft exerting its control to ends harmful to society’s freedom,” the FSF said.

Longtime revisionist and basher of Freedom Dennis Byron was among those who attacked the FSF, quite unsurprisingly in fact. From the long comment that responds to inaccurate drivel:

With phrases like “Nutty”, or “doesn’t have much chance of succeeding”, even calling them extortionists, it’s clear why you wrote this and to which audience. But since this was written in a gently concealed adversarial fashion, I allow my reply to be much the same. Your blog entry is not about the activities of the FSF in Boston, but really is about your shallow opinions, spin, and little else.

We previously explained how those who had been attacking the FSF were all the usual suspects who have always bashed the FSF and/or its cause anyway. In other words, they are dyed-in-the-wool characters who were unlikely to be persuaded by any such campaign and were therefore not the target audience in the first place. Money-driven publications tend to be hostile towards ethics and correction of unethical things; it is seen as adversarial. Many people fell into the trap set up by pro-Microsoft folks (Preston Gralla for example) who tried to use Apple as a weapon against the FSF’s argument. This issue has already been addressed and Bradley Kuhn from the SFLC writes: “FSF did some anti-Apple campaigns too. Personally I worry more about Apple because they have user loyalty; Microsoft doesn’t”

People who say that the FSF only targets Microsoft are simply not paying any attention. The FSF is focused on behaviour, not on companies.

More FSF bashing came from Neowin which, as we’ve shown before, is a Microsoft-oriented site staffed by Microsoft partners. The following new post addresses these criticisms and calls Neowin “The Bubble: Microsoft Social Land.”

Now the neowin news site does seem to be a bubble of Microsoft lovers. fanatics that seem to put all rational discourse to one side while they savage the “opponent”. Their main argument seems to be “Well if you can serve me with the exact this I want, then I’ll be your friend”

In conclusion, it is immensely important to know the messengers (their historical record) when assessing feedback to the FSF’s campaign. The Microsoft ecosystem most certainty was not the target audience of the FSF.

“Today many people are switching to free software for purely practical reasons. That is good, as far as it goes, but that isn’t all we need to do! Attracting users to free software is not the whole job, just the first step.”

Richard Stallman

Mainstream Media Finally Discovers Microsoft’s Anti-Google AstroTurf

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Search at 4:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Doll's head

Summary: Another fine example of underhanded tactics from Microsoft

A CERTAIN REPORT about Microsoft’s attacks on Google using AstroTurf groups such as LawMedia [1, 2, 3] has made more waves than others, e.g. reports about anti-Google whisper campaigns. From this latest report which many people have seen by now:

Microsoft’s chief Washington lobbyist has been convening regular meetings attended by the company’s outside consultants that have become known by some beltway insiders as “screw Google” meetings, DailyFinance has learned.

The meetings are part of an ongoing campaign by Microsoft (MSFT), other Google (GOOG) opponents, and hired third parties to discredit the Web search leader, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.


Microsoft employs several D.C.-based public relations firms, including Law Media Group, a secretive outfit founded by former Democratic operative Julian Epstein, and the Glover Park Group, which the software giant retains for issues related to “public policy and governmental affairs,” according to Microsoft’s website. LMG declined to discuss its work for Microsoft; GPG says it had never been involved with any “screw Google” meetings.

Who could possibly defend such behaviour? The Wall Street Journal (John Paczkowski) tries to defend Microsoft using the same talking point we’ve been hearing from Microsoft TEs who commented here in Boycott Novell. They are very determined to incite people against Google. Not only does Microsoft encourage companies to sue Google (something along the lines of SCO), but it also uses known cronies in the government to scrutinise Google at a federal level [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].

“They are very determined to incite people against Google.”Whose country is this?

Well, many informed people may already know that the rulers are rarely (or never) elected. They own the large corporations that provide funding to elect “approved” candidates for the White House. As long as this inherent issue is not resolved, the tactics seen above will carry on. It’s systemic and endemic. Microsoft is by far the worst in its field.

Slated uses the observation above to argue that “Torvalds’ Hatred of Microsoft Critics is a Disease.” The Huffington Post has something to say too.

The massive machinery of the tech business is mobilizing against a common adversary. That’s right, in spite of all it’s done to transform our world and define free, open digital space, nobody in the business seems to like the Goog (GOOG). In fact, the operators of the Death Star in Redmond (MSFT) have reportedly taken the point on a new “screw Google” strategy that they are rolling out in Washington.

Our reader The Mad Hatter adds that “[it] looks like some of the mainstream is starting to catch on.” Here are the many Slashdot comments.

“Very soon we shall show confidential lists from Microsoft — ones where the company is flagging and ranking reporters in a McCarthyist fashion.”Approaching companies to sue rivals and also bribing against them is simply not acceptable, never mind AstroTurfing which is now against the law. Change is truly necessary. The Mad Hatter reminds us of “The Plot to Kill Google” and he adds this bit of humour. The article titled “The Plot to Kill Google” comes from Fred Vogelstein, whom Microsoft spies on. Very soon we shall show confidential lists from Microsoft — ones where the company is flagging and ranking reporters in a McCarthyist fashion.

Microsoft is unable to compete by making a better product and desperation in this endless fight against Google can be also indicated by another new cessation of search “bribery” that Microsoft has attempted for about 2 years [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

Bing Double Cashback Promotion Discontinued


So far, the Redmond company offered no official figures that would spell out the success of the Bing Double Cashback promotion. The software giant did, however, confirm that customers would no longer be able to enjoy double cashback returns for their purchases.

When failing to compete on technical merit, Microsoft must always resort to misconduct.

“We are not on a path to win against Linux”

Jim Allchin, Microsoft's Platform Group Vice President (just months before SCO lawsuit)

“…Microsoft wished to promote SCO and its pending lawsuit against IBM and the Linux operating system. But Microsoft did not want to be seen as attacking IBM or Linux.”

Larry Goldfarb, Baystar, key investor in SCO

Security Links: Why GNU/Linux

Posted in GNU/Linux, Security, Windows at 4:07 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Baywatch guard tower

Summary: Security news and analysis

A Good Reason to Use GNU/Linux: Don’t Pass it On

So, those of us who choose GNU/Linux as our desktop platform need worry less than those who adopt Windows. Just don’t tell too many people, or they might start switching to the safer platform, in which case Windows’ market share will go down, and people will start coding more malware for GNU/Linux….

Malware-Infected CD Mailing was Part of Pen Test

The malware-infected CDs that were mailed to some credit unions may have been part of a penetration test designed to gauge whether an employee would run the software. The SANS Internet Storm Center says it was notified by a representative from Microsolved that the mailing was part of an authorized pen test.

Feds warn of malware in fake credit union advisory

A government agency is warning all federally insured credit unions to be on the lookout for a bogus alert delivered through the US mail that includes two CDs containing malware.

IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 29th, 2009

Posted in IRC Logs at 3:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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